Informal and Formal Letter Writing X E Sem II 2018 - 2019

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Read the two letters written in response to this task and say which is more appropriate and why, then say
what is wrong with the other letter.

-opening remarks : Dear Dan,
e.g -thank for the last letter
-questions/wishes about recent Thanks for your last letter. I think it’s great
events, the person’s health you want to brush up your English and of course I’m
-comments about their news only too glad to help. Here are a few things you can
-apology for the delay in writing try.
-the reason for writing
BODY - at least two or three paragraphs, each about a First of all, it would be a good idea to start
different problem on which advice is given reading more in English. You probably won’t have
followed by the expected results time to read novels but there are plenty of magazines
Giving advice : that also help you improve your English. As you are
- Why not …? so fond of nature, why don’t you take out a
- Why don’t you …? subscription to National Geographic ?You’ll be
- You should … amazed at how fast you pick things up when you
- It would be a good idea to / if … actually like the subject.
- If I were you, I would… Another suggestion is to watch films on DVD
- I think the best thing would be to without subtitles. That way you force yourself to
- One / Another suggestion is to… listen to the language very carefully. For a film lover
Expected result : like you, that’ll be learning while really having fun!
- This will / would mean that… The best advice I can give you, though, is to
- Then, / This way … get more English speaking pen-friends and email
- If you do this,…. friends. That method really worked for me when I
- By doing this,… wanted to improve my Italian. Not only will you
- The result of this would be … learn a lot of new phrases, but you’ll also practice the
-link the paragraphs with the appropriate language actively yourself.
CONCLUSION -express hope your advice is / will be useful /
taken into consideration I hope these ideas will help. And remember,
-closing remarks : practice makes perfect, so don’t give up too easily !
e.g. – the reason why you must end the letter Write and let me know how you get on.
- greetings to the person’s family Yours,
- a wish (e.g. wish the person good luck)
- a promise (e.g. to write again soon ) Pam
- an invitation ( e.g. to visit )
- an urge / encouragement
- a request to the person to reply soon

Fill in the gaps with the suitable word or phrase to complete the following letter giving advice :
Dear Penny,
I am so happy John and Vicky are finally getting married. Buying the right wedding present can
be rather difficult so ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Have………………………………..buying them a gift voucher for a big department store ?
…………………………… they would be able to buy something they really need for their house.
On the other ………………..……….., you might think this idea is too impersonal.
……………………………………ask them what they want ? ……………………….you can be sure
you won’t buy a useless thing. If………….……………………this is what I would do.
…………………………., if you mean your present to be a surprise, something like a nice oven
dish always comes in handy.
I hope …………………………..……………………………………………………


You want to become pen friend with an English speaking student from a foreign country. Write a letter
to him/her introducing yourself (age, school, family, hobbies, friends, future plans etc.), mentioning the
reason why you want to become pen-friends and asking him/her to write you back giving details about
Dear Claire,
My name is Amy Norman and I would like to be your pen-friend. Writing to someone of my age
from another country seems very interesting to me as I (never be)…………………….abroad and I don’t
know very much about what teenagers think or do in other parts of the world.
I am fourteen years old and I live in London, which is a great city where you can find lots of
museums, cinemas and parks. I (come)…………….from a large family, I’ve got a twin brother, John,
and an older sister, Emma. John and I go to school and Emma, who is 21 years old, goes to university.
My father (work)…………… as an accountant for a successful company and my mother (be)……….a
From Monday to Friday my routine is usually the same. I (wake up)…………… at around 7:15
and I (have)………… a light breakfast and then I (go)……… to school by bus. My classes (start)……..
at 8 and I (stay)……….. at school until half past three in the afternoon. From four to seven I (go)…….
to my part-time job. I (work)…………….. for a family with two young children. I (help) …………. to
feed the children and I (also play)……………… with them. In the evenings I (do)…… my homework
and I usually (go)……… to bed at before 11 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday are my favourite days of the week because I (do)………….. whatever
I like. I (not go)………………. to school so I (get up)……………… late. I like spending time with my
friends. We (sometimes go)………………… to the cinema or to concerts, but most of the times we (go)
…………… for a walk in the park. We also like jogging and swimming. Watching TV or playing
computer games are not my favourite pastimes, although my brother and my friends love them.
At the moment I (study)………………………. very hard because I (have)…………………. an
exam this week. Tonight I (take)……….. a break from my studies as I (go)…………………… out for
dinner with my family. We (celebrate)………………… my sister’s engagement.
I am not quite sure about my future plans yet. I would certainly like to get involved in some
volunteer work, maybe something to help protect the environment. There are several jobs I think would
be suitable for me, such as a teacher, a doctor or a lawyer, but I (not make up) …………………………..
my mind yet which one to choose.
What about you? What’s your daily routine? How do you spend your free time?
Please write soon.



