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Unit -5 Auxiliary Structures 1 Bunkers & Silos i Introduction ‘The common game for Inakers and sifos ig “bing". The bins are wed to store large quantities of materials like grains, coals etc. RCC bins are preferred to steet bins, since maistenance cost of RCC bins is less. Fig. 5.1 shows a typical bin. ‘The bins may be termed als “shallow bins’ and silos as “deep bids", The criteria for the term shallow and deep being, where the bine of rupture drawn from bottom edge of bins + 0 intersects at the other cid. The plane of rupture makes an angle of ———© with the horiznatal, where fis ti hngle of fiction between the matevials stored and concrete. I this plane of fupture intersects the ton of the surface of the material, it 15 called “Shallow Bin’ Bunker] and AF it intersects the wall, it is called “Deep Bin” {Sito}. The situations aye shown 1a figh 5.2 oe | corm a ‘ING? . Fig. S.1-A typical'Bin Fig, 5.2 - Bunker & Silo i The bunkers may be rectangllet in plan or ciecular, but silos are usually circular. The bins are always provided with hoppet bottoms. The slape of the hopper bottoms with horizontal jg kept mre lush Ihe angle of Iiction betwuen the grain stored and concrete so that when bottom soc is pened: Une material starts ealliog down on sis own weight faci clewrilva), the bli are upeated ue u cuimber al columaa ‘spaced at regular Intervals The distance betiveers twa adjacent columns and the Height of the coluinats healle he sufficient for Ick to pass, a that they ran be cheectly toadest sub che material stored when heppe: Wotiin is opened. 73 Fee mate Design of Rectangular Bunkers Similar to earth pressure on. r#taining wall, the material stored in bunkers excrts lateral pressure on the walls. Due to friction: between the wall and the grains, it exeris vertical downward load also. Since depth is small in bankers, this frictional force on wall is neglected. The various parts of the bunkers t6 be designe are (Vertical wall i fil) Upper bottom (il) Columns fix) Colon: fouling (| Destan of vertical watt ‘The lateral pressure “p" exerted! by filled material on wall is given by Rankine’s formula 60s fi eos’ B= cos" p cos + feos? B= cos? p= yacos where, yo the weight of total material stored depth measured from top of stored material B= angle of surcharge Lekeek angle of repose , he. es « i sailors, a Sy hs Maximum angle af surcharge Is naturally equal to angle of repese which is equal to @ In such case, Bn = eos? if ke top surface is horizontal, A= 0 st By « p, =y, sie i ok O8 TE 4 Sing i x &y Fig. 5.3 - Pressure on walls ‘Thus she wall is subjected to triangular lod: mereasing with the depth. Phe atndury conditions sure free edge et top, and Lontinugus ar she crher due edges You & on table 3.of 19:3370'- Part 1 for the analysis, Since height of the wall is less, itis treated a5 a horvonial continuous béam {8g 9 3} and hence moments are calculated using the following formulae: Comer moment Mx=Np=Md=Mo= es +e a2] Hence rve moment al centye of ong walls aBLand CO = © mle +B? - BL ' i B Pale and at cease of short wall AD and Be» PAS ale +B" ~ BL} Pressure ia short wall transis direct tension to the Jong wall. Hence direct tension in tong watt = P= fi Bok Similarly direct tensile forck on short wall = The wallls may-be designed fof axtal tensive and morents i) Debign of Hopper Botton This id a sloping slab subjected to Q Direct tension and | + i] Bending moment 1) Divert tonston tm hopper bottom BSS Fig. $.4 — Direct tension in hopper bottom Referring to fig. $.4, i W = total weight of the enaterial aad self wt. of bopper bottom AL @ ie the slope of hopper Bottom, the tension caused hy W is given by Ton d= Ww i Get = W cosee & : iy