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Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 3813–3818

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The effects of benthos and wetland area on shorebird abundance and species
richness in coastal mangrove wetlands of Leizhou Peninsula, China
Fasheng Zou a,*, Hanhua Zhang b, Tom Dahmer c, Qiongfang Yang a, Junxin Cai c,
Wei Zhang c, Chaoyu Liang b
South China Institute of Endangered Animals, 105 Xingang West Road, Guangzhou 510260, China
South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Guangzhou 510300, China
Sino-Dutch Integrated Mangrove Management & Coastal Protection Project, Zhanjiang, China


Article history: Twenty-two species shorebirds were recorded on mangrove wetlands surrounding Leizhou Peninsula,
Received 9 December 2007 Guangdong Province, China. One recorded species, Spoon-billed Sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus), is
Received in revised form 11 March 2008 listed as endangered in the IUCN Red List (World Conservation Union) and this was the first record of the
Accepted 11 March 2008
species at Leizhou in this study. Most recorded species are listed in the Sino-Japan or Sino-Australia
Agreement on Conservation of Migratory Birds. Dunlin (Calidris alpina), Kentish Plover (Charadrius
alexandrinus), and Greater Sand Plover (Charadrius leschenaultii) were dominant, accounting for 34%, 32%,
and 12% of total individuals, respectively. Five survey sites were designated by habitat type. There was no
Wetland area significant difference in species, but total abundance differed significantly among survey sites. More
Mangrove wetland species were recorded in winter and spring than in summer. One hundred and sixty-five species of
Leizhou Peninsula of China benthos were recorded. Total mean biomass and density of benthos was 223.3  74.8 g/m2 (S.E.), density
210.97  67.6 ind./m2, respectively. Mollusks accounted for 83.4% of total biomass, and 75.6% of total density.
Both biomass and density of benthos varied significantly among survey sites. There was no significant
difference between spring and autumn on biomass or density of benthos. There was a significant and negative
correlation between number of shorebirds and densities of polychaetes on mudflats. Shorebird species
richness (F1,3 = 13.14, p = 0.036) and abundance (F1,3 = 12.59, p = 0.037) were significantly and positively
correlated with mudflat area. Stopping losses of mangrove habitat and tidal flats is the top priority measure
for shorebird conservation. Reducing the impacts of human disturbance on both habitats and birds is an
urgent necessity for mangrove wetland conservation management.
ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Leizhou Peninsula in southwestern Guangdong Province

supports the largest mangrove forests remaining in China and
In temperate latitudes, the distribution of waders has been covering around 7240 hm2. Mangrove wetlands around Leizhou
shown to be closely related to the distribution and abundance of Peninsula were protected by gazettal of Zhanjiang Mangrove
the main wader food items (Puttick, 1984). Chironomid larvae National Natural Reserve (ZMNNR) in 1997. The reserve was added
were the main prey of shorebirds at one study area in Spain where to the Ramsar list of Wetlands of International Importance in 2002.
there was a strong positive correlation between the number of Zou et al. (2006) noted that the location of Leizhou Peninsula in the
chironomid larvae available in each pond and the number of East Asian-Australasian flyway of migratory birds contributes to its
feeding shorebirds (Sánchez et al., 2006). Sanderling (Calidris alba) importance as a staging site for migrants. They found that birds
has been shown to be generalist feeders preying on crustaceans were abundant on intertidal flat, which supported 69% of all birds
(isopods, amphipods and mysids) and other invertebrates such as and 81% of all migrants. Intertidal flats proved important to
polychaetes and bivalves that occur in the intertidal zone. The nationally and provincially protected and threatened species.
distribution of Sanderling wintering in Japan was significantly Earlier reports on birds in Chinese mangrove wetlands
correlated with the distribution of Donax semigranosus, particularly provided species lists (Zhou et al., 1994; Wang et al., 1995; Zou
in late December 2000 and in early February 2001 (Nuka et al., 2005). et al., 2001; Song and Lin, 2002). However, these researchers did
not document relationships between birds and environmental
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 20 84182827; fax: +86 20 84183704. factors. The purposes of this research were (1) to study relation-
E-mail address: (F. Zou). ships between shorebirds and environmental factors, and to

