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Difference between Computer Literacy and Information Literacy

With computer literacy, one’s knowledge is only limited to knowing how and to use the

technology efficiently or manipulation of computer. On the other hand, information literacy

includes having the skill of identifying the best resources of information, knowing how to gain

information, organizing and evaluating it, and then applying it.

Information System & Component/Activities of information Processing

In order for a data to be useful, it is being organized and analyze by a system called the

information system so that it can be used in decision making within the organization. Its

components are consist of:

 Hardware – the hardware component of an information system is the one which can be

seen by the eye or has physical features which includes the servers, monitors, storage

devices, etc.
 Software – this is the component which tells how hardware how to work. It is where the

internal processes happen such as carrying of data and instructions.

 Data – this is the information part of an information system which without, the software

would not function. All of the data are stored in the databases while it is stored according

to form in a data warehouse.

 Network – in order for the information and sources to be communicated and shared with

anyone who required it, it happens through connections of hardware to form a network.
 Procedure – this component are the one being followed in order to turn specific data to

knowledge through interpretation to be able to maximized the information system


Information processing on the other hand have 4 stages which are input, processing,

storage, and output. During the input stage, the computer receives the data and the instruction

which will be appropriately applied to the data itself which is now the processing stage. Since

the computer can save information of the data and the instruction applied to it, reprocessing and
re-enter can be avoided which is the storage stage. The output stage is when the computer

shows results in a usable format.

Importance of Necessary Qualities of Information in an Information System

In order for an information to be considered as good quality in the information system, it

has to be relevant & meet the needs of users, timely, accurate & reliable, understandable, and

worth the cost. Anyone can put up any information as they like but the question is will it be

useful? And in order for it to be relevant, it should have an effect on the decision making

process and not just because they have the capacity to produce such information. Information

should be provided depending on the needs of the users because it varies among who

demands such information. Second quality is timeliness because no matter how important an

information is, if it is not available when needed, it would be deemed useless. To achieve this,

the information system can be upgraded or replace for faster production of information.

Accuracy is also a necessary quality which is a function of accurate collection of data. It should

be verified or checked to know that the data encoded are free from error and reliable which

means it has be from someone with authoritative sources. It would also be a useless information

if it is presented poorly to the users. It should be presented clearly and concise through using

mediums such as e-mail, printed reports, etc. it is also a good strategy to develop a template so

that the users will get used to how the information are presented to them and will know where

they should be looking at. Lastly is that all presented information should be worth the cost. Make

sure all the necessary qualities are present in order for it to be considered as one.
FACEBOOK & TWITTER: For Business and Personal Purposes and For Tracking Down


1. BUSINESS  Marketplace - where all for  Tweet - photos of their

PURPOSES sale items are organized products with a short

together with the information description.

 Hashtag – main key on
needed in a transaction like
catching the people’s attention
the price, name of the seller,
by being part of the trend list.
location of the store, or meet-
One should think of a hashtag
up points.
 Paid advertisement – where relatable to his product.
 Paid advertisement – twitter
Facebook will post your
puts advertisement videos on
product for a larger
most viewed videos so that it
population to see it or post
could reach more people.
businesses’ advertisement  Retweets - higher the

videos. retweets, the better because it

 Free advertisement - done
shows how many people have
manually by the account
seen the tweet about one’s
owner where his/her
products can be shared by

his friends or friend’s friend

so that it can reach higher

number of people
2. PERSONAL  Facebook Messenger -  Direct message – message

PURPOSES could be a private message only goes directly to whom it

was meant to be sent.

or a group chat which can be  Microblogging – twitter’s

used for communication. character is only limited to 280

 Post – unlimited characters
which means every tweets
which means the user can
does not take time to be read.
type everything she wants to  Content – photos and videos

share to her friends. depends on the accounts that

 Content – photos and videos
the user follows. Everything
depends on the user’s most
the user sees on his home
liked topics and liked pages
page can either be a following
which can be funny, inspiring,
person’s tweet or retweet.
aesthetic, gaming, etc.
3. TRACKING  Sharing – law enforcement  Tweet/Retweet – same with

DOWN personnel can use Facebook, tweets can serve

CRIMINALS Facebook to share as a notice or warning about

information about a specific a dangerous person. By

criminal they are tracking tweeting information and

down which can be shared photos, people will be aware

by many. Users who have of a wanted person and

seen the post can serve as might help by contacting the

an extra hand and eyes in authority if they have

finding these criminals. information.

 Collection of data - Financial Management Information

System is where all of the financial data of the company can

be stored or accumulated which helps in avoiding loss and

 Processing and Analyzing – in order for it to make reports

such as financial statements and others that are required in

decision making and management.

 Accurate recording of transactions - helps in easily tracking

which kinds of transaction that the company went through that

had an impact to the overall result which will be recorded by

the FMIS as part of its database for future encounters of the

same situations.
 Less Operational Cost - since all the financial processes

happen and can be controlled within the system.

IMPROVED  Forecasting - Since all of the financial data which includes

DECISION MAKING past events are stored in the financial management

information system, it became easier to make plans from

forecasted data.
 Allocation – the system calculated the possible needs of the

organization and where to allocate it which leads to better

decision making of the top management because they could

see where they have been putting all their resources and

decide whether it has been useful.

 Advantage from competitors – it helps in faster response to

matters that needs attention to provide better services to

customers such as which period that the company had higher

sales than other period and what drives these events.

 Policy making – the system also helps in deciding which

policies should be used where all the resources will be

maximize by comparing the ones that the company has

already implemented before.

Components of data collected by FMIS:
 Financial accounting – includes all the data of the general

ledger of the company which are the assets, liabilities, retained

earnings, revenue, and expenses

 Funds management – purpose is to know the sources of the

company’s fund and how much is left. The system will not

allow any transaction which is beyond the available fund. It

includes the operating, restricted, and capital funds and

ancillary operations
 Controlling – tells which department incurred which expenses

through assigning codes to be used by each whenever they

will record transaction. By these, the company will know which

department should cut some expenses






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