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2.1. Introduction

The name of our following unit is BY AIR

I am sure you are going to enjoy and improve your English level learning some
new vocabulary related to the office and means of transport, and revising some
grammatical aspects: Present prefect continuous, Past perfect continuous and
the comparative and superlative of adjectives. I am sure you know them
already, but it is good to go into all this grammar in depth.

Once more you have listenings, readings and exercises to practice all the
grammar and vocabulary seen in the topic.

In the last two sections let’s play some games and learn a little about Las Vegas

Learn and enjoy!

Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air 2.1

2.2. Listening

Firstly, listen to these following conversations and make sure you understand
them. If it is necessary listen to them more than once or twice!

Then, do the exercise!

2.2.1 Listening 1

Susan and I are at the airport waiting for our plane. We are here because we
are going to our next destination: Los Angeles. We are running because our
plane leaves in 50 minutes!

Susan: Hurry up Matthew we are late! The plane leaves in 50 minutes!

Matthew: Susan, let’s see the screen to check our flight and our ticket counter.
Ok here it is Flight number 156 to Los Angeles. Let’s check our luggage at the
ticket counter number 56.

Susan: Over there Matthew!

Woman at the counter: Good morning! Can I see your ticket? Please place your
case on the weighing machine. It is at your right hand side. Thank you, sir.
Here is your luggage ticket and your boarding card. Do you have any hand

Matthew: No, I haven’t.

Woman at the counter: Then, that’s everything. Please keep the luggage ticket
carefully sir. You’ll require it to claim your suitcase at Los Angeles. Next please.
Are you travelling together?

Susan: Yes, madam.

Woman at the counter: Put your suitcase at your left hand side. Do you have
any hand luggage?

Susan: Yes, I have got one small bag.

2.2 Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air

Woman at the counter: Here is your luggage tag and your boarding card. Keep
your luggage ticket carefully and have a nice journey

Susan: Thank you!

Matthew: Ok, let’s wait in the lounge till we are requested to proceed to the

2.2.2 Listening 2

Susan and I are now on the plane. Listen to us keeping a conversation with a
passenger. She is a girl from London…like me!

Susan: Matthew, that journey will be shorter than the one from London!

Matthew: Sure! It takes just 55 minutes.

Passenger: Excuse me. Are you both from London?

Matthew. Not, exactly. I am from London, but she is American.

Passenger: Nice to hear that! I am from London, too. I am on a business trip.

What about you?

Matthew: We are on holidays.

Passenger: That’s nice. I take planes because I have to because of my job. But
I hope this time I haven’t any problem with this company.

Matthew: Did you have a bad experience?

Passenger: Yes, I did. Once when I flew from London to Las Vegas and from
Las Vegas to Los Angeles to meet my work colleagues, I collected my suitcase
from the luggage carousel to find that the back of my suitcase had been ripped
in transit.

I spoke to the clerk at the airport about the problem and requested that the
company usually pays for repairs. He gave me a form to fill in, detailing the
problem, and an address to send the form to, in order to see if the airline would
pay. It seemed like such hard work (as no doubt it was designed to) that I
ended up repairing the suitcase myself.

Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air 2.3

Susan: That’s horrible! I hope this time they are more careful than that time!
Anyway, airplanes for me are the safest and most comfortable transportation.

2.2.3. Exercise

Listen again what the woman at the counter has said, but this time complete
the missing words:

Woman at the counter: Good morning! Can I see your ________? Please
place your _____ on the __________ _________. It is at your right hand
side. Thank you sir. Here is your luggage ticket and your _________. Do
you have any hand luggage?

Then, that’s everything. Please keep the ______ ticket carefully sir. You’ll
require it to _____ your suitcase at Los Angeles. Here is your ticket and
your boarding card. Next please. Are you travelling together?

2.4 Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air

2.3. Vocabulary

In this part of the topic we will learn some vocabulary related to means of
transport, to the airport, and to the office.

Once you learn this vocabulary you will be able to use it when you need it. Pay
attention and study it.

2.3.1. Means of transport

Here we are going to learn vocabulary related to means of transport. We are

studying them in groups: by land, by sea and by air.

 By land

Here we are studying vocabulary related to the transportation by land. Click

on group to see the list.

