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Developmental John A. Herring

Dysplasia of the Hip
head has an abnormal relationship to the acetabulum.1 The
Chapter Contents abbreviation DDH has been used to denote both dislocation
and dysplasia of the hip, and it is used in both senses in this
Definition 483 chapter. Dislocation is defined as the complete displace-
Incidence 483 ment of a joint, with no contact between the original articu-
Etiology 484 lar surfaces. Subluxation is defined as the displacement of
Associated Conditions 487 a joint with some contact remaining between the articular
Pathophysiology 488 surfaces. Dysplasia refers to the deficient development of
Natural History 492 the acetabulum.
Clinical Features 493 Teratologic dislocation of the hip is a distinct form of hip
Radiographic Findings 497 dislocation that usually occurs with other disorders. The
Screening Criteria 504 hips of patients with this condition are dislocated before
Treatment 504 birth, have a limited range of motion, and are not reducible
Complications and Pitfalls 516 on examination. Teratologic dislocation of the hip is usually
Reconstructive Procedures for Dysplasia 524 associated with other neuromuscular syndromes, especially
Teratologic Dislocation of the Hip 535 those related to muscle paralysis (e.g., myelodysplasia,
arthrogryposis). The pathologic process, natural history,
and management of teratologic dislocation are discussed
Definition In 1832, Guillaume Dupuytren described the condition
of dislocation of the hip at birth and called it “original or
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a spectrum congenital dislocation of the hip.”61 At the turn of the
of disorders of development of the hip that present in twentieth century, Adolph Lorenz demonstrated his vigorous
different forms at different ages. The common etiology techniques of closed reduction of the hip174; however,
is excessive laxity of the hip capsule with a failure to because his reductions were so forceful, he has been called
maintain the femoral head within the acetabulum. The the “father of avascular necrosis” (Fig. 16-1). Putti recom-
syndrome in the newborn consists of instability of the mended early treatment, before the patient was 1 year old.227
hip such that the femoral head can be displaced partially In 1937, Ortolani—another person who is famously asso-
(subluxated) or fully (dislocated) from the acetabulum ciated with hip dislocation—described both a “click” or
by an examiner. The hip may also rest in a dislocated posi- “jerk sign” of dislocation and a “click” or “jerk sign” of
tion and be reducible on examination. Over time, the reduction.216 LeDamany161 actually described something
femoral head becomes fully dislocated and cannot be similar in 1912.
reduced by changing the position of the hip. In some Probably one of the most important treatment advances
infants, the clinical examination results are negative, but was the introduction by Arnold Pavlik in 1946 of the harness
abnormalities found with the use of ultrasonography and that bears his name. The simple stirrup device allowed for
radiographic studies portend later hip dysplasia. The syn- active movement to guide the dislocated hip into the socket.
drome may manifest later during childhood or adolescence Pavlik’s work was stimulated by dissatisfaction with the
as a dislocated hip or during adolescence as a hip with rates of avascular necrosis (AVN) that he saw with existing
poorly developed acetabular coverage; the latter is termed treatment methods. In 1959, he reported the management
dysplasia of the hip. of 1424 hips without a single case of AVN.221
DDH is a disorder that evolves over time. The structures
that make up the hip are normal during embryogenesis and
gradually become abnormal for a variety of reasons, the Incidence
chief being the fetal position and presentation at birth (e.g.,
malposition of the femoral head, abnormal forces acting on The incidence of DDH is difficult to determine because of
the developing hip) and the laxity of the ligamentous struc- disparities in the definition of the condition, the type of
tures around the hip joint. examinations used to detect hip abnormalities, the differing
The older term congenital dislocation of the hip has grad- skill levels of examiners, and the populations being studied
ually been replaced by developmental dysplasia, which was (Box 16-1). Estimates of the incidence of some degree of
introduced during the 1980s to include infants who were hip instability in the newborn have ranged from a low of 1
normal at birth but in whom hip dysplasia or dislocation per 1000 to a high of 3.4 per 100. Higher incidences are
subsequently developed.53 The American Academy of Pedi- reported when screening involves both clinical examination
atrics defines DDH as a condition in which the femoral and ultrasonography.236

484 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

Table 16-1 Incidence of Developmental

Dysplasia of the Hip
Geographic Area: Incidence per
Study, Year Population Thousand

Walker, 1973299 Island Lake Region 188.5

(Manitoba, Canada):
Canadian Indians
Klisic, 1975* Belgrade, Yugoslavia 75.1
Coleman, 195644 Utah 20.0
Hiertonn and Adademiska Sjulchuset, 20.0
James, 1968101 Uppsala, Sweden
Stanisavljevic, Detroit, Michigan 10.0
Paterson, 1976‡ Adelaide, Australia 6.2
Von Rosen, 1962§ Malmö, Sweden 1.7
Barlow, 1962 Salford, England 1.5
Hoaglund et al, Hong Kong: Chinese 0.1
Edlestein, 196664 Africa: Bantus 0.0

*Klisic P: Congenital dysplasia of the hip in the first year of life:

incidence, diagnosis, and spontaneous evolution [in Serbian], Srp Arh
Celok Lek 96:961, 1968.
FIGURE 16-1 Adolph Lorenz, an early pioneer in the treatment of †
Stanisavljevic S: Clinical findings in examination of hips in newborn
developmental dislocation of the hip. (From Lorenz A: My life and babies, Henry Ford Hosp Med Bull 10:245, 1962.
work, New York, 1936, Charles Scribner & Sons.) ‡
Paterson D: The early diagnosis and treatment of congenital
dislocation of the hip, Aust N Z J Surg 46:359, 1976.
von Rosen S: Diagnosis and treatment of congenital dislocation of the
Box 16-1 Incidence of Developmental hip joint in the new-born, J Bone Joint Surg Br 44:284, 1962.
Dysplasia of the Hip
Dislocation: 1.4 per 1000 births
Clinical finding: 2.3 per 100 births Box 16-2 Etiology of Developmental
Ultrasound abnormality: 8 per 100 births
Dysplasia of the Hip
Ligamentous laxity (often inherited)
The data regarding the incidence of actual dislocation of Breech position (especially footling)
the hip are more consistent, with reports ranging from 1.0 Postnatal positioning (hips swaddled in extension)
to 1.5 cases per 1000 live births.* Primary acetabular dysplasia (unlikely)
Geographic and racial variations in the incidence of
DDH are marked; some areas of the world having a high
endemic incidence, whereas, in other areas, the condition
is virtually nonexistent. The reported incidence on the basis factors include ligamentous laxity, prenatal positioning,
of geography ranges from 1.7 per 1000 live births in postnatal positioning, and racial predilection. The etiology
Sweden235 to 75 per 1000 live births in what was then of DDH is clearly multifactorial, and it is influenced by
Yugoslavia141 to 188.5 per 1000 live births in a certain dis- hormonal and genetic elements.
trict in Manitoba, Canada298 (Table 16-1). An interesting
study of more than 6000 specimens from a medieval British
Ligamentous Laxity
cemetery found evidence of DDH in 2.7 “cases” per 1000,
which is a rate similar to that found by modern studies.195 Ligamentous laxity is related to DDH in several ways. The
Certain racial groups have a low incidence of DDH (e.g. condition is associated with the development of DDH when
African Bantu, Chinese), whereas other groups have a high laxity is a familial trait. In fact, the racial incidence of laxity
incidence (e.g. Navajo Native American children).44 may parallel racial predilections for DDH. The newborn’s
response to maternal relaxin hormones may explain the
higher incidence of DDH among girls. These hormones,
Etiology which produce the ligamentous laxity that is necessary for
the expansion of the maternal pelvis, cross the placenta and
Although there is no single cause of DDH, a number of induce laxity in the infant. This effect is much stronger in
predisposing factors have been identified (Box 16-2). These female than in male children.
In 1970, during an extensive genetic study of DDH,
*References 11, 39, 71, 72, 118, 297, 309. Wynne-Davies proposed that heritable ligamentous laxity
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 485


FIGURE 16-2 Wynne-Davies’ criteria for ligamentous laxity. A, Flexion of the thumb to touch the forearm. B, Extension of the
fingers parallel to the forearm. C, Hyperextension of the elbow of 15 degrees or more. D, Hyperextension of the knee of 15 degrees.
E, Dorsiflexion of the ankle of 60 degrees.

was one of two major mechanisms for the inheritance of

DDH319 (Fig. 16-2). She believed that this was an autoso-
mal dominant characteristic with incomplete penetrance.
The fact that the risk of DDH is 34% in identical twins
(i.e., both twins having DDH) but only 3% in fraternal
twins also suggests a genetic influence.109 In Coleman’s
study of Navajo families, hip dysplasia in one family member
increased the risk for other family members fivefold.44
Newborns with DDH have also been found to have a higher
ratio of collagen III to collagen I as compared with control
subjects, which suggests a connective tissue abnormality in
those with DDH.117 In a study of laxity by distraction of A B C
the symphysis pubis, infants with DDH had twice the
amount of distraction of the symphysis pubis as compared
with control subjects.6
Several animal studies are relevant to the issue of laxity
of the hip capsule. When the hip capsule and the ligamen- FIGURE 16-3 The breech position, which is associated with
tum teres were removed from dogs, the animals frequently developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). A, A double breech
developed dislocated hips.255 Dislocation would also result position is associated with a low incidence of DDH. B, A single
if the capsule was mechanically stretched but not removed. footling breech is associated with a 2% risk of DDH. C, A frank
Alternatively, removal of the acetabular roof resulted not in breech, especially with the knee(s) extended, is associated with
a 20% risk of DDH.
hip dislocation but only in a shallower acetabulum than
normal. In a classic study of male and female newborn
rabbits, only the female rabbit hips dislocated when the
knees were splinted in extension; this observation supports a single or frank breech.268 Alternatively, the footling breech
the concept of hormonally induced laxity.315 position, in which the hips are flexed, is associated with only
a 2% incidence of DDH. Lowry and co-workers have shown
a significant reduction in the incidence of DDH when the
Prenatal Positioning
baby is delivered preterm by cesarean section (3.7%) as
Prenatal positioning is strongly associated with DDH. compared with those delivered vaginally (8.1%).175
Although only 2% to 3% of infants are born in breech pre- Experimental studies in which newborn rabbits’ knees
sentation, 16% of infants with DDH are born in breech were splinted in extension showed a high incidence of hip
presentation.202 Neonates who were carried in certain dislocation188 (Fig. 16-4). If, in the same rabbits, the ham-
breech positions in utero have a significantly higher risk of string tendons were transected, the hips did not dislocate;
DDH (Fig. 16-3). The breech effect is most notable when this suggests that the pull of the hamstring across the flexed
the knees are extended, with an incidence of 20% seen for hip was the dislocating factor. The hip is affected by
486 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

FIGURE 16-4 Developmental dysplasia of the hip produced in a rabbit by forced knee extension. A, Five days after fixed knee extension,
there is subluxation of the right hip. B, Fifteen days of knee extension has produced dislocation of the right hip. C, Twenty-one days after
knee extension, the hip remains dislocated. (From Michelsson J-E, Langenskiöld A: Dislocation or subluxation of the hip: regular sequels of
immobilization of the knee in extension in young rabbits, J Bone Joint Surg Am 54:1177, 1972.)

FIGURE 16-5 The importance of amniotic

fluid for protecting the fetus from pressure.
A, A fetus of 13 weeks’ gestation lying
within an amniotic sac removed at
hysterectomy. The fragile fetus is
completely protected from mechanical
pressure by the abdominal musculature.
B, Frozen sagittal section of the abdomen
of a pregnant woman who died during
labor. The fetus is flexed laterally around
the sacral promontory. (From Dunn PM:
Perinatal observations on the etiology of
congenital dislocation of the hip, Clin B
Orthop Relat Res 119:13, 1976.)

intrauterine position, and delivery by cesarean section does

Postnatal Positioning
not alter the likelihood of hip dislocation.59 The incidence
of DDH is also higher among first-born children and in Postnatal positioning is another factor that is associated with
those pregnancies that are complicated by oligohydram- DDH. People who wrap their newborn babies in a hip-
nios.34,58,59 These findings suggest that there is an intrauter- extended position (e.g., Native Americans who use cradle-
ine crowding effect on the developing hip. This argument boards [Fig. 16-6]) have a much higher incidence of DDH
is bolstered by the increased incidence of other postural as compared with other populations.44,157,229 The mechanism
abnormalities (e.g., torticollis, metatarsus adductus) in chil- of action is believed to be the placement of the hips in full
dren with DDH. In addition, the left hip is more often extension against the normal neonatal hip flexion contrac-
involved than the right. Because the most common intra- ture. By contrast, people who usually carry their infants
uterine position has the left hip adducted against the mater- astride the hip or in a wrap that flexes and abducts the hips
nal sacrum (Fig. 16-5), some authors believe that this have a lower incidence of DDH as compared with other
position places the left hip at greater risk for dislocation as groups.34 Postnatal positioning programs have been consid-
compared with the right hip.58,59 ered. In one such approach, new parents were given a set
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 487

FIGURE 16-7 Torticollis should alert the examiner to the possibility

FIGURE 16-6 Postnatal positioning in extension, as seen in of developmental dysplasia of the hip; up to 15% of infants with
this child on a Native American cradleboard, contributes to torticollis have hip instability.
developmental dysplasia of the hip.

