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Treatment of nonrespiratory

sleep disorders

Dirk Pevernagie

Because of their diverse nature, there is no International Classification of Sleep

generic approach to the treatment of Disorders 2nd Edition (ICSD-2) lists .70
nonrespiratory sleep disorders. Various nonrespiratory nosological items in various
medical and nonmedical conditions are sections, including insomnia, hypersomnia
implicated in disturbed sleep. The of central origin, circadian rhythm sleep
disorders, parasomnias, sleep-related
movement disorders and other categories of
impaired sleep. Treatment of this
Key points heterogeneous group of sleep disorders is
based on nonpharmacological approaches
N Due to the heterogeneous nature of as well as the prescription of agents
the various sleep disorders, no belonging to particular drug classes. Since
generic approach to treatment can be therapy must be tailored to the individual
proposed. In each of the major patient’s needs, choices between different
nosological categories,
pharmacological and nonpharmacological
pharmacological and
treatment options, or combinations of
nonpharmacological treatment
these, are to be made. Pharmacological
modalities are available.
therapy requires adjustment of the choice,
N The mainstay of treatment of dose and regimen of drugs in keeping with
insomnia is nonpharmacological. A the treatment response. Finally, patients may
stepwise treatment plan is proposed. suffer from a combination of sleep disorders.
Treatment with hypnotic drugs is Concurrent sleep disorders call for an
appropriate as a primary step in integrated therapeutic approach based on
situational insomnia. In chronic combining different treatment modalities.
insomnia, hypnotics may be added as
adjuvant treatment to cognitive Proficient management of sleep disorders is
behavioural therapy. based on detailed knowledge of sleep and its
disturbances. The scope of this chapter is
N The mainstay of treatment of not to elaborate on the intricacies of the
hypersomnia of central origin is based
entire spectrum of pathological sleep, as
on prescription of stimulant drugs.
this would require a thorough review of all
Other medications are available for
the nosological items listed in the ICSD-2.
cataplexy, one of the core symptoms
The aim is, rather, to provide a general
of narcolepsy.
overview of treatment principles in
N RLS and PLMD are responsive to nonrespiratory sleep medicine. The
treatment with medications belonging respiratory physician should have a broad
to various pharmacological classes. knowledge of the available treatment
Currently, DA agents are the first-line options and strategies, but is not compelled
of treatment. Opioids may be used in to take the lead in the management of
severe cases of RLS. nonrespiratory sleep problems.
Nevertheless, the respiratory physician must

176 ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine

be able to handle comorbid issues (e.g. sleep appropriate. The treatment goals are to
apnoea complicated by insomnia). Treatment improve duration and quality of sleep,
of sleep patients requires a multidisciplinary and to improve daytime dysfunction due
setting. In sleep medicine, diagnostic and to insomnia.
therapeutic management is founded on
cooperation between professionals with a Nonpharmacological treatment
different specialty background. As respiratory Nonpharmacological treatment of insomnia
disturbances are among the most prevalent comprises a stepped care approach. The
sleep disorders, there is a prominent role for incremental steps include general
the respiratory physician in this recommendations, specific (tailored)
multidisciplinary process. This role, however, recommendations, and structured
implies appropriate knowledge of the relevant psychological and behavioural interventions
respiratory and nonrespiratory aspects of (e.g. cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)).
sleep and its disorders. Furthermore, the level of support may be
scaled up progressively, starting with self-
Rather than split this chapter into sections support, then group therapy at the nursing
on pharmacological and level and individual treatment administered
nonpharmacological therapy, both by specifically trained professionals
treatment aspects will be discussed under (medical psychologists).
four main themes, namely insomnia,
At all times, irrespective of whether
hypersomnia of central origin, sleep-related
insomnia is primary, secondary or
movement disorders and miscellaneous
comorbid, the patient should be provided
conditions. The content and relative role of
with proper general information. Explaining
either treatment option will be discussed in
the nature of insomnia and the principles of
each of these categories. Where appropriate,
its management is a starting point.
the special interest for the respiratory
Recommendations on good sleep hygiene
physician will be indicated.
are a default step in the treatment plan
Insomnia (table 1). Adherence to these instructions
often results in better coping with the
In line with the many components that play problem, and in some patients, no additional
a role in the causation and maintenance of therapeutic measures are required.
insomnia, several treatment methods have
emerged. The various factors that play a role For unremitting chronic insomnia,
in the pathogenesis of insomnia are psychological and behavioural approaches
reviewed in chapter 3. The usefulness of are the treatment of choice. Some of the basic
different therapeutic modalities depends on methods are briefly explained here; for more
the contributing factors and the time course detailed information, see Further Reading.
of the illness. Whether insomnia is acute or Stimulus control is a structural behavioural
chronic and whether insomnia is associated approach aimed at turning the negative
with medical or psychiatric comorbidities feelings associated with going to bed into a
will influence the management strategy. The positive anticipation. Patients are taught to
treatment may be general in scope or break with habits that are adverse to sleep.
targeted to specific adverse factors, such as The sleeping environment is re-established
socioprofessional stressors, environmental as a stimulus for good sleep.
triggers, maladaptive behaviour or
underlying disease. Prescription of Sleep restriction is based on curtailing time
hypnotics is common and accepted practice in bed. Opportunities for sleep such as
for acute insomnia. For chronic insomnia, napping are limited. This intervention first
the emphasis is on a nonpharmacological induces additional sleep deprivation. The
approach. The use of hypnotic drugs is drive to sleep will thus increase and,
adjuvant in this setting. Diagnosis and eventually, sleep will be more consolidated.
treatment of underlying causes is pertinent When sleep continuity improves, time in bed
and should be considered whenever is progressively extended. Ultimately, there

ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine 177

Table 1. Principles of sleep hygiene: recommendations for the insomnia patient.

N Limit time in bed for sleeping; lying awake in bed weakens sleep
N Get out of bed when you are not feeling sleepy
N Improve environmental conditions of the bedroom (noise, light and temperature)
N Take a light snack before going to bed but avoid consuming large beverages
N Avoid too much alcohol and stimulants (e.g. nicotine and caffeine)
N Schedule stressful activities so that they occur a long time before bedtime; unwind and
relax in the hours prior to going to sleep
N Do not check your alarm clock at night
N Restrict the use of sleeping pills

should be sufficient sleep time for the situational insomnia. For this indication,
patient to feel rested during the day. hypnotics are prescribed to be taken nightly
for a couple of weeks. Some caveats must be
As insomnia is associated with increased borne in mind when hypnotics are
somatised tension, relaxation training is considered for treatment of chronic
indicated in some patients. Several insomnia. While successful in the short
techniques have been described, including term, the effect of hypnotic drugs may wear
alternating tensing and relaxing of muscle off over time. As habituation takes effect,
groups, concentrating on abdominal incremental doses may be necessary to keep
breathing, and guided imagery. up the initial pharmacotherapeutic results.
Therefore, hypnotics carry an intrinsic risk of
CBT for insomnia (CBT-I) is the collective
tolerance, and physical and psychological
name for a combination of the
dependence. The latter problem may occur
aforementioned techniques with a
especially in patients with a history of drug
psychotherapeutic method to restore
or alcohol abuse. Increased sleeplessness is
appropriate cognitive pathways. The aim is
a frequent complaint following abrupt
to identify disbeliefs about sleep and to turn
discontinuation of hypnotic treatment. This
these cognitions into positive and realistic
condition, known as rebound insomnia, may
concepts. There is ample scientific evidence
be accompanied by other symptoms of
that CBT-I is beneficial, and that the positive
withdrawal, e.g. anxiety and agitation. These
effects on sleep quality are durable.
drawbacks are the prime reasons why
Pharmacological treatment In contrast to hypnotics may not be suitable for long-term
nonpharmacological treatment, there are no use. One way to circumvent the problem of
established guidelines on pharmacotherapy tolerance is to prescribe hypnotics for
for chronic insomnia. While effectiveness of intermittent use, and to restrict intake to
hypnotic medications has been confirmed in three times per week, at maximum.
randomised controlled trials (RCTs), none of
these studies has been designed to assess Many hypnotics, especially those with long
the superiority of one medication over elimination half-lives, may have a carry-over
another in terms of efficacy and safety. effect and cause unwanted sedation in the
Neither is there any systematic study morning. Long-acting hypnotics should not
comparing hypnotics with be prescribed in patients who drive motor
nonpharmacological interventions. vehicles. Short-acting drugs avoid this
complication but may be inefficacious at
Hypnotic drugs are the first-line treatment in controlling sleep maintenance insomnia.
the acute setting, i.e. in patients with There are several accounts of inappropriate

