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In this chapter various types of research are studied and suitable methodology is applied on the
primary as well as secondary data. Further the data is analyzed by various available data mining
tools. By designing a model to achieve desired results.


The study of this project is based on combination of explorative and experimental research. The
explorative part involves exploring the possibility of data mining and GIS technology to design a
cost effective, scalable, secure, user friendly model which will help to assess environmental (i.e.
air and water pollutants) impact on human health. The experimental part involves exploring the
possibility of implementing data mining regression analysis tool to achieve the objective. This
concept will be applied to design environmental impact assessment model and study the benefits
of implementing this system. Since the quality of air and water is monitored it is qualitative
approach and because the environmental aspects are handled in computer science discipline using
computer science tools it is interdisciplinary research. Further software is developed using many
technologies, hence one can relate to this as application (action) research. And as a case study of
Navi Mumbai is taken under study to demonstrate and test the results it is case study approach.


Case studies research method is a type of study that can be a qualitative as well as quantitative
research method. They are the most common kind of method used in Information Sciences and
Technologies research. It is appropriate to use this method when the study revolves around a
phenomenon, in the real context, and the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not
clear. An information technology tool is designed and developed to show the results. To study the
trend of air and water data and its future prediction data mining is being used. To assess the impact
of its pollutants on human health, Geographical Information System (GIS) along with many other
open source technologies is used. To show the impact of the same on health would be done with a
Qualitative and case study approach. It is interdisciplinary action based research.

The steps for the research design would be as follows:


Primary Data collection

- HEAL data (Air & Water)

- Health Survey

1.4.1 HEAL study (Health and Environment - Action based Learning

Study Area of HEAL

HEAL was confined to Navi Mumbai, covering a total area of 344 sq. kms. This city lies across
the Thane creek, north east of Mumbai. It is flanked by the Thane creek waters on its west, south-
west and north-west contours. Parsik hills (in varying stages of natural and anthropogenic erosion
like extensive quarrying ) run north-south across the Navi Mumbai landmass. The efforts of TBIA
to green the hills over the last decade are only partially successful. Trans Thane Creek Industrial
Area (TTCIA, largest in India), Thane Belapur Road and other arterial roads also run in the north-
south direction. Residential zones are situated between the creek and the hills. Towards the north
and east, the city leads to the main landmass of Maharashtra state. These, among several other
important topological and siting features are to be considered while studying the environment and
health of Navi Mumbai (please see the map of the city).

The complex terrain of Navi Mumbai, consisting of Thane creek and Parsik hills, and the siting of
The TTCIA nearly on the foot hills, with the residential zones juxta-positioned in between, is a
cause of concern for the health of residents of the area, especially in the context of air pollution.
The hills (80 to 200 m high) are fast decreasing in height and also disappearing due to heavy
quarrying, settlement of slums on the hill slopes (especially, near Turbhe, Ghansoli and Rabale)
and unchecked deforestation. Thane Belapur Road (TBR), the major arterial road, while it serves
the industrial belt, also effectively separates the industrial zone from other areas of Navi Mumbai.
Another major road parallel to TBR and interconnected by smaller roads connects the industrial
zone with the residential zones of Navi Mumbai.

Further, several residential zones have been located on this landmass. Hence several nodes of Navi
Mumbai are situated on a land mass exposed to industrial/traffic pollution, or to hill quarrying
which goes on incessantly, both towards the east. Though the creek waters act as a sink for air
pollutants emitted at lower levels, this is not true for pollutants from elevated point sources. Long
range dispersal of air pollutants from elevated sources could be blocked by the hills in Ghatkopar
and Trombay regions, depending on the wind direction. The same is true of non dispersion of air
pollutants on the east, due to their blockage by the Parsik hills.

In several zones, the city has fresh water lakes (ponds). In addition, the Navi Mumbai Municipal
Corporation (NMMC) and the City & Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra
(CIDCO) have also impounded creek water based on tidal movements along the coast line, creating
a series of water holding ponds. This topography made Navi Mumbai an ideal place for our

Approach and Execution

For the execution of HEAL, HBCSE collaborated with the National Service Scheme (NSS) unit
of the University of Mumbai. One of the unique features of HEAL was the involvement of a large
number of college students (~1000) from varied disciplines with their teachers in five zones –
Airoli, Kopar Khairane, Nerul, Turbhe and Vashi of Navi Mumbai. Students collected and partially
analysed the data for various environmental parameters, followed by health surveys. This study
was carried out seasonally (pre-monsoon, post-monsoon and winter) in Navi Mumbai.

The programme was executed as follows:

• First a Protocol Guide, which contained the relevant theory and worksheets about different
aspects of environment and health, was prepared.

• A pilot study in one zone of Navi Mumbai was conducted in December 2003. The enthusiasm of
teachers and students led us to extend HEAL over a larger area.

• HBCSE scientists and other resource persons trained NSS teacher coordinators including author
from five colleges in Navi Mumbai.

• These trained teachers facilitated the participating NSS students to carry out the experiments /
surveys at their allotted study sites under the supervision of HEAL co-ordinators.

• The different environmental factors as outlined in the HEAL Protocol Guide were air, water, soil,
green cover, domestic solid waste and noise levels. However, due to time constraints, students
collected data only on air and water and partially on green cover and solid waste in their allotted

• Air monitoring work was outsourced to Mahabal Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Thane, because of
constraints on equipment and other infrastructure needs.

• Chemical analysis of water samples was carried out at HBCSE laboratories, under the supervision
of programme coordinators (please see sections on air and water for details).

• To find out the health status of residents of selected zones, participating students carried out
detailed health surveys (symptom-based provisional diagnosis), as in Protocol Guide.

• Health surveys were carried out under the direct supervision of third year MBBS students of
Lokmanya Tilak Medical College, Sion, Mumbai.

• Students carried out experiments, surveys and preliminary analysis of the observed results, over
three seasons in the academic year 2004-2005.

• The results were checked at all levels by programme co-ordinators; health data were further
verified from internal health records of the NMMC. [Refs:Environmental Status Reports,
NMMC: 2001-2002, 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 //www.nmmconline.com and Maharashtra
Pollution Control Board (MPCB) website: information [http://mpcb.mah.nic.in].

• For partial validation of health data, lung function tests were carried out in summer of 2005,
under the expertise of Mr. Vijay Kanhere of Occupational Health and Safety Centre, Mumbai.

• In April 2005, the water samples were analysed for bacterial contamination (faecal coliforms) as
MPN (most probable number) test.

• In this report, attempts have been made to critically analyze and report the results as collected by
participating students under the guidance of their teachers.

Being an exercise in creating awareness about the importance of a clean environment and its effects
on health, the data produced by students under HEAL is preliminary. Nonetheless, the data indicate
certain trends about the quality of the environment and health. Some of these trends indicate the
quality of air [air quality in the studied zones of Navi Mumbai ranged from bad to dangerous in
the three seasons of 2004-2005] and the quality of water in the recreational water bodies [poor
water quality mainly in terms of dissolved oxygen (DO) and chemical oxygen demand (COD)].
With reference to health status of residents, prominently the upper respiratory tract (URT)
symptoms seemed to be prevalent throughout the year among large percentage of people in the
studied zones, along with other vector-borne diseases like rabies and malaria.

These and several other results of HEAL exposed students to the close relationships between health
and environment. Students were actively learning about different environmental and health issues
by performing hands-on activities, which included different methods of science, such as
observations, measurements, planning experiments, varied methods in chemical analysis, data
collection and their analysis, graphical representation, map reading, surveys, and statistics. It is
hoped that HEAL and many more such programmes get actively integrated in our formal education
system to lead to a sustainable and healthy India. Collection Air Quality Data of Navi Mumbai under HEAL

This study covered the Trans Thane Creek (TTC) region, with Airoli, Kopar Khairane, Turbhe,
Nerul and Vashi as the study (assessment) zones in Navi Mumbai. Air quality was monitored over
three seasons: monsoon, winter and summer of 2004-2005. Two monitoring points (residential and
traffic) were set up in each zone. Monitoring was carried out for 24 hours (at a height varying from
10-15 meters at residential sites) and for 12 hours at ground level at traffic junctions in each of the
three seasons.

