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3"l1~I@sl ~.Gft.~ ~ ~ f~ClSO[Cf) ~, qf)I~I~ ~ ~ Cf)11I1Mlil ~ ~

Cf)~Olll("1~~.~, ~crm 3i1~1@§1If1 3i'ifl~"i am~ !'l1~f:<lCf)~~ 34f1~rll

-wt~ ~ ~ q("1<;I~i"i1CR ~ ~ g}fClOlilcillcil("1~ Cf)14ClI~1Cf)~olll("1"lI"TCfr 1I1Cf)f{("11

m.Gft.fcr4llllilllckn~ -wt~ ~ f(HlcH ~~<:IT q?ll~~ Cf)aXClOlll("1~~.

~~aCf>lil1l~~~~~~.~%~/~o~~ {l\i11ill I ~aCf>lil~, ~

m (~Cf~) 'l41~<1IM~ qlmffiq~ Cf)1l1<;q~<:IT q?lFmcil("1~ qlf~<1If1ldl Cf ~ ~

Cf)14Clltlflldl qlafCloli1("1~~.

3ilqOlifi Cf)(i5fClOlll("1<lff cit, ~ ~q('"£lI@MlM !'l1~P<ICf)~ ~ -wt ~

~ f'"1<;~l"ilfl ~ qlf~<1lq~ Cf)111<;q~31TUff ~. ~ f"iCl:SO[Cf)~ ("1I('1j)~('"£I1

fCf'6qlJ1M ~ ~ ~ fClR~~IIf1 3i'ifl'6"i Yl~fClOlilcillcil(i~ <:IT q?ll<1IM qR~<; ~. ~ ~ ~

~ g}fClOlilcillcil("1~ ~Olllcillcil("1il1l ~-wt ~ ~~mczm;.

~ ~ ~.~~/oG/~o~~~ ~ 0)(.00 ~~:m Cf)1;:q;~'"+1 ~-wt

!'l1~f::tlCf)Cf)11I1MlIl~n00- m'If1 ~ Cf)~olll("1" am. ~ ~ 3i'ifl'6"i Cf 1Ilq?llfllcil("1 \ill:s~rll

qlf~ffiq~ Cf)1l1<;Q?lI<1IM
qlll<;~l"iQ~ ~;:Hifl 34'if1'6"i ~ Cf)14Clltl Cfi"UCIT. ~ ~ Cf)(i5fCl("'lllifll~

~"3ctR Cfi"r:r 3mrcIT 1Ilcillcil("1National Building Code of India ~o~c.. Volume - I ~ ~ ~.L._~
crfrR1JP~.~~.~.~\9 cr~~ G\9crfrR B-c...~ ~.


fftU<4Cf1 ~ ~,
m.Gri.~I~IlICf) ~,

~:- liT.~ r'"1Cl:SO[Cf)

~, qf)I~I~ ~ fllql'""ll !'l~IIf1"i fcrqp-r, G?lIMlI, ~<rAT
q If~
flldl ~fcr-:rnn"<;~.
~ :- liT."f!fqq C~ITI:rfiT~),
m.Gft.fcrqp-r, 4?11M 1I, ~ <rAT q 1mffi flldl fIfCl"i1I ~.
~:- ~~,~(m.Gft.)~, ~/~~~,$tr,~/~
~, m.Gft.~, "<Slim, ~ <rAT qlf~('11f1ldl Cf ~ ~ 3ii~lll~ -wt ~
~ ~ «1Cl~ICl~~ ilIClI1("1.
~:- Cl:(IM!'lqlul.
~:- ~~.

- C< -E:\RAM\2019\Ka-2 Jagtap saheb\CE Letters.docx

~:- ~ f~q$olCfi -~o~~ ~ k&liil &lctffi:Jt (Person with
Disability) ~ ~ ~ er ~ "H1~HF('Udlfua\i1f"'ictl atWCfiIQ
~ 3qMau~~ !I011-tll~.

