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Composite Materials and
Structures in Civil Engineering
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Maunsell, Beckenham, UK



6.25.3 DESIGN 4 Design for Cost-effectiveness 4 Composite Materials and Their Components 4 Fibers 5 Matrix 6 Interface 8 Current Methods of Manufacture Relevant to Civil Engineering 9 Manual process (hand lay-up) 9 The semiautomated process 10 The fully-automated process 11 Mechanical properties of composite materials 11 Limit State Design of Composite Structures 11 Limit states 13 Method of partial coefficients 13 Factors affecting the design of RP material 14 Manufacturing Specification 16 Causes of Failure of Composites 16 Design failure 16 Fabrication and processing errors 17 Fracture 17
6.25.4 APPLICATIONS 17 Current and Possible Future Areas of Utilization of Polymer Composite Material 17 New polymer composite building systems 17 Building structures 19 Offshore structures 19 Bridge structures 20 Bridge enclosures and aerodynamic fairings 21 Upgrading Structures 24 Wrapping of columns using composites 24 Flexural plate bonding 26 Plate bonding to improve the shear capacity of the beam 29 Composite Bridges 30 Cable Support for Long Span Bridges 33

2 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering Fiber Composite Tendons for Prestressing/Reinforcing Concrete 36 Parafil ropes 36 Polystal 36 Arapree 37 Composite Rebars for Concrete Construction 37 The Future of FRP Structures into the Next Century 38

6.25.6 REFERENCES 38

6.25.1 INTRODUCTION materials and Systems. Proposed materials

include advanced composites and the systems
In the 50 years since the Second World War, include new methods of construction with
rebuilding and growth led to a huge workload robotics.
for the construction industry but much of the Government initiatives in Europe have been
work was procured by the State with increasing slower but the UK government launched two
bureaucracy in standards and little research and initiatives in 1994, with similar objectives,
development. The painful memories of war and under the control of the EPSRC. These were
continuing international tensions ensured that the ªInnovative Manufacturing Initiative
the patterns of massive State investment in (1994)º and the ªMaterials for Better Construc-
defense research remained and entrepreneurs tion Programme (1994).º
in private industry turned away from construc- The interest in the use of advanced composite
tion and switched their attention to transport materials in the construction market is growing
leading to the rapid development of the auto- rapidly, fueled by the need to improve durabil-
motive and aerospace industries. ity, reduce site labor costs and construction
The legacy of this lack of investment in re- time, and improve safety.
search and development in construction is This chapter demonstrates the use of ad-
clearly visible currently. The technological re- vanced composites, into the twenty-first cen-
volution in materials and processes in all other tury, in the construction industry from the
sectors of the manufacturing industry over the point of view of upgrading structures, main-
last 60 years has exceeded the construction taining structures, and building structures com-
industry. pletely from advanced composite materials. It
The construction industry is now regarded in will concentrate upon the developments in Brit-
recent reports such as the Latham Report (1994) ain and the world which have led to the con-
as low technology, low skill, and labor intensive struction of a number of landmark advanced
compared with most others. The mismatch composite structures. Finally, it will demon-
between research investment and construction strate that this material is an important addi-
expenditure has meant that construction has tion to the civil engineers' list of available
proceeded on a large scale with an inadequate construction materials.
understanding of many aspects such as the In order to understand the significance of the
deterioration mechanisms for structures. This current interest in polymers and composites in
has often meant that due allowance has not been the civil engineering field, it is necessary to
made for practical repair and maintenance. explore the evolution of engineering materials.
Furthermore, the majority of engineers have In 1994 a discussion was held at the Royal
become managers of existing technologies Society where a number of points were made
within a rigid technical and procurement frame- regarding the evolution of materials through-
work which stifles real invention. out the ages. The following has been taken from
It is clear from the experience of the last 30 this discussion:
years in Europe, Japan, and particularly the ªBefore 2000 B.C. cutting tools were mostly
USA that existing construction technology has made of flint. Flint is a ceramic and was an
not delivered the reliability needed particularly important material in an age when stone, pot-
in bridges. Hence the conclusion has been tery and wood were almost the only engineering
reached in the USA, expressed in the Civil En- materials. metals were unknown. Flint had
gineering Research Foundation Report (1993), a special role because it could be shaped to a
and endorsed by President Clinton, that ªto- cutting edge and used as a weapon or as a knife.
morrow's infrastructure must not be built using It was one of the engineering materials of the
today's technology.º stone age, orÐas we would now call itÐthe age
Large investments are now being made by the of ceramics. It was an era in which metals
US government in conjunction with private played almost no role and engineering (hous-
industry in High Performance Construction ing, boats, weapons, utensils) was dominated
Introduction 3

by polymers (wood, straw, skins), composites plex shapes was quickly recognized by archi-
(like straw bricks) and ceramics (stone, pottery tects and designers and in the early 1950s it was
and later, glass). As ways were discovered to available in the form of translucent sheets.
make metals, they began to displace ceramics. Considerable information was gained from
Around 1500 B.C. the consumption of bronze the experience of the performance of the mate-
probably revealed who were the world powers; rial and it was then possible to utilize this
and still later, iron. Since 1850 it has been steel; knowledge in the design of cladding panels
economists correlate the level of development and load bearing units for use in buildings.
of a country with the quantity of steel it pro- Notwithstanding this early interest in polymers,
duces per head of population. From this point the rate of development with respect to the
on, the metals dominated engineering design. needs of the construction industry, namely
Their position was strengthened by the devel- mass-produced, high-quality, relatively low-
opment of the alloy steels, the light alloys (re- cost products with sophisticated structural re-
placing wood in aircraft design) and the quirements has been very slow. This lack of
superalloys. By 1960 `materials' was synon- progress is mirrored in the construction indus-
ymous with `metallurgy'; the world's universi- try itself where over the past 40 years construc-
ties taught courses and awarded degrees in tion methods have changed little. It is therefore
metallurgy and metal science; the graduates not surprising that the plastics/composites in-
had barely heard of polymers, ceramics and dustry did not show interest in the civil engi-
composites. However, in the past twenty years neering industry where the possibility of
that has changed. The steel industry, world utilizing new materials and therefore market
wide, is declining and the rate of materialsÐ opportunities were not visible to potential in-
high-strength polymers, ceramics, structure vestors.
compositesÐis expanding, or is poised to do Over the last 10 years the momentum of
so. The production of carbon-fiber based com- change has moved dramatically into areas of
posites for instance, is growing at about 30% world politics, economics, and the environ-
per year; that is the sort of growth rate enjoyed ment. The sudden ending of the Cold War
by steel at the peak of the industrial revolution. and the realization that environmental issues
We are now in the middle of another revolu- will need to be taken into account in future
tion, a transition from the steel age to one decisions have combined to create a turbulence
dependent on other, more advanced materials.º in many industries, not least the composites
Over the past 100 years a massive polymer industry. Rapid change of this type is likely to
industry has gradually been created which sym- be disturbing for many industries but the
bolizes the twentieth century as clearly as iron younger more dynamic industries such as com-
and steel characterized the nineteenth century. posites have a lot to offer and may be in a better
Although polymer materials have been used position to take advantage than other tradi-
mainly in the aerospace and aeronautics indus- tional well-developed industries. These obser-
tries as structural materials, it is within the last vations have been justified by the increased
10 years that the transition from the steel age to utilization of GFRP and CFRP in the construc-
more advanced materials is being spearheaded tion industry during the 1990s; for example, the
by the construction industry where 30% of all techniques of bridge building using an all
polymers produced are now utilized in that GFRP composite system and of carbon fiber/
industry. The gradual acceptance of composites polymer plate bonding to improve the flexural
made from fiber reinforced polymers has strength of bridge beams and the CFRP wrap-
begun, particularly as research and develop- ping of columns to improve their compressive
ment into new fibers and matrix materials and characteristics can be cited.
automated fabrication processes relevant to ap- There is now a much greater awareness of the
plications in the construction industry have importance of design in relation to product
grown rapidly. performance and reliability. However, standard
The use of polymer and composites in struc- specifications and codes of practice do not yet
tures started during the Second World War, exist in civil and structural engineering applica-
when the manufacture of the first radomes to tions of composites, except for the British Stan-
house electronic radar equipment was under- dard Code of Practice for the design of
taken. In the aircraft industry some compo- composites BS4994: 1973; therefore, the vitally
nents were also made using glass fiber important issues of reliability and performance
reinforced polymer (GFRP). After the war the are difficult to address, unless through specifi-
material tended to be expensive for use in con- cally proven systems.
struction and was therefore used only for spe- The limit state design methods and asso-
cial items, however, the attraction of the ciated specifications for advanced composites
polymer with its ease of moldability into com- have been pioneered and developed in the UK
4 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

by Head and Templeman (1986, 1990), and are be made to provide information on the progress
discussed in greater detail in Section that has been made towards the utilization of
The approach to defining the materials criteria composites in the construction industry.
for design of composites are complicated when
compared with those for steel, concrete, and
aluminum. The designer needs to become inti-
6.25.3 DESIGN
mately involved with the details of stress/strain
and strength behavior and changes in these Design for Cost-effectiveness
properties with time, temperature, stress envir-
onment, and manufacturing process. Limit Advanced composites offer greatly reduced
State Design Principles are ideally suited to maintenance compared with steel and concrete
dealing with a large number of interacting de- and therefore offer whole life cost benefits.
sign aspects and it should be possible to develop However, the first cost is the major and often
design codes of practice for composites which the only parameter used by clients in decision
simplify rather than increase the complexity of making despite much talk about whole life
the designer's task. Limit state design may be costing. The material cost of the fiber and
the essential key to unleashing the full potential resin constituents are a greater proportion of
of the structural use of composites in the con- total cost than the constituents of concrete and
struction industry. The broad range of applica- steel, and therefore, it is of the utmost impor-
tions of composites and the fact that the tance to minimize the quantity of fiber and resin
material is designed in conjunction with the in construction applications. Consequently, de-
structural system implies that it is inadvisable sign methods have to be very sophisticated to
to attempt to develop a single code of practice avoid conservatism and material wastage and
to cover all possible applications; it will be forms of structure must be optimized in terms
necessary to develop different codes for build- of minimum material content. Furthermore, it
ing design, bridge design, offshore design, etc. is of paramount importance, because of the cost
of the material, that manufacturing costs are
minimized without sacrifice in quality, hence,
automated processes with low labor input such
6.25.2 THE CURRENT USE OF AND as pultrusion (Section, supplemen-
INTEREST IN POLYMER ted by filament winding (Section and
COMPOSITE MATERIALS resin injection (Section are ideally
suited to meeting these demands. It is clear that
The particular material properties required advanced composite structures need to avoid
for the design of steel and concrete structures the labor-intensive fabrication shop and site
are well understood by structural engineers as practice prevalent in steel and concrete bridges
are the various test methods used to determine if they are to be successful commercially.
these properties. The properties are generally Design costs of advanced composite applica-
few in number and may be determined from tions are very high because of the great com-
standard tests which are described in the pub- plexity of the design process and the need to
lications of nationally recognized bodies such optimize material content. Design costs of steel
as the British Standards Institution. and concrete structures are typically 2±4% of
For long fiber composite materials, which are the construction costs, whereas with advanced
gaining increasing acceptance for use in civil composites design costs can be typically at least
engineering applications, the situation is much 10±20%. Consequently, reduction in costs
more complicated and as a consequence, less through the use of standard modular system
well defined. It is more complicated because designs has been found to be essential to reduce
these two-phase materials (stiff fibers em- the design input.
bedded in a relatively flexible matrix) are in-
herently orthotropic (for design purposes steel
and concrete are generally assumed to be iso- Composite Materials and Their
tropic) and also because of the nature and Components
number of failure modes (e.g., fiber fracture,
matrix cracking, delamination, etc.) Composites which are used to form engineer-
Although the pressing need for standardized ing materials and which consist of strong, stiff
tests to determine the engineering properties of fibers in a polymer resin require scientific un-
these materials has been recognized for a num- derstanding from which design procedures may
ber of years, progress towards fulfilling this be developed. The mechanical and physical
need has been understandably slow. In the fol- properties of the composite are clearly con-
lowing sections of this chapter an attempt will trolled by their constituent properties and by
Design 5

