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Noel F Herbst

1 INTRODUCTION 3 6.1.1 Low temperature applications: 10

2 PREQUALIFICATION 3 6.1.2 High temperature applications 11
6.2 Ferritic/martensitic stainless steels - car-
bon steel 12
4 NON-FUSION JOINTS 3 6.3 High nickel alloys 13
LAR METAL WELDING 4 6.4.1 Dissimilar fusion welds 13
5.1 Melting temperatures 4 6.4.2 Copper penetration. 13
5.2 Expansion 4 6.4.3 Dissimilar metal brazing 14
5.2.1 Fusion welds 4 6.5 Aluminium alloys 15
5.2.2 Brazing 6 6.5.1 Aluminium/copper welds 15
5.3 Thermal conductivity 6 6.5.2 Aluminium/steel welds 15
5.4 Pre- and post-heating 6 6.6 Titanium welds 16
5.5 Weld pool properties 6 7 FRICTION WELDING 16
5.5.1 Metal mixing 6 8 EXPLOSION WELDING 16
5.5.2 Dilution calculation 6
5.5.3 Microstucture determination 7
5.5.4 Microstructure stability 8 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 17

5.5.5 Corrosion 8 11 INDEX

5.5.6 Magnetic effects on dilution 10


6.1 Austenitic stainless steel - carbon steel



The material presented in this document has been pre-
pared for the general information of the reader and should
not be used or relied on for specific applications without
first securing competent advice.
The Nickel Development Institute, its members, staff and
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Presented To The Welding Technology Institute Of Australia - Victorian Branch

February 4th 1998
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Dissimilar Metal Welding
1 INTRODUCTION 3 DISSIMILAR Approx Approx Specific
All welding processes have a component of
WELD Liquidus Solidus Heat
dissimilar metal welding about them STRENGTH Temp. Temp. (20°C)
The fact that metals have to be joined is an (°C) (°C) (J/kg.°C)
admission that they are most probably from The strength of a weld be-
tween dissimilar metals must 0.2% carbon steel 1500 1490 480
two different sources. By far the greatest
tonnage of welding would be in joining the be considered as lower than 0.4% carbon steel 1500 1490 480
same general type of material— perhaps the either of the components.
There will be the added com- Nickel-chrome-molybdenum
most common situation would be in struc- 1500 1490 495
plexity that the properties of steel (4140)
tural steel where two low-medium carbon
steel components are welded together. the weld will vary across the Stainless steel type S30400 1450 1405 500
Even in this simple case there can still be a weld more than would be ex-
pected with a conventional Stainless steel type S30403 1440 1395 500
problem if one piece is at the high end of the
carbon range and the other is at the low end. single metal weld. Stainless steel type S43000 1510 1510 460
A more demanding case is where there are When one metal is signifi-
cantly weaker than the other Stainless steel type S31803 1445 1385 470
two quite different materials that have to be
joined. This paper is designed as a review overall flow in the weaker N08800 1385 1350 460
of the practice of dissimilar metal welding component will be con-
of this latter class of join. strained by the stronger one N06600 1410 1355 445
and there will be a lack of
N04400 1350 1300 430
overall ductility. This can be
2 PREQUALIFICATION easily illustrated by consider- Copper 1095 1065 390
ing a transverse bend of a
One aspect of dissimilar metal welding that welded selection, Figure 1 C71000 (80-20
1200 1150 375
needs stressing is that recommendations in Cupro-nickel)
this area are largely recommendations of C26000 (70-30 brass) 955 915 400
the first material with which to start the 4 NON-FUSION
pre-qualification test with. Because of the JOINTS Aluminium 660 660 1000
large number of permutations possible, it is A96063 Aluminium
essential that any combination of parent The simplest case of a non fu-
extrusion alloy (Mg: 0.7; Si: 655 615 900
metals, fillers and welding variables must sion join is one made with ad-
be given a pre-qualification test to ensure he s i v e s , o r b y b o l t i n g .
that the system is able to meet the design re- These topics will not be cov- A04430 Al-5% Si casting
575 630 960
quirements. ered in this paper. alloy
Brazing and soldering are
generally regarded as non-
fusion joins but there can of-
ten be some metallurgical in- Table 1 Melting ranges and specific heats for a
teraction at the brazing-alloy number of common materials
metal interface and there can
Weaker material certainly be other problems NOTEBOOK
related to expansion, conductivity and cor- Dissimilar metal welding has the variables of
rosion. For this reason these joints will not the metals being welded, the filler and the weld-
ing process. All can affect the quality of the final
The principal factors that have to be considered
in relation to the materials are:
Yielding constrained Physical Properties: melting point; thermal ex-
pansion; thermal conductivity.
by Metallurgical Properties: Microstucture - unde-
stronger sirable phases; thermal stability - ageing.
Chemical Properties: Corrosion - particularly
material galvanic corrosion.
The first two of these can dictate the welding op-
eration in relation to the amount of dilution of
the weld pool that can be accommodated and
the need for pre- and post- weld heating. The
third controls the service environment that the
Figure 2 Variation in melting point in a joint can be expected to withstand
Figure 1 Transverse bend weld with a wide variation in component
melting points

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

4 Dissimilar metal welding

be specifically segregated from fusion

joints for the purpose of this paper. Brazing-Soldering Alloy Liquidus (°C) Solidus (°C)
Other non-fusion type joints - explosive
and friction welds - will be dealt with later, 50-50 Sn-Pb solder 421 361
Sections 7 and 8. 60-40 Sn-Pb solder 374 361
60-40 Cu-Zn brazing alloy (AWS A5.27 RBCu-ZnA) 900 890
5 CONTROLLING Silver solder (Ag:45; Cu: 30; Zn: 25) [AWS A5.8 BAg5] 843 743
FACTORS IN BNi1 Nickel brazing alloy (B:3.4; C: 0.7; Cr:14; Fe: 4.5;
1040 970
5.1 Melting temperatures Table 2 Melting ranges of some common brazing alloys
It is clear that a difference in melting tem-
peratures can present a problem in fusion
joints. A table of the melting temperatures Coefficient of thermal Applicable temperature
of a range of common alloys that could be expansion mm/m/°C range (°C)
welded together is given in Table 1. 0.2% carbon steel
The effect of dissimilar metal welding can 13.37 0-1000
depend on whether the joint is a fusion or 0.4% carbon steel 13.59 0-1000
non-fusion join. It is clear that the lower
Nickel-chrome-molybdenum steel
melting point alloy will form a greater part 13.86 0-1000
of the weld pool than the higher melting
point one. Where there is not a great deal of Stainless steel type S30400 20.0 0-1000
difference, the welder can help this distribu-
Stainless steel type S30403 20.0 0-1000
tion to some extent by the direction of his
arc. Stainless steel type S43000 11.9 0-650
The problem can be illustrated when a
joint is such that considerably more of one Stainless steel type S31803 18 0-300
metal is melted compared to the other. As N08800 18.0 0-800
this joint solidifies contraction stresses are
more likely to cause a hot-tear to develop in N08330 17.64 0-800
the low melting point alloy at or close to the N06600 16.4 0-900
parent - weld interface since this will be the
last section to solidify. A plot across the N04400 17.64 0-900
weld junction would show the solidification Copper
temperature generally decreasing as the 17.7 0-350
amount of the lower melting point metal in- C71000 (80-20 Cupro-nickel) 16.38 0-350
creased in the alloy, Figure 2. The wider C26000 (70-30 brass)
area of the lower melting point material will 19.9 0-350
be constrained on both sides and thus the so- Aluminium 25.5 0-300
lidification contraction and stresses are
A96063 Aluminium extrusion alloy
likely to generate a crack. 25.6 0-300
(Mg: 0.7; Si: 0.4;)
Where there is a wide divergence in melt-
ing temperatures, and this can be as low as A04430 Al-5% Si casting alloy 24 0-300
100 C °, then it may be necessary to include
a material with an intermediate melting
temperature as an interface between the
Table 3 Thermal expansion coefficients of a number of common materials

two. This will most usually be stresses could be sufficient to induce a crack
one of the brazing alloys. The either during cooling, after welding or in
melting ranges of some of the service
Rigid Constraints common brazing alloys are given The coefficients of thermal expansion for a
in Table 2. This process is known number of common materials are shown in
as buttering and is a common so- Table 3.
0.2% C mild steel S30400
lution for a lot of dissimilar metal Differential expansion can also produce a
welding problems, see Section problem during service. The following ex-
0.05m 0.05m 5.2. ample illustrates this:
· Metal A: S30400 stainless steel - expan-
5.2Expansion sion coefficient = 20.0 m m/m.°C
5.2.1 Fusion welds · Metal B: 0.2% carbon steel - expansion
coefficient = 13.4 m m/m.°C
Differential thermal expansion If an assembly containing these two materi-
over a dissimilar metal weld can als, Figure 3 is heated, the before and after
Figure 3 Expansion stresses in a welded joint introduce stresses additional to conditions would be:
those normally accompanying
welding. It is possible that these