 Car

Bonnet (uk)/ hood

Back seat Asiento de atrás Capó
Boot (uk)/trunk Portaequipajes Pedal de
(usa) de coche freno
Bumper Cinturón de
Parachoques Safety belt
(uk)/fender (usa) seguridad
Pedal de
Clutch pedal Driver Conductor
Asiento del Palanca de
Driver's seat Gear change
conductor cambio
Seat Asiento Speedometer Velocímetro

Steering wheel Volante Window Ventanilla

Windscreen Parabrisas Windscreen wiper
Retrovisor Number plate (UK)/ Placa de
Wing mirror
exterior License plate (USA) matrícula

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 Other transportations

Bicycle Bicicleta Bike Bici

Estación de
Bus Autobús Bus station
Parada del
Bus stop Cab/Taxi/Taxicab Taxi
Express Lorry (UK)/ Truck
Tren expreso Camión
train (USA)
Motorcycle Motocicleta Passenger Viajero
Passenger Asiento de
Platform Andén
seat pasajero

Railway Ferrocarril Rails Raíles

Coche cama
Sleeping car Return ticket Ida y vuelta
Taxi driver Taxista Suitcase Maleta
Transbordo Taxi rank Parada de taxis
Tracks Vías Ticket inspector Revisor

Tram Tranvía Train Tren

Carriage Vagón Metro
(UK)/Subway (USA)
Luncheon Consigna de
restaurante Left luggage office
car equipajes

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 Other related words

Seguro de
Acelerate Acelerar Accident insurance

Battery Batería Blow-up/puncture Pinchazo

Breakdown Avería Breakdown van Grúa

Car park (UK)/

Briefcase Maletín Aparcamiento
parking lot (USA)

Permiso de
Driving licence Emergency signal Señal de alarma

Fine Multa Handlebar Manillar

Código de la
Headlight Faro Highway code

Level crossing Paso a nivel Luggage Equipaje

(UK)/Highway Autopista Park Aparcar

Petrol (uk)/gas Surtidor de

Gasolinera Petrol pump
(usa) gasolina

Road Carretera Road sign Señal de tráfico

Rueda de Límite de
Spare wheel Speed limit
repuesto velocidad

Starter Arranque To brake Frenar

Llenar el
Carretera de
To fill the tank depósito de Toll road

Toll-paying Autopista de
Tunnel Túnel
motorway peaje

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 By sea

 Kind of transportations

Astilleros Boat Barco
Ship Barco Grande,Buque Barco Recreo
Ferry Boat Barco Transbordador Warships Barcos De Guerra

Lifeboat Bote Salvavidas Buque Mercante
Canoe Canoa Dike Dique
Launch Lancha Portaaviones
Submarine Submarino Sailing Ship Velero
Yacht Yate Trasatlántico

 Ship

Aboard A Bordo Moorings Amarras

Crew Tripulación Cabin Camarote
Captain Capitán Life Jacket Chaleco Salvavidas
Deck Cubierta Rudder Timón

 Other vocabulary
Port Babor Compass Brújula
Shipping Compañía de
Sailing Club Club náutico
Company navegación
Bound For Con rumbo a Cruise Crucero

To Disembark Desembarcar To Drop Anchor Anclar

Embark Embarcar Marine Station Estación marítima

Starboard Estribor Lighthouse Faro
Fleet Flota Coast Guard Ship Guardacostas
To Put Off Hacerse a la mar To Drift Ir a la deriva

2.8 Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air

Sailor Marinero Quay Muelle
Shipwreck Naufragio To Navigate Navegar
Tourist Class Pasaje clase
Mate Piloto
Ticket turística
Stern Popa Bow Proa
Harbour/ Port Puerto Oar Remo
Breakwater Rompeolas Life Saving Salvamento
Distress Signal Señal de socorro Storm Tempestad

 By air

 Parts of a plane

Alas Aeroplane/ PlaneAvión
Seats Butacas Passenger cabin Cabina de pasajeros
Cockpit Cabina del piloto Life jacket Chaleco salvavidas
Cinturón de
Safety belt seguridad Windows Ventanillas