Beniding moment Tile = a eae 3 : Fig. §.5 ~ Foreds per unit length of hopper bottom bases aconimcusciaed LW gh cuppeital at dupiig dyes: (NyS.0). oR die fon the civin at venice Af clans yi The gama ia otewisted tewsaeant Leth’ be the height of material stored from the centval'strip and '' be its span iy Consider the forces on a unjt length of strip. ee Vertical downward pressure on the sisip = phos? a4 . Honizontal pressure on the strip =p; sind ‘Therefore, Normal pressure on the strip’ p, = joos! @+ p, sin! @ ARAN NH IF the self weight of the stoping slab is W,, then & its normal component = W. Cos@ | +.Total dormal pressure g = yrcos* 0+ p, sin’ ¢ +, cos i x oe Then, maximum -ve moment at ie x and maximum ve moment = » ea a a “wit ae no wall” Sat} s iii} Bdge Beams Topi edge beam is provided to agscrninintate, attachment of conveyor supports. ft also accommodates the reinforeemueit ir th behaving as a deep beam. A normal bean: of size SOC x 30G- mm with nominia reitorcement of + bars of 12 ani may be provided, The'bottom beam is subjected to outward grain pressure and inward pull from hopper bottom. The torizontal component of pull from hopper bottom is inward Force and it is. more than outward grain pressure. However, in bunkers, this force is not much. “A nominal edge beam of size 300 x 300 mm with minimum reinforcement is sulficient tv} Columns aid Footing ‘The vertical load from bins and horizontal wind pressure on bin’ are to be considered in the design of columns aad bins. Designof Bunker 1, Design the side walls and hopper bottom of a rectangular bunker of capacity 300 KN (o store coal using M20 concrete and Fe415 steel. Given unit weight of coal = 8 kN/m?, angle of repose of coal = 25° Volume of cou! neared, ihe area ol sgctanyular }> height of surcharge (see ved axax0.7 3 Let the hogper bottom be at 45 horizontal which is more:than angie of friction between oF concrete and coal. Let us keep the size of the L opening of hopper bottom = 0.5m x 0.9m ; i, ¥, =-MA, — hy 08 is 42 ~ 2 2 % 3 784321.3)- (0.5x0), 30. 25) h ST - Jos | ae 39.92 1d 3x3, L vrokide a's m high chamber 7 . L 12 pe Lis |_first, Mence itican be desire tal .€%9 Hence lidetot fracture intersect top suctace 2 bunker, T| Fal oreo] avy Design of Side walls 7] Hormeonta i” Assuming 18penm thick wat! L=3+01 Therefore, Cheaer ve moment = 233.18" 1. Polio + BPR 12 12 18m = 1DBBEN = 1 i 78 Sp sete tS by 38kNm tension (assuming 30mm cover) 30 This direct tension produces moment of Tx opposite 19 bending tension about centre line of the section. centre of span due to. horizontal Moment at ceatre of span pressure M~ 19.38 - 36.57 x 0.05 Effective wall thicknees isd mm Mw ce Area of steal required by moment 43 galisfactory 27. 785x10% f A 4 087x413.04,,x1 50x |-— 4 _ 3] (000x150 20 l= 476t Solving, Ay Tea.TRN steel required to resist direct terision, 15x36.57%4 Tsamn? 26 > Total arca af suel required Spacing of fomm bars at corners ‘Provide [2rim dia. bars at 160 mm cfc. It is increased!to 300mm spacing at a height OF 175m. Aner of stéel required at mid span to F obtained by i | i oe es ERE a ~ —_ | : Ay ' 25x10" =0.87x41net,x15o] — 1000x150 t Als r ! 1 20 133. Ato, or A,’ = 7228.92, +138.42x7228.92 = 0 A, = tenn? 28 | Total An 15? mm? (As per item nu. 25) » 140 293 mam ~ L _{ required _ _ 29 | Spacing, of T a6 mm 12mm cia. «1000 Bars nt (Distr L_|sieey Spacing of hema. lon reinforceme vesiga ot Hopper Bottom | + | Proville 12 men dia bars at 300 mm cfc O.121000x186 7 216m 22mm | wus dive, | self wt of hopper bottom 35] Weight on each plate of hopper bottom tension in sloping borom slab ‘Tovrect tevsile 32 | Total wt, [304.64 EN (see 1iem 13) oa 6akN | of coal to | be ‘ supported j te _ . aT ‘Resuming 150 mm Unek NOpoer