t m:~t.mjlll'""lIq;('1 ~ '""It\HI~I('1 f~cI'SOlCf)~ C111'&1{or~ C'4CfuI~1~

~~~~~CfiFrilICllllilll ~~~. ~ >lllj)@ll~

f-iCl:golCfl ~ ('11~~1 fcl'l5ql("1IM to:Rft ¥IT ~ fqR~~II('1 3"tifH'l~

tpfqOlll~I~('1 ~tfm:m:f"'4TCIT ~ flillOlll('1 31Wt.

~. ~1"CI>l'""llul~ a:rcffit ~ ct>sm4('1 ~ or fq~lfllUjm ~ ~ lll~liSl('1

~ ~ ~ ¥IT tpfClOlll~I~('1 flillOlll('1 31Wt. ~1"CI>l'""llul~ ~ ~

C'4CfuIMI~~~~ llICflR('113"lICl~llCfl ~¥IT 'lffi(1 f~C1:golCf)3"l141lllilll

<:IT~ '""Ijlli!<~I~q{ fliHifl 3"lifl:eH tpfqolll('1 3"lIJl~1 ~"'4""Rft {sil('1{'l1'""II Cfl{Olll('1


~. ~ &l~IJ)M \flR"CI{-qI11t:suit ~ '""I('1i!<I{lfl~ ~ ~ Cfl{Olll('1 ~

:mt lll~I~('1 @('1{'l1'""1I~.

'to ~ '""I('1i!<I{lfl~ ct>~lq4('1 qlt\"CIOlllfllal"Cfilit ~~.~~ 3"lfl~lfl ~

~ f-i{ICfl{OI ('11~J) 3qlll41'l1~1 CfiFr Cfl{Olll('1"'4TCIT.

~. 3q{1CR'1 .~ >l1~f:(ICfl ~ "ffCf It:soo CflllllMlli· ..1i ~ ~ m-

~ ~-":(o~~ 'illT ~ fll'""lClI~1~ 't.OO ~ ~.oo <:IT ~ CflI4~lk;S1

~ir~or ~'""IMiSl'l1IC10n~1~('1"C1I3"lI{I@:gI"'4""RftP" f('1{ICI{ ~CfiFrmcfr.

~. m:aft.fcrmrnif <:IT P" ~ f.:r:B!ur dClOlllflial ~ f~cttl m lal or ~

>l1~f:(ICflfcM Illf('1{ICI{ CflI4CflI~1~ /"3q" ~"4t"CIT f-iqcR'11Cfi""UCIT.

~ Cfffi 3"l1{1@~lfl 3"l'j)fl«"~ m."iSli.~ >l1~f:(ICfl~ <t=r 3"lflJl~1

"ffCf ~ ~ ~ '""I('1i!<I{i~1CR ~ ¥IT tpfqOlll~liSl('1 ~ Cfl14C1ltl

Cfl{Olll~I~('1 ~tfm:m:f$ .

..0 -E:\RAM\2019\Ka-2 Jagtap saheb\CE Letters.docx

~aChli1 SfCiCIfi.
~ ¢h'"liCfl 022-22856665 ~.~31R- ~o~(./~T.~.~1313/~('/~~
Email $I '?IIfl '1 fcrqrrr,
fll '"I1;::;q
c_ crr~, rq«1I{~,
liffi11cfiPlP1m, §dl,lOOfl {1\i1JI'6.,
~ : ~13llR'f, ~o~~.

~) -3W~mcr, ~1Ii}l'4 ~~, JOi5l1~'4,~-~~.
~) mmcr, ~lci\J1f~Ch 3ffi1rrr~, ~.c:l~If4)2:~ ~~~, ~.
~) mmcr, ~1l""llf\liCh ~cr~ ~~I&q~, lOj31I~'4, ~-~~.
~) 3l1<g)CR1,l""l~I"'It:S;~ 31T-TrT, fcrncr fqChI~ l""l~llOj\Soo,~ ~l""lIFl, ~ (~), ~
~) 3l1<g)CR1,31T-TrT ChC'lllol l""l~I"'It:S;~, ~-~
~) ~"ilI~Ch, 3ffi1rrr~ ~"ilI~'""II~'4, -w:~ =t>jQlI~'4 ~1>~, ~
\9) ~"ilI~Ch, ~~, l""l~I"'It:S;~, "ffif1 =t>JOII~'4I\i1C1oo,~-~
~) ~"ilI~Ch, ~~, l""l~I{It:S;~, "ffif1 =t>jQlI~'4I\J1C1oo,~-~
~) fi"ilI~Ch, ~~, l""l~I"'It:S;~, "fRfl =t>JOIl~'4I\ijCloo, ~-~
~o) ~"ilI~Ch, 1t?; ~, 3l~~&:lICh ~ ~"ilI~'""II~'4, if. 3li~\SCh'" -m-, l""l~I"'It:S;
~~) ~~, ~lci\ijf~Ch ~ ~, ~ cqq.:r, l""l~<SjH -m-, J11G:{\i1 m
~~) "(fr.m.m.~fcSl~-SIJI, ~ ~lfYl2:~~, ~ ~I~'""fi, ~-~o.
~~) ~ ~ ~, "(fr.~.~., ~ cr <tr ~~, QWh'R-; <tr ~1'4*42~- '6
~'llfJ1, l""l~I"'PI{Qif<:1ChI l:fTlt, ~- ~oooot
~'6) ~ ~ ~ ~tl2:'""I1 (N.Y.K.S.), ~.tft.cqq;:r, ~ 'U l""l\ij~I, fct~HJRl -m-, ~i(=1Is:t?\ij
~), ~- ~ooo~~.
~~) 'l1mT %13>2: ~~, ~ lj)&Il~'4, \9~ ~-m-, l1fA~, ~-~ooo~~.
~~) ~. f-1i}l~1 f~J n(=1,f~oqiJ I ChC'lllol ChI4Ch(=11,~.
~\9) ~ ~~1'40n l""l~ChI..n, Managing Trustee, V Citizens Action Network
(VCAN), Malabar Hill, Mumbai.
~~) ~ f{f(1ChI ~~I..n, fct~CI'RI, f?!'""1'4"'1l,~

E:\NH ELECTION\2019\NationalConsultation on AccessibleElectionsfor Peoplewith Disabilities.docx 5

~ MlCflfl'm fll<4ffiCfl f-"1c.fsolCfiI - ~o~~.
RoqjJI oqCR"11:r41l1cti:\l~ ~ ~li:\on q ~ l1cti:\Hlfildl
dqM~~~Olllct ~O"-lll ~~.
~ ~lIfHI~ 'fl11 ¢hl1iCfl fcHiCfl ~\9l~/~o~~{l\lil~-q;f.

'l1RC1 f-"1C1'5°lCfi3illllQliZll f~~~II'j)fll~ fGOoqjq oqCR"11iZ1ll1cti:\l~ ;{ii:\oi) q~ l1cti:\H

CR"UT ~ ~ lllCfl~lctl liT.~ "Bfqq q ~ f-"1C1'50lCfi~ ~ ~

~, f~~jCfl ~o~, ~o~~ ~~ 3illllf~ct Cfl~Olllct 3TIffi. f£lli~JII~ ~IJl~1 ~aCf>l~

~f~cfd ~ \lil'5f1 ~.

f£llifll~ ~c=fr CflI4C1Ie.l Cfl~Olllct~, it fq;:jffi.

(n.dltll q)~)s)
3fCR"Bfqq ~ dLf ~ f-"1C1'50lCfi~,

Wf 111mfn q 3i ICI~llCfl CflI4C1Ie.lflldl 3i~~ct,

• ~~~f-"1C1'5°lCfi ~(rrc.f)
• dLf ~ f-"1CI'5°lCfi ~ crrc.f)
• ~ flfilCi q ~ f-"1C1'50lCfi~ ~ ~ fI~IUjCfl, flll1l;:;q >l~lIfI~ fcrGTrr,
• dLf flfilCi ~ W ~ f-"1C1'50lCfi ~ ~ ~ fI~IUjCfl, flll1l;:;q >l~lIfI~
fcrGTrr, J:i5fIMll, ~.

E:\NI' .•~CTION\2019\NationalConsultationon AccessibleElectionsfor Peoplewith Disabili' ~ docx 6

':\ "> J'
tilQIPl4 U~II'fI'-' ftrm'rr I Cfilc:tl'fl'-'-~~

~ : Roqjal oqCff1lJl "H't«H ~Ol'1 ;:ff«ofl q ~ qo«HI'fIIJi

aq&;&..f ~ ~0410 21011...41 ~~.

'qffif 0 LCf)31141 J II=c:;q 1 *i-q ili'8l {

f;::fC=!'S &fl Cf)'8 'qT '81~ ffi Cf)f-i CI:s0 LCf)- -=< 0 ~~ "'CLIT 31~ J IIil
l1T.>rtlR ~ ~ ~ f~CI:goLCf)~ ~ ~1~Fll(i National Advisory Committee

on Accessible Elections (NACAE)~ R.-.iCfi ~o ~, ~o~~ ~ ~ ~-oo cU\i1HI

~ 3i141f\Ji(i Ch{Oljl(i 3ffi1TM. ~ ~aCf)lfI @IM1~S:Jl""lIOI~~~ffi.

• ~. ~ ClICI~lt m~, fll~If\i1Ch ';::~W:P:f~ fI~l&I fcrqp-r; J:j?ll~lj, ~.

• ~. ~"tf. ~, W~, fll~lf~Ch ~ or ~ fI~l&I fcrqp-r, J:j?ll~lj, ~.
• ~. ill.l1T.Cf)l~Cf){, W '8f-ilCl, '81~'i1f-iCf) ~ fcrqjTf, J:j?ll~lj, ~
• ~. ~ CliaCh{, ~~, fll~'i1f~Ch ~fcrqp-r, ~ (M-9011053111)
• ~. FrcfR"~, dQI1Cft1, 3i1PT Cf)~IOI ~~I{ItS?~, ~
• ~. ~ Cf)i~~, ~~ 3i11Cft1, (M-9619330566)
• if. ~ ~lGCh{, dQfi:qI~Ch, ~~ fi:ql~'il~lj, (M-9420633830)
• if. FrcfR" 3ii~:gCf){, fI~fi:qI~Cf) (~) (M-9423125197)
• ~ ~ ~, fI~lljCh "ffi9J ~, ~ or ~ ~ (NSS)
• ~. >lfqur p<1~lQI~, fI~lljCh ~ ~, ~ or ~ ~ fcrqp-r, J:j?ll~lj, ~.
• ~. ~ ~, TT1s:tf,...:...r(if;I-"-r-im,
~ fi:qI~Ch, ~ or ~ ~, -q:ot
• ~. 1C1{1'i11:fCfR, 3i1PT ~~IJ:j:gCX5(M-8605466655)
• if. {lf~e:lfI ~, ~~ (M-9923060394)
• ~. ~ ~~IOl, ~ fi:qI~Ch, -q:ot (M-9096548385)
• ~~ §~{flCh{, ~llfllj ~ (M-9987253424)
• ~. f~M~1 ffPn(i, f~02:Iill Ch~ldl ChI4Ch(il, ~
• ~ ~~lljOn ~~ChHI. Managing Trustee, V Citizens Action Network
(VCAN), Malabar Hill, Mumbai.

E:\NH ELECTION\2019\NationalConsultation on Accessible Elections for People with Disabilities.docx

~ 1 jCl{
~aCf)ll1cet @1M)(1l>1l1lo~ flfqf("f{ ~ Cf){o;qld 31WIT ~.

• RoqjJ I oqctffi'ill>l~Cf) l1d;:;H Ch~ICI{\lilo;qlfllcll ~~3R Cf)~ldl ~c=r:rR~

• -3Mrr l1d;:;HICf)~ldl National Consultation on Accessible Electionsfor People with

Disabilities (PwDs) <IT~~.

clHICli4lm CfiI4C1~1 :-

• l1~I{I6S: {1~lctl(1 ~ l1d;:;H Ch~ICI{ l1d;:;Hlfllcll fCloqjll oqCffilf1lcll ~ -:ql- ~

Cf){o;qICf)~ldl ~aCf)ll1cet a{04lifll{ fllcf\Jif.o:tCf)~ ~ ~ ~ ill
Cf)14cll~1~. 3Rt *.~ C1jaCf){,~ ~, fllcf\lif~Cf) ~ fq'qlTT

• Roqjll oqCffil <:JFrr MlCf)~II~ll>lf$h~l1cet~muT~~<IT~ (PwDs) App

mt @IMl(1l>1l1lul~ dq(1~~ ~o;qld ~ ~:-

(i) Request for Marking as PwDs

- ~ Roqjrf oqctct1"il l1d;:;Hlfilal l1d;:;H ;:ff;:;on ~~Ml ~ fcFc;rr ~