INTRODUCTION -reason for writing -I am interested in…

(express interest referring to what is -I am writing with reference/regard to….
advertised and state you have some
queries/questions about it )
BODY -request information by means of indirect INDIRECT QUESTIONS :
questions in formal letters and by both -I would appreciate it if you could…..
direct and indirect questions in informal -I would like to know..
letters -I am interested in finding out whether…
-start a new paragraph for every new -I wonder if you could…
topic -I wonder if it would be possible for me to
-include all information in the rubric -Could you please tell me if….
using full sentences and your own words -Could you please let me know….
as much as possible -I would be grateful if you could tell me…
-explain the reason for requesting the
information so that the target reader may
understand more clearly what information
to provide
CONCLUSION -thank for assistance(=help) -Thank you in advance for your assistance
-closing remarks -I look forward to your reply

You want to improve your English and have seen the following advertisement on your school notice board. Read the
letter written in response and fill in the blanks with the suitable word(s) or phrases :

School notice board Your notes

ADVANCED ENGLISH LESSONS Where ? When ? How much ?
FOR LEARNERS OF ALL AGES Course books provided?
Please contact Mr. Thompson and provide details of : Any discount ?
- your age and level of English One-to-one groups ?
- your reason for learning Any exams ?
- language courses / exams taken so far Any language certificates provided?

Dear ………………………….,

I am writing……………………….…..…….to your ……………………..… on the notice board

at the Art Highschool for a course ……… advanced English. …………….. , before I register for the
course, I ………………………..…………… if you could answer some questions.
First, I …………………….to know ………and ……. the lessons ………… as well as how
much………………… I am also …………………………...…out ……………........ pay for the
teaching materials and……………………………… any discount for the students of the Art Highschool.
In addition, ………………........tell me ……………………………. choose our tutors
individually or……… a teacher ............................ assigned for each group.
Finally, I …………………………………………… if you ………..…… know …………….
any exams at the end of the course and …….. language certificates ………………….provided.
As ……….the information you…………………, I am 15 and I am ………. studying English
……….an upper intermediate ………….. I have not ……………… extra language courses and I have
not ………………….. language exams ………… , but I ………………… to sit for the Cambridge FCE
exam next year. I hope that by ………………..your course I will ………………….my writing and
speaking ………
Thank you in …………………..for your……………..
I look…………………………………………….……………reply.
Yours sincerely,
Fernanda Castello

Read the following advertisement and the letter written in response. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word or phrase :




I am writing ……………………………….. your …………………….…in ‘International

Business Magazine’ to ………………….. more information ………… entry requirements for the course
……..….. English language ……………...
…………………………………………………….what language qualifications are necessary. I do
not possess the First Certificate and ……………………….….…. whether acceptance on the course
depends on having the FCE.
……………………………..………………………………………….. how far your college
……….from London and if ………………..… at all classes is obligatory or whether an occasional
absence for purposes of travel is acceptable.
…………………….the information you requested, I am 35 and I work ……. an accountant for
an international business company. I would be ……………..…….. a course which focuses …….
language development for both social and business purposes.
Thank you in ……………………… for your ……………

