Pinoy Shuttlemasters Malaysia By-Laws: 1. Name of Club

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1. Name of Club

The name of the Club shall be Pinoy ShuttleMasters Malaysia.

2. Vision and Mission

To create an All-Filipino badminton community in Malaysia that is supportive,
progressive, friendly, competitive and encouraging.

To promote participation in badminton as a sport and encourage the growth of
badminton players amongst Filipino expatriates throughout Malaysia.

3. Strategic Objectives

3.1 To facilitate the playing and practice of badminton in all its forms.
3.2 To help develop members' skills through recreational and competitive badminton.
3.3 To provide a forum for members to interact and socialize through playing and
non-playing activities.
3.4 To ensure that members, no matter what their age or background, will have an
opportunity to reach their potential.
3.5 To assist members to represent PSM at a higher level.
3.6 To provide invites/updates on the latest Filipino badminton tournaments in
Malaysia thru the PSM Official Group page.

4. Membership

4.1 Membership shall be open to all Filipino who are currently working and living in
4.2 Members must not be affiliated in other Filipino badminton club in Malaysia.
4.3 Members are allowed to participate in games/tournaments organized by other
badminton clubs if there is no conflict to PSM’s calendar of activities.
4.4 Members are eligible to nominate and vote for candidates during the annual
election of officers.
4.5 Members are entitled to attend all general meetings of PSM.
4.6 Membership shall be obtained by signing the PSM Registration Form.

5. Officers

5.1 PSM shall elect a set of officers.

5.2 PSM Officers shall run the club of behalf of its members and in accordance with
PSM Vision, Mission and Objectives.
5.3 PSM Officers shall consist of the following:
5.3.1 President
5.3.2 Vice-President
5.3.3 Secretary
5.3.4 Treasurer
5.3.5 Auditor
5.3.6 Public Relations Officer
5.3.7 Equipment Officers (2)

5.4 The Term of Office of these elected officers shall be one fiscal year.
5.5 A person shall not hold the same office for more than 2 successive years.
5.6 Although decisions should be arrived at by the consensus of the officers (where
possible), divided decisions shall be decided by majority voting.
5.7 A quorum shall be 2/3 of PSM officers.

6. Election of Officers

6.1 PSM Officers shall be democratically elected at the Annual General Meeting
6.2 To seek election to the Committee, each candidate must have 2 nominations by
current members of the club.

7. Officers’ Duties

7.1 The President shall be the Chief Officer of PSM whose functions include chairing
all meetings of the committee and officiating at meetings of the club.
7.2 The Chair of any meeting shall have an ordinary vote at committee meetings and
meetings of PSM. In the event of a tied vote on any matter she/he shall have the
casting vote.

7.3 The Vice-President shall assist the President in all their duties.
7.4 The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President (unless otherwise
directed by a general meeting of PSM) in the event that the President is absent or
is unable to perform their duties.

7.5 The Secretary’s function shall be to deal with all correspondence and records of
7.6 The Secretary keeps minutes of all officers’ meetings, of all general meetings, of
the Annual General Meeting or any other meetings in relation to the business of
PSM when requested by the officers.
7.7 The Secretary may keep a record of authorization of expenditure.
7.8 The Secretary shall give notice to all members of PSM’s meetings, events, and
7.9 The Secretary shall assist the Public Relations Officer (PRO) to organize fund
raising events and sponsorship where necessary.

7.10 The Treasurer’s function shall be to administer the funds of PSM and to
maintain accounts and budgets.
7.11 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of accounts.
7.12 The Treasure shall keep full records of income and expenditure of PSM. The
Treasure shall also keep a record of who authorized various expenditures and
shall issue receipts.
7.13 Where the Treasurer is decreed as unavailable, another designated person
may take his duty.

7.14 The Auditor shall be responsible in reporting audit findings in a true, complete
and justifiable manner.
7.15 The Auditor (along with the Treasurer) shall prepare an annual report and
must be presented during the turn over to the newly elected officers.

Public Relations Officer

7.16 The Public Relations Officer (along with the Secretary) shall be responsible
for the advertising of all functions of PSM through all means possible.
7.17 The Public Relations Officer (along with the Secretary) shall deal with external
correspondence and maintain records of the contribution outside bodies have
had for PSM and to give notice of all members of these contributions.

Equipment Officers
7.18 The Equipment Officers shall be responsible for the fixed and current assets
(shuttlecock) of the club in compliance with the regulations set down by the PSM
7.19 The Equipment Officers shall maintain a record of all fixed and current assets
(shuttlecock) belonging to PSM and will report an inventory list to the committee
at the start and end of the fiscal year.

8. Dismissal and Resignation of Officers

8.1 No PSM Officer shall be dismissed from office unless:

8.1.1 Written notice of a resolution to seek such a dismissal, signed by 10% of
the PSM members is received 4 working days prior to a general meeting
at which such a resolution shall be debated.
8.1.2 2/3 of PSM Officers may also call a meeting to debate the dismissal of
another officer.
8.2 A resolution to dismiss an officer shall be passed by a simple majority voting at
the relevant and quorate meeting.
8.3 A PSM officer wishing to resign must submit a letter in writing declaring that
intention to resign to the Secretary, who will immediately inform the PSM Officers
as a whole. The responsibilities of that person shall be delegated to other
officer(s) until a by-election can be held to re-elect a new person to the position.

9. Meetings

9.1 There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) held each year.
9.2 The AGM shall be held no later than in the mid-year of the Fiscal year where the
PSM Officers will be elected (where possible).
9.3 A quorum of the meeting shall be 2 PSM Officers and 10% of the ordinary
9.4 The business of the AGM shall include elections of relevant PSM Officers as well
as annual reports from the outgoing officers (which should include a Treasurer’s
report on the finances of the club), recognition of players, rankings, etc.
9.5 An Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be convened if:
9.5.1 10% of the ordinary membership of the club requests such a meeting in
9.5.2 A quorum of the Governing Executive Committee requests such a
meeting in writing
9.5.3 A vacancy on the current committee occurs and there is a need to elect a
9.6 Notice of all meetings shall be given to the membership at least 3 working days
prior to the date of the meeting.
9.7 At a meeting, a member may propose a resolution relating to the business of
PSM. The resolution shall be voted on by a show of hands and a declaration of
the Chairperson that the resolution is carried (unless a secret ballot is demanded
by any 5 members) shall be conclusive evidence that the resolution has passed
or failed.
9.8 In the event that the Chairperson’s resolution (8.9) is challenged a recount of the
votes will be administered in which a number of appropriate people will be
appointed by the committee as “tellers” to count the votes. The result will be
announced by the President or the Vice-President (where requested by the
general meeting).
9.9 No resolution may contravene PSM policy.

10. General

10.1 Each PSM member shall be entitled to receive a copy of this by-law, on
demand, free of charge.
10.2 In joining PSM, members agree to be bound by the rules and regulations of
PSM as laid down in this by-law and by the PSM Officers. Members violating
these rules and regulations shall be answerable to the PSM Officers and may
have their membership revoked, for persistent breaches or extremely serious
breaches, as deemed by a majority of the officers. In the event that the
committee cannot resolve a dispute with a member(s), PSM President shall rule
on the matter and its decision is final.

11. Amendments to this By-law

11.1 Notice of a proposal to seek an amendment to this by-law shall be given to

the members at least 4 working days prior to the meeting at which such a
proposal shall be considered.
11.2 A proposal to amend this by-law must receive the approval of 2/3 of the
members present and entitled to vote at the relevant meeting.

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