Box 16-3 Conditions Associated With

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Torticollis: 15%-20%
Metatarsus adductus: 1.5%-10%

of “abduction pants” and wide diapers; a 65% decrease in

the incidence of DDH was noted and attributed to the
The primary failure of acetabular development has been
proposed as a cause of DDH. Early cadaver studies noted
that the acetabulum is shallower at birth than during the
earlier fetal period160,230,238; full coverage does not occur
until 3 years of age.200 Beals believes that acetabular dyspla-
sia is inherited and that it may be a precursor of disloca-
tion.12 After birth, the acetabulum becomes deeper
throughout childhood, and it eventually covers the head
FIGURE 16-8 There is an association between metatarsus
completely. However, other authors have rejected the adductus and developmental dysplasia of the hip, with up to
primary acetabular dysplasia hypothesis.57,158 10% of infants with metatarsus adductus having developmental
dysplasia of the hip.
Racial Predilection
Racial predilection apparently plays a role; certain ethnic
groups seem to be predisposed to DDH, whereas others with torticollis is strong (Fig. 16-7). In a child with torticol-
appear to be somewhat immune. Blacks and Asians have lis, the likelihood of DDH ranges from 5% to 20%; this
relatively low incidences of DDH (0.1 per 1000 to 5 per is thought to result from intrauterine crowding.107,115,193
1000),7,102 whereas whites and Native Americans have A relationship has also been noted between DDH and
higher incidences (15 per 1000).7 metatarsus adductus (Fig. 16-8), with the incidence of
concurrence ranging from 1.5% to 10%.110,153 Clubfoot has
not been shown to have a significant relationship with
Associated Conditions DDH.312,320 Pregnancies that are complicated by oligohy-
dramnios have been associated with an increased incidence
Certain conditions, particularly postural abnormalities, of DDH.58,59 First-born white infants have a higher inci-
are associated with DDH more commonly than chance dence of DDH.4,8,9,33,34,59 First-term hyperthyroidism has
alone would dictate (Box 16-3). The association of DDH also been associated with increased incidence of DDH.113
488 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

growth of this physis is essential for acetabular develop-

Pathophysiology ment, and any damage to the periacetabular area may
induce a growth disturbance.93,225,226 The labrum also con-
Normal Hip Development
tributes significantly to the development of acetabular
The hip joint begins to develop at approximately the seventh depth; thus any excision of the labrum during the treatment
week of gestation, when a cleft appears in the mesenchyme of DDH is ill advised. The majority of acetabular shape
of the primitive limb bud (Fig. 16-9). These precartilagi- development is determined by approximately 8 years of age.
nous cells differentiate into a fully formed cartilaginous Late acetabular development during adolescence is enhanced
femoral head and acetabulum by the eleventh week of by the growth of the secondary acetabular centers such as
gestation.264,265,300 The concave shape of the acetabulum is the os acetabulum.310
determined by the structure (femoral head) within the The proximal femur has a complex and often misunder-
acetabulum. If there is a failure during the normal embryo- stood growth pattern. In the neonate, the entire upper
genesis of the hip, the consequence is a major anomaly (e.g., femur is a cartilaginous structure in the shape of a femoral
proximal femoral focal deficiency).75 head and the greater and lesser trochanters. The develop-
At birth, the neonatal acetabulum is completely com- ment of the proximal segment of the femur occurs through
posed of cartilage, with a thin rim of fibrocartilage called a combination of appositional growth on the surfaces of the
the labrum (Fig. 16-10). The hyaline cartilage of the ace- upper femur and epiphyseal growth at the juncture of the
tabulum is continuous with the triradiate cartilages, which cartilaginous upper femur and the femoral shaft.253 In
divide and interconnect the three osseous components of the normal femur, an ossification center appears in the
the pelvis (i.e., the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis). The center of the femoral head between the fourth and
surface of the acetabular cartilage, which abuts the bone of seventh months of postnatal life. This center grows until
the pelvis, is made up of epiphyseal cartilage in the shape physeal closure during late adolescence; at this time, it has
of a hemisphere; it functions as a major growth plate. The become the adult femoral head, and it is covered with


FIGURE 16-9 Embryology of the hip joint. A, The highly cellular blastema in the proximal and central portion of the limb bud will later
form the cartilage model of the hip joint. B, At 8 weeks, the cartilage model of the acetabulum and the femoral head has begun to form.
C, The femur forms in the shape of a truncated cone. The disk-shaped masses mark the development of the anlagen of the ilium, ischium,
and pubis. D and E, Note the spherical configuration of the femoral head and the acetabulum. The limbus and the transverse acetabular
ligament are well-formed structures. F, At 16 weeks of fetal life (100 mm), the lower limbs are positioned in flexion, adduction, and lateral
rotation. (From Watanabe RS: Embryology of the human hip, Clin Orthop Relat Res 98:8, 1974.)
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 489

acetabular epiphysis, which also ossifies at approximately 8

years of age, forms along the superior edge of the acetabu-
lum as part of the ilium; it fuses when the child is approxi-
mately 18 years old. The third center is a small epiphysis
Ligamentum in the posterior or ischial area, which develops when the
teres child is 9 years old and fuses when he or she is 17 years old.
Excessive pressure on the cartilaginous upper femur
can cause a loss of vascular perfusion, which results in
the necrosis of the chondrocytes. Various portions of the
femoral head and growth plate can be injured, with the
resulting patterns of deformity corresponding with the areas
of injury. The greater trochanteric area is usually unaffected;
it will continue to grow normally, gradually becoming more
cartilage Labrum proximal than the femoral head. This “trochanteric over-
growth” is actually normal trochanteric growth in the pres-
FIGURE 16-10 Photomicrograph of a labrum (hematoxylin-eosin,
ence of upper femoral “undergrowth.”76,217,245
original magnification ×9). Note the fibrous structure covering the
cartilaginous labrum and projecting toward the true joint cavity. Muscle imbalance can also significantly affect the growth
Distinct tissue planes are lacking. Small blood vessels are present and morphology of the upper femur. Excessive adductor
in the different layers of the limbus. The femoral head and the pull or inadequate abductor muscle function results in a
ligamentum teres are to the right of the illustration. (Courtesy the valgus deformity of the upper femur.76,217,245
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Bethesda, Md.)

Hip Development With Developmental

Dysplasia of the Hip
DDH is a gradually progressive disorder that is associated
with distinct anatomic changes, many of which are initially
reversible. It is a malformation of anatomic structures that
have developed normally during the embryologic period.
Relatively gentle forces, persistently applied, are probably
the cause of such deformations.59 At birth, the affected hip
will spontaneously slide into and out of the acetabulum. For
this to occur, the posterosuperior rim of the acetabulum has
to have lost its sharp margin and become flattened and
thickened in the area over which the femoral head slides
(Fig. 16-12). As the head rides in and out of the socket, a
ridge of thickened articular cartilage (called the neolimbus
by Ortolani) arises along the posterosuperior acetabular wall
(Fig. 16-13). The sliding of the head in and out produces a
“clunk.” The neolimbus is the structure that produces this
feel as the head slides over it.209,215,225,226
Some hips that are unstable at birth spontaneously
reduce and become normal, with complete resolution of the
aforementioned anatomic changes. Other hips eventually
remain out of the socket permanently, and many secondary
FIGURE 16-11 The acetabular epiphysis is seen as a ring of anatomic changes take place gradually. The frequency of
ossification along the lateral margin of the acetabular rim (arrow). spontaneous reduction as compared with progressive dislo-
cation is not known.
In those hips that remain dislocated, secondary barriers
to reduction develop. In the depths of the acetabulum, the
a thin layer of articular cartilage. During the period of fatty tissue known as the pulvinar thickens and may impede
growth, the thickness of the cartilage surrounding this bony reduction (Fig. 16-14). The ligamentum teres also elongates
nucleus gradually decreases, as does the thickness of the and thickens, and it may take up valuable space within the
acetabular cartilage. The thickness of the cartilage accounts acetabulum. The transverse acetabular ligament is often
for the widened radiographic appearance of a normal hip in hypertrophic as well, and it may impede reduction.112 More
a child. important, the inferior capsule of the hip assumes an hour-
As the child matures, three acetabular epiphyseal centers glass shape, eventually presenting an opening that is smaller
develop and are responsible for the final contours of the hip in diameter than the femoral head. The iliopsoas, which is
socket (Fig. 16-11). The os acetabulum, which is the largest pulled tight across this isthmus, contributes to this narrow-
of the three, appears at approximately 8 years of age and ing (Fig. 16-15). The capsule also narrows through a
forms along the anterior wall as part of the pubis. The “Chinese finger-trap” mechanism.112 The femoral changes
490 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

Normal attachment Labrum slightly everted

of capsule and hypertrophic

Capsule Femoral head


Capsule stretched
and loose

Ligamentum teres elongated

FIGURE 16-12 Pathology of the unstable hip that is subluxatable but not dislocatable. A, Normal hip. B, Subluxatable hip. Note the loose
hyperelastic capsule, the elongated ligamentum teres, and the slight eversion of the hypertrophied acetabular rim. The femoral head is
normal in shape. Excessive femoral and acetabular antetorsion may be present, which causes the anatomic instability of the hip joint.

Labrum everted
Capsule stretched
and loose
Femoral head
Labrum inverts
and everts


Ligamentum teres

Ligamentum teres
FIGURE 16-13 Pathology of the dislocatable hip. A, Unstable hip. The capsule is stretched out and very loose, the ligamentum teres is
markedly elongated, and the labrum is definitely everted. B, Complete displacement of the femoral head out of the acetabulum. At the
fibrocartilage–hyaline junction of the labrum with the acetabulum, there may be inversional hypertrophic changes (neolimbus; arrows).
The femoral head is spherical. Acetabular antetorsion is usually excessive.

are minimal and include an increase in anteversion and some is forcing the head against the acetabular rim, and the
flattening of the femoral head as it lies against the ilium. capsule must be released or stretched to allow the head to
When an attempt is made to reduce the hip against the move beneath the acetabular rim and enter the acetabulum.
narrowed hip capsule, the femoral head abuts the cartilagi- Clinicians often use the term labrum for this blocking struc-
nous acetabular lip, and it tends to push this rim into the ture, and sometimes they excise it. However, the actual
acetabulum. It is extremely important to realize that the labrum is a thin fibrocartilaginous rim around the periphery
acetabular structure is not impeding the femoral head from of the acetabular cartilage. The blocking structure encoun-
entering the acetabulum. Rather, the constricted hip capsule tered in patients with DDH is not only the labrum but also
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 491

Labrum inverted

Ligamentum teres

Labrum from posterior and

superior border of acetabulum
interposed between femoral
epiphysis and acetabulum,
preventing reduction of femoral Capsular
head adhesions

A Capsule
Transverse acetabular
ligament pulled upward

Ligamentum teres
Fibrofatty pulvinar
in acetabulum
FIGURE 16-14 Pathology of the dislocated hip that is irreducible as a result of intraarticular obstacles. A, The hip is dislocated. B, The hip
cannot be reduced on flexion, abduction, or lateral rotation. Obstacles to reduction are inverted limbus, ligamentum teres, and fibrofatty
pulvinar in the acetabulum. The transverse acetabular ligament is pulled upward with the ligamentum teres.

a significant portion of the cartilaginous acetabulum itself.

