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26/12/2018 Sophian.

org • Elohim: The All Powerful One
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Elohim: The All Powerful One

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Elohim: The All Powerful One
by Tau Malachi Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:00 am

Elohim: The All Powerful One

Elohim, this is the Name of God in creation and it appears thirty-two times in the story of creation;
as we know there are thirty-two Paths of Wisdom, and the use of Elohim thirty-two times in the
story of creation indicates that Elohim is the power of them all, they all draw their power from
Elohim. So it is with the entire matrix of creation, all creatures in heaven and on earth draw their
power from Elohim, and apart from Elohim nothing has power, nothing has light and life, or

This hints at the esoteric meaning of Elohim: the All Powerful One, for all powers of creation come
from Elohim and are the manifestation of the power of Elohim.

Understand, creation is ongoing, each day, each moment, creation is being renewed - spoken into
being; if ever this flow of emanation, creation, formation and action were to cease the entire
world, the entire matrix of creation, would cease to exist.

If a human being builds a structure, a house, having conceived it and formed it out of wood and
such, when it is complete and it is well built, if the human being walks away and departs from it
that structure, that house will still stand. This is not the case with the matrix of creation, or
heaven and earth, however, for if Elohim were removed and did not continually sustain it, the
matrix of creation would not remain. Likewise, though, if there were not restriction of the Infinite
and Eternal One, so the matrix of creation would be nullified and cease to exist in the unmeasured
presence and power of the Infinite; this too corresponds with the mystery of Elohim, restriction,
concealment, of the Infinite and Eternal that allows creation to come into being.

In the Holy Scriptures there is the name of Elohim specific, and there is the name of Elohim
general, or rather generic; specific refers to the Eternal One (Yahweh) as the All Powerful, the One
True God. Elohim in general, or rather generic, may refer to the plethora of divine beings in
creation, greater and lesser divinities, or to various kinds of angels, angels of heaven as well as
archons and demons, and at times refers to human beings serving as judges or authorities, and
such. This dual use of the name Elohim indicates the truth of Elohim as the power of all powers, as
stated above; all things draw their power, their authority and dominion, from Elohim, and apart
from Elohim, nothing has power, nothing has authority and dominion. This is true even of wicked,
evil rulers and demons, and it is a great mystery how this is so!

As is known, humankind is created in the image and likeness of Elohim, male and female, and the
name of Elohim connotes female and male - it is a feminine noun with a masculine plural; while
indeed, the Infinite and Eternal transcends gender, or male and female, within the Infinite and
Eternal One there is male and female, and the dynamic play of presence and power between male
and female, the generation of life and light.

This image and likeness of Elohim, of course, is not the human form that has evolved from great
apes, but rather is the spirit and soul of the human being, the life and light that is in them, and
more so the fiery intelligence that is in them and their power to imagine and speak, and to
therefore act as a conscious co-creator with Elohim, and more so, their capacity to draw near to
Elohim and realize conscious union with Elohim, and embody something of Elohim - God
Consciousness, Christ Consciousness. 1/15
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The name of Elohim is composed of five letters, and the soul is composed of five aspects, and the
inmost aspect of the soul, yechidah - divine spark, unique essence, is inseparable from the Infinite
Light and Eternal One; Yahweh Elohim indwells the inmost part of the soul, and if and when a soul
awakens and returns to Elohim, reintegrates with the Infinite Light and the Eternal One, the
radiance of Yahweh Elohim shines from within that one, and surrounds that one - radiance of
Eheieh, Supernal One. This corresponds with the realization of the image and likeness of Elohim,
the All Powerful One, and in this Elohim gives true authority and dominion - the kingdom of
heaven, and something of Shaddai, the Almighty, is embodied, as we witness in the person of
Yeshua Messiah, the Son of Elohim, Son of God. Praise God!

As is proclaimed by the holy and enlightened ones, “Yahweh is Elohim," the All Powerful One, and
here we may speak an open secret. The name of Elohim is given to all, for as is known Elohim came
to Laban and Balaam, and to other wicked ones; but the Unique Name of Yahweh is only given to
the children of Israel - the spiritual elect, this Most Holy Name that indicates no other but the
Infinite and Eternal. In this, too, is a mystery of the name of Elohim worthy of contemplation.

The mysteries of the name of Elohim, the All Powerful One, are infinite depths, and go on and on,
but this seems enough for the moment.

May Elohim bless and keep you this day! Amen.

Shaddai Shalom!

by Elder Gideon Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:48 pm

Shabbat Eve Shalom, Tau Malachi:

Then he said, ‘Let me go, for the day is breaking.’ But Jacob said, ‘I will not let you go, unless
you bless me.’ So he said to him, ‘What is your name?’ And he said, ‘Jacob.’ Then the man said,
‘You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have contended with Elohim and with
humans, and have prevailed’ (Genesis 32:26-28).

The name "Israel" is more layered to me with time than I could have appreciated in the past.
Everyone is contending with Elohim. Scientists and philsophers are contending with Elohim,
Faithful and atheists are contending, as are the elite and powerless. To exist is to contend. The
more we learn, the more questions arise. This process will have no end. For some, this leads to
crushing conclusions of despair: for others, playful humility. The process seems to be the point.

How you've described Elohim as the All Powerful One, for all powers of creation come from Elohim
and are the manifestation of the power of Elohim is a tremendous contemplation of power itself
and how power manifests through structure, for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good,
and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous (Matthew 5:45). Your contrasting a
structure a human builds from one Elohim builds is equally startling, for structures are power and
power moves through structures. Both are a manifestation of Elohim, for if Elohim were removed
and did not continually sustain it, the matrix of creation would not remain.

This is the first time I've heard the serpent power as this mystery of Elohim, for this power moves
through everything, cosmic and indwelling. There's no not-desiring. The question always is, What to
desire? Parallel with the first and final Hehs in YHVH, Upper and Lower Elohim are two key
attributes in the Tree of Life with Binah and Malkut, when Malkut is fully manifesting the
Sovereignty. Am I right to understand the cosmic and Supernal power of Elohim as Binah and the
indwelling power of Elohim as Malkut? This continues in the respective nuance of Imma and Nukva
manifesting this dimensionality.

