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Contour strip cropping is the simplest and the most suitable system that will lead

to crop diversification in nearly level or gently sloping to undulating areas. Under the
system, the field is divided into strips laid on the contour across the slope. The width
of the strip depends on the slope of the land. Contour strip cropping involves the
planting of two or more kind of crops in regular alternates. One strip is planted to
forage or agricultural crops with close growing habit like sweet potato and the next
strip is planted to row crops.
Forest conservation

The forest trees provide protect to the soil and hold the rapid flow of surface water giving
it time to penetrate the surface of the ground. Thus most of the rainfall is absorbed by the soil
where in it drains slowly into the creeks and rivers as cool and clear water. The soil is a great
water reservoir and if properly protected flooding in the lowlands will be minimized.
Reforestation and prevention of the kaingin system of farming should be strictly observed.

Crop cover

Idle fields specially those on slopes, should not be allowed to remain bear with no
protection of the soil from the rain. Fruit and forest trees must be planted on the contours.
Grasses and legumes should be used as cover crops.

Buffer strip planting.

Buffer strips are narrow strips planted between contour strips. Ipil-ipil is planted on the
buffer lands to protect and improve the soil. The space between the buffer lands are planted
either to upland rice, corn, or citrus on slope 10 to 25 percent.

Contour strip cropping

The field is divided into contour strips which allow plowing and other farm operations on
the contour. Seasonal crops like upland rice and corn which are erosion permitting plants ar
alternately planted in strips with close growing crops or erosion preventing crops

Contour rice paddies

Contour rice paddies ensure the distribution of irrigation water economically and prevent
soil erosion effectively.

Crop rotation and green manuring

They systematic planting of different crops in succession on the farm will help improve
the structure of the soil. If crop rotation is done with mongo or soybean or other deep rooted
plants, good soil structure can be resorted and the rapid intake of water into the soil is promoted,
thus minimizing soil erosion.


Terraces are embankments built across the slope on a specific grade to intercept the run-
off and hold it temporarily, either to give a greater chance to be absorbed by the soil or to drain
off slowly to well protected water ways.
Fertilization and liming

Judicious is of fertilizers that will replenish soil fertility should be observed in order to
increase the yield. Lime is applied to reduce soil activity.

Gully control

Gullies are planted with erosion resisting plants to prevent soil erosion.

Organic matter application

Soils high in organic matter can absorb more water than those with less. Increasing the organic
matter through the application of farm manure, green manuring and other farm refuse will help
minimize the run-off and thus reduce soil erosion. Moreover , the fertility of the soil is likewise

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