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

Dissimilar metal welding 5

NOTEBOOK It is possible to consider the difference in

Variation in the expansion coefficients of the strain on either side of the weld, assuming Coefficient of
components of a dissimilar weld cannot only the weld to be a ‘fixed’ point thermal
produce distortion in the weld but, more par- The strain in the mild steel component conductivity
will be: W/mK
ticularly, can initiate fatigue failure in compo-
nents subjected to thermal cycling. s MS =211.9 x 0.00033 At At
If the component is likely to have to accommo- = 69 MPa 100°C 500°C
date this type of service stressing then it may be and in the stainless steel it will be 0.2% carbon steel
s SS = 215.3 x 0.00050 51.1 39.1
necessary to provide an intermediate, buttering,
layer with an expansion coefficient midway be- = 107 MPa 0.4% carbon steel 50.7 37.9
tween each of the parent metals. It must be appreciated that there have been Nickel-chrome-molybden
several approximations in these calcula- um steel (4140) 42.7 36.4
tions, not the least being the temperature
Metal A: .......cold length = 0.05m distribution selected. The main point to be Stainless steel type length = 0.05050m1 made is that there will be expansion, it will S30400 16.3 21.5
.....................expansion = 0.00050m be different to that expected with homoge-
Stainless steel type
Metal B: ........cold length = 0.05 m neous welds and it will generate internal 16.3 21.5
S30403 length = 0.05033 m stressing, distortion or both.
.....................expansion = 0.00033m Stress analysis of joints between the Stainless steel type
24.9 28.8
This will mean that there will be a com- chrome-molybdenum steels used in steam S43000
pressive internal stress, s, induced in the service and either S30400 or S31600 aus- Stainless steel type 18
component. This can be calculated from the tenitic stainless steels shows that the ther- S31803 15
expansion, ie strain, and the elastic modu- mal expansion stresses occurring across the
joint are nearly double that caused by the N08800 13.0 19.5
lus, E, as:
s = E x strain operating pressure.2 N06600 15.9 22.1
Where this stress produces a fluctuating
load—as it would in a thermal N04400 21.7 29.3
Carbon or cycling situation—it is possi-
Copper 375.5
ble that fatigue loading could 387.6
low alloy steel (300°C)
occur. The welding of boiler C71000 (80-20
tubes to minimise in cost by Cupro-nickel) 36 ---
using the higher alloyed stain-
less steels only where these are C26000 (70-30 brass) 147
‘Buttering’ layer necessary has led to failures (200°C)
welded on that can be related in part to the Aluminium 239 ---
differential expansion from
A96063 Aluminium
dissimilar metal welds3.
extrusion alloy (Mg: 0.7; 218 ---
It is for this reason that the
Si: 0.4;) Annealed
operating stress on dissimilar
Buttered layer metal weld joints between A04430 Al-5% Si casting
prepared for stainless and carbon steels alloy 159 ---
welding should be kept at a minimum.
To avoid undue stressing the
weld metal should, if possible,
have an expansion coefficient Table 4 Thermal conductivity coefficients
intermediate between the two for a number of common materials
Second metal set parent alloys, ie providing a
up for welding buttering layer, Figure 4 . If A table of expansion coefficients for some
this path is chosen, the high common structural materials is given in Ta-
nickel alloys, N08800 or ble 3
N08330 are likely materials Thermal expansion can be altered by al-
for the buttering layer. loying. Nickel is a particularly interesting

Completed weld
Thermal conductivity variations in the components of a dissimilar weld can give
problems with over-heating one component and/or under-heating the other.
Directing the arc to the lower conductivity component may assist to minimise this
Figure 4 Buttering with an intermediate expansion co- problem.
efficient alloy

1 To calculate expansion: L1 = L0(1 + at) where a is the coefficient of thermal expansion and t is the temperature rise. Assuming an
average temperature rise over the 5 cm of 500°C, L1=5(1+20.0*10-6*500)) = 5.05 cm
2 American Welding Society Welding Handbook 7th Ed Vol 4, Chapter 12 Dissimilar Metal Welding p523 (1982)
3 Avery R E Pay attention to dissimilar welds - Guidelines for welding dissimilar metals Chemical Engineering Progress May 1991.
Reprinted as NiDI publication 14018

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

6 Dissimilar metal welding

NOTEBOOK whole of a dissimilar metal joint containing weld pool and the heat affected zone of the
Pre- or post-heating is often necessary in that alloy. carbon steel.
hardenable steels or alloys requiring an ageing Pre-heating is frequently important for As mentioned above, the effect a necessary
heat treatment. If one component of a weld re- higher carbon and/or restrained plain car- treatment on one side of the weld would have
quires either pre- or post-heating then the bon steels to prevent post-weld cracking. on the other side - or the weld pool - must
whole weld will probably have to have the same This will not present a serious problem with always be considered.
treatment. This could usually be expected to most dissimilar metal joints although in
generate considerable difficulties.
some cases where pre-assembly or jigging 5.6 Weld pool properties
is required, there may be some handling
difficulties. 5.6.1 Metal mixing
Post-weld heating is not as simple. It is Metal mixing is essentially a mechanical pro-
example since alloying with copper in- conceivable for example that a carbon steel cess and for any mixing to occur, the metals
creases its thermal expansion but iron, chro- welded to a UNS S30400 stainless steel must be wetted by the filler metal. This could
mium and molybdenum will reduce the may accentuate the possibility of sensitisa- require specialised fluxes.
expansion coefficient tion corrosion due to the combination of The normal considerations in mixing that
5.2.2 Brazing welding heat input plus the post weld heat- apply to all welding operations will also ap-
ing. Sensitisation is the decrease in aqueous ply to dissimilar metal joints.
When dissimilar metals with differing ex- corrosion resistance due to carbide precipi- Six zones are usually identified, Figure 54:
pansion coefficients are brazed, the clear- tation. · Composite zone where there has been
ance required for correct capillary action Heat treatment can be considered as a post complete mixing
during brazing must be calculated. For ex- weld heating operation.. If one side is to be · Unmixed zone where the parent plate has
ample if a tube with a high thermal expan- heat treated by, say ageing, then the effect melted but not mixed with the metal of
sion is a press fit at room temperature on the other side must be considered, eg two the composite zone. This zone can give
around another with low thermal expan- different age hardening alloys may have phases that might not be present in the
sion, it is probable that the clearance at the different ageing treatments. Clearly other overall structure and that could markedly
brazing temperature will be too much to types of heat treatment could cause con- alter the weld structure.
permit the correct capillary action. If the re- cern.
verse arrangement of tubing is used, the · Fusion line
clearance will be too small. · Partially melted zone: This can give cor-
5.5 Choice of Welding rosion problems due to dendritic solidifi-
If two solid components of differing ex- Process
pansion coefficients are being brazed, the cation on cooling but also can have
brazing alloy should have an intermediate The main points that must be considered penetration by the weld metal into the
brazing coefficient. when selecting the basic process for com- parent plate - ie liquid metal corrosion.
pleting a dissimilar metal weld is a need for · Heat affected zone. The normal area of
5.3 Thermal conductivity precision location of the arc to permit dif- the parent plate where heat from the weld
ferential heat transfer between either side of can affect the parent plate structure
The effect of thermal conductivity variation
is similar to both melting point and thermal
the weld. · Unaffected base material
Other factors relating to pre-heat, It is probably the composite zone and the
expansion problems. The problems arise
post-weld heat treatment, shielding gases partially mixed zone that can give unex-
when one half of a joint has a markedly dif-
etc depend on the most sensitive side of the pected results in a dissimilar metal weld. The
ferent coefficient of thermal conductivity
weld, eg in welding a hardenable carbon reasons for this are essentially related to the
compared to the other. Directing the weld-
steel to an austenitic stainless steel, a effect of mixing on the phases that will be
ing heat source can qualitatively allow for
pre-heat must be given to ensure there is present, see Section 5.6.3
this, preheating the high conductivity
control over martensite formation in the
metal can also assist this.
Thermal conductivity changes with tem-
perature. A tabulation of some metallic
thermal conductivities with the applicable
temperature range are given in Table 4 . FUSION LINE
It is interesting to note that conductivity Parent 1: 10%A
increases with increasing temperature for WELD POOL PARTIALLY Parent 2: 20%A
some metals, eg UNS S30400, but de- (Composite Zone)
creases with others, eg carbon and low al-
Filler: 30%A
loy steels.
Components where distortion is critical Parent 1 Parent 2
may require procedures to counteract the
effect of a thermal conductivity that could
cause problems. This may require heat in- MELTED BUT
Weld Pool:
put on some occasions - or extraction on UNMIXED ZONE Parent 1: 35%
Parent 2: 40%
5.4 Pre- and post-heating Filler: 25%
If pre-heating or post-heating is required
Figure 6 Weld pool dilution calculation
Figure 5 Zones in a welded deposit
on one half of a joint for metallurgical rea-
sons, this must also be the case for the

