Soal Usbn Bahasa Inggris 2019

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Jenjang Pendidikan : SMA/MA
Program / Jurusan : IPA/IPS
Hari Tanggal : Senin, 18 Maret 2019
Pukul : 10.00 - 12.00 Wita

Petunjuk :

1) Tulis lebih dahulu identitas Anda pada LJ (LembarJawaban) yang telah tersedia.
2) Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab.
3) Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal
4) Jumlah soal 40 butir, terdiri dari 40 soal objektif dan 5 soal essay dan semuanya harus
5) Dahulukan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah.
6) Kerjakan pada LJ yang disediakan.
7) Berilah tanda Silang ( X ) pada salah satu huruf yang dianggap benar pada LJ.
8) Periksa pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
9) Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan HP atau alat bantu lainnnya.

1. Andi : Execuse me. Are you Cipto?

Cipto : Yes, I’m CiptoSusanto.
Andi : Well, I’m Andi from Bandung. Glad to see you.
Cipto : Glad to see you, too.
What is the dialogue about?
A. Leave taking
B. Guessing someone
C. Introduction
D. invitation
E. making an agreement

2. Staff : I’d like to invite you to come to my engagement party on Sunday.

Supervisor : I’d love to come. Thanks. What time is the party?
Staff : In the afternoon at 4, and please come with your spouse.
Supervisor : Okay. I’ll be there.

Who will have an engagement party?

A. The supervisor.
B. The staff
C. The spouse
D. The family of the staff
E. The office mates of the staff

3. Beny : Why wasShifa absent yesterday?

Dewi : Her father passed away.
Beny : I am deeply sorry to hear that. Why didn’t you tell me before?
Dewi : I have just heard about it.

From the dialogue, we may assume that …

A. Dewi was happy to hear the news
B. Shifa was absent because her father passed away.
C. Dewi tells the sad new to Beny.
D. Beny knew the reason why Shifa was absent.
E. Shifa told Beny about his father who passed away.

The following text is for the question no 4.

Because of the high demand for electrical power due to extremely cold weather, the city is
facing a serious power shortage. We are asking residents to help us avoid this situation. Please
reduce your power consumption as much as possible. Lower household heat to sixty degrees.
Turn of all unnecessary appliances. Postpone energy-consuming tasks such as doing the

4. The announcement is about …..

A. a serious power shortage in the city
B. the extremely cold weather in the city
C. the need to turn off all unnecessary appliances.
D. the demand to postpone energy-consuming tasks.
E. the high demand for electrical power
The following text is for the question 5.

Please join us
As we celebrate our
40th Anniversary
Rahmat and WatiJuwita
Friday, February 14th
6.30 p.m. – 10.00 p.m.
Pondok Indah, South Jakarta
(Dinner is available)
RSVP 654212397
(Nanang/ Nini/ Nita)

5. The announcement is about …..

A. a serious power shortage in the city
B. the extremely cold weather in the city
C. the need to turn off all unnecessary appliances.
D. the demand to postpone energy-consuming tasks.
E. the high demand for electrical power

The following text-3 is for question 6.

6. What is the topic of the poster?

A. Safety.
B. Environment.
C. Health.
D. Art.
E. Sport.

The Text bellow is for the questions 7to 8.

Last weekend, I visited my pen pal's house. His Name is Anto. There were many activities
I did there. In the morning, Anto and I had breakfast. We had traditional food. I liked it very
After breakfast, he took me to the garden behind his house. The garden was very big and
beautiful. There is a big bird cage in the garden. There were many kinds of birds in that cage. I
spent a long time feeding the birds. I also took pictures with those beautiful birds.
After visiting the bird cage, Anto and I went to the flower garden not far from his house.
We took a rest and had lunch under a big tree and watch butterflies flying above colourful
flowers. In the afternoon, we swam in the pool in the backyard. It was so fun. I really enjoyed
my time with Anto.
7. The text above tells us about ....
A. a holiday at a friend’s house.
B. a picture of bird.
C. a big bird cage.
D. a big garden
E. activities in the morning.

8. What is the last paragraph about?

A. The pool at the back yard.
B. Anto had butterflies as his pet.
C. The writer’s friend is a good swimmer.
D. The writer had a good time in Anto’s house.
E. The writer had a good time with his friend.

The following text is for the questions 9 to 10.

How to Clean an LCD Screen

1. Shake up the detergent and put it 15 — 20 cm away from the LCD screen.
2. Spray on the LCD screen surface directly.
3. Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or brush.

