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Happiness through wellness

Mr. M. Manal, the founder of Himalaya, and that herb was Rauwolfia Serpentina, the
inspiration that led to the creation of Serpina®, the world's first natural antihypertensive drug,
launched in 1934. The one-man revolution that began in 1930 with a small-scale operation in
Dehradun transformed into a global healthcare solution. In 1975, a full-fledged, state-of-the-
art Research and Development Centre and manufacturing facility in Makali, Bengaluru,


Customers are most valued by Himalayas. Feedback is also collected form the

In the website there have an option of feedback in that the customer can give their

Toll free number is also provided and the customer can dial the number when ever
they needed and the doubt and the complaints will be rectified immediately.


Caring for life is Himalaya’s core business philosophy. They mostly use only natural
products like herbs, plants, etc and also they use less chemicals which is less harm to the
society and the environment.

They used to grow plants in large acres for production of products. This also an
environmental concern by growing plants and helping in purifying the air.

The packing of Himalaya is good and attractive. Most of the face wash in Himalaya
are transparent so the content inside the container is visible

Some of the products are in tube and some of the products are in pressing bottles.
Soaps are packed in cover and then kept inside the box.

The packing of Himalaya are attracting and there are neatly packed with out damage.


Vision : Bring wellness and joy to every home via herbal solutions based on science.

Mission : The belief that good health should be accessible to everyone, and we strive to
make this possible through our commitment to science-driven herbal

At Himalayas their value the rights of every person who are working and also the customers.

 It has partnered with NGO Smile Train India to provide free cleft-lip surgeries
to the underprivileged, as part of its CSR initiative.

 As part of the initiative 'Muskaan', Himalaya Lip Care enable a minimum of

100 cleft surgeries through Smile Train India in the first year of their
 From the second year onwards, a contribution of Rs 2 from the purchase of
every Himalaya Lip Care product was made towards the cause.


 It focuses on brand's digital strategy to attract and engage customers while

building on product awareness
 They provided land for farmers to cultivate plants that will be useful for
 A national level quiz contest for Ayurveda colleges
 Blood donation, health awareness events
 The Jivaka and Ayurvisharada awards instituted in over 10 Ayurveda colleges
across India.
 Himalaya Infoline a magazine for UG students
 Continous Medical education program
 Rural medical camp


 Advertisements are telecasted

 Several health and blood donation campaigns are conducted
 Quiz and several contest are also conducted and prizes are declared.
 In some place trials pack are also provided.

Be More

The Titan Company Limited (Titan) Journey began with small but confident steps by
Xerxes Desai in 1984 as a joint venture between the TATA Group and Tamil Nadu
Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO). Started with an objective to create a
Titan watch for everyone has now grown to be the fifth largest integrated watch
manufacturer in the world.




Customers plays the main role in every organization. Similarly the customers are the
precedence for Titan. In their official website they have provided the number of the office
and the address. This helps the customer to contact them for any enquiries. Online shopping
is also available for the customers. Feedbacks from the customer are collected. The complaint
and the suggestion from the customers are rectified and there are implemented.


 Titan spends its 3% to 5% of revenue in CSR activities. It adopts old age

people and poor children and takes the responsibility of their studies.
 It also produces less pollution to the environmental.
 Most of the watches are made up of leather and metal. Plastics are not much
used by them.
 The batteries used by them mostly disposable and eco-friendly.

The packing of Titan is unique and different for each and every brands. The packing
style also differs and they are not same for every products. Sometimes the packing is related
to the festival that is nearing to the time of purchase or production. The packing attracts the
users to purchase the product. The packing style is safe that it does not damage the product


Vision : We create elevating experiences for the people we touch and significantly impact the
world we work in.

Mission : We will do this through a pioneering spirit and a caring, value-driven culture that
fosters innovation, drives performance and ensures the highest global standards in everything
we do.

To bring a pioneering innovation, international design ethos, customer-oriented values and

top-notch service have always formed the cornerstones for brand Titan.

They have several polices like:

 CSR Policy

 A.A Policy

 Volunteering Policy


 They provide scholarship to the poor children for their studies.

 They also provide free education for tribal people.
 “Tiatan Kanya” – A initiative for education for girl children
 Titan’s partnership with Nanhi Kali, run by the K C Mahindra Education Trust
(KCMET) in collaboration with the Nandi Foundation, has helped empower
7,097 girls across 490 Schools.

 They also provide education for students in Uttrakhand and West Bengal with
a high quality syllabus.