3ildlq.qd Chlolflll~l l>ICf)I{~ 3ildlq.qd l1d;:;H ~~~ ~., 3i~IICf)~ldl

f.o:tq:gO(Ch (PwDs) App dq(1~~~~.


- RoqjJ I oqCffil-=tl (PwDs) App ~:crrcR ~04If1 l1d;:;H Ch~lq{ fcnc:ft q

Chl Ifll I l>ICf)lr~ f~oqjJI oqctffi ~ ~ ~ ~1Cf),gqlfl ~ l>Ilj)@j'il

dq(1~ ~ q fllliflH ~lq~;qCf) "fllT -mm-~ dq(1~ ~ ~o;qld

- (PwDs) App ~ ~ ~ Roqjll oqCffil·..1i l1dG:H1Q1fi"" ~ ~ ~,

- (PwDs) App ~ qIQ{Ilj)~ fCloqjll oqCffili:lll1~I{I6S:ldl1cet fcnc:ft ~1Cf);8@1
~,~ 3i1Cf),gql~l dQ(1~~~.

E:\NH ELEcnON\2019\Natio" ' .~onsultation on Accessible Elections for People with Disabilities.docx 2
(ii) New Voters Registration as PwDs
fsClliJI CllCfuI·-t')3i14~1 OiIClI=4l;:{f~on ~~IfI, ("\!:Wllfil{ ~ l1d~H Ch~lcH

d4MiitT &lfiM~1 141~111~ f4i~1 OiIClifil{1{ fsClliJ 1 -mt f-q;o;c;ifChd~

~ 0140141d ~. f41lj)dl ~ >flj)& ~ f4i~1 l1d~H Ch~ICI{ ~

f~CllIlI Clletffi ~, ~ 11lf~fll d4MiitT~. 141Cf>~ldlf~oqjJ 1 CllCful4l

l1l6m l>Il1lOlld ~ ;:{fG:cti ~ l1d~l{ 141~111~:=t161l-ql ~ Cf>~lcn.

(iii) Reguest for Transfer

- RClljJ 1CllCfu1~1 ~Hjd~OIIci:fIci:fd (PwDs) App ~ 111f~Jl 'lOH~lfi Booth

Level Officer (BLO) "t f4j~1 cRt \i11'3'):=t~Hjd~OIIci:fIci:fd 3iICl:{lllCf> "ffi-

111f~Jl ~ f41"j)'{i1~ Cf>14611t;'l "Cf>tvr.

(iv) Reguest for Change (Correction I Deletion)
- f<=:ClljJ1 CllCful~1 :=tICljd / ~ lIj~ld ~ / ~ Cf>~lctlll:q1 3Hi~1fi

(PwDs) App ~ 111mfll ~H~lfi Booth Level Officer (BLO) "t f4j~1

3i ICI:{lllCf>cfr 111f~Jl th;;:r f4lifil~

cRt \J11'3'):=tci:fG:MIci:fIci:fd-q1 Cf>14C1ltl~.

(v) Reguest for Wheel Chair

- RClljJ 1 CllCfuI;:f) (PwDs) App ~ ~ ~m d4M~ ~ ~Olllci:flci:fd

f6l;jdl ~~Ifi f4lifiH l1d~HI~1 f<=:C1:{ln

f~oqjJ 1 CllCful ~ W~:=tllj)~ ~

~m d4MiitT~ ~Ollld~.

- f41Cf>~ldl (PwDs) App ~ lOlImdl ~ 3iICl:{lllCf> am-.

(vi) Booth Locator
- RClljJ 1 CllCfuI;:f) (PwDs) App T.IT"CIl1R ~~Ifi ~ l1d~H ~ ~ am-
~ ~ fdCf>lon \i1101l1~1 111fTlCf>1
Cflloldl, 1I1ci:fIci:fdfifq«H 111mdl d4MiitT

Rl aq~ i$MMI WJ:-
• l1dG:HI~1 RCI~n RClljq CllCR"11:=t1
~ Cf>~Olllfilol 'l1mf %1'3')2: ~ J1I~~fi or ~1~1I
~ lI1\i1:=t1(National Service Scheme) ~~t)UT
E:\NH ELECT10N\2019\NationalConsultation on AccessibleElectionsfor Peoplewith Disabilities.docx 3
! j t ~~ ®. ~ • 0( f . · ~.1~
! 1 ,~i ~ ~. if J ~
i il!1 i1~~J . i ~
t i .~J ,i

:~Ii ! i 1 ~J- 1 J f f I~
~i Iii Iii J iiI
, .
~\9) ~~ '1MCflI4l, Managing Trustee, V Citizens Action Network (VCAN), Malabar Hill,
~~) ~~~, fct~Cl«l,~,~.

~)W:lR~q~RCl:S°LCf) ~<rtir~mwr:TCfl",~,~.
~) 3!P1UCffl ~f'"lCl:S0LCf) ~<.rt;:tmwr:TCfl",~,~.
~)~~rrmw~ ~<#rr
f-"lCl:soLCf) '1litffl«lCl.
~ : ~~ ~, ~o~~.

~: ~ ~.~o CIT.

~:- cqm:r f~~solCfi ~u;q)all"a:1I fl.qiii'Al~ National Advisory Committee on

Accessible Elections (NACAE) ~ ~6Ch"iJ41 3iitljallii fcttlH'A"'lT 'Alcif:iiCfi
f~~solCfi ~o~~ Tft ~ Cfi~t1HI ~;cll~lt1 &q1~«IIi:41 ~ii:41 3iitljaliJi t11(qi1d)
Cfi~I~«IIi:41CfiI4~liFl'Allhfl fearon.

3"lqlllfilal ~ Cfl{UII-lll fi~Ii.lq1 ~~~~"Cfll, f~oqjJIIl"l~ ~~

~Cfllr~ f(\oqjJ I 3Rff~ Visual Impairment, Speech & hearing disability, Locomotor
disability and Others 3r.ffl ~ w:p9 cPlc!Rll"l~ fll"lI~::(1 Cfl{Ulll<:'1 3m1T ~. ~
'il~uAflla1 -qT;f 'iflMM ~ ~lllIMllICfl,%'i m d{fCiUlll<:'1 3"lIM~1 ~ lllWlclill
Chluldhn f~oqjll ~~ 'ilG;uAflla1 ~~"'i<l.
aQ{lCft1 lj)illilIl 3"l1)t:iJII~ ~ Cfl{Ulll<:'1 <tt "Cfll,3"l1'41JII~ ~ f'ict'5UlCflI
(Accessible Election)"llTcWfur <Q:;M~I Theme ~ f(\oqjJ I oqCff11'i1 f.=tct\SulCfl ~f¢fi~l"l~
flll"lICf'i ~Ullli.lql 3"li;tsjJII~ {1\T<41\11i;1 m~ ~ ~ lljilll«Hlct{ ~ w:rR
Cfl{Ulll<:'1 -3TTB. ~ 0~ f,g,gCSl{, ~o~~ '*fr ~ fG'i Iill I f'iflii1l~ RoqjJ I oqCff1'l"l~
f'iC!\SulCfl ~f¢fi4ci1ICS1<:'1
'i1'i':i1!J!J) Cfl{Ulll<:'1 31TMT. f'4ICflR<:'11Roqjlllfllal ~ Cfl{UIl-lll
::(lIflCh1ll q 3HllflCh1ll ~, ~ ~ ~ Cfl~IUI ~ l"lG;dl~ fGoqjJI oqCff1li.lql
l"l<:'1G;I{'""llG;uAfilal ~ ~ {ICSlfCiUlll<:'131TMT. ~ flCfll{k-l"lCfl QRUIIl"l ~ ~
otot ~o~~"llT~ fG'""ljCfllct{ ~ ~ ~ ~ CflI4¢fll"l {ICSlfCiUlll<:'1
fe:;rtcn ~~ 'i11~ctl~l, ~o~~ '*fr ~ $lIM~1 ~ llle,ll"lcut ~,~~,~~~ ~<:'1Cf41fGoqjJI
oqCff1l~' ~~ $ilMMl ~. l1f;f ~~ M1Cflfi@i.lq1 (jf1~<:'1 mam ~l"llulI<:'1
~ oqCff11=4)~~WI&1Cfl~. ~ f'411t52.1~w:rR~ 3"l1c!::(llCfl~.

31. fGoqjJllfilal 3"lflM~1 ~q '\I1ICi5jl"l't1~ 'ilG;uAflla1 ~~ {ICSlfCiUlll<:'1

"'41'Cft. l"l <:'1
G;H ~s=: IC!{ Roq j JI oq Cff11fli a1 3"11ct::(ll Cfl «l41 '<jYcl'm f.:flnur Cfl{U III flla1 cwr
l"lIJh'\llCflI~l ~l"lUlCfl Cfl{Ulll<:'1 "'41'Cft. cwr l"lIJIG;::(lCflICSlICSl<:'1
~ 0\9 q,S1ctFtl, ~o~~
"i.IqT Q~I;::q4 CflCi5fClulll<:'1-3TTB~.

1I1<Sl1<Sl(i~ Cf)~ulIl(i ~"CflT, fGOoqiJI ~ ~ ~ cr 3ilcr~lICf) fll'!:fl~j)fcl'm
~ f.::i<:fSUlCf)~<rAT~~
TT"l{~';":fCl"""olb<Sln-="I<Slr=(i 3"lIM<"'ll1 ~. 14(i~HliLll ~
14(i~H ~~liLll fdCf)IUn 31Lfrr f'"l31I:q') ~14ulCf) Cf)~ulIl(i ~~.

"<il'. NVSP ~ ~ Help Line No. ~~~o ~, ~ fGOoqiJli'il liRW ~

Cf)~(ii'il ~UII-lIl -3"l:Silun cr ~ f'"l~ICf)<ul 1I1<Sl1<Sl(i
oqlqCf) l'I14lulI(i ~ Cf)~ulIl(i
~. NVSP ql2:McH Log in Cf)~UlIlfilal 3"lICl~lICf) 3iflMM Captcha ~ Visual
fq~q((1 3"lfl<"'lll~ cr ~ ~ ~ ~ 1I11t:e1~ ~ 3"lIClI\i1lill fClCf)(A1

~ ljj~liLll -3"l'j}5iJII~ 'ljj&l f'"lCl:sulCf) ~, 14~I~It:S: ~ ~ Cf)llIIMlIlil ~

fi4l(i~ Cf)14~ii Cf)~u4Iii ~~.

14(i~H ~~ICI~ fGOoqiJllfilal -3"lICl~lICf), ~ ~\i11iLIl, BIS l'I14lfUl(i ~ ir3R

ALIMCO ~ ~ l1f1TlJfT 41<"'lllfl l{~fqUlIl(i <MR ~. ("\qlfllal ~ ~
'3GJ. moor, 31Lfrr ~ lIiiLIl~n fl14'""C1l1~ fCloqiJlliLll ~ dqM~ ~
(i~1(\11f11~ ~~ ~UlI((1l1loq((1.

1I1<Sl1&f(i~ Cf)~ulIl(i ~"CflT, 14(i~HliLll ~ 14(i~H ~~iCl~ fCloqiJ I oqctffi'il

3"lICl~lICf) fll~l~fCl'tIT, '3GJ. ~, ~ ir:mt, 31Lfrr m LflHil~, ~ >JCFim~, 31Lfrr
m fqi0(i1 ~, ~. q~fClol&fI&f(i ~ f'"lCl:sulCf) ~ <rAT~ ~ -3"lIM(rlOl1
~. ~ lOj(i~HliLll ~ lOj(i~H ~~liLll faCf)lun 31Lfrr f'"l31I<.n ~14UlCf) Cf)~ulIlil
<ilf\i1(iM ~.

14ii~H ~~ICI~ fCloqjJ IIfllal -3"lflM(rlOl1;ffi~l~fCl~j&fI&f(i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

14(i~H 41~ICI~ MIClUlll(i~. fCloqjJI ~~cr ~ oqCful'il ~otR
arum ~~~~ MIClUlIl(i~. Bookshare ~~ l{'WCf)IMlIlCf),g
14\i1~~ Audio ~ {"lqj(i{l(i Cf)~UlIlill ~ ~ 3Rtf ~ ~ ~UlIl(i ~. ~
~ ~ @lqulI-lIl rntrr ~ ~ cr ~ ~ \.9 If;SiClI{l, -=<o~~ u:rr q31I'""CI~
Cf)@fCl0<::jrer~ ~. ~ ffii1lT ~ ~ flClMct1iL1l ~ Voter Slip ~ ~U41ii <MR

~ fM41(11Miii'""llq2:~ qf::4,*,-ql $lfrtCfdl (Dummy) m l4f1~H ,*,~iq{ ~ q