0378-1127/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
3814 F. Zou et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 3813–3818

determine whether bird species richness or bird abundance is Table 1

Area of mangrove and intertidal flat at survey sites (hm2)
related to prey density or biomass, (2) to understand more clearly
the impacts of environmental factors on bird ecology so that more Survey sites Mangrove Intertidal flat
clear guidance could be provided to policy makers with reference
Gaojiao 914.2 266.6
to human exploitation of resources that are foods for both human Fucheng 285.2 933.3
and avian users of the intertidal zone around Leizhou Peninsula. Qishui 567.7 266.7
He’an 540 830
Wuli 5 35
2. Study area and methods

2.1. Study area The Zhanjiang coastal wetlands were added to the Ramsar list
of Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterbird
Leizhou Peninsula is the southernmost extent of mainland Habitat in 2002. The protected area covers over 18,000 ha
China, located at 20–21.58N latitude. It is bounded to the west by (including 7242 ha of mangrove forest).
Beibu Bay, to the east by the South China Sea, to the south by Leizhou Peninsula has a subtropical monsoon climate with an
Qiongzhou Strait and Hainan Island (Fig. 1). The total land area of annual average temperature of 22.3 8C and average annual rainfall
Leizhou Peninsula is 12,470 km2 and the coastline is 1556 km of 1500 mm. Rainfall is seasonal, and most precipitation occurs
long. The area of intertidal flats is 867 km2. The Leizhou coastline during the summer rainy season or monsoon. The intertidal zone is
is deeply indented with more than 100 bays and estuaries. The characterized by one or two tidal cycles per day. The tidal range is
extensive coastline with its numerous sheltered bays and approximately 2 m.
muddy inlets creates conditions suitable for the development
of mangrove forests. Leizhou Peninsula has some of the largest 2.2. Sampling sites
mangrove forests and the highest number of mangrove species on
China’s continental land mass. The total area of mangrove Five sites were selected for sampling to test the hypothesis that
coverage on Leizhou Peninsula was estimated in recent years as shorebird species richness and abundance depend on habitat area:
7242 ha, and 15 species of mangrove were reported (Cai, 2004). Gaoqiao and Qishui on the west coast; Fucheng and He’an on the
The government of Guangdong Province authorized establishment east coast; and Wuli on the south coast (Fig. 1). The areas of the five
of Zhanjiang Mangrove Provincial Nature Reserve on 1 January 1990 survey sites are listed in Table 1. The habitats and environmental
and erected the first nature reserve management station at Gaoqiao conditions at the sampling sites were (1) Gaoqiao is largest stand of
Town of Lianjiang County. The provincial reserve was elevated to mangrove and supports the most complete coverage of mature
Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve on 7 November 1997. mangroves in Leizhou Peninsula. Mangrove stand are segregated
by many small intertidal channels. Large areas of shrimp pond and
paddy lie adjacent to mangroves, but coastal woodlands (mainly
plantations) were far away from mangroves; (2) Fucheng supports
a small area of Sonneratia caseolaris (an introduced mangrove
species), large sandflats, and small stand of coastal forest near
mangroves; (3) Qishui is a busy commercial fishery port
characterized by large sandflats, sparse mangrove cover and
young mangrove trees; (4) He’an supports large sandflats where
the dominant mangrove was Avicennia marina. The site is
surrounded by many villages from which the human disturbance
on the intertidal zone is typically intense; (5) Wuli supports a small
stand of mangroves with dense coverage in most stands and a
small area of saltpans still used for production of sea salt.

2.3. Bird surveys

Sampling was carried out during four periods spanning four

seasons: winter (23 December 2002–13 January 2003), spring (3–
23 March 2003), summer (23 June–10 July 2003) and autumn (1–
13 November 2003) to test the hypothesis that shorebird species
richness and abundance were equal over seasons. The number of
sampling sessions was proportional to the area of mangrove and
intertidal flat at each sampling site: a combination of point counts
and transect counts for intertidal flats, and transect counts for
mangroves. Point count samplers reported all birds seen and heard
within a 150-m radius of designated center points during a 10-min
sampling periods. Transect counts were 50-m wide and 2000–
3000-m long. Average sample time for each transect was about
120 min. Bird species and numbers seen or heard were recorded
for all transects using methods described by Zou et al. (2001). At
each survey site except Wuli, where the area of mangroves and
intertidal flats was too small, each survey period included
sampling of two to three transects in mangroves and two to three
patches of intertidal flats. The time of day for sampling was
Fig. 1. Sampling locations. Black shading indicates mangrove forest zone. selected based on tide levels. Birds on intertidal flats were sampled
F. Zou et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 3813–3818 3815