4 Taylor JS The fusion welding of dissimilar metals The Welding Technology of Stainless Steels WTIA Seminar Melbourne 1995

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Dissimilar metal welding 7

NOTEBOOK als. There are a number of factors that will Apart from their widely differing
The composition of the weld metal in a dissimi- affect these proportions: melting points, each of these metals is
lar metal weld can be approximately calculated · Thin materials: The low heat input re- virtually insoluble in the other. In the
from the lever rule. quired to melt for thin materials to- molten state they react to form brittle
This process requires an estimate to be made of gether with the low cross sectional area intermetallic phases x,qh etc. These
the amount of each constituent that ends up in to conduct heat away will be expected will give the weld unsatisfactory
the weld pool. It is usually assumed that there to generate a higher proportion of these properties.
are no losses from oxidation during the weld. in the weld pool. A further example of the third type, per-
There are also some structural factors that can · Location relative to the weld face: The haps of more industrial significance, is the
closer the weld run is to the parent iron-copper system, Figure 10: Like iron-
affect dilution: component thickness, location
metal face, the greater will be the con- aluminium, iron has very limited solubility
relative to the weld face, weld run placement
tamination from the parent. Root runs for copper so that the two metals virtually
relative to the previous run, factors that alter
will have the most contamination. form a mechanical mixture. Unlike
· Weld run placement: Placing a second aluminium-iron the phases formed are more
run on top, rather than between previ- ductile, but do have the disadvantage that
ous runs should produce less contami- there is the likelihood of corrosion in the
5.6.2 Dilution calculation mixture due to the galvanic effect between
nation from underlying runs.
The basic concept behind calculation of · Penetration: Factors that would nor- the copper- and iron-rich phases. There is
weld pool composition relies on the lever mally be expected to give more penetra- also the wide solidification range that
rule so familiar to metallurgical calcula- tion can be expected to give more would almost certainly give hot cracking
tions. dilution, eg GTAW, higher current, problems.
If it is assumed, as a simple situation, that slower travel rate. Where brittle phases are likely to be a
a weld pool between two dissimilar metals, problem, it may be that low temperature -
A and B, contains half of metal A and half 5.6.3 Microstucture determination non-fusion - brazing will have to be resorted
of metal B then the composition of the pool When metals are
must be an equal mixture of each alloy. mixed, they will ei-
In the case of a three component system, it ther mutually dis-
will be remembered that the composition of solve in each other,
the weld pool will depend on the ratio of form a mixture of
each metal. On the phase diagram the three phases or appear as
alloy lever rule is used for graphical calcu- a mechanical mix-
lation of the weld pool composition. ture of the two met-
Referring again to a binary alloy. If it con- als with virtually no
tains one quarter of metal A and three quar- mutual solubility.
ters of metal B, the composition must The structure after
reflect this. ‘mixing’ will de-
If there is a third alloy introduced as a pend on the actual
filler material then the composition of the zone in the weld,
weld pool will be controlled by the amount Figure 5. These
of filler present. As an example of this, the considerations are
effect of the ratio of parent metals and filler illustrated in the
metal for a mild steel/UNS S30400 weld phase diagrams for
with and without S30900 filler is shown in three systems:
Table 6. · Copper - nickel, Figure 7 Copper-nickel phase diagram
For example, assume that each compo- Figure 7: These
nent has the following composition of metal alloys have simi-
A. lar crystal struc-
Parent 1: 10% tures and each is
Parent 2: 20% soluble in the
Filler wire: 30% other.
Also assume that the weld pool contains · Lead-tin, Figure
the following proportion of each compo- 8: Each of
nent, (See Figure 6): these alloys has
Parent 1: 35% a limited solu-
Parent 2: 40% bility for the
Filler wire: 25% other but at
The amount of metal A in the weld pool room tempera-
will therefore be: ture it would be
(0.35 x 10%)+(0.4*x 20%)+ found that all
(0.25 x 30%)=19% alloys, other
than those at the
This calculation assumes the unlikely extreme ends,
situation that there has been no loss by oxi- would consist of
dation during welding. If necessary, an es- a mixture of the
timated correction could be made for this. two solid solu-
All of the above assumed relatively sim- tions. Figure 8 Lead tin phase diagram
ple ratios of each of the contributing materi- · Aluminium -
Iron, Figure 9:
to. Even in this case it could be that care

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

8 Dissimilar metal welding


Temperature °C
800 +
Magnetic Fe3Al

transformation + Curie temperature

400 600
0 20 40 60 80 100
200 40 60 80 100
Wt% Cu
Wt% Aluminium
Figure 9 Aluminium-iron phase diagram Figure 10 Copper-iron phase diagram

will have to be taken to ensure that there is · Carbon and low alloy steel fillers:
no phase reactions. 5.6.4 Microstructure stability
These are not normally recommended
If melting of the base materials can be for dissimilar metal welding. A dissimilar metal weld could have unusual
eliminated, these reactions can only occur The addition of alloys from stainless or phase structures that may give problems, for
by the much slower solid state diffusion high nickel alloys increase the example if the weld is required to have long
and thus the problem is less likely to arise. hardenability with probable post weld term stability at elevated temperatures.
cracking The common problem of sensitisation with Consumables stainless steels is an example. If a stainless
Taylor has summarised the effect of vari- Nickel, chromium and copper can in-
crease the probability of post weld steel is welded to a medium carbon steel and
ous elements in filler materials on the
cracking both are then subjected to elevated tempera-
Aluminium, magnesium and titanium tures, it is possible that the stainless steel will
· Nickel fillers: These are tolerant to a have its carbon content increased by diffu-
alloys will generate brittle intermetallic
wide range of diluting elements. The sion from the carbon steel. This can then lead
main problem areas are lead, sulphur to sensitisation corrosion.
and phosphorus · Austenitic stainless steel fillers: These
have been studied extensively and there An extension to this is that there will also be
· High nickel (Monel®) type fillers: High a following stage where more extensive car-
is quite a lot of information on the toler-
nickel-copper type fillers, because of bides will form in the austenitic steel, thus
ance for many elements, see Section 6.1
their mutual solubility, can be deposited making the weld zone more brittle and likely
Aluminium, magnesium and titanium
over copper, nickel, Monel® or cupro to crack under the design stresses plus, in this
will again lead to brittle intermetallic
nickels case of elevated temperature service, the
Dilution with up to 10% iron or 5% thermal stresses that will be present.
chromium will lead to cracking al- · High nickel-chromium alloy fillers:
These are dealt with later, see Section There is a further potential problem in that
though this can depend on the process the lowering of the carbon content of the low
(see Table 8) 6.3.
In general chromium should not exceed alloy steel will decrease its strength. The
· Copper Nickel type fillers: Again these lower carbon steel is also more susceptible to
around 35%. This is a sufficiently high
can be diluted with any amount of grain growth with a further possibility of a
value that it would seldom lead to prob-
nickel and copper because of the mutual decrease in mechanical properties.
solubility There is also the possibility of martensite
Copper should not exceed 30%, al-
Dilution with more than around 5% of formation, see Section 4.2.
though some authorities limit this to
iron or 5% of chromium can lead to so- Other than lowering the amount of heat in-
lidification cracking. Weldable grades put, there is not a great deal that can be done
of cupronickel also have close limits · Aluminium bronze fillers: These fillers
to avoid these problems - it is probably better
placed on carbon, phosphorus, silicon, can withstand dilution from both iron
to avoid the situation where this type of weld-
sulphur and zinc to minimise cracking and copper and are often recommended
ing is required.
These fillers also can form brittle inter- for the dissimilar metal welding of car-
metallic compounds with aluminium bon and low alloy steels, stainless steels 5.6.5 Corrosion
magnesium and titanium when solubil- and copper base alloys
The most likely problem with a dissimilar
ity limits for these alloys are exceeded. These items will be discussed further for
weld in a corrosive environment is the gen-
specific metal combinations in Section 6
· Aluminium, magnesium and titanium eration of a galvanic couple. This can occur
fillers: These fillers cannot tolerate iron, on the macro scale between one of the parent
chromium or copper without generating plates and the mixed weld pool as well as be-
an unacceptably brittle weld

5 Taylor JS The fusion welding of dissimilar metals The Welding Technology of Stainless Steels WTIA Seminar Melbourne October

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

Dissimilar metal welding 9

0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 OXIDE

Stainless steel, Low alloy,

high temperature low temperature
side side Usual filler: Ni-Cr-Fe alloy
(eg AWS 5.11 ENiCrFe-2 or ENiCrFe-3)

Figure 13 Differential oxidation generat-

ing an oxide notch.