Hoicant weight +05 55,69 kN sett weight'= aoe £29 1 as fasotatn25 ‘4 360.53 kv 304.64 + S589 © [90-08 kN 90.08 cose Ss 2 ) 2 OVD. kA 19 29'9 g 25. ee SS P38] reing, Required 176.42m | 216 int 108 nun? stress [ Ste Proeide & mrp dia. bars at 300 mm c/e on be i} is takenia4 13 BO «1000 4 21bx 13 geet 8 Nf rams? H Hence strip nermat | pressure 1 5m B= 45", p, 5 yhoos® 25 47 Bid ATSe08” 454 8x4 A7Sca8” Bein” 45 35.785 KNJeut | 4 at a5 | Etec Tarn | pred 2 Beles aa] Maxie TET RN avepm {2k LACAN 150mm 228. | | 7248.42.4,, + 307.62x7228.92 = 0 or Ag Ay = seam Ba sing 10 cum bars, spacings map tee moment at mid span 5 _ SE TBSRA OS 5.55 kNm 2a)! My = 15 ¥ 9.55 = 6.39 KN, B33x10" = 0.8724 15x4,,x Sf astfte neti 10003150 * 20 153.814, fa [7228.90 or A.) = 7228.924,, £153.81x7228,92 = 0 A, =157-2mm4 But mininium required = 24281000780 15 . ‘ 100 Reinforcement Details . a9 OT a a TRIP POF Os Ce Ob Ou Qed ah it ee Fe Pe De ed Pea ie r . i 2 YF FY ok Design of Circular Bunkers 3 06 Design the side walls anil hopper Kottom of a circular bunker of capacity 300 IgN to store coal using, M20 concrete and Fe4TS tect. Given wilt weight of coal Requit [Reference Volume of coal 37.518 to be retained in bunker 25° Volume of coal stored ag surcharge Segdims Bane ot TSS Hi ating) Gbubker | Bn _ Sup of Spoame | Lat ihe Hopper botton be ai 456 with of Hopper opeding af @.5 m as shown in figure. = bottom lo lopper porhon fl gris 4 I olume afeoat | a sane | Given 6 of Crfindrisal { 29.27 m8 | Heigin of \ j chamber | Therefore b= 3.04. Provide 3.1 nu high chamber a Total volumeof | Vevey. 2.634 coal retained ! Weight : a3 Design of Cykincirical 10 | Wan Dimensions of the Bunker Gaicoiations phoos” § = 8x3. 1weas? 25 0 a7RR ot Hoop Pension = Tn 0S ¥ 20.87 «3.5 = 35.65 1a! $7. = 18 T= 1.5% 35.65 = 53.47 Kn Aa tte <= 148 mm? O8Tf, 082x418 Using 140 mm thick wall, Ho ase misimum = OAPI 000 sop! 100 Using. mm bars, 2s" 4.4000 = 299307 168 Provide 8 inm bars at 280 mm efc for hoop tension, Provide the same as diginibution steel in vertical direction 2 | Hoppe Botrom Provide a fleping slab of thickness 140 mm. Weight of coal - 304.4 KN (from item’no.9) ‘Mean diameter of sloping botiam finchuding wall thickness) 35405 e a heya = PT Weight of hypper bottom « eee) Be? 2x0) Asem ce 2 3 Abt Ma cos Ag Total veiticat oad ~ $04.4 51.3 - $55.7 KN Note Sloping Jength 3 2. —" TT se ‘¢ a coms 7 eS 5 ao €) y 5. BB te) % eo)? PS PP oe AF aw & Reinforcement 12 } for hoop j tension [ STekiop per nate ton of Ropper boom 355 22a B95 79°78 ens 108.17 RN 198171000 “ O87 415 Osing 6 men bare, Exe wn 2 S02. A1D00= 1662400 302.36 Provide 8 hun buss af 160 mm ¢/¢ in the sloping direction of slab, Check for direct stress: 3 Ac =,140 x 1000 * 392.36 x 13 = 143930 mm? 1 7238x1000 DSOGN Lorin™ BBN fin? 0.8215 ieee apt 23! + = phous? 6+ pheosM@sin? a Bt 2ha cus” 45 +Bx4. 265 cos? 23vsin® 45= 1.04 Normat pressure due fo self-weight = W cos = 51 3x c0849 = 36.278N Norm] pressure per unit length = Total normal pressure - 31.04+5.25-36,29 kN/m. Hoop tension per metre can = G.5%36,20%2,2 = 40 kN Toe LS x AD KN OO KN - srwtn6o Ag OEE = 166 1800 rere | 1229 Heat i fh ain = EAN ann! ' | rie Fo Listy see et iw 33.95 kev? a a = 8? 