~ ~ 34f1M~1 Cllcffi1f1lcll ~ ~ ~ 1I1Clllfl, 3rnT ~ -3"l1~111~~
':(G \iff, ':(o~G ~''''11'641
qSlI;:q~f':Pl41fl ,*,~~I ~. ~:IIR?lqlll, Magnifying Glass fcncrr
Magnifying Sheets ~ ~ ~ -3"lfl~~1 CllCffilf1lcll l4f1~H 4l~lq{ dq~d:f ~
~lIIClllfl, ~ChasfqM~.

~ l4f1~H ct~lq{ ~ foChIUn-3"llq~lICh~ ~ ~Rl¢hl4I~ l4f1~H CR"fIT

<M, fCl4~qCh "lIT~~ '""IIIIRChi'""ll
y}fqUlIlfi ~~.

dq~,Cffi~ qR~~ '¢h". ~, ~ q ~~ 34itilll~ 34lq~lICh Chl4qltl Ch{UlIliiiliiifl

~m~q~f-"1q;gulCh ~<.:rRr~34I~~I~.

~q ChdCllliiiliiid fi~~'""IR?I~flllIliiiliiid ~~ ~UII-lIl ~~

<.:rRrMCllil1 Ch~IUllflld1 ~ wr:r ~ ~ 3rnT fi'Mi=41 ~ ~ 0\9 q;~Rl,
':(o~~ ~ qSlI;:q~ ChasfqUlIld 3lWft ~. ~ fi'MiiOll "lIT ~ q fi~~'""If~IMdl
ql(gfqUlIlfllcll ~ ~UlIld ~~.

1I1iiiliiid Ch4ill-lIi'""ll 34lq~lICh ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~,

~f~Cll~ill~ ~ ~ ~ q l4d~Hlfllcll f-"1q;gulCh4Slo1Ch,g
~ ~ flIl~~l
f~Cllill CllCffilf11iiid~ ~ ~ ~ ~/Ch4ill{1 <.:rRrdq1*1 otvr 3lit
"Q."Ch" y;RctChI c:rw Ch{Ulild 3lWft ~ffi"m~ f-"1q;gulCh
~ Chlll\~lIi'""ll ~


~ f-1C1&OlCfl_am:.ctlF{1, q61'(1~ ~ ~_ 4ilqi~q

cto :- ~
~.~o err.
~o~~,~ __


~:- ~~ ~, ~o~~.

~:- <'11Cfl'H'11fo:tq:S0lCfi-~O~~~~ oqc:tffiJl (Person with Disability) ~~~


31ltrJi;rr<'11Cfl~II~ilfSf)~qt2f~~041f1lo1\TI«ff-1C1:S0lCfl ~~~'~fo:tq:S0lq:;1
{Accessible Election}" m dh:telt41 ~ Cfl{OCfI(1
3l1M~1 aQI4z11"1'1I, 'f(fq041(1 311HtRli~-~Cf
flm'f ~ ~ Cf t'4lq(l<'1 aQI4z11"1"11~ 31TITcIT ~Oljl'Hla1 ~ ro:tq'Solq:; ~ ~
~ <1'*'I«H14 'H~oltil State Steering Committee on Accessible Elections (SSCAE) ~ ~
~Wo,/~o~~ "{);;ft ~ ~.~o CfJ'ifffi ~ ~ -rnrr. "'H"G"{ ~ ~ CflI41('141(f)'i_'1
~ ~
mrn •. ~~"3m~tl{/o'/~O~!nMt~~'~01ftIT~f'1q:S0lq:; ~~ ~.~~){,
~lf"1FIT, ~ (fcmrn"), ~ 31141..n(1~ -am-. oft lr~ ~-h-mamur~~, ~fcr;ffiT.

3r::( (~;:C:;qCf 34'{(SiQ f~qsOlcti ac~CfiH1.

mf:- ~)~~, ~fcrqrrr.

'H1~"1f91Cf) ~'qCR, ~m, T~hnrr~~. ~.
~)'tfI'.m.m. -am~. ~ t<1'P'IllM~, trfR~, ~-~o
~} ~~~~(N.Y.K.S.), -;ij:Qi.'lCr.T. ~li:-.:T. :-,-,[ -=i11ft-m. fliOlS!i$i(Tf), ~- ~,.

mf JOIIWffl'Hlal-
~) 3tft'lRCftl ~ f1c4$0lCfl~~~~, 1-j;m1<1. ~.
~)'3"l~om~~f91q:S0lCfi ~<rt;rr.G~Tr.

L~ \ 0.. " ""
....l J -'ll'
' \\.V \
-;W I (\. Ct "'&V'd .
Meeting of State Steering Committee on Accessible Elections (SSCAE) on 13th August 2019

Support expected from following departments:

1) School/Higher Education Department:

• Voter Literacy: PwD students in schools shall be educated about their right with respect
to the electoral process.
• PwD student should be motivated through NGO/Brand Ambassabor/Apang Mitra to
participate in electoral process such as electoral registration, voting etc.
• It is also requested to add chapter on electoral process and right to vote in the syllabus
of students
• Students including PwD shall be made aware about Assured Minimum Facilities (AMF) at
the polling station so nobody shall be deprived of basic voting rights due to non-
availability of ramp or wheel chairs etc.

2) Public Health Department:

• Making availability of PwDsdata to the CEOoffice
• Making availability of chairs for PwDvoters
• Arrangement of medical assistance/kit at polling stations

3) Social Justice and Special Assistance Department:

• Management and availability of PwD data with the help of Commissioner, PwD
• Manpower of the schools, hostels, colleges of PwDsshall be made available to the
election machinery
• Volunteers to be made available as Apang Mitra at polling stations

~ Public Works Department:

• Ensure support for Assured Minimum Facilities (AMF) at Polling stations as per ECI
• Ensure proper ramp for PwDsas per standard gradient 1:10
• Arrangement of PwDfriendly furniture
• Accessibility to the polling stations such as approach roads and ramps

5) NCC,NSS,NYKSand Bharat Scouts and Guides:

• Provide volunteers as Apang Mitra at polling stations during the polling day
• Apang Mitra and volunteers shall help the PwDvoters to reach to the polling stations

6) Engagement of NGOs/CSOs:

• NGOs/CSOsshall support in public awareness

• Support in publicity campaign
• Reachout to PwD organizations
• Adopt the polling stations where PwDvoters will participate in voting process
• Motivate PwDelectors for registration and voters to participate in voting process
• Facilitate PwDvoters to participate in electoral process
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IIIfa tt 4l 3Ifilcp Ii Il6rft Jf(WfJ ~ fil diM?
• https:/ / ~ ~~ft ~~, f.iw:r 31ffOl~
f.)c:15OXct53JRWTR ~ ~ lWfu~Jcp~ 211Fcltil4)i4 111IfficflX4I61.
• 1161'<1~ ~~ft~ f.lCfsOLct5
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• lfffGFf 4>~ii41 211~X4I61
• 3i1"1(T11~'i'l1rIGR~, ~, CfllO:)ril~m
• ii¢iI~'X4I61
• 'lfRC1 f.)CfSOLct53JRWTR FclCf5ff1iii!pHtnQl PWD 3fq &ftllT1%cfi fitR ~~. %
3fq lJlIc'f ~ ~ J'CWrt£J3f1%'.

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Ii d&1 &:fCIi«J 3t\1i Cil&:fIJRiIT ifiTlJ l1'Gcf iii diM?

• 3T¢THTnmr~~5tlg)GI'< 3ll1ut 'ilrlQI$Cf5 <Jt;rr:mriT-~~~~l1c1GR~~rft~
• ~mq~2l<P-RX4t,;Cf514~o4IFclIif41 f.)ClsOLct5~~Cf5'1041C13llR3f1%'.
• '~q(t-Hi'll31ffOl>IT~lfffGFf Cf5'104Itfl 0!fCW.lT Cf5'1041C1
• JOjC1GHfG4l~ ~ ~ Cf5'lo4IFcl~4) Cf.i4ilI~, ~4~ClCf5 3TIfUr fl41JlICf5['"l cRfq pFrt~fuYr~RMIG
• ~3ffi,~4flClCf5,tii<f>fc)Cf5tUOIT,~~,~~40415t')pn~,~B(1qmCf5I/3i)GCll<itfl~~i<rf
$~QR"i (Braille EVMs)~.l1ffGR~~t£J:m:JUIR~.

• 3t~'Ci!fffit ~110 ~041f11c5) tf5TJ:fH~'Q'~~~lIGO~ ~JCfi(Jffi.

• 3ltPT cxhbffllc5) qlf¢Jltfl ~~ .~ ~; ~ 3ftPr lffJGR fll<fJt~Cf5

Cllt,;'iiilI3tlCTmCf5«fu;r~lffiGR ij:;~lq4C1 Fcl'i l'i(n!l ~c#«rr~.
• PWD3fq&ft4Gcfltfl,.."....~':=,.~C=
~? 3RT...
• ~JRfGR~-==ifGuft 3ffiDj~~.
• ~;ftzyft3ffiDjJOlC1GHlfll61 ~~.
• ~ijn 3C1~GlGl ~1:51cmllq$, cx:rilit $IT 3ffiDj ~ !!fI,?uli:q1
3fRfRf ~, ~ JOlf5fqIill I '1IculI=<:II ~~lliilll ~ 1f(1"

i!iT? q:;1~ol...
• ~oo~ ~:51"'1 JIU1~C13TtP1tc:rH:n:rm~r~~<'fT3n% (<4 Ifl 1cS1~ <4laa5l ~ 36'1 1'1I C'I'PlC'IT.)
• ~o~~ l:JRfl f.i'1 5 UIlCf.>
Cf54"t1I=<:1i'1l31cjJI(ilI~tSiclt~$~afOT~¥'1IC1~. (61J11W1l '?ltil'1I'11~
<4laa5l3RCf5Rt 3Ter<:PQ16'jX Iq I~.)

• ~o~411~ 'WJRT m«r' JOi'If6~(Y1I m~rS1WIT.(3RCf5Rt%"ET["1lr UlllfllcS1 <4laa5l ~-9(JOj"~.)

• ~o~~ 11~ 3TtPr ~"Cf5"J(@ ~~ ~ <rrP!~. (61 ~ C2JS tfR Cf5,?UlllfllcS1~ <4laa5llll5
;ffJIGH ma~.)