This project gives fair idea about not only the air quality in Navi Mumbai but the factors affecting
it. Besides extensive, long term studies involving source identification of different pollutants, some
steps such as, better traffic management with emphasis on public transport, good road
maintenance, construction practices and waste disposal practices, along with strict monitoring of
industrial emissions with regulated hill quarrying could help considerably in cleaning up the Navi
Mumbai air.

Sampling details

Choose a convenient site, preferably the same site for water bodies and soil analysis. The site
should be a native, undisturbed open plot, with minimum structural obstacles and dumping. Air
sampling can be done either by using a mobile high volume air sampling pump, or from the digital
display board in the area, if available. Both these devises give information about the air quality of
the immediate surrounding area only.
Guidelines for monitoring air quality:

1. Site selection: The big picture should be clear. In other words, participants of the study should
know what they are looking for and why, i. e., whether one is studying the air (environment)
quality of a road, node, sector or city. Accordingly, the sampling sites should be representative
of the area and give a whole picture of the study area.

The study is classified at different levels-scales--depending on the area of the site:

 Micro -----a few metres to about 100 metres

 Middle----100 mts to 500 mts

 Neighbourhood---0.5 km to 4 kms

 Urban---4-50 kms

 Regional---The geography should be of homogenous nature

 National/Global---Trans-boundary issues and global status.

(Depending on the objective of the monitoring, one chooses the appropriate scale. For instance,
if the objective of the study is to monitor the effect .source impact--of air pollutants on a
population, then the appropriate site-scale could be: neighbourhood, urban, or even micro or
middle levels measurements, according to convenience. )

2. Air monitoring devises are sensitive and site specific.

3. Continuous monitoring system: Electronic air monitoring indicators, which record the
concentrations of major pollutants in the air on a continuous basis, are the best option.

4. Alternatively, approach an environmental consultancy company or monitor using a high volume

air-sampling pump (details given later). Here the analysis of gaseous pollutants is based on
absorption techniques.

5. Averaging period: Ideally, air monitoring and keeping its record should be done on a daily basis,
at different times of the day (early morning, morning peak hour, mid afternoon, late evening
and at late night), depending on the standards set (24 hrs standard. etc).
6. Monitoring the air quality with change of seasons is imperative. This is more so, before and
after the monsoons, and in winters when dispersion is minimum.

7. Monitoring the air before, during and after certain festivals (like Diwali), and at different sites
(traffic junctions, green parks, etc) could give interesting results for source identification.

Depending on the availability of the number of air sampling units, different strategies for air
sampling is to be adopted. The points to keep in mind are:

 Wind data (location specific for previous years).

 The location and contours of the sites.

 If air monitoring is to be done at many different sites, then group them according to their
location, wind direction and contours.

All samples for gaseous pollutants should be refrigerated and analysed within 48 hours.

Under the HEAL project, air quality monitoring was carried out as follows:

• Two locations were selected in each zone to represent traffic junctions (kerbside) and residential

• Air quality monitoring was entrusted to Mahabal Enviro Consultants Ltd., under the supervision
of the project co-ordinators.

�Air samples were collected using a high volume air sampler fitted with cyclone inlet as cut
off for assessment of Suspended Particulate matter (SPM) and Respirable Suspended
Particulate Matter (RSPM) fractions separately.

� The same unit was also used for sampling sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide
(NO2) by wet chemical method using impingers connected to the bypass suction tubes.

�Carbon monoxide (CO) was analysed by grab sampling in a football bladder followed by
infrared spectroscopy.

• Two pumps were kept at two different locations (traffic—12 hrs and (residential areas-- 24 hours)
in each zone.

• The sampling consisted of one 24 hour and two 12 hour average period sampling on two
consecutive days.
• The 24 hour sampling was carried out at an interval of four hours, with an exception of one
timeslot being of eight hours (late night-early morning). Thus there were four 4hr samples- and
one 8hr sample duration.

• The 12 hour sampling was carried out at a regular interval of four hours, giving three samples of
4 hr duration.

• Sample collection period was kept identical for the three seasons [September 2004 (monsoon),
January 2005 (winter) and April/May 2005 (summer)].

• Monitoring was carried out on two consequent days in all three seasons, at each zone to minimize
source profile variations (Table 1).

• Attempts were made to keep sampling durations and the timings during the day constant in the
three seasons.

• For RSPM, SPM, SO2 and NO2, the 24 hour standards were considered. For CO, one hour
standard was considered.

NOTE: In this report, particulates monitored are: RSPM (also termed as PM10 , i.e., particulates
less than 10 micron size, collected on a fine filter paper fitted to the high volume sampler) and
SPM {total particulates, i.e., RSPM + particulates larger than 10 microns (collected in the cyclone
hopper)}. Confusion often arises due to casual /interchangeable use of the terms—TSPM and
SPM, which essentially refer to the same category of particulates.

These results do NOT represent the true long term air quality status, but indicate trends of pollution
levels in the monitored zones based on the 24 hr averages. There were heavy rains on several days
in September 2004 when the sampling was on, especially in Airoli and Turbhe. Two sets of results
are given for each zone:

(a) 24 hours in residential area for one day (NAAQS for residential areas);

(b) 12 hours at traffic junction for two days (NAAQS for industrial areas).
Table Error! No text of specified style in document..1: Details of air quality monitoring sites under HEAL
TBR1 �Thane Belapur Road; TTCIA2 �Trans Thane Creek Industrial Area; LMV3: Light motor vehicle

Physical Properties

TEMPERATURE: The temperature of a place shows day/night and seasonal variations. It also differs
with the altitude of the place. Temperature has influence on the precipitation and chemical cycles occurring
in the atmosphere. Temperatures above 27ºC, speeds up different chemical reactions in the atmosphere.
Low temperatures, below 15ºC lead to condensation of fine particles.

A U-shaped maximum-minimum thermometer is used to measure the air temperature. On one side
of the thermometer, the temperature increases as you read from the bottom to the top: this is the
maximum side. On the other side, the temperature decreases from the bottom to the top. The
thermometer was calibrated before taking the reading. Read the manual of instructions of the
manufacturer and then set up the thermometer.
Materials required

A maximum-minimum thermometer, pole or a wooden vertical post to nail/hold it. Avoid rooftops
and concrete\paved surfaces as these can become hotter than a grassy surface and alter temperature

Experimental procedure

1. Mount the thermometer on a pole allowing air to circulate around it. It should be placed, in
shade, 1.5 meters above the ground. The location should eliminate all vibrations.

2. Any person should read the thermometer daily around 8.00 am, 12.00 pm, 4.00 pm and 8.00
pm, and note both the maximum and minimum temperatures. To avoid errors, do not touch
or breathe hard near the thermometer bulb.

3. Students should read the thermometer with the eye and the top of the mercury column at the
same level. Note the temperatures and report the average readings in Air Worksheet.

4. Reset the thermometer by dragging the mercury column to the zero levels with a magnet and
take the next set of readings.

ODOUR: This characteristic (along with certain visible characteristics like dark
clouds, haziness or smog) is the first indicator of polluted air. Odour is defined as the
sense of smell. Garbage dumps, sewage works, agricultural practices, exhaust from
motor vehicles are some sources of odours. Industrial and food processing units, oil
refining, paper and tanneries are other major odour producers.

