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Lie Detection and Interrogation

Polygraph - popularly referred to as lie detector. - measures and records several psychological indices such as
blood pressure, pulse, respiration and skin conductivity while the subject is asked ans answers a series of questio
- literally means "many writings".
- is derived from two Greek words "Poly"-
which means many and "Graphos"-
which means writing.

 blood pressure - is the pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels and is one o
the principal vital signs.
 pulse - represents the tactile arterial palpitation of the heartbeat by trained fingertips. It can also be
measured by listening to the heart directly using a stethoscope.
 respiration - the transport of oxygen from the outside air to the cells within tissues and the transport of
carbon dioxide in the opposite direction.
 skin conductivity - also known as Galvanic sin response - is a method of measuring the electrical
conductance of the skin which varies with its moisture level.
 ohmmeter - is an electrical instrument that measures electrical resistance, the opposition to an electric
 galvanometer - an instrument for detecting and measuring electric current.
 stimuli - is applied to sensory receptor, it influences a reflex via stimulus transduction.

Personalities who contributed to the development of the polygraph machine.

 Cesare Lombroso - he invented in 1895 a device to measure changers in blood pressure for police case.

 John Augustus Larson - a medical student at the University of California at Berkeley, invented the
polygraph in 1921.The device record both blood pressure and galvanic skin response. Further work on thi
device was done by Leonarde Keeler.
 Leonarde Keeler - was the co-inventor of the polygraph. He developed the so called cardio-pneumo
psychogram capable of detecting deception and worked on to produce the modern polygraph.
 William Marston - an american who used blood pressure to examine german prisoners of war.
 John Reid - In 1948, developed a device which recorded muscular activity accompanying changes in blo
pressure. He claimed greater accuracy could be obtained by making the recordings simultaneously with
standard blood pressure, pulse, and respiration recordings.

Two types of present day polygraph instrumentation

1. analog
2. computerized - most polygraph examiners now used this.

Types of Questions in a Polygraph Test

1. Control Question - preliminary information question
2. Irrelevant Question -
3. Relevant Question
- In a polygraph test, the types of questions
alternates, the test is passed if the physiological
responses during the probable lie control questions
are larger than those during the relevant

Lie Detection - is the practice of determining whether someone is lying.

Three Basic Approaches To The Polygraph Test

1. The Control Question Test (CQT) - this test
compares the physiological response to relevant
questions about the crime with the response to
questions relating to possible prior misdeeds. This
test is often used to determine whether certain
criminal suspects should be prosecuted or classified
as uninvolved in the crime.
2. The Directed Lie Test (DLT) - this test tries to detect
lying by comparing physiological responses when
the subject is told to deliberately lie to responses
when they tell the truth.
3. The Guilty Knowledge Test (GKT) - this test
compares physiological responses to multiple choice
type questions about the crime, one choice of which
contains information only the crime investigators
and the criminal would know about.

3 Phases Of A Polygraph Examination

1. Pre-Test Phase - the examiner discusses with the
subject the test issue, review the test questions
that will be ask during the test and assess the
subjects emotional and physiological suitability to
undergo the polygraph test.
2. Testing Phase - subjects physiological responses
are recorded as the subject answers a set of
questions reviewed earlier.
3. Post Test Phase - examiner reviews test data
obtained and interprets the polygraph chart.
Conclusions That A Polygraph Examiner May Reach
1. Subject is telling the truth
2. Subject is not telling the truth
3. The result is inconclusive

* A polygraph test normally lasts between one and a

half hours to two and a half hours.

* Polygraph test result in the philippines is not

admissible in evidence as proof of the guilt of an

* Polygraph test is voluntary.

* The accuracy of polygraph test is about 90%

provided the examiner is competent and the
polygraph machine is in good working condition.

* Polygraph is an investigative tool.

* The principle behind a lie detection test is that when

the subject hears a questions which he or she
intends to lie, the brain interprets and triggers
automatic and uncontrollable physiological changes
captured by the polygraph.

Who Uses The Polygraph

1. Law Enforcement Agencies
2. Legal Community
3. Private Sector

Kinds of Errors in a Polygraph Test

1. False Positive - occurs when a truthful examinee
is reported as being deceptive.
2. False Negative - when a deceptive examinee is
reported as truthful.