~~~9'i".~~~o(-mr"9'iT)CIr~mqr. ! Follow us on : ~~~,~~<'l11TFCfm ; 000 @! ~oij;~~
3f1PJ JtdqFli ... fl.iI'~
3llPriq ~3fIfOt~7RJIT~~oqtbl'iIIliII(1
51ldl .. l:

• ~-mr 3nfUr~WR<IT~tzfRTilT}I<!Qf~.
• ~"GIT6fi~~ ~Ulj Ifll8)~:f6T G1"IC"I
ulj lift fcl5crr~~ fcHrft ~
• 3l~1T~~fq;qr~;rcpr.
• ~~qICl~"'I 3fCilrrq~~;rcpr, 3fCilrrq 3W~lf~~ ~~.
• Q5Jllmq~,~~Cl"C'R~.
• '(!IDW ~ ~ lii'I"i!R ~ ~ fcl5crrJfPlT <lR'f 6lGR Cf)'i'UljIill 31Tc:l~<TCfJ(1T
• ~ Cf5lft ~ ~, q ..i'lfllqIQCf) 3fCilrrq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
3lT~ 31Tc:l~<TCfJ(1T~~lii'I"i!R~~~EJT.
• 5rwrq'l1ilGR<f.ifuJ ~ qflcol'i'i"'ll 3i)coClI'i'I'CZI1
~ ~ ~~
3l~ flq::nltt"'l flilrr. Q5RUf lii'I"i!R >®xrr ~ $'i1(>"llICl'i'
~ ~ iilts 5555 q 3RlT