What more may be said with regard to the power of Elohim manifest in these emanations of Binah 2/15
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and Malkut?


Elder Gideon

Re: Elohim: The All Powerful One

by Tau Malachi Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:00 am

Grace and peace to you in Yahweh Elohim, the Holy One!

First you must understand that Malkut called “Elohim” can indicate three different manifestations
or aspects of the lower, exterior Shekinah. As is known, it can mean the manifestation of Strict
Judgment, as in the use of “Elohim, Elohim” at the time of the “end of all flesh” in the generation
of Noah. However, in the coming of the Messiah - the Anointing, and the generation of Anointed
Community, Malkut as Elohim can also indicate the greater embodiment of the Messiah - God
Consciousness, in the Second Coming. There is also another meaning, though, contemplating
Elohim associated with Binah and Malkut, or the interior and exterior Shekinah; Elohim as Binah
corresponds with the power of the Infinite and Eternal that flows through the heavens, divine
beings and creatures in heaven reaching into the Supernal Abode, and Elohim as Malkut
corresponds with the power of the Infinite and Eternal that flows through the worlds and creation,
or the earth, and all spirits and creatures in them. As perhaps you might imagine, these three
mysteries of Malkut as Elohim are interconnected, and are, in fact, inseparable from one another,
for the true nature of Strict Judgment is for the eventual realization of the Messiah, and the
salvation, the enlightenment and liberation, of all creatures, all sentient beings.

It is true, the serpent power that is within all creatures and all things is the manifestation of
Elohim. The power of all things, the light and life of all things, comes from Elohim; and in essence,
the redemption of the serpent power, the fulfillment of the true desire of our soul, is the return of
this power to Elohim, the use of this power to enact the will of the Supernal One (Elyon) and the
embodiment of Messianic Consciousness - God Consciousness.

“Contending with Elohim,” this is the struggle to return this force of the soul to Elohim, the
struggle of the reintegration of the soul with the Infinite Light and Eternal One (Yahweh Elohim);
hence, the generation and realization of the image and likeness of Elohim.

For a moment let us contemplate this image and likeness. It is written:

“Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion…”
(Genesis 1:26).

It is also written:

So Elohim created humankind in His image, in the image of Elohim He created them; male and
female He created them” (Genesis 1:27).

“Let us make,” this indicates Elohim calling upon all divine and spiritual beings to place something
of their power into the Human One, the soul of the Human One would have something of the
knowledge and power of all creatures in heaven and on earth, even the powers of supernal princes
(sarim) and supernal holy and enlightened ones, uniting heaven and earth; and so along with this,
Elohim placed into the Human One something of Elohim, namely the “breath of Yahweh Elohim,”
the Eternal One, the All Powerful One, and so the Human One has dominion over all creation, the
heavens and earth, reaching into the Supernals, resembling Adam Elyon, the Supernal Human
Being. This is the image and likeness of Elohim, and the realization of this image and likeness we
see in Yeshua Messiah who embodied the fullness of Ruach Elohim and manifested Malkut, the Holy
Shekinah Shekinah, as Elohim. 3/15
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Understand what this means, it is given to the Human One - humankind, to be a co-creator with
Elohim, or, God forbid, a destroyer; through the thoughts, words and actions of humanity the
heavens and worlds of creation are realized, perfected and completed, that or they are
diminished, shattered and destroyed, all depending upon whether good or evil is enacted, and
what is embodied, whether the Holy Light and Spirit, or, heaven forfend, the spirit of folly, spirit
of the Other Side.

Understand, the image of Elohim is in us, in our soul, and therefore we can reveal and realize that
image, expand it, glorify and empower it, or we can, in effect, damage and diminish the image of
Elohim, corrupting the heavens and earth, or the matrix of creation, God help us!

In truth few realize the great power that is in them, the image of Elohim - the All Powerful One,
and few realize their innate unity with Yahweh Elohim; most strive with Elohim in a delusion of
lack, an illusion of separation, and as such cannot access Yahweh - Eternal Being, Eternal Life,
(Enlightened Being).

“Contending with Elohim,” this is the struggle to realize the great intelligence and power that is in
us, in our soul, and to direct that power well and wisely, in a truly godly manner, an enlightened
way; and as we see and know this is a tremendous struggle, and whether aware of it or not, all
human beings are engaged in this wrestling, striving, with Elohim, certainly so!

Consider the word for the evil serpent, nechash, and the word for the anointed of God (Elohim),
messiah, both equalling 358 and therefore indicating one and the same spiritual power; the
serpent, nechash, this power directed downward and outward, to the world and to evil, more or
less, and the anointed, messiah, this power directed inward and upward, heavenward and
Godward. Here is the contention, the struggle, with Elohim, and also struggling with the spiritual
forces of the klippot, evil, struggling with Elohim, for the power, the existence of all things is
drawn from Elohim, is a manifestation of the power of Elohim; apart from Elohim nothing has
power, nothing has existence.

In this regard we might consider the Spirit of God, Spirit of Messiah - Ruach Elohim, descending
upon Adonai Yeshua at the Sacred Jordan and then driving him out into the wilderness to be
tempted by the Adversary (Satan); if understood on an esoteric level, he went out into the
wilderness to “contend with Elohim,” and through the cross he was completely victorious as no
other before him - hence the full realization of the name of Israel.

Now there is more to be shared of the image of Elohim in our soul, but for the moment this seems
to be enough; let us pray, and let us contemplate this image of Elohim for a while, and wait upon
the Spirit of the Lord.

May Ruach Elohim bring about the full realization of the image of Elohim in us! Amen.

Shalom Aleichem!

Re: Elohim: The All Powerful One

by Martina Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 7:08 am

Greetings in the Light of the Holy One!

In the Shabbat discourse "The Divine Name Elohim" it was shared that the five letters of Elohim -
ALHYM correspond with the five levels of soul. Aleph corresponds with Yechida, our divine spark,
Lamed corresponds with Hayyah, our life force, He corresponds with Neshamah, our heavenly soul,
Yod corresponds with Ruach, our intelligence, and Mem corresponds with Nefesh, our earthly soul
and basis of the personality.