The type of alloy microstructure obtained in the
solidified weld pool will control the weld prop-
erties. The microstructure can be predicted to a
large extent from the phase diagram for the two
The types of structure found are:
1. Complete mutual solubility
2. Mixtures of two solid solutions
3. A solid solution or solutions with a interme-
tallic phase or phases. These phases are gener-
ally brittle but there are many cases where they
are not.
Another problem that can arise with unusual al-
loy additions is a major alteration in the melting
range. Iron copper alloys show this.
Microstructure stability is also important, eg
carbides can form with prolonged heating at in-
termediate temperatures in stainless steels that
Figure 11 Galvanic series in sea water have been contaminated with a plain carbon
steel. These carbides can then result in unde-
sirable mechanical properties or accelerated
corrosion due to sensitisation.
Higher Cr
Liquid +Mo
Galvanic corrosion is an ever present possibility
with dissimilar metal welds.
Area relationships become significant if the
weld is anodic, ie likely to corrode.
Carbon or low alloy steels welded to stainless
steels are a likely site for this type of corrosion.
A common, but not particularly successful, pre-
Cr ventative measure is to paint the carbon or low
alloy steel plus the weld zone and to continue
Mo the paint film over the stainless steel for about
Dendrite composition increases 1cm.
This procedure will not help the carbon steel if
in Mo and Cr as solidification the film is damaged - and may, in fact, acceler-
continues. Higher Ni ate corrosion if the damaged area is small and
also close to the stainless steel.
Figure 12 Segregated areas in the dendrites forming in a highly alloyed Ni-Cr-Mo

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10 Dissimilar metal welding

Parent Metal A Parent Metal B Filler Metal C C Cr Ni
S30400 S30900 309
0.00 1.00 0.00 0.06 19.00 10.00
S30403 S30983 309L 0.25 0.75 0.00 0.10 14.25 7.50
S31000 S30900 309 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.13 9.50 5.00
S31600 S30903 309L 0.75 0.25 0.00 0.17 4.75 2.50
1.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00
S31603 S30986 309MoL
S32100 S30982 309Mo 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.13 9.50 5.00
S34700 S30900 309 0.45 0.45 0.10 0.13 10.85 5.85
0.40 0.40 0.20 0.12 12.20 6.70
S31803 W39209 2209
0.35 0.35 0.30 0.12 13.55 7.55
2510 or 0.30 0.30 0.40 0.12 14.90 8.40
25.10.4 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.12 16.25 9.25
S43000 S30900 309 0.20 0.20 0.60 0.11 17.60 10.10
S44400 S30982 309Mo 0.15 0.15 0.70 0.11 18.95 10.95
0.10 0.10 0.80 0.11 20.30 11.80
S41000 S30900 309
0.05 0.05 0.90 0.10 21.65 12.65
0.00 0.00 1.00 0.10 23.00 13.50

Table 5 Filler materials for stainless -

carbon steel dissimilar welds Table 6 Variation in weld pool composition with varying amounts of parent metal A, par-
ent metal B and filler metal C.Compositions:
tween the mixed weld pool and the other Parent metal A: Mild steel: C: 0.2%; Cr: 0%; Fe Bal; Ni: 0%
parent plate. Parent Metal B: S30400 stainless steel: C: 0.06; Cr: 19.0%; Fe: Bal; Ni: 10%
The galvanic series, indicating which Filler Metal: S30900: C: 0.10; Cr: 23.0%;Fe: Bal; Ni: 13.5
metals are likely to corrode is shown in Fig-
ure 11. Metals higher on the chart, ie the
more electro-negative ones, will corrode
when in contact with those lower down, ie then galvanic corrosion will be markedly partially protected by the other parent metal
the more electropositive ones. accelerated. but this may be inadequate.
There is a compounding effect in that gal- A weld bead is usually relatively small Where corrosion of either the weld bead or
vanic corrosion can be markedly affected compared to the surrounding parent metal. the more anodic parent metal is a possibility,
by area. If the anodic, ie corroding, half of eg in a carbon steel - stainless steel weld, one
If the bead is anodic to either of the parents,
the couple is small in area relative to the it would therefore be expected to corrode solution commonly used is to paint over the
supporting cathodic, ie non-corroding half, carbon steel and the weld, extending the
relatively quickly. It may be that it could be
paint film about 1cm over the stainless
steel. This is done in the hope that mois-
ture will be excluded from the interface and
Nickel Equivalent: %Ni + 30x%C + 0.5%Mn

thus eliminate the corrosion problem.

The area relationship can sometimes be
28 an advantage, ie if the anodic area is large
Austenite %
5% 10 compared to the cathodic area then the gal-
24 vanic effect can virtually be ignored. This
Austenitic alloys % point can be illustrated with fasteners. It is
20 A+M
not unusual to employ stainless steel fas-
A+F 40% teners to fix aluminium sheeting. The
16 large aluminium area is well able to sup-
0 % port the galvanic action of the smaller
12 lloys stainless steel fastener area without any
x A deleterious effect.
Martensite Martensitic
ple 100% Galvanic corrosion can also occur on the
Alloys A+M+F micro scale between different phases in the
4 Ferrite
weld metal or, more usually, in segregated
areas within the weld pool. Highly alloyed
F+M M+F Ferritic alloys
0 welds, particularly those involved with the
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 nickel-chrome-molybdenum corrosion re-
sistant alloys, can exhibit molybdenum
Chromium Equivalent: %Cr + %Mo + 1.5x%Si + 0.5x%Nb segregation in the weld dendrites, Figure
Apart from the general dissolution aspect
Figure 14 Schaeffler constitution diagram for stainless steels of galvanic corrosion, there is the secon-
dary effect of hydrogen evolution at the
cathodic half of the galvanic cell. If this
cathode happens to be a high strength steel

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Dissimilar metal welding 11

Nickel Equivalent: %Ni + 30x%C + 0.5%Mn
qualified fillers are listed for most stainless
steels in AS 1554.6 (p45) with 309 type
28 stainless steel being the most common. A
Austenite %
5% 10 listing of the grades suggested for some of
24 the more common steels adapted from this
20 Standard is given in Table 5 .
20 A+M Consumable selection can be understood
304 A+F 40% by reference to the Scaeffler DeLong dia-
16 gram, Figure 14
80% It is possible to predict the type of alloy
12 that will be obtained in the weld pool by re-
lating these to the approximate ranges of the
Martensite 100%
8 A+M+F
particular alloy groups superimposed on
MS this diagram.
4 Ferrite For example, Figure 15 shows what type
F+M M+F of alloy would be expected in a weld pool
0 with equal amounts of S30400 and mild
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 steel present in the pool, a condition that
would be expected in an autogenous weld. .
Chromium Equivalent: % Cr + %Mo + 1.5x%Si + 0.5x%Nb This condition would not usually be ac-
Figure 15 Probable weld pool composition from a mild steel-S30400 weld with no ceptable since it can be seen that a marten-
filler material, ie within the martensite range and hence there will be a high probability sitic structure with its attendant undesirable
of cracking properties would occur.
If a higher alloyed consumable, such as
UNS S30900, were used and it was as-
Nickel Equivalent: %Ni + 30x%C + 0.5%Mn

sumed that it would form 1/3 of the weld

pool then the final structure would be as
28 shown in Figure 16.
Austenite %
5% 10 These conditions are also demonstrated in
% Table 6 where it can be seen that the compo-
20 A+M sition of the weld pool approaches a satis-
304 A+F 40% factory combination with progressively
16 309 higher proportions of the higher alloyed
80% consumable - alloy “C” in this table.
12 The Schaefller diagram does not accu-
Martensite 100% rately display the ‘real’ situation since it
8 A+M+F deals only with the room temperature result.
4 Ferrite The solidification pattern is considerably
F+M M+F different.
0 There have been a series of modifications
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 to the Schaeffler diagram to allow for this
Chromium Equivalent: % Cr + %Mo + 1.5x%Si + 0.5x%Nb with the WRC 1992 diagram, Figure 17 ,
being the most recent.
Figure 16 Probable weld pool composition from a mild steel-S30400 weld with no
This diagram does not include manganese
filler material. In this case the structure is within the austenite range so that cracking is as an alloying addition and as such is unable
improbable to predict the possibility of martensite for-
mation. Manganese has little effect on the
then there is a strong possibility that this hy-
high temperature formation of ferrite or its
drogen will be absorbed into the lattice gen-
6 JOINT DESIGN transformation to austenite and therefore is
erating conditions where hydrogen
of little significance in the fundamental use
embrittlement may result.
The major considerations with dissimilar of the WRC diagram, ie the prediction of
High temperature oxidation can also oc-
metals are related to correct filler material room temperature ferrite.
cur at the junction between dissimilar met-
and eventual joint serviceability, However,
als with oxidation occurring preferentially
because many dissimilar metal welds are NOTEBOOK
in one of the metals right at the interface.
associated with one of the stainless steels, it The Schaeffler diagram was an attempt to de-
This will generate an oxide ‘notch’, Figure
is recommended that reference be made to scribe the solidification of stainless steel in or-
13, that will act as a stress concentrator
AS 1554.6 for indications of appropriate der to calculate the composition that would give
5.6.6 Magnetic effects on dilution physical joint designs the required amount of ferrite in the solidifying
The effect of the magnetic characteristics weld pool to inhibit hot cracking. In effect it,
6.1 Austenitic stainless and the subsequent De Long modification, de-
of metals on welds is well known . Where
only one of the metals is magnetic, a DC arc
steel - carbon steel scribed the final structure achieved. This makes
can be deflected towards that metal with ex- The choice of consumable with these alloys these diagrams useful in determining what type
cess melting of that half of the joint. This is largely related to the effect of contamina- of consumable will be needed to give a particu-
can occur when welding carbon steels to tion of the weld pool by the carbon steel. lar microstructure in the weld pool - in particu-
nickel alloys or austenitic stainless steels. It lar, whether martensite will be present. The role
6.1.1 Low temperature applications:
can be minimised by operator action or of predicting free ferrite has been assumed by
overcome by using an AC arc For low to moderate temperature service it the WRC-1992 diagram which is more appro-
is usual to use a stainless steel filler. Pre- priate to the solidification stage.