o~ ~ Q(1GI'(i"'ll ~ Cf),(Olll'flI6l:
• 3f~1Tlff1GRi~fi ~ 3llfOl ~ ~ ~~t~ ~ crrar~~ tzrf 3llfOl "CPTtft
1JllfG~R~ 3lI%"qlf%~.
• ~~~T lI#t (3fl'TGtq('1COHI'CZI1
't2Iq~'(rcp~~~) ~llPfu"~R~.
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~Ell. ~fcfl:rrr 3nfUr~31iGcfR<lTcft/~ q ('1q~$Fcltl4) qfleol'i'IC'l1~lTIftcfi
• ~Q(1GNi'1l~m:
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• "flTCfCf)l~r~. ~'l1NT, I!.!lIUII~UII,6fcflITCf~0!li'CZIT~fi~~£/l.

o• ~~~~Cf)'i'Oljlijlw:riif~.

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1Ft ~T<PcftC1"~~~RIT.

0. .

arlt.Tcf;~~~. ~~~o (em-¢t)q"\~~. Follow us on I ~~~, ~~ m~Ff<m 000 e I ~~~~
3iqJlrqlill 3Jei 3tlq(i'tl1 FcPi1qa (iJarrct" 3mwrT ~ ?
~RR, ~ fct.;qr ~ rft d 3i 4JI(ClI:q I ~
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3i I5j\CSlI'1illl >I 0 1Ic41q oqilil2l €~qj)*"1 c=4 j"ciq I ~q~~ 3flS~.

,3fCPT OQ:J;i'iZl1 ~atJldCl'l f\~ ~ Cf5114cp, ~a&*"113nfOt ~ at JOI A"j)\41~

Cf)tfitr "bltleJliI ~. 3i4JICi:1lil ~ WPR mfUr «IX
......................... __ _ "' - 00 _ -.- -
Jlffdld. cpafcp£fi q\q")IJOtHljffl~ JferctT
~ OQ-dSi"il ~ Cf)f<:J ct5«lT im ~ ~ dltg~A ~ ~ 3R0. 3iQJICCI
~~. ~ ~ ct5«lT ira ~ ~ ~ ~,tollt'll61., ~~!llaiff.
(\JCf5lj~ tcfirR ~~.