4 10002 29% 168 Provide 8 my bars at 280 mm e; direction of sia, Check for, direct stress: /e idl the sloping m3 Ac= 140 x 100U + 168 x 13 142184 mmz 4031000 2 Sica, OO oH nm? <28N/ am? 142188 Hence safe Nominal edge bearas of size 300 x 300 mira with 4 Bars of 12 m may be provided at junction. Details of reinforcement are shown in fi eres of reinforcement are shown in fi gure, ‘Mo men $6 @ 220 we 140 cree: 6 dis B 190 8 in 200 Fig - Reinforcement details in circular hunker 2 SILOS In 4 storage container, if the plane of rapture cuts the opposite side, the container is termed as silo. In such containers, large portion of the weight of contained materials fs supported by the friction between materiel and wall and only 2 small portion of weight comes over the hopper bottom. The vertical weight carried by the wall causes direct compression in the wall. H. Janssen and W. Airy have put forward thelr theories for calculating pressure in such cases, Janssen’s Theory ‘The following assumptions are inade in the design of sitos by Janssen’s theory: : 1) The material is unaform in texture 2) ‘The materiat has a definite angle of repose 3) The coefficient of friction between material and side walls has @ constant value Let 7 = unit weight.of matgrial stored = depth below the top of the bin where pressures are desired. A » Cross sectional area of the bin U ~ Perimeter of the horizontal section of K = A/U the hydraulic mean depth of the section @ = angle of repose of the filling 14 = coefficient of friction between material stored and concrete. Pp ~ intensity of horizontal pressure on the walls: Py * intensity of vertical pressure in the walls a Poe [= py intensity of Trictiortad force a, losing yD lesing : = Consider elementary volume of thickness dh at depth h. (5g.5.6} Let ps be the pressure above the slice and pe+dpe be the ¢ pressure below the slice. Let px be the horizontal pressure at this level and f be the frictional stress. Bquating the verticgl furees, by A+ YAdb = (py + apy AX f Udb Now, Ht ple ° pAdh = Adpy + u pyllth Dividing by A, yb = dpy 4 aa (Substituting U = A/RD 87 EE Integration gives me = a + Dy, where Q R ‘ tore» 7 a He), Dz where Qo is a constant R R Ath = 0, pe=0, log» Qe Generally, the silos are circular’ with conical bottom. The vertical wall Is designed for hoop tension, Hoop tension in vertical wall will be pp x D/2, where "D' 1s the diameter of the silo. The thickness of the wall is designed for haop tension as weil as vertical tood The joad taken by the wall is due do friction and is equal to gr’ps. Total vertcal load taken by the wall for any depth ‘Hig given by 88 Terry ory " a rey Rg = YAjh-e v ee = yAb~ At, = ACwh = pr) The bottom conical dome is analyzed in the same inanner as for bunker. The'surcharge over the conical portion is taken as py and Rankine's formula is applied for horizontal pressure, E Airy’s Theory. Aary’s theory of design of silos is based on Coulumb's wedge theory of earth pressure The results obtained from this theory also fairly agree with the expermental resulis although the basis of the theory is different from that of Janssen's theory. Using Airy’s formula, horizontal pressure per unit length of periphery and position of plane of rupture can be determined. Knowing the horizontal pressure, vertical pressure and also vertical load taken by wall con be evahuated, Depending upon the plane of rupture, the following 2 cases arise: a) Plane of rupture cuts the top honzontal surface b) Plane of rupture cuts the opposite vertical wall Case 1: Plane of rupture cuts the top horizontal surface Fig. 5.7 shows a typical situation. In this, AC is horizontal top surface BC is the line of rupture @ = angle of line of rupture with horizontal © ~ diameter of the sito 89 Consider the equifibrium of the material in the portion AAC, which is just tke a wedge Let H'= coellicient of friction between material stored and concrete. Py horizontal reaction from wall Vertical frictional force exerted by wali on material = 1 Py Let R = normal reactive force along the plane of rupture estan, be the coefficient of friction aR is the frictional force along the plane of rupture: W = weight of material in the portion ABC (weight of wedge) Now, Tae = heot & Weight of wedge = W/ = Consider the