Every chemical or pollutant has a distinct odour. For instance, the sulphide compounds in the air
produce a distinct foul odour of rotten eggs. Foul smells may not cause direct damage, but may
become a nuisance, causing discomfort, nausea, insomnia and headaches.

Experimental procedure

This is a subjective experiment. The observer will sniff the air and note for specific smells. The
smell may be defined as: odourless, foul, fishy, smell like rotten eggs, sweet, pungent, marshy or
stale (Air worksheet).
To familiarize with the different smells, try out the following chemical reactions. Take care with
strong acids (nitric and sulphuric acids) and the final product chlorine released in the second

Cu + 4HNO3 Cu(NO3)2 +2H2O + 2NO2

(This produces reddish-brown fumes, with smell of NOX.)

2NH4Cl 2NH3+Cl2+2H


MnO2 + 4HCl MnCl2 +Cl2+2H2O

(The release of chlorine gas produces a distinct odour.)

FeS + H2SO4 FeSO4 +H2S

(This reaction gives a distinct odour of sulphide compounds.)

PARTICULATE MATTER: The term particulate matter also termed as aerosols are small
aggregates of solid and liquid elements in the air. These are composed of a carbonaceous fraction
(sooty carbon), water-soluble inorganic fraction (ions of chloride, sulfate, nitrate and ammonium),
and water insoluble inorganic fraction of elements and oxides. Their size approximately ranges
from 0.0002µm to 500µm. They are generally categorized as TSPM and RSPM. The particulate

size of less than or equal to (≤) 10 µm falls in the category of RSPM.

Depending on their size, different particles have varying settling velocities: for instance, smaller
particles between 0.1-1µm settle easily in still air, while particles larger than 1µm have small but
significant settling velocities. Aerosols of 20µm sizes have large settling velocities. The different
classes of particulate matter are as follows:
Courtesy: Env. Biology, B. Mukherjee 1µm = 1 micron

Aerosols, such as mist and pollen dust, are produced naturally. Various human activities, such as
industrial emissions, mining and quarrying, automobile exhaust and burning of fossil fuels also
contribute to the aerosol load. Smoke contains carbon. These carbon particles are suspended in air
and its size is less than 0.1 µm. Due to incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials such as
coal, wood and oil, this smoke is generated.

High concentration of aerosols in the air causes reduction of visibility with the sky appearing grey
and hazy. The resultant haze, which is the most common indicator of particulate pollution.

These aerosols have an adverse effect on health. They can easily enter and pass the filtering
mechanism of the respiratory system and get deposited either in the trachea, walls of the air sacs,
and the lung tissue. This results in various respiratory disorders of upper, middle and lower lung
infections. Variety of cardiac problems and even lung cancers are attributed to air pollutants.
Recent research reveals that fumes and smoke from chullahs in homes, especially when wood is
used as fuel, causes severe damage to the inmates. Women are the easy targets. This problem is
multiplied in ill-ventilated homes.

Aerosols also have a killing effect on plants and other materials, like metals and buildings. Dust
from cement kilns and other construction works including roads, combines with mist or rain and
settles as a crust on the leaves of plants. Particles containing fluorides also cause damage to plants.

Materials required

A vacuum pump of known flow rate, tubing, filter holder and glass fibre filter papers of
appropriate size, or Whatman 1 or 41 papers.
Note: The collection efficiency will vary depending on the type of paper used. (This expt. does
not use the high volume air sampler.) As the results of particulates are expressed as µg\m , the
flow rate of the pump should be known. This information is available in the booklet of the
manufacturer or displayed on the machine.

Experimental procedure

1. Fix one end of the pipe to the pump and to the other end attach a filter holder with the fitted
filter paper. Weigh the fresh filter paper before the experiment. (As Whatman paper made
of cellulose acetate absorbs moisture, hence use a desiccator before and after weighing.)

2. Place the instrument in an open area in the site. Start the pump for a fixed time (two hours
with regular breaks for the pump to cool).

3. Observe the deposition of particles on the filter. Weigh the filter and note.

4. The difference between the two weights gives a value of the amount of the particulates
present in the sucked air.

5. Repeat the same process with other filters. The volume of the air sucked in a given time is
fixed and mentioned on the pump.

6. For accurate results, contact the local municipality. Many municipalities give the particulate
concentrations in terms of TSPM and RSPM.

Repeat the above at different sites: residential, industrial, commercial, sensitive and traffic
junctions. Try to perform this expt. at different times.

Depending on their sizes, particulate matter deposit in different sites in the respiratory tract. (Note
that inhaled particles of about 20 µm deposit in the nose and upper air ways; 7 to 20 µm in
bronchioles and still smaller aerosols are of about 0.5 to 7 µm.) This activity, assign the site of
deposition for particulates of different sizes.

Chemical Properties

The sources of pollution of air which are common in our country are: vehicular exhausts, industrial
emissions and domestic combustion, such as burning of fuels, like kerosene and wood, and burning
of garbage. These sources give out large amounts of chemical gases. Here a few chemical
parameters of air will be studied. All the gaseous pollutants can be monitored from media,
municipality- display boards or high volume air sampler (HVAS).

pH OF PRECIPITATION: Natural rain from the least polluted place on the earth is slightly
acidic (pH between 5 and 6). This acidity is due to the presence of CO2 in the air, which easily
dissolves in the rain water to form acid (carbonic). Rainwater of greater acidity includes traces of
strong acids, such as sulphuric acid and nitric acid. These strong acids have their origin in the
gaseous sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) present in the air. The acid load in the
atmosphere originates from fossil fuel combustion, contributed by industrialization and vehicular
emissions. The resultant acid rain has a pH of 4.0-4.2 and is potentially damaging to the
environment. It affects freshwater fishes, material surfaces and vegetation. The growth of
vegetation is greatly affected leading to its reduced growth and inhibition of seed germination.
Acid rains also cause a significant damage to material surfaces, especially metals due to its
corrosive property.

Materials required

pH paper and a 100ml beaker/glass container.

Alternatively, one can use a pH meter too, if available. Before use, its calibration and being familiar
with its principles and working is important.

Experimental procedure

1. In a clean and dry beaker, collect the rainwater.

2. Use a forceps to hold the pH paper.

3. Dip a strip of pH paper into the rainwater.

4. Hold the pH paper in the water for 20 sec.

5. Make sure all sides of the pH paper are well immersed in water.

6. Remove the paper from the beaker and read the color developed against the color chart
provided with the pH booklet.

7. Note down the corresponding value of the pH.

CARBON MONOXIDE: Carbon monoxide (CO) is formed when carbonaceous fuel is
burnt, under conditions of insufficient oxygen. The main contributors of CO are:
automobile exhausts, petroleum refining operations, electric and blast furnaces, gas
manufacturing plants and coalmines. The average rate of increase of CO is about 0.03
3 3
ppm\year (0.03 mg\l). The national ambient quality standard is 4 mg\m and 10 mg\m (1
hour) for residential and industrial areas, respectively. Above this concentration, CO acts
as a pollutant.

High contamination of CO causes changes in humans, finally leading to fatality. It binds 250 times
more strongly than oxygen to hemoglobin in the blood. It inhibits many enzymes and interferes
with oxygen transport by blood leading to physiological problems, brain damage and finally death.

As a pollutant, carbon monoxide does not have any damaging effects on material surfaces. At
concentrations, below 100 ppm it does not show any drastic effect on the plant life. However, long
exposures of even minute amounts of this gas leads to chronic injury of plants. Most instruments
have a detection limit of 2 ppm (2 mg/l), making monitoring of low concentrations of CO difficult.

Experimental procedure

Data for this gas should be collected from your local municipality, from public displayed air
monitors or from TV channels. Alternatively, use a standard high volume air sampler pump.