 Kind of transportations

Medium-haul Avión de distancias Long-range Avión de larga

aircraft medias aircraft distancia
Avión de pasajeros Jet Avión de reacción

Small plane Avioneta Helicopter Helicóptero

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 Other vocabulary

Airport Aeropuerto Landing Aterrizaje

Emergency Flight
Aterrizaje forzoso Auxiliar de vuelo
landing Attendant

First class
Cabina de pasajeros
passenger Tourist class Clase turista
de 1ª clase
compa rtment
Boarding/Boar Embarque/Tarjeta
Takeoff Despegue
ding Card de embarque
Stopover Escala Air station Estación aérea
Propellers Hélices Airline Línea aérea
Luces de posición Engines Motores
Pista de aterrizaje
Pilot Piloto Runway
o de despegue
Emergency Salida de
By plane Por avión
exit emergencia
Tarjeta de
To leave for… Salida con destino a… Boarding card
Air terminal Terminal Control tower Torre de mandos
Flight Vuelo Direct flight Vuelo directo
Flight number... Vuelo número… Vuelo suspendido

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2.3.2. At the airport

Here we will learn some vocabulary related to airports. Pay attention.

 Before the flight

Customs Aduana Trolley Carrito

The metal The security
Detector de metales El guardia
detector guard
Counter Mostrador Flight number Número de vuelo
Passenger Pasajero Passport Pasaporte
Aisle Pasillo Pilot Piloto
First class Primera clase Gate Puerta
Departure Salida Life vest Salvavidas
Security Seguridad Overweight Sobrepeso
Terminal Terminal Control tower Torre de control
Window Ventanilla Trip Viaje
Round trip Viaje de ida y vuelta One-way trip Viaje de ida
Travel agent Agente de viajes Flight Vuelo
Excess Exceso de
Hand luggage Equipaje de mano
baggage equipaje

 Verbs

To fasten the Abrocharse el

To land Aterrizar
seatbelt cinturón
Frisk Cachear To get off Desabordar
To take off Despegar To pack Empacar
Baggage/lugg Facturar el
To fly Volar
age check equipaje

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 Other words

Airline Aerolínea Seat Asiento

Cinturón de
Flight attendant Auxiliar de vuelo Seat belt
Coach/economy Connecting
Clase económica Conexión
class flight
Destino On shedule En horario
Equipaje Stopover Escala
Immigration Inmigración Lavabo
Libre de
Layover Escala Duty free
Arrival Llegada Suitcase Maleta
Reclamo de equipaje Delayed Retrasado
ge claim

2.3.3 In the office

Here we will study some vocabulary related to the office.

 To store things

Drawers Cajones Filling cabinet Fichero

Hanging files Carpetas colgantes File folder Carpeta
Plastic wallets Fundas de plástico Bookshelf Estantería
Pen holder Porta bolígrafos Container Estuche

 To attach things

Sellotape Cinta adhesiva Masking tape Cinta adhesiva

Paper clips Clip
Stapler Grapadora
Glue Pegamento

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 To cut things

A pair of scissors Tijeras

Hole-punch Perforadora
Guillotine Guillotina

 Office equipment

Printer Impresora Ink cartridges Cartuchos de tinta

Photocopier Fotocopiadora Toner Tóner
Fax machine Telecopiadora Retroproyector
Whiteboard Pizarra Rotuladores

Tablón de
Flipchart Rotafolio Notice board

Drawing pins Chinchetas Desk Escritoroio

Chair Silla Telephone Teléfono
Computer Ordenador Copy machine Copiadora

 Other

Office Oficina Pen Pluma

Pénsil Lápiz Highlighter Marcador
Stapler Grapadora Staple Grapadora
Mail Correo Email Correo electrónico
Briefcase Maletín Secretary Secretario/a
Glue Pegamento Paper Papel
Eraser Borrador Pen Bolígrafo

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2.3.4 Exercises

Exercise 1. In the following conversation in a travel agency, fill in the gaps with
the correct word. You can see the options bellow.

Agent: BGT Airways. Can I _____ you?

Susan: Yes, I _____ a _____ from Madrid to new York on Saturday. Do

you have any _____?

Agent: Let me _____. Yes, I _____ one on the 4:50 flight.

Susan: Four fifty! What is the check-in _____?

Agent: One hour economy. Thirty minutes business class. Will you

Susan: No. I won’t get to the _____ in time. When will the next flight

Agent: There won’t be another _____ flight on Saturday. There will be one
on Sunday afternoon.

Susan: Ok, I’ll _____ that one.

Agent: Just let me ______. OK, your reservation is done. Thank you.