Table 1 The chemical composition of E- and fiber is one involving axial alignment of mole-
S-glass. cules of the material; the high tensile strength is
associated with improved intermolecular at-
Oxides used traction resulting from the alignment. The
glass, carbon, and aramid fibers dominate
CaO Al2O3 MgO B2O3 SiO2
fiber usage in the civil engineering industry.
For E-glass 17.5 14.0 4.5 10.0 54.0 The desirable functional requirements of the
For S-glass - 25.0 10.0 - 65.0 fibers in a fiber reinforced composite are as
Source: Phillips (1989).
(i) a high modulus of elasticity for efficient
utilization of reinforcement;
(ii) high ultimate strength;
the microstructural configurations. It is there- (iii) a low variation of strength between indi-
fore necessary to be able to predict properties vidual fibers;
when parameter variations take place. The (iv) a high stability and retention of their
most important aspect of composite material strength during handling;
design is the property of anisotropy; it is neces- (v) a high uniformity in the diameter and
sary to give special attention to the methods of surface dimensions between fibers.
controlling this property and its effect on ana-
lytical and design procedures. (i) Glass fiber
The reinforcement of a low-modulus matrix
with high-strength and high-modulus fibers uti- Glass is the name given to a number of mu-
lizes the viscoelastic displacement of the low- tually soluble oxides which can be cooled down
modulus matrix under stress to transfer the below their true melting point without crystal-
load to the fiber; this results in a high-strength, lization taking place. They are clear, amor-
high-modulus composite. The aim of the com- phous solids and fail with typical conchoidal
bination is to produce a two-phase material in fracture surfaces (see Chapter 1.08, Volume 1).
which the primary phase that determines stiff- The main chemical compositions of the most
ness, and is in the form of particles of high important grades of glass in commercial pro-
aspect ratio (i.e., the fiber), is well dispersed duction are shown in Table 1 and the main
and bonded by a weak secondary phase (i.e., oxide is silica in the form of silica sand; the
the matrix). The principal constituents that other oxides such as calcium, sodium, and alu-
influence the strength and stiffness of the com- minum are incorporated to reduce the melting
posites are the reinforcing fibers, the matrix, temperature and impede crystallization.
and the interface. Each of these individual Glass fibers are manufactured by continuous
phases has to perform certain essential func- and rapid drawing from the melt into very fine
tional requirements based upon their mechan- filaments; these range from 3 to 24 mm in com-
ical properties so that a system containing them mercial production. During this production
may perform satisfactorily as a composite. stage, 200 of the individual filaments are
The design and analysis of any structural drawn together into a strand; the filaments
member requires a detailed knowledge of the are treated with a size which binds the filaments
material properties and these are dependent before they are wound onto a drum. Further
upon the manufacturing and fabrication meth- strands may be brought together to form an
ods as well as on the nature and properties of untwisted bundle of fibers called rovings.
the constituent materials. This is discussed in The most important grades of glass are:
Section The following discussion on (i) E-glassÐlow alkali content, is the most
the component parts of polymer composites is common glass fiber on the market and is the
directed specifically towards the construction major glass used in the construction industry.
industry. (ii) S-glassÐa stronger and stiffer fiber than
E-glass, was originally developed for military
applications; Fibers (iii) R-glassÐa civil version of S-glass, is
used for high-technology applications;
A fiber is a long filament of matter with a (iv) C-glassÐused for chemical resistance,
diameter generally of the order of 10 mm and an mainly against acid attack;
aspect ratio of length to diameter between a (v) CemfilÐused for resisting alkali in Port-
thousand and infinity for continuous fibers. A land cement.
wide range of amorphous and crystalline mate- There are five forms in which glass fiber
rials can be used as the fiber in reinforced strands may be used to reinforce thermosetting
polymer composites. The process of making a polymers, these are:
6 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

(i) chopped fibers (b) Aramid fiber (see Chapter 1.07, Volume
(ii) chopped strands 1) (aromatic polyamide). The aromatic fiber
(iii) chopped strand mats is typically produced by an extrusion and spin-
(iv) woven fabrics ning process. A solution of the polymer in a
(v) surface tissue. suitable solvent at a temperature of between
The glass fiber strands and the woven fabrics 7508 C and 7808 C is extruded into a hot
are the main glass fiber forms used in advanced cylinder which is at a temperature of 2008 C;
composite fabrication for civil engineering this causes the solvent to evaporate and the
structures. resulting fiber is wound onto a bobbin. The
fiber then undergoes a stretching and drawing
(ii) High-performance fibers process to increase its strength and stiffness
Although glass fibers have excellent high The structure of the aramid fibers is aniso-
strength with relatively low cost and currently tropic and gives higher strength and modulus
provide the majority of structural components values in its longitudinal direction compared
in the construction industry, special structural with its transverse direction. Aramid is resistant
requirements require materials with high-mod- to fatigue, both static and dynamic. It is elastic
ulus, high-fatigue strength values than that in tension but it behaves nonlinearly in com-
which can be provided by the glass fiber. For pression and in addition has a ductile compres-
such cases high-performance fibers will be used sive characteristic. The fiber possesses good
although there will be a cost penalty. There are toughness and damage tolerance properties.
basically two high-performance fibers used in Table 2 gives typical mechanical properties for
civil engineering, namely carbon and aramid glass, carbon, and aramid fibers.
Carbon fibers (see Chapter 1.01, Volume 1)
are manufactured by controlled pyrolysis and Matrix
crystallization of certain organic precursors and
the manufacturing process consists of a se- A polymer is an organic material composed
quence of procedures which are stabilization, of molecules made from many repeats of the
carbonization, graphitization, and surface same simpler unit called the monomer.
treatment. During the manufacturing process The matrix (polymer) is required to fulfil the
most elements other than carbon are removed following functions:
and carbon crystallites are preferably orien- (i) to wet out the fiber and cure satisfactorily
tated along the fiber length. At manufacturing in the manufacturing process;
temperatures above 20008 C the size of the car- (ii) to bind together the fibers and to protect
bon crystallites increases and their orientation their surfaces from abrasion and environmental
improves corrosion;
(a) Carbon fiber. Provided that the pre- (iii) to disperse the fibers and to separate
cursor fiber carbonizes and does not melt at them in order to avoid any catastrophic propa-
the high temperatures required for manufac- gation of cracks;
ture, these precursor fibers can be converted (iv) to transfer stresses to the fibers effi-
into carbon fibers. There are three precursors ciently by adhesion and/or friction, and in addi-
used currently to manufacture carbon fibers. tion, to reduce the chance of failure in the
These are: matrix; adhesion to the fibers must be coupled
(i) Rayon precursorsÐwhich are derived with sufficient matrix shear strength which is, in
from cellulose materials but only about 25% general, proportional to the tensile strength;
of the original fiber mass remains after (v) to be chemically compatible with the
carbonization. fibers over long periods of time;
(ii) Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursorsÐ (vi) to be thermally compatible with the
which are the basis for the majority of carbon fibers;
fibers which are commercially available and (vii) to have appropriate fire resistance and
about 50% of the original fiber mass remains limit smoke propagation;
after carbonization. (viii) to provide finish color and surface fin-
(iii) Pitch precursors (see Chapter 1.02, ish for connections.
Volume 1)Ðcan also be used to produce carbon There are several different polymer matrices
fibers. These precursors are based upon petro- which can be utilized in advanced composites,
leum, asphalt, coal tar, and PVC. Pitches are but in construction only a relatively small num-
relatively low in cost and have a high carbon ber are actually used. However, within the
yield although the nonuniformity of the manu- composite family there are two major types
factured fiber from batch to batch is a problem. which determine the methods of manufacturing
Design 7

Table 2 Typical properties of glass, carbon, and aramid fibers.

Material Fiber Elastic modulus Tensile strength Ultimate strain

(GPa) (MPa) (%)

Glass E 72.4 2400 3.5

A 72.4 3030 3.5
S-2 88.0 4600 5.7
Aramid 49 125 2760 2.4
29 83 2750 4.0
Carbon fiber
Pan based fibers
Hysol Grafil Apollo IMa 300 5200 1.73
HMb 400 3500 0.88
HSc 260 5020 2.00
BASF Celion G40-700 300 4960 1.66
Gy 80 572 1860 1.66
Torayca T300 234 3530 1.51
Pitch based fibers
Union carbide P120 827 2200 0.27
P100 724 2200 0.31
P75-S 520 2100 0.40
P55-S 380 1900 0.50
P25-W 160 1400 0.90

a b c
Intermediate modulus. High modulus. High strength.

and the properties of the composite; these are solid by chemical cross-linking which produces
the thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. a tightly bound three-dimensional network of
Both types are composed of a long chain mo- polymer chains. The molecular units forming
lecule made by connecting many smaller mole- the network and the length and density of the
cules. cross-links of the structure will influence the
Thermoplastic polymers are long-chain mole- mechanical properties of the material; the net-
cules held together by relatively weak van der work and length of the units are a function of
Waals forces but the chemical valency bond the chemicals used and the cross-linking is a
along the chains is extremely strong, therefore, function of the degree of cure.
they derive their strength and stiffness from the Rigid polymer foam is a two-phase system of
inherent properties of the monomer units and a gas dispersed in a solid polymer. Foam poly-
the very high molecular weight. These polymers mers are produced by adding a blowing agent
will be either amorphous which implies a ran- to chemical formulations and this causes the
dom structure with a high concentration of material to expand and to increase the original
molecular entanglement or they will be crystal- volume of the polymer many times by the for-
line with a high degree of molecular order or mation of small cells. The properties of the
alignment. In the amorphous polymer (see foam and the optimum use of these properties
Chapter 2.02, Volume 2), the random structure are complicated subjects which reflect not only
will become disentangled during heating and the polymer properties but also the method of
will change the material from a solid to a manufacture. As with solid polymers, rigid
viscous liquid, whereas heating the crystalline polymer foams can be manufactured from
polymer will change it to an amorphous viscous either thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers
liquid. However, it is difficult to make a poly- and they have the advantages and limitations of
mer which has a pure crystalline structure be- the solid phase. Furthermore, the density, cell
cause of the complex physical nature of the geometry, and gas phase composition can be
molecular chains, consequently, the so-called varied to modify the products.
ªcrystallineº polymer should more correctly The elastomer is another member of the poly-
be described as semicrystalline. mer family; the most common is rubber. The
Thermosetting polymers (see Chapter 2.01, material consists of long-chain molecules which
Volume 2) are usually made from liquid or are coiled and twisted in a random manner and
semisolid precursors which harden irreversibly; the molecular flexibility is such that the mate-
this chemical reaction is known as polyconden- rial is able to undergo very large deformations.
sation, polymerization, or curing and on com- The material is then cured by vulcanization to
pletion, the liquid resin is converted to a hard enable it to recover from the large deformations
8 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

received under load. The molecules then be- nature and the bonding in the monomer and
come cross-linked in a similar way to that of the shape of links in the polymer chain.
the thermosetting polymer. This polymer is Dimensional stability is the most important
used in elastomeric bridge bearings and resilient thermal property of polymers as, above a cri-
seatings in buildings; however, this topic is out- tical temperature, all polymers lose their dimen-
side the scope of this chapter and will not be sional stability. This critical temperature is
discussed further. known as the glass transition temperature (Tg)
of the polymer, below which amorphous and
(i) Properties of the polymer matrix material partly crystalline polymers become glassy in
nature. Consequently, polymer composite
(a) Mechanical properties. StrengthÐa structural units should not be exposed to tem-
polymer exhibits different types of strength peratures above this value. In general, thermo-
characteristics depending on the loading to setting polymers have higher Tg than the
which it is exposed, for example, undergoing thermoplastic polymers. For polymers with a
static short- or long-term loadings or dynamic high crystallinity, the region of acceptable di-
or impact loadings. The short-term ªyieldº mensional stability above Tg can be raised. At
strength of a polymer is dependent upon the the thermodynamic melting point (Tm), crystal-
bonding between the molecules; generally, the line polymers abruptly change into liquids and
higher the degree of cross-linking, the higher in doing so have zero mechanical properties. At
the ªyieldº strength but the toughness will de- the decomposition temperature range (Td), a
crease in value. Long-term rupture and fatigue polymer may become flammable. At the flash
strengths of thermoplastic polymers will be in- ignition temperature polymers react with oxy-
creased with an increase in their secondary gen and start to burn.
bond strength and crystallinity. If substantial Solubility is the ability of a solvent to diffuse
heating is encountered during fatiguing of the into the polymer and to cause it to swell. There-
material, all factors that influence thermal sta- fore, when selecting a polymer for a specific
bility will also influence fatigue strengths. application, attention should be given to any
Toughness-±the ability of a material to ab- chemicals that may come in contact with it. It is
sorb energy is known as toughness and is de- worth mentioning here that a polymer will not
fined as the work required to rupture a unit dissolve in a solvent unless the chemical struc-
volume of the material. Generally an increase in ture of its monomer is similar to that of the
the stiffness of the material will result in a solvent. A plasticizer may be added to a poly-
decrease in its toughness. mer to alter its property or to improve its
(b) Thermal properties. The coefficient of processing workability. It should be realized
thermal expansion of polymers is generally that such an addition is likely to lower the
much higher than that of conventional materi- temperature resistance, hardness, stiffness,
als such as steel and concrete. This character- and tensile strength of the polymer; however,
istic must be considered in structural design. its toughness may be increased.
The characteristic varies with temperature and Permeability is the ability of polymers to
consequently is calculated as the slope of the allow gasses and other small molecules to
secant line of the thermal expansion curve be- permeate through it. It is likely that polymers
tween the reference temperature (generally with high crystallinity/density will have lower
room temperature) and the temperature of in- permeability. The degree of cross-linking also
terest. The rate of thermal expansion for a reduces permeability.
thermosetting polymer is influenced mainly by The three main polymers that are used in
the degree of cross-linking. In a thermoplastic construction are the polyesters, vinylester,s
polymer thermal expansion is controlled pri- and the epoxies; the phenolic polymer is occa-
marily by the strength of the secondary bond sionally used for increased fire resistance; their
between molecules and only partially by the mechanical properties are shown in Table 3.
stiffness of its chains.
The thermal conductivity of all polymers is
low, consequently they act as a good heat in- Interface
sulators. To reduce the thermal conductivity of
a polymer further it can be used in the form of a The interface between the fiber and matrix is
foam. If the value is to be increased, metallic an anisotropic transition region exhibiting a
fillers can be added to the resin at the time of gradation of properties. This is an important
polymerization. region which is required to provide adequate
Chemical resistance is the ability of a poly- chemical and physical bonding stablility be-
mer to resist attack by chemicals, environment, tween the fibers and matrix. Its functional re-
and radiation. It depends upon the chemical quirements vary considerably according to the
Design 9

Table 3 Typical mechanical properties of the four polymers.