These correspondences seem an endless and beautiful contemplation of how our soul contends with
Elohim. What comes to mind is that Aleph hints at the oneness of our inmost soul with God. Lamed 4/15
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points to lev, our true heart. Through He we can become aware that the Holy One is right here in
our lives. In Yod, Ruach, our divine intelligence, the energy for our spiritual transformation is
contained and Mem points to Nefesh as the womb from which our holy soul is born.

There are also other names of God contained in the name Elohim pointing at mysteries: El - AL and
Yah - YH.

Shabbat Shalom!

Re: Elohim: The All Powerful One

by Tau Malachi Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:47 am

Grace and peace to you in the Blessed Name!

The image and likeness of Elohim in us is not our physical form, but rather our spiritual form, our
soul, though we may say that when our soul is awakened and realized, fully embodied, unified with
the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim), then something of Elohim may indeed flash forth through our
person and life, and our very flesh - a certain “likeness” may be manifest, as we witness in Messiah
Yeshua. The image and likeness of Elohim, though, is in fact our soul; the entirety of our soul when
awakened and realized, and reintegrated with the Holy Light and Spirit, but specifically, the image
and likeness of Elohim corresponds with our holy neshamah, our heavenly or supernal soul, and the
inner aspects of our soul, our yechidah, unique essence, and our hayyah, living essence.

Listen and hear, and understand! Our supernal zelem - image, corresponds with neshamah, and
just as Elohim is transcendent of creation, but at the same time immanent, so neshamah is
transcendent of our incarnations, but at the same time immanent, within and behind each and
every life. Likewise, just as Elohim is the power of all things in creation, the life and light of all
that arises and appears, so neshamah is the power of all of the incarnations of our soul, the life
and light of all ruachot and nefeshim; as has been said, the existence of all things depends upon
Elohim, and apart from Elohim nothing has power, nothing has existence, and so it is with
neshamah and our incarnations. It is neshamah from which the power of them all is drawn.

As we know, the power of heaven and hell, and everything in between, is drawn from Elohim, and
likewise whether incarnations lived in righteousness, godliness, or wickedness, ungodliness, this is
true of neshamah as well; hence, neshamah, image and likeness of Elohim.

Humankind created in the image of Elohim, male and female, this too points to neshamah, for as is
known neshamah can incarnate as male or female, and likewise in neshamah is the principle of
soulmates, and more so, the capacity of great tzaddikim, holy and enlightened ones, to engage
multiple simultaneous incarnations to preserve the Continuum of Light Transmission in the world
during dark times when the matrix of faith is weakened.

Elohim is transcendent and immanent, ever beyond the matrix of creation, yet pervading creation,
encompassing the entirety, heaven and earth, and so it is with the holy neshamah and the
countless incarnations of the soul, neshamah is ever beyond, yet pervades them all, abiding in the
Supernal Abode, yet emanating into the heavens and earth, uniting heaven and earth within us. As
we know, through the process of tzimtzum - countless restrictions, concealments, Yahweh Elohim
is revealed and manifest in creation, and likewise, through the process of tzimtzum - countless
restrictions, concealments, neshamah generates the ruachot and nefeshim of incarnations and
enters into them.

Indeed, neshamah abides forever in the eternal realm - the Supernal Abode, but emanating and
entering into incarnation neshamah descends through countless realms and worlds supernal,
spiritual and astral, taking up the play of incarnation - countless lives, and with each incarnation so
there is this process of tzimtzum - restrictions, concealments.

All of this speaks of the image of Elohim in us, and understand when neshamah and this supernal 5/15
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zelem - image, is realized, so something of Elohim is embodied in us, fullness of Ruach Elohim; this
is the truth and light embodied in Messiah Yeshua - the true kingdom of heaven. We also are
destined to embody the fullness of the Spirit of God, the All Powerful One, for the image of Elohim
is woven into us and is innate to us - it’s our true nature, our true being, as we are in the Light
Continuum, the Supernal Abode.

Now neshamah is within and behind all incarnations of the soul, and the power of all incarnations is
drawn from neshamah and the inner aspects of the soul, but throughout many incarnations there is
no direct influence of neshamah, for the direct influence and actual embodiment of neshamah
assumes the realization of nefesh and ruach, and a life lived in harmony with the desire of
neshamah and the will of the Supernal One (Ratzon Elyon). Thus, though within and behind,
through many lives neshamah has little, if any, direct involvement, remaining in effect
transcendent, but as souls awaken and become realized the neshamah takes up more and more
direct involvement and becomes truly immanent, directly involved.

In closing we may share that just as Elohim remains pure and pristine, completely unchanged,
whether the power of Elohim manifests as good or evil, light or darkness, something similar is true
of neshamah; though, indeed, ruach and nefesh are damaged and changed by sin or negative
karma, being tainted, traced, marked, stained and corrupted, in essence and nature neshamah is
never changed, never harmed, but remains pure and pristine, completely unchanged.

These are a few thoughts concerning the image of Elohim and the soul I wish to share this morning;
there is, no doubt, more to be shared about these great mysteries, but this seems enough for the

May Elohim bless you and keep you! Amen.

Shalom Aleichem!

Re: Elohim: The All Powerful One

by Tau Malachi Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 10:54 am

Grace and peace to you in Messiah Yeshua!

We have spoken of neshamah within and behind all incarnations of the soul, and this is true for the
ruachot and nefeshim of incarnations emanate from neshamah and the inner aspects of the soul.
On one hand, ruach and nefesh emanate from ruach and nefesh of neshamah, but on the other
hand, as taught in the Zohar, the ruachot of incarnations are generated from hayyah and the
nefeshim are generated from yechidah, and with each incarnation there is an emanation of
neshamah from neshamah - “sparks of neshamah.” On the surface these two teachings of the
emanation of the soul into incarnation might seem to conflict with one another, but in fact they do
not, for yechidah and hayyah are within neshamah, inseparable from neshamah, and it is through
neshamah that issuances of yechidah and hayyah emanate and become manifest. Thus, truly, the
life and light of all incarnations, the power of all incarnations, comes from neshamah, and as such,
in effect, neshamah is within and behind them all, though indeed ever transcendent, every beyond
the various incarnations of the soul.