Causes of Polygraph Errors

1. Failure of examiner to properly prepare the
examinee for the examination.
2. Misreading of the physiological data on the
polygraph charts.
3. Defective polygraph machine.

Reactions - changes in blood pressure, pulse rate,

breathing and sweat activity.

Lie Detection and Interrogation Reviewer 1

1. A portion of rice spit from a person’s mouth revealed whether he or
she was lying. Spitting out dry rice indicated the dry mouth of a
liar.This form of lie detection originated in
A. India
B. China
C. England
D. Africa
2. During the Middle Ages, torture was used as a means of forcing a
person to tell the truth.This was prevalent in what continent?
A. Asia
B. Africa
C. South America
D. Europe
3. In the early 1700s, He was the first to move away from torture by
suggesting that deception could be evaluated by monitoring the
heart rate.
A. Ceasar Lombroso
B. Daniel DeFoe
C. William Marston
D. Ken Adler

4. In 1764, He wrote of torture, “By this method, the robust will

escape, and the feeble be condemned.
A. Cesare Lombroso
B. Daniel DeFoe
C. Cesare Beccaria
D. William Marston

5. He became the first person to use science as a method of detecting

A. Cesare Lombroso
B. Daniel DeFoe
C. Cesare Beccaria
D. William Marston

6. The Father of Modern Criminology Cesare Lombroso, became the

first person to use science as a method of detecting deception in
the year
A. 1895
B. 1925
C. 1896
D. 1926

7. He developed a method of measuring the amount of sweat a

suspect produced during interrogation. This was determined by the
electrical conductibility of the suspect’s skin.
A. B. Sticker
B. C. Lombroso
C. D. Sticker
D. C. Beccaria

8. The first “polygraph” machine was actually a copy machine invented

A. 1801
B. 1803
C. 1802
D. 1804

9. In the early 1900s, He invented what he called the “ink polygraph”.

This was used to monitor cardiovascular responses by measuring
pulse and blood pressure.
A. Ken Adler
B. Vittorio Benussi
C. James MacKenzie
D. Cesare Lombroso

10.In 1914, He used pneumatic tubing to study an individual’s

breathing rates. The device wrapped around the person’s chest and
measured depth and rate of breath.
A. Vittorio Benussi
B. Ken Adler
C. James MacKenzie
D. Cesare Lombroso

Remember the following: Lie Detection and Interrogation

1. A portion of rice spit from a person’s mouth revealed whether he or

she was lying. Spitting out dry rice indicated the dry mouth of a
liar.This form of lie detection originated in China.

2. In Europe, During the Middle Ages, torture was used as a means of

forcing a person to tell the truth.

3. In the early 1700s, Daniel DeFoe was the first to move away from
torture by suggesting that deception could be evaluated by
monitoring the heart rate.

4. In 1764, Cesare Beccaria wrote of torture, “By this

method, the robust will escape, and the feeble be condemned.

5. The Father of Modern Criminology Cesare Lombroso, became the

first person to use science as a method of detecting deception in
the year 1895.

6. Cesare Lombroso became the first person to use science as a

method of detecting deception.

7. B. Sticker developed a method of measuring the amount of sweat a

suspect produced during interrogation. This was determined by the
electrical conductibility of the suspect’s skin.

8. The first “polygraph” machine was actually a copy machine invented

in 1804.

9. In the early 1900s, James MacKenzie invented what he called the

“ink polygraph”. This was used to monitor cardiovascular
responses by measuring pulse and blood pressure.

10. In 1914,Vittorio Benussi used pneumatic tubing to study an

individual’s breathing rates. The device wrapped around the
person’s chest and measured depth and rate of breath.

