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Biodegradation (2008) 19:179–185

DOI 10.1007/s10532-007-9124-8


Anaerobic protozoa and their growth in biomethanation

M. Priya Æ Ajit Haridas Æ V. B. Manilal

Received: 5 December 2006 / Accepted: 13 April 2007 / Published online: 10 May 2007
 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007

Abstract This study was to investigate growth of Keywords Anaerobic ciliates  Anaerobic
protozoa and its influence on biodegradation in flagellates  Anaerobic protozoa  Biomethanation 
anaerobic treatment systems. It was done by specif- Chemical oxygen demand  Mixed liquor suspended
ically controlling and monitoring growth of protozoa solids
versus degradation in continuous stirred anaerobic
reactors and batch anaerobic reactors. Occurrence of Abbreviations
a diverse protozoa population such as the ciliates, CSTAR Continuous stirred tank anaerobic reactor
Prorodon, Vorticella, Cyclidium, Spathidium, Lox- COD Chemical oxygen demand
odes, Metopus were observed in stable anaerobic MLSS Mixed liquor suspended solids
systems and the flagellates, Rhynchomonas, Naeglar- VFA Volatile fatty acids
ia, Amoeboflagellates, Tetramitus, Trepomonas and
Bodo during increased VFA concentration and
affected periods of biomethanation. The abundance
of ciliates in the anaerobic system had significant Introduction
correlation with the reduction of MLSS, increased
rate of COD removal and higher methane production. Protozoa consortia are found in various anaerobic
The results of this study thus tend to relate increased environments, including rumen ecosystem, marine
anaerobic degradation with the abundance of proto- and fresh water sediments, wet landfills and anaer-
zoa, mainly ciliates, which indicate their possible obic sewage plants (Williams and Coleman 1991;
involvement in the process. Present study also reveals Fenchel 1993; Fenchel et al. 1990; Finlay and
that performance of anaerobic process can be Fenchel 1991; Fenchel et al. 1977). They are mainly
assessed by monitoring the protozoa population in considered as bacteriovorous and often represent
the system. main bacterial grazers in anoxic environments (Fen-
chel and Finlay 1991). The feeding rates of anaerobic
ciliates on bacteria are comparable to those of aerobic
ciliates (Massana and Pedros-alio 1994), but their net
growth efficiency and gross growth efficiency are
M. Priya  A. Haridas  V. B. Manilal (&) only about 20% and 25% respectively of the aerobic
Process Engineering and Environmental Technology
organisms (Fenchel and Finlay 1990).
Division, Regional Research Laboratory, CSIR,
Thiruvananthapuram 695019, India Anaerobic protozoa lack mitochondria and instead
e-mail: possess redox organelles known as hydrogenosomes