This reflects something of the image of Elohim associated with neshamah, for the relationship of
Elohim and the matrix of creation is much the same, all things in creations deriving their power,
their existence, from Elohim - the All Powerful One; but understand, in much the same way that
neshamah is within and behind all incarnations, but in relationship with many there is little, if any,
direct influence of neshamah, and neshamah is not embodied, so with Elohim and many creatures
in the heavens and on earth, there may be little, if any, direct influence of Elohim - Elohim being
severely restricted and virtually complete concealed, and Elohim is not realized and embodied; in
place of Ruach Elohim, in a manner of speaking, another spirit becomes manifest, the spirit of
folly, the spirit of the Other Side - the Evil Inclination. 6/15
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So, indeed, neshamah is within and behind all incarnations of the soul, and is the power, the life
and light, within them all, but in many incarnations, in effect, it is a klippah, impure emanation of
neshamah, that is manifest, and a klippah of ruach and nefesh - impure, incomplete, emanations
of soul; hence, the karmic continuum of the soul in the gilgulim, the transmigrations of the soul.
Within and behind this, though, truly, there is neshamah in its innate purity and holiness,
transcendent, and the essence of neshamah is never altered or harmed in any way, never tainted,
stained, marked, traced or corrupted; there is this Great Natural Perfection underlying all
emanations, arisings, of the soul, this bornless and divine nature - supernal being.

Now we have said that neshamah in its essence is transcendental and supernal, and that when
when neshamah enters into incarnation - generating, emanating, ruach and nefesh, neshamah
undergoes a process of tzimtzum, literally countless restrictions, concealments, descending
through countless myriads of realms and worlds, reaching into Asiyah, the material universe and
world. Indeed, so much so that it may be said that what becomes manifest of our holy neshamah in
any incarnation are “sparks of neshamah” in comparison to the essence and fullness of neshamah
in the Light Continuum or Supernal Abode; to us, though, in relationship to powers in this world,
those “sparks” are like great stars, suns - a great light-presence and light-power.

Here and there throughout the generations there a Perfect Tzaddikim and Great Tzaddikim that
arise who embody something of the essence of their holy neshamah - something much more than
sparks; but generally speaking when there is direct influence of neshamah in an incarnation and
the embodiment of something of neshamah, it is “sparks of neshamah.”

In this way neshamah is within and behind all incarnations of the soul, and is accessible to us in any
incarnation, including our present incarnation, if we are willing to pursue a conscious evolution,
spiritual realization, and desire to return to God (Elohim), or desire to reintegrate with the Infinite
Light and Supernal One.

The root and essence of neshamah is in the Universe, World of Atzilut, and is completely supernal
and transcendental, but the emanation and manifestation of neshamah corresponds with the
Universe, World of Beriyah. From Neshamah the ruachot and nefeshim of our incarnations
emanate, ruach corresponding with the Universe, World of Yetzirah, and nefesh corresponding with
the Universe, World of Asiyah. Understand, these various grades of our soul are woven of
something of the ten Sefirot of there corresponding Olam-Universe so that something of the ten
Sefirot is within each aspect of the soul. Thus, quite literally, our soul reaches, descends, from
Atzilut and spans all of these Olamot-Universes/Worlds, and all of the Holy Sefirot; something of
all of these spiritual powers of the matrix of creation, along with something of the power of
Elohim, is woven into our souls.

When we generate nefesh elokit, a godly soul, and nefesh is joined with ruach, and the sparks of
our holy neshamah are drawn in, as we enact what is good and true - faith and love, through our
actions, words and thoughts, so we realize, expand and complete something of the corresponding
Olamot and Sefirot, and bring about the tikkune, mending, of Olamot and Sefirot. Conversely, if
and when we fall into the sate of nefesh behamit, a bestial soul, and we enact sin, error,
negativity, we damage our soul - nefesh and ruach, and we, in effect, expel the sparks of
neshamah from us, cutting off the influence of neshamah; this diminishes and damages the
corresponding Olamot and Sefirot, or realms and worlds of the inner dimensions, and rather than
creating new heavens and new angels - empowering heavens and angels, it creates realms and
worlds of Samael - empowering hells and demons, God help us!

As we have said, neshamah remains unharmed, unchanged, throughout the journey of the soul in
gilgulim, but nefesh can be damaged, even shattered, and ruach can be damaged and corrupted,
though the essence of ruach, which is in neshamah, is not damage or corrupted. In that our soul is
interwoven with the Olamot and Sefirot, what transpires with our soul affects all of these inner
realms and worlds, effecting astral and spiritual realms and worlds, along with the material world.
This potential negative, harmful, effect reaches into inmost spaces of Beriyah, the spiritual
universe and the realms and worlds in it. 7/15
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There is, however, great mercy in the image of Elohim set into humankind, and the transcendence
of neshamah from damage or corruption, as well as the interior aspects of ruach that are free from
damage or corruption, the essence of ruach, for though a soul might fall into sin, error, negativity -
klippot, and the “body” of Elohim be harmed, diminished and degraded, there is virtually always
the potential, possibility, of teshuvah-repentance, and the tikkune-mending of the soul, and so the
tikkune of whatever damage has been done to the realms and worlds of the inner dimensions.
Understand, the redemption of lower, exterior, aspects of the soul are in the higher, interior
aspects. Thus, though through sin, error, negativity, nefesh might be damaged - through an
engagement in wrong actions, in ruach there is redemption of nefesh; likewise, though through sin,
error, negativity, the lower, exterior aspects of ruach might be damaged or corrupted - through
engagement of wrong words, in neshamah there is redemption of ruach; likewise, if the sparks of
neshamah are expelled, exiled, through sin, error, negativity - through engagement in wrong
thoughts, there is redemption in the essence of neshamah, that of the soul that remains
unchanged, transcendent. The reception of mercy assumes, however, a striving for teshuvah-
repentance, and tikkune-mending; a seeking of a return to right action, right speech and right
thought - a return to God (Elohim).

