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9/7/2019 Lobby | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

by Cecily Channell, WBDG Staff
Updated: 05-09-2016

The lobby space type includes foyers, entries to halls, and
security screening areas at or near the entrance to a building or WITHIN THIS PAGE
demarcated space, and are meant to welcome and direct tenants Overview
and visitors, control access, and provide exit ways from buildings. Space Attributes
This space type is often designed with both secure and Relevant Codes and Standards
nonsecure areas. The lobby space type does not include elevator Additional Resources
lobbies. Building lobbies often serve as the "public face" of
building interiors.

The character and function of a lobby space often in uence a visitor's rst impression upon entering a
building. Key design concerns for this space type include balancing aesthetics, security, and operational
considerations. Typical features of lobby space types include the list of applicable design objectives
elements as outlined below. For a complete list and de nitions of the design objectives within the context
of whole building design, click on the titles below.

Aesthetics (/Design-Objectives/Aesthetics)
Utilize appropriate nishes, furniture, signage, and art to re ect the public nature of the space.

A spatial compression/release experience can enhance the aesthetic experience (outside approach,
compression thru entrance doors/vestibule, release in lobby/atrium).

Well-designed lobbies provide workers/occupants with a relief opportunity, such as breaks, from
more con ned spaces (also see productive). 1/4
9/7/2019 Lobby | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

Functional / Operational (/Design-Objectives/Functional-

Consider combining employee and visitor entrance to spaces.

Design space to accommodate peak loads.

Equipment that must be installed in lobbies should be of a low pro le variety and consolidated with
other equipment to minimize bulk.

Consider air pressurization and entrance door design to mitigate stack effect at tall building
entrance and elevator lobbies.

Specify durable nishes to accommodate maximum pedestrian traf c.

Historic Preservation (/Design-Objectives/Historic-Preservation)

Public buildings will often have historic features in lobbies and hallways, requiring—and deserving—
special design treatment in renovations.

Maintain the historic character of spaces while modernizing for enhanced security, accessibility, and
general circulation.

Equipment that must be installed in historic lobbies should be placed carefully to avoid altering the
original spatial con guration of the lobby. Place security equipment in ancillary spaces where

Productive (/Design-Objectives/Productive)
Lobby spaces requiring 24-hour operation should be provided with a dedicated HVAC system.

For lobby spaces at the exterior of a building, a dedicated air-handling unit should be provided to
maintain positive pressurization.

Design lobbies to provide workers/occupants with a relief opportunity—such as breaks—from more

con ned spaces.

Secure / Safe (/Design-Objectives/Secure-Safe)

In higher-risk facilities, separate secure and nonsecure areas with turnstiles, metal detectors or
other devices used to control access to secure areas. A control desk and bag checking area should
be located within the secure area. Mechanical ductwork, piping and main electrical conduit runs
should not extend from one area to the other. Traf c separation devices should be exible and
portable to allow for changing traf c patterns.

Design control points such that secure areas cannot be bypassed. Ensure that security personnel
can properly observe all areas of control points.

Larger security screening areas should be located in conjunction with art installations, visitor
seating and exterior entrances. Adequate space should be set aside for queuing. If queuing will
occur, the area should be enclosed in blast resistant construction.

Avoid installing features such as trash receptacles or mailboxes that can be used to hide devices in
nonsecure areas. 2/4
9/7/2019 Lobby | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

Avoid using raised oor systems in nonsecure areas.

Location of re command center and emergency elevator control panel requires design integration
with lobby wall nish, BAS systems, re protection systems, and building communications systems.

Design of lobby doors to street must account for egress from higher oors if stairs exit into lobby,
and not directly to the outside.

Sustainable (/Design-Objectives/Sustainable)
For lobby spaces at the exterior of a building, utilize daylighting (/resources/daylighting) to reduce
electric lighting needs.

Consider air lock or vestibules at entrance doors to prevent loss of heating/cooling.


The following agencies and organizations have developed codes and standards affecting the design of
lobbies. Note that the codes and standards are minimum requirements. Architects, engineers, and
consultants should consider exceeding the applicable requirements whenever possible:

GSA PBS-P100 Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service (/ffc/gsa/criteria/pbs-p100)

GSA Public Buildings Service Pricing Desk Guide, Edition No. 2


International Building Code (

Federal Courthouse (/building-types/federal-courthouse-1), Land Port of Entry (/building-types/land-
port-entry-1), Of ce Building (/building-types/of ce-building), Government Laboratory (/building-

Accessible—Provide Equal Access and Flexibility (/design-objectives/accessible/provide-equal-access-
exibility), Aesthetics—Understanding the Language and Elements of Design (/design-
objectives/aesthetics/understanding-language-elements-design), Functional / Operational—Account for
Functional Needs (/design-objectives/functional-operational/account-functional-needs), Functional /
Operational—Ensure Appropriate Product/Systems Integration (/design-objectives/functional-
operational/ensure-appropriate-productsystems-integration), Productive—Assure Reliable Systems and
Spaces (/design-objectives/productive/assure-reliable-systems-spaces), Productive—Provide
Comfortable Environments (/design-objectives/productive/provide-comfortable-environments), Secure /
Safe—Occupant Safety and Health (/design-objectives/secure-safe/occupant-safety-health) 3/4
9/7/2019 Lobby | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide


Atria Systems (/guides-speci cations/building-envelope-design-guide/atria-systems)

Delivery Teams—Select Appropriate Design Professionals (/project-management/project-delivery-

Building Commissioning (/building-commissioning)

Architectural Graphic Standards, 12th Edition (
111890950X.html) by American Institute of Architects, Dennis J. Hall. New York, NY: John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 2016.
GSA PBS-P100 Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service (/ffc/gsa/criteria/pbs-p100)
GSA PBS Design Notebook for Federal Lobby Security Design
GSA LEED® Cost Study (/ffc/gsa/criteria/gsa-leed-cost-study)
GSA LEED® Applications Guide (/ffc/gsa/criteria/gsa-leed-applications-guide)

GSA First Impressions Program (
GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool (SFTool) (—
SFTool's immersive virtual environment addresses all your sustainability planning, designing and
procurement needs. 4/4

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