This vital cartilaginous acetabular anlage is essential for the
normal growth and development of the acetabulum, and it
should not be excised.
After the femoral head has been reduced, the acetabular
rim may still impede the deep seating of the femoral head
because the rim has become thicker than normal. If the
head is maintained within the acetabulum, this thickened
cartilage will usually flatten out gradually and allow the
head to seat deeply. Known clinically as “docking the head,”
this phenomenon was described by Severin in 1941.249
The femoral head itself is usually deformed into a globular
shape as a result of pressure against the lateral portion
of the acetabulum, and it may not be congruous with
FIGURE 16-15 The iliopsoas tendon as an obstacle to closed the acetabulum at the time of reduction; however, this
reduction. A, Anterior view. The iliopsoas tendon traverses the anatomic situation also eventually resolves if reduction is
anteromedial aspect of the hip joint before inserting into the lesser maintained.112
trochanter. With lateral and superior displacement of the femoral When a stable reduction is obtained, the acetabulum
head (dotted line) and lesser trochanter, the iliopsoas tendon is gradually remodels. This remodeling increases the depth of
stretched taut across the medial and anterior aspect of the hip the acetabulum, and the acetabular angle gradually becomes
capsule. B, Lateral view showing external pressure and indentation more horizontal. During the acetabular remodeling period,
of the capsule by the iliopsoas tendon. This hourglass constriction
secondary ossification centers often appear prematurely in
of the capsule with the formation of the capsular isthmus
the acetabulum.310
markedly reduces the diameter of the acetabular orifice and is a
barrier to closed reduction. The dotted line indicates the If the hip remains dislocated, additional changes occur
acetabulum. during the growth and development of the acetabulum.
The acetabular roof becomes progressively more oblique,
the concavity gradually flattens and eventually presents a
convex surface, and the medial wall of the acetabulum
thickens. The acetabulum has been noted to be excessively
492 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

Gluteus medius and

minimus muscles

Femoral head dislocated

above and lateral to

FIGURE 16-16 Untreated bilateral developmental dysplasia of the
hip diagnosed when the patient was 9 years old.

anteverted in patients with DDH, thus providing dimin-

ished coverage of the femoral head.161,176 Medial twisting
of the whole wing of the pelvis has been demonstrated
by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with
untreated DDH.267 Medial wall thickening is seen radio-
graphically as a thickening and alteration of the shape of
FIGURE 16-17 The pelvifemoral muscles become shortened and
the teardrop body. Although acetabular anteversion is
contracted and involve the progressive upward displacement of
present in the young hip, retroversion of the acetabulum the femoral head with long-established developmental dysplasia of
has been found in adolescents and adults with hip the hip. Arrows represent the direction of muscle forces.
To a point, these changes are reversible, but the exact
upper age at which hip reduction will result in normal
acetabular development is uncertain. Harris suggested that Natural History
a hip reduced by the time a patient was 4 years old could
Neonatal Hip Instability
achieve “satisfactory” acetabular development.91 He found
that significant acetabular growth continued through 8 years The fate of the unstable hip remains an enigma. How often
of age. 91 an unstable hip spontaneously reduces—or, alternatively,
In adults, the fully dislocated femoral head may lie well becomes dislocated, subluxated, or dysplastic—remains a
above the acetabular margin in a markedly thickened subject of controversy. A primary problem is the definition
hip capsule; this is the so-called “high-riding dislocation” of an unstable hip. Traditionally, instability has been defined
(Fig. 16-16). The adult dislocated femoral head is oval and by a positive result on the Ortolani or Barlow test. However,
flattened medially. The acetabulum is filled with fibrous the classification has been complicated by the inclusion of
tissue, hypertrophied ligamentum teres, and thickened hips that are clinically stable but that have abnormal ultra-
transverse acetabular ligament, and the articular cartilage is sonographic characteristics. Thus the criteria that an inves-
either atrophic or absent.189 The muscles that insert at the tigator uses to define abnormal hips must be taken into
proximal femur are foreshortened and more horizontally consideration when evaluating any study of hip instability.
oriented (Fig. 16-17). Fully dislocated adult hips may Barlow found 1 hip in 60 that he examined to exhibit
remain free from degenerative changes for many years, even his instability sign; 60% normalized within 1 week, and 88%
for the individual’s lifetime. were corrected within 2 months without treatment.11 Cole-
In some untreated hips, the femoral head retains some man’s natural history study in Navajo children found that 5
contact with the acetabulum. These subluxated hips have of 23 Ortolani-positive hips spontaneously corrected, with
an unstable contact area that allows the head to slide proxi- the remainder being dysplastic, subluxated, or dislocated.44
mally and distally against a widened and oblique acetabular Yamamuro followed 52 newborns with untreated instability.
surface. This instability produces degenerative changes that Three of 12 Ortolani-positive hips resolved, and 24 of 42
often become apparent during late adolescence and that subluxatable hips also resolved.322
usually progress rapidly within a few years to severe degen-
eration. Late radiographic changes include subchondral
Dysplasia, Subluxation, and Dislocation
sclerosis and cyst formation in the acetabulum and the
After the Neonatal Period
femoral head, osteophyte formation, and the loss of articu-
lar cartilage. The reorientation of the acetabulum and the The term dysplasia refers to a radiographic finding of
redirection of the forces across the hip can ameliorate increased obliquity and the loss of the concavity of
degenerative changes if they are performed before severe the acetabulum, with an intact Shenton line (Fig. 16-18).
degeneration occurs. The term subluxation is used when the femoral head is
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 493

An abductor lurch is an effective adaptation in that the

abductor forces are reduced to the point that only body
weight forces are carried through the hip. When the pelvis
drops, however, the head coverage decreases, and this has
a negative biomechanical effect.
Dysplastic hips without subluxation usually become
painful and develop degenerative changes over time. These
hips often become subluxated as the degenerative disease
progresses. Cooperman and associates reported that all dys-
plastic hips without subluxation with a center–edge angle
of less than 20 degrees sustained osteoarthritic changes over
22 years of follow-up48; however, no direct correlation of
the center–edge angle with the development of arthritis was
demonstrated. It has been shown that a hip with an acetabu-
lar angle of 35 degrees or more 2 years after reduction has
an 80% probability of becoming a Severin class III or IV
hip, which will likely require later hip replacement.1 It is
FIGURE 16-18 Neonatal hip instability. The image shows a
estimated that 20% to 50% of cases of degenerative arthritis
dysplastic left hip in which the acetabulum is more oblique than of the hip are the result of subluxation or residual acetabular
normal. dysplasia.† The only guarantee of a lifetime of normal hip
function is a completely normal radiographic appearance of
the hip.
The subluxated hip always leads to symptomatic degen-
erative hip disease.48,180,302,305,307 The affected individual
often presents with gradually increasing pain in one or both
hips but no history of hip symptoms or treatment. After the
pain begins, it tends to progress rapidly over a period of
months. Severe subluxation leads to symptoms during the
second decade of life, moderately subluxated hips become
painful during the third and fourth decades, and the least
severely subluxated hips become symptomatic during the
fifth and sixth decades.301,302
A completely dislocated hip causes symptoms much
later than a subluxated hip; in some individuals, these hips
never become painful. In one study, the hips with well-
developed false acetabula had the highest incidence of pain
and disability.302 No strict linear relationship between
FIGURE 16-19 A subluxated and dysplastic left hip. There is only center–edge angle, acetabular angle, and osteoarthritis has
partial contact of the femoral head with the acetabulum, and the been found.48,128 Hip, knee, and back pain has been
acetabulum is oblique and shallow. noted in approximately half of the patients with untreated
DDH.94 Other studies have emphasized cases in which
there were no symptoms or few symptoms despite lifelong
not in full contact with the acetabulum (Fig. 16-19). The hip dislocation.49,298,306
radiographic findings of subluxation include a widened Other degenerative and functional problems develop
teardrop femoral head distance, a reduced center–edge in people with untreated dislocated hips.290,301,302,305,307
angle, and a break in the Shenton line. The term dislocation Unilateral dislocations cause limb length inequality, ipsilat-
specifies that the femoral head is not in contact with the eral valgus knee deformity, an abnormal gait, decreased
acetabulum. Both subluxated and dislocated hips have agility, and postural scoliosis. Bilateral cases are associated
dysplastic changes. with significant back pain as a result of increased lumbar
Dysplasia is a direct result of abnormal forces across the lordosis.
acetabulum. The lateralization of the femoral head results
in increased forces over a smaller unit area with an increase
in the sheer vector. Increased sheer vectors affect the
physes of the acetabulum. With an acetabular inclination of Clinical Features
more than 15 degrees, the sheer and lateralization forces Neonate
exceed the medialization forces, and progressive sublux-
ation is inevitable. Roof osteophytes will form at synovial DDH in the neonate is diagnosed by eliciting Ortolani or
attachment sites. These progress, forming a pseudoacetabu- Barlow sign or from significant changes seen in the sono-
lum that increases the contact surface area of fibrocartilage graphic morphology of the hip. The unstable hip may either
at the acetabular margin. Joint contact area determines the
cartilage stress. Stress may rise from 20 to 320 kp/cm2. †
References 69, 125, 146, 181, 183, 208, 258, 309.
494 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

stabilize spontaneously or become dysplastic or dislocated click usually originates in the ligamentum teres or occasion-
over a period of several months. ally in the fascia lata or psoas tendon, and it usually does
The hip examination (Box 16-4) of the neonate requires not indicate a significant hip abnormality129; however, one
an artful approach in which the setting must be controlled study119 reported a 9.35-fold increase in the incidence of
and the examiner experienced. The first requisite is a abnormal results on ultrasonography in children with simple
relaxed child. To achieve this, the infant may need a bottle; clicks, and another found a 1.5% incidence of DDH when
the examination surface should be warm and comfortable,
and the room should be reasonably quiet. A firm examina-
tion surface is best, but if the parent’s lap keeps the child
more comfortable, it will suffice.
The “feel” of this examination is most important, and it
is not unlike palpation of the liver. Movement of the hip in
and out of the socket is a delicate event that is best appreci-
ated with a very light touch. The examiner holds the child’s
knees, one in each hand, and examines one hip at a time.
In the test for Barlow sign, the examiner attempts to
subluxate or dislocate the femoral head from within the A
acetabulum (Fig. 16-20). The hip is adducted, and a gentle
push is applied to slide the hip posteriorly. The examiner’s
fingers are positioned over the greater trochanter, and the
trochanter is allowed to move laterally. In a positive test,
the hip will be felt to slide out of the acetabulum. As the
examiner relaxes the proximal push, the hip can be felt to
slip back into the acetabulum.
The Ortolani test is the reverse of the Barlow test: the
examiner attempts to reduce a dislocated hip (Fig. 16-21).
The examiner grasps the child’s thigh between the thumb B
and the index finger and, with the fourth and fifth fingers, FIGURE 16-20 The Barlow test for developmental dislocation
lifts the greater trochanter while simultaneously abducting of the hip in a neonate. A, With the infant supine, the examiner
the hip. When the test result is positive, the femoral head holds both of the child’s knees, gently adducts one hip, and
will slip into the socket with a delicate “clunk” that is pal- pushes posteriorly. B, When the examination is positive, the
pable but not audible. The examiner should repeat this examiner will feel the femoral head make a small jump (arrow) out
of the acetabulum (Barlow sign). When the pressure is released,
sequence four or five times to be certain of the findings,
the head is felt to slip back into place.
alternating the Barlow test and the Ortolani test in a gentle
arc of motion. The other hip is then examined in the same
manner. During the newborn period, there are usually no
other signs of abnormality.
This examination is subject to many factors that can
affect its effectiveness and reliability. The hurried examiner
usually fails to appreciate the instability. It is possible to
examine a hip throughout 15 maneuvers and to feel the
instability only the sixteenth time that the hip is moved.
The explanation is that this “feel” is quite delicate and
requires just the right degree of relaxation on the part of A
the examiner as well as the infant. Many examiners report
a “click” (a high-pitched snap, often felt at the extremes of
abduction) that is usually elicited by a circular motion. This

Box 16-4 Physical Examination Findings by

Age for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Dislocatable Remains dislocated
Reducible Klisic sign B
Klisic sign Decreased abduction
FIGURE 16-21 The Ortolani test for developmental dislocation of
Galeazzi sign
INFANT the hip in a neonate. A, The examiner holds the infant’s knees
Dislocatable (occasionally) and gently abducts the hip while lifting up on the greater
Short leg
Reducible (occasionally) trochanter with two fingers. B, When the test is positive, the
Increased lordosis (bilateral)
Klisic sign dislocated femoral head will fall back into the acetabulum (arrow)
Decreased abduction with a palpable (but not audible) “clunk” as the hip is abducted
Galeazzi sign (Ortolani sign). When the hip is adducted, the examiner will feel
the head redislocate posteriorly.
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 495

a click was the only finding.21 One study of 256 patients to recall that the progression from instability to dislocation
found no abnormalities with this finding.81 during the newborn period is a gradual process. In some
It is important to plan appropriate follow-up for children children, an irreducible dislocation develops within a few
after the initial evaluation. Occasionally, patients who had weeks, whereas in others the hip dislocation remains reduc-
negative clinical examination results during the neonatal ible until they are 5 or 6 months old. When the hip is no
period present at an older age with dysplasia (Fig. 16-22). longer reducible, specific physical findings appear, including
Imaging studies—ultrasonography for the infant and pelvic limited abduction, shortening of the thigh, proximal loca-
radiography for the child who is older than 6 months— tion of the greater trochanter, asymmetry of the thigh folds,
should be done in children with risk factors that include and pistoning of the hip.
breech presentation in a girl and positive family history. The limitation of abduction, which is the most reliable
Whether it is necessary to reexamine all children who are sign of a dislocated hip, is best appreciated by abducting
referred remains unclear. both hips simultaneously with the child on a firm surface
(Video 16-2). A unilateral dislocation produces a visible
reduction in abduction on the affected side as compared
Infant (Video 16-1)
with the normal side (Fig. 16-23). Shortening of the thigh
As the child enters the second and third months of life, (Galeazzi sign) is best appreciated by placing both hips in
other signs of DDH appear (see Box 16-4). It is important 90 degrees of flexion and comparing the height of the knees,
again looking for asymmetry (Fig. 16-24). Because the thigh
is foreshortened, there will be more thigh folds on the
affected side than on the normal side (Fig. 16-25). Although
this sign is always present with a unilateral dislocation, extra
thigh folds are a common normal variant and do not neces-
sarily indicate hip dislocation.