That neshamah is ultimately transcendent of this play of the gilgulim, and we are created in the
image of Elohim, so virtually always, if there is a fall into klippot - generation of klippot, teshuvah-
repentance and tikkune-mending is always possible; hence, a return to God (Elohim). As has been
said, the higher, interior aspects of the soul hold the healing and redemption of the lower, exterior
aspects of the soul. If there is sin, error, with nefesh - actions, there can be healing and
redemption of nefesh through ruach; likewise is there is sin, error with ruach - speech, or
thoughts, there can be healing and redemption of ruach through neshamah. Though our thoughts
correspond with neshamah, as we have said the essence of neshamah remains unchanged, but
when there is sin, error, in thoughts and mentalities, as with words, speech, ruach is effected;
hence, speech and thought with ruach. If the sin, error, is in speech, the healing and redemption is
through the interior of ruach, the essence of ruach in neshamah, and if in thought or mentalities
then neshamah proper; but these aspects of soul that remain uncorrupted, that are not damaged
or harmed, this corresponds with the mercy and grace of God (Elohim) woven into the soul, and
regardless of the sin, error, healing and redemption are always possible through teshuvah-

There are, however, conditions that can occur that may prevent healing or redemption in a given
incarnation - the shattering of nefesh and radical corruption of the exteriors of ruach, and so a
radical divorce of nefesh from ruach, and ruach from neshamah. This corresponds with “blasphemy
of the Holy Spirit [Ruach Elohim] is the only unforgivable sin,” as the Master has taught; hence,
the manifestation of “Elohim, Elohim,” as with the “end of all flesh” in the time of Noah. If and
when such conditions are created, Lord forbid, there remains the possibility for mercy, for healing
and redemption through teshuvah-repentance, but a soul must pass through death and afterlife
states, and the healing and redemption of the soul will be in a future life. Something similar is also
true of those souls that stand in great ignorance, cleaving to darkness, who are unrepentant
throughout life, then the healing and redemption of the soul is in a future life.

The healing and redemption of souls comes through neshamah and Ruach Elohim, and the tikkune-
mending of damage done to realms and worlds of the inner dimensions, or to the “body of Elohim,”
or “image of Elohim,” is brought about with the healing and redemption of the soul. Understand,
the very moment there is teshuvah-repentance and a soul returns to God (Elohim), there is an
immediate response of God and heaven, an immediate manifestation of mercy and forgiveness; this
manifests as an issuance of radiance of the Supernal Crown - influx of the Supernals, to neshamah,
and through neshamah something of that holy radiance reaches into ruach, and through ruach into
nefesh. This influx of radiances streams into the soul and into the heavens mending the damage
done, healing and redeeming; with this Ruach Elohim moves, embracing the soul, restoring the soul
to its previous grade, and if a soul continues in teshuvah-repentance, Ruach Elohim may uplift and
exalt the soul to an even higher grade than before, and so the soul may receive a greater influx of
the Holy Light and Spirit of God [Ruach Elohim].

Throughout all of this there is a generation and evolution of the image of Elohim in us, and a 8/15
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progressive realization of the breath of Yahweh Elohim in us - our neshamah, and it is the power of
Elohim, Ruach Elohim, that drives this spiritual evolution and realization, and that ultimately
perfects and completes it.

Concerning the deep mysteries of Elohim, understanding the image of Elohim in us, so you will
understand that through our thoughts, words and actions it is given that we determine the
manifestation of Elohim to us and within this world, whether Elohim manifest as God the True
Light and the divine powers, or the false, impure lights and archonic powers, or shades and
shadows, the demonic powers; hence, Elohim in Mercy or Elohim in Judgment, Elohim in peace or
Elohim in contention, Elohim - the All Powerful One.

There is more that can be said concerning the sparks of neshamah, but that is for another time;
this is enough for the moment.

May you know peace with Elohim on this Holy Day of Rest! Amen.

Shabbat Shalom!

Re: Elohim: The All Powerful One

by Aj1 Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:44 am

Lot of comfort in those ideas. Is there an association with the redemptive, healing power of the
Eucharist. My body, the fullness of elohim.

Re: Elohim: The All Powerful One

by Tau Malachi Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:50 am

Grace and peace to you in Hayyah Yeshua!

There is something more that can be shared concerning the sparks of neshamah. As has been said,
neshamah is within and behind all incarnations of the soul, and according to the Holy Kabbalah
neshamah is centered in the brain, while ruach is centered in the heart and nefesh is centered in
the liver and blood. Though neshamah may be centered in the brain, the head, at the outset of an
incarnation neshamah is makifin, “encircling the head” and remains transcendent. In order for the
sparks of neshamah to become p’nimi, internalized, and their radiance to pervade the brain and
reach into the heart - ruach, there must be a progressive generation of nefesh elokit, a godly soul,
and the cultivation of ruach, our human and divine intelligence, and nefesh needs to be aligned
and unified with ruach; hence, the lower, exterior aspects of the soul need to be developed and
evolved - realized, more or less, and then the direct influence of neshamah can enter into our
incarnation, our person and life. In a manner of speaking, it is ever present, but we must align and
open ourselves to it.

Something similar is true with regards to Ruach Elohim, though indeed Ruach Elohim is the life and
light in us and all things, the greater manifestation of Ruach Elohim, like the sparks of neshamah,
is makifin, encircling, transcendent, at the outset and needs to become p’nimi, internalized,
embodied. In this, perhaps, we may contemplate the teaching of Adonai Yeshua that to enter into
the kingdom of heaven we must be reborn of water and the Spirit, we must be reborn from
“above,” from heaven; hence, we must experience an influx of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the
Messiah (Ruach Elohim), and we may say that in the Messiah, receiving the Holy Spirit, so also
radiance of our holy neshamah - our supernal and heavenly soul. Thus, truly, we are reborn from
above, from heaven.

The most essential key in the realization of our soul in the Messiah is the play of Light Transmission
- the Anointing; hence, the reception of the Holy Light and Spirit from above.

Through the Holy Light and Spirit the true image of Elohim is generated in us, and something more, 9/15
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the image and likeness of Yahweh Elohim; realization of the breath of Yahweh Elohim in us - our
soul and the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) unified.