Principle: This gas is analyzed using the non-dispersive infrared absorption method. (The amount
of CO in air is proportional to the distension of diaphragm, this distension being proportional to
the intensity of radiation passing through the sample and reference cells.)

SULPHUR DIOXIDE: It is the most prevalent gaseous air pollutant in India. Burning coal,
petroleum and domestic garbage that are all types of fossil fuels are the major producers of this
pollutant. Coal and petroleum contain varied amounts of sulphur compounds. Good quality coal,
technically known as anthracite, is identified with less (less than 1%) sulphur. Bituminous coal,
plenty in India, on the other hand, contains 4% of sulphur. Petroleum products contain 1 to 5%
sulphur. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is also released during metallurgical processes. Clean fuel and
efficient vehicular engines contribute a lot in reducing the SO2 emissions. The national standard
for ambient concentration of SO2 in the air is 80 μg/m3 (0.028 ppm), averaged over 24 hours for
residential areas.

SOX are also one of the contributory factors for poor visibility. Sulphur oxides (SOX,SO2 and SO3)
are strong respiratory irritants. At 25-ppm concentration, the irritation is seen in the upper
respiratory tract. SOx.containing smoke produced from bituminous coal, causes chronic and acute
bronchitis, pleurisy and emphysema, common lung disorders. SO x also cause eye irritation, tears
and redness. In high concentrations, sulphur dioxide may also be fatal.

Experimental procedure

Data to be entered as for other pollutants.

Principle: SO2 present in the sample air is bubbled through a dilute aq. solution of Sodium tetra
chloro mercurate, which quantitatively converts SO2 to sodium dichloro sulfito mecurate. This
reacts with p-rosaniline dye to form a red-violet coloured complex (p rosaniline methyl sulfonic
acid). This is colorimetrically estimated at 560 nm.

OXIDES OF NITROGEN : Nitrogen oxides’ major sources (NOX) in the air are: fuel combustion
as in different industries and vehicles and garbage burning. The quality of the engines in vehicles,
such as spark ignition and compression ignition, also affect the emission amount \ quality of this
The air quality standards for nitrogen oxides is 80 μg\m (0.028 ppm.) for 24 hours in residential
areas. Above this concentration, the gas acts as a pollutant with serious effects, both on humans
and on material surfaces.

Among the different nitrogen oxides, NO (nitric oxide) and NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) are the main
contaminants. At 0.25ppm, NO2 absorbs visible light and causes reduced visibility. At these low
concentrations, NO2 causes acute eye irritation. At higher concentrations it leads to pulmonary
fibrosis, with serious respiratory problems. After NO reacting on moisture in the environment
forms nitric acid, causing corrosion of metal surfaces.

Experimental procedure

Using a HVAS, air is collected in a solvent of NaOH solution. This is then analyzed in the lab.
Principle: NO2 in the sample is converted into a stable solution of NaNO2. This is converted into
an azo dye with sulphanilamide, which then couples with the reagent to form a color complex. The
latter is determined colorimetrically at 540 nm.

LEAD: It is a heavy metal, which can exist as an air pollutant in the form of vapours and
as particles and it naturally arises in little quantity in water, air as well as soil.

It often called as a silent killer and crippler of humans. Automobile exhaust and paints (lead-based)
are the common sources of lead in air pollution. As floor dust, it can become a source of lead
contamination in the air. Other sources of air borne lead include emissions from gasoline
combustion (now eliminated by unleaded gasoline), smelters and battery manufacturers.

The range of lead (airborne) according to national ambient air quality standards is from 0.5 to
1.5 μg/m for sensitive, residential and industrial areas.

Experimental procedure

Using a HVAS, air is collected in a solvent of 1% HNO3 or by filter paper. This is then analyzed
in the lab.

AUTOMOBILE POLLUTION: In recent years, one of the major components of

pollution in air is formed by emissions from automobiles, especially in metropolitan cities.
The main reason for this rise in air pollution is the increasing number of vehicles and the
poor quality of fuel. Exhaust of automobiles is highly complex, giving out a host of air
contaminants. These consist of CO, volatile oxides of carbon (VOC), particulates, NO X,
un-burnt hydrocarbons, SO2, lead, and, of course, smoke. Smog formation primarily
composed of ozone and particulate matter, is another outcome of traffic pollution. As per
WHO, air pollution due to traffic threatens the health of billions of people in the country.
The three main types of automobiles largely used in the country are:

 Passenger cars powered by four stroke engines

 Two wheelers powered by two /four stroke engines.
 Buses and trucks powered by four stroke diesel engines.
The vehicle exhaust depends on the fuel type and its contents. The amount and volume of
pollutants emitted by a vehicle depends on various factors, including engine type, its design, the
kind of fuel, emission control device and the engine’s mechanical operations, such as idle
\accelerated engine and the road conditions.

The harmful effects of vehicular pollutants are many. To give one instance, the NOx leading to the
formation of ground level ozone, can aggravate breathing problems, including asthma and reduce
lung functions. Exposure to carbon monoxide due to its competing nature with oxygen slows down
reflexes with increasing drowsiness; ozone and particulates, even in very minute quantities, lead
to lung malfunctioning, which shows up initially as breathing problems. In short, all the pollutants
released in exhausts have synergistic and additive effects on human health, leading to early ageing
of lungs in the long run. Lead pollution in air, both due to vehicles and soldering industry in the
country has attracted attention of many scientists, due to the detection of lead in the blood

Experimental procedure

A few survey-based exercises could be designed to bring out the threat of vehicular air pollution
in an area. This will be supported by the data of various pollutants like NOx, particulate matter,
and carbon monoxide collected from the nearest air monitoring station/pump, or municipality done
on a regular basis.

Air Worksheets
Name Of The Observer: Date:

College Name/Address:

General Observations Of The Site:

Site Name: Location:

Site description: Parks\gardens_________, Open area_________, Beach\ any water

body_________, Others__________
Type of vegetation: NIL________, Scanty_______, Grassy_______, Specify others_______

Observation of the sky : Clear________, Cloudy_______, Scattered clouds _______

If cloudy: Colour of the clouds: Grey________, Brown/black_________, Orange________,


Air movement: Windy________, Light winds________, Breezy________, No winds_________

Wind direction: East\West\North\South________

Extent of visibility: Clear__________, Hazy________;

If hazy: Due to: Smog: ________, Mist: ________, Fog: ________ , Other________

Study Of Physical Properties Of Air

Day temperature:

Maximum: Result 1_________, Result 2: _________, Result 3: _________

Average: ________ C

Minimum : Result 1_________, Result 2: _________, Result 3: _________

Average: _________ C

Smell (0dour): No smell ________, Smell _________

If smell is present, then : Pleasant________, Marshy________, Foul________, Fishy ________,

Smell of rotten eggs__________, Others: _________ Collection of Water Quality Data of Navi Mumbai under HEAL

HEAL Project Survey

Under HEAL, water quality was monitored as under:

�Open water bodies, both fresh water and creek water, were checked in each of the five study
zones: Airoli, Kopar Khairane, Nerul, Turbhe, and Vashi.
�Water samples were collected according to the standard protocol of procedures (HEAL Protocol

� These samples were collected at the four corners of the fresh water body, depending on the
ease/accessibility of sample collection.

�The locations of sampling points and sampling method were mostly kept constant during the
three seasons (Monsoon--September, 2004; Winter—January 2005 and Summer---April 2005).

�Water quality was determined by studying its physical and chemical properties.

� The water samples were first checked for physical properties on the site and then analysed
chemically at HBCSE laboratory on the next day. The samples were carefully stored in cold
conditions during the interim period.

�The physical properties studied were: colour, odour, turbidity and temperature.

�The chemical properties studied were: pH, alkalinity, chlorides, fluorides, ammonia, phosphates,
copper, iron, chromium (Cr+3), dissolved oxygen (DO) and chemical oxygen demand (COD).