Take need flight see

help have airport direct

Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer:

1. We are going by car. You can put your luggage in…..

the hood the boot the steering wheel the carrier

2. The driver must be in the….

back seat gear change driver’s seat brake

3. When the police needs your car’s identification, they write down the …
bonnet brake windscreen number plate

4. Don’t drive too fast and look your car’s …..

2.14 Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air

brake steering wheel gear change speedometer
5. To know if there is any car behind yours, you should look at…
window safety belt clutch pedal the wing mirror

6. If your windscreen is dirty, use the…

boot brake windscreen wiper clutch pedal

7. Children must be sitting in the….

driver’s seat back seat steering wheel windscreen

8. When you travel by bicycle, you put your bags in the …

porter platform sleeping car carrier

9. We can leave our luggage in the…

platform left luggage office passenger seat bus

10. You must show your ticket to the…

passenger taxi driver ticket inspector porter

Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air 2.15

2.4. Grammar

The grammar we will study in this topic is about the Present Perfect Continuous,
the Past Perfect Continuous, and comparatives and superlatives.

Let’s go studying!

2.4.1 Present Perfect Continuous

We use the Present Perfect Continuous to express temporary or non-permanent

actions that began in the past and have followed continuously until now. Its
use is the same as the “pretérito perfecto continuo” in Spanish.

 Form

It is formed with “have” + past participle of “be” and the main verb ended in –


AFFIRMATIVE E.g.: He has been studying French all day.
I have been working all the morning.
E.g.: He hasn’t been studying French all day.
I haven’t been working all the morning.


E.g.: Has he been studying French all day?
Have I been working all the morning?

2.16 Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air

2.4.2 Past Perfect Continuous

The Past Perfect Continuous’ use is the same as the Past Perfect, but to talk
about temporary situations. It is similar to the “pretérito pluscuamperfecto
continuo” in Spanish.

 Form
AFFIRMATIVE E.g.: He had been studying French all day.
They have been working all the morning.
NEGATIVE E.g.: He hadn’t been studying French all day.
They hadn’t been working all the morning.
INTERROGATIVE E.g.: Had he been studying French all day?
Had they been working all the morning?

2.4.3 Comparatives and superlatives

Here we will study the comparison of adjectives. First we will see the
comparatives, used when we compare two things or people, and then the
superlative, used to compare three or more people or things.
And we will also study the irregular adjectives, that don’t follow the same rules.

 Comparatives


We form superiority adjectives depending on the syllable number:

1. One syllable adjectives and adjectives of two syllables ending in “-y”. In this
case we add “-er than” to the adjective:

E.g.: tall: taller than

Clean: cleaner than
Happy: happier than.

2. Adjectives with three or more syllables. We put before “more” and after

E.g.: more comfortable than.

Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air 2.17

More intelligent than.

3. Some two-syllable adjectives. Some adjectives with two syllables can be

formed in the two ways.

E.g.: clever: cleverer than/ more clever than

 Spelling

1. In adjectives with one or two syllables ending in “-y”, we change the ”y” into
“I” and then we add “-er”.

E.g.: dry: drier

Dirty: dirtier

2. In adjectives with one or two syllable ending in “e”, we only add “-r”.

E.g.: simple: simpler

Pure: purer

3. Short adjectives ending in consonant preceded by one vowel, we double the

consonant and then we add “-er”.

E.g.: big: bigger

Thin: thinner

 Equality

The form is: As + adjective+ as

E.g.: as difficult as
As tall as

 Inferiority

The form is: LESS + adjective + THAN

E.g.: less popular than

Less short than

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 Superlative


As we have said before, we use superlatives when we compare three or more

people or things.

In this case, the form also depends on the syllable number:

1. One syllable adjectives, and adjectives with two syllables ending in –y. We
add “the” “–est” to the adjective.

E.g.: clean: the cleanest

Happy: the happiest

2. Adjectives with three or more syllables. In this case we put “the most” before
the adjective.

E.g.: comfortable: the most comfortable

Intelligent: the most intelligent

3. Some adjectives with two syllables can be done of the two ways.

E.g.: clever: the cleverest/ the most clever

 Spelling

In adjectives with one or two syllables ending in “y”, that “y” changes into “i”
and we add “est”.

E.g.: dry: the driest

Dirty: the dirtiest

In adjectives with one or two syllables ending in “e”, we only add “est”.