equilibrium of the wedge ABC’ Summation of forces in verticat direction = G, gives uP, + pbsin® + ReosO-W =0! ~ RUasin@ + cos 8) = W = pe Py Wally oR=-——_4# 4 HSin8 + cos 8 in Summation of forces in horizontal flirection ~ 0, gives Py + pReosB—RsinG =0 R(sin® - reo @) = Py P, or R = 8 sind — e088 90 noe 8 Peony Py fio 6 oy we , wee UP PP Ap yoy SF pap CO A AER SGD DOD EARN Ey Equating (1) and (2} we get eh a pind +cos@ sin woos? = (sind — 10050} pt P,inO — preos) = Py (yssin 9+ cos) W(sin@ ~ pcos 8) = Py(jsin€ + cos @ + pesin ® — j4ps' cos) = Fyl(uct p)sin + (1~ pcos 9) sin ~poos (et yin = 240 2058) PW Dividing numerator and denominator by cosB, we get pew oie ced cot fH (rp yianb+ (mt) 2 rt wy tan +O Hal) ae oe (5 C08 = 1AM) eB) 2 Gee peyton? 0+ ape )tan® Letu=tand~ ye v= Weg juan? 64 0p jtand oO, For maximum Pp, cee [ot da 2 we vady — udu = Onde = ode (tan yt geet sec? O H(t 4 W)2tanOsec” B] “Dm yranO + (pet yan? Bllsce” 6) The term sec?@ appears on both sides of equality and heace may be cancelled. Simplification leads to the equation 1 at ALM) ee tan? O--2y1tand~ ft) rand = wey Substituting it in equation {3) and simplifying, we get a1 Noting thet py denotes the total horizontal force per unit iength of wall, the pressure py at depth b below top en at ‘Total lateral pressure = npy “< % ‘Total vertical ioad carried by wall » bP, oy Jhedegeh apa op wicaceas sivilaw ie geen by =a oy . a wae oe 2 ss woes fa | . ca eee os } Caoe 3: riane of rupture cuts opposite wall Fig. 5.8 shows a typical case; Now, CE = ban & © Weight of wedge ABCD w=y[b-Losend |= [26 bran] Considering the equilibrium of forces acting on the wedge, Ph value is obtained 48 in equation (3) in previous case. pe (2b—bran@\(an8 2 sep yan (1 jy) y= Differentiating & with eespect to @ and equating that ty zero for maximum P, (as lone: in previnos case), we get a quadratic in tan@. Aller solung that quadratic equation, we get, ' tend = rahe at 0 = at yee) : 92 | t FF ayy fy 1 say eye 4 4 Sis St AA BAAS Substituting the value of tan @ obtained from the abovt cquation into the previous equation, value of Py can be obtained. Then, #, eltanO = #4) dh (et pt tan 4 (1 aun!) A Totattateral pressure = ip, Total vertical load carried by wall = 73,0, ‘ For conical hopper bottom, (he surcharge pressure = where Eig the deptly from top of the silo Some more details can be had from 18:4995 - 1974 . Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for storage of granular and powdery matenals 1. A silo with internal diameter 5.5 m, height of cylindrica} portion 18m and ceatral opening with 0.5m ds to be built to store wheat. Design the silo using M20 grade concrete and Fea 15 steel. Unit weight of wheat = 8.5 kN/m? Coeffictent of friction between wall and material = 0.444 ‘The ratio of horizontal to vertical pressure intensity (i) = 0.40 Angle of repose = 25° Use Jangsen’s theory for pressure calculations, Solution Figure shows the dimensions of the silo to be designed, Slope o! hopper bottom is kept as 450, Let the depth of the hopper bottom = 2.$m. SAKA Wa a _ Result] Reference 0} | Unitweight oF P=BSEN fe? 2 ~ 5.5m _ — 0? | eytindrival portion oa | Helaht of [08 eytttarioat oinicia 04 | K Hydrautidé Mean ‘os radius 93 05 | ps i O444x04xh a sxt'375 ais 0444 » 20.aa[ aie] 06 | Hoop Tension hoop steed. It is to 07 | Ae | these voice at every be noted that minimum vertiead r D.3x1 051000 98 | dincer steet < 0.9%. Hence Asai = os 450mm". (using 150nim tk fevinsricat way: — + Provide, yminimata vertical | Ferien reinforcement of [Omm din ot H DML point ong ec | 160mm ees sinoe aviai | compression works oul t7 be too small Max horizontal presure iss (he cylindrica) portion 18m from top| 23.78 KN/m? (Refer table below) Hoop” tension tn TL | cytiadvical wall 65,.395KN, | Leerineive height | J Cie [pata vr "| ‘Biv in mn | Hoop Reinforcement Details] 8.50) 97.13 ‘Area of hoop reinforcement. 