� Due to the time factor, water analysis kits were used for chlorides, fluorides, ammonia and

� Chemical analysis of water samples was carried out by following the procedures given in
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater; 20th edition, American
Public Health Association (also given in HEAL Protocol Guide).

� For some chemicals (phosphates, copper, iron, chromium), colour grids were developed at
HBCSE and hence the pollutant concentrations are expressed as Low (L), Permissible (P), High
(H) and Critical (C).

�This fixed protocol was followed for the three seasons.

�The water samples were analysed for bacterial contamination (faecal coliforms) as MPN (Most
Probable Number) test, only during April 2005.
Table Error! No text of specified style in document..2 : Locational details of water bodies studied under HEAL


1. Site selection should be made with care, keeping in mind the purpose of the water body, i.e.,
the water is used for drinking, recreational use, or whether it is a dumpsite, like a nullah.

2. Any water source like rivers, streams and lakes is a good site for sampling. Beaches, ponds,
or creeks and water tanks can be alternative sites for water sampling. Preferably, select a
water source nearest to the school /college.

3. For monitoring drinking water, samples can be collected from taps, storage tanks (overhead
and underground).
4. While collecting samples from the tank, consider the state of water level .nearly empty, half
filled or full. The results will vary depending on these conditions.

5. Water sample should also be obtained directly during the supply hours. This would give a
fair idea of the quality of municipal supply.

6. To verify the quality of municipal water supply, the water samples should be collected at
different points as shown in the figure on the next page. As seen, one sample is collected
from a point before the municipal pipe line bifurcates at the junction; two samples are
collected after the bifurcation: one sample from the first point .house.near the junction and
the next sample from the end of the pipe line, that is, near the last house in that line. This
type of sampling confirms the exact point of contamination or seepage.

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..1 : Tap water sampling from a municipal supply

7. The sample should be representative of the entire water body/source. The water samples for
the entire analysis (to check all physical and chemical properties) should be collected from
the same site under similar conditions.

8. Ideally, water samples should be collected and monitored two to three times every month. It
is important that water is monitored during late summers, when the water levels dip in lakes
and other reservoirs. Pathogens, such as protozoa, Cryptosporidium parvum, which settles
in the sediments, and are resistant to chlorination, are then pumped into the water flow.

All sampling procedures should be performed under supervision. Care should be taken to avoid
any accidents: never enter any water body without inquiring about its depth, currents and tides
from a local person. Look out for informational signposts regarding the water body.

Materials required

A small bucket with a strong rope and heavy stone attached to the handle, 500 ml polythene bottles
with wide mouth, screw caps and sealing tape.

Experimental procedure

1. If the sampling site is a well, holding on to a rope, lower the bucket into the water. To get the
sample from a certain depth, use a bucket with an attached heavy stone.

2. Fill it partially with water. Pull out the bucket with water and thoroughly rinse the bucket.
Discard this water.

3. Repeat the procedure and now use the water sample for analysis.

4. If the sampling site is an open water body like stream, lake, creek, or a sea, study its location
and different points of entry and exit of water.

5. Ideally, surface water samples are collected by averaging grab sampling method:

 All samples to be collected 300 cms (10 feet) away from the shoreline. Use a boat to
collect all these samples.

 Starting from a point (A), collect ~50 ml water in a container. Repeat this at regular
intervals, till a distance of about 5 m (pt. B) is reached. This will make one sample.

 From (B) continue sampling similarly for the next 5 m (pt. C). This will be the
second sample.

 Repeat this procedure until you make a complete circle to come back to pt. A

 If possible, try to obtain another sample from the center of the water body.
Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..2 : Tap water sampling from a municipal supply

 Alternatively, with a boat, collect samples along the diameter so that opposite ends
could be considered for sampling.

6. Depending on the accessibility of the water and to get the true picture of the quality of
water of open water bodies, choose appropriate sampling points. For instance: (i) A point
where there is an inlet of wastewater or other streams. (ii) A point from where water is
pumped out. (iii) A sample collected from the center of the water body will give a fair
idea of the level of pollution. (iv) A bottom water sample at a depth of about 5-10 mts
will determine the extent of mixing and the presence of debris and other pollutants
settling at the bottom.

7. Take a minimum of five samples from each water body, to represent the entire body.

8. First, rinse the bucket with water from the shore and then throw the bucket out as far as

9. Take a sample from the top surface of water. Do not allow the bucket to fill up and sink.
Avoid stirring the bottom sediment.

10. To obtain the sample, allow the bucket to fill to two-thirds or three-fourths levels. Then pull
the bucket out of the water.

11. Avoid taking samples from shores where the water is stagnant.

12. Use a float with a rope, which could be a light object like an empty plastic bottle or a wooden
block, to check the direction of the flow of water.
13. For drinking water, if the sampling point is a tap: Using a sterile container (use an autoclave
or a pressure cooker), first rinse the bottle with tap water and then collect the water sample.
(Check the earlier details on page 4.)

Bottling technique:

It is preferred to do all the water analysis, especially, the physical properties, at the site itself.
Only certain experiments are performed in the laboratory. This requires that the sample be
carefully bottled so that its original properties and chemistry are not altered.

1. Label a 500 ml polythene bottle giving the site and sampling details. Rinse the bottle and cap
with the sample water.

2. Fill the bottle up to the top rim with sample water, so that when the cap is put on, no air is
trapped inside. Seal the cap of the bottle with a sealing tape.
3. Store these samples in a refrigerator at about 4 C until they can be tested.

4. Once the seal is broken, do the pH test first; then proceed with alkalinity and nitrites, followed
by other tests.

5. Ideally, once the seal is broken, all the tests should be performed in a single laboratory
session. Hence, prior planning is important.

6. The sampling for DO, BOD and COD requires a special bottle and technique, mentioned
under the topic of DO.

Preservation of water samples

The samples collected should be immediately checked for all parameters specially, pH, DO, BOD,
COD, alkalinity and chlorides. If this is not possible, the samples must be preserved properly in
order to avoid changes in their composition. The table below gives a list of preservation methods
for different parameters.
Table Error! No text of specified style in document..3 : Preservation period of Water parameters studied

Parameters to Preservation Storage Maximum

be analysed recommended storage
pH -- To analyse --
within 4 hrs
Alkalinity Refrigerate 24 hrs 14 days
BOD Refrigerate 6 hrs 48 hrs
COD Analyze as soon as possible or add 7days 28days
concentrated H2SO4 till pH<2 and
Chlorine Analyze immediately 15min 15min
Fluoride No preservation required 28days 28 days
Metals Filter the sample and add conc. HNO3 7 days 7 days
(~5 ml\l) till pH <2 and refrigerate. (Chromium to be (Chromium to
analyzed within be analyzed
24 hrs) within 24 hrs)
Ammonia Analyze as soon as possible, or add 7 days 28 days
conc. H2SO4 (~0.8 ml\l) till pH<2 and
Phosphates Add 40 mg\l of HgCl2; refrigerate. 1-2 days 7 days
Design of Instrument
The following worksheets were designed to record the general observations on the site.

Water Worksheets

Name Of The Investigator: Date:

College Name/Address:

Site Name: Location:

General Observations Of The Site:

Monitoring of: Drinking water source______, Open water body___

If monitoring drinking water: Source of drinking water: Wells____, Bore wells____,

Municipal supply____, Other____

Position of storage tank: Underground___, Overhead____

Type of storage tank: Plastic___, Metal___, Concrete____, Other____

Sampling point: Tap____; Other____

Sampling point for overhead tank: At inlet of water supply____

When: Full tank____, Tank half empty____, Tank nearly empty_____

Sampling point for underground tank: At inlet of water supply____

When: Full tank____, Tank half empty____, Tank nearly empty____

If monitoring open water body: Water type: Salt____, Fresh ____,

Moving water: River____, Stream ____, Creek___, Other ____

Standing water: Pond ___, Lake ____, Reservoir____, Well_____ , Other____

Sample collection point for moving and standing water: Shoreline ____, Bridge_____, Boat____,

Clarity of water body: Clear ____, Turbid ____


Every country has its own set of standards or limiting concentrations for air and water pollutant.
Any increase or rise of the pollutants above these limits is considered harmful to human health.
These standards are based on the severity of the health effects (on humans, vegetation and other
materials) caused by each of the pollutants.