When the wedding feast (eucharist) is taken up by an Anointed Tzaddik and their companions, and
it is celebrated with full kavvanah (conscious intention, concentration) and devekut (cleaving,
devotion) it can become a vehicle or mode of Light Transmission; hence the common proclamation
in the tradition during the celebration of the feast of bread and wine, “this is my body and blood,
my body is light and my blood is fire” - radiance of the Spiritual Sun of God (Elohim). Naturally, if
there is such a movement of the Spirit of the Messiah in a feast of bread and wine there is healing
of souls and mending of realms and worlds of the inner dimensions; the heaven and angels are
strengthened, and new heavens and new angels may be created.

If we consider the full and perfect generation of the image of Elohim, body of Elohim, this is the
Messiah - the Anointed.

There are numerous vehicles and modes of Light Transmission and the communication of the Holy
Spirit, however; there is transmission, communication, through mystic word, radiant holy breath
and the laying on of hands, and through a glance or gaze or conscious intention of an Anointed
Tzaddik, and through visitations of the “angel” of a Tzaddik, and so on; and as has been said, the
full healing and redemption of the soul - realization of the soul, is intimately connected with the
experience of the various gradations of Light Transmission, various influxes of the Holy Light and
Spirit. In any moment of Light Transmission manifest in this world there is a healing of souls and
tikkune-mending of the matrix of creation - there is redemption.

Now, we have spoken of neshamah as our “greater intelligence” or “true intelligence” - it is the
intelligence of our bornless being, our divine or enlightened nature. Understand, with nefesh there
is the experience of body consciousness, physical consciousness and vital consciousness - the lower
vital along with the ordinary mind; with ruach there is the experience of the higher vital and
higher mind, reaching into the experience of the illumined mind; with neshamah there is the
experience of the intuitive mind, cosmic consciousness and the overmind, reaching into supernal or
supramental consciousness - Messianic Consciousness. Thus, these various aspects of the soul
correspond with a vast array of gradations of consciousness and intelligence from the physical,
material, to the supernal and transcendental; hence, from Asiyah to Atzilut, and concerning the
inmost aspects of the soul, yechidah, this has its root in Adam Kadmon.

In closing I would remind you, my friends, that there is an even greater power of teshuvah-
repentance with the coming of the Messiah, an even greater manifestation of mercy and
compassion, and the forgiveness, healing, of sin - there is Abundant Mercy, Supernal Grace; thus, if
and when we sin, error, or fall into negativity, the very instant we return to the Lord forgiveness,
healing, is very swift - it just is! Praise the Lord!

Indeed, though we have spoken of the potential peril of souls and various potential pitfalls, these
teachings of the image of Elohim and the soul are comforting and hopeful - very encouraging;
truly, Good News!

This seems enough for today; here I’m inclined to pause and abide, waiting upon the Spirit of the

May the Holy One smile upon you this day and bless you! Amen.

Shalom Aleichem!

Re: Elohim: The All Powerful One

by Aj1 Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:56 am

Rich information thanks. So this p' nimi is facilated by literally internalising the body and blood at
the wedding feast ,right. 10/15
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Re: Elohim: The All Powerful One

by Tau Malachi Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:07 am


P'nimi, internalization, corresponds with integration, realization, whether aspects of the soul,
knowledge, understanding and wisdom, influxes of Divine Attributes (Sefirot), or the Holy Light and
Spirit, and so on; in terms of the wedding feast it is the integration of the light-power and
blessings that may be transmitted through the consecrated talisman of bread and wine when we
eat and drink in the fullness of faith and devotion, inwardly cleaving to the Messiah and Holy One.
What a given individual receives is dependent upon their faith and knowledge, and their kavvanah
and devekut in the holy feast.

If we ponder integration, this happens as we translate the energy and blessings received into right
thought, right speech and right action - good works, and in this way there is p'nimi, internalization,

It's good that we have peak spiritual and mystical experiences, but then we need to live according
to the truth and light revealed, embodying it through our thoughts, words and actions, being
transformed by it; this is realization, and then, truly, we have received.


Soul Fields
by Elder Gideon Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:38 pm

Shalom Tau Malachi:

When we generate nefesh elokit, a godly soul, and nefesh is joined with ruach, and the sparks of
our holy neshamah are drawn in, as we enact what is good and true - faith and love, through our
actions, words and thoughts, so we realize, expand and complete something of the corresponding
Olamot and Sefirot, and bring about the tikkune, mending, of Olamot and Sefirot.

I believe I'm just beginning to grasp something of the interrelationship between parts of soul and
olamot. While I recognize that they're not to be equated exactly, I am sensing something of what
I'll call a microcosmic field of influence these collective parts of soul bear upon corresponding,
macrocosmic olamot. When I regard not just my nefesh but all nefeshim as a field of action, I
clearly see what it is and does to Asiyah. When I consider not only my ruach but all ruachot as a
field of speech, it's obvious what this is and does to and with the physical environment. Likewise
with outer aspects of neshamah, inseparable in a field of mentalities, the power of what comes to
pass in human history is held simultaneously by millions of souls.

Given these interconnecting layers, what we do, say, and imagine matters. You've said for years
that one's own breakthrough into tikkunim is equally a breakthrough in corresponding olamot-
universes. There's a symbiosis at work here between individuals and the fields each one spans from
their mentalities to their speaking to their acting. What more may be said of neshamot, ruachot,
and nefeshim as fields interacting within their corresponding olamot?


Elder Gideon

Re: Elohim: The All Powerful One

by Tau Malachi Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:01 pm
Grace and peace to you from Messiah Yeshua, Adonai!

