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What problems did you encounter or what did you find tricky when making your


The only problems we encountered were the modelling of the feet and the head,
they were easy to make but they kept falling apart. I was quite annoying but we
eventually made it work.
The camera was difficult to use.
How did you overcome them?

We just added more plasticine to keep it ahold, and i asked for assistence with the
How did you contribute to your group’s idea.

Me, Alex and Rhys came up with the idea to do Pingu, then I came up with the
idea of t-posing and him falling onto a spike.
Do you think that you were able to communicate a hidden meaning in your
animation? If so how, if not why was this?

The meaning was, don’t T-pose on ice.

How did planning help you when you were making your animation?

Planning always helps when preparing for this stuff. It helped a lot as always.

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