FIGURE 16-23 Developmental dysplasia of the right hip. One

physical finding is limited abduction of the affected hip.

FIGURE 16-22 A, Anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis of a
9-month-old girl who had a negative physical examination when
she was 2 weeks old. The left hip shows significant dysplasia.
B, An arthrogram of the left hip shows a well-seated femoral
head that subluxates significantly with adduction and mild axial
pressure. The child was treated with a one-and-one-half-hip spica FIGURE 16-24 The Galeazzi sign. There is an apparent shortening
cast for 6 weeks. The arthrogram after that cast showed no of the femur as demonstrated by the difference in knee levels as
subluxation. A second cast was applied for another 6 weeks assessed for a child lying on a firm table with the hips and knees
to encourage acetabular development and hip stability. flexed at right angles.
496 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

A potentially perilous situation for the unwary examiner When the hip is dislocated, the more proximal greater tro-
is the child with bilateral hip dislocation. This child has no chanter causes the line to point approximately halfway
asymmetry on abduction, and the flexed knees are at the between the umbilicus and the pubis (Fig. 16-26).
same level. Combined abduction is limited, but this is dif- These examinations are capricious, and the clinician
ficult to detect because the limitation is symmetric. One should use imaging studies to evaluate infants with ques-
test that can help the examiner to recognize a bilateral tionable findings and those with risk factors that are associ-
dislocation is the Klisic test, in which the examiner places ated with DDH. These risk factors include a family history
the third finger over the greater trochanter and the index of DDH, breech position, oligohydramnios, torticollis, and
finger on the anterior superior iliac spine. An imaginary line metatarsus adductus. The significantly higher frequency of
drawn between the fingers should point to the umbilicus. DDH among girls as compared with boys must also be
considered. The reexamination of a child a few months later
helps to decrease the possibility of missing a dislocation. It
is imperative that experienced orthopaedic practitioners
provide education to primary care providers regarding
examination for DDH.

Walking Child
The unilateral dislocated hip produces distinct clinical signs
in a walking child (Video 16-3; see Box 16-4). Although
some authors have suggested that children with DDH are
late to start walking, more recent studies have shown no
significant delay.60,126 The affected side appears to be shorter
than the normal extremity, and the child toe-walks on the
affected side. With each step, the pelvis drops as the dislo-
cated hip adducts, and the child leans over the dislocated
hip; this is known as an abductor lurch or Trendelenburg gait
(Fig. 16-27). When the child attempts to stand on that foot
with the other elevated off of the floor, he or she leans
toward the affected side (Trendelenburg sign). As in the
younger child, there is limited abduction on the affected
side, and the knees are at different levels when the hips are
flexed (Galeazzi sign).
In the walking child, bilateral dislocation is more difficult
FIGURE 16-25 With developmental dysplasia of the right hip, to recognize than unilateral dislocation. There is usually a
there may be asymmetry of the thigh folds and of the popliteal lurching gait on both sides, but some children mask this
and gluteal creases, with apparent shortening of the extremity on rather well, showing only an increase in the dropping of the
the right. pelvis during the stance phase. Excessive lordosis is common,

FIGURE 16-26 The Klisic test for developmental

dysplasia of the hip. The examiner places the middle
finger over the greater trochanter and the index finger
on the anterior superior iliac spine. A, With a normal
hip, an imaginary line drawn between the two fingers
points to the umbilicus. B, When the hip is dislocated, A B
the trochanter is elevated, and the line projects halfway
between the umbilicus and the pubis.
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 497

FIGURE 16-27 Trendelenburg gait. The Trendelenburg test is
positive on the dislocated right side. A, As the child stands with
the weight on the normal side, the pelvis is maintained in the
horizontal position by the contraction and tension of the normal
hip abductor muscles. B, As the child shifts weight to the side FIGURE 16-28 Bilateral hip dislocation. Note the excessive lordosis
of the dislocated hip, the pelvis on the opposite and normal side that occurs as a result of hip flexion contracture.
drops as a result of the weakness of the hip abductor muscles
on the affected side. The sideways lean of the body toward the
affected side is known as the Trendelenburg sign.
clinical examination) that would become abnormal if it was
not treated? Second, which sonographic findings indicate
that the hip must be treated? Third, does the use of ultra-
and it is often the presenting complaint (Fig. 16-28). The sonography increase the rate of the treatment of hips that
lordosis is the result of hip flexion contracture, which is would stabilize without such treatment? Fourth, are there
usually present. The knees are at the same level, and abduc- hips with normal ultrasound findings that later become
tion is symmetric but limited. There is usually an excessive abnormal?
internal and external rotation of the dislocated hips. Graf, who pioneered the use of ultrasonography for the
evaluation of the infant hip, initially studied cadaver hips
and compared sonographic findings with radiographs and
arthrograms to define the sonographic anatomy of the hip.84
Radiographic Findings The hyaline articular cartilage of the hip had little echo, the
Ultrasonography capsule and muscles had moderate echo, and the fibrocar-
tilaginous labrum (as well as the juncture of the femoral
The neonate’s hip is a difficult structure to image with neck and the cartilaginous upper femur) had strong echo.
standard radiographic techniques because the hip is com- Graf recommended a lateral imaging technique with the
posed primarily of cartilage. Ultrasonography shows the soft transducer placed over the greater trochanter (Fig. 16-29),
anatomy of the hip and the relationship of the femoral head and he noted that the examination should take no more
and the acetabulum very well. Technical advances have than 2 to 3 minutes.
improved image quality, and dynamic techniques add sig- Graf also proposed a classification system that was based
nificant information to that obtained from static images. on the angles formed by the sonographic structures of the
Four important questions about the use of ultrasonography hip. The “baseline” is the line of the ilium as it intersects
need to be resolved, however. First, how often does the bony and cartilaginous portions of the acetabulum. The
sonography identify a “silent” hip (i.e., one with a negative “inclination line” is the line along the margin of the
498 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

Bony acetabulum

epiphysis Femoral

FIGURE 16-29 Ultrasonographic evaluation of the infant hip. A, The sonogram should be obtained with the child in the lateral decubitus
position. B, Ultrasonographic scan showing hip structures in a child. C, Highlights of the anatomic structures shown on the sonogram.
We prefer to view the sonogram on its side because this resembles an anatomic view.

cartilaginous acetabulum. The third line is the “acetabular the group in which the degree of abnormality and the need
roofline” along the bony roof (Fig. 16-30). The intersection for treatment are less clear. Graf subdivided class II in
of the roofline and the baseline forms the alpha angle, several ways in different publications (Table 16-2). He
whereas the intersection of the inclination line and the noted that stage IIc is the most important to identify
baseline forms the beta angle. A smaller alpha angle indi- because it represents a preluxation-phase hip that will sub-
cates a shallower bony acetabulum. A smaller beta angle sequently dislocate. He emphasized that the probe should
indicates a better cartilaginous acetabulum. In other words, be perpendicular to the acetabulum as well as to the cut in
as the femoral head subluxates, the alpha angle decreases, the center of the acetabulum.83-85
and the beta angle increases.84 Treatment philosophies regarding abnormalities in Graf
The Graf classification has been modified several times, class II hips vary widely (Figs. 16-31 and 16-32). Some
and it can be confusing. In its simplest form, class I hips are authors treat only those hips with clinical instability, regard-
normal, class II hips are either immature or somewhat less of sonographic findings. Others treat all class II hips
abnormal, class III hips are subluxated, and class IV hips with abduction devices. Exact treatment guidelines are
are dislocated. Class I hips need no follow-up, whereas class lacking. Because the sonographic findings of most hips
III and IV hips usually require treatment. Class II hips form improve with age, treatment decisions should be based on
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 499

ultrasonography examinations performed at 6 weeks of age treatment indications developed on the basis of stress views
or later rather than at birth. are still evolving.90,134 Much of the current research supports
Harcke and Kumar advocated dynamic studies in which the concept that ultrasonography is a more sensitive indica-
the hip is moved to reproduce the Barlow and Ortolani tor of abnormality of the infant hip as compared with radi-
maneuvers, and the degree of subluxation is documented ography. In a study of 60 patients with sonographic evidence
with ultrasonography.90 During the first few days of life, of DDH, 59 of the patients also had arthrographic evidence
4 to 6 mm of motion is considered normal, and definite of dislocation. Radiographic examination of the same hips
produced six equivocal cases and one case that was incor-
rectly diagnosed as a dislocation.186 Studies suggest that
screening with ultrasonography does pick up clinically silent
hips without increasing the rate of treatment for minor
abnormalities that would resolve spontaneously.40,256
Bialik and colleagues provided some useful guidelines for
the use of ultrasonography with their protocol to reduce the
number of hips that are treated unnecessarily by delaying
the start of treatment pending sonographic reexamination.15
Neonates with hips that were stable during their initial
Abductor muscle examination were reexamined clinically and with ultraso-
nography at 6 weeks of age, whereas those with unstable
hips were reexamined at 2 weeks of age. If the ultrasono-
graphic study showed no improvement of the unstable hips
at the second examination, treatment with the Pavlik
Ischium harness was begun. At the end of the established waiting
periods, 90% of the abnormal hips had become normal
without treatment. Only 3% of the Graf IIa hips failed to
normalize without treatment, whereas 17% of Graf III hips
and 25% of Graf IV hips failed to normalize. Slightly more
than half of the hips treated had no clinical instability. Their
α β outcome, had they not been treated, remains speculative.
A review of 5 years of experience with a universal screening
FIGURE 16-30 Measurement of alpha (α) and beta (β) angles program in Germany found that the need for surgical treat-
on ultrasonography scans to establish Graf class. The alpha angle ment was reduced but not eliminated for children with
is the angle between the baseline and the roof of the bony DDH.291 Other authors have reported a more dramatic
acetabulum. The beta angle is the angle between the baseline and reduction in surgical rates in response to universal
the cartilaginous acetabular roof. screening.318

Table 16-2 Graf Classification System of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

on the Basis of the Sonographic Angles of the Hip
Class Alpha Angle Beta Angle Description Treatment
Standard Classification
I >60° <55° Normal None
IIa 50°-60° 55°-77° Immature (<3 months) Observation
IIb >50°-60° 55°-77° >3 months Pavlik harness
IIc 43°-49° >77° Acetabular deficiency Pavlik harness
IId 43°-49° >77° Everted labrum Pavlik harness
III <43° >77° Everted labrum Pavlik harness
IV Unmeasurable Unmeasurable Dislocated Pavlik harness/closed
vs. open reduction
Simplified Classification
I >60° <55° Normal None
II 43°-60° 55°-77° Delayed ossification Variable
III <43° >77° Lateralization Pavlik harness
IV Unmeasurable Unmeasurable Dislocated Pavlik harness/closed
vs. open reduction
500 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

FIGURE 16-31 Sonogram of a 5-day-old girl with Barlow sign. A, Static ultrasonographic film showing the anterior displacement of
the femoral head. The equator of the femoral head is lateral to the “bright spot” (arrow) of the labrum, which was considered to be
an indication for treatment. B, Sonogram obtained after 6 weeks of treatment in a Pavlik harness shows a well-seated femoral head.
C, Radiograph obtained when patient was 5 years old shows normal hip development.


FIGURE 16-32 Imaging studies of a 5-day-old child with Ortolani sign bilaterally. A, Sonogram obtained at 5 days shows lateralization of
the femoral head. B, Sonogram after 1 month of treatment in a Pavlik harness. The hip is now well seated. C, Radiograph obtained when
patient was 14 months old shows a reduced and dysplastic hip.