You can also do the following steps:

1. Spray the detergent on the fabric cleanser.
2. Clean the LCD screen surface to make it as bright as a new one.

9. What should you do with the detergent before cleaning the LCD screen?
A. Brighten it.
B. Spray it.
C. Shake it up.
D. Put it away.
E. Brush it.

10. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To retell the process of cleaning an LCD screen.
B. To persuade how to clean LCD screen.
C. To discuss the steps of cleaning an LCD screen.
D. To describe the cleanness of an LCD screen.
E. To tell the way to clean an LCD screen.

Read the following text to answer questions number 11 to 12

There are a lot of discussions as to whether children should be given homework or not.
Some people claim that children to enough work in school already. They also argue that
children have hobbies that they want to do after school, such as sports or music. A further point
they make is that a lot of homework is pointless and doesn't help the child learn at all.
However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. Parents and teachers
argue that it is important to find out whether children can work on their own without the
support from the teacher. They say that the evening is a good time for children to sit down and
think about what they have learned in school.
Furthermore they claim that the school day is too short to get anything done that needs
doing and it makes sense to send home tasks like independent reading or further writing tasks
that don't need teacher's support.
On balance, I think that some homework is a good idea but that it should only be given at the
weekend when children have more time.

11. What is the writer's suggestion about homework?

A. Homework is pointless
B. Homework is badly needed
C. Homework should be given at weekend
D. Student should not be given any homework
E. Student must frequently have homework

12. How do we compare the second and the fourth paragraph....

A. Both paragraphs argue that homework is necessary for students.
B. Unlike the fourth paragraph, the second paragraph argues that homework is unnecessary.
C. The second paragraph supports that students need homework, but the fourth paragraph does
D. The second paragraph and the fourth paragraph argue that students do not need homework.
E. The second and the fourth paragraphs do not say anything about the benefit of homework

Read the following text to answer questions number 13 to 15

Captain Phillips is an upcoming 2013 American biographical action thriller film directed
by Paul Greengrass based upon the book, A Captain's Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALs, and
Dangerous days at Sea, by Richard Phillips with Stephan Tatty, and starring Tom Hanks. It is
produced by Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, and Michael De Luca. The film tells a biopic of
merchant mariner Captain Richard Phillips, who was taken hostage for several days by Somali
Pirates when the container ship Maersk Alabama which sailed from southern Oman drown
along the coast of Somalia and then to Kenya was hijacked in 2009.
Captain Richard Phillips (Tom Hanks), a veteran merchant mariner, still lives in his native
New England, and he's a plainspoken family man full of anxiety about the economically bleak
new world his kids are facing. When his wife (Chaterine Keener) drops him off at the airport,
we can see reverse her. The film then cuts to Somalia, a land of dust and poverty, where the
pirates are recruited for their mission as if they were migrant farm workers lining up to be
chosen for that day's labor. Greengrass doesn't have to fill in much about the violent, chaotic
breakdown of Somalia to let us know that these men have little choice.
The film does not generate quite the same level of excruciating suspense as some of
Greengrass' previous triumphs, but it nonetheless holds us hostage as it proceeds. As for the
four Somali immigrants, they are remarkably effective in their first professional acting gigs.

13. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. The Characters of the film
B. The synopsis of the film
C. The criteria of the film
D. The Plot of the film
E. The release of the film
14. According to the text, Captain Phillips....
A. Traveled from Somalia to Kenya to find a ship
B. Hijacked a container ship
C. Hijacked many ships in Somalia
D. Was a hostage by Somalia pirates
E. Was a sailor in Southern Oman

15. What is the communicative purpose of the text above....

A. To criticize about film Captain Phillips
B. To entertain about film Captain Phillips
C. To give information about film Captain Phillips
D. To describe about film Captain Phillips
E. To explain about film Captain Phillips

This text is for questions 16and17.

Dizzy, tired and fed up. It has been three years I’m hiding my sickness. Now I’m beat,
but I still need to go to school and try to take the lessons. My best friend asked me, “I’m
okay, only tired”.
I didn’t go home. I attended an extra-curricular activity. When I gathered with my
friends, my chest was hurting, “Oh my God, Why do I need to feel this suffering every day?
I just want to hang out together with my friends, my family, everybody … I don’t want my
best friends know this”.
Talking of the devil, my best friend was waiting for me by the front gate. I then went
home with him, but then suddenly my body was trembling, my head was spinning, and
blood to sorting out from my nose. I fainted unconsciously, and was brought to hospital by
my best friend.
Before informing my parents, I asked the doctor and he said. “You are suffering a heart
cancer. Your heart is continuously getting weaker, and I’m afraid you can’t hold much
longer. We must conduct a surgery as soon as possible.”
I took my cell-phone and called my parents. Then soon arrived at the hospital; arriving in
the state of shock and pity on my condition, with all the life sustaining equipment stuck on
my body.
One week has passed, and I’ve been unconscious for I went into a coma. Every day, my
friends watched over me. They even brought me some food, “We made that for you.” they
Then finally my parents agreed to conduct the surgery. They hoped for the best because
they knew that God is still kind to me.

16. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell the readers about an extra-curricular activity.
B. To inform the readers about suffering a heart cancer.
C. To persuade the readers in order to hold a heart surgery.
D. To inform the readers about saving patients with a heart cancer.
E. To tell the readers about the writer’s experience with his sickness.

17. From the text we know that the writer ….

A. had just had a heart surgery.
B. waited for his friends in the hospital.
C. fainted unconsciously in the hospital.
D. told his parents to stay in the hospital.
E. has just known that he had serious illness
Read the following text to answer questions 18 to 20
Kediri is a name of a town. It is situated in a valley between the Kelud and Willis
mountains and inhabited by about 1.3 million people. In the center of the town there is a large
hill which is called the Dathok Mountain. Because of the topography of the region, Kediri is
called a chilly town by the locals. There is a big river called Brantas cutting off the center of
the town.
Beside the temples, Kediri is also famous for its products like cigarettes and a special
kind of tofu or bean curd. This highly nutritious food is delicacy of Kediri and has a distinctive
taste. The cigarettes factory dominates the town economy and employs the majority of the
women labor force. Kediri and the cigarettes factory are inseparable and it is considered the
biggest cigarette factory in Indonesia. Most of the local people work in this factory. Those who
do not work here are farmers or traders.

18. "Those who do not work here ..." (last sentence). The underlined word refers to....
A. The local people
B. The factory workers
C. The farmers
D. The trader
E. Kelud and Wilis

19. What does the above text tell about?

A. The history of Kediri
B. The famous products of Kediri
C. The description of Kediri
D. The people
E. The Situation of Kediri

20. Which one has a distinctive taste?

A. The cigarette
B. The special food
C. The bean curd
D. The highly nutritious food
E. The panorama of Kediri

This text is for questions 21 to 24.

Spiders are predatory invertebrate animals. They are not
classified in the class of insects. A spider has eight legs while
an insect never has more than six legs.
Spiders have a body with two main divisions, four pairs of
walking legs and two other pairs of abdominal spinnerets for
spinning threads of silk. This silk can be used to aid climbing,
build egg sacs and catch prey.

Spiders kill so many insects, but they never do the least harm to man’s belongings.
Spiders are busy for at least half of the year killing insects. It is impossible to find out
insects trying to kill, since they are hungry creatures, which cannot be contented with
only three meals a day.
21. The text tells us about .…
A. many kinds of insects killed by the spider.
B. the factual information about spider.
C. the two main divisions of spider.
D. the classification of spiders.
E. the hungry creatures.

22. Why can’t spiders be classified in the class of insects? Because ...
A. their bodies have two main divisions.
B. they eat more than three meals a day.
C. they have more than six legs.
D. they have walking legs.
E. kill many insects.

23. What is the use of threads of silk in spiders? It is used for ….

A. classifying the insects.
B. spinning and dividing preys.
C. walking and hiding their preys.
D. dividing insects into two parts.
E. climbing, building egg sacs and catching prey.

24. “They never do the least harm to man’s belonging”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. command.
B. damage.
C. relation.
D. pleasure.
E. intervention

Read the following text for questions 25 to 27

Dinosaurs were a type of lizards. They lived from about 230 million to about 65 million
years ago. In 1842, Sir Richard Owen created the word dinosaur. It came from Greek words
deinos, meaning “terrible” and sauros, meaning “lizard”. Dinosaurs lived on earth for about
140 million years.
During the dinosaurian era, the days were short. The sun was not as hot as it is today. On
earth there was only one big continent and one big ocean. The name of the continent was
pangea (all lands) and the name of the ocean was panthallassa (all seas).
There were many kinds of dinosaurs. Some of them were very big and some others were
small. Some dinosaurs ate leaves and some others ate meat. Some dinosaurs could fly.
What happened to dinosaurs? Dinosaurs became extinct because there was a large comet
hitting the earth. The comet caused fire and it killed the trees. Dinosaurs could not eat because
there were no trees on earth and finally they died and became extinct.

25. What is the social function of the text?

A. to describe what the dinosaurs look like
B. to show the steps how to measure dinosaurs
C. to inform people about dinosaurs and their lives.
D. to amuse people by showing the dinosaurs’ power.
E. to explain the process.
26. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. There were many kinds of dinosaurs.
B. Some dinosaurs could fly in the sky.
C. Many dinosaurs were small in form.
D. Dinosaurs ate leaves and meat.
E. The name of the continent was Pangea.