~ wITcm, tj~ rRl:q ffls:tIQcp-~ «NirftC'1 (I1">lcpiJOt&f~ 3i1~CR*"1~. Jl14(Tli1

~ Jlffci'i (il ~WlJUT Jl14(Tli1 Cficrq~qarr3:rfflcp:m%".
Basic Etiquette
Etiquette is the right word to use to describe the thoughtful, considerate
behavior that we expect to receive from others and give in return. Here is
what you can keep in mind!
For all PwDs and people with specific needs:
• Be patient and try to understand their questions
• Request them to repeat or write to make things clear
• Never tease or laugh at the person
• Do not assume disability by appearance, disability may be invisible
• Be ready to provide end to end accessibility
• A short person may need adjustment in height or positioning of
ballot unit
• Allow extra time for a person with low vision, psycho-social disability
or other high support needs to complete the tasks at polling booth
• For the first-time voters clearly explain in advance about the red light
against candidate buttons as they may not be able to hear the long
beep which indicates end of voting

When supporting a voter with visual impairment:
Get the voters attention by speaking and touching the voters arm and ask
if s/he needs to be guided
• Give all directions/instructions verbally, including direction to the ballot
• Get acquainted with the Braille strip on the ballot unit and provide precise
instructions to the voter about the ballot unit, braille section and braille
candidate sheet/braille ballot sheet
• You may need to guide their fingers to the appropriate place for signing
• When supporting a voter with hearing impairment:
• Get the persons attention before speaking, face him/her and maintain
eye contact
• Speak slowly, use body language, gestures and facial expressions to

e communicate. Trywriting to communicate further

For a wheelchair user ensure:
• That s/he can access the polling booth, move and turn in it easily
• That the Ballot unit is easily accessible keeping in mind the height of the

For more information, please calion helpline number 1950 (toll free)
or log on to https://ceo maharashtra gov.1n
Followus on
0'" A
V ~ ~
~ II Published In the public Interest
on behalf of Chief Electoral Officer,
Maharashtra State.
How well do you understand disability?
Disability is actually experiencedwhen one's impairmentin bodysenses.or brain, in interaction
with the barriers in the environment, systems orpeople's attitude hinders one's full and effective
participation in society on an equal basis with others.

There are various types and

It is always better to assume competence degrees of disabilities including
in persons with disabilities .(PwDs) physical, sensory and neuro-
-_ _--_ _--_ _-_ - .. _-_ -_ _-_ ----_ - ---_ .. developmental disabilities.
There are more things that Therearealso temporary as well
as elderly disabilities. Disability
persons with disabilities can .:happen to anybody, at
CAN DO than what slhe CANNOT anytime, atany place.

People with disabilities are from all religions, ethnic backgrounds and socio-economic
stratas. They are around us in more numbersthan we can imagine.


' ..

Here is how:
• By registering and voting yourself
• By inspiring others to register and vote
• By studying competing political parties,
individuals and their manifestos to stand by
issues close to your heart
Here is why:
• Since 2001, People with Disabilities have been included in the Census. (Many had to raise
voice THEN)
• Since 2014, active training of electoral staff on disabilities began (Many had to push this
agenda tirelessly THEN)
• In 2015, The Accessible India Campaign was launched (Many had to run extra miles to make
that happen)
• In 2016 RPwD (Rights for Persons with Disabilities) Act was enacted with improved features
(Many were roped in towards this milestone development THEN)

There is no reason why things would not take desirable steps NOW.

For more Information, please call 0'1 helplme number 1950 (toll f,ee; Followus on : Publ,shed In the public Interest
or log on to I,ttps,/:ceo maharashtra gov In ' 00 A 0 ! on behalf of Chief Electoral Officer,
""' ~ i Maharashtra State
Where do I get more information?
• for information regarding Acts, Rules
and Guidelines related to election process
• for information
regarding election updates for the state of Maharashtra
(VHCs, Search your name in Electoral Roll, etc.)
for list of polling stations
• for online registration
• https://eci-citizenservices.eci.nic-in for grievances
• The Election Commission of India has developed PWD
App for facilitiation and informations. This App is
available on Google Play Store.

What support will tget while casting vot~?
• All the polling booths are being made accessible to PwDs
• The election officers arebeing sensitized to provide necessary assistance
• Separate queue and priorityvoting for PwDs
• Positive and proactive attitude towards the possible difficulties on the voting day by
the staff,volunteersand community
• Volunteers,wheelchairs, signages, help desk, easyto read posters, braille EVMswith
brailleballotsheet/candidatesheetareavailableioall pollingbooths
• A blind voter can also.take the assistance of a companion in casting his/her vote by
filling form 49a
• Dedicated parking is also available for vehioles of voters with disabilities; Those who
use public transport can travel to pollingboothforfree
• Support can be soughtthrough PWDApp
How can I register my name in electoral roll?
• The basic process to register in electoral roll is to fill up a form. This is
known as form 6. One needs to fill this up and attach necessary
documents like photo identity proof, residence proof etc.
• One can furnish his/her disability details in row (k) so that the details
can be tagged to respective polling booth for providing appropriate
• If you are already enrolled and wish to add your disability details or
need assistance contact your booth level officer

Where does one get this form?

• If you have access and working knowledge of internet technology, then you can go to
National Voters' Services Portal (NVSP) and fill up the form.
Information here is available in English as well as in Indian languages. Here, you fill the
form online and submit it online
• You can visit, Takea print of form 6 from website and fill it with a pen.
Attach necessary documents and submit the hard copy by visiting a
VHC (Voter's Help Center)

How do I find a convenient Voter's Help Centre (VHC)?

Visit Select
your district. Youwill get a list of VHCs. Itwill also give you complete
address with phone numbers. Select a center and go there to
submityourform 6.

What if one is not

an internet user?
Form 6 is available at your
nearest VHC. One can
collect the form from
there and submit it after
filling it up.
Vidhan Sabha Elections 2019
What is your take?
Body function can be <l phy,ioio)! i":,11
or psychologies i 13,2,]J /illi/lC That relating to perception using the
body system: body structure refers to all <l1l:tll.Hllic
bmly such ,1S organs. limb, ;dld their cornponcnts.
:'-J}l: il ft LiL':-. l(; inionnauon :uld jn[:';":rpr("!;H.i< !l~,;L:n"-\~'d
.\)·I1I1)()/ oj .'lcccssihilil.l'
1,i,)11;I i'~':;L'nse;;{r'.>i.ich. Thi~ In\i:.'l, ..::-.~en\()r_\'!r~in; ,,; i~,,;~U~Jl
.mbol consisting of a square 0\ erlaid with a stylized r:';;Y<,:- ,] \.:n~;,~\,_! of (11(.: hand ... , ',r ;'! ,_t 'I' ith {)tl1(,;- ..rr..; ..·~,,,;
'lage of a person using a wheelchair (see 8-24.2.16 ,,·.-,.:Ji d" '".'n'T.~r"· !,:·~i!l~·t(:r'"
receivc.t b\ coru.u t \,'illl ij;":'TI"!"",;IC~'\
j Fig. lOS). '.;ccll ;i:- prcS:-.Uf=..·. wiud ;l~id {:""Il'!p('rntlif;.:

?\'OTF ._ The symbol is often pro \ idcd where access b, been 13.2 ..i2 iU({:!I' Ground Surf:" indICa!oi's Indicators
improved, parucular ly lor whcelchuir lI.'('r:' ~,ndothe-r Ilh\(·~djl:· profilc.: i,.I\ In~~surface with cnteria ("\i~\!ai (('lIli,,',l
impaired pers o ns. The symbol dc n.u es ;j bar ricr free
~J1\'iroTllncnl. \0 help older people, pal~nts wilh pram.' .md
en:;}'!c ,'\;.,.~on \\ ith impaired :'lght lbjn~ ;1 long canc,
tr:1\'!Hlerswith iuggagc beside~ person;; \\'ilb disabilities, The undcrl'(J,q or \ isual identification to dC!('i:t ,I ~pccjfi('
wheelchair symbol is always liking III lite right.