Yours sincerely,
Miguel Fernandez


You work at a company and your boss has left you the following note :
Please write to Mr.King, teacher at Compton Highschool. It’s OK if they come to visit in July, but on 3rd not
on 23rd. He’s got to confirm the date. If he doesn’t agree, arrange for something else.
Read the letter written in response and fill in the blanks with the suitable word(s) or phrases :

Dear …………………..,

I am writing …………………Mr. Thompson, Chief Executive of “Thomson and Roberts Ltd.”

with …………………… to your letter ……………….……a class visit to our company. I am happy to
confirm that this would be ……………… in July.
………………, we would prefer it if the visit …………… conducted on July 3rd ……………… of
the 23rd . Please ……… know if this time is not…………….…. so we can make an alternative
We would be ………………..… if you could ……………this booking two weeks in ………………
……… ………..any …………… information, please do not ……………… to ……...……..
Yours sincerely,
Sharon Samuels
Head of Public Relations Department

You are in charge of organizing a conference and you have received this e-mail:

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am delighted to accept your invitation. You had a wonderful idea to
organize the conference during the weekend, that is truly the only time
when I am able to leave town. My plane arrives at 10 a.m. next Friday.
Please let me know about the arrangements you have made.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Brown

Read the letter written in response and fill in the blanks with two words:


We are very glad …………… that you will be able ………………… this year’s conference
………….... held at Peddington University, Carlisle.
I note that your plane arrives at 10 a.m. You will …...………………….…. in the arrivals hall
……………. of our representatives and …..……...…. car to our headquarters in Kensington Road.
There you will be…………………. complete ……………………….. formalities and will ……….
……….…. the necessary papers and information about the conference. After an opportunity to relax you
will then be………….……….……….. a short sightseeing tour of the city before meeting the conference
organisers for lunch at a local restaurant, where we will …..……………. by the Director General.
We ……………..…… conference to end by 5 p.m. If you wish to leave on the 7 p.m. flight, a
taxi can …………..……… immediately. Otherwise we will be delighted ………………………. your
presence at a dinner with the other ……………………….
We look ………………………………..…….. meeting you on the 14th .
Yours sincerely,
Katie Smith
Conference Organizer


introduction -reason for writing Dear Sir, Dear Sir / Madam,
(stating our complaint

and giving details I am writing to complain about / to I am writing to complain about the
about when and where express my extreme dissatisfaction with fax machine I have recently purchased
the incident took the holiday apartment I rented from you from your company. The machine is an
place) on the 20th of July. I believe your Intellifax Laser 250.
advertisement was misleading in a
number of ways.
body -state your first Firstly, the apartment was by no To begin with, , when I ordered the
complaint and give means spacious. The rooms were machine I was told it would be delivered
details ( examples, cramped and there was very little storage in three weeks. However, it took over
reasons, justifications) space. Also, the distance from the beach five weeks for the machine to arrive.
was in fact ten times farther than you What is more, when it finally did arrive,
-state your second claimed. the lead was missing and I was obliged to
complaint and give Furthermore, the apartment buy one.
details ( examples, overlooked an unattractive car park in Secondly, despite the fact that the
reasons and contrast to the ‘great view’ you instruction manual states that the
justifications ) advertised. In addition, the balcony machine works with plain paper, my
-state further railing was broken and the windows had printout copies are unclear and almost
complaints as shown no curtains. impossible to read. I find that the only
above Finally, the kitchen was poorly way that I can get a clear printout is by
equipped and a lot of essential items using a very expensive brand of paper.
were missing such as plates and Moreover, although I am using this high
saucepans. Consequently I refused to quality paper, the machine continuously
remain any longer and returned home jams.
after three days.
conclusion -state what action you As you can imagine, I am quite I would appreciate it if the
expect to be taken disappointed and I feel I am entitled to a machine could be replaced as soon as
e.g. demand a refund / partial refund in addition to an apology possible. I also expect a full refund of the
a replacement / for the inconvenience caused. money paid for the missing lead. I hope
an apology etc. I look forward to receiving a prompt that this matter will be resolved as
-state what you intend reply. / I insist that this matter be dealt quickly as possible.
to do if your demands with promptly.
are not granted Yours faithfully, Yours faithfully,
-closing remark Sandra Folkstone William Stern


