Anheuser-Busch InBev Global Management Trainee Interview Questions - Glassdoor -

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8/30/2019 Anheuser-Busch InBev Global Management Trainee Interview Questions |


Positive Experience Average Interview

No Offer Application

I applied through college or university. The process took 3 weeks. I interviewed at Anheuser-Busch InBev
in October 2014.


I found out about the position through my university's recruit. I met with him to discuss the logistics and
show my interest in the position. He then gave me an internal referral through which I applied for the

I received an invitation to interview a week or so later. The first interview is rather difficult as it is a
business scenario where you are asked to recommend 2 beers for them to produce. You are given a 13
page packet with various data and information, and have 30 minutes to make your recommendation and
come up with a marketing plan. Your recommendation must be backed up by data. You are then given 7
minutes to present it to 2 people from Anheuser and then they ask you questions about your suggestions.
I thoughts I bombed this, but...
I was then invited for a behavioral interview the following day. One of the execs was rather engaged with
me and was happy to hold a conversation while the other seemed bored and was constantly checking his
phone. This behavioral has typical questions - tell us about a time when you won a competition, tell us
about a time you got feedback, tell us about a campaign that really stood out in your mind and how would
you have improved it, why AB InBev. I think what really impressed them is my knowledge of the industry
and the questions that I asked them at the end.

Within 2-3 days I was invited to fly out to St. Louis for the game simulation. This is a whole day process,
but really didn't need to be. In the morning they took us on a tour of the facilities and beer tasting. Then
we had 2 1/2 hours of downtime before the game simulation. Once the game started, we were semi-
randomly assigned to teams. 4 teams, 4 beer companies competing against one another. There is 1
president per company, 1 VP of marketing, 1 VP of sales, 1 VP of finance, 1 VP of HR. There are several
round where you are racing against time to give them 3 recommendations; beer price, how much to
spend on marketing, and percentage allocated to social responsibility. These 3 numbers dictate how you
do against other companies. If you fail to do well, you lose points. Between rounds, they fired questions at
us, moved people from team to team, and made the president fire someone. The whole game simulation
lasted about 2 1/2 hours.
It's hard to get your word in. They hover over you while you make decisions to see how well you do in a
team. I thought I did fine, minus the fact that I barely said anything since the rest of the team overpowered
the conversation, but alas, I did not get invited to the final round of interviews.
The final round of interviews would have been the week after the game simulation. You meet with several
presidents and execs and it's a behavioral interview.,20_KO21,46_IP5.… 1/1

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