E.g.: simple: the simplest

Pure: the purest

When short adjectives and inconsonant proceeded by one vowel, we double

that consonant and add “est”.

Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air 2.19

E.g.: big: the biggest
Thin: the thinnest

 Inferiority

In this case we use “the least” before the adjective.

E.g.: the least expensive

The least popular

 Irregular

Here we are the list of the irregular adjectives. As we have said before, they
don’t follow any rule, that is, they are irregular.


Good Better than The best
Bad Worse than The worst
Far Further than/farther than The furthest/the farthest
Old Older than/elder than The oldest/the eldest
Little Less than The least
Much/many More than The most


My car is good but your car is better. Your car is the best in the

Your food is bad, but hers is worse. Her food is the worse in the

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2.4.4 Exercises

Exercise 1. Make, with these words, sentences in the Present Perfect

Continuous, making the corresponding changes:

1. He/study/hard
2. They/visit/his grandmother
3. How long/you/wait/here
4. They/travel/around the world
5. She/have/a good journey
6. John/not live/in that house
7. How long/ drive/your grandparents/that truck
8. Ann/sleep/the whole day
9. How long/she/look for a job.
10. I/do/my work

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the verbs bellow in the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. I _______ to get tickets for the concert for days but I didn’t get it.

2. He ___________ over three hours.

3. She __________ for the ring for months.

4. They __________ for a long time in Paris.

5. He ___________ for one day.

6. He was tired because he __________ her for a lot of hours.

7. We __________ all the night.

8. You __________ English during your trip.

9. He _________ in the park all the afternoon.

10. We __________ all the year.

Learn look walk try drive help sing work cycling wait

Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air 2.21

Exercise 3. In the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the verbs in
brackets in the correct tense: Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect
Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous.

1. It is 8 o’clock and he __________ here for two hours. (wait)

2. Yesterday I __________ for her for an hour when she finally came.(wait)

3. Peter __________ there for more than ten years and he __________ as
a teacher, before he was fired. (work/work)

4. I __________ a lot of pictures before I went to the museum. (see)

5. He is very adventurous. He __________ mountains, __________ around

the world, and __________ on safaris. (climb/sail/go)

6. At the age of ten they __________ to London many times. (go)

7. She is sad. I think she __________ . (cry)

8. He __________ since this morning. (work)

9. I __________ off for almost a month. (be)

10. They __________ German for three months. (study)

Exercise 4. Fill in the correct form of the adjectives in brackets (comparative or


1. My car is _________than yours (expensive)

2. This flower is _________ in the garden (beautiful)

3. This is ___________ film I have ever seen. (good)

4. Which is ____________ animal in Africa? (dangerous)

5. Who is _________ woman in your family? (rich)

6. The weather in Lisbon is _______ (bad) than in London.

7. He was ___________ (intelligent) in the school.

2.22 Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air

8. It is ______ a holyday on the beach than a holyday in the mountain.

9. My grandfather is _______________(old) in my family.

10. Paris is ______________ Rome. (far)

Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air 2.23

2.5. Reading

Read the following text about means of transport. Susan argues that airplanes
are the safest transportation. Do you agree with Susan?

Means of transport

We can have many questions related to transportation, such as ‘Which is the

safest means of transport?’ ‘Are airplanes safe?’ I think planes are very safe. It
is true that you are more likely to die in a car accident than in a plane crash.
In my opinion, and the opinion of many other people, planes are by far the best
all around way to travel. They are faster than any other transportation, and I
see them as being the safest form of transportation also. More people die on
highways each year than on all other forms of transportation combined, this
fact should be enough evidence to convince people that airplanes really are the
quickest, easiest, and safest way to travel. Nowadays, I go by car to work, but
I did not have a car when I was at the university. Having a bike down at
university was funny, but my mother said to me that it was dangerous. She
recommended me to go by bus, but after reading an article about a bus
accident I decided continuing riding my bike!

I think buses are dangerous. Therefore I have read this morning an interesting
piece of news with the following headline: Bus accident. It was a bus involved
in a deadly accident last week that killed 15 people. This is the piece of news:

A bus crashed in Texas and its company must cease commercial operations.
The bus in Texas crash mashed into a guardrail and skidded off a highway early
Friday, killing 12 people at the scene and three other who died at hospitals.

