Contract of Lease

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This Contract of Lease (hereafter the “Lease Contract”) made and entered into this ___day of
________________ 2019 in Pasay City, Philippines, by and between:

ANGEO DECENA y CISNEROS, of legal age, single, Filipino, and with

residence and postal address at 173-H Int. M. Santos St., Pasay City, hereinafter referred to
as the “LESSOR”.

- and -

MARITES CAMPANER, of legal age Filipino, and with residence and postal
address at 173-B Int. M. Santos St., Pasay City, hereinafter referred to as the “LESSEE”.


WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the owner of the LEASED PREMISES, a residential property situated
at 173-B Int. M. Santos Street, Pasay City.

WHEREAS, the LESSOR agrees to lease-out the property to the LESSEE and the LESSEE is
willing to lease the same;

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the LESSOR leases
unto the LESSEE and the LESSEE hereby accepts from the LESSOR the LEASED PREMISES subject to
the parties herein hereby agree and stipulate, as follows:

1. Leased Premises

That the premises hereby leased shall be used exclusively by the LESSEE for residential purposes
only and shall not be diverted to other uses. It is hereby expressly agreed that if at any time the premises are
used for other purposes, the LESSOR shall have the right to rescind this contract without prejudice to its
other rights under the law.

2. Lease Period

This Lease Contract shall be effective for a period of one (1) year commencing on March 18, 2019
and expiring on March 17, 2020.

3. Renewal of Lease

Upon its expiration, this lease may be renewed under such terms and conditions as may be mutually
agreed upon by both parties, written notice of intention to renew the lease shall be served to the LESSOR not
later than seven (7) days prior to the expiry date of the period herein agreed upon.

4. Rentals, Security Deposits

The net monthly rental for the Leased Premises is SEVEN THOUSAND PESOS (Php7,000.00)
Philippine Currency.
Payment of rent shall be tendered every fifteenth (15th) of the month.

5. Application and Release of the Security Deposit

That the LESSEE shall deposit to the LESSOR upon signing of this contact and prior to move-in an
amount equivalent to the rent for TWO (2) MONTHS Philippine Currency. Wherein one (1) month deposit
shall be applied on the 12th month and the remaining ONE (1) month Security Deposit shall be applied to
recompense for damages, of whatever nature, caused on the LEASED PREMISES or any part of the
PROPERTY arising from or in connection with any act or omission of the LESSEE. The Security Deposit
shall also be applied to any unpaid utility bills such as Water, Electricity, CATV, Telephone, resulting from
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Contract of Lease-Marites Campaner#173-B

violations related to the Leased Premises and other unpaid accounts which may be due and demandable
during or upon termination of the Lease Contract.

6. Public Utilities

The LESSEE shall pay for its telephone, electric, cable, TV, water, Internet, and other public services
and utilities during the duration of the leased premises.

7. Penalty Interest

In case the LESSEE fails or refuses to pay any rentals, electricity bills and any other charges, when
the same becomes due and payable, the amount due shall bear interest at the rate of two percent (2%)
compounded per month. Any amount advanced by the LESSOR for and in behalf of the LESSEE without
the LESSEE’s consent or without such consent, if the advance was made by the LESSOR to protect its own
interest, shall become due and demandable within five (5) working days from the date the LESSEE is notified
in writing by the LESSOR of such amount advanced by the LESSOR, and shall also earn interest at the rate

of two percent (2%) per month from such date until the said amount is fully paid and settled.

8. Breach and Default: Its Consequences


The LESSEE agrees that all the covenants and agreements herein contained shall be deemed
essential conditions hereof. If default or breach be made of any such conditions or in case of dissolution or
insolvency of the LESSEE or imminence thereof, then the LESSOR shall have the right to cancel and
terminate this Lease Contract and eject the LESSEE. The LESSOR has the right to padlock the premises
when the LESSEE is in default of payment for THREE (3) consecutive months and may forfeit whatever
rental deposits or advances have been given by the LESSSEE.

9. Incidence of Fire

In case of fire, the LESSEE hereby authorizes the LESSOR to forcibly enter the Leased Premises to
do and perform all acts it may deem necessary in order to control the spread of fire on the Leased Premises
and/or to adjoining units/floors of the LEASEDPREMISES. In addition, the LESSOR shall not be held
liable for any loss or damage to the Leased Premises or to any property of the LESSEE in the Leased
Premises as a result of such forcible entry and all other acts done to control the spread of fire.

10. Delivery of Leased Premises

The LESSOR shall deliver the Leased Premises in good condition to the LESSEE on the effectivity

date of this Lease Contract. In the event that the LESSEE is unable to accept the Leased Premises upon the
effectivity date of the Lease Period for any reason whatsoever, despite the LESSOR’s ability to deliver the
Leased Premises to the LESSEE, the effectivity of the Lease Period shall remain unchanged.