A number of authors believe that ultrasonography is too Perhaps we should conclude that ultrasonography is a
sensitive and results in the overtreatment of hips that would valuable adjunct to the detection of neonatal hip abnormali-
otherwise develop normally.324 Screening studies have ties but that it should be used judiciously to avoid the
shown that only 0.012% of hips that are normal on clinical overtreatment of minor abnormalities. Ultrasonography is
examination have evidence of dysplasia later194 and that also very useful for detecting early treatment failures when
most Graf IIa hips normalize without treatment.288 When using the Pavlik harness. It is important to note that a
ultrasonography was used for screening, the treatment rate normal result with ultrasonography does not preclude later
doubled as compared with using clinical findings alone.236 abnormalities. Several cases of dysplasia at walking age have
Another study found that only 9.5% of infants with abnor- been reported in children who had normal ultrasonographic
mal ultrasound scans had clinical signs of DDH. Terjesen findings during the neonatal period.144 Imre studied 300
and associates stated that Graf ’s method was unreliable for babies who were born breech; of those with normal exami-
children who were younger than 3 months old because the nations and ultrasound studies, 29% later had abnormal
reference points are indistinct275; those authors recom- radiographs of the hips at 5 months of follow-up.111 Thus
mended using displacement rather than angle measurement we also must conclude that a “normal” ultrasound at 6
for greater accuracy. Castelein and associates followed 101 weeks of age does not guarantee a normal hip later in life.
hips that were normal on clinical examination but abnormal
on ultrasonography.35 Of those hips with abnormal Graf
classifications, 4 of 101 had radiographically evident dyspla-
sia by the age of 6 months. Of 43 with sonographic indica- Plain radiography of the pelvis usually demonstrates a
tions of instability, none was subsequently abnormal. Several frankly dislocated hip in individuals of any age. In newborns
authors have noted that universal screening with ultrasonog- with typical DDH, however, the unstable hip may appear
raphy results in an increase in the number of infants who radiographically normal. As the child reaches 3 to 6 months
require splinting but does not reduce the number of late of age, the dislocation will be evident radiographically, but
dislocations.219,233 Universal screening is not thought to be the examiner must be familiar with the landmarks of the
necessary when clinical screening is of high quality.104 immature pelvis to recognize the abnormality. In the infant,
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 501

the upper femur is not ossified, and most of the acetabulum the lateral margin of the acetabulum to the center of the
is cartilaginous. The triradiate cartilage lies between the femoral head. In children who are 6 to 13 years old, an angle
ilium, the ischium, and the pubis. of more than 19 degrees has been reported as normal; in
Several classic lines are helpful when evaluating the children who are 14 years old and older, an angle of more
immature hip (Fig. 16-33). The Hilgenreiner line is a line than 25 degrees is considered normal.250
through the triradiate cartilages. The Perkin line, which is A helpful radiographic projection is the Von Rosen view,
drawn at the lateral margin of the acetabulum, is perpen- in which both hips are abducted, internally rotated, and
dicular to the Hilgenreiner line. The Shenton line is a curved extended.292 In the normal hip, an imaginary line extended
line that begins at the lesser trochanter, goes up the femoral up the femoral shaft intersects the acetabulum. When the
neck, and connects with a line along the inner margin of the hip is dislocated, the line crosses above the acetabulum.
pubis. In a normal hip, the medial beak of the femoral The acetabular teardrop figure, as seen on an anteropos-
metaphysis lies in the lower, inner quadrant produced by terior (AP) radiograph of the pelvis, is formed by several
the juncture of the Perkin and Hilgenreiner lines. The lines. It is derived from the wall of the acetabulum laterally,
Shenton line is smooth in the normal hip. In the dislocated the wall of the lesser pelvis medially, and a curved line
hip, the metaphysis lies lateral to the Perkin line; the
Shenton line is broken because the femoral neck lies cephalic
to the line from the pubis.
Another useful measurement is the acetabular index,
which is an angle formed by the juncture of the Hilgen-
reiner line and a line drawn along the acetabular surface Hilgenreiner
(Fig. 16-34). In normal newborns, the acetabular index
averages 27.5 degrees. At 6 months of age, the mean is 23.5 25 ° 33°
degrees. By 2 years of age, the index usually decreases to
20 degrees. Thirty degrees is considered the upper limit of
normal.97,140,157 The acetabular index of the weight-bearing Acetabular Acetabular
zone or the sourcil is normally less than 15 degrees.203,278 index index
(normal) (abnormal)
In the older child, the center–edge angle is a useful
measure of hip position (Fig. 16-35). This angle is formed
Medial gap
at the juncture of the Perkin line with a line that connects

FIGURE 16-34 Acetabular index and the medial gap. The

Perkin line acetabular index is the angle between a line drawn along the
margin of the acetabulum and the Hilgenreiner line; it averages
27.5 degrees in normal newborns, and it decreases with age.

D line

Perkin line


FIGURE 16-33 Radiographic measurements that are useful for

evaluating developmental dysplasia of the hip. The Hilgenreiner
line is drawn through the triradiate cartilages. The Perkin line is Center–edge angle
of Wilberg
drawn perpendicular to the Hilgenreiner line at the margin of
the bony acetabulum. The Shenton line curves along the femoral
metaphysis and connects smoothly to the inner margin of the FIGURE 16-35 The Wilberg center–edge angle, which is the angle
pubis. Dimension H (height) is measured from the top of the that is formed between the Perkin line and a line drawn from the
ossified femur to the Hilgenreiner line. Dimension D (distance) lateral lip of the acetabulum through the center of the femoral
is measured from the inner border of the teardrop to the center head. This angle, which is a useful measure of hip position in
of the upper tip of the ossified femur. Dimensions H and D are older children, is considered normal if it is more than 10 degrees
measured to quantify proximal and lateral displacement of the in children between the ages of 6 and 13 years. It increases
hip and are most useful when the head is not ossified. with age.
502 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

inferiorly, and it is formed by the acetabular notch. The

teardrop appears between 6 and 24 months of age in a
normal hip and later in a dislocated hip. In a study by Smith
and associates,254 the teardrop did not appear until hips
were reduced, but the teardrop was present in dislocated
hips by 29 months of age in a study by Albiñana and associ-
ates.2 When the hip is dislocated or subluxated, the acetab-
ular portion of the teardrop loses its convexity, and the
teardrop is wider from the superior to the inferior direc-
tions. The reduced hip remodels the acetabulum, and the
teardrop gradually narrows. Hips in which the teardrop A
appears within 6 months of reduction have a better outcome
than hips in which the teardrop appears later.254 Four types
of teardrop bodies have been noted: open, closed, crossed,
and reversed.2 The teardrops have also been described as
U- or V-shaped, with a V-shaped teardrop being associated
with a dysplastic hip and a poor outcome (Fig. 16-36).
Another measure of acetabular dysplasia is the acetabu-
lar index of depth to width in which the depth of the
central portion of the acetabulum is divided by the width B
of the acetabular opening, with normal being more than FIGURE 16-36 A wide teardrop body in a 10-year-old girl who
38%.203 The femoral head extrusion index represents the underwent closed reduction when she was 18 months old.
percentage of the femoral head that lies outside of the A, Anteroposterior radiograph showing bilateral acetabular
acetabulum. dysplasia. Note the wide teardrop body bilaterally, which is an
The false-profile radiographic view represents a lateral indication of inadequate acetabular deepening since reduction.
view of the acetabulum, and it is especially useful for evalu- B, Anteroposterior radiograph obtained 4 years after Salter
ating anterior acetabular dysplasia.37,163,164 The patient is osteotomies. Acetabular coverage has improved, but the widened
teardrop persists. It is likely that degenerative changes will
positioned 65 degrees obliquely to the x-ray beam, with the
develop, particularly in the left hip.
foot parallel to the cassette. The extent of anterior coverage
is represented by a dense line of ossification known as
the sourcil, the limit of which is sometimes difficult to
define. An acetabular angle can be constructed; the mean
value is 32.8 degrees, with a range of 17.7 to 53.6 degrees50
(Fig. 16-37).


FIGURE 16-37 A, The false-profile view is

made with the patient standing 65 degrees
oblique to the x-ray beam with the foot
parallel to the cassette. B, From the
false-profile radiograph, the center–edge
angle is constructed from the intersection
of a vertical line (V ) through the center of
the femoral head (C ) with a line (A) from
the anterior edge of the sourcil to the center
of the femoral head. B
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 503

The Severin classification has been used for many years beneath the labrum (the neolimbus) may be seen. If the
to specify outcome in hips that have been treated for reduction is stable and the hip is immobilized in a safe posi-
DDH246 (Table 16-3). However, in 1997, Ward and associ- tion, then the femoral head will gradually overcome the
ates reported poor levels of intraobserver and interobserver capsular tightness. Arthrography repeated 6 weeks later
reliability when the system was used.299 The interpretive shows the head as being well seated in the acetabulum.
ambiguities and lack of objective measures emphasize the Arthrography should usually be performed with the
need for a more reliable scheme. patient under general anesthesia. We prefer the median,
Although parents may become concerned about radia- subadductor approach with image intensification (Fig.
tion exposure during the course of their child’s manage- 16-39). The needle is inserted just beneath the adductor
ment, the increase in carcinogenic risks from the cumulative longus, approximately 2 cm distal to its origin. If the start-
radiographs taken to manage an average DDH case have ing point is too close to the adductor’s origin, the needle
been estimated to be less than 1%.22 will encounter the inferior portion of the acetabulum rather
than the joint itself. The needle is directed medially and
aimed toward the contralateral sternoclavicular joint. When
resistance is encountered, the position of the needle is
The arthrographic anatomy of the hip was well described
by Severin in 1941.249 In the normal hip, the free border of
the labrum is easily seen as a sharp “thorn” overlying the
femoral head (Fig. 16-38). A recess of joint capsule overlies
this thorn. The capsule expands beyond this recess and is
then constricted by the ringlike zona orbicularis. In a child
with DDH, when the hip is in the dislocated position, the
acetabular edge is seen, and the capsule is enlarged as it
extends over the femoral head. The capsule is constricted
at its middle portion into an hourglass shape by the iliopsoas
When the hip is placed into a reduced position, it may
reduce fully against the acetabular wall, or it may “dock”
against the labrum and the capsular constriction of the
iliopsoas (see Fig. 16-52, B). When the reduction is deep,
the labrum lies flat over the head and has a sharp border.
When the head is docked, the labrum is blunted and inter-
posed between the head and the acetabular wall. The liga- FIGURE 16-38 Anteroposterior arthrogram of a normal hip in a
mentum teres is seen within the joint, and it may be outlined neutral position. Note the sharp lateral acetabular margin (the
by contrast material. A bulge in the acetabular cartilage “thorn”) with a recess of joint capsule overlying it.

Affected hip flexed and

abducted 90°
Table 16-3 Severin Classification System
of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip Adductor longus muscle

Center–Edge Angle
Class Radiographic Appearance (Age)

Ia Normal >19° (6-13 years)

>25° (≥14 years)
Ib Normal 15°-19° (6-13 years) Direction of needle
20°-25° (≥14 years) for arthrography
IIa Moderate deformity of Same as class I
femoral head, femoral Cartilaginous roof
neck, or acetabulum Cul-de-sac
III Dysplasia without <15° (6-13 years) of synovium
subluxation <20° (≥14 years)
IVa Moderate subluxation ≥20°
IVb Severe subluxation <0°
V Femoral head articulates
with pseudoacetabulum
in superior part of
original acetabulum
FIGURE 16-39 Subadductor approach for the insertion of a needle
VI Redislocation for arthrography of the hip. Inset, Normal limbus as seen with
504 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

noted on the image. The needle should be directed toward Services Task Force—in accordance with a best evidence
the joint space. A small amount of contrast material is review—concluded that the “net benefits” of screening
injected to be certain that the joint has been entered; the could not be determined; they found that there was a high
contrast agent should flow freely around the femoral head. rate of spontaneous resolution of the abnormality and a lack
Another 1 mL of contrast agent is injected, and the needle of evidence of the effectiveness of intervention on func-
is removed. Permanent films should be obtained for each tional outcome.251
significant position of the hip. It is important to note the
positions of maximum stability and instability.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Treatment of the Neonate
MRI affords excellent anatomic visualization of the infant
hip, but it is not commonly used because of the expense Pavlik Harness
involved and the need for sedation. Kashiwagi and associates The Pavlik harness is the preferred method for the treat-
proposed an MRI-based classification of hips with DDH.130 ment of neonatal DDH (Box 16-5). The first indication for
Group 1 hips had a sharp acetabular rim, and all were treatment is a hip that is dislocated and that can be reduced
reducible with a Pavlik harness. Group 2 hips had a rounded by the examiner (Ortolani sign). We believe that all such
acetabular rim, and almost all could be reduced with a hips should be treated in a harness, beginning at the time
Pavlik harness. Group 3 hips had an inverted acetabular rim, the diagnosis is made. We also recommend immediate
and none was reducible with the harness. MRI findings Pavlik harness treatment for hips that are located but that
include the widening of the iliac bone, the lateral drift of can be subluxated by the examiner (Barlow sign). Some of
the superior and posterior portions of the acetabular floor, these hips will spontaneously stabilize, and some clinicians
the overgrowth of the acetabular cartilage, and the convex- prefer to wait a few weeks and reexamine the child before
ity of the posterior portion of the acetabular cartilage.23,86 initiating treatment. When observation is chosen, steps
MRI with gadolinium-contrast arthrography is an impor- should be taken to ensure follow-up because some of these
tant tool for the evaluation of the adolescent patient with hips will subsequently dislocate if they are left alone.11,44
hip dysplasia and pain. This technique allows for the evalu- Less certain are the indications for the treatment of hips
ation of the condition of the labrum and the articular car- that are normal on clinical examination but abnormal on
tilage of the hip joint. Disruption and tears of the labrum, ultrasonography. We currently recommend close observa-
cartilage delamination, and articular cartilage loss can be tion of such hips with ultrasonography repeated at 6 weeks
identified with this technique.132,165 of age, at which time those hips that remain abnormal
should be treated. As noted in the previous discussion of
sonographic examinations, Graf class II hips are more likely
Screening Criteria to improve without treatment than are Graf class III or IV
hips. Similarly, the Graf classification is also predictive of
All neonates should undergo a clinical examination for hip likely success with Pavlik treatment, with 97% success for
instability. Beyond that recommendation, there is a lack of Graf class III hips and 50% success for class IV hips in one
consensus with regard to further screening criteria. Most series in which the hips were not initially reducible.200
authors agree that infants with risk factors associated with The Pavlik harness is applied by first placing the chest
DDH should receive more careful screening that includes strap just below the nipple line (Fig. 16-40). The child’s
at least an examination by an experienced examiner and
possibly ultrasonography. These risk factors include a family
history of DDH, breech birth position, torticollis, metatar- Box 16-5 Age-Based Guidelines
sus adductus, and oligohydramnios.107,110,115,153 Because the for the Treatment of Developmental
incidence is higher among girls, these factors assume greater Dysplasia of the Hip
importance in female infants. First-born whites also have an
Neonate: Place the patient in a Pavlik harness for 6 weeks.
increased risk for DDH.4,8,9,33,34,59
1 to 6 months: Place the patient in a Pavlik harness for up to
As noted previously, screening with ultrasonography
6 weeks after the hip reduces.
remains controversial. In addition to the added cost, the 6 to 18 months: Treat the patient with traction and closed
disadvantage of general ultrasonographic screening is the reduction. If closed reduction is successful, place the hip
identification of a large number of children with sonographic in a cast for 3 months. If closed reduction is unsuccessful,
abnormalities for which there are no firm treatment guide- perform open reduction. Open reduction is performed via
lines. Some authors recommend ultrasonography in combi- a medial approach in children who are younger than 12
nation with clinical examination for all infants with months old and via an anterolateral approach in children
appropriate risk factors, although others found a low yield who are older than 12 months.
of significant abnormalities in the absence of clinical find- 18 to 24 months: Treat the patient with a trial of closed
reduction or primary open reduction (anterolateral
ings, even in hips that were considered to be at risk.219 The
approach). A Salter osteotomy may or may not be part
American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a practice guide-
of the procedure.
line that recommends radiographic screening (ultrasono- 24 months to 6 years: Perform primary open reduction
graphy) for female infants who were either carried in (anterolateral approach) and femoral shortening, with or
the breech position or have a positive family history without a Salter osteotomy.
of DDH.1 Alternatively, the United States Preventive
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 505