Specific Ultimate Modulus of Coefficient of

Material weight tensile strength elasticity in tension linear expansion
(MPa) (GPa) (1076 8C71)

Polyester 1.28 45±90 2.5±4.0 100±110
Vinylester (BASF Palatal A430-01) 1.07 90 4.0 80
Epoxy 1.03 90±110 3.5±7.0 45±65
Phenolic (without filler) 1.5±1.75 45±59 5.5±8.3 30±45

performance requirement of the composite dur- the above broad headings are as follows.
ing its various stages under service conditions. The manual process (hand lay-up)±some of
The analysis and design of composite materi- the commercial methods available to manufac-
als is discussed in Section and Section ture the composite are:; it is sufficient, therefore, to say here (i) The XX-sys Technologies method
that a number of assumptions are made to (ii) The REPLARK method
enable solutions to mathematical models to be (iii) The Dupont method
obtained, these are: (iv) The Tonen Forca method.
(i) the fiber and matrix behave as a quasie- The semiautomated processesÐtwo commer-
lastic materials; cial methods which are available to manufac-
(ii) the bond between the fiber and matrix is ture composites are:
perfect and consequently there will be no strain (i) Resin Infusion under Flexible Tooling
discontinuity across the interface; (RIFT)
(iii) the material adjacent to the fiber has the (ii) The XX-sys Technologies process.
same properties as the material in bulk form. The automated processÐthree methods to
produce polymer composite units for fabrica-
tion into structural units for the construction
industry are: Current Methods of Manufacture (i) The pultrusion technique
Relevant to Civil Engineering (ii) The filament winding technique
There are various techniques for the manu- (iii) The resin transfer molding (RTM) and
facture of advanced polymer composites (see the Siemann Composites Resin Infusion Man-
Volume 2 of this set), all of which will have an ufacturing Process (SCRIMP).
influence on the mechanical properties of the
final composite product. The methods may be
considered under three broad headings: Manual process (hand lay-up)
(i) The manual processes cover such meth-
ods as hand lay-up, spray-up (both of which are The XX-sys TechnologiesÐhand applied
known as contact molding), pressure bag, and carbon fiber fabric wrap (ambient cured resin
autoclave moldings. system). The XX-sys method is one in which
(ii) The semiautomated processes which dry carbon fiber fabric is wrapped around a
include compression molding and resin column which is required to be strengthened or
injection. upgraded; the steps are as follows.
(iii) The automated processes are those such (i) Surface preparation is a critical operation
as pultrusion, filament winding, and injection and may include some or all of the following
molding. activities: grit blasting, steel reinforcement cor-
It is necessary to realize the profound effects rosion control, crack injection, grinding high
that the manufacturing techniques have on the spots and protrusions, radius grinding of cor-
quality of the finished product and their proper- ners, repairing damaged areas, patching holes.
ties. The varying degrees of compaction pro- (ii) Marking the concrete in advance so that
vided by each of the manufacturing methods, each section of carbon fiber fabric can be accu-
the degree of pre- and postcure, of the resin and rately placed during installation.
the overall effect on the microstructure and in- (iii) Sections of the fabric are cut, rolled,
ternal stresses developed during the fabrication wrapped, and labeled.
procedure will all affect their finished quality. (iv) The adhesive is applied to the concrete
The important manufacturing techniques surface and dry fabric is applied directly to the
which are used in construction and lie within adhesive.
10 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

(v) The fabric is rolled with a laminating veloped to retrofit carbon fiber composites to
roller to remove any trapped air.The laminating steel, cast iron, and concrete bridges. The high-
resin is then mixed and is applied to the dry quality composites which are formed in situ are
fabric and worked into the fabric using firm bonded to the structure in one operation, by
pressure. the laminating resin, during the manufacturing
(vi) For projects which require two or more procedure. In this process dry fibers are pre-
layers of fabric, a layer of resin must be applied formed in a mold in the fabrication shop and
between the layers of fabric to bind them are sent to site. The preform is then attached
together. Each layer is consolidated using to the structure and a resin supply is channeled
metal laminating rollers. to the prepreg. The prepreg and resin supply
(vii) To protect the composite from UV are then enveloped in a vacuum bagging sys-
radiation, the whole can be painted with a tem. As the resin flows through the dry fiber
textured urethane-based paint. preform it forms both the composite material
The Replark fabrication technique is similar and the adhesive bond between the CFRP and
in principle to the XX-sys technique, and uses the structure. The process provides high fiber
Mitsubishi manufactured fibers; it is marketed volume fraction composites of the order of
and distributed in the UK by the Sumitomo 55% which have high strength and stiffness
Corporation. The Replark material is manufac- values.
tured from unidirectional carbon fibers impreg- The XX-sys Technologies continuous carbon
nated with a small amount of polymer. Replark fiber jackets method was developed in the USA
can be readily applied to concrete with epoxy by XX-sys Technologies, Inc., San Diego, CA,
resin (Epotherm). The fabrication technique to as a semiautomated process for seismic retro-
form this material is basically a hand lay-up fitting and strength restoration of concrete col-
method in which the mold is usually the struc- umns using continuous carbon fiber. The XX-
tural unit on to which the polymer composite is sys carbon fiber composite jackets are installed
retrofitted. In addition, planar and nonplanar with a fully automated machine called Robo-
composites can be manufactured independently WrapperTM and portable oven for curing. The
and used as structural units. technology associated with the technique is
The application procedure as recommended based on the filament winding of prepreg car-
by Sumitomo is: bon fiber tows around the structural unit, thus
(i) grind the surface of the concrete on which forming a carbon fiber jacket; currently, the
the composite is to be laid-up, thus providing a structural unit to be upgraded would be a col-
clean rough surface for bonding, umn. The polymer is then cured by a controlled
(ii) prime the surface of the concrete with a elevated temperature oven and can, if desired,
compatible resin to that of the composite, be coated with a resin to match the existing
(iii) apply an epoxy putty filler if necessary, structure. An advantage of this automated pro-
(iv) apply the first resin coat (undercoat), cess is that the carbon fiber prepreg is impreg-
(v) apply the carbon fiber sheet (Replark) to nated with the polymer under factory
the resin coat, controlled conditions, providing good quality
(vi) apply the second resin application (over- control and as a consequence a high strength to
coat), weight ratio. The equipment is erected on site
(vi) apply a protective coating if required. with minimum disturbance to traffic and the
Dupont produce a system using Kevlar fibers whole operation is undertaken in minimum
which are marketed as a repair system for con- time; the latter will, however, depend on the
crete structures. Application of the material to size of the job. The carbon fiber jacket which is
the surface to be retrofitted is similar to the eventually formed around the column will in-
above. crease the shear capacity of the column and will
The Tonen Forca is a unidirectional carbon confine the concrete and greatly enhance its
fiber sheet in an epoxy laminated system mar- ductility in the flexural plastic hinge region.
keted in the UK by Kyokuto Boeki Kaisha Ltd. Furthermore, it will provide lap splice clamping
The system was originally developed by Mitsu- and will prevent local buckling of the vertical
bishi Chemical Corporation and is therefore reinforcement. For corrosion-damaged col-
similar to the Replark system. umns, the jacket restores shear capacity and
will prevent spalling of the cover concrete.
With the exception of the XX-sys method, all
the above manufacturing processes are able to The semiautomated process produce ªall compositeº systems as well as
independently being bonded onto conventional
The semiautomated Resin Infusion under constructions to act compositely with, and to
Flexible Tooling (RIFT) process has been de- upgrade, that structure.
Design 11 The fully-automated process In Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) and the
Seemann Composites Resin Infusion Manufac-
The pultrusion technique is a closed mold turing Process (SCRIMP), a fiber preform is
system and is a fully-automated continuous placed on a tool or inside a mold cavity and is
process used in the reinforced plastics industry. encapsulated inside a vacuum bag. Thermoset-
Constant section shapes are produced by pas- ting resin is then injected into the mold where it
sing strands of fiber interleaved with any addi- saturates the preform and fills the mold. The
tional required layers of fabric through a heated resin system is designed to undergo a curing
die, the strands having been previously passed reaction to produce the finished part. The
through a resin bath to impregnate them. Alter- mold filling process, which can take a number
natively the fibers can be impregnated with the of minutes, is critical to obtaining a good qual-
resin by injecting the latter through port-holes ity product. To prevent voids or dry spots from
in the heated die as the fibers pass through it. forming in the finished article, the resin must
The process has been discussed by Hollaway fully wet-out the preform; any voids present will
(1986). result in defects that will diminish the strength
The finished pultrusion products formed have and quality of the cured part. The SCRIMP
various geometrical cross-sectional shapes and process is a vacuum-assisted RTM process.
are generally straight, although products can be
manufactured which are curved in the lon-
gitudinal direction. This operation, however,
requires considerable experience. Furthermore, Mechanical properties of composite
complicated geometrical sections including materials
those which incorporate right-angled bends Structural composites have a wide spectrum
can be manufactured. The limiting factor on of mechanical properties. These properties will
the complexity of the cross-section is the pull be dependent on the following four items.
force required to draw the pultruded section (i) The relative proportions of fiber and
through the die; the more complex the section, matrix materials (the fiber/matrix volume or
the greater the force due to friction of the unit weight ratio).
within the die. (ii) The method of manufacture (see Section
It is necessary to design the operation so that
the fibers are well compacted around any bends (iii) The mechanical properties of the com-
in a section to prevent voids forming in the unit ponent parts (a carbon fiber array will give
and that they can be distributed well in all cross- greater stiffness to the composite than an iden-
sections of the manufactured unit, thus avoid- tical glass fiber array).
ing any weaknesses from voids in the section. (iv) The fiber orientation within the polymer
Although the pultrusion technique generally matrix (the fiber orientations can take the form
refers to the utilization of thermosetting poly- of unidirectional, bidirectional, various off-axis
mers, such as polyester, vinylester, and epoxy directions, and randomly orientated arrays).
resins, in conjunction with fibers, a method has Table 4 gives typical properties of compo-
been developed for the production of thermo- sites manufactured using long directionally
plastic polymer and fiber composites by a simi- aligned fiber reinforcement of glass, aramid,
lar process generally also referred to as and carbon with a fiber/matrix ratio by weight
pultrusion. Composites made by this method of 65%. Table 5 shows typical mechanical
have been used in composite rebars (see Section properties of glass fiber composites manufac- and for construction products such as tured by different techniques; it clearly illus-
the Maunsell's Advanced Composites Con- trates the effect that the method of fabrication
struction System (see Section has on the properties. Table 6 shows the varia-
In the filament winding technique continuous tion of the composite properties when the fiber/
strands or rovings of reinforcement are passed matrix ratio is changed, the method of manu-
through a bath of activated resin and then facture and component parts of the composite
wound onto a rotating Mandrel. The relative remaining constant.
speeds of the Mandrel and the traversing bath
determine the helix angle of the fibers in the
composite. If resin preimpregnated fibers are
used, they are passed over a hot roller until Limit State Design of Composite
tacky and are then wound on to the rotating Structures
Mandrel. The composite unit is removed from
the Mandrel after completion of the initial To enable a cost-effective structure to be
polymerization and is then fully cured by pla- designed and built, an understanding of the
cing it into an oven enclosure at 608 C for 8 h. composite material properties, the methods of
12 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

Table 4 Typical mechanical properties of long directionally aligned fiber

reinforced composites manufactured by an automated process (epoxy matrix).

Specific Tensile Tensile Flexural Flexural

Material weight strength modulus strength modulus
(MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (GPa)

E-glass 1.9 760±1030 41.0 1448 41.0

S-2 glass 1.8 1690.0 52.0 ± ±
Aramid 58 1.45 1150±1380 70±107 ± ±
Carbon (PAN) 1.6 2689±1930 130±172 1593 110.0
Carbon (Pitch) 1.8 1380±1480 331±440 ± ±

Table 5 Typical mechanical properties of glass fiber composites manufactured by

different fabrication methods.

Method of Tensile Tensile Flexural Flexural

manufacture strength modulus strength modulus
(MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (GPa)

Hand lay-up 62±344 4±31 110±550 6±28

Spray-up 335±124 6±12 83±190 5±9
RTM 138±193 3±10 207±310 8±15
Filament winding 550±1380 30±50 690±1725 34±48
Pultrusion 275±1240 21±41 517±1448 21±41

Table 6 Typical mechanical properties of glass fiber/vinylester polymer (compres-

sion molding±randomly orientated fibers).