178 ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine

behaviour in individuals who were awakened (N3) and REM sleep may be variable and
at night after taking sleeping pills. In the depend on the class of drugs selected.
elderly, confusional arousals and falls are
serious side-effects. Inability to rapidly When choosing a specific drug among the
regain consciousness upon awakening is an different available medications, the
intrinsic disadvantage of hypnotic prescriber should take into account the key
treatment. Moreover, hypnotics may cause characteristics of that particular agent,
anterograde amnesia, rendering some including drug class, mode of action, and
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
individuals unable to recall their nocturnal
properties. In this chapter, hypnotics are
behaviour. There are concerns over impaired
classified into two general categories: BZD
cognition and a tendency towards
receptor ligands and non-BZD sedative drugs.
developing depression with chronic use.
BZDs are a group of compounds that share
Some hypnosedative drugs inhibit
a common structure of a benzene ring fused
respiratory neurons in the brainstem and
with a diazepine ring. These drugs bind to a
thereby suppress the drive to breathe. This
specific locus of the c-aminobutyric acid
is especially relevant in OSA patients, in (GABAA) receptor complex, called the BZD
whom hypnotics increase the incidence and receptor. Activation of the BZD receptors
duration of disturbed breathing events. increases the effect of GABA-ergic
Unless these patients are adequately treated neurotransmission. BZDs have anxiolytic,
with CPAP, the use of hypnotics (particularly hypnosedative, anticonvulsant, amnesic and
benzodiazepines (BZDs)) is muscle-relaxant properties. They may be
contraindicated. Finally, hypnotics should prescribed for various medical and
not be used in pregnancy, during lactation psychiatric indications. While a sedating
or by patients with hepatic failure. effect is a prominent and common feature,
not all BZDs are labelled for the specific
As a rule of thumb, in insomnia, the lowest
treatment of insomnia. Based on their
effective dose of a single hypnotic drug
pharmacokinetic profiles, BZDs are divided
should be prescribed for the shortest
into three categories pertaining to duration
amount of time. Indeed, the primary
of action: long-, intermediate- and short-
intention of prescribing hypnotic medication acting (table 2). BZDs decrease SL and #A,
is to achieve symptomatic control. In increase TST, SEF and N2, and tend to
contrast with nonpharmacological treatment decrease N3 and REM. In general, BZDs are
modalities, drug treatment fails to address safe and efficacious in the treatment of
the causative mechanisms of insomnia, situational insomnia. When prescribed
including precipitating factors, dysfunctional cautiously and restrictively, BZDs also have
beliefs and maladaptive behaviour patterns a place in the treatment of chronic insomnia
that tend to sustain the insomnia process. (e.g. on an intermittent prescription basis).
Therefore, hypnotic drug prescription is to
be considered an adjuvant treatment to BZD receptor ligands that lack a BZD
other therapeutic interventions. In all chemical structure have been introduced in
instances where hypnotics are prescribed for the last two decades. These agents are
long-term use, the option to taper and called non-BZD BZD receptor agonists
discontinue the sleep medication should be (NBBRAs) or ‘Z drugs’, because their
reassessed on a regular basis. generic names begin with a ‘Z’ (zolpidem,
zopiclone and zaleplon; table 2). They are,
Hypnotic agents have several effects on to date, the most extensively studied
sleep structure. Most often, there is a hypnotics. They have a similar effect on
decrease of sleep latency (SL) and number sleep architecture as the classical BZDs. The
of nocturnal awakenings (#A) versus an combination of efficacy with reasonable
increase in total sleep time (TST) and sleep safety promotes this class of drugs as a
efficiency (SEF). Often, stage 2 NREM sleep plausible first-line pharmacotherapy for
(N2) is increased. Effects on deep sleep insomnia. However, despite acceptable

ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine 179

Table 2. Hypnotics.
Compound Class Mode of action Hypnotic tmax min t1/2 h Duration of Metabolism Side-effects
dose mg action
Amitriptyline TCA Inhibition of NA and 25–100 .120 10–28 Long Hepatic; active Cardiac arrhythmias;
5HT reuptake; a1, M1 and metabolite(s) anticholinergic and
H1 receptor antagonism antihistaminic effects;
aggravation of RLS
Flurazepam BZD GABA-ergic 15–30 47–100 Long Hepatic; active Generic side-effects of BZD
Gabapentin Structural analogue of Probably GABA-ergic 300–600 180 5–9 Intermediate Renal clearance Residual effects in the
GABA morning; dizziness; ataxia;
headache; rarely leukopenia
Lormetazepam BZD GABA-ergic 1–2 120 12 Intermediate Hepatic; inactive Generic side-effects of BZD
Midazolam BZD GABA-ergic 7.5–15 30–90 2–3 Short Hepatic; active Generic side-effects of BZD
Mirtazapine Noradrenergic and a1, a2, 5HT1, 5HT2 and 15–30 60–190 13–40 Long Hepatic; active Residual effects in the
specific serotoninergic H1 receptor antagonism metabolite(s) morning; weight gain;
antidepressant aggravation of RLS
Nitrazepam BZD GABA-ergic 5–10 120 30–40 Long Hepatic; inactive Generic side-effects of BZD
Ramelteon Melatonin I and II Unknown 8 45 1–3 Short Hepatic; active Nonspecific
receptor agonist metabolite(s)
Quetiapine Dibenzothiazepine a1, M1, H1, 5HT2 and D2 25–50 60–120 7 Intermediate Hepatic; inactive Sedation; aggravation of RLS
antipsychotic receptor antagonism metabolite(s)
Temazepam BZD GABA-ergic 10–30 50 7–11 Intermediate Hepatic; inactive Generic side-effects of BZD
Trazodone HCA 5HT2 and a1 receptor 50–100 60–120 5–9 Long Hepatic; active Residual effects in the
antagonism metabolite(s) morning; cardiac arrhythmias;
orthostatic hypotension; rarely
priapism (not dose related)
Triazolam BZD GABA-ergic 0.125–0.250 120 2–6 Short Hepatic; inactive Generic side-effects of BZD

ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine

overall safety, anterograde amnesia,

Dose to be reduced in the elderly and those with hepatic or renal failure; pregnancy and lactation are contraindications. tmax: time to maximum concentration of the drug; t1/2: half-life; TCA:
Generic side-effects of BZD

Generic side-effects of BZD

Generic side-effects of BZD

confusional nocturnal behaviour and
dependency have been reported with some
NBBRAs in some susceptible patients. The
NBBRAs are less likely than the usual BZDs
to cause rebound phenomena after

discontinuation. These advantages are

counterbalanced by the higher cost of
treatment in comparison with the older BZDs.