Table 2
Checklist of shorebirds recorded at Leizhou Peninsula

Scientific name Common name Abundance Migratory status Conservation status

Rostratula benghalensis Greater Painted Snipe 1 R SJ, SA

Pluvialis squatarola Grey Plover 96 PM/WV SJ, SA
Charadrius alexandrinus Kentish Plover 1219 WV
Charadrius dubius Little Ringed Plover 7 R SA
Charadrius veredus Oriental Plover 1 PM
Charadrius leschenaultii Greater Sand Plover 435 PM/WV SJ, SA
Numenius arquata Eurasian Curlew 146 PM/WV SJ, SA
Numenius phaeopus Whimbrel 28 PM SJ, SA
Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit 1 PM/WV SJ, SA
Tringa ochropus Green Sandpiper 10 PM/WV SJ
Arenaria interpres Ruddy Turnstone 5 PM SJ, SA
Tringa totanus Common Redshank 213 PM/WV SJ, SA
Heteroscelus brevipes Grey-tailed Tattler 24 PM
Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper 26 PM/WV SJ, SA
Tringa stagnatilis Marsh Sandpiper 76 PM/WV SJ, SA
Tringa glareola Wood Sandpiper 3 PM/WV SJ, SA
Xenus cinereus Terek Sandpiper 15 PM SJ, SA
Tringa nebularia Common Greenshank 134 PM/WV SJ, SA
Calidris abla Sanderling 32 PM SJ, SA
Eurynorhynchus pygmeus Spoon-billed Sandpiper 3 PM SJ
Gallinago megala Swinhoe’s Snipe 2 PM/WV SJ, SA
Calidris alpina Dunlin 1283 WV SJ, SA

Migratory status: WV-winter visitor, PM-passenger, R-resident. Conservation status: SJ-species in Sino-Japan Agreement on Conservation of Migratory Birds, SA-species in
Sino-Australia Agreement on Conservation of Migratory Birds.

during low tides when the flats were exposed and birds could factor loadings. All statistical tests were conducted using SPSS
access them. Birds in mangrove were sampled during high tides version 11.5.
when birds could not access intertidal flats. Binoculars (10) and
spotting scopes (30 and 60) were used for detecting and 3. Results
identifying birds.
3.1. Bird species richness and abundance
2.4. Benthos sampling
Twenty-two species shorebirds were recorded in mangrove and
Benthos was sampled in the high, medium and low tide zones in coastal flat habitats of Leizhou Peninsula. All recorded birds were
March (spring) and September (autumn) of 2002. At each sample winter visitors or passage migrants except for Greater Painted
point, three samples of mud/sand were excavated from a Snipe (Rostratula benghalensis) and Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius
50 cm  50 cm  30 cm deep quadrat. The samples were imme- dubius), which are local residents. Of the 22 recorded species, 18
diately filtered through a series of sieves with progressively and 17 are listed in the Sino-Japan Agreement on Conservation of
smaller mesh sizes (first 3.35 mm, second 1 mm, and third Migratory Birds and the Sino-Australia Agreement on Conservation
0.5 mm). Organisms retrieved from the mud/sand samples were of Migratory Birds, respectively (Table 2). Dunlin (Calidris alpina),
preserved in 10% formalin. All samples were identified to species Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), and Greater Sand Plover
and weighed after air drying on paper. The weight of shells was (Charadrius leschenaultii) were dominant, accounting for 34%, 32%,
included for bivalves. Biomass (g/m2) and density (ind./m2) of each and 12% of total bird numbers, respectively.
invertebrate category were calculated using methods described by Twelve, 15, 12, 12 and 9 species of shorebirds were recorded at
Liang et al. (2005). Gaojiao, Fucheng, Qishui, He’an and Wuli, respectively. Species
richness did not differ significantly among survey sites (F4,15 = 1.019,
2.5. Data analysis p = 0.429) but total bird numbers did (F4,15 = 3.414, p = 0.036). The
greatest number of shorebirds was recorded at Fucheng area, while
Dominant bird species were designated as those accounting for the lowest was recorded at Wuli area. More birds were recorded at
over 10% of the total number of individuals recorded in all sampling Fucheng than at Gaojiao area, and more birds were recorded at
sessions (Zheng, 1995). Migratory status was based on distribution Fucheng than at Wuli at a = 0.05 (Fig. 2).
of the avifauna of South China (Viney et al., 1994). One-way analysis Fifteen, 14, 7 and 13 species shorebirds were recorded in winter,
of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc multiple comparison were used to spring, summer and autumn, respectively. More species were
compare shorebird abundance and density, and benthos biomass recorded in winter than in summer ( p = 0.016) and more species
and density between seasons or survey sites. All data were were recorded in spring than in summer ( p = 0.031) (post hoc
transformed to natural logarithms for correlation analyses and multiple comparisons). Total number of individuals did not differ
linear regression analyses. Pearson two-tailed correlation analysis significantly among seasons (F3,16 = 1.447, p = 0.266) (Fig. 3).
was used to analyze relationships between shorebird species
richness or abundance and habitat area, biomass and density of 3.2. Species richness and abundance of benthos
benthos. Linear regression was used to explain relationships
between species richness and abundance of shorebirds and area One hundred and sixty-five species of benthos, including
of habitat. We used principal component analysis (PCA) to identify species of Annelida, Sipuncula, Molluska, Arthropoda and Echino-
the major independent pattern of covariation in structural dermata were recorded. The dominant species were Cerithidea
attributes. All components with eigenvalues >1 were retained for cingulata, Batillaria zonalis, Littoraria (Palustorina) melanostoma,
further analysis. Each component was interpreted by examining its Littoraria (Palustorina) articulata, Neritina (Dostia) violacea, Mono-
3816 F. Zou et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 3813–3818