Fiber/matrix Specific Flexural Flexural Tensile Tensile

ratio weight strength modulus strength modulus
(%) (MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (GPa)

67 1.84±1.90 483 17.9 269 19.3

65 1.75 406 15.1 214 15.8
50 1.8 332 15.3 166 15.8

their manufacture, and a knowledge of their (iv) which is the more cost-effective, the uti-
design analysis methods is not sufficient. For lization of a more expensive composite material
instance, it is possible to evaluate the strength with better quality control or a cheaper one
and stiffness of an assumed structural config- with more variable quality?
uration so that the strength and deflection of (v) what stress and strain levels are accepta-
the structure can be predicted, but the charac- ble under normal working load conditions?
teristics of the material do not address the For conventional materials the answer to
question of reliability and performance of that these questions would be contained in a specifi-
structure. For the complete design of a compo- cation or codes of practice but as yet no stan-
site structure, the following questions must be dard specifications or codes exist for the use of
answered: composite materials in civil or structural appli-
(i) which manufacturing process will pro- cations. However, limit state design principles
duce the most reliable performance? provide a basis for an accurate design procedure
(ii) which is the most reliable, a thin-walled by incorporating into them materials, material
composite section or a thicker one? testing, material manufacturing processes, qual-
(iii) which is more important, the fire resis- ity control, design procedures, and reliability.
tance of the material or the environmental The limit state design procedures have been
resistance? (Incorporating additives into the developed in Europe on a national and interna-
resin formulations to improve the fire resistance tional basis by the civil and structural engineer-
will generally have a detrimental effect on the ing industries and are widely recognized as
durability of the material.) providing a sound basis for the design of steel
Design 13

and concrete structures. Initially there was some mum failure probabilities. (This concept is
opposition to use of the limit state codes of generally used in research.)
practice, principally on the complexity of the The partial coefficients in limit state design in
new codes and the difficulty of using them for level 1 allow the relationship between test loads
design. To a large extent this initial problem has and in-service loads and the relevant test data
been overcome and the principle can now be on materials to the performance of structural
extended to the polymer composite field of de- elements to be analyzed. For the majority of
sign. The approach to defining the criteria for FRP applications, level 1 will be the most ap-
composite materials is complicated when com- propriate, once appropriate codes of practice
pared with that for steel, concrete, and alumi- have been developed.
num. The designer is required to have a detailed
knowledge of the stress±strain characteristics of
the materials, the strength behavior, and its Limit states
changes with time, temperature, stress environ-
It is possible to describe the performance of
ment, and manufacturing procedure. Limit
all or part of an FRP structure or structural
state design principles are ideally suited to deal-
component by a limited set of limit states be-
ing with a large number of interactive design
yond which the design requirements are no
aspects and, consequently, developing design
longer satisfied.
codes of practice for composites would greatly
The limit states can be divided into three
simplify the complexity of the designers' task by
categories, these are:
providing a rational limit state design philoso-
(i) the ultimate limit state (ULS) corre-
phy which would greatly enhance the design
sponding to the maximum load capacity;
procedures for composites.
(ii) the serviceability limit state (SLS) relat-
In 1974 the Joint Committee on Structural
ing to the criteria governing normal use, e.g.,
Safety (JCSS, an interassociation committee
excessive deformations, excessive vibrations;
sponsored by six major international associa-
(iii) the conditional limit state, correspond-
tions concerned with structures and materials)
ing to infrequent major random events (e.g.,
defined the aims of design as:
fire) and which is frequently put into one of
ªThe achievement of acceptable probabilities
the other limit states (ULS or SLS).
that the structure being designed will not be-
In the design of FRP structures it would be
come unfit for the use for which it is required
required that all relevant limit states are con-
during some reference period and having regard
sidered, although it would generally be accep-
for its intended life. Thus, all structures or
table to design on the lower of the limit stages
structural elements should be designed to sus-
judged to be critical and then to check that the
tain, with an appropriate degree of safety, all
remaining limit states are reached.
loads and deformations liable to occur during
construction and proper use, to perform ade-
quately in normal use and to have adequate Method of partial coefficients
durability during the life of the structure.º
There are three levels of sophistication, as In the limit state analysis it is necessary to set
noted in Head and Templeman (1990), which up a calculation model incorporating the ap-
must be recognized when the degree of safety in propriate basic variables with due considera-
structures is checked at any given limit state. tion being taken of the influence of direct and
(i) Level 1: A semiprobabilistic design indirect loads, the structural response, and the
method in which appropriate levels of reliabil- behavior of the material. Any variable quanti-
ity are provided by the specification of a num- ties associated with the calculation model and
ber of partial safety factors related to nominal the material properties would be allowed for by
values of the basic variables. (This is the one either a model of partial coefficients (level 1) or
generally adopted for design codes.) by a probabilistic method (level 2).
(ii) Level 2: A probabilistic design method The aim of the application of partial coeffi-
in which the basic variables are represented by cients to FRP structures is to achieve, by means
their known or postulated distributions and a of suitably derived partial coefficients, which
defined reliability level is accepted. (This is the are applied to the characteristic variables of the
one normally used in the design of codes, but relevant basic variables, acceptable probabil-
can be used directly in design if sufficient data ities that for each limit state the resistance of
for the basic variables are available and the the structure would exceed the local effects.
required level of reliability justifies the cost.) The variability of basic parameters would be
(iii) Level 3: An exact probabilistic design taken into account by the selection of charac-
method involving integration of the representa- teristic values of all of them; the uncertainties
tion of the various uncertainties to derive opti- associated with the characteristic values and the
14 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

calculation model would be considered by par- material is required. For instance, the variabil-
tial coefficients applied to the variables or their ities in the polymer include its manufacturing
effects. techniques and whether additives or modifiers
The variation in mechanical properties of the have been incorporated. However, most poly-
materials being considered would be analyzed mers do exhibit similar characteristics, differ-
by defining the characteristic properties related ing only in magnitude but compared with
to standard test specimens and procedures; the conventional materials, are more complex
characteristic material value would be defined with more pronounced viscoelastic behavior,
as that value which is not attained in an un- temperature effects, and environmental factors.
limited test series. Fiber reinforced polymers are less complex
There are two partial coefficients which are than the polymer, considered separately. The
used in design, one relating to the load effects fibers stabilize the polymer with the effect that
and the other to the strength of the material or the composite material has elastic characteris-
elements. Consequently, for a particular limit tics compared with the viscoelastic properties
state, the design value for the different types of of the polymer. In addition the composite ma-
variable would be: terial is less affected by changes in temperature
and load duration. However, the composite
Fd ˆ gf Fk material is a complex one, due to the large
Fd ˆ Fk =gm variation in the two constituent properties
and the various different fibers and their or-
where Fd is the design value of a load, Fk is the ientation in the composite. All these factors are
characteristic value of the load (calculated required to be embraced in the limit state de-
load), gf is the partial coefficient, fd is the de- sign method.
sign material property, fk is the characteristic In Section the characteristics of the
property, and gm is the partial material coeffi- fibers, matrix, and composite have been dis-
cient. The values of g would generally be of the cussed and only those aspects that require to
order: be covered by the limit state design method are
outlined here.
Partial load coefficient gf Dead load %1.5 %1.2 (ii) Factors affecting the limit state design
Live load %2.0 %1.5 method of the component materials
Partial material coefficient Strength %3.0 %±
Stiffness %± %1.2 (a) Fibers
(i) the type of material (strength and stiff-
The partial coefficient could then be subdi- ness)
vided to enable rational and consistent values (ii) the form of arrangement of the fibers
for the individual coefficients to be defined. For (mat, unidirectional, or bidirectional rovings,
example, gf could be considered a function of etc.)
gf1, gf2, and gf3 where these coefficients might (iii) the fiber lay-up (woven fabric in which
consider unfavorable directions of loads (gf1), kinking will occur with reduction in strength of
reduction in probability that a combination of the composite)
loads will reach, simultaneously, their charac- (iv) the fiber/matrix volume ratio.
teristic value (gf2), and inaccurate assessment of (b) Matrix
the load effects (gf3). (i) the type of polymer
Further improvements could be made to the (ii) the addition of any filler and plasticizer
accuracy of the coefficients by introducing a (generally affecting the physical properties)
further coefficient gn to adjust either gf or gm. (iii) the bond characteristics between fiber
For example, gn could be divided into gn1 which and matrix.
takes account of the nature of failure (whether (c) Processes. The manufacturing techni-
it is brittle or ductile) and gn2 which considers que used.
the consequences of failure (economic consid- (d) Short-term stress±strain relation-
erations to human safety). ship. The stress±strain characteristics of the
composite material, whether it behaves as a
quasi-isotropic or a quasi-orthothropic and Factors affecting the design of RP the form of the graph to failure (see Chapter
material 1.17, Volume 1).
(i) Introduction (e) Long-term loading. The strain time
creep characteristics. The behavior is complex
Fiber reinforced polymer material is very and is influenced by temperature and environ-
complex, particularly when a definition of the ment (see Chapter 1.20, Volume 1).
Design 15

(f) Fatigue. The fatigue characteristic is (b) Global analysis: would generally assume
highly directional and if the system is exposed linear elastic models but would incorporate the
to high-frequency stress variations, the material loss of stiffness due to the creep. It might be
can generate internal heat. necessary to undertake a three-dimensional
The following discussion sets out the general finite element analysis in order to evaluate any
principles on which limit state design criteria stress concentrations and shear lag effects.
for polymer composite materials could be (c) Analysis of deflection: the analysis would
based. A consistent and rational approach to be incorporated into the global analysis; it is
design must be adopted in spite of the diversity important to recognize that the design of com-
of applications in order to give confidence to posite structures is dominated by total load
designers and end users. deflections.
(g) Design life. It is important to evaluate (d) Analysis of stresses: again the analysis
the fatigue performance and the cumulative would be incorporated into the global analysis-
effects of creep under load, temperature varia- for serviceability or for ultimate limit state con-
tion, and environmental effects when specifying ditions and would include:
the design life of a composite structure. (i) stresses due to axial forces and global
Although the material has reduced mainte- bending moments
nance costs compared with the more traditional (ii) shear stresses including those due to ten-
materials, it would be expected that regular sion
inspections would be undertaken during this (iii) warping stresses due to torsion
period. (iv) transverse stresses
(h) Limit states. It is necessary to select (v) creep stresses
all the relevant limit states for consider- (vi) stress concentrations.
ation when designing for any structure or
component. (iii) Specifications for loads used in the design
The following provides some indication of procedures
the limit states which would be required to be
received for particular characteristics asso- Generally, the limit state codes of practice for
ciated with FRP material. the more conventional construction materials
(i) Serviceability limit state would also be used for composites. It should be
(a) Deflection/deformation realized, however, that the live loads would
(b) Residual deformationÐthe viscoelastic represent a larger proportion of the total load
nature of the material as the self-weight would be low in value. In
(c) First damageÐcrazing or cracking of the addition, the duration of the live load for the
material might accelerate the environmental time-dependent behavior to be assessed would
degradation be required. Furthermore, temperature effects
(d) Buckling (local or overall)Ðthe state of might be important due to the large thermal
the material after buckling coefficient of expansion, but thermal restraint
(e) Vibration would be less due to the relatively low modulus
(f) Impact damageÐa reduction in proper- of elasticity of the material.
ties, the effect on the appearance, or more
permanent damage. (iv) Material parameters
(j) Ultimate limit state
(a) CollapseÐloss of integrity of structure Material design data are generally derived
(b) Rupture of sectionÐinfluenced by fail- from laboratory testing of specimens. For
ure of structure or element, would involve a FRP materials, the maximum reliability, the
failure criteria definition, might involve an specimens, and test conditions should represent
interaction of time, temperature, stress, and as closely as possible those to which the struc-
environment tural system is exposed in practice. In construc-
(c) BucklingÐinstability problem, would tion the characteristic material properties are
involve a reduction of stress and directional commonly taken as the lower 5% fractile, how-
properties ever, other relevant values may be appropriate
(d) Fatigue for different applications. The characteristic
(e) Fire resistance (see Chapter 6.23, this values for FRP material used in construction
volume). are stiffness and strength, ultimate strength,
(k) Methods of analysis for FRP and first damage, and these should be asso-
(a) Analysis of ultimate load: would require ciated with governing limitations, for instance,
taking account of nonductile characteristics of the constituent materials, the production pro-
FRP and would in most cases assume that the cess, limits of temperature, or environmental
stress±strain characteristics are linear. conditions.
16 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

(v) Partial material coefficients stress for anisotropic materials and therefore
characteristic S±N curves should be associated
The uncertainties inherent in the assumed with the governing limitations.
properties of the composite materials would
be allowed for in the partial material coefficient
gm. The value of gm would normally be derived Manufacturing Specification
from a combination of a statistical analysis and
judgment aided by a pre-existing practice. One It is vitally important that a detailed specifi-
uncertainty is the method for deriving proper- cation for manufacture, testing, assembly, and
ties of multiply laminae; this may be overcome erection on site for advanced composite materi-
by one of the following: als should be developed. The evaluation of
(a) Determine the properties of the fiber and partial material factors for strength and stiff-
matrix from test procedures; the properties of ness is dependent on knowledge of the maxi-
the individual plies and the laminate would be mum variation in laminate thickness and glass
determined from theory. content or position. These tolerances need to be
(b) Determine the properties of the indivi- realistic in relation to the manufacture of com-
dual plies from test procedures and the proper- plete advanced composite sections.
ties of the laminate from theory. The design specification±manufacture inter-
(c) Determine the properties of the laminate faces must be carefully studied at all stages of
from test procedures. the design/development and a performance spe-
The derivation method used to determine the cification should then be developed based on
material properties would influence the partial defined material types and structural geometry.
coefficient values applied to the characteristic A full program of type approval, batch, and
values. The method of manufacture, whether by panel assembly tests should be specified includ-
the automated techniques or by the less precise ing tests for fire resistance and effects of
manual process, would influence the partial weather. Clearly it is necessary to focus the
coefficient value; a lower value would be used specifications relevant to each particular mate-
for the automated techniques. rial and process.
The partial coefficients for stiffness and
strength would take account of:
(a) variations in laminate thickness and rein- Causes of Failure of Composites
forcement position flexural stiffness in two
directions The procedures for the failure analysis of
(b) membrane stresses in two directions metallic structures were established several dec-
(c) out-of-plane shear stresses. ades ago, but as yet procedures for composite
If the mode of failure is estimated to be material structures are not well defined.
brittle, then higher values of partial material Whereas some experience obtained from metals
factors are usually applied compared with more can be used for composites, the behavior under
ductile failure. load of the two material groups are fundamen-
tally different, particularly when continuous
(vi) Buckling instability fiber composites are used.
There are three potential causes of failure of
For FRP structures and plates in compres- composites, as follows.
sion, the most appropriate method to deal with
buckling instability is by incorporating strength
factors depending on the slenderness ratio, but Design failure
the uncertainties in the stiffness parameters
would require that special attention is paid to Errors can be made during the design stage of
the values of the partial material coefficients. the composite material or the structure fabri-
Consideration of the buckling instability at the cated from that material. Common errors relat-
serviceability and the ultimate limit states ing to the material may include those in
would be given. analyzing the nature of anisotropy of the plies
of the material, inadequate assessment of ma-
(vii) Fatigue terial damage, and inadequate predictions of
the environmental situation.
To estimate the fatigue design life of a struc- It is generally assumed that strain continuity
tural system, the characteristic S±N curves are exists throughout the thickness of the laminate.
used to calculate the fatigue life which is re- The stress levels of each of the plies in the cross-
quired to exceed the design life. As with other section of the laminate depends on the modulus
loading cases, the fatigue behavior is influenced and if the stress gradient and internal shear
by temperature, environment, and direction of stresses between plies, which might be oriented
Applications 17