27. “……..there was a large comet hitting the earth.” (Paragraph 3)

What is the synonym of the word “large”?
A. Big.
B. Small.
C. Wide.
D. High.
E. Long.

Read the following text for questions 28 to 30


Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to
skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic and adventurous pastime.
Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up
and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down as
they struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets.
Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increases fitness,
improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to be a
solo sport, when groups practice together and compete to perform stunts or runs they form firm
Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are
actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break laws for fun.
Will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and Ollie’s
free from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that streets are safe for small
children and senior citizens and skaters have spaces where they can race, chase, speed, and soar
towards the sun.

28. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. There is no safe place for skateboarders
B. Kids seek an excitement in skate
C. The goodness of skateboarding
D. The skateboarding is a serious sport
E. How to prevent overweight by skateboarding

29. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is ….

A. To invite the local teenagers to skate in a park built specifically for skaters
B. To convince the readers that they need a safe place for skaters to skate
C. To provoke youngsters into the local government policy
D. To promote the writer’s business of skateboarding class
E. To inform parents about the goodness of skateboarding
30. Where do the kids usually ride their skateboard?
A. In the main roads and foot paths
B. In front of the supermarket
C. In front of their home
D. In the suburbs
E. In the park

The following text is for questions 31 to 34.

Nobody likes paying taxes. Event those who know that taxation is necessary and
reluctant to pay taxes. It is not pleasant to see part of your monthly income taken
away from your income tax. Ignorant people think this is injustice and make
grievance of it.
Every country has a government. The primary duties of a government are to
protect the life and property of the citizens, to maintain law and order, and settle
dispute between citizens in a just and orderly way through the law-courts, to
defend the country from foreign foes and to maintain and direct education,
provide hospitals for the sick and attend to sanitation. All these great to be kept
up and have to be paid.
Furthermore, schools and teachers have to be provided and supported, health
experts and sanitary engineers have to be employed. Now where is all from? Tax
is needed for the benefits of the public. It is the people as a whole rich and poor
that benefit by security of the life and property, by the sound roads, by public
hospital, public school and good sanitation.
Therefore, it is necessary for people to pay taxes. The money will be back to
them in the form of public service and facility.

31. The topic of the text is about ….

A. the description of taxes.
B. the way people pay taxes.
C. the necessity of paying taxes.
D. the objection of paying taxes.
E. the facilities to pay taxes.

32. Based on the text we know that …

A. defending country from foes is not the job of the government
B. it is pleasant to give your money income to pay taxes
C. government has a simple duty to handle its people
D. ignorant people think it is necessary to pay taxes
E. some people think paying taxes is injustice
33. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
A. Tax is needed for the public’s benefit.
B. Government should maintain good roads.
C. Good sanitation is necessary for the public.
D. Both rich and poor people have to pay taxes
E. Government should provide good school and sanitary facilities.

34. The underlined word in sentence, “ maintain law and order, and settle dispute between
citizens ...” (paragraph 2) has the same meaning as...
A. violate.
B. introduce.
C. preserve.
D. reform.
E. revise.

Read the following text to answer questions number 35 to 37.

A Story from the Farm Yard Two roosters were fighting fiercely to be the king of the farm
yard. One finally gained advantage and the other surrendered.
The loosing rooster slunk away and hid itself in a quiet corner. The winner flew up to a high
wall, flapped its wings and crowed its victory, as loud as it could.
Suddenly, an eagle came sailing through the air and carried it off, with its talons. The
loosing rooster immediately came out of its corner and ruled the farm yard from then on.

35. What is the social function of the text?

A. To describe a general classification of an object
B. To entertain the readers
C. To give information to the readers
D. To tell about the process of something
E. To tell the writer’s experience.

36. What can we learn from the story?

A. There's always a bigger enemy in this life
B. Your friend can be your enemy
C. Always grab an opportunity before you
D. Don't be cocky when we have achieved our goal
E. It’s better to find another friend.

37. “The winner flew up to a high wall, flapped its wings and crowed its victory, as loud as it
could.” (Paragraph 2)

What does the underlined word refer to?

A. The rooster.
B. The eagle.
C. The wing.
D. Talon.
E. The high wall.
Read the following text to answer questions 38 to 39
I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so?
Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as
Science, technology. Sports, arts, culture, etc. written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.
Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening
in any parts of the world which can we see directly.
Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books,
newspaper or magazine on the entertainment column such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc. To
make us relaxed.
The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book about Irian
Jaya we may feel we’re really sitting in the jungles not at home in our rooms.
From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge,
information and also entertainment. Or in summary we can say reading is truly important in our

38. What does the text tell us about?

A. The description of reading.
B. The function of reading.
C. The importance of reading.
D. The disadvantages of reading.
E. The purpose of reading.

