Red Hat, Centos, and Fedora: Yum DNF

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Red Hat, CentOS, and Fedora

Red Hat, by default, uses several package management systems. These

systems, while using their own terminology, are still very similar to each other
and to the one used in Debian. For example, we can use either
the yum or dnf manager to install apps.

$ sudo yum install app_name

$ sudo dnf install app_name

Apps in the .rpm format can also be installed with the rpm command.

$ sudo rpm -i app_name.rpm

Removing unwanted applications is just as easy.

$ sudo yum remove app_name

$ sudo dnf remove app_name

Updating apps is similarly easy.

$ yum update
$ sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

As you can see, installing, uninstalling, and updating Linux apps from the
command line isn't hard at all. In fact, once you get used to it, you'll find it's
faster than using desktop GUI-based management tools!

For more information on installing apps from the command line, please visit
the Debian Apt wiki, the Yum cheat sheet, and the DNF wiki.

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