at different angles to each other, are large in rough fiber dominated features. Two distinct
magnitude, premature fracture may occur. translaminar failure mechanisms are tensile and
Further errors at a material level may be compressive microbuckling. One of these or a
caused if the composite has a high anisotropic combination is responsible for all translaminar
coefficient of thermal expansion. If the adjacent fractures.
plies in a laminate are at large angles to one
another, a high level of internal stress may (ii) Fracture in discontinuous randomly
develop as the temperature changes. Further- orientated fiber composites
more, if the advanced composites are manufac-
tured at elevated temperatures but are loaded at Discontinuous fiber composites would be
ambient, the temperature change can induce manufactured by a hot press molding technique
stresses which would behave as residual stresses (Hollaway, 1993) where random fibers are dis-
in the laminate. tributed within the composite. Under pressure,
the fibers are compacted laterally and some
fibers may be flattened while others kink over Fabrication and processing errors adjacent fibers. The matrix of such a composite
The manufacture of advanced composites is would display brittleness in tension while it may
undertaken under controlled conditions and the not be brittle under complex stresses. The fail-
material is inspected at completion of manufac- ure mode is complex and, in addition, it may fail
ture, consequently, errors should not occur, for other reasons such as wavy fiber bundles,
however, some still do. The placement and kinked fiber bundles, and matrix-rich regions.
orientation of individual plies in a laminate (a) Tension failure: this failure criteria gen-
are critical for obtaining the required mechan- erally occurs with a degree of separation of fiber
ical properties. It can be shown that by referring bundles along the parallel planes and finally
to the stiffness equations for anisotropic elasti- results in a number of fiber breakages, intrala-
city for a unidirectional fiber laminate, if there minar fiber separations, and separation of
is a misorientation of 158, the stiffness coeffi- fibers perpendicular to the fracture plane.
cient is reduced to 88% which represents a (b) Compression failure: this commences
reduction in ultimate strength of up to 50%. with delamination followed by buckling of the
If the misalignment is 308 the stiffness coeffi- resulting thin layers of laminates. Kinks in the
cient is reduced to 60%. fibers will result from this failure.
(c) Shear failure: this failure is similar to that
of tensile failure. Upon further loading, shear Fracture cracks at 458 to the principal plane occur after
tensile cracks have appeared.
Composite fracture mechanics is complex (d) Fatigue failure: as in the case of static
due to the anisotropic nature of composite loading, fatigue failure results in separation.
materials; the types and mode of fracture will Fatigue dust is caused by the repeated relative
depend on the type and direction of the applied motion between fibers; as a consequence the
load and on the lay-up of the composite. fatigue life can be considerably reduced. If the
criteria of failure is related to an increase in
(i) Fracture in continuous fiber composites deformation of the system then this type of
failure will occur before separation of the lami-
The fracture may be classified as: nate and can then be defined in terms of the loss
(a) Interlaminar: where the fracture occurs of a specific amount of stiffness.
between plies and in a plane parallel to the
fiber, it is influenced by matrix fracture and
fiber matrix separation; the latter occurs by
either tension (mode 1) or by in-plane shear 6.25.4 APPLICATIONS
(mode 11). If the fiber orientations are at var- Current and Possible Future Areas of
ious angles in order to meet the required speci-
Utilization of Polymer Composite
fication for the material, the path of the crack
propagation will be complex.
(b) Intralaminar: where the fracture occurs New polymer composite building
inside one of the plies and in a plane parallel to systems
the fiber. The comments made in the case of
interlaminar fracture also relate to the case of An example of a composite building system
intralaminar fracture. manufactured from an automated process is the
(c) Translaminar: where the fracture occurs Advanced Composite Construction System
through the composite. These fractures have (ACCS), a cross-section of which is shown in
18 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

Figure 1 The ACCS structural unit (The Maunsell Plank).

Figure 2 Maunsell House Design using the ACCS planks (photograph by kind permission of Maunsell
Structural Plastics, Beckenham, Kent, UK).

Figure 1. It was conceived and designed by The thermal insulation standards match the
Maunsell Structural Plastics. The ACCS con- very best in Europe and far exceed the new
struction consists of a number of interlocking British Building Regulations.
fiber reinforced polymer composite Maunsell A new form of building structure has been
plank units which can be assembled into a developed using ACCS in which the wall and
large range of different high-performance struc- floors are bonded together to form an integral
tures for use in the construction industry. The monocoque structure. Vertical ACCS panels in
system is manufactured by the pultrusion tech- the walls, with suitable openings for doors and
nique, discussed in Section, using windows, form the vertical box carrying mem-
isophthalic polyester resin and unidirectional, bers and floors span between them and act as
bidirectional, and chopped strand mat glass stiffening diaphragms to the vertical box struc-
fiber reinforced for the main structural mem- ture. Floors can be ribbed slabs or a beam and
bers. The production and material content of slab form if the spans are large. Wall and floor
the ACCS plank are optimized to provide components can be delivered flat-packed and
highly durable and versatile composites and, are light enough to be handled by small cranes
in addition, structures can be formed quickly or robots. Connections are made by bonding
from a small number of standard components. and load continuity between end sections is
As the material is lightweight, transportation achieved by bonded lapping sections, equiva-
and erection on site is efficient. All site joints, lent to bolted splice plates where bolts are
which are adhesively bonded, are made to form replaced with adhesive. Figure 2 shows a pro-
a completely integrated monocoque structure. totype building structure of two-storey height
Applications 19

using the ACCS; the building was used as site for a few structural applications. The experience
offices at the second Severn crossing. that the oil and petrochemical industry have
gained utilizing the material for corrosion resis-
tance of composites in onshore installations has
led to a reappraisal of the material for use in Building structures these situations. Coupled with this has been the
improved performance of GFRP pipework as
Composites have been used very successfully
cargo and ballast lines for crude product and
in specialized market sectors of the building
liquefied natural gas carriers in many of the
industry where weight and corrosion resistance
major oil tankers. This has led to an assessment
are important together with others where the
of the use of GFRP piping for sea water systems
architectural possibilities of molded building
and these are likely to be the greatest tonnage of
panels have been exploited. Resins have been
composite material used during the next decade.
improved to provide good long-term perfor-
Furthermore, where continuous coiled tubing is
mance and adequate fire resistance. In the
used for offshore drilling rather than jointed
past, manufacturing has relied heavily on the
pipes, operating reach with conventional steel
hand lay-up techniques with associated conver-
pipe is limited to some 7500 m. Replacing steel
sion costs and this has meant that composite
drill pipes with composites could extend the
structures have not often been competitive in
reach to over 10 km.
price with those built using conventional mate-
In the Gulf of Mexico, the Morrison
rials. However, conventional building costs are
Moulded Fiber Glass Company have installed
rising fast, because of the ever-increasing labor
a well bay platform entirely from glass fiber
costs fueled by skilled labor shortages, and the
reinforced polyester which includes structural
higher specifications for thermal insulation
sections, gratings, and walkways. The structure
needed to improve energy efficiency. At the
was designed as an access platform and there-
same time automated fabrication techniques
fore is not subjected to heavy loadings. One of
for GFRP composite components linked to
the main reasons for its use is its superior
innovative designs for forming complete build-
corrosion resistance, thus eliminating mainte-
ing structures from modular systems are offer-
nance costs. Furthermore, the reduction in
ing much more cost-effective solutions for
weight compared with the more conventional
complete building structures and ones in
materials is a significant selling point which is
which greater architectural freedom of expres-
likely to lead to an increase in mobiles such as
sion is possible. As the environmental assess-
semisub and jack-up and drilling rigs.
ment of building designs develops, it is likely
In addition to the utilization of composites in
that these structures will be increasingly attrac-
the Gulf of Mexico, GFRP gratings, walkways,
tive because of high insulation levels, low en-
and handrails have been installed by Shell Off-
ergy during manufacture, and the fact that the
shore in Brunei, by Total and Elf in Balikpapin,
glass is theoretically recyclable although it is
and by AMOCO in the North Sea. These are
more likely that it would be ground to a coarse
believed to have been in the splash zone areas
powder and used as a filler in a lower grade
where the corrosion resistance of composites is
seen as a decided advantage over steel walk-
ways which, because of degradation, have to be
replaced every 3 years. Figure 3 shows Fiberline Offshore structures gratings being fitted to the AMOCO oil-rig
before installation in the North Sea. Fiberline
Historically there has been very little use of railing and grating systems of phenolic resin
composites in any type of offshore structure were used on the oil-rig for increased fire resis-
(see Chapter 6.23, this volume). Their applica- tance. The gratings of reinforced polymer pro-
tion in structural areas has been practically vide a low weight, high strength, and an easy fit
nonexistent due to a lack of stiffness, lack of and assembly solution for the site.
required section sizes, concern over fire perfor- DML Composites, Devonport, UK, has de-
mance, and general conservatism in the indus- signed and installed blast wall upgrades on
try. However, with the current low oil prices Mobil Beryl B and BP Cleeton platforms and
and the need to trim weight and cost from has designed, manufactured, and installed car-
offshore structures, coupled with greater bon fiber composite structural beams on the
awareness of composite manufacture, has led Alba North platform. Using composites to up-
to an increase in the assessment of composites grade steel structures is appealing to the engi-
for offshore use. neer because the polymers can be cold cured
During the last decade composites have which thus avoids the need for hot working
gained some acceptance in the offshore industry with a consequent closing down of facilities.
20 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

Figure 3 Pultrusion grating being installed to the AMOCO oil-rig in the North Sea (photograph by kind
permission of Fiberline, Composites A/S Kolding, Denmark). Bridge structures to demonstrate the capability of the materials.

Various forms of fiber reinforced polymer ma-
The history of bridge engineering is allied to terials have been available for over 30 years and
the development of structural materials. Until GFRP has already been used in prototype
Ironbridge was built in England in 1780, timber bridge structures; Figure 4 shows the first Eur-
and stone had been used almost exclusively in opean polymer composite bridge built at Ginzi,
bridge construction. The invention of wrought Bulgaria. However, the materials did not show
iron and then the development of steel and the immediate and obvious advantages that
reinforced concrete changed bridge engineering iron and steel offered over timber and stone in
completely in the nineteenth century. The twen- the nineteenth century, except perhaps their
tieth century has so far seen many develop- potential for the construction of extremely
ments in design and construction methods but long span bridges. As a consequence, fiber
relatively few fundamental changes in the ma- reinforced polymers had not been seen as a
terial used. Bridge spans and the number of material likely to make an impact on general
bridge structures have increased dramatically bridge engineering until the last 10 years when
to meet the demands of the rapid growth of the full implications of corrosion of steel in
the infrastructure, but no raw materials have modern bridges was appreciated.
found widespread use in bridges. Widespread and serious deterioration of re-
In the past, when a new material such as inforced and prestressed concrete bridges, ac-
wrought iron or steel was invented, a prototype celerated by the use of deicing salts, has affected
bridge was often built, such as Ironbridge in the infrastructure in Europe, North America,
1780 and the steel bridge near Vienna in 1828, and Japan. In addition, increasing labor costs
Applications 21

Figure 4 First European bridge built in GFRP at Ginzi, Bulgaria.

for maintenance work, together with associated tive environment of the enclosure is 2±10% of
traffic disruption from heavy usage, has caused that of painted steel in the open. It should be
engineers to look for more durable bridge ma- noted that no dehumidifying equipment is
terials. Fiber reinforced polymers were seen to needed to prevent corrosion. The chloride and
have major advantages because of their excel- sulfur pollutants are excluded from the enclo-
lent durability particularly in marine and sure by the seals and although there could be
industrial environments, and it is this charac- high humidity with condensation within the
teristic which is currently leading to a signifi- enclosure, the water drops onto the enclosure
cant step forward in their use in bridges. floor, which is erected below the steel girders,
where it escapes through small holes.
In the future, enclosures will be important for Bridge enclosures and aerodynamic long span bridges. The development of the
fairings cable stayed bridge has resulted in an increase
in the use of plate girders for long span bridges
Bridge structures require regular inspection and a reduction in fabrication costs of steel
and maintenance, but the closure of bridges girders over those of the labor-intensive steel
required to facilitate maintenance will cause box girder bridges. The addition of the fiber
considerable disruption to travelers. Further- polymer composite enclosures around such
more, the cost of closure will be high; this is structures not only enables maintenance costs
particularly so for long span bridges. Stringent to be greatly reduced but also allows the shape
standards are increasing costs of maintenance of the cross-section to be optimized by extend-
work over or beside busy roads and railways. ing the enclosure into a fairing to give minimum
Many bridges, designed and built over the past drag consistent with aerodynamic drag. One
30 years, do not have good access for inspec- recent example where the GFRP enclosure is
tion. In addition, in many North European and extended into a fairing is the nine structures on
North American countries, deterioration, the approach road to the second Severn cross-
caused by deicing salts, is creating an increasing ing (Figure 5).
maintenance workload. The high specific strength and good durabil-
The ªBridge Enclosureº is a suspended floor ity property of the composite materials makes
beneath the girders of steel composite bridges them ideal candidates for enclosure floors, in
to provide inspection and maintenance access. addition, as they are situated on the soffit of the
It is sealed onto the underside of the edge bridge and away from the direct rays of the sun,
girders to enclose the steelwork and to protect no ultraviolet protection is required. Most
it from further corrosion and ingress of moist- bridge enclosures which have been erected in
ure. Research work undertaken at the TRL the UK have utilized GFRP as the material of
(McKenzie, 1991, 1993) has shown that once construction and the first major installation as a
the enclosures are erected and sealed, the rate of permanent enclosure in the UK was to the A19
corrosion of uncoated steel within the protec- Tees Viaduct. This bridge was fitted with the
22 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

Figure 5 Fairings used in the nine structures on the approach road to the Severn crossing (photograph by
kind permission of Maunsell Structural Plastics, Beckenham, Kent, UK).