180 Biodegradation (2008) 19:179–185

(Finlay and Fenchel 1989), which are believed to be water treatment plant. The CSTARs were fed
generating ATP and H2 from the decarboxylation of continuously with carbon sources at a rate of 1 g
pyruvate (Mueller 1988). The partial pressure of H2 COD l 1 d 1 and 2 g COD l 1 d 1. One reactor was
generated in the cells is managed by ecto and fed with sodium acetate (solution) and other with
endosymbiotic bacteria mainly methanogens (Fen- emulsified sodium oleate (particulate suspension) and
chel et al. 1977). It has been reported that anaerobic studied the growth and population of anaerobic
protozoa with endosymbiotic methanogens can con- protozoa. Each of the carbon sources was mixed
tribute a substantial fraction of methane production with the Vanderbilt media (Nuri et al. 2001) before
(15–90%) in anaerobic marine sediments (Fenchel feeding and was supplied to the reactors using a
1993) and 9–25% of methanogenesis in rumen fluid peristaltic pump (Autoclude VT, UK) at a rate to run
(Newbold et al. 1995). experiments on the hydraulic retention time of 5 days.
The significance of protozoa in anaerobic envi- Alkalinity of the reactor liquid was adjusted by
ronments has been less studied with respect to their adding 1 N NaOH. Both reactors were operated at
role in biodegradation except in the rumen ecosystem 30 ± 28C. Cysteine HCl was added initially to remove
where protozoa is said to enhance the degradation of residual oxygen in the reactors. Methane generated in
organic material by direct uptake (Williams 1991; the reactors was collected over 0.5 N NaOH and
Santra and Karim 2002). The functional role of measured.
protozoa in biodegradation are of great interest as As a direct method for the contribution of protozoa
protozoan role is generally reported as antagonistic to to methanogenesis and COD removal, experimental
bacterial growth from grazing activity and thereby set up was made with and without protozoa. Reactors
unfavourable to bacterial growth and degradation without protozoa were obtained by adding cyclohex-
(Kotta et al. 1999). A similar opinion prevails in the imide (250 mg/l), which inhibits eukaryotic protein
case of aerobic treatment, but positive impact of synthesis (Kotta et al. 1999). Control tests were
ciliates on the overall purification and performance of conducted to study the effect of cycloheximide on
aerobic activated sludge has been shown, especially anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria were isolated
in the reduction of biological oxygen demand, from the same anaerobic reactor sludge. Isolates were
concentration of suspended solids and control of incubated anaerobically in sodium acetate added
viable bacteria in the treated effluent (Curds et al. mineral medium with and without cycloheximide in
1968; Salvado et al. 1995; Madoni 1994). However, 50 ml amber Schott Duran bottles screw capped with
Finlay and Fenchel (1991) have reported that grazing silicon septa (Thomson Scientific, USA). Isolation
and flocculation activity of anaerobic ciliates lead to and culturing of anaerobic bacteria was done as per
an overall stimulation of anaerobic activity and to an Microbiological Aspects of Anaerobic Digestion,
increased turn over rate in wet anaerobic landfill sites. Laboratory Manual (1988). DAPI stained samples
In order to understand the anaerobic degradation in of culture were checked for the effect of cyclohex-
detail studies are needed on the growth of anaerobic imide on bacteria under epifluorescence microscope
protozoa. The present study is on the growth of (Leica DM 2500). The results did not show any effect
protozoa in biomethanation system related to their on bacterial number by dosing of cycloheximide and
involvement in biodegradation. was same in cultures with and without protozoa.

Batch anaerobic reactors

Materials and methods
Schot duran bottles with a capacity of 500 ml were
Continuous stirred tank anaerobic reactor used for batch reactor studies. The basal medium
used was described by Harada et al. (1994). The
Two continuous stirred tank anaerobic reactors initial COD concentration in the batch anaerobic
(CSTARs) with effective volume of 1 l each were reactor was set at 1 g g 1 VSS for sodium oleate
fabricated using glass bottles and operated for this suspension as substrate. Each bottle was capped with
study. Initial seeding of the reactors was done with a rubber septum (Aldrich, USA) and the headspace
the anaerobic sludge collected from a dairy waste- was filled with nitrogen. Sample for analyses was