Several psychotropic drugs outside the class

Hepatic; inactive

Hepatic; inactive

Hepatic; inactive

of BZD receptor agonists have potent




sedating side-effects. Among these agents


tricyclic antidepressant; HCA: heterocyclic antidepressant; NA: noradrenaline; 5HT: 5-hydroxytrypamine (serotonin); M: muscarinic; H: histamine.

are antidepressants, neuroleptics,

antiepileptics, melatonin receptor agonists,
antihistaminics and nonprescription
substances. Depending on the clinical
Duration of

context, the sedative action may be adverse

or beneficial. Sedation is an undesirable


side-effect when treatment is aimed at

mobilising and stimulating the patient.
When given in nightly dose, sedation may
t1/2 h



improve sleep and may be helpful to


manage comorbid insomnia. Therefore, a

single psychotropic agent may serve a dual
tmax min



purpose of treating the underlying disorder


and controlling insomnia as a symptom at

the same time. However, the dosage needed
to improve sleep is generally much lower
than the dosage required to observe any
dose mg

treatment effect on the disorder for which



the medication is registered. In depression,

for instance, a low-dose sedative
antidepressant at bedtime is not sufficient
to improve depressive symptoms. To
Mode of action

achieve this goal, the low-dose hypnotic




antidepressant should be combined with

therapeutic dosages of other antidepressants
administered during the daytime. It is
increasingly common practice, however, to
prescribe some of these agents for the
symptomatic treatment of chronic insomnia
irrespective of its cause. While there is
insufficient medical evidence to support the



off-label use of non-BZD psychotropic agents,


empirical results provide no motive to

discourage this practice. Moreover, these
Table 2. Continued

agents are not prone to tolerance to the same

extent as classical BZDs. Some of the


commonly used medications are described

below. Their pharmacological profiles are
shown in table 2.

ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine 181

Trazodone is a heterocyclic antidepressant, recommended and they are not further
with weak antidepressive but strong reviewed in this chapter.
sedative effects. This agent increases TST,
SEF and N3, and has variable effects on Special interest for the respiratory physician
REM sleep. Trazodone has little potential for Comorbid insomnia in OSA is a prevalent
tolerance or dependence. clinical problem that presents a particular
therapeutic challenge to the patient and
Amitriptyline is a classical tricyclic physician. The prescription of sleep-
antidepressant with sleep-enhancing promoting drugs may worsen SDB and the
properties. This agent increases TST, SEF application of nasal CPAP may worsen
and REM latency, and has variable effects on insomnia. The resolution of this enigma
N3. Cardiac, antihistaminic and requires a multidisciplinary approach.
anticholinergic side-effects limit the use of Depending on the relative severity of either
amitriptyline and other tricyclic of the components, treatment for insomnia
antidepressants. In low doses, however, and OSA may be initiated simultaneously or
these side-effects are minimal, whereas sequentially. In this category of patients,
sleep-promoting effects are still present. there is a prominent role for
nonpharmacological treatment of insomnia
Mirtazapine is a noradrenergic and specific and for intensive nursing support to
serotoninergic antidepressant. Effects on optimise adherence to CPAP treatment.
sleep are similar as those observed with Prescribing hypnotics without CPAP
trazodone. Due to a substantial treatment is considered unsafe.
antihistaminic action, weight gain is a
common side-effect. Hypersomnia of central origin

Ramelteon is a potent melatonin agonist. Sleepiness is a natural phenomenon. It may

The hypnotic action is limited to decreasing be a normal physiological manifestation (e.g.
SL and probably results from an effect on occurring at bedtime), or it may be induced in
the suprachiasmatic nucleus. This agent is certain conditions (e.g. sleep deprivation) or
not commercialised in Europe. in the context of certain diseases (e.g. sleep
apnoea and narcolepsy). Excessive daytime
In the class of neuroleptics (antipsychotics), sleepiness (EDS), also known as
among other agents, quetiapine is a drug hypersomnia, is a term reserved for a clinical
that can be used for treating insomnia condition in which a subject experiences
outside the context of psychotic and bipolar recurrent, abnormal lapses of alertness and
disorders. It is known to increase TST, SEF, has a strong tendency to fall asleep
N2 and N3, whereas SL and #A are decreased. involuntarily. This condition entails secondary
problems due to impaired performance in
Gabapentin belongs to a class of private, professional and social areas of life.
anticonvulsant medications. This agent also Lost productivity, increased risk of causing
has hypnotic and analgesic properties. personal injury and public damage, and
Effects on sleep include an increase in N3 significantly decreased quality of life are
and a reduction of #A. In addition, beneficial sequelae that are regularly observed in
effects have been observed on restless legs patients suffering from EDS. Hypersomnia is
syndrome, periodic limb movements a common symptom in several sleep
(PLMs) and parasomnias of N2. disorders, including sleep disturbances due
to medical or psychiatric causes, sleep
Other agents are available to treat insomnia. apnoea syndromes and hypersomnias of
This group of miscellaneous central origin. In this chapter, the discussion
nonprescription drugs includes melatonin, of treatment of excessive sleepiness will be
valerian, antihistaminics and chloral limited to the latter group of disorders.
hydrate. Prescription of melatonin is
discussed later. Use of valerian, Hypersomnias of central origin are listed in
antihistaminics and chloral hydrate is not the third section of the ICSD-2 and are