14.25 162.77 65.398 1B.1s “f7207.35 31000 aarsa | 428 — BIT CE See of Bowen dia. bars ae 4 (009 = 27 Iran fe Reo fe FARIF IAD yn) VPLS try a ee De Rd Pd de a yr a > jos me em 4 iz be ay, , 4 OR A Y i we Po nam en ayo2tm wes F Cross section of Silo 620 K E30 enn = NOSE mm = PaoK RINGS © 200 c/c. “——gmm © e a7 Cie Reinforcement Details Design of Hopper Bottom [o. item Renuit J Reference | KN /m? i ee ~SS-45KN ia fp Toad on ; : B 1412 a3kN —— hopper bottom 58S Zns.5 feom grain 4 * | sored in cylindrical _| portion _ _ st mb 2 2 2p? + D2 +d. 15 | volume of pee Pie B22) § | hopper bottom 75 m2 = BAP (55? 4 (55x05) +057) wae ~wagneet [asa s” 205.47 EN 4 06 | wheat in this |__| portion _ - ‘Assunie min, thickeiess of wall to be ; Mean 130mm > a 47 | diameter of (65+03)+(05+03) hopper bottem Foe 3am it ar rs 3.35R@ 18 | Sloping length . { ty | Wolume of ape, 30. 150%3. 53, om ~~ concrete _ Sell weight oF Baa x 137 25EN per hatkar Se — Total weight = TaD Fa BOG 29+ 197.25 T7S3.17EN 21 | on hopper |_| bottom - |. . 22 | Direct Tension |___ 758.1 7eqsecS ‘BATS SEIN Direct Tension 2471936 143.49 28 | per metre cl ‘width 24 | Aa required 596. 14mm? 1 A oo se 000 132707 ag | Spacing of 59614 10mm bars} erovide 10mm hars @ 120 6/e in the sloping direction. © 50% of bars at . _| half the sloping length of hepper bottom, _ Reker ‘Ae emAg.n 150 x 10? #595, (4 x 13 slresses : — 96 yet yet PR "95659599 54 [issase- 2000, cLB-13 Apt mAy 157749 Design for Hoop Tension Mean mid height of conical botto D 18428 z 19.25 m Mean diameter = R= Hydraulic mean radius HS 04446504 z) A14x 04, 075 2y7.2441 4 1. pis) 1 2a 22 ym? SSSAN far? Ws - 0,19 x 25 - 3.75 kNV/m? Normal Pressure = Pa = py 608" 43+ py sin? 45-417, cos AS 35.5Scos” 45414.22sin2 454 3.750845 27 SAN / me? Mean diameter at centre of sloping slab * 2.961 Hoop tension T = 0.5x2.96%27 54 > 40,75KN/im _ 15x40.75.~1000 C8215) = 169.3aam™ Ay 97 geagratndeg ss: catagrbuncipn aro diggtagtitmy erayleedty At junction with ring beam, ie, at h=18m Div 23.78 aiid py = 59.45 KN/mn® = py cos? 45+ pg sin? 45-41%, cos dS =p 9.45 con? 454 23.78sin? 45137500845 = A42TAN / Diameter = 55401502 +0.1S0V2 ~ 5.92 m 15x13 131000 Arg = 1) 087 xA15 Spacing af tomm dia. bars 544.2: Sm Proivide 10h dia, bars at 140mm e/c. Increase it gradually to 300 mm by. rid depth and then rhaihtain the spacing of 300 mm. Details of the re."oree vents 1s shown in figure. _ Le vunssen und Airy’s theories. 3 leotghit oti ulti ‘Take density of cemerit = 18.2 kN/m? Coefficient of frictfon’between concrete and cement Coefficient of friction between wall & material = 41 = 0316 0554 Angle of repose of centent = 6-175? Ratio of horizontal to vertical pressure 4 = 0.54 He, ]__ item PP Horizontal Result | Re Calculations pressure according to Jansenn’s theory i sop np OI Py > OB SAL me ) For different values af h= 5,10,15,20,25,30m, froumtop, the value of Rorzonial pressure is tabulated 98 Horizontal | the depth upto which the bin will act as shallow is T pressure | given By according z to Auy’s 1 y pe fus [ELD theory erp) Mere R = D/4=10/4= 2.5 2 s pardosi6s (2 tO3e) (031640554) in = 948m Horizontal pressure i : pare | lalate) + 02)" 1 i bp = 15244 fO31G0.316+ 0.554) Y(t +0316? ) 6.148h kiv/m? valid upto 9.48m . The horizorttal pressure intensity at depths grester 1 anaes | | i c Aye Sues w 40a) 10 Vix 0336 i 182. 2 py em H : (oste+a5sal [ay (0.87) + (0.82) 10 = =e For different values of b~ 5,10,15,20,25,30m from. top, the value of horizontal pressure is tabulated. i 1 t 1 Depth from top (mj

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