Biodegradation (2008) 19:179–185 181

withdrawn with a sterile syringe needle inserted Metopus and Spathidum. In addition, the oleate fed
through the septum and the methane produced was reactor also had Loxophyllum and Brachonella and
measured by the displacement of 0.5 N NaOH Discomorphella occasionally. The flagellates present
solution in water. throughout in the reactors were Rhynchomonas,
Naeglaria, Amoeboflagellates, Tetramitus, Trepomo-
Chemical analysis nas and Bodo, and Menoidium occasionally. Pera-
nema was also found rarely in the oleate fed reactor.
Samples were drawn periodically from the reactors Number of protozoa was relatively higher in sus-
for chemical analyses. COD and MLSS were deter- pended feed (oleate) compared to solution (acetate)
mined by following standard methods (APHA 1998). throughout the period of operation. As shown in
Total VFA and alkalinity concentrations were esti- Fig. 1 the maximum number of protozoa were
mated titrimetrically (Anderson and Yang 1992). A indexed in the oleate fed reactor
pH meter attached with glass electrode was used for (2.3 · 106 ± 0.55 ml 1) compared to the acetate fed
measuring pH of the samples (Systronic, India). one (1.95 · 106 ± 0.52 ml 1) at early period of
Methane was determined in a gas chromatograph reactor operation.
(FISIONS 8000, TCD, 2 mm-i.d. silica gel column, Neutral pH was the essential condition for max-
He 150 ml/min, oven 408C, injector 1108C, and imum growth of ciliates in both the CSTARs fed with
detector base 1208C). acetate and oleate. A decline of ciliate count from
4.5 · 104 ml 1 – 2.5 · 103 ml 1 was observed in the
Microscopic studies CSTARs with the decrease in pH from 7.0 to 6.5
(Fig. 2). Compared to ciliates, flagellates were less
The growth of protozoa was assessed daily with live affected in the anaerobic reactors by the acidic
samples. Observations were carried out using a condition particularly during the early period of
compound microscope, Nikon—ALPH 4 YS2. Pro- operations where VFA concentration was higher
tozoan number was determined by direct counting on (>8 meq l 1) and the pH was below 7.0. Flagellates
a haemocytometer. Fast moving protozoa were reached a maximum number of 1.5 · 106 ± 0.56 ml 1
counted after fixing in Shaudinn’s fixative and in the acetate fed anaerobic reactor and
staining with Lugol’s iodine of 1% (Patterson 1.3 · 106 ± 0.50 ml 1 in oleate fed at early days of
1995). The protozoa were identified according to reactor operation (Fig. 3). On reaching the anaerobic
the schemes summarized by Patterson (1995) and process stable the density of flagellates declined to
Foissner and Berger (1996). the range of 2.0 · 104 – 6.5 · 104 ± 0.4 ml 1 and
maintained a steady state thereafter in both CSTARs.
The growth of ciliates was predominant in the
Results reactors from steady state and the total ciliate count

Growth of anaerobic protozoa in CSTARs

Total protoz oan count x 10 4 m l -1

250 acetate oleate

The number and diversity of anaerobic protozoa were

significantly varied with respect to feed composition
and physicochemical conditions of laboratory scale 150
CSTARs. During the startup of CSTARs the fluctu- 100
ation of protozoa population was even more with
abundance of flagellates and amoeboids.
Protozoa of different genera were observed in 0
CSTARs during continuous operation. The com- 1 11 21 31 41 51 61

monly observed ciliates in the CSTARs fed with Days

acetate and oleate were Prorodon, Cyclidium, Meto- Fig. 1 Total protozoan count in acetate fed and oleate fed
pus, Spathidium, Loxodes and Vorticella, with CSTARs operated with loading rate of 1 g COD l 1 d 1 at
the maximum occurrence of Prorodon, Cyclidium, 5 days HRT

182 Biodegradation (2008) 19:179–185

Flagellates Ciliates
8 loading rates and retention time. The maximum

m l -1
COD removal of more than 72% (± 2) was observed
Ciliate count x 10 4m l -1

6 6 in the reactors having the highest number of ciliates

Flagellate count x 10
(in the range of 2.5 – 9.25 · 104 ± 0.3 ml 1). While in
4 4
unsteady states, during reactor start up and change in
2 2
loading rates the number of ciliates was less than
2.5 · 103 ml 1 and obtained less COD removal. In
0 0 experiments with control, enhanced COD removal
7.0 7.1 7.0 6.6 6.5 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.8 7.1 7.0 7.2 7.3
was observed in CSTARs with protozoa (more than
75%) compared to the protozoa controlled CSTARs
Fig. 2 Effect of pH on protozoa in CSTARs supplemented at the same loading rate and retention time (Fig. 5).
with sodium oleate feed The decreased COD reduction could not have
resulted from any adverse effect of cycloheximide
acetate oleate on anaerobic bacteria, the selective inhibitor used in
Flagell ate count x 10 4m l-1

this study for protozoa did not exhibit any deleterious

150 effect on bacteria as the bacterial number was the
same in the presence and absence of cycloheximide.
100 Along with stimulated COD removal, substantial
reduction of MLSS was observed with abundance of
ciliates in the both acetate and oleate fed anaerobic
CSTARs. A negative correlation was obtained in
1 11 21 31 41 51 61 correlation analysis between MLSS concentration
Days and ciliate density and a reduction of more than 25%
Fig. 3 Total flagellate count in acetate fed and oleate fed
(±5) MLSS obtained with 5 · 104 ml 1ciliates
CSTARs operated with loading rate of 1 g COD l 1 d 1 at (Fig. 6).
5 days HRT

