Comprehension Set 2 ANSWERS

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3. The Beauty Contest!

1. A golden apple.
2. He had his eyes shut when Hermes arrives and he lets the sheep scatter at the end.
3. Tossing it up like a tennis ball.
4. Zeus.
5. Hermes thinks that the immortals who do not win are going to be very annoyed!
6. Hermes complains about not being paid for working overtime.
7. Paris has big feet, blue eyes, thin lips, a cauliflower ear, strong fingers and is only five foot
8. Lazy because he is sleeping when Hermes arrives; immature because he sniggers at the idea of
judging a beauty contest and does not think about the consequences; not intelligent as the
passage says he has a tiny mind; someone who rushes into things as he cannot wait to get the
contest started; someone who does not listen as the passage says that this is the first time he has
listened carefully.
9. Carefully, firmly, abruptly and emphatically.
10. Carelessly as he throws it up and down like a tennis ball.
11. Tree stump.
12. Nothing apart from winged sandals.

4. Odysseus and the Cyclops

1. One of the sailors.
2. The bulk of Polyphemus and the boulder he had rolled over the entrance.
3. Like a foghorn.
4. Because he had got them through the war against Troy.
5. He gets the idea to use the wine because he leans on the wineskin to cushion his back against
the rock.
6. Because the bones are the remains of one of their friends and it reminds them that they might
be next!
7. A dozen or twelve!
8. His breath sent Odysseus staggering back as if he had encountered a hurricane.
9. No because you are not likely to sleep very well if somebody says they will eat you in the
10. The evidence is that the Cyclops only has one eye and that is within reach, the end of the
crook is going to be hardened in the fire and that Odysseus has got the Cyclops drunk.
11. He is balding and he has grey eyes.
12. Verbs= are, asked, going to do and staring
Adverb= anxiously
Nouns= captain, sailor, figure, Polyphemus and Cyclops
Adjective= menacing
Pronoun= we

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