feet are placed in the stirrups, the hips are placed in 120
degrees of flexion, and the straps are secured. The posterior
straps are fastened loosely to allow for the abduction of the
hips to occur by gravity alone. Abduction should never be
forced by the straps on the harness.281 In fact, the hips
should be able to adduct to almost a neutral position with
the straps in place. Excessive flexion must be avoided; it
will occur if the harness is not properly adjusted as the child
grows. Hyperflexion of the hips may produce a femoral
nerve palsy as the nerve becomes compressed by the diapers
between the thigh and abdomen.201 Hyperflexion may also
cause the femoral head to dislocate inferiorly.234 Alterna-
tively, inadequate flexion (i.e., <90 degrees) will fail to
reduce the hip (Fig. 16-41).
The use of the harness is most effective when there is
a strong support system to educate the parents and to
monitor the neonate’s progress closely. We see the infant
every week while the harness is being used. Reliable parents
are taught to remove and replace the harness for bathing.
If the social setting is poor, we prefer to have the parents
keep the infant in the harness and return weekly with the
child for bathing and harness change. Most infants outgrow
the initial harness after 3 to 4 weeks, and a larger harness
is then fitted.
The progress of the hip can be monitored by repeating
the ultrasonographic study after 3 weeks in the harness, at
which time the hip usually remains reduced. If the hip is
FIGURE 16-40 The Pavlik harness. The transverse chest strap unstable at 3 weeks, an abduction orthosis may be substi-
should be placed just below the nipple line. The hips should be tuted for the harness. Swaroop and co-workers reported a
flexed to 120 degrees, and the posterior straps should not
93% success rate without AVN when hips that were
produce forced abduction.


FIGURE 16-41 Use of the Pavlik harness in a child with a dislocated left hip. A, Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph obtained at presentation
when patient was 5 months old shows a dislocated left hip. B, AP radiograph of patient in the harness with inadequate flexion. C, AP
radiograph obtained 2 weeks later shows adequate flexion of the hip, although the hip is still dislocated. D, AP radiograph obtained
1 month later shows that the hip has been reduced. E, AP radiograph obtained when patient was 5 years old shows good acetabular
506 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

unstable after 3 weeks of Pavlik harness treatment were be continued for approximately 6 weeks after stability is
switched to an abduction device and monitored with serial established. When harness treatment is completed, some
ultrasound examinations.270 After 6 weeks of treatment, the clinicians elect to place the child in an abduction splint for
hip is examined with the child out of the harness, and several more months. We recommend treating older chil-
ultrasonography is performed. If sonography shows a well- dren for a longer time to encourage acetabular develop-
located hip and the clinical examination is negative, then ment. For example, a 6-month-old child may be treated for
the harness is discontinued. (Some authors prefer to wean a total of 3 to 4 months. However, precise guidelines for
the infant from the harness with a period of part-time wear the stoppage of treatment are lacking.
that occurs over several weeks or months.) The child is then As the harness is discontinued, another AP radiograph is
followed clinically. When the patient is 3 to 4 months old, obtained to assess hip reduction and acetabular develop-
a radiograph of the pelvis is obtained. If the hip is normal, ment. A notch above the acetabulum often appears after
the child is seen when he or she is 1 year old, and a standing the hip is reduced, and this finding is usually followed by
radiograph is obtained. If the radiograph is negative, subse- improved acetabular development (Fig. 16-42). Acetabular
quent follow-up is either annual or biennial. Follow-up to development may be enhanced by abduction splinting, but
the point of skeletal maturity is recommended because controlled studies have not been conducted to confirm the
there is a significant incidence of late asymmetric epiphyseal efficacy of this common practice.
closure that results in valgus of the femoral head and Several series have documented the results of harness
reduced coverage of the hip. In one series, 20% of patients treatment. A review of a large European series of patients
who were successfully treated in the harness developed found that 95% of initially dysplastic hips were normal after
acetabular dysplasia during 8 to 15 years of follow-up.284 treatment.87 Eighty percent of hips that were dislocated and
Another found a 10% incidence of AVN at more than 14 not initially reducible were successfully reduced with the
years of follow-up.210 Kitoh and associates found that an harness. Higher dislocations had a higher failure rate. The
abduction contracture before treatment was associated with rate of AVN was 2.38%. A Japanese study found that infants
an increased risk of AVN.139 who were hospitalized for harness treatment had a 28%
If the hip remains dislocated after 3 to 4 weeks of incidence of AVN, whereas those who were managed at
harness wear, the use of the harness should be discontinued, home had a 7.2% rate of AVN.116 The explanation for this
and the hip should be examined while the child is under outcome was that the children in the hospital were handled
anesthesia. An arthrogram may show the cause of the insta- less and immobilized more than those at home, thus pre-
bility, and the hip should be managed with either closed or disposing them to AVN. Other studies have confirmed that
open reduction. If the hip is reduced at 3 weeks but dislo- high dislocations are less likely to reduce and more likely to
cates during examination, the harness should be worn for 3 have a higher rate of AVN as compared with low disloca-
to 6 more weeks until the hip stabilizes. An abduction tions. With high dislocations, slightly more than 50% of the
orthosis may be used for hips that have not stabilized after
3 or more weeks of treatment in the harness.95

Treatment of the Young Child

(1 to 6 Months Old)
Pavlik Harness
Treatment Plan
The child who presents between 1 and 6 months of age may
have an unstable hip that is similar to that seen in the
neonate, or the hip may remain dislocated. The Pavlik
harness is the first choice of treatment for this age group.
To be effective, the harness must hold the hips in more than
90 degrees of flexion, with the position of the upper femoral
metaphysis pointed toward the triradiate cartilage. If the
hip cannot be placed in this position, the harness is unlikely
to relocate the hip. The hip does not have to be reducible
at the time of the clinical examination to be successfully
treated with the harness, but higher dislocations are less
likely to reduce than lower ones. Children who are treated
with the harness have not shown evidence of developmental
The plan of treatment is similar to that for younger
infants, but management must be continued until hip stabil-
FIGURE 16-42 Radiographic appearance in a 7-month-old child
ity is assured (see Fig. 16-41). The child is examined weekly, after the successful treatment of developmental dysplasia of the
and reduction is evaluated by clinical and ultrasonographic hip with a Pavlik harness. The notch (arrow) at the lateral margin
examinations. If reduction is not obtained within 3 to 4 of the acetabulum represents ossification beneath the labrum and
weeks, the harness should be discontinued and other treat- is often seen after successful early treatment of developmental
ment begun. If reduction is confirmed, the harness should dysplasia of the hip.
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 507

hips in the harness reduced, and the rate of AVN was as

high as 27%.269 Overall, the reported rate of AVN when the Frejka Pillow and Triple Diapers
Pavlik harness is used ranges from 0% to 15%.25,124,277 Factors A device that is frequently associated with a poor outcome
that are associated with the failure of Pavlik harness treat- is the Frejka pillow. The Frejka pillow is capable of force-
ment include patient age of more than 7 weeks at treat- fully abducting the hips of the infant, and it is associated
ment, bilateral hip dislocation, and an absent Ortolani with an unacceptably high rate of AVN (Fig. 16-45). One
sign.289 Whenever the harness is used, Pavlik’s credo should report found that AVN developed in half of grade II dislo-
be remembered: “The main aim of the treatment is to cated hips with the use of the Frejka pillow277; another
achieve concentric reduction and to prevent AVN, which study reported a 14% rate with the pillow.151,152 The use of
cripples the child for the whole of his life.”222 triple diapers should also be abandoned. Triple diapers do
not effectively position the hips, and their use may falsely
Problems and Complications Associated With suggest to parents that something positive is being
the Pavlik Harness accomplished.
Problems and complications other than AVN that can
arise from the use of the harness include the failure to
reduce the hip, femoral nerve palsy, and the so-called Pavlik
harness disease (Video 16-4). Pavlik harness disease was
reported by Jones and associates, who found that prolonged
positioning of the dislocated hip in flexion and abduction
potentiated dysplasia and resulted in a hip that was likely
to require an open reduction.120 They noted a flattening of
the posterolateral acetabulum in these hips and recom-
mended discontinuing the harness if reduction had not
occurred after 3 or 4 weeks. Long-term follow-up is recom-
mended for treated hips.284
Other Splints and Braces
A variety of other splints and braces have also been used to
treat DDH. When selecting a treatment method, it is
important to remember that the splint should position the
hips so that reduction can occur spontaneously. The hips
must never be rigidly immobilized, and forced positions
should not be used. Wide abduction and forced internal
rotation must always be avoided because these positions
cause AVN of the soft femoral head. The Ilfeld splint has FIGURE 16-44 The Von Rosen splint.
been reported to have a high rate of success with few
complications135 (Fig. 16-43), as has the Von Rosen splint237
(Fig. 16-44).

FIGURE 16-45 Avascular necrosis after the use of the Frejka pillow.
Anteroposterior radiograph obtained when patient was 16 years
old shows a shortened femoral neck with trochanteric overgrowth.
The valgus tilt of the femoral head indicates a lateral physeal
FIGURE 16-43 The Ilfeld or Craig splint. injury from avascular necrosis.
508 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