Figure 6 The ªCaretakerº bridge enclosure at Bromley South Railway Station, London (photograph by
kind permission of Maunsell Structural Plastics, Beckenham, Kent, UK).

Maunsell ªcaretakerº system. This was fol- was designed by Mouchel Consulting, West
lowed by further retrofitting projects, one at Byfleet, Surrey, UK.
Botley, Oxfordshire (1990) where the hand lay- The SPACES system was conceived by
up GFRP method was used and Nevilles Cross Maunsell Group, London, UK. The structural
(1990) near Durham where the pultruded form, which is being developed and promoted
GFRP system was fitted to an existing bridge by a partnership of material suppliers, manu-
over the main railway line. Two new bridges facturers, fabricators, bridge designers, and
were built with enclosures, one at Bromley constructors, is shown in Figure 8. Key tech-
South, London, which is shown in Figure 6, nologies have been combined to form a total
utilizing Maunsell caretaker system, the other structural component and many of the technol-
was in 1993 at Winterbrook, Figure 7, which ogies have involved those developed for the
was manufactured by the hand lay-up GFRP offshore industry.
method. The design of this bridge structure was The SPACES system consists of a steel space
undertaken by the Bridge Department of frame acting compositely with a concrete deck
Oxfordshire County Council and the enclosure slab. It is manufactured predominately under
Applications 23

Figure 7 The bridge enclosure at Winterbrook, Oxford (photograph by kind permission of Oxfordshire
County Council, Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK).

Figure 8 Spaces system developed by Maunsell Structural Plastics (photograph by kind permission of
Maunsell Structural Plastics, Beckenham, Kent, UK).

factory conditions where quality and reliability vided by the advanced composite enclosure
can be achieved more readily than they can be skin as well as the development of a robotic
on site. welder for the joints between cable support
The space frame is enclosed by an esthetic, decks. The SPACES system is able to accom-
aerodynamically profiled shell manufactured modate bridge spans between 60 m and long
from polymer composite material. The latter span cable support decks and this enables
acts as an enclosure and provides permanent designers to adopt a ªsystems approachº to
protection for the steel work and in addition bridge engineering for the complete range of
provides safe access for inspection and main- spans.
tenance of the superstructure and bearings. The polymer composite enclosure is fabri-
The economic success of the SPACES concept cated from the ACCS and has excellent long-
is the excellent long-term performance pro- term performance properties, thus providing
24 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

good long-term durability and minimal main- alters the dynamic characteristics of the bridge.
tenance requirements. The following section discusses the utilization
of GFRP material as a lateral wrap material to
columns and as a plate bonding material for Upgrading Structures flexural and shear upgrading.

For a variety of reasons, reinforced concrete

structures may be found to be unsatisfactory. Wrapping of columns using
Design strengths of structures may not be composites
achieved in practice because of deficiencies at
the design phase; these deficiencies include As GFRP has high tensile strength and ex-
marginal design/design errors causing inade- cellent durability, it is logical to consider
quate factors of safety, the use of inferior ma- whether advanced composite GFRP panels
terials, or poor construction workmanship/ could not only be used as permanent formwork,
management. In service, increased safety re- but as part of the structure to resist external
quirements, a change in use or modernization loads and in addition as corrosive protection. If
causing redistribution of stresses, an increase in all these functions could be combined, then
the management or intensity of the applied GFRP would likely be much more cost-effec-
loads require to be supported, or an upgrading tive. These possibilities have been the subject of
of design standards may render all or part of a research work and as a result helically-wound
structure inadequate. In addition the load car- GFRP tubes have now been used in column
rying capacity of a member may be compro- construction for marine structures as a replace-
mised by deterioration of the material as a result ment for steel tubes filled with concrete. Steel is
of corrosion of the internal reinforcement, in not a good material for confining concrete
the case of reinforced concrete beams, from because of the high modulus of elasticity,
carbonization of the concrete or alkali±silica which causes a large proportion of axial load
reaction, hostile marine and industrial environ- to be taken by the steel, and also because of the
ments, and structural damage. On highway large Poisson ratio, which is larger than that of
structures, corrosion of the internal reinforce- the enclosed concrete. Therefore, in a steel en-
ment is exacerbated by the application of cased concrete member under axial compres-
deicing salts. For prestressed concrete beams, sion, there is little confinement of the concrete
strengthening measures may be required to as the steel tube separates from the concrete
prevent further loss of prestress. These inade- core. On the other hand, a glass reinforced fiber
quacies may manifest themselves by poor composite tube having a high proportion of
performance under service loading in the form helical reinforcement is an ideal material for
of excessive deflections and material failure, encasing concrete because the concrete takes
or through inadequate fatigue or ultimate the entire axial load, the Poisson expansion in
strength. When maintenance or local repair the circumferential direction is smaller than in
will not restore a deficient structure to the re- the concrete, and the tensile strength in the
quired standards, there are two possible alter- circumferential direction is very high. Thus
natives: complete or partial demolition and the GFRP casing counteracts lateral expansion
rebuild, or commencement of a program of of the concrete under load and when used in
strengthening. The choice between strengthen- short columns the axial strength of the concrete
ing or demolition depends on many factors, increases over its uniaxial value and can reach a
such as material and labor costs, time during triaxial failure strength of up to four times the
which the structure is out of commission, and uniaxial value. Tests have demonstrated this
distribution of other facilities. However, the performance and have also shown improved
financial benefits of strengthening as opposed ductility of the concrete in such structures.
to demolition can often be considerable, parti- The majority of buildings and bridge piers
cularly if a simple, quick strengthening techni- which utilize polymer composite confinements
que is available. In addition, if the structure in are in the USA and Japan. The available com-
question has historical importance, the possibi- posite systems include epoxy with either carbon,
lity of demolition may be precluded. aramid, or glass fiber fabric materials. A col-
In recent years destructive earthquakes have umn consisting of fiber/polymer and concrete
shown that bridge columns designed and con- systems can deform much more under severe
structed under older seismic design provisions stress conditions than a conventional material
are vulnerable to seismic loadings. Steel jackets system before failure. In addition, by providing
have been used to improve the performance of composite confinement to the concrete, a much
such columns, but their use tends to increase the improved ultimate compressive strain is
lateral stiffness of the column which in turn achieved.
Applications 25

Figure 9 The use of XX-sys Technologies to wrap a concrete column (photograph by kind permission of
XX-sys Technologies, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA).

Figure 10 The use of REPLARK to wrap a column with polymer composites (photograph by kind
permission of Sumitomo Corporation (UK), London, UK).

The two fabrication systems available for site The A30 Bible Christian Bridge in Cornwall
work are the XX-sys Technologies procedure was chosen for the trial because it is a fairly
and the REPLARK prepreg or equivalent typical Trunk road bridge with substantial
hand-lay method. Figures 9 and 10 illustrate supports against Heavy Goods Vehicle
these procedures. (HGV) impact. The structure comprises a
The Departmental Standard BD/48/93, the four span reinforced concrete superstructure
Assessment and Strengthening of Highway supported on three piers, each of 800 mm
Bridge Supports, was published in 1993. It sets diameter reinforced concrete columns. The
out criteria to be used in order to determine the prototype designs for the trial were developed
adequacy of older bridge supports in dealing to enhance the flexural and shear strength of
with vehicle collision loading. In 1998 a trial to the piers.
determine the effectiveness and particularly the Three generic types of wrapping systems with
strengthening of bridge supports by wrapping an epoxy matrix were used, one on each column,
with advanced composite materials was under- namely, E-glass fiber, aramid fiber, and carbon
taken by the Highway Agency. fiber fabrics. XX-sys, DuPont, and Hexcel
26 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

supplied the carbon, aramid, and E-glass, (iv) polymer impregnation;

respectively. Based upon design and methodol- (v) introduce traffic management to the
ogy procedures, the wrapping designs were as bridge structure to relieve loading on each
follows: member.
(i) DuPont Aramid (Kevlar 49): 10 vertical The cost of the various methods of strength-
layers curtailed progressively towards the top of ening will vary depending on the size of the
the column, three horizontal layers reducing to structure, the extent of the strengthening work
two layers at the top of the column lapped by required, and in the case of bridges, the volume
200 mm. of traffic carried over or under it. In techniques
(ii) Hexel Epoxy-Glass (Hex-3R100): 15 where additional material is applied to the
vertical layers curtailed progressively towards original member, the main problem is that of
the top of the column, seven horizontal layers increasing adequate connection and composite
lapped by 150 mm. action between the reinforcing element and the
(iii) XX-sys Carbon Fiber (RTC): four con- existing structure. High-strength strands or
tinuous vertical layers curtailed progressively bars, which have been post-tensioned, have
towards the top of the column. Two horizontal been used successfully to increase the strength
layers lapped by 300 mm All wrapping systems of beams in existing bridges and buildings.
terminated at the top of the columns and at the However, the provision of anchorages for the
junction with the existing base. The laps of each post-tensioning strands, maintaining the lat-
wrapping system were staggered around the eral stability of the girders during the prestres-
circumference of each column. sing procedure, and protecting the strands
Figure 11 shows the procedure used by Sika against environmental corrosion present some
for bonding the Hex-3R100 system on to one of difficulties.
the columns. A further method of upgrading or repairing
Another practical example utilizing the in situ a structural system is to externally bond a
wrapping technique is the repair of a tall chim- steel plate onto the structure; this technique has
ney in Japan by automated winding of carbon been made possible by the development of
fiber reinforced polymer materials (Leonard, structural adhesives. Thus the area of reinforce-
1990). ment provided is increased. The steel plates
then act compositely with the original compo-
site member, producing a section with im-
proved flexural strength and stiffness. Flexural plate bonding However, it should be stressed that the success
of the strengthening method is highly depen-
Flexural plate bonding is becoming econom- dent on the performance of the adhesive used.
ically preferable to strengthen structures rather When the plate is bonded to the tensile faces of
than rebuild them, particularly if rapid, effec- the concrete member, it is in a position to exert
tive, and simple strengthening methods are maximum effect on the ultimate strength, stiff-
available. ness, and hence deflection of the structural
The need to strengthen concrete structures is system; it also restricts the initiation and
a worldwide challenge, which places consider- width of cracks.
able importance on rehabilitation methods, The technique of plate bonding was pio-
particularly with regard to bridges, for much neered by the utilization of steel plates, and
of the world's infrastructure was originally de- it is recognized to be an efficient and eco-
signed for smaller vehicles in less congested nomic method for improving structural
traffic. The increased vehicle loads and densi- performance. However, there are several dis-
ties, combined with the recurrent use of deicing advantages inherent in the use of steel; these
salts, has ensured that many structures are near include:
to, or beyond, the end of their lives. (i) the plates are not protected by the con-
The desirable strengthening improvement crete in the same way as internal reinforcement;
can be carried out by several techniques. These the possibility of corrosion exists;
include: (ii) uncertainty remains regarding the dur-
(i) increasing the size of the deficient mem- ability and corrosion effects;
ber by the provision of additional reinforced or (iii) all chloride-contaminated concrete
prestressed concrete layers using stapling and should be removed prior to bonding;
pressure grouting; (iv) plates must be subjected to careful sur-
(ii) introducing additional supports, beams, face preparation including the application of
or stringers; resistant priming systems;
(iii) replacing nonstructural toppings with (v) the integrity of the primer must be peri-
structural toppings; odically checked;
Applications 27

(vi) a minimum thickness of plate is typically The benefits of utilizing FRP materials over
6 mm to prevent distortion during the gritblast- steel in plate bonding applications are thus
ing operation, and to provide flatness, plates clear. The drawbacks are intolerance to uneven
are restricted to lengths of 6±8 m; bonding surfaces which may cause peeling of
(vii) difficult to shape and fit complex pro- the plate, the possibility of brittle failure modes
files; (Swamy and Mukhopadhyaya, 1995), and the
(viii) weight of plates make transportation material, since fiber composites are between 4
difficult; and 20 times as expensive as steel in terms of
(ix) elaborate and expensive falsework is unit volume. However, in a rehabilitation pro-
required to maintain steelwork in position dur- ject, the installation savings can offset the
ing bonding; higher material cost (Meier, 1992). Peshkam
(x) the location of the internal reinforcement and Leeming (1994) have considered the com-
must be ascertained prior to bolting the plates mercial viability of FRP plate bonding for
in position, this invariably involves consider- bridge strengthening. Hollaway and Leeming
able site work. (1999) have presented a detailed study of the
The processes involved in strengthening with flexural strengthening of reinforced and pre-
steel plates can be considered as relatively time- stressed concrete members using fiber rein-
consuming and labor-intensive. To overcome forced polymer composite plates. In a direct
some of these shortcomings, CFRP plates comparison with steel plate bonding for a typi-
have been introduced into the construction in- cal application, despite the fact that material
dustry as strong, stiff, lightweight materials to costs will be increased, labor and equipment
be used in place of steel. costs will be reduced, construction times will
The benefits of using FRP material can be be shorter, and durability will be improved. It
listed as follows: has been shown that 2 kg of FRP could replace
(i) the fibers can be introduced in a certain 47 kg of steel on an equal strength basis. The
position, volume fraction, and direction in the cost of installing both materials are shown to be
matrix to obtain maximum efficiency allowing similar; however, when traffic management,
the composites to be tailor-made to suit the traffic delay, and maintenance costs are in-
required shape and specification; cluded, the use of FRP provides a saving of
(ii) the resulting materials have high strength 17.5% over steel.
and stiffness in the fiber direction at a fraction Glass, aramid, and carbon fiber composites
of the weight of steel; may be considered for strengthening applica-
(iii) ease of transportation and handling; tions. With particular regard to plate bonding,
(iv) requires less falsework than steel plates a comparison of the important characteristics
and can be used in areas of limited access; of FRP produced from these three fiber types is
(v) continuous lengths of FRP can be easily shown in Table 7 in which the fiber volume
produced which, because of its low bending fraction is typically around 65% and the fibers
stiffness (thickness between 1.0 and 1.5 mm) are unidirectionally aligned.
can be delivered to site in rolls; The pultrusion technique (Section
(vi) CFRP and AFRP composites exhibit is the most likely tecnique for the manufacture
excellent fatigue and creep properties and of composite plates for plate bonding. As the
require less energy per kg to produce and trans- fibers would be unidirectionally aligned, thus
port than steel. achieving the maximum possible strength and

Table 7 Comparison of characteristics of FRP sheets produced from different


Characteristics Carabon Aramid E-glass

Tensile strength very good very good very good

Compressive strength very good inadequate good
Stiffness very good good adequate
Long-term behavior very good good adequate
Fatigue behavior excellent good adequate
Bulk density good excellent adequate
Alkaline resistance very good good inadequate
Cost adequate adequate very good

Source: Meier (1995).

Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering
Figure 11 (a) Concrete column coated with thixotropic resin SikadurÐ330 LVP. (b) Dry carbon fabric Sika wrap Hex-230C is laid directly onto resin coated columns
and smoothed with rollers. (c) Top coat applied to the carbon fiber fabric for protection and esthetic purposes (photographs by kind permision of Sika Ltd., Welwyn
Garden City, Herts, UK).
Applications 29

Figure 12 Plate bonding at Atlanta, GA, USA. REPLARK was wrapped around a bridge beam both
horizontally and vertically. Four operatives and two traffic controllers were involved in the bonding
operation (photograph by kind permission of Sumitomo Corporation (UK), London, UK).

stiffness in that direction, the composite would pendent on access under the beam. If it were
be weak in strength and stiffness at right angles necessary to take the composite plate material
to this direction and, therefore, care should be up the vertical faces of the beam or to follow the
taken in the handling of the composite. The curvature of the beam, the pultruded plate
composite would have a removable peel-ply could not normally be used in this situation.
membrane on both surfaces which is attached Although pultruded angles or other compli-
during the manufacturing process. The peel-ply cated sections are produced, the engineered
protects the surfaces of the composite from dust sections would not normally fit the bends in
and other foreign matter, in addition, it pro- the concrete. A RIFT or REPLARK technique
vides a roughened surface for adhesion of the (see Section would then be used.
adhesive. The peel-ply would be removed from Figure 12 shows a bridge beam being upgraded
one surface of the composite immediately be- by the REPLARK technique of plate bonding
fore the adhesive is applied to the plate and the to improve the load carrying capacity of a
whole offered to the beam. If the composite is bridge. The installation was completed (viz.
not supplied with a peel-ply fabric, surface the surface preparation to the finished coating)
treatment is necessary and this would be per- within 24 h.
formed by very light gritblasting followed by
degreasing with acetone or equivalent to re-
move surface contaminants and to produce a Plate bonding to improve the shear
surface more receptive to bonding. It is neces- capacity of the beam
sary that all contaminants, in particular release
agents, should be removed from the surface of Some site work has been undertaken to up-
the bonded plates as the subsequent strengths grade beams in shear using composite materi-
of the joints are highly dependent on the degree als; pultrusion and REPLARK materials have
to which the surfaces are contaminated. been used. The installation procedure for the
The thickness of the adhesive should be be- plates is similar to that for the flexural plates.
tween 1 and 2 mm to allow for any unevenness One problem with using pultruded plates
in the concrete surfaces formed during con- (which is also a problem with steel plates) is
struction or after concrete surface preparation the difficulty of obtaining a sufficient bond
by grit blasting. A ªproppingº system under the length for the composite and it would be neces-
entire length of the plate may or may not be sary to resort to the use of bolts at the end of the
required depending on the adhesive system used plate or possibly to use REPLARK to overlay
to form the joint. If propping is required it the pultrusion and extend it to incorporate part
would be effected by either a vacuum bagging wrapping of the column. It is worth mentioning
procedure or by a physical prop under the plate. that the pultruded plate would contain + 458
Utilization of the latter method would be de- off-axis fibers to resist the external shear and 08
30 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

Figure 13 Shear retrofitting using pultruded composite stirrups. Pultruded flexural plate bonding is also
illustrated (photograph by kind permission of Sika Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, Herts, UK).

fibers to enable the tensile force from the pul- The deck weight is an important part of the
truder to be taken by the uncured composite. overall design of a long span bridge and its form
Figure 13 shows a system for providing stirrups and stiffness are important with respect to aero-
for shear upgrading; the bridge beams have dynamic stability. There are likely to be signifi-
been retrofitted with flexural pultruded plates cant advantages to be gained in the use of
and pultruded shear stirrups. advanced composites in these decks particularly
as the trend to increase bridge spans beyond
their previous limits will continue into the Composite Bridges twenty-first century.
The material characteristics of composites
Prototype bridges constructed entirely from and their successful applications in other areas
FRP were first conceived in Europe and North are sufficiently encouraging to show that there
America in the late 1970s and the first FRP are certain to be important developments in
bridge built in Europe is believed to be the 10 m using them in bridge deck structures.
span bridge constructed near Sofia, Bulgaria in Ingenious design with isophthalic polyester/
1981±1982. The GFRP bridge was constructed glass fiber composites is creating a revolution in
using chopped strand mat in a resin matrix and bridge structures. An example of this emerging
fabricated by the hand lay-up method. The concept is the world's longest composite bridge
second GFRP bridge to be constructed was spanning the river Tay at the golf club at Aber-
the Miyun Bridge in Biejing, China and com- feldy, Scotland. The footbridge has a span of
pleted in October 1982 (Shu, 1983). Over a 63 m, width 2.23 m, an overall length of 113 m,
period of 25 years, considerable research re- and a design load capacity of 10 kN m71. The
source went into the development of the use polymer composite components which form the
of composites and much of the work was under- deck and towers of the bridge are manufactured
taken at the Shanghai GFRP Research Insti- from pultruded ACCS. These components are
tute; the investigations included aging tests on connected by applying epoxy adhesive on each
composite materials. side of the 0.08 m deep integral grooves. The
Conventional civil engineering materials for components are then brought together and
bridge construction are always likely to be locked by sliding a toggle (dog bone) section
cheaper than GFRP material but savings in into the two grooves, one in each plank. Three
fabrication costs of the latter material may be planks and four connectors are joined alterna-
considerable if highly automated production of tively in a single thickness to form the 2.12 m
advanced polymer composite materials is devel- wide deck. The cable stays are manufactured
oped. Thus complete box girder structures from aramid fibers. Figure 14 shows the Aber-
could be pultruded in future. Speed of construc- feldy advanced composite bridge.
tion and savings in erection costs of foundation The concept and design of the Aberfeldy
sizes will all contribute to economy. bridge was undertaken by Maunsell Structural
Applications 31

Figure 14 Aberfeldy cable stay bridge (photograph by kind permission of Maunsell Structural Plastics,
Beckenham, Kent, UK).

Plastics. A major research program was under- ACCS planks were bonded to the compressive
taken within a LINK program, sponsored by flange of the box beam and were also filled with
DTp, EPSRC, and industry, in which an exten- foam. The running surface of the polymer com-
sive test program was undertaken at the Uni- posite bridge was manufactured from ACME
versity of Surrey on a full-size prototype panels (a proprietary system of epoxy coated
highway bridge. Figure 15 shows the box panels with grit bonded to the surface); these
beams, which were fabricated from 10 ACCS were bolted to the transverse ACCS planks.
modules, under a continuous static test load of Figure 16 shows the opening ceremony for the
20 tonnes for 9 months. bridge.
The canal which joins the Rivers Thames and The bridge was required to carry concen-
Severn separates Stonehouse and Bonds Mill in trated wheel loads and to resist the large num-
Gloucester, UK, and in 1994 a link was formed ber of load cycles without fatigue damage. To
between these two areas by a single bascule lift overcome these problems a slow foaming epoxy
bridge which was designed and developed by was developed by CIBA polymers and was used
Maunsell Structural Plastics to carry full UK to foam in place in the 80 mm 6 80 mm 6 9 m
highway loading including a 38 tonne truck. An compressive and web member cells of the
epoxy bonded multicelled box beam (Figure 1) ACCS modules. The material provided uniform
with 90 kg m73 epoxy foam filled into the com- support to the walls of the cells of the ACCS
pressive flange and web cells of the ACCS planks, thus allowing transfer of load without
modules was manufactured and fabricated in high local bending stresses. The effects of the
a factory and transported to site. Transverse local wheel loads on the section of the box
32 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

Figure 15 Two 18 m composite beams back to back under a four-point load (photograph taken at the
University of Surrey).

Figure 16 The opening ceremony for the single bascule bridge at Bonds Mill, Gloucester (photograph by
kind permission of Maunsell Structural Plastics, Beckenham, Kent, UK).

beam were investigated at the University of bridges which have been airlifted into position
Surrey through a Highway Agency/EPSRC by helicopter because of the difficulty of trans-
Link program. Figure 17 shows the experimen- portation in the severe terrain in which they
tal set-up for the wheel load test. are situated. A bridge, designed by Maunsell
A footbridge manufactured from pultrusion Structural Plastics, using the Maunsell ACCS
sections by Fiberline is shown in Figure 18. It is was lowered into position in a remote area of
15 m long and has a free span of 12 m across a Wales and is shown in Figure 19. The 17 m
purifying plant in Urmitz near Bonn, Germany. long footbridge weighed only 1 tonne. The
The footbridge weighs 60% less than one fab- other bridge was erected across a river at a
ricated from a similar steel construction; this ski resort near St Moritz, Switzerland, and is
makes installation easier and reduces transpor- shown in Figure 20. The ski bridge weighing
tation and fabrication costs. The bridge 2.5 tonne is removed by helicopter each spring
requires minimum maintenance and thus before the glacier meltwater washes tonnes
secures a longer life span compared to conven- of stone and gravel downstream. The bridge
tional materials. The whole life cost of the was designed by a consortium of the Munici-
bridge is lower than a construction made from pality of Pontresina, ETH Technical Univer-
traditional materials. sity of Zurich, and Fiberline Composites,
The advantage of the lightweight composite Denmark, who also pultruded and fabricated
bridge construction is illustrated by two foot- the bridge.
Applications 33

Figure 17 Experimental test of a 10 tonne wheel load on the composite box beam (photograph taken at
University of Surrey).

Figure 18 A footbridge spanning a purifying plant at Ormitz, Germany (photograph by kind permission of
Fiberline Composites A/S, Kolding, Denmark). Cable Support for Long Span Bridges stage of the cross-channel tunnel, a proposal
was made to use aramid (Parafil) cables for a
The high specific strength of fiber reinforced series of 4500 m span suspension bridges and to
polymer composites is important when consid- use carbon fiber reinforced polymer cables for a
ering the supporting cables of suspension 10 000 m span bridge across the Straits of Gi-
bridges. The spans of suspension bridges con- braltar (Meier, 1987). Assuming the theoretical
structed from high-strength steel wire have the- feasibility of the above, it is suggested that
oretical limits of 5000 m, as this is the value at suspension bridges built with advanced compo-
which the cables can only just support their own site cables have a realistic span of about 4000 m.
weight. However, if aramid or carbon fiber The cable stayed advanced composite Aber-
were to be used as the suspension cables, this feldy bridge (see Section utilized Par-
theoretical length would increase to 10 000 m afil ropes (see Section for the cable
(Richmond and Head, 1988). At the design stays.
34 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

Figure 19 A footbridge made from the Maunsell plank being lowered by helicopter in a remote area of
Wales (photograph by kind permission of Maunsell Structural Plastics, Beckenham, Kent, UK).

A cable stayed all composite foot and cycle (Meier and Meier, 1996); the total length of
bridge of 40 m span and weighing 12 tonnes this road bridge is 124 m. The low density of
crossing an overhead electrified railway at CFRP for stay cables is an advantage since it is
Kolding, Denmark, was conceived and de- uniformly loaded by its own weight, thus caus-
signed by the architect to the City of Kolding ing it to sag. The more the cable weighs the
in conjunction with Fiberline Composites, Den- more it will sag and the ªsofterº it behaves
mark; it is shown in Figure 21. under load, thus reducing its usefulness as a
The decking, parapets, and support columns supporting member of the bridge structure.
of the bridge were manufactured from GFRP Lightweight CFRP cables with smaller sag
pultruded profiles using standard sections. The straighten immediately under vehicle load,
bridge has a loading capacity of 500 kg m72 thus enabling them to act in a ªstifferº manner.
and also has the capacity to allow a 5 tonne The ratio of applied stress to observed cable
vehicle to pass at the same time for snow clear- strain is called the relative equivalent modulus;
ing. CFRP cables have a higher relative equivalent
Two 35 m long CFRP stay cables with dia- modulus in comparison to steel. EMPA and
meters of 5 mm and fiber volume fraction of BBR Ltd., Zurich have developed a patented
the order of 68% have been used beside 22 steel anchorage system for this type of CFRP cable
stay cables in the Storchin bridge in Winterthur stay.
Applications 35

Figure 20 A footbridge being lowered into position at a ski resort in Switzerland (photograph by kind
permission of Fiberline Composites A/S, Kolding, Denmark).