Answer: Lie Detection and Interrogation

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. A

Lie Detection and Interrogation Reviewer 2

1. The First Polygraph school.
A. Keeler Institute
B. Scherers Institute
C. Marston Institute
D. Larsons Institute

2. The First Full Time professional polygraph examiner.

A. Leonarde Keeler
B. William Marston
C. John Larson
D. Ron Decker

3. It measures systolic blood pressure as a means of determining

whether a suspect was lying during an interrogation.
A. Sphygmomanometer
B. Emotograph
C. Kymograph
D. Psychogalvanometer

4. A U.S case wherein the examiners testimony regarding a defendants

fact of passing the polygraph test was not accepted in evidence.
A. U.S vs. Ohio
B. Keeler vs. U.S
C. Frye vs. U.S
D. Larson vs. U.S

5. He invented the modern polygraph machine in 1921.

A. Leonarde Keeler
B. William Marston
C. John Larson
D. Ron Decker
6. Polygraph literally means
A. Many Writings
B. Different Writings
C. Various Writings
D. Cursive Writings

7. The first to discover the phenomenon we now know as electrodermal

A. Leonarde Keeler
B. Ron Adler
C. John Larson
D. Marie Gabriel Vigouroux

8. Cesare Lombroso was the first to experiment with a device measuring

blood pressure and pulse to detect deception in criminal
suspects,He called it
A. Sphygmograph
B. Hydrosphygmograph
C. Cardiograph
D. Pneumograph

9. The First Polygraph machine suitable for use in criminal investigation

was invented by
A. Cesare Lombroso
B. Leonarde Keeler
C. Vittorio Venussi
D. John Larson

10. An instrument for recording variations in pressure, e.g., in sound

waves or in blood within blood vessels, by the trace of a stylus on
a rotating cylinder.
A. Kymograph
B. Galvanograph
C. Pheumograph D. Cardiograph

Remember the following: Lie Detection and Interrogation

1. Keeler Institute - The First Polygraph school.

2. Leonarde Keeler - The First Full Time professional polygraph

3. Sphygmomanometer - It measures systolic blood pressure as a
means of determining whether a suspect was lying during an

4. Frye vs. U.S - A U.S case wherein the examiners testimony

regarding a defendants fact of passing the polygraph test was not
accepted in evidence.

5. John Larson - He invented the modern polygraphy machine in 1921.

6. Polygraph literally means "many writings".

7. Marie Gabriel Vigouroux - The first to discover the phenomenon we

now know as electrodermal response.

8. Cesare Lombroso was the first to experiment with a device measuring

blood pressure and pulse to detect deception in criminal suspects,He
called it Hydrosphygmograph.

9. The First Polygraph machine suitable for use in criminal investigation

was invented by John Larson.

10. Kymograph - This device allow the chart paper to be pulled

under the recording pens at constant speed.
11. The Following sectors uses the polygraph examination
1. Private Sector
2. Legal Community
3. Law enforcement,Military and Government

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. A

Lie Detection and Interrogation Reviewer 3

1. An Italian scientist who in 1895, theorized that when in emotional
stress or tension, blood would rush to the head.
A. Mosso
B. Cesare Becarria
C. Cesare Lombroso
D. William Marston

2. He built a delicately balanced board with a center fulcrum.A person

lying on this board was placed under stress and blood would rush
to his head causing the board to tilt down at the head.
A. Mosso
B. Cesare Becarria
C. Cesare Lombroso
D. Dr. William Marston

3. In 1895, he used measurements of blood pressure changes during

interrogations using a water pressure apparatus.
A. Mosso
B. Cesare Becarria
C. Cesare Lombroso
D. Dr. William Marston

4. This water pressure apparatus is known today as

A. Cardiograph
B. Cardiosphygmograph
C. Pneumograph
D. Hydrosphygmograph

5. He established in 1915 the relevance of blood pressure changes in

the systolic blood pressure.
A. Mosso
B. Cesare Becarria
C. Cesare Lombroso
D. Dr. William Marston

6.He developed the first instrument to record simultaneously a person's

blood pressure,pulse rate and respiration changes.
A. Mosso
B. Cesare Lombroso
C. Dr. John Larson
D. Dr. William Marston
7. He found out in 1914, that distinct changes occur in the respiratory
patterns during attempt to deceive.
A. John Larson
B. Cesare Lombroso
C. Vittorio Benussi
D. Dr. William Marston

8. He conducted experiments in lie detection by measuring and

recording the rate and depth of the subject's respiration.
A. John Larson
B. Cesare Lombroso
C. Vittorio Benussi
D. Dr. William Marston

9. An Italian physiologist accidentally discovered that a dissected frog

leg would twitch and contract spasmodically at the touch of a
scalpel charged with electricity.
A. Mosso
B. Luigi Galvani
C. Vittorio Benussi
D. Dr. William Marston

10.He had found that current or "galvanic Electricity" flowed through

animal tissue.
A. Mosso
B. Luigi Galvani
C. Vittorio Benussi
D. John Larson

Remember the following:Lie Detection and Interrogation

1. Mosso - An Italian scientist who in 1895, theorized that when in

emotional stress or tension, blood would rush to the head.