Growth of protozoa and stimulation of anaerobic

in the CSTARs were in the range of 2.5 · 103– degradation in anaerobic batch system
9.25 · 104 ± 0.3 ml 1 (Fig. 4).
The presence of protozoan community also had
Stimulation of anaerobic degradation by significant influence on biodegradation in anaerobic
protozoan activity in CSTARs batch systems. The similar trend was observed in
batch experiments with development of organisms
The presence of protozoan community had significant and enhanced biodegradation. Flagellates reached to
influence on removal of COD. The removal of COD a maximum of 12.5 · 104 ± 0.5 ml 1 at initial stage
was higher in both acetate and oleate fed CSTARs and declined to less than 3 · 104 ± 0.3 ml 1 with the
possessing abundant ciliates (Fig. 4) in studied development ciliates. Ciliates number reached to a

Fig. 4 COD removal and COD removal Ciliate number

ciliate density in CSTARs
with loading rate of 1 g (A) 100 8 (B)100 12
COD l 1 d 1 at 5 days HRT
CO D removal ( %)
CO D removal ( %)

Count x 104 ml-1

Count x 104 ml-1

(A) acetate fed reactor and 8

(B) oleate fed reactor 50 4 50

0 0 0 0
1 11 21 31 41 51 1 11 21 31 41 51
Days Days

Biodegradation (2008) 19:179–185 183

maximum of 8.75 · 104 ± 0.34 ml 1 (Fig. 7). Like in Discussion

the CSTARs the enhanced COD removal and meth-
ane production in batch anaerobic study also had In recent years, considerable attention has been paid
positive correlation with the abundance of ciliates. towards the development of reactors for anaerobic
The maximum rate of methane production was treatment of wastewater leading to the conversion of
obtained in the range of 28–42 ml d 1 in the organic materials in to biogas. All modern high rate
anaerobic batch system when the ciliates count was biomethanation processes are based on the concept of
noted high, in the range of 6.25 · 10 4 – retaining high viable biomass by bacterial sludge
8.75 · 104 ± 0.34 ml 1 (Fig. 8). immobilization (Hulshoff and Lettinga 1986) and
works were mainly focused on bacteria in anaerobic
treatment process. But the role of protozoa in
COD removal (with ciliates)
anaerobic digestion process is hardly explained.
COD removal (without ciliates) Gijzen et al. (1987a, b) have developed a two-phase
anaerobic system based on processes and microor-
COD rem oval (% )

80 ganisms including ciliates from the ruminant (Rumen

60 Derived Anaerobic Digestion—RUDAD), however,
the specific role of ciliates has not been investigated.
This study is aimed at protozoa mediated biodegra-
20 dation in anaerobic reactor and the results indicate
0 that protozoa play important roles in anaerobic
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 degradation.
The composition and size of protozoa population
Fig. 5 Comparison of COD removal in CSTARs with and is considerably influenced by the nature of feed and
without protozoa with loading rate of 1 g COD l 1 d 1 at conditions of system operation. Flagellates and
5 days HRT amoeboids were flourished at early stages (Fig. 3)

Fig. 6 Correlation between MLSS Ciliate

MLSS and abundance of
ciliates in CSTARs (A) 0.6 4 (B) 0.6 8

Count x 104 ml -1
Count x 104 ml -1

operated with loading rate 3 6

MLSS ( gl -1)
MLSS ( gl -1)

0.4 0.4
of 1 g COD l 1 d 1 at
5 days HRT (A) acetate fed 2 4
reactor and (B) oleate fed 0.2 0.2
1 2
reactor \
0 0 0 0
2 12 22 32 42 52 2 12 22 32 42 52
Days Days

Ciliate Flagellate ciliate count methane

10 16
10 50
m l -1
Ci lai te count x 10 4 m l -1

Cil iate count x 10 4 m l -1

8 40

Methane (m l day -1)

Flagellate count x 10

6 6 30
4 4 20
2 2 10

0 0 0 0
1 4 7 10 13 16 1 4 7 10 13 16
Days Days

Fig. 7 Growth of flagellates and ciliates in anaerobic batch Fig. 8 Correlation between ciliate density and methane
reactor fed with oleate feed production in anaerobic batch reactor