Table 3
Rotated component matrix of variables

Variable The first axis The second axis The third axis

Area of mangrove 0.020 0.363 0.818

Area of intermudflat 0.305 0.673 0.003
Species number of benthos 0.090 0.269 0.336
Density of benthos 0.992 0.081 0.078
Biomass of benthos 0.979 0.088 0.171
Species of polychaetes 0.773 0.297 0.518
Density of polychaetes 0.226 0.959 0.093
Biomass of polychaetes 0.678 0.633 0.339
Fig. 2. Bird species richness and abundance at five survey sites. Species of mollusks 0.148 0.018 0.532
Density of mollusks 0.995 0.073 0.032
Biomass of mollusks 0.990 0.085 0.097
Species of crustaceans 0.366 0.553 0.023
Density of crustaceans 0.263 0.095 0.957
Biomass of crustaceans 0.002 0.135 0.927
Diversity index of benthos 0.131 0.875 0.360
Evenness index of benthos 0.177 0.898 0.403

axes one, two and three had eigenvalues of 6.33, 5.01 and 3.89,
respectively. Factor loadings indicated that the first principal
component (PC1) represented biomass and density of prey
including total benthos and Molluska only. The second principal
Fig. 3. Seasonality of bird species richness and abundance. component (PC2) explained the effect of polychaetes on shorebirds
in terms of density of polychaetes and species richness of total
donta labio, Glauconome chinensis, Crassostrea sp., Mactra (Mectra) benthos. The third principal component (PC3) was the density and
venerformis, Gracilaria asiatica, Enteromorpha clathrata and Enter- biomass of crustaceans, and area of mangrove. The PCA score
omorpha flexuosa. Total biomass of benthos was 223.3  74.8 g/m2 showed the ranking of various groups of invertebrates. Density and
(S.E.). Biomass of benthos differed significantly among survey sites biomass of benthos exerted a greater impact on shorebird numbers
(F4,5 = 12.325, p = 0.008). Greatest biomass was recorded at He’an and than did species richness of benthos.
lowest at Fucheng. The biomass of benthos at He’an was significantly
greater than at Gaojiao, Fucheng, Qishui, and Wuli at a = 0.05 (Fig. 4). 3.4. Relationship between shorebirds and environmental variables
Biomass of benthos did not differ significantly between spring and
autumn (F1,8 = 0.000, p = 0.997). Total mean density of benthos was There was a significant and negative correlation between number
211  67.6 ind./m2. Density of benthos differed significantly among of shorebirds and densities of polychaetes on the mudflats of Leizhou
survey sites (F4,5 = 9.915, p = 0.014). Similar to biomass, greatest Peninsula. The resulting regression equation was: N = 8.7 
density was at He’an and lowest at Fucheng. The density of benthos at 108D 1.47 (N: number of shorebirds, D: densities of polychaetes,
He’an was significantly higher than at Gaojiao, Fucheng, Qishui, and F1,3 = 15.70, p = 0.03). Shorebird species richness was significantly
Wuli at a = 0.05 (Fig. 4). Benthos densities did not differ significantly and positively correlated with mudflat area: S = 60.3A0.12 (S: species
between spring and autumn (F1,8 = 0.000, p = 0.991). richness of shorebirds, A: area of mudflat, F1,3 = 13.14, p = 0.036).
Mollusks and crustaceans were the two most important groups Shorebird numbers were also significantly and positively correlated
of benthos in the mangrove wetlands of Leizhou Peninsula in terms with mudflat area: N = 380.2A0.66 (F1,3 = 12.59, p = 0.037).
of biomass and density. Biomass of mollusks accounted for 83.4% of
total biomass, and density of mollusks accounted for 75.6% of total 4. Discussion
density. Crustaceans accounted for 12.9% of total biomass and
18.1% of total density. 4.1. Relationship between shorebirds and environmental variables