2. Mosso - He built a delicately balanced board with a center

fulcrum.A person lying on this board was placed under stress and
blood would rush to his head causing the board to tilt down at the
3. Cesare Lombroso - In 1895, he used measurements of blood
pressure changes during interrogations using a water pressure

4. This water pressure apparatus is known today as


5. Dr. William Marston - He established in 1915 the relevance of blood

pressure changes in the systolic blood pressure.

6. Dr. John Larson - He developed the first instrument to record

simultaneously a person's blood pressure,pulse rate and
respiration changes.

7. Vittorio Benussi - He found out in 1914, that distinct changes

8. Vittorio Benussi - He conducted experiments in lie detection by

measuring and recording the rate and depth of the subject's

9. Luigi Galvani - An Italian physiologist accidentally discovered that a

dissected frog leg would twitch and contract spasmodically at

10.Luigi Galvani - He had found that current or "galvanic

Electricity" flowed through animal tissue.

11. The 3 Basic components of a polygraph machine

1.Cardiosphygmograph - Records heart/blood pressure.
2.Pneumograph - Records breathing.
3.Galvanograph - Records electrical current in the skin.Known as
Galvanic skin response and Galvanic skin conductance.

Answers: Lie Detection and Interrogation

1. A
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. B

Lie Detection and Interrogation Reviewer 4

1. In 1897, He was one of the first to suggest the use of the (EDA)
Galvanic Skin Response as an indicator of deception.
A. Mosso
B. Larson
C. Sticker
D. Marston

2. He was the first to make word association test using the galvanometer.
A. Veraguth
B. Mosso
C. Sticker
D. Marston

3. Many scientist have studied human behavior in relation to lie

detection.Among them was this man who did not use an instrument
approach but many of his theories in the psychology of deception are
embodied in polygraph procedure today.
A. Veraguth
B. A. R. Luria
C. Sticker
D. Mosso

4. In 1932, He wrote, the criminal is certainly far from being indifferent to

his experience,but on the contrary,he puts himself in an active relation
to his experience,its trauma,urging him into activity - conditions the
dynamics of his behavior.
A. Veraguth
B. A.R. Luria
C. Sticker
D. Mosso

5. He developed in 1926, the metal recording bellows.He also incorporated

the kymograph and the rolled chart paper.He used these developments
together with the cardio and pneumo components,developing the
first polygraph instrument known today.
A. Leonard Keeler
B. Veraguth
C. Cesare lombroso
D. A.R. Luria

6. He is the father of polygraph.

A. Leonard Keeler
B. William Marston
C. John Larson
D. Cesare Lombroso

7. He devised the first structured test questions.The test is made up

using relevant questions interspersed with irrelevant questions.The R
and I test.
A. Leonard Keeler
B. William Marston
C. Sticker
D. John Larson

8. He used Keeler's technique and after testing numerous subjects, he

found that in using that technique he was getting too many

inconclusive result and an unacceptable error rate.

A. A.R Luria
B. Mosso
C. Veraguth
D. John Reid

9.In the detection of deception,He developed a structured technique

using comparison questions.
A. A.R. Luria
B. Mosso
C. Veraguth
D. John Reid

10.He operates the National School of Lie Detection and developed

his known lie and probable lie question technique and the guilt
complex question.
A. Leonard Keeler
B. Mosso
C. John Reid
D. Dick Arther
Remember the following: Lie Detection and Interrogation

1. Sticker - In 1897, He was one of the first to suggest the use of the
(EDA) Galvanic Skin Response as an indicator of deception.

2. Veraguth - He was the first to make word association test using the

3. A. R. Luria - Many scientist have studied human behavior in relation to

lie detection.Among them was this man who did not use an instrument
approach but many of his theories in the psychology of deception are
embodied in polygraph procedure today.