The Ministry of Environment and Forests under the Environment Protection Act 1986 has
formulated standards in India for different air (and water) pollutants. Standards have been set for
vehicle emissions and day and night noise levels, too. (Standards are given separately under
relevant heads in the worksheets.) The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), New Delhi, a
statutory body constituted in 1974, is entrusted with the powers and functions to enforce the
statutes (laws, etc) to control, prevent and decrease pollution in the country. This is carried out
through the State Pollution Control Boards. In Maharashtra, the competent authority is
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB).

The standard values for different pollutants vary with the nature of sites, such as sensitive areas
(national forests, hospitals zones and sensitive ecosystems), and industrial, residential and other
areas, like commercial zones. The standards for different pollutants are checked at different
durations depending on their dispersion rate, volatility and settling time.

The concentration of the chemical components in air is expressed in micrograms per cubic metre
of air (µg\m ). Collection of Health Data of Navi Mumbai under HEAL

Site Selection:

The area for study could be a municipal ward, city, city-nodes or even a group of streets.

In addition, health surveys need to be also carried out in rural areas. However, the chosen area for
survey of health indicators should be the same as the one studied for different environmental
indicators. The sampling should be representative of the entire study area, as shown in the figure.

Experimental procedure

Two types of surveys will be carried out: Active (door-to-door) and passive surveys in medical set
ups (Health Worksheets: HWS: Activity 1 and 2). These surveys would bring out the incidence of
some symptoms (and diseases), which are linked or get aggravated due to different environmental

The symptoms (diseases) surveyed in this program are mainly those which appear in a few hours
or in one or two days, after the initial exposure to the environmental pollutant. (This could be
contaminated air, water or food or even unhygienic habits.)

In this survey, the following situations are not included:

 Symptoms (diseases) caused by pathogens, which have long-term incubation periods

(of about one week and more).

 Diseases due to long-term exposure to environmental pollutants like heavy metals.

 The timing of carrying out health surveys needs special attention. Activity 1 should be
carried out within a week’s time following the environmental surveys of a given site
area. (For instance, if water and air quality are being checked on the 5 of February,
then the health surveys should be on or before 10 of February, i.e., after 3-4 days of
exposure to a pollutant. (For details, see under specific activities.)

 In the surveys, care has to be taken to question the residents about the onset and
durations of a particular symptom (disease), during or a couple of days after the
environmental surveys.

Selected site area Representative points for sampling

 Some preplanning would be needed for selection of medical set-ups for Activity 2. The
set ups should be those frequented by the participating residents of Active survey (1).
This information is also obtained from the Active survey itself. (The Health Dept. of
Municipality will be requesting the doctors for cooperation in this study.)

 A copy of the data sheet (HWS: Activity 2) will also be filled out by the doctors, to
validate the findings of the students. This data sheet is identical to the one used in
Activity 1.

 Another level of validation will be made from the data obtained from the Health Dept.
of the local municipality.
Active Survey

For this survey, students will have to work in groups of two’s or three’s.

Study well the survey sheets, before approaching any household.

The methodology of active survey involves visiting representative individual households in the
study area (figure1).

In the worksheet, first enter the details of the address of the house. This will be the key no. to
identify the surveyed resident. The key number should include: sector details, building
number, flat number, and the number of family members. (Sec\Bldg no.\Flat no.\No. of
members---9\JN1\42\4. ) Alternatively, make your own key for correct identification of

Briefly, explain the purpose of the survey to the householder.

Obtain the no. of family members and their approximate ages.

Find out how many are/were affected with any of the listed symptoms\diseases since the week
before the house visit.

Next, note the symptoms and other related information, such as the date of onset, duration,
treatment (yes/no) and outcome of treatment (recovered, still sick, etc) in the health work
sheet (HWS: 1).

Make a provisional diagnosis, if possible, from the symptoms. An educated householder could
also make this diagnosis.

Information about the doctor visited by the affected is essential. This entry should guide the
students correctly to the doctors\medical set ups to be approached for carrying out the
passive survey.

The same work sheet as used in active survey is issued to the doctors for entry.

This active door-to-door survey can provide accurate information about the health profile of
individuals surveyed. This has to be carried out both in urban and rural areas.

Passive Survey

The door-to-door survey is further supported / validated by Activity 2, taken from medical set ups.
The data worksheet (activity 2) should be given to the doctors right on the first day of the survey
when the env. study is started. Groups of two to three students will visit the out-patient
departments (OPDs) of public hospitals and spend 1-2 days with the concerned doctors.
Alternatively, private doctors may also be contacted.

Students may also have to visit the doctors on the last two days of the survey, after identifying
the different medical set ups frequented by the people of the study site {obtained from
Activity 1 (i)}.

Care should be exercised when choosing the medical set ups. These set ups should be frequented
by those people in the area, where the environmental data has been simultaneously
collected. In other words, the people covered in the Active Survey—Activity 1 (i) —should
have visited these medical set-ups.

Accordingly, decide on the public and private medical setups from where the health data will
be obtained. This may require some prior planning, preparation and permission of the
Dean/Doctors by your teachers/ Municipalities.

With the help of the doctor, students had entered the data in the work sheet. This worksheet is
shown in diagram.

Along with patient details (key no), age and sex, symptoms, provisional diagnosis of different
diseases, under the category of gastro intestinal (GI), respiratory diseases (RD) and vector
borne diseases (VBD) will be entered by the doctor as per visits of patients.

Collect data of any deaths (mortality) for the listed diseases for the survey period (check the

Local municipal public health department or ward office may also be approached for this.

Malaria and Insect Borne Diseases

In recent years, malaria (and other vector-borne diseases, such as dengue) has staged a comeback
in the country, including in Navi Mumbai and Mumbai, due to a variety of reasons. Some of these
are: the resistance developed by the parasites against various anti-malarial drugs, emergence of
insecticide-resistant mosquitoes, reduction in the use of DDT, and a casual attitude of the populace
to dirty environment. The disease spread is further accelerated by continuing migrations
(movements) of peoples from endemic to non endemic areas and vice versa.
A few activities are included to give a scientific understanding about the spread of the disease:
how the mosquitoes multiply, i.e., their life cycle, their potential breeding places, and mapping
these places.

It is important to remember that mosquito breeding is seasonal, with increase in numbers observed
during the winter months. This point is to be remembered when checking for the potential breeding
places. The same place may give varied results at different times so the year. The real solution to
the problem is removal of these potential breeding places.

The following worksheets were designed for active door to door survey.

Health Worksheets
Site details: Date:
Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..3 : Health Worksheet designed under HEAL
Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..4 : Air & Water borne diseases, their symptoms & diagnosis
Under HEAL, attempts were made to assess the quality of environment (specially air and water)
of specific study sites in Navi Mumbai and also assess the pollution-related health impairment /
risks among residents in and around the study sites through personal interviews using specially
designed questionnaires. These health problems are mainly in the realm of respiratory, gastro-
intestinal and vector borne diseases like malaria, dengue and rabies. These latter vectorborne
diseases could partly be attributed to the unhygienic environment with stagnant pools of water and
open garbage dumping practices, which lead to presence and proliferation of mosquitoes, rodents
and stray dogs.