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

12 Dissimilar metal welding

18 Manganese does, however, have an effect

AF on the lower temperature transformation of
austenite to martensite and thus the inclusion


16 of this element in the diagram can allow pre-

diction of martensite regions. It is for this


reason that the original Schaeffler diagram

18 28


16 still finds application in dissimilar weld
26 30
14 40 50 structure prediction6.
One particular area of usefulness of the
FA 60 70
Schaeffler diagram is to indicate the type of
behaviour that can be expected with welds of
12 various compositions, Figure 187
F 100 6.1.2 High temperature applications
Because of the problems with microstructure
stability, it is usual to use one of the high
nickel alloys in joints expected to operate
over around 400°C. This is because of the
18 20 22 24 26 28 30 higher tolerance to carbon and their favour-
able coefficient of thermal expansion as dis-
cussed in Section 5.2
These alloys also have a higher inherent
Figure 17 WRC 1992 diagram
creep strength and oxidation resistance to as-
sist their survival at these higher tempera-
The consumables usually employed are
AWS 5.14 ERNiCr-3 or 5.11 ENiCrFe-3

Hot cracking
6.2 Ferritic/martensitic
28 above 1250° C stainless steels - carbon
Nickel Equivalent: %Ni + 30x%C + 0.5%Mn

24 steel
Austenite Martensitic
cracking The principal point of concern here is the
20 A+M below 400°C hardenability of the combined joint
A+F There are a large number of possible com-
16 Brittleness after binations but almost all will generate a
heating between
12 500- 900°C hardenable steel through the combination of
Martensite chromium and carbon that w in the weld pool
8 A+
F High
4 Ferrite temperature Welded to
F+M M+F High nickel Carbon or
Most suitable alloy Stainless
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 structure, low alloy
austenite steel
with 3-8%
Chromium Equivalent: %Cr + %Mo + 1.5x%Si + 0.5x%Nb delta ferrite ERNi-1
N02200 ERNiCr-3
Figure 18 Modified Schaeffler diagram showing composition regions prone to brittle- N04400 ERNi-1
ness and cracking
ERNiCr-3 ERNiCr-3
ERNiCrFe-6 ERNiCrFe-6
N08825 ERNiCrMo-3 ERNiCrMo-3
In the welding of high nickel alloys the concern with maximum limits of iron and/or chromium means N10665 ERNiMo-7 ERNiMo-7
that special care must be taken in consumable selection. N10276 ERNiCrMo-4 ERNiCrMo-4
It is also important to eliminate the normal nickel contaminants, lead, sulphur, phosphorus and zinc
Tables have been prepared with suggestions on maximum values that can be accepted.
Again, as with all dissimilar metal welds, it is advisable to conduct test welds to check the ability of the
weld to meet specification requirements.
Table 7 Suggested TIG/GMAW filler ma-
terials for dissimilar nickel alloy welds to
carbon and stainless steels

6 ASM Speciality Handbook - Stainless Steels p 342 (1994)

7 American Welding Society Welding Handbook 7th Ed Vol 4, Chapter 12 Dissimilar Metal Welding p526 (1982)

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

Dissimilar metal welding 13

This can be minimised by using a filler erable to use a less hardenable filler Copper and steel are virtually insoluble in
metal with the same composition as the car- metal. the solid state and a weld pool between the
bon/low alloy steel but it is still probable two will be a mixture of two phases, refer
that there will be sufficient chromium 6.3 High nickel alloys Figure 10. This diagram also shows the
pickup from the stainless steel to give a The principal problems here are associated wide freezing range that can occur with
martensitic weld pool with contamination of the nickel alloy. these alloys. This can point to the possibil-
If hardenability is a problem, then it may Nickel alloys are particularly sensitive to ity of hot cracking.
be better to use a buttering layer of high sulphur because of a low melting point Thermal conductivity also presents a
nickel stainless steel on both components. eutectic that gives cracks and later failure in problem with the copper alloy frequently
Types 309 or 310 can be used . These may high temperature service. requiring manipulation of the heat source to
then be heat treated to obtain the desired Other contaminants that must be avoided give a uniform temperature in the weld
properties. The weld can then be completed are phosphorus, lead and zinc. zone.
with an austenitic alloy such as type 308 The major alloying elements can also give Pre-heating, particularly of the copper, is
stainless steel problems and it is usual to use the dilution necessary to also help overcome conductiv-
The following general rules have been calculations explained in Section 5.6.2 to ity problems
proposed for joining the 4xx series stainless determine the weld pool composition and GTAW and MMAW are usually preferred
steels8 then relate this to tabulations of generally for this type of junction because of the bet-
· For welding one hardenable chromium acceptable impurity levels such as that ter control that can be achieved over heat in-
steel to another with a higher chromium shown in Table 8. put and placement. Oxy-acetylene welding
content, filler material with chromium An alternative way of presenting this in- would not normally be used because of the
content equal to that of either steel may formation for iron and chromium is given lack of control.
be used. Furthermore, any filler mate- by the American Welding Society9, Figures Where dilution can generate problems, eg
rial whose chromium content lies be- 19 and 20 They state that this information by iron pick up in the copper giving a wide
tween these limits is equally is based more on practical experience than solidification range and subsequent solidi-
satisfactory provide the weldment is fundamental metallurgy . fication cracks, buttering may be necessary,
properly heat treated. A listing of some suggested filler materi- particularly on thicker sections, ie greater
· A general rule for welding any chro- als for dissimilar nickel welds for bare wire than about 3 mm.
mium steel to any low alloy steel is to welding processes are given in Table 710. Iron can give hot cracking problems over
use a filler metal that has the same com- Readers are also referred to trade publica- a reasonably well defined composition
position as the low alloy steel, provided tions in this area11,12 and the appropriate range, Figure 21 .
that it meets the service requirements of AWS Standards13,14 Phosphorus is a problem with
the application. With any low alloy cupro-nickels because of the formation of
steel filler metal, the chromium that is 6.4 Copper alloys brittle nickel phosphides.
picked up by the dilution with the chro- Buttering can be done by a deposit of a
mium steel base metal must be consid- 6.4.1 Dissimilar fusion welds brazing material or by a weld deposit. A
ered. Copper and its alloys can be welded to car- common buttering material is nickel be-
· For welding any chromium steel to a bon and stainless steels as well as high cause of the total mutual solubility of cop-
carbon steel, carbon steel filler metal nickel alloys per and nickel, Figure .7 The weld can then
can alternatively be used, but it is pref-



GTAW and GMAW (stress releived)

NICKEL - COPPER GTAW and GMAW (as welded)

0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 19 Tolerance for chromium in nickel alloy welds Figure 20 Tolerance for iron in nickel alloy welds

8 American Welding Society Welding Handbook 7th Ed Vol 4, Chapter 12 Dissimilar Metal Welding p528 (1982)
9 American Welding Society Welding Handbook 7th Ed Vol 4, Chapter 12 Dissimilar Metal Welding p531 (1982)
10 American Welding Society Welding Handbook 7th Ed Vol 4, Chapter 12 Dissimilar Metal Welding p532 (1982
11 INCO Alloys International Nickel based welding products p3 (1991)
12 VDM Australia Pty Ltd, Welding the VDM high nickel alloys (undated)
13 American Welding Society. Standard AWS 5.11 Specification for nickel and nickel alloy welding electrodes for shielded metal arc
14 American Welding Society. Standard AWS 5.11 Specification for nickel and nickel alloy bare welding electrodes and rods