There is an essential truth, one that we must recognize and realize as our soul awakens. It is this, 11/15
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that the essential nature of our soul, and all that appears is Ain, No-Thingness, and our soul and all
things arise from this; more so, the reality of our experience on every level is a radiant or magical
display of our mind, consciousness or soul, as though a “field” or matrix of our own energy, and
the reality of our experience corresponds with the energy and vibration of our thoughts, words and
actions - mind, heart and life (body). This is true in waking consciousness, incarnation, sleep and
dream, and death and the afterlife, and it is true in the material, astral, spiritual and supernal
dimensions. Though there are realities that are completely our own energy, in general as our soul
becomes manifest in the various realms, worlds and universes of creation there is a play of co-
arising in a great collective of spirits and souls, or sentient beings, and the realm, world and
universe of our experience is a co-creation with all living spirits and souls that appear within it,
that realm, world and universe being inseparable from all spirits and souls within it. Thus, in a
manner of speaking, the realms, worlds and universes of creation that appear in every dimension
correspond with an energetic field, matrix, of the spirits and souls that are within it, and the
spirits and souls that are within it co-create that reality-display in Elohim, with Elohim, and they
are inseparable from it, the entire reality being a radiant or magical display of their own energy
and vibration - thoughts, words and actions, or their imaginations.

Now there is something more to be said of “soul fields,” along another angle of contemplation,
though intimately connected to what has been shared. It may be said that Asiyah corresponds with
a field of nefeshim - all nefeshim, and that Yetzirah corresponds with a field of ruachot - all
ruachot, and that Beriyah corresponds with a field of neshamot - all neshamot, the essences of
neshamot corresponding with Adam Kadmon and Atzilut, the Realm of Yichud (Unity). Understand,
though indeed individual and distinct from one another, nefeshim, ruachot and neshamot are
completely interdependent and interconnected, and exist in a vast co-arising from their primordial
foundation, Ain, and their source, the Holy One of Being, the Infinite and Eternal One. Underlying
all that arises and appears there is this Sacred Unity - Oneness, all sharing the same inmost essence
and nature, Ain, and emanating from the same source, the Primordial and Supernal One.

In this, perhaps, you might glean the truth of Elohim as the “One and Many - All One,” and so the
All Powerful One.

As is known, angels enact the Word of God (Elohim) weaving the matrix of creation with the Spirit
of God (Ruach Elohim), and there are angels (Tzavaot) that are within and behind all that appears.
Likewise, as is known, the heavens are composed of angels and created by angels, and archonic
realms are composed of archons and created by archons, and hell realms are composed of demons
and created by demons, but in this creation of heavens, archonic realms and hells, and various
realms and worlds, there is a play of co-creation with the fields of nefeshim, ruachot and
neshamot in them, and it is the thoughts, words and actions of the generations of Adam -
humankind, that determines the balance of spiritual forces, and their dominions, movements and

“Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness…”, the power of Elohim and
something of the power of all spiritual forces woven into the souls of human beings, and therefore
human souls are given the power of co-creators with Elohim and the countless hosts of spiritual
forces (Tzavaot); according to the actions, words and thoughts of human beings, human souls, so
spiritual forces are increased or diminished, having more or less influence and power in the matrix
of creation, the realms, worlds and universes of creation. With every thought, word and action
corresponding spiritual forces are invoked and generated, whether divine, archonic or demonic,
and there is a play of expansion and contraction of corresponding realms and worlds of creation,
and corresponding shifts in the play of fates and fortunes in this world, whether towards Mercy or
Judgment, or Compassion.

If and when influxes of the Holy Sefirot are invoked, angels are strengthened, heavens are
expanded, and the glory and power of the Holy Shekinah is increased, but if and when the
issuances of klippot are invoked, archons and demons are strengthened, corresponding realms and
worlds are generated, and the Holy Shekinah is “sent into exile,” the klippah of Malkut comes into
dominion - the “Other Woman,” the “Concubine”; hence, the Shekinah manifests in Judgment, and
when humankind ventures too far into the Other Side, then Strict Judgment, as in the generation 12/15
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of Noah.

The potential negative effects of thought, speech and action reach through Asiyah, Yetzirah and
Beriyah, or the material, astral and spiritual dimensions, but they do not reach into Atzilut, or the
supernal dimension; the effects of right thought, right speech and right action, however, reach
into Atzilut, actualizing and realizing the infinite potential of the Universe of the Sefirot,
generating and expanding the light realms and light worlds of that universe - the Pleroma of Light,
the World-That-Is-Coming.

As has been said, the essence of neshamot remains forever unchanged, pure and pristine, but in
the journey and awakening of the soul through the gilgulim the essence of neshamah is actualized
and realized, the greater presence and power of the soul becoming embodied, and as this
transpires, so the co-generation of the World-That-Is-Coming and the establishment in that
Supernal Abode.

May something of the kingdom of heaven be revealed on earth this day as it is in the Supernal
Abode; may there be an outpouring of Supernal Mercy, Supernal Grace in the Blessed Name of
Yeshua Messiah, the Lamb of Elohim! Amen.

Yahweh Shalom!

by Elder Gideon Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:01 am

Shabbat Shalom, Tau Malachi:

I'm elated to finally hear how part of what composes any realm are the beings-forces populating its
context. This makes so much sense. The vibe of any "place" in the physical plane often has so much
to do with who's there. Either by who's attracted or what is generated or both, a place is
inseparable from its constituents. If this is true here outside my window looking from house to
house in my own neighborhood, how much more true this becomes as the context widens.

Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness, the power of Elohim and
something of the power of all spiritual forces woven into the souls of human beings, and therefore
human souls are given the power of co-creators with Elohim and the countless hosts of spiritual
forces (Tzavaot); according to the actions, words and thoughts of human beings, human souls, so
spiritual forces are increased or diminished, having more or less influence and power in the matrix
of creation, the realms, worlds and universes of creation.

This ninth of ten utterances of Elohim you've quoted above, Let us make humankind in our image,
according to our likeness, happens to correspond to the ninth sefirah Yesod and its principle Divine
Name Shaddai. In your beautiful response to souls as field, I'd like to contribute another layer with
a Hebrew word sadah which, though with different vowels, takes forms spelled exactly like
Shaddai: sadey. Mysteriously, sadey means field, ground, land, country, and plain. The forms in
Genesis of sadah seem to connote human contact while in Psalms, sadey connotes beasts, as in

All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field (Psalm 8:7)

Between Shaddai and sadey, what more be said of these fields from which Elohim is continually
creating images and likenesses of souls on the Sixth Day?