The effects of individual air and water pollutants and other endemic contaminants, more specific
to human health, are well documented. These health effects could broadly be classified under
respiratory and gastro-intestinal problems, besides other problems like allergies, skin rashes,
uveititis (general inflammation of the eyes), etc. Attempts were made under HEAL to ascertain the
prevalence of the above health-related impacts by conducting questionnaire based surveys. This
indirectly formed part of the provisional diagnosis of diseases among residents of the study sites.

Lung function tests (LFT) or pulmonary function test was also carried out in the summer season
among a limited number of residents (~35 in each of the study sites; total number subjected to the
test -159). This was done in collaboration with the Occupational Health and Safety Centre
(OHSC), Mumbai. Broadly, this test gives the lung volume of each individual or the amount of air
the lungs can hold, how quickly the air moves in and out of the lungs and how well the lungs

supply oxygen to the blood circulation process. Hence, the LFT helps to diagnose or give
indications about breathing problems or lung diseases and also the severity of several lung diseases
plaguing an individual. A portable ventilometer or spirometer was used for the lung function test
to evaluate the lung volume /capacity of the subjects tested which directly or indirectly relates to
the observed respiratory deficiencies in the population studied.

For HEAL, two parameters of LFT were considered: (i) Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1), the
volume of air exhaled forcefully in the first second after deep inhalation and (ii) Forced Vital
Capacity (FVC). The formulae and questionnaire used for calculating these parameters were from
the work of Dr. S. R. Kamat, Retd. professor and Head, Dept. of Chest Medicine, KEM Hospital,
Mumbai (refs). FEV1 is affected due to polluted air (when it is recorded as 80% below predicted
values) resulting in asthma, byssinosis (chronic industrial disease, associated especially with
inhalation of cotton or any other fibrous dust over a long period of time and characterized by
chronic bronchitis and often complicated by emphysema or asthma) and other obstructive
breathing problems. FVC gets affected (when it is below 80% of the predicted value), with more
serious problems like lung fibrosis or extensive obstruction of airways.

Under HEAL, the LFT test was undertaken at different study sites in small camps involving
participating colllege students and the medical group, during collection of the health data. Our
attempts were to find out whether there were any significant numbers of residents /subjects under
study in the five zones of Navi Mumbai who were affected by FEV1 or FVC, thereby giving
indications about the health status of residents.

Approach and execution of study perspectives

Under HEAL, health status of the residents, especially in the context of environment-based
diseases, was monitored over three seasons in a year, using the questionnaire. Medical students
along with teachers and program coordinators accompanied the participating students in these
health surveys. Provisional diagnosis was provided by the doctors based on the symptoms recorded
on the data sheets.

Sampling details

• Health surveys were carried out at five zones (Airoli, Kopar Khairane, Turbhe, Nerul and Vashi)
in Navi Mumbai.

• Map of each zone was studied and the zone was divided among 5-6 groups of students to get a
random representation of the population.

• Attempts were made to cover all the sectors of the studied zones.

• Where this was not possible due to non development of sectors or permission being denied to
enter the buildings, the zone was then geographically demarcated into four regions (north, south,
east, and west).

• Thirty plus houses per sector were surveyed. They were randomly selected on different streets
and consisted of residents with mixed socioeconomic status.

• Four members per house [or family] were assumed, when the exact number of family members
could not be ascertained.
• Attempts were made to keep the sectors and sampling method uniform/constant during the three
seasons (Monsoon--September, 2004; winter—January 2005 and summer---April 2005).

• The demographic profile of the population in Navi Mumbai is largely uniform in all the studied
zones, with residents living in J1, J2, J3, J4 houses built by CIDCO, and others living in
privately built houses. Local (original) residents either lived in chawl-like structures or in well
defined areas, often called as gauthans/gauns (villages).

• Turbhe zone has a different demographic profile. Its population is highly mixed, the zone being
largely dominated by the Agricultural Produce Market Confederation (APMC) and the Thane
Belapur Industrial belt. The people surveyed resided in Turbhe gaon, Kopri pada, BRIT
(BARC) colony, Turbhe Stores and Hanuman Nagar. The latter two are official slum-like
settlements in Navi Mumbai.

Survey sheets

• The details provided in the different survey sheets, as given in the Protocol Guide, were followed.

• These were prepared in consultation with the public health officials of the NMMC and with the
doctors of L. T. Medical College, Sion, Mumbai.

• Every season, the participating students were briefed and trained for systematic collection of
health data just before the health surveys.

• Printed instruction slips (given in brief to each student group) further guided the students about
questions to be asked to residents in the field.

• These questions spanned the different symptoms under different heads – such as, problems due
to polluted air affecting the upper respiratory tract (URT) and the skin and the eyes (category--
Others), problems of the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract and confirmed cases of the vector-based

• Symptoms of URT were probed extensively.

• Allergies, eye burning, along with skin rashes were specifically probed separately. These could
be due to air pollution.

• Inclusion of gastro-intestinal problems needs some explanation here. These problems arise with
drinking / eating contaminated water or food.
This phase of HEAL did not cover analysis of drinking water or food served in food stalls/hotels.
(Though it was acknowledged that detection of large scale GI problems concentrated in one
specific area should prompt us to carry out microbial analysis of drinking water in that area.
This situation of concentrated GI problems was not encountered at any time).

• It was emphasized that students should intensively probe into the prevalence of collateral or
overlapping clinical symptoms, such as fever, head ache, etc., to ascertain the cause of these

• ‘Other’ health category problems, which included dog-bites, hearing problems, skin and eye
allergies, headache and fever (due to inexplicable reasons) were also recorded.

• The questionnaire covered collation of data about the prevalence or otherwise of confirmed cases
of tuberculosis, malaria and other vectorborne diseases which were directly addressed to
residents by students.

• All these questions were accompanied by the caveat to the residents that the symptoms/diseases
should have occurred in the past one month. The logic here was that the air monitoring was
carried out in the immediate past and health problems, if any, should manifest themselves
immediately or within a few weeks.

• Students’ responses were collated to give the results as given below.

• At several places, residents complained about breathing problems due to air pollution during
specific hours of the day and night.


Secondary Data sources

- Proprietary Data from NMMC for health, air and water

- Output of Weka i.e. analyzed data

- Books

- Documents published and unpublished

- Referred Journals and Research papers

- Internet
The source of the primary data collected as a result of experimental process of the HEAL project.

1.5.1 Selection of Study area

The selection of area for study was also a challenge. Navi Mumbai has both residential as well as
industrial zones situated adjacent to each other on either side of 20 km long Thane Belapur road.
Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation in its attempt to control air borne diseases has installed air
monitoring station at various critical locations in these areas. So the availability of authentic air
data was possible. Further in the same areas NMMC has Urban Heath Posts where the health
related data was readily available. This was the primary reason for specifically selecting Navi
Mumbai as a research area.

1.5.2 Secondary Data Collection

Secondary data for Air and water is collected from the NMMC environmental labs for last 7 years
for seven different zones of Navi Mumbai. Also environmental status reports for past few years
were studied to get related data. Health data is collected from NMMC health department and
NMMC Environmental Status Report (ESR). Also Maharashtra Pollution Control Board data is
also collected to study its trend, and find its impact on human health.