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

14 Dissimilar metal welding

AWS 5.11 AWS 5.14 Fe [see Note] Ni and Cu Cr C,Si and Mn
About 30-35%.
Cracking commences at Levels normally found in
NICKEL BASED Above this value
ENI-1 ERNI-1 about 25-40%Fe with ERNi1 No limits commercial practice can
FILLERS sigma phase can
being more susceptible usually be tolerated
ENiCu7 can take up to 30%
before hot cracking, C: Values above about 0.4
ERNiCu7 commences to can give graphitisation
6-8% is the
crack at 10-15%. Flux Si: values greater than about
acceptable upper
NICKEL-COPPER control available with SAW 1%give unacceptable weld
ENiCu-7 ERNiCu-7 No limits limit. Hot cracking
BASED FILLERS can allow even more iron. ductility.
can occur above
With the gas shielded Mn: Increases weld ductility.
this value
processes values between 5 Some fillers use up to 9% to
and 10% have been help prevent cracking
30% Cr is about the
maximum level.
Ni: satisfactory to This is the is the
Can accept up to 10-15% Apart from silicon, which
NICKEL-IRON- all levels approximate
but above that level becomes should be limited to 1%,
CHROMIUM- Cu: Can accept up composition of the
ENiCrMo-3 ERNiCrMo-3 similar to an austenitic values found in normal
MOLYBDENUM to about 15% copper filler. Problems
stainless steel and commercial products
FILLERS before hot cracking will therefore arise
susceptible to hot cracking should not be a problem
occurs if welding high
Ni: satisfactory to all Maximum level is
Apart from silicon, which
Up to 50% iron can be levels 30-35% without
NICKEL- should be limited to 1%,
tolerated with MMAW but Cu: Can accept up to cracking or
CHROMIUM- ENiCrFe-3 ERNiCr-3 values found in normal
only 25-30% with non about 15% copper problems
IRON FILLERS commercial products
coated filler materials before hot cracking associated with
should not be a problem
occurs second phases
Cu can cause hot
shortness in the
The structure should
weld pool so that The structure should be
be calculated from
PLAIN CARBON All values of iron can be carbon and low calculated from the
OR LOW ALLOY VARIOUS VARIOUS tolerated since the filler is alloy steel fillers Schaeffler-DeLong diagram
FILLERS essentially iron should not be used to avoid martensidte
diagram to avoid
for welding high formation
martensite formation
copper nickel base
The structure should
Cu can cause hot
be calculated from
The structure should be shortness in the The structure should be
calculated from the weld pool so that calculated from the
AUSTENITIC Schaeffler-DeLong diagram. austenitic stainless Schaeffler-DeLong diagram.
diagram. The aim
STAINLESS VARIOUS VARIOUS The aim should be to avoid steel fillers should The aim should be to avoid
should be to avoid
STEEL FILLERS martensite and end up with not be used for martensite and end up with
martensite and end
about 4-10% ferrite to avoid welding high about 4-10% ferrite to avoid
up with about 4-10%
hot cracking copper nickel base hot cracking
ferrite to avoid hot
Not normally present in the
70-30 cupro-nickels have a 5% m ax i m u m usual applications where
5.6 - ECuNi 5.7 - ERCuNi limit o f 5-10% b efo r e No limits before hot cracking these alloys are welded but
cracking occurs occurs substantial quantities would
be harmful.

Table 8 Weld pool composition limits for some grades of nickel alloys and welding electrodes.
Note: Iron is often limited to 5% maximum in the surface layer of high alloy welds to minimise corrosion problems

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

Dissimilar metal welding 15

per into the steel. This is sometimes re- This defect is also sometimes known as
ferred to as liquid metal corrosion. infiltration
Molten copper has a low surface tension
on iron and will quickly penetrate down 6.4.3 Dissimilar metal brazing
80 20 grain boundaries. Internal stress acceler- Because of the tendency of the copper
ates this type of corrosion. nickel alloys to hot cracking, Figure 21 and
60 40 Cu% Because of this, care must be taken when stress cracking (ie copper infiltration) the
welding or brazing copper materials to steel silver brazing alloys are preferred for this
40 60 to ensure that the conditions are such that type of operation. Phosphorus is a particu-
liquid metal attack does not occur.
Hot short range
METAL A Phosphor Aluminium Silicon Cupronickel
Fe Cu Copper
bronzes bronzes bronzes s
20 40 60 80
Fe% Low zinc brasses, eg ERCuSn-A
C23000 540°C
Phosphor bronzes eg ERCuSn-A
Figure 21 Hot short range in cupro C51000 540°C
nickel alloys caused by iron
contamination Aluminium bronzes, ERCuAl-A2 ERCuAl-A2
eg C61400 540°C 200°C
be completed with a filler suitable for the Silicon bronzes, ERCuSn-A ERCuSi-A ERCuAl-A2
nickel buttering layer. eg C65500 540°C 65°C max 65°C max
Brasses can be welded to steel if the zinc is
less than about 20% and the brass is not di- Cupronickels, eg ERCuAl-A2 ERCuSn-A ERCuAl-A2 ERCuAl-A2
rectly heated by the arc. It is usual to use a C70600 540°C 65°Cmax 65°Cmax 65°Cmax
copper tin buttering layer (ERCuSn-A) and Nickel, eg N02200 and ERCuNi or ERCuNi or
then use this same material as a filler. nickel-copper, eg ERCuNi-7 ERCuNi-7
There is a wide range of filler materials N04400 alloys 540°C These combinations 65°C max
specified for this type of junction. These not usually welded
High nickel alloys, eg ERNiCr-3 ERNiCr-3
will vary according to the type of copper al-
N08800, N06600 540°C 65°C max
loy and the welding procedure. Some ex-
amples for GTAW, with suggested ERCuAl-A2 ERCuSn-A ERCuAl-A2 ERCuAl-A2 ERCuAl-A2
Low carbon steels
pre-heats, are given in Table 915. Probably 540°C 200°C 150°C 65°C max 65°C max
the most common filler for steel junctions
is aluminium bronze (CuAl-A2). Silicon Low alloy steels
540°C 260°C 260°C 200°C 65°C max
bronze CuSi-A and phosphor bronze (Cu-
Sn-A) are also used for non-nickel bearing Stainless steels, eg ERCuAl-A2 ERCuSn-A ERCuAl-A2 ERCuAl-A2 ERCuAl-A2
materials. S30400 540°C 200°C 65°C max 65°C max 65°C max

6.4.2 Copper penetration.

One of the most important considerations
with copper welding on steel is the potential Table 9 Suggested fillers and pre-heat temperatures for GTAW welding dissimilar
for grain boundary penetration by the cop- welds with copper alloys

Dissimilar welds containing copper base alloys can be made
Aluminium plug weld between copper alloys as well as with high nickel alloys, car-
bon and low alloy steels and stainless steels.
Copper In many cases iron pick up can lead to hot cracking but but-
tering can be a way of minimising this problem.
Silicon bronze, aluminium bronze and phosphor bronze are
common filler/buttering alloys.
Copper infiltration is a potential danger with steels. This is
penetration of copper along the grain boundaries of the steel.
Internal stress in the steel can promote this type of liquid
metal embrittlement

Figure 22 Plug welded aluminium copper joint

15 ASM International ASM Handbook Vol 6 Welding Brazing and Soldering (1993), p769

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16 Dissimilar metal welding

lar problem and fillers with phosphorus

must not be used. Fixed element
To minimise hot cracking, nickel silvers
should be stress relieved prior to brazing