introduction -state the reason for writing Dear Sir,
(apologize making reference to I am writing in response to your letter in which you complain
about the poor services in our hotel. Please accept our sincere
the inconvenience caused ) apologies for the inconvenience caused.
body -take full / partial responsibility We take full responsibility for everything that happened.
and explain what caused the There was some confusion which led to a misunderstanding
between our departments and this is why your laundry was taken
inconvenience, what measures to another room. We have recovered it and we have made
you have taken arrangements to send it back to you as soon as possible.
Furthermore, we have replaced the maids working on the
floor where you usually rent a room so that no such mistakes may
happen in the future. In addition, we have instructed all our staff to
pay more attention to their duties and be more prompt in attending
our guests.
conclusion -apologize again and offer a We hope you will forgive our regrettable error and we assure
compensation you that we will do our outmost to compensate you. Please accept
a complimentary meal voucher to be used at your convenience. We
-express hope you remain on look forward to having you as our guest again,
good terms Yours faithfully,
-closing remarks Mark Jones
Hotel Manager

Fill in the blanks of the letter with the words and phrases in the box. Use each word or phrase only once.

consideration therefore not only suggest while with nevertheless
embarrassed take furthermore result although since but also
expect advisable regarding similarly attention well-deserved concerned

Dear Mr. Steward,

I am writing to …………… my disappointment ……………..the quality of food and service I

received at your restaurant yesterday evening.
………………………..your food is usually of a very high standard, I felt that, on that occasion,
the meal left a lot to be desired. The preparation and presentation seemed hurried and careless. As a
…………………. , neither my guest nor I felt inclined to finish our meal.
………………………. , the service was not what I have come to ………... from your
establishment. The waiter was rather inattentive and slow, ………………. in taking our order
…………………… in bringing the dishes. ………………….. the reason for my visit was to entertain a
client, I was somewhat disturbed at the apparent fall in standards. On the basis of my previous
experience of your restaurant, I had promised my guest an especially memorable dinner and was thus
deeply ……... to be proved entirely wrong.
Might I suggest that, as the manager, it would be ………………………. for you to oversee the
preparation of food personally. …………………….. I realize the work involved in running a restaurant
is very demanding, I ………………… feel that the standard of the food served is of utmost importance.
I would recommend, …………….. , that you give this matter your urgent …………………….
………………….. the service, I would ……………… that you speak to the waiter
……………… to ensure that other customers are not …………… inconvenienced. This would help
your restaurant maintain its ………………………… reputation.
I hope you will ……………… my comments into ………………………..

Yours sincerely,
P.A. Hogan

Rewrite the following letter in an appropriate style using the expressions in the box. Use each
word or expression only once.

totally inappropriate benefited from a proper education entitled comes from a poor social
background demand compensation doesn’t seem qualified caused suggest insist
dealt with treats complain moreover take the matter first-rate
inconvenience attend what she is supposed to unfairly

Mr. Headmaster,
I want you to know that I don’t like my son’s teacher and I’ll tell you why, because she behaves
as she shouldn’t, that’s why.
She gives my son low grades and makes fun of him in front of his classmates just because his
father’s not loaded and hasn’t been to fine schools.
And that’s not all. I can tell you she doesn’t know the first thing about what you’re paying her to
teach. I mean I’ve read my son’s notes when he told me he didn’t understand a thing of what Ms. Hayes
had told them and I don’t blame him. You’d better go to one of her classes and see for yourself.
Now, my boy’s got the right to go to a fine school and to be treated with respect. Tell Ms. Hayes that
next time she picks on my boy I’ll sue her and ask for money to make it up to my son for everything
she’s put him through.
You’d better sort this out, the sooner, the better.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to …………………….about my son’s teacher whose behaviour is…………………