3.3. Principal components analysis of environment factors Benthic invertebrates are primary foods of waterbirds (Reeder,
1951; Rundle, 1982), and these invertebrates strongly influence
In total, 16 variables were used for PCA (Table 3). The PCA of the distribution (Colwell and Landrum, 1993) and feeding behavior
food and area factors yielded three new, synthetic variable axes. (Murkin and Kadlec, 1986) of waterbirds. The significant and
The first three axes of PCA accounted for 95.2% of the variance. PCA negative correlation between number of shorebirds and densities
of polychaetes on the mudflats of Leizhou Peninsula was probably
due to sustained shorebird predation on polychaetes and resulting
declines in densities of benthic invertebrates (Mercier and McNeil,
1994). Sánchez et al. (2006) reported predation by shorebirds can
reduce benthos larval density by more than 30%, and reduce larval
biomass by 37–49%.
The density and biomass of macrobenthos at mangrove
wetlands surrounding Leizhou Peninsula were 211 ind./m2 and
223 g/m2, respectively. These values are greater than those
reported for most other coastal sites in China both south and
north of Leizhou Peninsula (Table 4). Macrobenthos is a natural
prey for shorebirds and provides the forage base for the shorebird
assemblage at Leizhou Peninsula. The density and biomass of
Fig. 4. Species, biomass and density of benthos. benthos at Leizhou Peninsula were not strongly seasonal. This
F. Zou et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 3813–3818 3817

Table 4
Comparisons of benthos density and biomass between Leizhou Peninsula and other places in China

Sampling sites Density Biomass Species Relative position to LZ References

DZGMW 98 105 68 South of LZ Zou et al., 1999a

QLGMW 352.4 198.5 45 South of LZ Zou et al., 1999b
QZB 144 23.13 256 North of LZ Li et al., 2006
YQB 85 41.95 124 North LZ Yang et al., 2007
YZE 150 17.57 50 North LZ Sun et al., 2007

DZGMW: Dongzhaigang mangrove wetland, Hainan Island; QLGMW: Qinglangang mangrove wetland, Hainan Island; QZB: Quanzhou Bay of Fujian Province; YQB: Yueqing
Bay of Chejiang; YZE: Yangtze Estuary; LZ: Leizhou Peninsular.