Figure 21 Cable stayed all composite footbridge at Kolding, Denmark (photograph by kind permission of
Fiberline Composites A/S, Kolding, Denmark).
36 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

Table 8 The three standard types of Parafil ropes (derived from Linear Composites Ltd. data sheets).

Yarn Sheath

Polyethylene-EVA Polyester Flame

Polyethylene copolymer elastomer retardant

Polyester Type A Type A/C Type A/H Type A/X

Standard modulus aramid Type F Type F/C Type F/H Type F/X
High modulus aramid Type G Type G/C Type G/H Type G/X

Table 9 Typical tensile properties of types A, F, polyethylene±EVA copolymer, polyester±elas-

and G Parafil ropes. tomer, and the fire retardant. Parafil is the
registered trademark product range shown in
Ultimate tensile Tensile elastic
Rope stress modulus Table 8.
(MPa) (GPa) The specially formulated polyethylene sheath
is most commonly used and is satisfactory for
Type A 600 9.8 most purposes, but the polyethylene±EVA co-
Type F 1900 77.7 polymer sheath is more flexible. Higher resis-
Type G 1900 126.5 tance to heat and abrasion can be obtained
from the polyester elastomer.
Typical tensile properties are given in Table 9
based on the cross-sectional areas of fiber in Fiber Composite Tendons for the core and are therefore independent of the
Prestressing/Reinforcing Concrete sheath type. The parafil ropes, which are based
on aramid fibers, have been tested at tempera-
Composite materials which are used in the tures between ±40 8C and +80 8C and have
construction industry as prestressing elements shown no detectable change in properties.
are glass, aramid, and carbon fiber composites. The ability of a rope to resist deterioration
These materials distinguish themselves by their over long and continuous exposure to the en-
high tensile strengths which are equal to or vironment is of prime importance. Parafil ropes
greater than that of high tensile steel. Prestres- possess a high degree of mechanical toughness
sing tendons are subjected to very high perma- and are inert chemically. The sheath compo-
nent stresses and consequently they make nents have good resistance to the corrosive
efficient use of the advanced technological ma- action of salt water, most inorganic salts and
terial in which the strength is concentrated in acids, and many organic solvents. The sheaths
the fiber axis direction. As the tendons are used in the Parafil rope have been especially
loaded to a predetermined stress value, and formulated for maximum resistance to ultravio-
although the modulus of elasticity of the fiber let degradation. Furthermore, there is poor ad-
composites are lower than that of high tensile hesion between ice and the smooth water-
steel, they will have no detrimental effect on the repellent surface of the Parafil rope.
efficiency of the system.
The three systems which are commercially
available are the Parafil, Polystal, and Arapree. Polystal
Polystal tendons are made by grouping bars Parafil ropes or rods into bundles; each rod consists of
E-glass fiber in an unsaturated polymer resin.
Parafil ropes (Parafil is the registered trade- A typical bar diameter would be 7.5 mm with a
mark for a family of high-strength synthetic fiber volume fraction of about 68%. A tendon,
fiber ropes) are produced in three basic types with a working load of 600 kN, would have 19
which differ by the core material. The type A of the bars grouped together. The tendons are
rope is made from polyester, while types F manufactured from E-glass and to prevent
and G have Kevlar 29 and 49 as the core stress corrosion from taking place, it should
material, respectively. The mechanical proper- be noted that any long-term continuous load
ties of the ropes will be governed by the type of should not be greater than 20% of the ultimate
core material since the external protective load that the tendon can take. Polystal is pro-
sheath has no structural function. The four duced by Bayer AG in association with Strabag
types of sheaths available are polyethylene, AG, Germany.
Applications 37

Table 10 Typical mechanical properties of There are many approaches to improvement

Arapree (based on the manufacturer's data sheets). of the durability of embedded steel, the main
ones are the utilization of:
Property Units Values (i) increase in concrete cover;
(ii) reduction in the permeability of the con-
Density kg m73 1250
Modulus of elasticity GPa 125±130
Strain to failure % 2.4 (iii) application of cathodic protection;
Transverse compressive strength MPa 150 (iv) improved concrete quality;
Interlaminar shear strength MPa 45 (v) epoxy coated steel rebars.
Poisson's ratio 0.38 A further option would be to replace the steel
rebars with polymer composite rebars.
Eurocrete investigated the utilization of glass
fiber/polymer composites as a replacement ma-
terial for the steel rebars. Eurocrete was a multi- Arapree million pan-European project funded through
Arapree is a composite which consists of the DTI/EPSRC LINK scheme, which also had
aramid fiber (Twaron) impregnated with an EUREKA status. The project undertook R&D
epoxy resin with a fiber/matrix volume ratio work into the embedment of nonferrous rein-
of about 50%. It was developed by AKZO in forcements for concrete, the development of
association with Hollandsche Beton Group design guidance, extensive durability testing,
(HBG) in the Netherlands and is now produced as well as the construction of typical demon-
by Sireg S.p.A. in Italy. stration structures.
The cross-section of the Arapree can be cir- The most suitable fibers currently used for
cular or rectangular but both consist of up to the fabrication of polymers chosen for rebars
400 000 filaments of aramid; Table 10 provides will be dependent on the required durability,
typical mechanical properties derived from the the manufacturing, and the cost. In the past,
manufacturer's data sheets and are based upon thermosetting polymers have been used but
aramid fiber cross-section. currently thermoplastic polymers are being in-
When used as tendons or reinforcements in vestigated.
reinforced concrete, the bond between the Currently the most widely used manufactur-
concrete and composite resin is provided by ing process to make rebars is the pultrusion
silica particles bonded to the surface of the method (Section; this enables a
composite. wide range of structural shapes to be produced.
As epoxy resin is selected as the bonding In addition, the process enables a high propor-
matrix to produce Arapree tensile elements, tion of fibers to be incorporated into the cross-
the resulting composites have good stability section and hence relatively high strength and
and resistance to many chemicals. stiffness values are achieved in the longitudinal
One drawback in the utilization of composite
rebars made from the pultrusion method is the Composite Rebars for Concrete smooth surface of the rebar; there is insufficient
Construction bond when used as reinforcement in concrete.
Consequently, a secondary process is required
When acting as a structural material, con- to improve the bond; the current methods em-
crete possesses an excellent capacity for trans- ployed consist of overwinding with additional
mitting compressive forces but is weak when fibers or applying a sand layer to the surface of
acting in tension. To overcome this disadvan- the pultrusion. With a 65% by weight of fiber in
tage, steel reinforcement is combined with the the composite, the ultimate strength for the
concrete to give enhanced tensile strength. This glass and carbon fiber composites would be
combination has proved to be a very satisfac- about 1.2 and 2.0 GN m72, respectively, and
tory and efficient solution as the embedded the corresponding elastic moduli would be 40
steel is protected by the alkalinity of the con- and 150 GN m72.
crete, resulting in a durable structure. However, Although the durability of the polymer com-
for structures in highly aggressive environments posite is increased above that of the steel rebar,
such as marine structures or bridges subjected possible disadvantages are the low elastic mod-
to deicing salts, the protection surrounding the uli and the lack of yield at ultimate strength.
steel is broken down and serious durability Furthermore, once the pultrusion rebar has
problems result, primarily related to corrosion been polymerized, it cannot be bent to form
of the reinforcement and the subsequent spal- shear links, etc. Techniques have been used to
ling and weakening of the concrete. fabricate such shapes but until thermoplastic
38 Composite Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering

polymers have been developed to the stage spans of (3.5 6 1400), i.e., 5000 m may be built.
when site bending is possible, they will be avail- Composite materials are very likely to be found
able only in a limited range of sizes. to be economic for use in both the main support
The first footbridge using glass fiber compo- cables and the bridge deck of such structures.
site reinforcement in Britain was built in 1995 at A similar development can be expected in tall
Chalgrove in Oxfordshire under the auspices of buildings where the lightness and dynamic
Eurocrete. The bridge was precast by Tarmac properties of composite materials make them
Precast and has a span of 5 m and a cross- ideal for the upper floors. It can also be
section of 1.5 m 6 0.3 m; the concrete was a expected that composite materials will gain
grade 40. The bridge was transported to site widespread use in modular building construc-
by Laing Civil Engineering. The rebars were tion where lightness, ease of connection, good
manufactured by GEC (now Fiberforce Ltd.) thermal insulation, and low maintenance will
and were 13.5 mm in diameter, they were used make them attractive for a wide range of appli-
as mesh reinforcement with the rods placed cations. The greatest drive for change, however,
orthogonally at 150 mm spacing at the top will be the advantages that the materials offer in
and bottom of the beam. The bridge was test improved durability in all forms of construc-
loaded to 125% of the design load in accor- tions considered and in improved earthquake
dance with BS1880, using steel dead weights resistance.
and was monitored using vibrating wire gauges
and fiber-optic cables.

6.25.5 CONCLUSIONS The Future of FRP Structures into the
Next Century Many future applications of fiber matrix
composites for use in structural engineering
The achievements in structural engineering have been identified and it is concluded that
are often related to the maximum length of their utilization in construction will increase
bridges and the maximum height of buildings until eventually they will take their place along-
that have been constructed. Since a primary side steel and concrete as major engineering
advantage of fiber reinforced composites is materials. Composites will never replace the
their strength to weight ratios, it is likely that traditional materials but will become an indis-
these materials will have a significant part to pensable part of the Structural Engineer's ma-
play in promoting composites into the twenty- terials selection.
first century.
The continuous development of new con-
struction materials has enabled increasingly
longer bridge spans to be built. Increases in 6.25.6 REFERENCES
span have occurred in three jumps: one in the
mid 1800s when wrought iron was sufficiently Civil Engineering Research Foundation, High Perfor-
mance Construction Materials and Systems, an Essen-
developed, in the late 1800s when reliable steel tial Programme for America and its Infrastructure,
was available, and the largest of all in the 1930s Executive Report, 93-50 011E, April 1993.
when high-strength steel wire was used in major Departmental Standard BD/48/93, the Assessment and
suspension bridges. Strengthening of Highway Bridge Supports, 1993.
EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Initiative, `Construc-
After each new material was invented, it took ton as a Manufacturing Process Workshop', New
between 30 and 40 years for it to gain the Builder, 1994, 18 March.
acceptance and confidence needed by engineers EPSRC, `Materials for Better Construction Programme
before they again sought longer span bridge Brochure', September 1994.
technology. The confidence and knowledge of P. R. Head and R. B. Templeman, in `The Application of
the Limit State Design Principles of Fiber Reinforced
new materials was gained over each intervening Plastics', British Plastics Federation RP Group Con-
period by the construction of smaller structures gress, London, 1986.
that may have been in use for as long as 30 years P. R. Head and R. B. Templeman, in `Structural Polymer
before the major step of building the world's Composites and Polymers in the Construction Indus-
try', ed. L. Hollaway, Thomas Telford, London, 1990.
longest span was taken. For example, Iron- L. Hollaway, in `Developments in Plastic Technology',
bridge was built in 1780 very soon after 3rd edn., ed. A. Whelan and J. L. Craft, Elsevier
wrought iron was invented, but the world's Applied Science, London, 1986, chap. 1.
largest span using that material was not L. Hollaway, `Polymer Composites for Civil and Struc-
achieved until 1816. The overall trend has tural Engineering', Blackie Academic and Professional,
London, Glasgow, New York, Tokyo, Melbourne,
been that the maximum span has risen by a Madras, 1993.
factor of 3.5 in each 100 years since 1770. This L. C. Hollaway and M. B. Leeming, `Strengthening of
suggests that by the year 2070 bridges having Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Externally-
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bonded FRP Composites in Structural and Civil En- 341±351.

gineering', Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK, U. Meier and H. Meier, Modern Plastics International,
1999. 1996, 26(4), 83±84.
M. Latham, `Constructing the Team', Final Report of the V. Peshkam and M. Leeming, in `Proceedings of the 19th
GovernmentÐIndustry Review of Procurement and British Plastics Federation Composites Congress', Bir-
Contractual Arrangements in the UK Construction mingham, UK, 22±23 Nov. 1994.
Industry, Department of the Environment, HMSO, L. N. Phillips, in `Design with Advanced Composite
1994. Materials', ed. L. N. Phillips, The Design Council,
LaV. Leonard, Advanced Composites Magazine, 1990, London, 1989.
M. McKenzie, `Corrosion Protection: The Environment B. R. Richmond and P. R. Head, in `Alternative Materi-
Created by Bridge Enclosure', Research Report 293, als in Long Span Bridge Structures: Kerensky Memor-
TRRL, 1991. ial Conference', London, June 1988.
M. McKenzie, `The Corrosivity of the Environment In- Royal Society, Discussion on New Material Technology,
side the Tees Bridge Enclosure', Final Year results, 1987.
Project Report PR/BR/10/93, TRRL, 1993. Y. Shu, New Civil Engineer, 1983, (14 April).
U. Meier, I. Mech. E., 1987, 201(2), 73±78. R. N. Swamy and P. Mukhopadhyaya, in `Non-Metallic
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U. Meier, Construction and Building Materials, 1995, 9(6), Taerwe, E&F Spon, London, 1995, pp. 473±481.

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electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, Volume 6; (ISBN: 0-080437249); pp. 489±527
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