Ms. Hayes gives my son low grades and makes fun of him in front of his classmates just because
his father ……………...………………………………and hasn’t……….………………………………
………...., Ms. Hayes….................................... for …………………………. teach. I read my
son’s notes when he told me he didn’t understand a thing from what she had taught them and I don’t
blame him. I ……………..…………that you go to one of her classes and see for yourself.
My son is …………..……to …………….. a ……..….…….. school and be treated with respect.
I …………… that you tell Ms. Hayes that next time she …………………..… my son
…………………… I will ………………………. to the court and ………………… a financial
……………….. for all the ……………….. she has ………………… him.
I hope this matter will be…………………………. promptly.

Yours faithfully,
James Brown
Underline the right word or phrase from the letter written in response to the one above.
Dear Mr. Brown,
Please accept our apology / apologies for the incident / event which involved / implied your son and one of our
We assure / ensure you that we have taken the necessary measures / actions to solve the problem. Ms. Hayes has been
warned / threatened to refrain / prevent from making any comments about your family’s background, status or education.
Nevertheless / Though, we advise / advice you to instruct your son to behave properly. He has been extremely
disobedient, impolite / unpolite and disruptive. In your letter you fail / ignore to mention the numerous instances when your
son was responsible / guilty for causing a lot of inconvenience / incidents to both teachers and classmates.
Furthermore / On the other hand, you are strongly / highly recommended to allow / let your son to benefit from
counselling sessions / counsellors which are available / hired in our school. In addition / As a result, if you could also
attend / frequent these sessions, this would definitely / decisively help us deal / handle with the matter.
We hope / expect that you will forgive / forget our teacher’s inappropriate / inconsiderate remarks and that your son
will overcome / overpass his difficulties in adjusting to the learning environment / medium in our school.
To make up / make out for the incident / event please accept two free tickets to the Freshmen’s Ball.
Yours sincerely,
James Wringler
Headteacher of Layton College

Fill in the blanks with words derived from the words in brackets :
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing with ………………..(REFER) to an advertisement which ………………(REGULAR) appears in your

newspaper ………..…..(CONCERN)‘Stubbs Builders’ renovation services.
I have……...……. (RECENT) hired them to carry out renovations to my house and found them to be….……………….
…(THOROUGH) ………..……….(RELY) and……………………(PROFESSION), in direct contrast to the claims made in
their advertisement.
Furthermore, despite advertising prompt service, the company was in fact ……………..(RESPOND) for
………………………… (CONSIDER) delays and…………………………………(CONVENIENT).
Therefore I suggest that you ……………………..(DRAW) the advertisement on grounds that it is ……………(LEAD).
I would be happy to supply you with further details, should you wish to contact me.
Yours faithfully,

Introduction -reason for writing Dear Sir/ Madam, Dear Sir / Madam,
-include the name I am writing in response to
of the job, when your advertisement in yesterday’s I am writing to apply for the
and where you saw Students’ News. position of part –time salesperson you
it advertised I would be grateful if you would advertised in this week’s Herald’s.
consider my application for the
vacancy in your London office.
Body -your age, present I am a seventeen-year-old student at Highgrove College.
occupation and I am currently studying for my A-levels in Business Studies, Law and
qualifications Economics. I have a full driving licence and a Cambridge Certificate in
Advanced English.
-say why you want I am particularly interested in this job as, when I leave school, I plan to
the job study business administration and this would be a perfect opportunity for me to
gain some experience.
Although I have no formal For the past two years I have been
experience, I have often helped out in working as a part-time shop assistant
-experience the family business, where I have at………………….
been responsible for duties such as Prior to this / Previously I worked at …
filing and taking telephone messages. on Saturday mornings for one year. In
both of these positions I was
responsible for sales and customer
services, which included dealing with
customers’ queries.
-skills and personal As far as my personality is concerned, I would describe myself as
qualities which industrious and motivated. I am a sociable person and I enjoy working with
make you suitable others as part of a team. I also believe I am capable of working alone and able to
for the job use my own initiative.