6.5 Aluminium alloys

6.5.1 Aluminium/copper welds
Aluminium and copper form brittle inter-
metallic compounds that restrict the appli-
cation of dissimilar metal welding between
these two alloys
Some success has been achieved by coat-
ing the copper with silver and then welding
the aluminium in such a way that the weld
does not penetrate through the silver layer.
Soft solders using high zinc solder of
eutectic composition (Zn:95; Al:5). This
alloy has a melting point of 382°C and is Friction
used in some heat exchanger applications
Ultrasonics have also been used to pro- stage
vide an initial coat of zinc or other low melt-
ing point solders onto aluminium for
subsequent joining to other alloys
There are ways of mechanically fixing
aluminium to copper, or placing a plug
weld through a composite aluminium cop-
per junction, Figure 22.
Friction or explosive welding has also Upsetting/forging stage
been used. see Sections 7 and 8. A less vio-
lent form of welding can also be obtained Figure 23 Friction welding stages
by cold pressure welding at relatively high
pressures. This is used for joining copper to NOTEBOOK
aluminium for electrical conductors 6.6 Titanium welds Friction welding is a type of forge welding
Titanium forms unsatisfactory intermetallic where the heating zone is very small. There
6.5.2 Aluminium/steel welds
compounds with iron, nickel and chromium should be no, or very little molten metal hence
Apart from the wide difference in melting - the three metals most likely to require dis- microstructure problems should be non-
points, Table 1 , aluminium forms a series of similar metal welds. existent. The process is used for difficult joins,
brittle intermetallic compounds with iron, It is possible to make satisfactory eg tool steel/mild steel; aluminium/copper.
Figure 9. This makes fusion welds between titanium-vanadium welds and vanadium is
these metals brittle. also compatible with iron so there is poten-
The variations in thermal conductivity, tial to use a vanadium interface for a
Table 4 and thermal expansion, Table 3 titanium-steel weld, provided fusion did fusion to occur, the problems associated with
would also give problems. not extend through the vanadium interface. intermetallic phases are minimised.
If it is necessary, aluminium can be In the case of nickel alloys, a satisfactory Should the energy input be too much, a liq-
welded to steel if the steel component is first interface has been developed using niobium uid phase would form and problems associ-
coated with aluminium. This is usually and copper as the transition layers. The ti- ated with intermetallic phases could arise.
done by dipping an abraded steel part into tanium is welded to the niobium and the Satisfactory welds have been obtained be-
molten aluminium at around 690-705°C nickel alloy is welded to the copper tween high hardenability steels, eg tool
immediately after abrading. Friction weld- steels, and lower carbon varieties. This appli-
ing can also be used to provide the coating, cation is used in the joining of hardened tool
Section 7. The steel can then be joined to 7 FRICTION WELDING steels to mild steel shanks In some cases a
aluminium provided the steel is not melted. post weld temper may be required to soften
Subsequent diffusion between the two Friction welding relies on producing a nar- the tool steel heat affected zone
metals can cause problems by the forma- row heating range followed by an The process is also used for the production
tion of the problem phases at the ‘upsetting’ or forging stage, Figure 23 of aluminium to stainless steel and copper
aluminium-iron interface so that the weld is Although often cited as a method of pro- base alloys. It finds particular application in
usually restricted to service temperatures of ducing dissimilar metal welds, it is still pos- coating steel with aluminium prior to fusion
less than 250°C. sible to obtain problems at the interface but welding, Section 6.5.2.
since there is no molten zone and there is a
relatively short time at temperature for dif-
NOTEBOOK This is a solid state welding operation simi-
Aluminium has two principal difficulties when attempting dissimilar metal welds. lar to friction welding. The weld is accom-
The first is its very high thermal conductivity, the second is the strong possibility that it will form brit- plished in a fraction of a second, Figure 24.
tle intermetallic compounds with the other metal. There is some heat input associated with
This usually means that a brazed layer is used as a buttering interface or a mechanical type join is the energy of the explosion. The weld is es-
used. sentially accomplished by solid state con-

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

Dissimilar metal welding 17

tanium or zirconium cladding steel with the

titanium ranging from 3 to 25mm16
It should be mentioned that explosive
Explosive forming is only a small part of clad plate
Detonation direction production, over 90% is produced by roll
bonding the two materials.
Spacer - usually rubber

Metal B Metal A Roll bonding is the preferred method of pro-

ducing clad plate.
Clad plate is used extensively for vessels
where the interior surface must be corrosion
Metal A resistant but the cost of the corrosion resis-
tant alloy is very high.
The initial stage in producing a roll
Molten metal jet bonded joint is to clean both components
and, perhaps, nickel plate the corrosion re-
Weld sistant alloy to minimise the possibility of
Metal B chromium oxidation during rolling
The rolling process is then done usually
with a sandwich approach, ie two sets of
plate are rolled at once with the corrosion
resistant alloy in the middle. This also helps
Figure 24 Explosion welding to minimise surface oxidation of the corro-
sion resistant alloy
In some cases explosion bonded plate is
NOTEBOOK hot rolled after cladding to reduce the thick-
Explosion welding is a type of forge welding where metal movement is particularly fast.. There is a ness of the clad component.
small amount of molten metal formed during the process but the majority of the bond would be a
solid state weld.
The process is used extensively in the production of clad plate although the majority of this prod- 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
uct is produced by another type of forge welding - roll bonding.
This paper has drawn on various publica-
tions of the American Welding Society.
tact but there is some melting in the ‘jet’ plosive must ensure that the weld is made ASM International, the Nickel Develop-
component of the weld. progressively along the length of the join ment Institute and technical literature pro-
The weld is initiated from one end of the This process is used in the production of vided by the various alloy manufactures.
assembly with the two components being clad plate. It is also the normal method of ti-
placed at an angle of around 2~4°. The ex-

16 Smith L M Engineering with clad steel Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 1992. Reprinted as NiDI 10064

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

18 Dissimilar metal welding Alloy Compositions (maximum unless specified)

MATERIAL ALSO KNOWN AS Al C Cr Cu Fe Mn Mo N Ni Nb P Pb S Si Sn Ti W Zn Other

4.50- Mg: 0.05; others
A04430 Al-Si casting alloy Bal 0.25 0.60 0.80 0.50 0.25 0.50
6.00 total 0.35 max.
Mg: 0.45-0.90;
0.60 - 0.90- Others each 0.05
A96063 6063 Bal 0.10 0.10 0.35 0.500 0.20 0.25
1.10 1.80 ma x,
total 0.15 max
Cu+sum of
C23000 Red Brass (85%) 0.05 0.050 Bal named elements
99.8 min
Cu+sum of
Cartridge Brass 68.00-
C26000 0.05 0.070 Bal named elements
(70-30) 71.50
99.7 min
Cu+sum of
Phosphor Bronze 0.03- 4.20-
C51000 Bal 0.10 0.050 0.30 named elements
5% A 0.35 5.80
99.5 min
Phosphor Bronze Cu+sum of
0.10- 4.00-
C51800 AWS A5.7 0.01 Bal 0.020 named elements
0.35 6.00
ERCuSn-A” 99.5 min
Cu+sum of
Aluminium 1.50-
C61400 6.0-8.0 Bal (2) 1.00 0.015 0.010 0.20 named elements
Bronze D 3.50
99.5 min
Aluminium Bronze Cu+sum of
C61800 AWS A5.7 8.5-11.5 Bal (2) 0.020 0.020 0.10 0.02 named elements
ERCuAl-A2 99.5 min
Cu+sum of
Silicon Bronze 2.80-
C65600 0.01 Bal (2) 0.50 1.50 0.020 1.50 1.50 named elements
ERCuSi-A” 4.00
99.5 mi
C70600 9.00- Cu+sum of
10% Cupronickel 1.00-
(Welding 0.05 Bal (2) 1.00 11.00 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.50 named elements
(Welding grade) 1.80
grade) (3) 99.5 min
Cu+sum of
80-20 19.00-
C71000 Bal (2) 1.00 1.00 0.050 1.00 named elements
Cupronickel 23.00
99.5 min
Cu+sum of
Cupronickel 0.40 - 29.0- 0.20-
C71581 Bal (2) 1.00 0.020 0.020 0.010 0.25 named elements
AWS A5.7 ERCuNi 0.70 32.0 0.50
99.5 min

Check compositions against appropriate Standard before use February 15, 2002
19 Dissimilar metal welding Alloy Compositions (maximum unless specified)

MATERIAL ALSO KNOWN AS Al C Cr Cu Fe Mn Mo N Ni Nb P Pb S Si Sn Ti W Zn Other

N02061 AWS A5.14 ERNi-1 1.50 0.15 0.25 1.00 1.00 93.0 min 0.030 0.015 0.75
Commercially pure
N02200 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.35 99.0 min 0.010 0.035
AWS 5.14 62.00- 1.50-
N04060 1.25 0.15 Bal 2.50 4.00 0.020 0.015 1.25
ERCuNi-7 69.00 3.00
N04400 MONEL®400 0.30 Bal 2.50 2.00 0.024 0.50
AWS 5.14 18.00- 2.50- 2.00 -
N06082 0.10 0.50 3.00 67.0 min 0.030 0.015 0.50 0.75
ERNiCr-3 22.00 3.50 3.00 (1)
14.00- 14.00-
N06455 AWS 5.14 0.015 3.00 1.00 Bal 0.040 0.030 0.08 0.70 Co: 2.0
18.00 17.00
14.00- 6.00-
N06600 INCOLOY®600 0.15 0.50 1.00 72.0 min 0.015 0.50
17.00 10.00
20.00- 8.00-
N06625 AWS A5.14 0.40 0.10 5.00 0.50 Bal 3.15-4.15 0.015 0.015 0.50 0.40
23.00 10.00
AWS A5.14 14.00- 2.00- 2.50-
N07092 0.08 0.50 8.00 67.0 min 0.030 0.015 0.35
ERNiCrFe-6 17.00 2.75 3.50
17.00- 34.70- 0.75
N08330 RA330® 0.08 1.00 Bal 2.00 0.030 0.005 0.030 0.025
20.00 37.00 -1.50
0.15- 19.00- 30.00- 0.15-
N08800 INCONEL®800 0.10 0.75 Bal 1.50 0.015 1.00
0.60 23.00 35.0 0.60
19.50- 2.50- 38.00- 0.60-
N08825 INCOLOY®825 0.20 0.05 1.5-3.5 Bal 1.00 0.030 0.030 0.50
23.50 3.50 46.00 1.20
14.50- 4.00- 15.00- 3.00- Co: 2.5;
N10276 AWS A5.14 ‘ 0.02 1.00 Bal 0.030 0.030 0.08
16.50 7.00 17.00 4.50 V: 0.35
N10665 AWS A5.14 0.02 1.00 2.00 1.00 Bal 0.040 0.030 0.10 Co: 1.0