3.2.21 Kerb - A side barrier to a trafticable surface

the edge where a raised sidcwillkifootpath, rO:ld
WilL: (,,\;,;lII1t' pattern) or 111.: pn::;cncc ...f a hazard
f:lt!CDl: "pattern). These are illso ('ailed tactile tik~; or
lac! de \ :: i k ifig c,urt'ace indicators.
ledian, or road shoulder meets an ullfaised street or >J n ! ll,('\(' indicators \\'hi(:n pn_)\:ld ...~ jJ dhtHICli\..: ;;iuriU~\.>
,other roadway, r\:i~.\." . (,I :-;irir:-·iind [flilh'~n:~JJf';ln~S·)r ~I)nc\ j \)n:dl d~..I1Hl'S
Ciln;>. tll·,t ha\l' haJ theIr l\)P::; \.:U! ot'L or tJlIH\";Ht'~l,J ;In.~tbcd i\~
13.2.22 Kl'rh Rump·- A short ramp clIlIing through a !_'uio(" den rl;?TSUIb \\'jIb ...'1\}fln lfnp;tinn('nts ~jr jh~;'i:';:ppr(l(Jch
); ;j
, rh or buill liP [\' il
'.'.2.23 Knurled Surface - Rouglicllcd area. often 1I1
.risscross pattern: llsed on grab b;:r:; (0 impro\'i: grasp 13.2.33
2::d to prevent slipping,
30tl Iii
f.l.~.24 L(;lld.'.;,"; \ rd;~i;f'oriL "1" Y_Ht t"lr ~1 nt)(,}
>lrllClUre at
Ibe end 01'a flighl of ~!.l!b or a r.illlp Of ;t! '~11 jn>rn lhl.~ CcJlt:-c t,d' ,,)/1(.' {-.;Lf tn ~h(" C;_,'lHn.:
the entrance to a IJ It ClI. t:';lsily dctCC1~d,~,j-..-·
dl"Hl ,ii,_' U)1(icrl'cH',l b_\ p'.:rsorr;~
\\ Ili, \' imjl<linnl'nt:;, They are t:~cd extcrnally tG
13.2.25 Light Rejlc-ctoI1C( I ii/ue ,un 'j -- The [oui
gUltk' 1 uple \\ 1[11 \'isual 1111painncnts along th::
quantity of visible light rdketed by a surhKc at all
circlII;:t,,»)j patli They may also b(' used iJltcmally in
direction::; \\ hen illuminated by a light
l:~rg.cbt's,' arC,lS such as I:aihvay stations alld airports.

minimum three
13.2.34 Tactile Jteu!l(il%
Eirich ~ TiJes of
size 300 mnlX 30()/IHI~th~~ji.J • )Qrat~g9i{pf5mJ~li,':'i',
it itfeasible to
(;lO,,5 ll1m) high tlat.t~pp~~p' 'rlikedolllcstJiatare' CC'

.,'artictlla r easily dete~table. Ul)q~l ~~~s\Vi~b:.'Y\~~~r

impairments. rec6g'~i~: . . .' .... it of:appr~athin'i
hazards These arc placed along the approach path to
unavoidable obstUelcsandl1azards I?W~m persons \vith,
visual impairments ofthcllPproaching dl'!ngerorc le"el'

~itton, handle, etc). gh a doorway, along
:1 P'lS~;,::;('\\'ay. or other route cklllent (for exarnplt:
t3.2.29 PersOlls will! DisuiJililie,\ '\ jwr,;on \\'ilh ;lJl\ S[;ll)'\\'d\ I,
physical, mentill. i11leliectunl or ,·:Ii. ,w: llllp :!lllili",
r "~I li,eh in interaction with variolls harriers may hinder
"} and effcctive participation in ""Llctv on an equal for p,l,',agc through a door ('pelling, ckar of all
..sis with others. dislrul: 1(lns, I1lcasured when the door is opened 90''''-
ur WhlT ;i "Iiding or folding dool i~('JH;'flCd 10 it::; fullest
7.30SjW<;'('; - A ·definnble area I ror e,Xample toile!
m, hall, assembly area, entrance storage. roorn
1.I.2.3k { ilL','.< .i( t'c'ssiblc j';;iiel-- .\ccessible toilet,
;Ove, courtyard, or lobbyL
I'll' used hv both sexes,
dUl C;,!',


• :~.( ~f

be fn~¢of an)' sharp or abrasive elements; doors as wheelchair users need a levelled
have a minimum clear space of 50 nun platform at the end ofthe ramp ~(> manoeuvre
to 65 mm from the wall; and negotiate opening the dec).
be installed at a height of 700 111111 to mm: til :\ curved ramp is not a preferred -iC'igC
be able to bear a weight of I.7 kN; ami solution. Similarly, a cross fall may put a
contrast with the wall/surface behind \\ heelchair USCI' at risk and may adversely
a/fect steering. l':lflicul<lri:, l.':i manuallv
CHANGES .ropcllcd chair
,:i Shiny. polished surface materials that cause
glare shall not be used for ramps
circulation and level changes shall be designed. Single row of tactile warning blocks IT(;S!)
and managed so that they can e:'~ily be ,,lull be placed as per B-2.S;Ii the beginning
and used by all people. Vertical circulation n nd end of each ramp Th is shall be
the provision ofrarnps. stairs and lifts. ~lS well placed 300 mill before the hcginnlllg and end
moving walks and lifting platforms. I., t each ramp run to indicate the level change

ro visually impaired persons.

is a sloping p.ithwa, leading from OIk ...'.e! [(.

. Ramps of an appropriate design shall be
ed at all changes in level other than those served minimum specifications for ra:lip gracile!}rs addressing
accessible lift or accessible lifting mechanism dliiCI('lll lc ve l differences arc given !l1 Table 10
1',',' ii/I'() Fig.-55)
the specific requirements of r"'r~or1S
disabilities .. B (!.2.J ;: ,,;11l

iT)11ltrnU111 (..'L":-("I1'\\'~dth OJ ;_, c;tn:_D ~,:-;:\tlUSJ\>c of

allow persons with reduced mobility f ' move 11 nd!;liL;) shall be I 200 mm ,nh~ ~h:;]! mcre asc
one level to another. However, many ambulant CUilt:;;poiltlll1gly as the level difference «idresscd bv
with disabilities negotiate step's more easily the ramp increases as per Table J O.
safelv.Hencei . ity B-6.2,4 Surface

surface fiui
of tramc that theramp is,likely to experience.
B-6.2.5 Intemalr:irri~~ shou{d, ifpo$sible, be avoided.
Where rcquired, .intemul rl,\mps sha.11 be designed In
accordance withll~(;! f(.)Uowing additional criteria:.
'~;(faJ)1,J>sShoul d 't'is't;> n:r()T~'
than 2 >1.11 total. J f this is the case; an
altema \l'td be provided, for exalHple a'
lift: /'{:i~'f~!l}' ~ -.t:-·,· j
(Clause 8-6.2.2)
Level Difference Ma:dnium Ramp Width Handrail on Other' Requicwll'nfS
Grad,ientof 111m Both.Sides
(l) (2) Q) (4) (5)
i) j~ODJm.IO 300uuJl '1:12 I 200 .,;
ii) 30l.! 1:12 I 500 'i Landings after ,~Yer:':) Il\ "i ramp nln
iii) 75J IlllTlIO :rOOOmm IdS I 8(~) -V, I,
L-lJld.i~).gsarter ~very9111ofnunp 11m
iv) More than 3 000 mm [;20. ,;, 1 80(1 -\)'".j~~..:'t 4ndirlg~ after ;:\,erc' ') III of ramp nm
~------------:----------" .._------

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