184 Biodegradation (2008) 19:179–185

and then ciliates, after reaching steady state in VFA higher growth of ciliates in the anaerobic reactors had
generation and utilization by biomethanation (Fig. 4). increased COD removal and at the same time
The abundance of flagellates at initial stage could be reduction of MLSS was also found significantly
due to its shorter generation time compared to ciliates higher (Fig. 6). This is a contradiction to the general
and the energy advantage from the direct utilization view on the growth of protozoa, the grazers of
of dissolved substrate like VFA as noticed higher at bacteria, which are considered responsible for bio-
initial stage (>8 meq l 1). Direct uptake of organic degradation. It means protozoa may be playing some
matter through osmotrophic nutrition has previously role in the anaerobic degradation through consump-
been reported in some of the soil flagellates (Ekelund tion of biomass for the generation of methane.
and Ronn 1994). Protozoa grazing have previously been reported to
Protozoa number and species composition showed reduce bacterial biomass to 12–43% in aerobic
notable difference with respect to feed composition. chemostat cultures (Ratsak et al. 1994) and control
Relatively high density and diversity of protozoa abundance of bacteria in fresh water and marine
obtained in oleate fed CSTARs supports their adap- environments (Sherr and Sherr 1987).
tation on particulate feeding along with bacterial The stimulation of methane production with higher
grazing (Fig. 1). Again, oleate being complex counts of ciliates in anaerobic systems (Fig. 8) also
substrate compared to acetate, larger diversity of indicating the possible direct involvement of proto-
bacterial population needed to degrade oleate parti- zoa in anaerobic degradation. The production of
cles, so can expect larger diversity of flagellates and methane through endosymbiotic methanogens has
ciliates. Protozoa are mainly considered as main been reported in anaerobic ciliates (Fenchel and
bacterial consumers in anaerobic environments (Fen- Finlay 1992). Further more, symbiotic relation
chel and Finlay 1991). between protozoa and bacteria enhancing the anaer-
During the course of treatment protozoa changed obic degradation and observed high rate methane
its population along with changing physical condi- production in the presence of ciliate Metopus palae-
tions. Anaerobic protozoa are highly dependant on formis (Biagini et al. 1998). The present study thus
physical conditions of reactor and the most affected confirms enhanced anaerobic degradation and meth-
group was ciliates. A sudden change in population ane production by the presence of protozoa, espe-
was obtained with ciliates. Flagellates and amoe- cially ciliates in anaerobic systems.
boids were dominated at unsteady conditions such
as change in pH (Fig. 2) and VFA concentration and
during the change in loading rate. The results
indicate that protozoa can be considered as good
indicators of anaerobic system performance. How-
The information on eukaryotes in anaerobic degra-
ever, changes in the community structure of proto-
dation is scanty to describe their role in such systems.
zoa have been reported in the aerobic treatment
The present study on the growth of protozoa in
systems by the changes in pH and temperature
anaerobic system tries to explain their presence and
(Fried et al. 2000).
significance beyond bacterial grazing. The popula-
Anaerobic CSTARs and batch system showed an
tions of protozoa vary considerably with the changes
obvious relation between abundance of ciliates and
in the anaerobic reactors, which can be considered as
enhanced biodegradation. The correlation coefficients
an indicator of system performance in anaerobic
between COD removal and abundance of ciliates
process. The abundance of ciliates stimulates the rate
were significantly high (R2 > 0.95) in the studied
of COD removal and methane production. Absence
conditions of hydraulic retention time and feed
of protozoa affects the COD removal in the anaerobic
loading (Fig. 4). Stimulation of terminal activity by
system substantially.
the presence of protozoa has been reported in natural
aerobic systems (Fenchel and Harrison 1976) and in Acknowledgements Priya, M. gratefully acknowledges the
aerobic treatment processes (Curds et al. 1968), but it financial assistance from UGC, Govt. of India in the form of
is unknown earlier in anaerobic systems. Importantly, research fellowship (Award No: F 15-6 (dec/2001)/2002(NET).

Biodegradation (2008) 19:179–185 185

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