182 ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine

reviewed in chapter 3 of this handbook. It is hypersomnia of central origin, especially in
a collective name for disorders in which EDS young people. It may prove difficult to
is a primary complaint that is not estimate the extent of sleep deprivation in
attributable to disturbed nocturnal sleep or these patients. Nevertheless, sleep
a circadian rhythm misalignment. Other extension (i.e. prolonging the nocturnal
sleep disorders may co-exist, but must be sleep period) should be recommended
treated appropriately prior to establishing a whenever this diagnosis is suspected. With
diagnosis in this category. a successful outcome, the need for treatment
with stimulating drugs may be obviated.
Narcolepsy is one of the main entities in the
category of the central nervous system While nonpharmacological treatment for
(CNS) hypersomnias. This disease is known narcolepsy and other CNS hypersomnias is
to result from the loss of hypocretin- part of an integrative therapeutic approach,
producing neurons in the hypothalamus. evidence of its effectiveness is limited.
Most often, narcolepsy is associated with Patients are advised to adhere to regular
paroxysmal episodes of muscle atonia, bedtimes, to take care to get sufficient night-
called cataplexy. Cataplexy is typically time sleep and to schedule ‘strategic’ naps
elicited by sudden emotion. Some variants during the daytime, at least when short
of narcolepsy lack this symptom. Cataplexy bouts of sleep have a restorative effect. In
is a disabling manifestation that requires IHS, for instance, naps are often not
special therapeutic attention. refreshing and may even cause additional
drowsiness. These patients should abstain
In contrast with narcolepsy, the
from napping during the daytime. Neither is
pathogenesis of other disorders in this
there strong evidence to recommend
group is still unknown. Recurrent
behavioural treatment for cataplexy. Patients
hypersomnias and idiopathic hypersomnia
should avoid circumstances that elicit
(IHS) are believed to be caused by a
strong emotions, as cataplexy is precipitated
temporary or permanent dysfunction of the
by these conditions. Avoiding situational
sleep/wake regulating mechanisms in the
emotions will certainly reduce the number of
CNS. Behaviourally induced insufficient
attacks, but the downside of this ‘remedy’ is
sleep syndrome and hypersomnias due to
that patients tend to withdraw from social
medical causes constitute a miscellaneous
life. This is obviously an undesirable
group of conditions that are primarily
outcome. Therefore, lifestyle issues seem to
related to the effect of external factors on
have minimal impact and pharmacological
nocturnal sleep and, as a consequence, on
daytime alertness. treatment is mandatory in most of the patients.
Pharmacological treatment Stimulating
The principles of treating hypersomnia of
agents are key to the treatment of EDS
central origin encompass improvement of
associated with narcolepsy and IHS.
daytime alertness and the control of
Amphetamines and methylphenidate
associated features such as cataplexy.
increase the release and block the reuptake
Stimulants are the cornerstone in the
of monoamines and, thus, produce central
treatment of EDS. Nonstimulating drugs are
and peripheral sympathomimetic effects. At
used for the treatment of cataplexy. This
the cognitive level, they increase alertness
symptom may fully remit with proper
and psychomotor activity. Modafinil is an
treatment. In contrast, it proves very
atypical nootropic and stimulant agent that
difficult, if not impossible, to restore a
is chemically different from the
normal level of alertness in hypersomnia
amphetamines and has a weaker wake-
patients with the administration of the
currently available stimulating agents. promoting effect. This substance has an as
yet undisclosed mode of action. While RCTs
Nonpharmacological treatment Behaviourally are lacking regarding the use of
induced insufficient sleep is the most methylphenidate and amphetamines in
pertinent differential diagnosis in narcolepsy and IHS, available evidence

ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine 183

suggests that these agents are capable of
enhancing alertness to at least two-thirds of

Headache most frequently;

Dose to be reduced in the elderly and those with hepatic or renal failure; pregnancy and lactation are contraindications. tmax: time to maximum concentration of the drug; t1/2: half-life.
drowsiness, confusional
normal levels, whereas with modafinil, this

Generic side-effects of

Generic side-effects of

rarely toxic epidermal

arousal, constipation
effect is less pronounced. Side effects are

Nausea, headache,

highly variable among patients and are dose-
dependent. Methylphenidate and


amphetamines are associated with classical
monoaminergic side-effects, including
insomnia, loss of appetite, tremor,
irritability, headache, palpitations and

inactive metabolite(s)
Hepatic and minimal
Hepatic and variable
elevated blood pressure. Within the