Treatment of the Child safely reduced without preliminary traction.122,309 Some

(6 Months to 2 Years Old) authors have suggested that the lack of traction increases
the need for open reduction100; however, others disagree
General Guidelines and have reported similar rates of open reduction whether
The child who is between 6 months and 2 years old who or not traction was used.228
presents with a dislocated hip and the child in whom initial Several aspects of the current treatment of DDH that
splintage has failed are managed in the same manner. The have contributed to a reduced frequency of AVN include
goals of the treatment are to obtain and maintain the reduc- the use of gentle reduction, the use of the human position
tion of the hip without damaging the femoral head. The two when maintaining reduction, and avoiding the temptation
principal methods of treatment are closed reduction and to hold the hip reduced at any cost. Certainly a low rate of
open reduction, either of which may be preceded by a AVN has markedly improved patient outcomes. The use of
period of traction. traction may improve the chances of achieving a closed
Some authors have recommended that closed or open reduction, but there are so many different application
reduction of the dislocated hip should not be performed methods that the need for traction remains unproved.
until the ossific nucleus of the femoral head has appeared. Despite the many studies questioning its efficacy, traction
Segal and co-workers reported a marked difference in the continues to be used in many centers. Traditional prereduc-
rate of AVN related to the presence of the ossific nucleus tion traction is performed with the child’s hips placed in
at reduction; when the nucleus was present, AVN devel- 20 to 30 degrees of flexion by means of a frame or other
oped in only 1 of 25 hips as compared with 17 of 32 hips immobilizing device in the crib, with traction applied via
when the nucleus had not yet appeared.247 Carney and the use of adhesive straps placed on the thighs and legs54
associates reported similar findings.32 (Fig. 16-46). In Gage and Winter’s classic article, the level
Others have refuted this finding and found that hips of the femoral head was determined and traction was con-
reduced after the appearance of the nucleus had more than tinued until the head was below the Hilgenreiner line; this
twice as many subsequent operative procedures as those often required patients to spend 3 weeks or more in the
reduced before the nucleus was seen.41,177 Cooke and hospital.77 Others prefer the Bryant position, an alternative
colleagues reviewed 48 hips that were treated with closed position in which the hips are flexed 90 degrees and the
reduction; the outcome was 100% good and excellent knees are extended (Fig. 16-47).
regardless of the presence of an ossific nucleus, with only The most vigorous use of traction has been reported by
12.5% of patients requiring subsequent surgery.47 We concur Morel in France, who used traction not only to stretch the
with their opinion that one should not wait to treat a hip soft tissues around the hip but to reduce the femoral
until the nucleus appears. The growth potential of the ace- head.198 This “traction reduction” method involves immo-
tabulum declines with age, and hips that are reduced later bilizing the child in bed and applying gradually increasing
will not remodel as well as those that are reduced earlier. skin traction to bring the femoral head below the acetabu-
lum. The hips are then gradually abducted and internally
Traction rotated until the hip is reduced. At this point, the traction
For many years, prereduction traction was considered is reduced, and a cast is applied. This approach often
essential to reduce the incidence of AVN and to enable the requires 6 or more weeks of in-hospital treatment and
surgeon to obtain a closed reduction.‡ An important early results in little or no AVN. A similar approach reported
study by Salter and associates shed light on the relationship from Japan resulted in 92% of hips being reduced by trac-
between treatment and AVN.243 Three different treatment tion over an average duration of 8 weeks; in this series,
methods were analyzed. In one group, the hips were reduced almost half of children had residual subluxation at follow-up
into a Lorenz or Lange position of extreme abduction when they were older than 6 years old.321
without preliminary traction, and this resulted in a 30% The method we prefer is portable home traction.30,121
incidence of AVN. In the second group, the same cast posi- The child is placed in skin traction with the hip flexed 90
tion was used after preliminary traction, and there was a degrees in a frame made of PVC pipe, which can easily be
15% rate of AVN. In the third group, the child was placed transported in a wagon or on a parent’s lap. The child is
in the “human position” of 90 degrees of flexion and mild allowed free motion in the frame, except for the straps that
abduction, and the rate of AVN fell to 5%. A second classic restrict the legs (Fig. 16-48). The straps should be carefully
study by Gage and Winter demonstrated a significant reduc- applied to avoid skin injuries. Some surgeons gradually
tion in the incidence and severity of AVN when traction abduct the patient’s legs, whereas others leave the legs in a
was used to bring the femoral head to a “station” below the neutral position. Treatment is continued for 2 to 3 weeks,
Hilgenreiner line.77 and the child is allowed out of traction for feeding and
Other research has shown that the use of traction allowed diaper changes.
for closed reduction in 66% to 91% of patients, with less
than 5% AVN.30,54,274 Langenskiöld and Paavilainen, in a Closed Reduction (Video 16-5)
follow-up study more than 30 years after reduction, showed Closed reduction of the hip should be performed with the
that the use of traction in hip and knee extension reduced use of general anesthesia or deep sedation (see Plate 16-1
the incidence of severe AVN and also reduced the need for on page 539). The young orthopaedist should be wary of
open reduction.155 The need for traction has been chal- this seemingly simple procedure; the proper performance
lenged by a number of studies showing that hips can be and interpretation of the closed reduction are difficult and
require experience. It may be better to think of positioning

References 26, 51, 54, 150, 162, 198, 303, 327. the hip rather than reducing it because no real manipulation
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 509

FIGURE 16-46 Traditional traction position with a frame in the bed and the hips flexed 30 degrees (inset). (Redrawn from Tachdjian MO,
editor: Congenital dislocation of the hip, New York, 1982, Churchill Livingstone.)

FIGURE 16-47 The Bryant traction position. The child lies in a bed or crib with the hips flexed 90 degrees (inset) and the knees extended.
(Redrawn from Tachdjian MO, editor: Congenital dislocation of the hip, New York, 1982, Churchill Livingstone.)
510 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

medial space that is wider than 6 mm, and the reduction is

difficult to hold (Figs. 16-51 and 16-52).
A number of factors help the clinician to determine
whether a hip is stable or unstable. In addition to range-of-
motion considerations, there is a certain “feel” to the reduc-
tion. A stable hip remains reduced throughout most of the
joint’s range of motion and dislocates only in adduction or
extension. An unstable hip redislocates easily, and the
examiner must continue lifting up the greater trochanter to
maintain the reduction. If a reduction is difficult to main-
tain, closed reduction should be abandoned, and open
reduction can then be performed. The forceful maintenance
of an unstable reduction is likely to cause AVN. In many
cases, the femoral head “reduces” to a stable position at the
introitus of the acetabulum, abutting the labrum and the
iliopsoas but not actually in contact with the acetabular
medial wall. If stability can be maintained in a nonextreme
physiologic position, the hip may be immobilized, and it will
FIGURE 16-48 Portable home traction frame of PVC pipe. The usually become well seated over a 6-week period.249 This
“little red wagon” is an essential part of the treatment. phenomenon was described in Severin’s classic 1941 article
as well as by others, and our experience with this approach
should be done. The hip is reduced by placing it in flexion has also been successful.31,229,249,261
beyond 90 degrees and gradually abducting it while gently Other authors believe that any widening of the joint is
lifting the greater trochanter, as is done during the Ortolani unacceptable and that the femoral head should not be used
maneuver. Minimal force should be applied. After a palpa- as a sound to dilate the acetabular opening.38,172,232,308 Leveuf
ble reduction is felt, the hip is moved to determine the found that hips in which the labrum was pressed upward
range of motion in which it remains reduced. The hip is against the pelvis did well with closed reduction and that
adducted to the point of redislocation, and that position is those in which the labrum was inverted between the femoral
noted. The hip is again reduced and then extended until it head and the acetabulum required open reduction.167,168
dislocates, and the point of dislocation is noted. If the If the reduction is deemed stable, the child is then
hip requires internal rotation to maintain reduction, this is immobilized in a spica cast in a safe and stable position.
also noted. Some surgeons use a Pavlik harness, but most prefer a spica
The range of motion in which the hip remains reduced cast. The cast should maintain the hip in a position of more
is compared with the maximum range of motion. From this than 90 degrees of flexion and enough abduction to main-
information, a “safe zone” is constructed, as described by tain the reduction. Some internal rotation may be used, but
Ramsey and associates231 (Fig. 16-49). If the zone is rela- no more than 10 to 15 degrees, and never to the limit of
tively wide, the reduction is considered stable. Alterna- internal rotation. Similarly, abduction to 30 or 40 degrees
tively, if wide abduction or more than 10 or 15 degrees of is acceptable as long as further abduction is available.
internal rotation is required to maintain reduction, the Abduction to the limit of abduction should be avoided. The
reduction is considered unstable. At times, an adductor most experienced person should hold the hip in a proper
tenotomy will increase the safe zone by allowing for a wider position while the cast is being applied. An effective tech-
range of abduction. However, wide abduction should never nique to prevent excessive abduction during cast application
be used because this has been shown to cause AVN. Exces- is to frequently abduct the hips maximally and then return
sive internal rotation is also a known cause of AVN and thus to a less abducted position to be certain of the position of
must be avoided. the hips.
An arthrogram obtained at the time of reduction is very After the cast is applied, an intraoperative radiograph is
helpful for evaluating the depth and stability of the reduc- obtained. After the procedure, single-section computed
tion. Benson has shown that the information gained from tomography (CT; Fig. 16-53) or ultrasonography may be
an arthrogram often changes the treatment plan.148 The used to confirm the reduction.98,99 Ultrasonography has also
positions of reduction and dislocation are noted on the been used to confirm reduction in a cast, as has MRI.287
arthrogram, and a “live” observation of the reduction shows With MRI, the vascular status of the femoral head as well
the depth of reduction and the obstacles encountered. as the reduction can be evaluated.313 After 6 weeks of
Some infolding of the labrum is commonly noted, as are the immobilization, the cast is removed with the patient under
constriction of the capsule by the iliopsoas and the presence anesthesia, and the hip is gently examined for stability. No
of the ligamentum teres between the femoral head and the effort is made to dislocate the hip, but stability is assessed
acetabular wall. The width of the medial dye pool on a by putting the hip through a moderate range of motion. An
standard AP radiograph indicates the likely stability of the AP radiograph of the pelvis is obtained, and, if the hip is
reduction and can be rated as good, fair, or poor.229 A narrow reduced, a new cast is applied again with the hip in the
rim of contrast agent indicates that the femoral head is well human position. If there is any question regarding reduction
seated and stable, and the reduction can be classified as (either during the examination or on the radiograph),
good. A fair reduction has a 5- to 6-mm dye pool and is arthrography should be performed. After 6 weeks, the
easily held reduced (Fig. 16-50). A poor reduction has a second cast is also removed with the patient under
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 511

Point of redislocation
(adduction) Safe zone
0 15° Marginal
30 °
Redislocation on
Safe zone adduction
Aseptic necrosis on
maximal abduction
80 °

90 ° Maximal abduction

Point of redislocation
A 0 Marginal
Safe zone

60 ° Marginal

90 ° Maximal abduction

0 Point of redislocation

37 ° Safe zone
40 °

90 ° Maximal abduction

90 °
Hip is flexed 90 °
C Femoral head relocates
50 ° in acetabulum
Hip is flexed 50 °
Femoral head dislocates

FIGURE 16-49 Zones of safety. A, Wide zone of safety. B, Moderate zone of safety. C, Narrow zone of safety. D, Femoral head dislocates.

anesthesia, and the surgeon must make a decision about the proved efficacious, but the practice is recommended in
need for further immobilization. We usually apply a third some centers.
cast for another 6 weeks and discontinue immobilization at
the end of that period. Others prefer to begin abduction Open Reduction
splinting after 12 weeks in a cast, and this approach may be The primary indication for the open reduction of DDH is
equally efficacious. Prolonged abduction splinting has not a failure to obtain a stable hip with a closed reduction.
512 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders



FIGURE 16-50 Girl with left-sided developmental dysplasia of the hip. A, Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph taken when the patient was 1
year old shows left-sided developmental dysplasia of the hip. B, Arthrogram obtained after 2 weeks of traction. In the “human” position,
the labrum is blunted, and the dye pool is 5-mm wide. C, Arthrogram obtained with the hip in internal rotation shows better seating
of the femoral head. This would be classified as a fair reduction. D, Arthrogram obtained at a cast change 6 weeks later shows better
seating of the femoral head with persistent blunting of the labrum. E, AP radiograph obtained when the patient was 6 years old shows
a well-developed femoral head and acetabulum. F, AP radiograph obtained when the patient was 15 years old shows well-developed hips.

Failure may be evident at the time of the initial closed choice of a medial or anterior approach is also related to
reduction, or it may become apparent when the hip redis- the presence of ligamentous laxity that requires capsulor-
locates in the cast or at the time of a cast change (see Fig. rhaphy, the patient’s age, and the surgeon’s training and
16-52). In some centers, an open reduction is the preferred experience.
treatment method, and a closed reduction is usually not
attempted. Other clinicians accept a perfect closed reduc- Medial Approach
tion but recommend an open reduction if there is any Although the medial approach has been successfully used
widening of the joint space between the femoral head and in children who are up to 3 years old, we recommend it for
the acetabulum. The more common approach is to accept children who are 1 year old and younger. This strategy is
closed reductions that are stable with mild to moderate supported by a long-term follow-up study that demon-
widening of the joint and to perform open reductions for strated that the mean age of patients with a good result
unstable hips and those that are excessively wide on from medial open reduction was 9 months; those with poor
arthrography. results had a mean age of 17 months.212 In the older child,
Open reduction can be performed from one of several we prefer an anterior approach, which allows a capsulor-
medial approaches or from an anterior approach. The medial rhaphy to be performed.183,306,309
approach is preferred by many surgeons because minimal Although the anatomic details of the medial approach
dissection is required, and the obstructions to reduction are uncomplicated, the procedure itself can become diffi-
are encountered directly. The disadvantages of the medial cult because the exposed area is narrow, and the child is
approach are a limited view of the hip, the possible inter- often small and chubby (see Plate 16-2 on page 540). The
ruption of the medial femoral circumflex artery, and the medial femoral circumflex vessels cross the operative field
inability to perform a capsulorrhaphy. Others prefer the and should be carefully retracted. A small amount of bleed-
anterior approach because it affords better exposure ing from these vessels makes the operation difficult because
and allows the surgeon to perform a capsulorrhaphy. The of the narrow exposure, and damage to the vessels could
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 513

produce AVN. In short, this is not an operation for the

inexperienced surgeon. The iliopsoas is transected, and the
hip capsule is incised to expose the joint. The thickened
and constricted medial capsule is often the most important
obstacle to reduction. The removal of the ligamentum teres
significantly increases the exposure and allows for a deeper
reduction of the femoral head. A radiograph is obtained to
assess reduction. If the head is not ossified, a radiographic
marker (e.g., a fine wire rolled into a disk shape) may be
placed over the femoral head to locate it more precisely on
the intraoperative radiograph.
A variation of this approach involves the transection of
the adductor longus and the iliopsoas and the evaluation of
the reduction with an intraoperative arthrogram. If the
reduction is satisfactory, the operation is concluded. If the
reduction is imperfect, the joint is opened to complete
the reduction. One series reported successful reductions in
91% of cases, with an AVN rate of 19.5%.17 Other authors
have reported the performance of open reduction with the
mini-open release of the iliopsoas and the arthroscopic
excision of the ligamentum teres and the pulvinar.28
After the open reduction, we place the child in a below-
knee spica cast in the human position, with the hip in more
FIGURE 16-51 Example of a poor reduction, with obstruction to
than 90 degrees of flexion and moderate abduction (i.e.,
reduction. 1, Zona orbicularis; 2, infolded labrum; 3, ligamentum well short of maximal abduction). An intraoperative radio-
teres. graph is obtained to confirm the reduction. A limited CT
or MRI scan after the procedure confirms the maintenance
of reduction. The MRI may be performed with contrast to
assess vascularity. The cast is changed after 6 weeks, and an
above-knee cast is applied with the hip in the same position.