39. If we want to get knowledge, what should we do?

A. buy a lot of books.
B. borrow a lot of books.
C. look for newspaper and magazine.
D. sell and buy many expensive books.
E. Read a lot of books and other printed materials.

The following text is for question 40.

The use of formalin and other dangerous preservatives in food has been serious problem for
three reasons. Firstly, formalin is not for human beings, but it is for biological specimens and
experiments. Formalin in Biology is a 10% solution of formaldehyde in water which is usually
used as a disinfectant or to preserve biological specimens. Thus, it is not for food
preservatives. Of course when it is used for food preservative, it will be very dangerous to
human’s body.
The second reason is that there is no tight control from the government. This condition
makes the people’s health is really in a threat. When the control is weak and the use formalin
was spread wide all over the Indonesian regions, and these days it has really happened, the
citizen’s bodies will be badly contaminated with the poisons. Fish or food traders still sell their
products which contain formalin and dangerous preservatives. Can you imagine that our
digestive system absorbs the substance that should be for the human and animal corpses?
Considering the reasons, we can make a conclusion that the use of formalin and other
preservatives is really a serious problem if it is not resolved immediately.

40. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. The human`s bodies will be harmful after consuming the formalin.
B. The government has not controlled the use of formalin firmly.
C. The weak control of using formalin is not threatening the human.
D. The human`s bodies will be harmful after consuming the formalin.
E. The use of formalin is known all over the regions.

41. Rearrange the following sentences to form a meaningful paragraph!

1. He won his first tournament just days before his 18th birthday
2. Bjorn Rune Borg was born on June, 1956 in Stockholm, Sweden.
3. He dropped out of school to devote himself to training fulltime when he was 13 years Old
4. At the age of 11, he won his first tennis tournament
5. Borg qualified for the Swedih Davis up tea, at age 15 and won both of his single
42. Arrange the following sentences into a good narrative text!
1. The lion turned to the mouse and said, “Dear friend, I was foolish to ridicule you for being
small. You helped me by saving my life after all!”
2. Once time in the forest, there was a small mouse crept up to a sleeping lion. The mouse
admired the lion’s ears, his long whiskers and his great mane. “Since he’s sleeping,”
thought the mouse, “he’ll never suspect I’m here!”
3. The mouse eyed the trap and noticed the one thick rope that held it together. She began
nibbling and nibbling until the rope broke. The lion was able to shake off the other ropes
that held him tight. He stood up free again!
4. “Please,” said the mouse, “let me go and I’ll come back and help you someday.”
5. With that, the little mouse climbed up onto the lion’s tail, ran across its back, slid down its
leg and jumped off of its paw. The lion awoke and quickly caught the mouse between its
6. The lion laughed, “You are so small! How could ever help me?”
7. The next day, two hunters came to the jungle. They went to the lion’s lair. They set a huge
rope snare. When the lion came home that night, he stepped into the trap.
8. He roared! He wept! But he couldn’t pull himself free.
9. The mouse heard the lion’s pitiful roar and came back to help him.
10. The lion laughed so hard he had to hold his belly! The mouse jumped to freedom and ran
until she was far, far away.

The following text is for question 43

Metro’s 10th Anniversary

Lucky Draw for
every purchase
above Rp 600.000
in a single receipt

Sale is now on!!

Up to 70% discount
Free gift for the first 100 shoppers
 Gold Royal Silverware 70% off
 Sowaridi Chrystal Earrings 70% off
 Designer Label purse 55% off
 Charles and Keith Shoes
Usual price Rp 400.000
Now 70% off
 Many more………….

43. What will the shoppers get in the celebration of Metro’s 10 Anniversary?

Text following text is for question 44 to 45

Singapore to Develop Marine Tourism in Riau Islands of Indonesia

Singapore has expressed its interest in developing marine tourism in Natuna, Anambas and
Lingga, three beautiful yet hidden regencies in the Riau Islands province of Indonesia.
According to Riau Islands deputy Governor, SoeryoRespationo, the three areas have their
own beauty but lack of adequate infrastructure to boost tourism.
Singapore's investment in the tourism sector would perfectly match with the islands' need,
he said recently. Soeryo said that Singapore Ambassador Anil Kumar Nayar visited the Riau
islands asministration on Tuesday to show the country's commitment in developing the marine
tourism sector.

44. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

45. What is the generic structure of the text above?

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