Hepatic; inactive
recommended dose range, the risk of

renal clearance;
renal clearance

tolerance and dependence is low in

narcolepsy and IHS, and there is no need to

schedule ‘drug-free holidays’. In higher than
recommended dose ranges, patients should
be monitored carefully with respect to

developing mental problems and
Duration of
hypertension. Modafinil has been studied action


more extensively than the other stimulants.
It has a good benefit-to-risk ratio with fewer
and milder side-effects. Because of its safety


t1/2 h


and long-acting profile, modafinil has been
recommended by the American Academy of
tmax h

Sleep Medicine as first-line treatment for

narcolepsy. Therapeutic efficacy is usually

preserved in the long term. The higher cost

of treatment, however, is an obvious
doses per

disadvantage. The aforementioned agents



are listed in table 3.


The only drug that is labelled for the

Dose mg



treatment of cataplexy is sodium oxybate



(pharmaceutical name for c-

hydroxybutyrate; GHB). It is administered in
Increases the release and

Increases the release and

two doses: at bedtime and once again after

inhibits the reuptake of

inhibits the reuptake of

3–4 h of sleep. With chronic administration,

NA and dopamine

NA and dopamine

sodium oxybate improves sleep continuity

Mode of action

and reduces cataplectic attacks as well as



EDS. Because sodium oxybate has powerful

CNS depressant effects, it should not be
used in combination with alcohol or
sedative drugs, and is contraindicated in

SDB and respiratory failure. Elimination of

and EDS

this agent involves conversion to succinic




semialdehyde that is subsequently

transformed to succinate. Following
Table 3. Stimulants.

metabolisation of succinate in the Krebs


Sodium oxybate

cycle, the end product is carbon dioxide. The

mode of action is unknown. GHB belongs to


the class of hypnotics. It can be abused,

however, as a recreational drug. GHB as an
illicit compound is known for significant

184 ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine

associated morbidity and mortality. While pathophysiological background. RLS is a
sodium oxybate should be prescribed neurological disorder with sensory and motor
cautiously and its use should be monitored, manifestations. The diagnosis is based on a
the abuse potential in narcolepsy seems to tetrad of symptoms: there is an irresistible
be low. urge to move the legs due to an unpleasant
‘creepy’ sensation, this urge increases upon
Tricyclic antidepressants and selective resting, movement temporarily relieves the
serotonin reuptake inhibitors are effective unpleasant sensation and these symptoms
(but prescribed off label) in the treatment of are worse in the evening and in the initial part
cataplexy and other manifestations of of the night. RLS is relevant for sleep, as it
narcolepsy, including sleep paralysis and may be associated with difficulties initiating
hypnagogic hallucinations. Inhibition of sleep (DIS) or difficulties maintaining sleep
noradrenaline (NA) reuptake presumably (DMS). PLMD is associated with recurrent
mediates the effect of antidepressants on stereotyped leg movements that may induce
cataplexy. At present, there is no evidence to arousals and, thus, disrupt sleep. Treatment
accept that particular antidepressants are of PLMD is largely empirical, as well-
more powerful than others in controlling designed RCTs are lacking. At present, it is
cataplexy, despite different properties not clear whether PLMD outside the context
regarding NA reuptake inhibition. A review of RLS is clinically relevant, and whether there
of antidepressants prescribed for cataplexy is an indication to treat. Neither are there any
is outside the scope of this chapter. guidelines with respect to choosing the
A disturbance of maintaining sleep is a primary outcomes that should guide the
frequent complaint in narcoleptic patients. treatment strategy. In contrast, the treatment
Sleep disruption in narcolepsy may require of RLS is well documented, as many RCTs are
treatment with hypnotic drugs. When now available. Guidelines for the treatment
cataplexy is also present, sodium oxybate is and follow-up of RLS have been published.
the treatment of choice. Therefore, the therapeutic options that follow
deal mainly with the management of RLS.
Special interest for the respiratory physician
Residual hypersomnia is a problem that is Nonpharmacological treatment RLS patients
encountered in 5–10% of well-treated OSA should avoid smoking and consuming food
patients. Hypersomnias of central origin, as and beverages that contain CNS-stimulating
described above, should be considered in substances, such as alcohol, caffeine and
the differential diagnosis. If this condition chocolate. Some patients may benefit from
remains unexplained after appropriate aerobic exercise, manipulating the legs, or
clinical investigation, symptomatic applying warm or cold water to the legs. In
treatment with stimulants should be addition, good sleep hygiene should be
considered. In the USA and some European maintained to avoid the development of
countries, modafinil is approved for treating insomnia as a comorbid factor. These
OSA patients with persistent EDS despite measures are often insufficient and cannot
adequate CPAP treatment. However, careful replace pharmacological treatment in
monitoring is required and modafinil use is moderate-to-severe RLS.
not recommended in individuals with
Pharmacological treatment Several classes of
uncontrolled hypertension, ischaemic heart
drugs are available for the treatment of RLS,
disease or epilepsy.
including mineral supplements, BZD
Sleep-related movement disorders receptor agonists, dopaminergic (DA)
agents, opiate agonists and anticonvulsants.
The most prominent nosological items in the Only DA agonists have been the subject of
ICSD-2 section on sleep-related movement extensive RCTs.
disorders are restless legs syndrome (RLS)
and PLM disorder (PLMD). While these RLS may be a clinical manifestation of iron
entities often co-occur, it is uncertain deficiency. When serum ferritin levels are
whether they share a common ,50 mg?L-1, the patient should be checked

ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine 185

for concealed loss of blood and iron expectation needs confirmation by
supplementation should be commenced. appropriately designed prospective RCTs.
Magnesium sulfate can temporarily relieve
symptoms of RLS, but there are no data on Rarely, RLS patients on DA agents develop
long-term benefits. disturbances of impulse control, and show
an increased desire for gambling and sexual
Clonazepam, a long-acting BZD, is cited in interactions. In up to one-third of the
the older literature as effective for treating patients, the use of DA agonists may be
RLS. There are no convincing studies to limited by augmentation. This dose-
show that clonazepam and other BZDs dependent phenomenon is characterised by
sufficiently control RLS symptoms. BZDs the unpleasant sensation and urge to move
shorten sleep onset and suppress the occurring earlier during the day, being more
arousals resulting from movements rather severe and spreading to the upper limbs. In
than the movements themselves. Symptoms cases of severe augmentation, treatment
of discomfort as well as PLMs usually with DA agonists should be discontinued
persist despite the use of these agents. and agents from another class of drugs
Therefore, BZDs are not considered first-line should be prescribed temporarily.
treatment of RLS.
Opioids have also proven therapeutic
DA agents are the best studied and most efficacy and durability, but are restricted to
successful drugs for treatment of RLS (and the treatment of severe RLS. Patients who
PLMD). Levodopa improves the symptoms are unresponsive to other medications or
of RLS and reduces the number of PLMs. who have developed augmentation are
The use of this medication is limited candidates for opioid therapy. While there is
because of rapid emergence of worsening a low risk of tolerance in RLS patients,
symptoms in the hours prior to opioids should not be prescribed to
administration (augmentation; see later). individuals with a previous history of alcohol
Dopamine agonists are now considered the or substance abuse. These agents carry a
first-line treatment for RLS. The older ergot risk for respiratory depression during sleep
medications (e.g. pergolide) have been in susceptible patients.
abandoned because of rare but serious
Gabapentin improves RLS symptoms at
adverse effects, including the development
doses between 300 and 2,400 mg a day.
of pleuropulmonary fibrosis or cardiac
This medicine is an alternative choice for
patients with mild symptoms or for
Nonergot preparations are preferred and replacement of DA agents when
currently three dopamine agonists have a augmentation becomes an issue. Moreover,
label for RLS in this category. Pramipexole is gabapentin may be prescribed as an add-on
a full dopamine agonist with high affinity for when night-time symptoms are severe or
the D3 receptor subtype. This agent is very pain is a prominent complaint.
effective in controlling RLS and PLM. Some frequently used agents from the four
Ropinirole has a similar pharmacodynamic drug classes described here are presented
and clinical profile. Rotigotine is a D3 and D2 in table 4.
dopamine agonist that has been developed
for transdermal administration. It may be Special interest for the respiratory physician
used to treat night-time and daytime When reading PSG recordings, it may prove
symptoms of RLS. Mild skin reactions may difficult to distinguish hypopnoeas from
be seen at the application site of the patch. PLM events. Hypopnoeas are temporary
These compounds are highly effective and reductions in airflow terminated by a few
have mild (mostly transient) side-effects, hyperpnoeic breaths. In PLMD, the limb
including nausea and drowsiness. Recent movements are often accompanied by a
evidence suggests that these dopamine temporary increase in amplitude of tidal
agonists are also safe and efficacious in the breathing. The (normal) breathing between
long term. However, this optimistic PLM events may be mistakenly identified as

186 ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine

hypopnoeas. Careful reading of the

Residual effects in the morning; dizziness;

Generic side-effects of dopamine agonists

Generic side-effects of dopamine agonists

Generic side-effects of dopamine agonists

polysomnogram is of prime

Dose to be reduced in the elderly and those with hepatic or renal failure; pregnancy and lactation are contraindications. tmax: time to maximum concentration of the drug; t1/2: half-life.
importance for making the correct

ataxia; headache; rarely leukopenia

Generic side-effects of opioids diagnosis of SDB versus PLMD

Generic side-effects of opioids

and, therefore, for choosing
Generic side-effects of BZDs

appropriate treatment.
Miscellaneous sleep disorders
Parasomnias Parasomnias are

subdivided into disorders of NREM

and REM sleep. NREM parasomnias
are primarily disorders of arousal:
patients awaken partially from deep
sleep and demonstrate strange
Hepatic; inactive

Hepatic; inactive
Renal clearance

Renal clearance
Hepatic; active

Hepatic; active

Hepatic; active

behaviours before returning to sleep.