FIGURE 16-52 A girl diagnosed with developmental dysplasia of the hip at the age of 21 months. After a period of skin traction, she
underwent a closed reduction. A, Anteroposterior radiograph at the time of presentation showing a dislocated hip. B, Intraoperative
arthrogram showing reduction of the hip with blunting of the labrum. C, Intraoperative arthrogram with the hip in a dislocated position.
D, A perfusion magnetic resonance image scan taken with the patient in a spica cast immediately after the hip was reduced. Blood flow
to the head appears to be minimal. E, A perfusion magnetic resonance image scan taken after reapplication of the cast in less abduction
and less internal rotation. Blood flow to the head is restored. F, Follow-up radiograph taken when the patient was 34 months old shows
normal development of the femoral head and mild acetabular dysplasia.
514 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders

femoral head has been reduced to confirm that the head

abuts the triradiate cartilage. Before the radiograph is taken,
the surgeon should remove the wedge from beneath the hip
to level the pelvis; this is a step that allows for the more
accurate evaluation of the reduction. If considerable force
is required to reduce the hip and the reduction seems tight,
the surgeon should perform a shortening femoral osteotomy
to decompress the joint.
After the hip is reduced and the capsulorrhaphy is per-
formed, a spica cast is applied with the hip in an extended,
abducted, and mildly internally rotated position. We apply
the cast to below the knee on the affected side and to above
the knee on the contralateral side, and we incorporate a bar
FIGURE 16-53 Computed tomography scan after a closed between the legs.105 Bilateral open reductions may be per-
reduction; the patient is in a cast. Persistent dislocation of
formed during the same operative procedure by an experi-
the hip is apparent on the scan.
enced surgical team, or the second hip may be operated on
after the cast has been removed from the first hip. After
Thereafter, some clinicians use abduction splinting for the procedure, single-section CT is used to confirm the
another 3 to 6 months, depending on the development of reduction. MRI and ultrasound may also be used to confirm
the acetabulum; however, the necessity of further splinting the reduction of the hip in the spica cast.46,62 MRI studies
remains controversial. with perfusion may allow for the determination of femoral
Some authors have reported good results with the medial head vascularity in the postoperative cast.276 After 6 weeks,
approach, with a less than 5% incidence of AVN.304 One the hip is examined with the patient under anesthesia, and,
report documents the rapid improvement of the acetabular if the reduction is satisfactory, a second cast is applied.
angle over the course of the first year after operation, with Some surgeons use a spica cast, whereas others use long-leg
gradual improvement to normal by 7 years after surgery.213 plasters with a bar to maintain abduction and internal rota-
Others, however, have reported more frequent AVN, espe- tion. These “Petrie casts” allow for flexion and extension
cially among older children, and they recommend that this and are used for 4 to 6 more weeks. The choice between
procedure not be used for patients who are older than 2 the two is based on the perceived stability of the hip.
years old. Reported rates of AVN after anteromedial open
reduction have ranged from 0% to 66%.§ Others have Open Reduction With Femoral Shortening
reported problems with persistent lateral displacement of (Videos 16-7 and 16-8)
the femoral head and a frequent need for secondary Femoral shortening should be considered when an open
procedures.56 reduction has been performed and if excessive pressure is
The subsequent function of the iliopsoas muscle after placed on the femoral head when it is reduced78,244 (Figs.
lengthening has been evaluated. Although minor degrees of 16-54 to 16-56; see also Plate 16-4 on page 549). It should
weakness have been documented, no functional deficits also be considered when a dislocated hip is reduced in a
have been reported.214,323 child who is older than 2 years. One way to assess the tight-
ness of the reduction is to attempt to distract the femoral
Anterior Open Reduction head away from the acetabulum after reduction. If the
The anterior approach to the open reduction of the hip has reduction is safe, the surgeon should be able to distract the
withstood the test of time55,185 (Video 16-6; see Plate 16-3 joint a few millimeters without much force. We prefer to
on page 544). When this procedure is performed through perform the shortening through a separate lateral incision.
an oblique and almost transverse incision (i.e., the “bikini” A blade plate or a simple lateral plate fixation may be used
incision), the cosmesis is excellent.242 Wider exposure of the with an intertrochanteric or subtrochanteric osteotomy (see
hip is achieved as compared with the medial approach, but Plate 16-5 on page 550).
exposure of the depths of the acetabulum may be difficult, In the past, femoral osteotomies were also used to reduce
especially with a high dislocation. After the obstacles to anteversion and to place the femoral neck into a varus posi-
reduction are removed, a capsulorrhaphy should be per- tion. However, we have not found excessive anteversion or
formed to increase the stability of the reduction. The pro- valgus of the upper femur to be common, and therefore we
cedure should not be attempted by anyone who has not had do not usually do either derotation or varus correction. A
adequate training in the technique. follow-up study by Spence and colleagues showed better
A number of factors can make anterior open reduction acetabular development in patients after innominate oste-
difficult. When the femoral head is well above the acetabu- otomy as compared with varus derotational osteotomy.259 A
lum, the muscles around the hip are also displaced in a reduction of anteversion in combination with innominate
lateral and cephalic direction. Considerable dissection and osteotomy may result in the posterior dislocation of the
retraction are necessary to expose the acetabulum. Many femoral head.
surgeons have mistaken the more easily exposed false ace-
tabulum for the true acetabulum and have thus failed to Open Reduction With Innominate Osteotomy
reduce the hip. A radiograph should be obtained after the An innominate osteotomy may be indicated at the time of
an open reduction, especially in children who are 18 months
References 48, 92, 170, 204, 257, 302, 314. old or older. The surgeon can assess the need for added
CHAPTER 16 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 515

FIGURE 16-54 Child with left-sided developmental dysplasia of the hip. A, Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph obtained at presentation
when the patient was 2 years 3 months old shows a high dislocation of the left hip. B, AP radiograph obtained after open reduction and
femoral shortening osteotomy. C, AP radiograph obtained when the patient was 8 years 2 months old shows excellent acetabular

FIGURE 16-55 Child with unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip. A, Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph obtained at presentation
when the patient was 8 years old shows a high dislocation of the left hip. B, AP radiograph obtained after anterior open reduction and
femoral shortening. C, AP radiograph obtained when the patient was 15 years old shows good hip development.

coverage by noting the degree of acetabular coverage of the is usually in a more proximal location in the older child,
femoral head when the hip is placed in extension and and the muscles that cross the hip are more severely con-
neutral rotation and abduction. If more than a third of the tracted. Femoral shortening is an essential part of the man-
head is visible in this position, an innominate osteotomy will agement of the older child, and, with higher dislocations,
provide better hip coverage. greater shortening is necessary. In the past, long periods
In some centers, most children who are older than 18 of skeletal traction were used in this age group, but
months undergo a concomitant innominate osteotomy at femoral shortening has produced better results with less
the time of reduction, whereas other surgeons prefer to morbidity. In addition, the older child is more likely to need
perform acetabular augmentation (if necessary) when the a primary acetabular reorienting osteotomy (e.g., a Salter or
child is older. We perform an innominate osteotomy in Pemberton procedure).
patients who are older than 18 months old primarily when For children who are between 2 and 3 years old, the
coverage is in doubt; it is used in probably two thirds of surgeon should evaluate the stability of the hip during the
these cases. We prefer the Salter innominate osteotomy, open reduction. If the acetabular coverage is insufficient, a
whereas others choose the Pemberton or another periace- pelvic osteotomy should be performed. The Salter and
tabular procedure. Whichever procedure is used, it is Pemberton procedures are the most commonly used tech-
important to place the osteotomy high enough to avoid niques, and they are usually successful, with little additional
injury to the cartilaginous margin of the acetabulum, which operative time or morbidity. Children who are older than
is a major growth center for the acetabulum. If there is 3 years at reduction usually need an acetabular procedure
undue tension on the reduction, a concomitant femoral to cover the femoral head adequately.142,143,311
shortening should be considered. A potential complication when combining an acetabular
procedure with a femoral shortening procedure is the pos-
terior dislocation of the hip. Dislocation is most likely to
Treatment of the Older Child
occur when the femur is derotated. During surgery, however,
(2 Years Old and Older)
there is usually little increase in true anteversion. Thus
Treatment of children who are between 2 and 6 years old derotation is unnecessary, and it may predispose the hip to
with hip dislocation is more challenging. The femoral head posterior dislocation if it is performed.
516 SECTION II Anatomic Disorders


FIGURE 16-56 A girl examined for excessive lordosis and found to have bilateral dislocation of the hips. A, Anteroposterior (AP)
radiograph obtained at presentation when the patient was 6 years 7 months old shows bilaterally dislocated hips. B, AP radiograph
obtained after staged open reductions, femoral shortenings, and Salter innominate osteotomies. Both hips are reduced. Note the widened
teardrop body on the right, which may portend a poor long-term prognosis. C, AP radiograph obtained 4 years after reduction. The
teardrop body remains wide on the right. D, AP radiograph obtained 10 years after reduction, when the patient was 16 years old.
Acetabular development is better on the left than on the right. Note the valgus deformity of the femoral head on the neck bilaterally,
probably as a result of early lateral physeal closure. The valgus reduces the coverage of the hip; when this is recognized early, it may be
an indication for varus femoral osteotomy. This patient subsequently had a periacetabular osteotomy on the right side.

Current results in older children are encouraging com- reported on 19 patients who were older than 8 years old
pared with outcomes obtained in the past, when complica- with hips that were treated with one-stage reduction; good
tions were frequent. Good results with femoral shortening results were reported in 84%, with 16% considered fair or
and acetabular procedures have been reported in 66% to poor according to Severin criteria.65,142
88% of children, with low rates of AVN.78,244,325
There is some debate regarding the upper age at which
a successful reduction can be carried out (see Figs. 16-55 Complications and Pitfalls
and 16-56). The guidelines differ for unilateral and bilateral
hip dislocations because gait asymmetry and function are Avascular Necrosis
more markedly affected in patients with unilateral disloca-
tions. However, the complication rate is considerably higher Etiology
when both hips must be reduced. For unilateral dislocations, AVN is a major cause of long-term disability after the treat-
reduction is probably reasonable for children who are up to ment of DDH. It is a problem that is directly associated
9 or 10 years old if there is reasonable acetabular develop- with treatment; careful technique should prevent the more
ment. For bilateral dislocations, the results are frequently serious varieties of AVN. AVN occurs when excessive pres-
unsatisfactory among children who are older than 8 years. sure is applied for an extended time to the femoral head,
The rationale for not treating the child after the age of 8 thereby occluding its vascular perfusion. The most common
years is that, in most cases, the natural outcome of untreated cause is immobilization in a position that places excessive
bilateral dislocations is likely to be better than the results pressure on the femoral head, such as extreme abduction
of the reduction of both hips. It should be noted that some or internal rotation. Internal rotation increases pressure on
authors have reported satisfactory results in patients who the femoral head, and it may also contort the capsular
are older than 8 years old at treatment. Ok and co-workers vessels. In addition, AVN may occur when the muscles
reported on 9 patients (including 2 with bilateral disloca- crossing the hip are so contracted that they compress the
tions) who were treated at an average age of 11 years.211 reduced femoral head against the acetabulum. AVN can be
Treatment consisted of open reduction, femoral shortening, prevented by avoiding abnormal positions and by perform-
varus osteotomy, and, in some cases, Chiari pelvic osteot- ing femoral shortening when the reduction is too tight.
omy. Eight of the 9 patients recovered nearly full range Traction has also been used effectively to reduce the tight-
of motion without pain, and one redislocated. El Tayeb ness of the hip musculature.

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