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People who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it\

If you can hold it in your head, you can hold it in your hand.... :D

Reality is composed of many threads

"If you don't have a lot of power, you exaggerate power. If you have a lot of power, you conceal

The transgender agenda is just part of larger social deconstruction agenda. They want us as
genderless, family-less, raceless, nationless, religionless, mindless worker unit

contribute to this dismal state.

world has scarce natural resources that are depleting with every tick of clock

Many countries are producing energy, solely, by burning coal. Some other countries
are managing their electric needs mainly by nuclear production. Others do handle it by
burning coal or natural gases

As tabulated above
our plans on day to day basis rather than planning in years as done in the developed countries.

A pessimistic view, but realistic enough to think about and plan for the future

performing at a very high note

need for ‘quantum jump’ in power generation

Supply of energy is, therefore, far less than the actual demand, resultantly crisis has emerged

it is hampering national progress in a drastic manner.

a myriad of problems

A murky security strategy in the province appears to have made accountability

all but impossible.

No the monster is coming back to haunt us

Have become the order of the day

Model should be replicated

Delaying efforts to address Pakistan’s water scarcities will intensify tensions between
different stakeholders.

Consider ways and means

we simply cannot knock it down

In Pakistan one problem that often plagues progress in global problem is the slow translation
of research into practice.

Similar models can be replicated in cities with the planting of rooftop gardens
and through urban forestry.
less fortunate faced stifling conditions

Pakistan’s supply shortages, however, merely represent the tip of an immense iceberg

The rule of law is the bedrock of a constitution

Ought to be a matter of deep concern

This is important to bear in mind for a number of reasons

Quick and tangible results

Pakistan has a number of legitimate grievances that need to be addressed.

we cannot wipe each other off the map.

Global power equation.

As the wise saying goes, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

y-o-y:- year-over-year Looking at YOY performance allows for gauging if a

company's financial performance is improving, static, or worsening.

Nothing positive can be achieved by the extreme and thoughtless measures.

But much more needs to be done

These are issues that merit immediate action

It took the Pope 400 years to apologise to Galileo for correcting the divine claim that the sun
revolve around the earth.

The sorry situation has gone from bad to worse

The communism plus God essentially summed up the sub-continental poest’s

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