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STUDENT VERSION NAME: ________________________

Proficiency Scale - Health & PE SELF

Grade: 8 Topic: Sport Education Model (SEPEP) EVALUATION
Learning Goals:
Task 1: Discuss as a class and then answer the following questions
1. What are the different components that make up a team? (Task done as a class)
Where am I at
2. What skills do you possess that will benefit your team? with my
3. What are your weaknesses that may hinder your team?
Task 2: Set 3 Goals that will help you and your team.
Task 3: Reflect on the action you intended for task 2
 Did you take action on your goals? How?
 In what ways did you contribute to your team?
 Did your actions benefit your team in any way?
 What could you have done better?
Score Achievement and Evidence of Learning Week
Score 4.0 MORE COMPLEX 5 6 Final
In addition to You will: submission
Score 3.0, in-depth  Identify and analyze the different components that make up a team, provides a deeper
inferences and understanding than just the roles within sport; refers to multiple components within sport.
applications that  Identify and analyze how the skills that you possess that can benefit a team environment
go beyond what  Identify and analyze how your weaknesses may have a negative impact on your team
was taught.  Set and describe 3 goals that will help your team; include an action plan on how you will best
achieve this.

 Analyze your achievement regarding your set goals and provide examples of where you achieved
these goals; what helped/hindered you when trying to achieve your goal?
 Identify various ways you contributed to your team environment and describe the effect this had
on your team
 Identify your actions: analyze both positive effects and negative effects on your team? How did
they affect your team/individuals? (if possible) refers to teaching personal and social
responsibility (TPSR).
 Identify various components within sport in which you could have improved on when
participating within SEPEP
No major errors or You will:
omissions.  Identify and describe the different components that make up a team, provides a deeper
understanding than just the roles within sport
 Identify and describe how the skills that you possess that can benefit a team environment
 Identify and describe how your weaknesses may have a negative impact on your team
 Set and describe 3 goals that will help your team

 Analyze your achievement regarding your set goals and provide examples of where you achieved
these goals
 Identify the ways you contributed to your team environment and describe the effect this had on
your team
 Identify your actions: analyze both positive effects and negative effects on your team? (if possible)
 Identify components which you could have improved on when participating within SEPEP
are no major You will:
errors or  Identify and describe the different components that make up a team
omissions  Identify skills that you possess that can benefit a team environment
regarding the  Identify weaknesses that may have negative impacts on your team
simpler details and  Set 3 goals that will help your team
processes. But
more complex  Describe your achievement regarding your set goals
ideas and  Identify the ways you contributed to your team environment
processes from  Identify your actions: did they have positive effects or negative effects on your team?
level 3.0 missing.
 Identify a component which you could have improved on when participating within SEPEP
Includes specific
support etc.)
Score 1.0 With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and
processes. Minimal explanation and reflection on your role/participation.

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