11. Use of Leased Premises: Its Limitations and Conditions

It is hereby stipulated that the LESSEE shall abide by the conditions and limitations for the use of
the Leased Premises as follows:

a. The LESSEE shall keep the Leased Premises in clean, presentable and sanitary order.

b. The LESSEE shall not use or allow the use of the Leased Premises for illegal or immoral
purposes or for purposes prohibited by the government authorities and by the LESSOR, as
herein stipulated or as may be prescribed after the execution of this Lease Contract.

c. The LESSEE shall not be allowed to cause the delivery of illegal drugs or any of its contents or
its ingredients and the likes in the Leased Premises.

d. The LESSEE shall ensure that all wet garbage and waste shall be disposed of by arrangement
with and in containers approved by the LESSOR. The LESSEE shall, at its own expense,
provide for itself receptacles which the national and/or local ordinances or laws may prescribe to
hold and contain wet matter, garbage and waste and shall deposit them within the Leased
Premises or at such place and time, as may be designated by the LESSOR.

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e. LESSEE shall maintain their respective units in peaceful and reasonably quiet manner and shall
refrain from any noisy, boisterous or loud acts, such as but not limited to playing the radio,
stereo or other audio equipment, which will disturb the relative peace and quiet atmosphere of
occupant thereof. However, in cases of events or any special occasions not limited to birthday
celebrations, the LESSEE may be allowed to use Videoke or play loud music subject however
to prevailing City Ordinance prohibiting such disturbance on wee hours of the night particularly
starting at 10:00 o’clock in the evening.

f. Before commencing with any other construction works/renovation activities the LESSEE, shall
notify the LESSOR and secure approval of the works intended.

12. Return and Surrender of the Leased Premises

Upon the expiration or termination of this Lease Contract, the LESSEE shall immediately and
peacefully return to the LESSOR the Leased Premises in good, clean, sanitary and tenantable condition, save
only for reasonable and ordinary wear and tear, together with the keys of all main doors and devoid of all
occupants, furniture and effects of any kind other than the alterations or improvements. The LESSEE will

shoulder the cost of repair in the event that there is damage on the Leased Premises.

If the Leased Premises is not surrendered immediately upon termination of the Lease Contract, the
LESSEE shall give the LESSOR the right, at the latter’s option, to refuse to accept the delivery of the

premises and compel the LESSEE to pay rent thereof the same rate plus twenty five (25%) percent as penalty
until the LESSEE have complied with the terms hereof. The same penalty shall be imposed in case the
LESSEE fails to leave the premises after the expiration of this Contract of Lease or termination for any
reason whatsoever.

13. Abandonment of the Leased Premises

Abandonment of the Leased Premises shall be considered as breach of this Lease Contract or
Default. For this purpose, the LESSEE is deemed to have abandoned the Leased Premises when it departed
the Leased Premises for a continuous period of at least thirty (30) days.

14. Force Majeure or Fortuitous Event

In case of damage, of whatever nature, to the Leased Premises caused by fire, earthquake, floods,
typhoons, riots, war or any other unforeseen events as to render the LEASED PREMISES during the term
substantially unfit for use and occupation of the LESSEE, then this lease contract may be terminated without
compensation by the LESSOR to the LESSEE by notice in writing to the other.

15. Subleasing

The LESSEE shall not directly or indirectly sublet, allow or permit the LEASED PREMISES to be

occupied in whole or in part by any person, form of corporation, neither shall the LESSEE assign its rights
hereunder to any other persons entity and no right of interest thereto or therein shall be conferred on or
vested in anyone by the LESSEE without the LESSOR’s written approval.

16. Lessor’s Right of Entry

The LESSOR or its authorized representative shall after giving due notice to the LESSEE shall have
the right to enter the LEASED PREMISES in the presence of the LESSEE or its representative at any
reasonable hour to examine the same or make repairs therein or for the operation and maintenance of the
building or to exhibit the LEASED PREMISES to prospective LESSEE, or for any lawful purposes which it
may deem necessary.

a. Documentation. – Upon signing of this Lease Contract, the LESSEE shall submit copies of the

1) Personal Identification Card (Valid Government ID’s / Passport)

2) Personal Bio-Data with 2x2 Pictures
3) Contact number

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Contract of Lease-Marites Campaner#173-B

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein have hereunto affixed their signatures on the day,
year and place first above-written.


Lessor Lessee

Signed in the presence of:

_________________________ _________________________

Republic of the Philippines)
) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in ______________, this __ day of ___________ 2019,
personally appeared:

Competent Evidence of Identity

Type of ID ID Number and Expiry Date

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Contract of Lease
consisting of four (4) pages including the page on which this acknowledgment is written, has been signed on
each and every page thereof by the concerned parties and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date, year and place first above written.

Doc. No. ___________;
Page No. ___________;
Book No. ___________;
Series of 2019.

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