The American passengers were travelling to Missouri for an annual religion

festival. Authorities have also released the driving record of the bus driver.
Since 2000, he has been cited by police three times – once for driving
intoxicated and twice for speeding.

Source: Express. A publication of the Washington Post.

2.24 Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air

Tick the wrong statements:

According to Susan…

1. … planes are maybe the best way to travel.

2. …more people die in car accidents than in a plane crash.
3. …there are other transportations faster than planes.
4. …buses are dangerous.
5. … planes are the quickest, easiest, and safest way to travel.

Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air 2.25

2.6. Speaking

Answer the following questions:

- Let’s talk about your holidays. Where did you spend your last holiday?

-What did you do in that place you went to?

- How did you get there?

-Who did you go with?

-Where did you spend the night?

-Have you ever been to New York?

- Have you ever travelled by helicopter?

- Tell me about your most memorable holiday. Why?

- Have you ever tried bungee jumping?

- Thank you very much! Now I know more about you! I will see you again in
the next unit! Enjoy!

See you!!

2.26 Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air

2.7. Practice

2.7.1. Vocabulary

Exercise 1. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with the correct word:

1. A trip on a plane is a _______.

2. A flight within one country is called a ________ flight.

3. A flight between different countries is called an _________l flight.

4. If you order a seat to travel you make a __________.

5. The flight has letters and numbers with identify it, and that is

6. When you go to the airport, the first thing you have to do is _________.

7. The piece of paper that allows you to travel on an airplane is a


8. The document that identifies you as a foreign citizen, and allows you to
travel to other country is called ____________.

9. A seat in a plane that is next to the window is called a ___________ .

10. The suitcases and bags which contain your belongings are called

Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer:

1. The selection of a specific seat for a trip on an airplane is called:

aisle seat window seat boarding pass seat assignment

2. A printed card which allows you to get to an airplane is called a:

claim check reservation Boarding pass flight

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3. A stamp in your passport which allows you to travel to another country is
called a:
Domestic Visa flight number reservation

4. A bag which you carry with you on the airplane is called a……….bag.
baggage claim check boarding pass Carry-on

5. A door which leads from the airport building into an airplane is a:

Gate boarding pass baggage claim flight

6. The area where you pick up your baggage after a flight is a:

gate ticket baggage claim reservation

7. For security reasons you must put your:

life vest seat belt stopover frisk

8. You can see the flight times in the:

registered luggage timetable board jet lag

9. The person who drives a plane is a:

round trip jet bridge pilot stewardess

10. The person working in a plane is a:

control tower flight attendant customs duty free

2.7.2. Grammar

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the verbs given in either present
perfect or present perfect continuous.

1. My best friend _______ (write) to me for ages.

2. ____ you______ (see) that film? I liked it a lot.

3. I ____________ (live) here for three months.

4. I _________ (hear) about her bad tempered.

5. ‘What _____ you _______ (do) all day?’

6. Matthew _________ (leave) his books on the train.

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7. I ___________ (learn) German since 2000.

8. I ________ (work) here since the end of last year.

9. I _________ (feel) ill for days.

10. She __________ (wait) here all day.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using the verbs given in either present
perfect or present perfect continuous.

1. ‘Where are your books?’

‘Oh! I ________ (leave) my books at home!’

2. . ______ she ______ (wait) for such a long time? I can’t believe it!

3. Really! This is the first time I _______ (fly).

4. ‘Where _______ you _________ (be)?’

I _______ (be) in Munich.

5. ‘What _______ you _______ (do) all day?’

‘I ___________ (study) for my exams.

6. ‘______ you ever ________ (drive) a big car?’

No, I ______ (not have)

7. My friends and I _________ (wash) my father’s car for two hours.

8. ‘What ______ your sister _______ (do) lately?’

9. ‘Where is Marta?’ ‘She ________ (go) to Mexico’

10. My new neighbours ______ (live) here since the end of last year.

Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air 2.29

Exercise 5. Put the verb into the most suitable form: Past Continuous or past
perfect continuous.

1. Last night while I _____ (sleep) our neighbours ______ (have) a party.

2. You ______ (wait) there for more than three hours when she finally

3. He was tired because he ______ (exercise) so hard all evening.

4. While I ______ (sleep), she ____ (work) in the garden.

5. ____ you _________ (play) tennis all this time? You are crazy!