-mention you I enclose a reference I enclose a reference from my

enclose a CV from my teacher of…… present / former employer.
and/or references
from your teachers
or former/present
Conclusion -mention the If you wish me to attend an If you wish to discuss my
possibility of interview, I am available any time at suitability for the job I am available for
further contact your convenience / on weekday an interview any time at your
(e.g. availability afternoons. Thank you for convenience. Thank you for considering
for an interview) considering my application. my application. I look forward to
-thank for I look forward to hearing from you. hearing from you.
considering your
application Yours faithfully, Yours faithfully,
-closing remark Caroline Preston Caroline Preston

Read the following letter of application and fill in the blanks with one word :
Dear Sir / …………………….,
I would like to ……………for the ……………..of assistant at your art gallery. I saw your …………………
in The Guardian on June 12.
As you will see from my ……………, I have all the ……………………you require: a degree in art history and
several certificates in foreign languages.
I also have five year ………………of similar work at a small local gallery in my home town, Carnforth. While
working there, I was …………….for contacts with buyers both face to face and via the Internet.
My computer………………include using all the applications in both MS Office and Open Office.
I look …………………to meeting you in person. Please contact me at any of the e-mail addresses or telephone
numbers listed in the CV to arrange for an…………
Yours faithfully,
Sharon Collins

Complete the following letter using the words and phrases in the box :
you will consider my application I am particularly interested enable faithfully
I saw your advertisement in I have studied I have no direct experience
hearing from you when I leave school spend most of my free time
I would be able to start I would like to apply as well as
forward available enclose convenience also
Dear Sir / Madam,
……………………………………. our local newspaper and ……………... for the position of camp helper in
your summer camps in the USA.
I am 17 years old and I come from Buenos Aires in Argentina. I speak English fluently
as……………………………………… at school for 5 years.
……………………………………………….in finding a job in an English speaking country as,
…………………………….., I would like to go to university and maybe become an English teacher. Working in a
summer camp in the USA will …… me to gain experience with children ……………….… to improve my English.
I am very fond of sports and I ……………………………………. playing tennis, handball and football. I am
………………. a good swimmer.
Although ………………………………….in working with children, I have three young brothers and I often
babysit for my neighbours’ children.
……………………………………working any time after June the 30th.
I am …………………….. for an interview any time at your ………………
I ……………. references from my English and P.E. teachers and a CV.
I hope that……………………………………………………………………
I look …………………………. to……………………………….…..……
Yours ………………………..,
Ana Maria Caravello

Introduction -reason for writing Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Sir/Madam,
-include the name of the I read your advertisement I read your advertisement in the
course, when and where in the ‘Study in the UK’ magazine ‘Study in the UK’ magazine and I
you saw it advertised and I would like to apply for one would like to apply for one of your
of your intensive summer courses. scholarships.
Body -your age, present I am a seventeen-year –old student at a prestigious highschool in ….
occupation and I am currently studying for my A levels in….. / my major school subjects
qualifications are…

-give the required details I am fluent in English and French/ My level of English is advanced and I
about your skills, also have a good mastery of French. I hold an ECDL (European Computer
experience, level of ……, Driving License).

I have won several prizes in local competitions between high schools

-mention some of your
such as the first prize in an essay writing competition in September last year.
most important
achievements (if they are
I would like to take that course I would like to get this
-say why you want take /
as I intend to sit for a CAE exam scholarship in order to be able to study
follow this course or why
and I feel this course would give at a college in England. This would be
you want /need /
me the opportunity to expand my a good opportunity for me to improve
would deserve
knowledge of English and of my knowledge of English and of the
the scholarship
English culture. I am particularly English culture. I intend to become an
interested in improving my writing English teacher, therefore I will be able
and speaking skills. to share all the information and
I have acquired attending this course.
As far as my personality is concerned, I would describe myself as
-skills, interests and
industrious and motivated. I am a sociable person and I enjoy working with
personal qualities which
others as part of a team. I am fond of studying foreign languages and History.
make you suitable for the
I like being organized and having a balanced timetable.
course / scholarship