Check compositions against appropriate Standard before use February 15, 2002
20 Dissimilar metal welding Alloy Compositions (maximum unless specified)

MATERIAL ALSO KNOWN AS Al C Cr Cu Fe Mn Mo N Ni Nb P Pb S Si Sn Ti W Zn Other

B: 2.75-3.5;
Co: 0.10;
AWS 5.8 0.60- 13.00- 4.00- 4.00-
N99600 0.05 Bal 0.020 0.020 0.05 Se: 0.005;
BNi1 0.90 15.00 5.00 5.00
Zr: 0.05;
Others 0.50 max
AWS 5.8 29.00- 1.50- 26.00-
P07400 Ag: 39.0-41.0
BAg5 31.00 2.50 30.00
18.00- 8.00-
S30400 304 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00
20.00 10.50
18.00- 8.00-
S30403 304L 0.03 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00
20.00 12.00
19.00- 10.00-
S30800 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00
21.00 12.00
22.00- 12.00-
S30900 309 0.20 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00
24.00 15.00
AWS 5.9 23.00- 2.00- 12.00- 0.30-0.6
S30982 0.12 0.75 1.0-2.5 0.030
ER309Mo 25.00 3.00 14.00 5
309L 23.00- 1.00- 12.00- 0.30-0.6
S30983 0.03 0.75 0.75 0.030 0.030
AWS 5.9 ER309L 25.00 2.50 14.00 5
24.00- 19.00-
S31000 310 0.25 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.50
26.0 22.00
16.00- 10.00-
S31600 316 0.08 2.00 2.0-3.0 0.045 0.030 1.00
18.00 14.00
16.00- 10.00-
S31603 316L 0.08 2.00 2.0-3.0 0.045 0.030 1.00
18.00 14.00
21.00 2.50- 0.08- 4.50-
S31803 SAF 2205 0.03 2.00 0.020 0.030 1.00
-23.00 3.50 0.20 6.50
17.00- 9.00- 5x%C
S32100 321 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00
19.00 12.00 min
24.00- 3.0- 0.24- 6.00-
S32750 SAF 2507 0.03 1.20 0.035 0.020 0.80
26.00 5.0 0.32 8.00
17.00- 9.00- 10x%C
S34700 347 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00
19.00 13.00 min
S41000 410 0.15 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00
S43000 430 0.12 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00

Check compositions against appropriate Standard before use February 15, 2002
21 Dissimilar metal welding Alloy Compositions (maximum unless specified)

MATERIAL ALSO KNOWN AS Al C Cr Cu Fe Mn Mo N Ni Nb P Pb S Si Sn Ti W Zn Other

17.50- 1.75- Nb+Ti: (0.20+
S44400 440 0.03 1.00 0.025 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.000
19.50 2.50 4 x (C+N)-0.80
AWS 5.14 21.50- 0.5-0.2 2.5- 0.08- 8.50-
W39209 0.04 0.75 0.040 0.030 0.90
E2209 23.50 0 3.5 0.20 10.50
AWS 5.11 13.00- 59.0 1.0-2.5
W86182 0.10 0.50 10.00 5.0-9.5 0.030 0.015 1.0 1.0
ENiCrFe-3 17.00 min (1)
AWS 5.8 59.25 0.25 40
RBCu-ZnA (nom) (nom) (nom)
Notes 1 Includes Ta INCOLOY, INCONEL and MONEL are registered trademarks of the INCO family of companies
2 Inccludes Ag HASTELLOY is a registered trademark of Haynes In
3 Includes Co RA330 is a registered trademark of Rolled Alloys Inc

Check compositions against appropriate Standard before use February 15, 2002
22 Dissimilar metal welding

A carbon and low alloy steel fillers . . . . . . . 8 lead - effect of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
copper nickel fillers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 weld pool composition limits . . . . . . . . 14
aluminium alloys to copper high nickel (Monel®) fillers. . . . . . . . . . 8 zinc - effect of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
brittle intermetallic compounds . . . . . . . 16 high nickel-chromium alloy fillers . . . . . . . 8 nickel silver
high zinc solder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 nickel fillers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 brazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
plug weld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Nickel fillers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
silver coating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 flux
welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
aluminium alloys to steel
selection for wetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
friction welding · · · · · · 16
aluminium coating of the steel. . . . . . . . 16 aluminium to copper base alloys. . . . . . . 16 oxidation
diffusion problems · · · · · · · · · · · · · 16 aluminium to stainless steel . . . . . . . . . 16 oxide ‘notch’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
brittle intermetallic compounds . . . . . . . 16 diffusion limitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
thermal conductivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 tool steel shanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
B G phase diagram · · · · · · · 7
copper-nickel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
galvanic series · · · · · · · 9 lead-tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
boiler tubes · · · · · · · 5 grain growth · · · · · · · 8 post-heating
brass - welding to steel · · · · · 15
sensitisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
post-weld heating · · · · · · 6
effect of expansion on capilliary action . . . . 6
brittle phases H prequalification of dissimilar welds
pre-weld heating · · · · · · 6
· · 3
minimised by brazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
high temperature oxidation · · · · 11
hydrogen embrittlement

cathodic reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
qualification of dissimilar welds · · · 3
clad plate · · · · · · · · 17
copper alloys I
copper penetration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
infiltration · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 15
infiltration · · · · · · · · 15
surface tension · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 15
roll bonding · · · · · · · 17
problems with phosphorus · · · · · · · · · 13 L clad plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
solidification range - iron contamination . . . 13
lever rule
suggested dissimilar weld fillers. . . . . . . 15
thermal conductivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
dilution calculation . . . .
lower melting point alloys
. .
. .
. . .
. .
. 7
corrosion · · · · · · · · 8
contraction stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Scaeffler DeLong diagram · · · · 11
galvanic couple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
effect of arc direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 solidification range
hot cracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 wide range and hot cracking . . . . . . . . . 7
advantage · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 10
use of intermediate alloys . . . . . . . . . . 4 specific heats · · · · · · · 3
stainless steel fastener 10 stainless - carbon steel
area affects · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 10
filler metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
carbon steel - stainless stee
paint protection· · · · · · · · · · · · · · 10 M high temperature applications . . . . . . . . 12
low temperature applications . . . . . . . . 11
hydrogen evolution · · · · · · · · · · · · 10
magnetic effects Scaeffler DeLong diagram . . . . . . . . . . 11
micro scale
arc deflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 martnsite formation prediction · · · · · · · 11
molybdenum segregation· · · · · · · · · 10
melting ranges - table · · · · · 3 weld pool alloy prediction · · · · · · · · · 11
micro scale between phases · · · · · · · · 10
melting temperatures · · · · · 4 WRC 1992 diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
metal mixing · · · · · · · 6 martensite formation prediction · · · · · · 11
D brittle intermetallic phases, eg Al-Fe . . . . . 7
dilution calculation · · · · · · 7
galvanic effect, eg Cu-Fe . . . . . . . . . . . 7
mixture of the two solid solutions, eg Pb-Sn . 7
lever rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 mutual solubility, eg Cu-Ni . . . . . . . . . . 7 thermal conductivity · · · · · · 6
stability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
wide solidification range, eg Cu-Fe . . . . . . 7 effect of temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
E Microstucture
thermal expansion · · · · · · 4
coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
explosion welding · · · · · · 16 carbide formation · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 8 intermediate expansion coefficient . . . . . . 5
clad plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 carbon depletion and grain size · · · · · · · 8 stress calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
molten 'jet' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 elevated tempeature · · · · · · · · · · · · · 8 stresses and cracking . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
sensitisation · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 8 minimising · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 5
microstuctures · · · · · · · 7 thermal cycling - cracking . . . . . . . . . . 5
F titanium welds· · · · · · · 16
transition layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
ferritic/martensitic stainless steels - carbon steel
4xx series stainless steels . . . . . . . . . . 13 N
buttering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
filler impurity limitations
nickel alloy
- effect of phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . 13
aluminium bronze fillers . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - effect of sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 unmixed zone · · · · · · · 6
aluminium, magnesium and titanium fillers . . 8 chromium tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
austenitic stainless steel fillers . . . . . . . . 8 iron tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

Dissimilar metal welding 23

welding zones · · · · · · · 6 unmixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

W composite . . . . . .
heat affected . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . 6
. . . . . 6
flux selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
weld strength · · · · · · · 3 partially melted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 WRC 1992 · · · · · · · 11

ÓPeritech Pty Ltd - February 15, 2002

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