Elder Gideon

Re: Power of Shaddai, the Almighty

by Tau Malachi Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:12 am 13/15
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Grace and peace to you in Yahweh Elohim, Shaddai!

Your insight into the Sixth Day corresponding with Shaddai and the same letters spelling sadey-
fields is delightful dear brother. It stirs wonderful contemplations and invokes revelations of deep
mysteries. With God’s help let us consider this.

The verse goes on to say:

“…and let them have dominion…”

Contemplating the passage of the Sixth Day further:

“Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and
subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every
living thing that moves upon the earth.’ Elohim said, ’See, I have given you every plant yielding
seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have
them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and everything that
has the breath of life, I have given green plant for food,” And it was so” (28-30).

“Dominion,” or divine authority and power, this corresponds with Shaddai, the Almighty, and in
this blessing of humankind, in effect, in this world, in the matrix of creation, humanity is given
dominion over all creatures and environments like that of Shaddai, humanity is made “almighty”
over all creatures, and all realms and worlds. Thus, in the creation of humankind and this blessing
of humankind, along with power of Elohim and all spiritual forces, so also the power of Shaddai,
the Almighty, is woven into human souls.

Shaddai, of course, corresponds with holding the balance of the fates and destinies of spirits and
souls, and likewise the power to bring about radical shifts in the matrix and spiritual forces of
creation, or to supersede the laws of nature, the natural order; hence, the power of great
wonders, great miracles - “magical” powers. We witness something of this simply on a physical,
material level, as the choices humankind makes and how humankind lives directly influences and
determines the fate and destiny of the earth, the environment, and all that is in it; this power,
though, reaches beyond this world into inner dimensions and the realms and worlds that appear in
them, reaching into the heavens and beyond.

As we know, it was given to Adam, the Human One, to tend the Garden of Eden, and later to till
the earth - cultivating the earth, “cultivating fields.” As is known, on an esoteric level cultivating
fields is cultivating the soul, or consciousness, and as such cultivating fields corresponds with the
material dimension, but also the astral, spiritual and supernal dimensions, and the worlds and
realms within them; hence, the action of co-creators with Elohim, laboring for the tikkune-
mending of creation, the perfection and completion of creation - actualization and realization of
all spiritual powers within and behind creation.

Listen and hear, and understand! The power of Elohim and power of Shaddai is set into Adam -
humanity, but also the power of Yahweh, the Eternal One; for according to the Holy Torah Yahweh
Elohim breathes a living soul - a fiery intelligence, into Adam. As we know, the full realization of
what was woven into the First Adam (Adam Ha-Rishon) is in the Second Adam, the Messiah (Adam
Elyon). Thus, with the coming of the Messiah the Holy Name of God given in the Book of Apocalypse
is Yahweh Elohim, Shaddai, Eternal God, the Almighty; the image and likeness of Yahweh Elohim
Shaddai, was realized and embodied in Messiah Yeshua, and so the full presence and power
(Shekinah) of Yahweh Elohim, Shaddai - conscious union with the Supernal One. Praise God -

Shaddai, the power to supersede the natural order, and to fulfill the law and the prophets; hence,
the manifestation of the Order of Regeneration - a new humanity, and a new heaven and earth in
the Risen Messiah. In this the dawn of true Divine Consciousness - Supernal or Messianic
Consciousness, and in this the experience of conscious union with Yahweh Elohim, the Eternal All
Powerful One. This is the destiny of spiritual humanity, the chosen - spiritual Community of Israel. 14/15
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This is woven into us, this of preordained from the very outset of creation; it’s the original
intention of the Infinite One in creation - the purpose of creation.

The second meaning of fields, as in “beasts of the field,” corresponds with souls bound up in the
ignorance, forgetfulness, and so bound up in aimless wandering within the gilgulim, unaware of
their origin, and therefore having no desire to return to God (Elohim), unable to return to the
Pleroma of Light, the Supernal Abode. May God deliver us!

With the coming of the Messiah, of course, there is deliverance, salvation, the Path of Return - the
Great Ascension, is opened before us and the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) leads us in the Way and
uplifts us, healing and redeeming us. Praise the Lord - Yahweh, Yoshua!

Now with something of the power of all spiritual forces is woven into us, so the power of Tzavaot is
in us, and with Yahweh the power of Yah, and being given dominion, rulership, something of the
power of Adonai. Likewise Eheieh, for within each of us is something of the I Am, I Will Be; hence,
something of the spiritual power of all of the Names of God is woven into our souls, including the
144 Names that have been revealed to us, the full power of which was realized in the resurrection
of Adonai Yeshua - power of all Holy Names, “the image of Elohim.”

In closing there is a secret mystery to be revealed, an esoteric interpretation of Genesis 1:28-30.

Perhaps you may recall the teaching of the Zohar concerning the Third Day and the generation of
seed bearing plants and fruit trees as the generation of angels of creation, temporary angels and
permanent angels - angels of various durations of existence, and various levels of knowledge and
power. Here in this passage seed bearing plants and fruits are given to humankind as “food”;
hence, the light of angels, powers of heaven, feeding the souls of spiritual humanity. Likewise it is
said in the Zohar that wherever “birds of the air” appears in the Torah we may read it as “angels,”
here in this passage the supernal angels, supernal sarim, and so with the various creatures we may
understand various spiritual beings, spiritual forces, spiritual humanity having the power to
influence and move them, and ultimately being destined to be exalted beyond them, as we see
with Enoch and his translation into Metatron, and more so, as we see in the Risen Messiah, the
Lamb of God (El, Elohim). When souls are turned Godward, Heavenward, so the Spirit of God
merges with them and the spiritual powers of the kingdom of heaven are set into them, and they
are sustained by the heavens, and though in this world, they are not of this world, they are a
spiritual human being, a person of heaven - child of God, child of the True Light.

There is the time of tilling and planting, and there is the time of harvest; truly, this is the time of
harvest and the harvest is plentiful, just as Adonai Yeshua taught!

O Holy One, we bless Your Name and invoke Your Name, Yahweh Elohim Shaddai, and we pray
may many laborers be sent into the fields of sentient existence to bring in the harvest of souls,
gathering all into You (Atoh)! Amen.

Yeshua Shalom!

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