means that the shorebird prey base was available throughout the was made during this study, demonstrating the importance of
year. The similarities in shorebird abundance across seasons at Leizhou Peninsular is a staging area for shorebirds. Many
Leizhou Peninsula supports the contention that prey biomass is mangrove forests have been destroyed and fragmented to enable
relatively constant. economic development in Leizhou (Zou et al., 2006). Stopping the
Environmental factors other than prey abundance affect species losses of mangroves and tidal flats is the first important measure
richness and abundance of shorebirds. Water depth has a direct for conservation of shorebirds. An additional important conserva-
effect on feeding activities of shorebirds. Salinity can affect tion measure is to reduce the impact of human disturbance to
surface-feeding shorebirds because different species of aquatic shorebirds because survival in non-breeding habitats is thought to
invertebrates exhibit differences in salinity tolerance (Liang et al., limit many shorebird populations (Duffy et al., 1981; Hitchcock
2002). Correlation analysis revealed that shorebird species and Gratto-Trevor, 1997). Local villagers engage in traditional
richness at Leizhou mangrove wetlands correlated significantly farming and grazing landward of the coastal zone, but also dig for
and positively with mudflat area. Shorebird numbers were also crabs and collect oysters in mangrove and mudflat/sandflat
significantly and positively correlated with mudflat area. Greater habitats. Several species of intertidal invertebrates, including
biomass (119 g/m2) and density (145 ind./m2) of benthos were Phascolosoma esculenta, P. scolops, Sipunculus nudus, and many
recorded at Wuli than at Gaojiao or Fucheng. But, species richness species of mollusks (Crassostrea sp., Meretrix meretrix, Solen
and abundance of shorebirds were the lowest at Wuli because of grandis) are considered delicious foods by local people. Many
smallest area both mangrove and intertidal flat. Surely, wetland farmers worked on the intertidal flat and collected benthos during
area was an important factor affecting shorebird distribution at low tide at each survey site during this study. Qishui is also a busy
Leizhou Peninsular. Over 80% of shorebirds at Leizhou Peninsula commercial fishery port. Humans probably compete with shore-
were recorded on intertidal flats, which proved to be the most birds for food, and also impact shorebird feeding behaviors on
important habitat for shorebirds. This means that the locations of Leizhou Peninsula. To enhance shorebird conservation, managers
proposed mangrove plantations must be considered with respect must strive to minimize human activities that disturb shorebird
to conservation of intertidal flats when planning recovery of lost feeding and thus reduce shorebird fitness.
mangrove areas, as suggested by Zou et al. (2006).
Predator avoidance ability is the key parameter affecting fitness Acknowledgements
in shorebirds (Bednekoff and Houston, 1994; Cresswell and
Whitefield, 1994; Lank et al., 2002). Shorebirds will change their We are grateful to officials of the Division of Wildlife Conserva-
feeding behavior in order to reduce perceived risks when humans tion and Management in Guangdong Forestry Department and
are present (Fitzpatrick and Bouchez, 1998; Thomas et al., 2003). members of the Integrated Mangrove Management and Coastal
Yasué (2006) reported that distance to forest cover was the only Protection Project. We thank members of the District Forestry
important factor affecting bird presence. Shorebirds were more Bureaus, County Forestry Bureaus and Town Forestry Stations of
frequently present in sections that were further from forest cover. Leizhou Peninsular for field assistance. We also thank D. Binkley and
Greatest biomass (641 g/m2) and density (587 ind./m2) of benthos anonymous reviewers for comments on earlier versions of this
were recorded at He’an with the second largest area, but less bird manuscript. Guangdong Science Fund (Nos. A3050102, 2004B3
species richness at He’an than at Fucheng, less bird abundance at 3701015) and Sino-Dutch Integrated Mangrove Management and
He’an that at Fucheng or Qishui. High product of benthos and large Coastal Protection Project supported this project financially.
wetland area had not resulted in richer bird species and number,
that meant factor other than prey abundance/biomass and area
appeared to affect shorebird distribution at Leizhou also. There References
were many villagers around mangrove wetland at He’an for
activities including fishing, collecting of benthos, and rearing of Bednekoff, P.A., Houston, A.I., 1994. Dynamic models of mass-dependent predation,
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Cai, J.X., 2004. Leizhou Peninsula mangrove wetland conservation measures. In:
Proceedings of the Wetland Conservation and Sustainable Development, Bao-
4.2. Conservation implications tou, Inner Mongolia, China, China Wildlife Conservation Association, pp. 127–
Many shorebirds protected by international migratory bird Colwell, M.A., Landrum, S.L., 1993. Nonrandom shorebird distribution and fine-scale
variation in prey abundance. Condor 95, 94–103.
treaties and conventions inhabit the coastal zone of Leizhou Cresswell, W., Whitefield, D.P., 1994. The effect of raptor predation on wintering
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