Conservative measures are the

mainstay of managing these
disorders. Patients should avoid a
stressful lifestyle and should secure
the bedroom environment against

t1/2 h


self-inflicted injury. Drug treatment is



empirical. REM sleep parasomnias are

characterised by vivid dream
tmax h

experiences or unusual dream





enactment (see section on REM sleep


behaviour disorder). Antidepressants

Doses per day

may be indicated for these disorders,


because of their REM sleep-

suppressive properties. There is a


special interest for the respiratory


physician, because some parasomnia

manifestations may be triggered by

disturbed breathing events. In this

Dose mg


case, the underlying respiratory



disorder should be treated before


considering other treatment options.

D2 dopamine agonist (affinity for D3

D2 dopamine agonist (affinity for D3

Delayed sleep phase syndrome Among

the different circadian rhythm sleep
disorders, jet lag disorder, shift work
Table 4. Drugs used to treat RLS and PLMD.

D3, D2 dopamine agonist

Opioid receptor agonist

Opioid receptor agonist

disorder and delayed sleep phase

syndrome (DSPS) are the most
receptor subtype)

receptor subtype)

prevalent clinical entities. DSPS is a

Mode of action


condition in which the patients have

difficulties in falling asleep at normal
bedtimes and waking up in the

morning: the nocturnal sleep phase is

shifted by o2 h relative to
conventional or socially accepted


times. Because the patients tend to



oversleep, significant sociofamilial

disharmony may ensue. The
treatment is based on a combination

ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine 187

of nonpharmacological measures and N Billiard M, et al. (2006). EFNS guidelines
prescription of melatonin. An intervention on management of narcolepsy. Eur J
whereby a shifting sleep schedule is Neurol; 13: 1035–1048.
prescribed is called chronotherapy: sleep N Buysse D. (2011). Clinical pharmacology
may either be systematically delayed or of other drugs used as hypnotics. In:
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the desired bedtime. Light therapy in the Practice of Sleep Medicine. 5th Edn. St
morning (10,000 lux for 30 min) may be Louis, Elsevier-Saunders; pp. 492–509.
supplemented with formulations of N Espie CA. (2009). ‘‘Stepped care’’: a
health technology solution for delivering
melatonin, which is a natural hormone
cognitive behavioral therapy as a first line
secreted by the pineal gland. In a dose range
insomnia treatment. Sleep; 32: 1549–1558.
of 0.5–3 mg, administered o3 h before the N Hening WA, et al. (2004). An update on
endogenous dim-light melatonin onset, the dopaminergic treatment of restless
melatonin may advance sleep. In addition, legs syndrome and periodic limb move-
melatonin has weak hypnotic properties but ment disorder. Sleep; 27: 560–583.
is not often powerful enough to be N Mendelson W. (2011). Hypnotic medica-
prescribed as a hypnotic drug. tions: mechanisms of action and phar-
macologic effects. In: Kryger MH, et al,
Sleep in somatoform disorders Many eds. Principles and Practice of Sleep
psychosomatic and somatoform disorders Medicine. 5th Edn. St Louis, Elsevier-
(chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Saunders; pp. 483–491.
burn-out, etc.) are accompanied by sleep N Montplaisir J, et al. (2011). Restless legs
complaints, including insomnia, syndrome and periodic limb movements
hypersomnia and nonrestorative sleep. In during sleep. In: Kryger MH, et al, eds.
some patients, a primary sleep disorder can Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine.
be diagnosed. Appropriate treatment of the 5th Edn. St Louis, Elsevier-Saunders;
underlying sleep disturbance should result pp. 1026–1037.
in an improvement of the psychosomatic N Morgenthaler T, et al. (2006). Practice
complaints. Often, however, the findings parameters for the psychological and
from the diagnostic work-up are nonspecific behavioral treatment of insomnia: an
or no obvious sleep disturbance can be update. An American Academy of Sleep
Medicine report. Sleep; 29: 1415–1419.
demonstrated. In this case, no therapeutic
N Morin CM, et al. (2006). Psychological
recommendations can be made. At present,
and behavioral treatment of insomnia:
there are no compounds available that update of the recent evidence (1998-
would improve the ‘intrinsic quality’ of sleep. 2004). Sleep; 29: 1398–1414.
N Schutte-Rodin S, et al. (2008). Clinical
Further reading guideline for the evaluation and manage-
ment of chronic insomnia in adults. J Clin
N American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Sleep Med; 4: 487–504.
(2005). The International Classification of N Wise MS, et al. (2007). Treatment of
Sleep Disorders. 2nd Edn. Westchester, narcolepsy and other hypersomnias of
American Academy of Sleep Medicine. central origin. Sleep; 30: 1712–1727.

188 ERS Handbook: Respiratory Sleep Medicine

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