-enclose references
(if required) I enclose a reference from my teacher of……

conclusion -mention the possibility If you wish me to attend an If you wish to discuss my
of further contact interview, I am available any time at suitability for the course/ scholarship,
(e.g. availability for an your convenience / on weekday I am available for an interview any
interview) afternoons. Thank you for time at your convenience. Thank you
-thank for considering considering my application. for considering my application.
your application
-closing remark I look forward to hearing from you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully, Yours faithfully,

Caroline Preston Caroline Preston

-greeting Dear Sir / Madam,
-reason for writing = making reference to the input,
express interest, appreciation // concern and announce I am writing to say how much I enjoyed /I am writing
you have suggestions to make to congratulate you on the recent Ideal Homes Exhibition
and to make / put forward one or two suggestions for next
- at least two or three paragraphs, each referring to a Firstly / To begin with, the ideas for the living rooms
different problem about which suggestions are made were really / truly impressive. Perhaps in future years we
followed by the expected results could see a similar emphasis placed on other rooms in the
Making suggestions : house. One suggestion would be to feature more ideas for
- (I think ) It would be a good idea to / if… bathrooms and I am sure many of your visitors would
- If we / you were to… welcome inspiring ideas for kitchens and dining rooms as
- I think the best thing would be to… these would give potential buyers an overall picture of the
- One / Another suggestion is / would be to… house they would like to live in.
- Perhaps we / you could… Secondly, although / despite the fact that the ideas
- I suggest/recommend +vb+ING for protecting the environment were very well presented, I
- I suggest (that)+subject+(should) short infinitive think it would be necessary to include a feature about
- If +past simple, …..would + vb 1(if clause type 2) gardens as well. This way people would be able to design
their outdoor areas in a way which actually benefits the
Expected result : environment.
- This will / would mean that… Finally / Lastly, I recommend that you extend the
-This will/would lead to…/This will/would result in duration of the exhibition and reduce the cost of the tickets.
- As a result… If you were to remain open for a minimum of one week,
- Then, / This way, … more people would be able to visit it. What is more / In
- By doing this,… addition, if it were cheaper, then this would attract visitors
- The result / effect of this would be … from among the average people and thus the exhibition
would prove to be a really profitable event for more than a
-link the paragraphs with the appropriate connectors select few that can afford to spend money on other things
besides bare necessities.
-express hope your advice is / will be useful / taken into I hope that you find the above suggestions helpful /
consideration useful and I look forward to attending next year.
-closing remarks :
e.g. - a wish (e.g. wish the person good luck, wish Yours faithfully,
to get in touch soon etc.)
- an urge / encouragement Emma Brown

Read a students’s letter making suggestions for ways money could be spent to improve their school.
Complete the gaps using the following phrases :

Dear Mr. Newton,

I am writing on behalf of the students of Saint Paul’s College to express our gratitude for your most
generous donation to our committee. ______________________ are some suggestions for
improvements that could be made to our school.

_______________________, the library building is very old and in need of complete renovation.
________ it contains very old chairs and desks and most of them are dirty.
_____________________, the library is not really suitable for studying in. ______________the
variety of books, students often complain that they cannot find what they need.
_____________________dissatisfaction with the early closure. Perhaps if extra staff were hired,
opening hours could be expanded.

_________________________________________________________the lack of a fully equipped

computer center, which is shameful for a modern school as today’s jobs demand computer
up-to-date computers are purchased immediately.

________________________________________________is our sports facilities. It would be

marvellous if we could build a sports hall or even indoor tennis courts and maybe a swimming pool.

__________________________________________________the café cannot be used for special

events, as it is small and tastelessly decorated.

____________________________________aim to present students’ suggestions for necessary

improvements. I hope they will prove to be of assistance when it comes to your decisions.
______________ my fellow students and I thank you for your amazing offer.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Cristina Stamouli


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