6. The orchestra ________ (play) for about ten minutes, when that man left
the room.

7. When I arrived Sam ______ (wait) for me a very long time.

8. It _________ (not rain) when the kids went out. The sun ______ (shine)

9. Yesterday I had to stop. I ______ (eat) all day.

10. When I got home my brother ________ (rest) in the sofa. He ______
(watch) TV all evening.

11. We _________ (sleep) for 10 hours when my mother woke us up.

12. What _____ you _______ (do) at 5 o’clock? I ______ (study) for my

13.She _______ (not walk) for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.

14. I ______ (dance) while my sister ______ (play) the guitar.

15. How long ________ she _______ (learn) French before she went to

16. What _______ she _______ (do) yesterday at eight in the morning istead
of coming to class?

2.30 Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air

17. Paul _______ (work) on the computer while his brother ______ (do) his

18. My little brother caught the flu because he _______ (play) outside in the
rain too long.

19. My husband _______ (drive) less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.

20. While the teacher ______ (explain) the lesson, the students _______
(draw) on their notebook.

Exercise 6. Write the comparison of adjectives:

In each of the following complete the second sentence so that it means the
same as the first:

1. Being secretary isn’t as good as being a teacher.

Being a teacher _________________________

2. Buses are not as fast as motorbikes.

Motorbikes _________________________

3. Please don’t drive so fast.

Please drive ________

4. Fish and cheap aren’t as healthy as fruit.

Fruit ____________________

5. French isn’t as difficult as Japanese.

Japanese _______________________

6. My house isn’t as far as yours.

Your house ________________________

Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air 2.31

Exercise 7. Write Superlatives. Complete the sentences with adjectives from
the box:

comfortable thin clever good old big small bad near fast

1. This is the _______ day in my life.

2. Can you tell me where the ________ bank?

3. I would like to buy a chair. Can you recommend the ____ _______?

4. My brother was the ____________ in his class at school.

5. You have to eat more. You are the __________ person I have ever seen.

6. We don’t meet many people. This is the _________ neighbourhood in


7. That’s the _________ bar in this area. I like to go there to have beers.

8. Which is the _______ place to live in the world?

9. Your house is big, but that one at the end of the street is the _______.

10. Among these ones, my motorbike is the __________.

2.32 Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air

2.8. English World

Susan and I had a good time in Las Vegas. Are you interested in knowing what
we did the last day? Then, listen to me!

Later you can listen to Susan telling you interesting things about the Wedding

The casinos in Las Vegas.

We enjoyed our last day in Las Vegas.

We went to the different casinos you
can find here.

We have learnt that the major

attractions in Las Vegas are the
casinos. The most famous hotel
casinos are located on Las Vegas
Boulevard, better known as the Las
Vegas Trip.

The Las Vegas Strip is one of the best places to go for entertainment. Sporting
a wide variety of Las Vegas hotels and casinos, nightclubs, restaurants and
other attractions, you will be able to find a little bit of something for everyone.

Casinos, naturally, attrack tourists to Las Vegas. From penny slots to high
stakes table games in private salons. But there's much more to Las Vegas than


Las Vegas is known for its "Chapel" weddings. I have always heard about the
weddings in Las Vegas, but I have never been inside a chapel! There are more
than 35 wedding chapels, but obviously we didn’t go to all of them.

Helicopter weddings are on the rise. Get married as quick as a "Strip Trip" which
means married over the neon lights of the strip or you can be married in a
helicopter over the Grand Canyon.

Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air 2.33

It surprising because lots of people get married at the wedding chapels every
day. It’s kind of fun walking around the casinos and seeing well-dressed brides
and grooms walking around with their wedding parties.

In one of the chapels we could read the requirements to get married there.
Read them if you are interested!


 There is no blood test and no

waiting period in Nevada.

 Minimum age without parental

consent is 18 years of age.

 Minors 16 & 17 years require

notarized parental consent, or

 Under 16 years of age requires a court order.

 Any one of the following is required for each person:

 State Driver's License
 State ID Card
 Military I.D.
 Passport
Original or Certified Copy of Your Birth Certificate

 If you have been divorced, you must know the date it was final.

 Marriage license fee is $55.00 (cash only).

Once issued license is good for one year from date of issue.


2.34 Inglés Intermedio Alto (B2). By Air

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