4. A.R. Luria - In 1932, He wrote, the criminal is certainly far from being
indifferent to his experience,but on the contrary,he puts himself in an
active relation to his experience,its trauma,urging him into activity -
conditions the dynamics of his behavior.

5. Leonard Keeler - He developed in 1926, the metal recording

bellows.He also incorporated the kymograph and the rolled chart
paper.He used these developments together with the cardio and
pneumo components,developing the first polygraph instrument known

6. Leonard Keeler - He is the father of polygraph.

7. Leonard Keeler - He devised the first structured test questions.The

test is made up using relevant questions interspersed with irrelevant
questions.The R and I test.

8. John Reid - He used Keeler's technique and after testing numerous

subjects,he found that in using that technique he was getting too
many inconclusive result and an unacceptable error rate.

9. John Reid - .In the detection of deception,He developed a structured

technique using comparison questions.

10.Dick Arther - He operates the National School of Lie Detection and

developed his known lie and probable lie question technique and the
guilt complex question.
Answers: Lie Detection and Interrogation

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. D
10. D

Lie Detection and Interrogation Reviewer 5

1. He introduced the symptomatic question or myth to
disclose whether or not an outside issue is bothering the subject.
A. Dick Arther
B. Leonard Keeler
C. John Reid
D. Cleve Backster

2. Manufactured the first commercial polygraph instrument

for Leonard Keeler.
A. Associated Press Inc.
B. Associated Research Inc.
C. Associated manufacturing Inc.
D. Associated Detection Inc.

3. The name of the first manufactured polygraph instrument.

A. Keeler polygraph instrument
B. Associated Detecting instrument
C. Larson polygraph instrument
D. Marston polygraph instrument

4. If a subject looked down and moved his toe in a circular motion while
being interrogated, he was taugh to be deceptive.This ancient
deception detection is known as
A. Nervous behaviorism
B. The ordeal of the sacred donkey
C. The ordeal of rice
D. The sacred ass
5. If the suspect's tongue was not burned,he was judged innocent.
If the suspect's tongue was burned,he was judged guilty.This
ancient deception detection is known as
A. The hot iron test
B. Bear the hot iron test
C. The ordeal of the hot iron
D. The ember test

6. What company is the leader in the manufacture of polygraph?

A. Lafayette instrument company
B. Axciton
C. Stoelting
D. Limestone

7.Where is the largest polygraph market in the world?

A. Russia
B. Ukraine
C. U.S.A
D. Georgia

8. Depending on the complexity of the case and the number of issues

being tested a polygraph examination generally takes
A. 1-2 hours
B. 3-4 hours
C. 2-3 hours
D. 4-5 hours

9. What is the longest phase of the polygraph examination?

Ans. Pre-test interview

10.Who is the most prominent polygraph examiner of all time?

A. Leonarde Keeler
B. John Larson
C. William Marston
D. Cleve Backster

Remember the ff: lie detection and interrogation

1. Cleve Backster - He introduced the symptomatic question or myth

to disclose whether or not an outside issue is bothering the subject.
Now Known as Backster Zone Comparison technique.

2. Associated Research Inc. - Manufactured the first commercial

polygraph instrument for Leonard Keeler.

3. Keeler polygraph instrument - The name of the first

manufactured polygraph instrument.

4. If a subject looked down and moved his toe in a circular motion while
being interrogated, he was taugh to be deceptive.This ancient
deception detection is known as Nervous behaviorism.

5. If the suspect's tongue was not burned,he was judged innocent.

If the suspect's tongue was burned,he was judged guilty.This
ancient deception detection is known as The ordeal of the hot

6. Lafayette instrument company is the leader in the manufacture of

polygraph instrument.

7. The largest polygraph market in the world is Ukraine.

8. Depending on the complexity of the case and the number of issues

being tested a polygraph examination generally takes 2 to 3 hours.

9.The longest phase of the polygraph examination is the

Pre-test interview.

10.The most prominent polygraph examiner of all time is

Leonard Keeler.

11. Present day manufacturers of polygraph instrument

1. lafayette
2. stoelting
3. Axciton
4. Limestone

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. C
10. A

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