1.5.3 Action Plan developed based on the discussions with various Domain Experts

After data collection for finding the pollutants’ impact on human health found very complicated
and difficult to study and implement, as the scope of the data was very vast.
Interviews of a number of domain experts (Dr. Karekar, Dr. Mane, Dr. Chavan, Mr. Vilas Vitkar,
Dr. Mayur Mehta, Mr. Newaskar, Mr. Ulhas Thakur (Safety officer, Herdillia chemicals), Dr.
Alvandi (Health practitioner), Mr. Mohan Dagaonkar(Chief Engineer, NMMC) Mr. Mule (Sr.
Engineer NMMC), Mr. Pravin (Lab assistant, NMMC) Dr. Mrs. Mahajan (sr. scientist, HBCSE),
Dr. Nikam(senior Medical officer, NMMC, health dept.), Dr. Paropkari (Former Senior Medical
officer, NMMC, health dept.), Dr. Mhatre, Dr. Vidya Varma, Dr. Kulkarni, Dr. Mule (Statistician),
Dr. Chavan (Former director – JBIMS) , Dr. Manisha Patil, Dr. Bharti Gavali, Dr. S.K. Yadav, Dr.
Ruchira Bhargava, Dr. Manisha Patil were conducted and following inferences were drawn to limit
the scope as well as to prove the concept they have suggested. Collection, Pre-processing and Analysis of Water Quality Data in study

During the course of the project, a lot of data related to water was collected from NMMC. Initially
lakes, holding ponds, wells, Nallahas, litchets and creek in Navi Mumbai were identified as the
source of data. After some data collection from these identified areas, it was understood that, this
data would not directly impact the health of residents as the water from these locations is not
directly consumed by the residents.
The water quality data were collected for the following parameters.
PH, SS, TDS, DO, BOD, COD, Nitrate, Phosphate, Chloride, Hardness, Sulphate
Then it was decided to take the data from lakes into an account for the research. After studying the
topography of Navi Mumbai, it was understood that Navi Mumbai has seven major zones (viz.
Nerul, Vashi, Belapur, Airoli, Ghansoli, Turbhe & Koparkhairne ) Limitation in Water quality data collection

To make the research authentic the data from all the lakes in each zone was collected and then
analyzed. The analysis of the data of these lakes revealed that even this data does not have direct
impact on health of Navi Mumbai residents, however since the water from these lakes is used for
vegetation and ecosystem. This may have indirect impact on human health.
Since a direct impact could not be established, the same is not considered for demonstrating the
impact of water pollutants on human health. But it is used for analysing the trend of the current as
well as historical data and predicting the future values which can be further useful for the
authorities to take the remedial measures. Establishing the relationship between Drinking Water Quality data

And Water borne diseases

As direct relation between the water quality data of the lakes in Navi Mumbai and its impact on
the health of Navi Mumbai residents was not established, an effort was made to collect the data of
drinking water quality. Since there is only single major source of drinking water from where it is
supplied to the entire Navi Mumbai, a common data of this water was used for research. The
collected data was segregated as potable and non-potable. This data preprocessed and analyzed to
get the annual percentage of non-potability of the water.
Since the data of water borne diseases (gastro, dysentery, diarrhea,
hepatitis, and typhoid) was available annually, the collected data of drinking water was converted
into annual percentage of non-potability. A graphical representation of annual percentage of non-
potability versus water borne disease is done. Collection, Classification, Pre-processing and Analysis of Air Quality


It is well known that air is one of the factors spreading diseases; hence air data was also collected
during the research. As Navi Mumbai is divided in different zones, zone-wise air data was
collected. The zones in Navi Mumbai are sub-classified into different locations based on the
location of the air quality monitoring stations.
The air data were collected for the following parameters.
The air data thus collected was segregated location-wise, the average of this data was taken and
the same was converted in the annual data.
Air data was not available for all the months. Hence it was converted annually by calculating the
average value and that value is considered as the final value.
Similar to water data, the analysis and prediction was done on the collected air data. Finding impact of air pollutants on Health Data of Turbhe, Navi

Mumbai area

Being related to the environmental aspects, the scope of this project is huge. Instead of covering a
larger area for demonstrating the application and performance of the project it was advised to split
the area into small subareas, carry out sampling and then demonstrate the utility of GIS to show
the impact of air quality data on human health.
Since majority of the collected data was from mobile vans appointed by NMMC, to authenticate
the research, the data only from stationary air monitoring stations at Turbhe Dumping ground and
Vashi Fire Brigade was taken into account to establish its impact on human health.
To demonstrate the impact of air pollutants on human health, data related to health of Navi Mumbai
residents was required and it would have been more appropriate to collect the health as well as air
data from the locations which are in close vicinity to each other. Vashi Fire Brigade in the
residential zone of Navi Mumbai and Turbhe Dumping ground in Industrial zone of Navi Mumbai
are such locations where air monitoring station and UHP (Urban Health Posts) are available at a
distance of less than 500 meters.
This was the primary reason for finalising these two locations to prove the concept. Collection of Health Data

The primary reason for selecting a smaller area is to effectively demonstrate the impact of air
quality on human health. E.g. the variation in percentage of SO2 and NOX contributes to the
respiratory disorders.
After collecting the air data major challenge was to collect the health data. The only authentic
source of health data was the UHP’s run by NMMC. Hence NMMC health officers were taken
into confidence, the entire research was explained to them and their assistance was sought in
getting the data from their UHP’s. On discussion with respective UHP in-charges it was revealed
that majority of the cases received by the UHP are related to Cough, Cold which is classified
medically as Upper Respiratory Tract Disease. It was also clear from the discussions with the
Doctors that the change in percentage of air pollutants such as NOx and So2 are the major factors
causing URTI. Hence it was decided to select URTI patient’s data from the zones (Turbhe Gaon,
Turbhe Indira Nagar, and Vashi JuhuGaon) near to two air monitoring stations (i.e. Turbhe
Dumping Ground and Vashi Fire Station).
These URTI patients data was collected manually by approaching the individual UHPs over a
period of one month. It was available on daily OPD basis. The data thus collected was converted
into annual data as the air data was also converted annually. This data is stored into the spatial
database. Multi-axes graphical representation of the annual air data versus annual URTI patient’s
data was prepared. Pre-processing and Analysis of Health data

The available URTI data was also compiled season-wise (summer, winter and Monsoon) and it
was analysed using five different algorithms linear regression, non linear regression, Bagging,
RepTree and Additive Regression and to predict the future value of URTI patients. The errors
calculated by these algorithms were compared and it was found that the errors generated by
additive regression algorithm were less than other algorithms.
SMOreg was also used for analysis of this data but it was found that the errors calculated by
SMOreg were much higher than those calculated using additive regression. Hence it was
concluded that additive regression is suitable for analysing health data. Limitations in Health data collection

The number of patients reported to UHP and actual number of URTI patients in Turbhe and Vashi
differ due to the fact that

1) All the patients do not visit UHP for their treatment.

2) The process of data recording in UHP is totally manual and hence there is a room for
human error in recording and entering this data into their records.


The model is proposed using following two main technologies integrated together to achieve the
objective. Data Mining

Purpose: To monitor and analyze the trend and pattern of Air & Water Quality data & to
predict the Future trend of the data. GIS (Geographical Information System)

Purpose: To find an air pollution impact on human health.

To compare an impact of air pollution in Industrial zone (Turbhe) with Residential zone
(Vashi) on human health.


1.7.1 Data Flow Diagrams

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..5 : Context Level Data Flow Diagram
Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..6 : Data Flow Diagram (Level 1)

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..7 : Data Flow Diagram (Level 2)
Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..8: Data Flow Diagrams (Level 3)
1.7.2 Entity Relationship Diagrams

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..9: Entity Relationship Diagram (Water)
Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..10: Entity Relationship Diagram (Air)
1.7.3 System Flow Charts

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..11 : System Flow Chart of Module 1 (Data Mining)
Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..12 : Flow chart of Module II (GIS)
The above chapter highlights how the environmental data is to be collected, treated, preprocessed and
analyzed. Further is has dealt with identification of different entities such as air, water and establishing
the relationship amongst them. After establishing the relations these are graphically represented using
Entity- Relationships diagrams. This chapter also highlights the way data should flow between various

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