 The Nanhi Kali programme, in collaboration with KCMET, has impacted girl
child education in the cities of Chennai, Kanker, Krishnagiri, Mahabubnagar,
Delhi, Sheopur, Ratlam, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Vishakapatnam and Pratapgarh.
 Over 650 Titan employees contribute approximately Rs 1, 50,000 through
payroll recovery each month, for supporting around 1300 Titan Kanyas.
Additionally, 130 Titan Business Associates have contributed around Rs 1.30
crores towards supporting close to 1800 Titan Kanyas.

 Employees will be allowed to dedicate six working days in a year towards

volunteering activities, identified by the CSR team.

 They volunteer for several social welfare activities.

 They also help in developing the skills for underprivileged people.


 They volunteer in every social programs and have a good relation with the
 They mainly focus on education so they have earned a trust worthy name in
 They conducted free eye check-up camp


 They advertise in television and newspaper.

 They provide offers, discounts and coupons.
 They conduct free camp for several social activity like education eye-camp
and other activities.
Connecting People
Nokia primary focus on telecommunication began in the 1990s. The first GSM call was
made in 1991 using nokia equipment. The success begun in 1998. Due to lack in update of
technology they loosed their market now their again steped in to the technology.


Customers plays the main role in every organization. Similarly the customers are the
precedence for Nokia. In their official website they have provided the number of the office
and the address. This helps the customer to contact them for any enquiries. Online shopping
is also available for the customers. Feedbacks from the customer are collected. The complaint
and the suggestion from the customers are rectified and there are implemented.


 Nokia is more environmental concern. It emits fewer amounts of rays

compared to other phones. So the effects in environment is less.
 The batteries used by them mostly disposable and eco-friendly.
 It has also contributed to the education of poor children
 It has launched re-employment for the workers who have worked
in nokia earlier
 It reduces the emission of carbon dioxide up to 80%.
 It reduces the material and energy utilization up to 99.4% .

The packing of Nokia is unique and attractive to the customers. The mobile is packed
in a transparent cover and then packed in a closed box. Every components of the mobile
phone is packed in the transparent cover and kept inside the same closed box.


Mission :

1-To guide and focus decision making

2-To create a balance between the competing interest of various stakeholders
3-To motivate and inspire organizational members
Vision :
To create, build, and encourage people from all countries to communicate with each
other in order to create a world where everybody is connected.


 They provide education for poor children

 They also plant trees in the places where it is much needed
 It builds the products with more than 10% recycled materials
 Nokia and Oxfam call for innovations to improve material health in low
income countries
 It also extended its education to Finland.


 Blood donation, health awareness events

 Continous Medical education program
 Rural medical camp


 They advertise in television and newspaper.

 They provide offers, discounts and coupons.
 They conduct free camp for several social activity like education eye-camp
and other activities.

Enduring Values

ITC was incorporated on August 24, 1910 under the name Imperial Tobacco Company of
India Limited. As the Company's ownership progressively Indianised, the name of the
Company was changed from Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited to India Tobacco
Company Limited in 1970 and then to I.T.C. Limited in 1974. In recognition of the
Company's multi-business portfolio encompassing a wide range of businesses - Fast Moving
Consumer Goods comprising Foods, Personal Care, Cigarettes and Cigars, Branded Apparel,
Education and Stationery Products, Incense Sticks and Safety Matches, Hotels, Paperboards
& Specialty Papers, Packaging, Agri-Business and Information Technology.

ITC mainly focuses on customer satisfaction. They provide quality products for the
customers. They have own website and the contact number and mail-id is provided.
Customers can provide feedback and there are rectified immediately. This helps the customer
to contact them for any enquiries. Online shopping is also available for the customers.

 ITC provides several welfare activities. In terms of environmental
performance, the aim is to minimise impact and create a positive footprint
wherever possible. A rigorous system of monitoring resource
usage/generation, setting targets in accordance to internal, national and
international benchmarks and performance audits has enabled ITC to
progressively improve water, energy and waste efficiencies.
 To ensure a safe and healthy workplace for the wellbeing of its employees,
ITC ensures that all its facilities are continually ahead of national legislation
and benchmarked to the best international standards and practices in terms of
design and infrastructure.
 It also advertise based on environment wellness. It also contributes its some
part of its revenue to welfare of the society.
 It freely provides products like note book, pen and other item to the poor


 ITC's Packaging & Printing Business is the largest value added converter of
paperboard packaging in South Asia. It converts over 70,000 tonnes of paper,
paperboard and laminates per annum into a variety of value-added packaging
solutions for the food & beverage, personal products, cigarette, liquor and
consumer goods industries.
 With three packaging factories at Tiruvottiyur near Chennai (in the
South), Munger in Bihar (in the East), and Haridwar (in the North of India),
the Company offers a comprehensive product range in packaging backed by
its packaging expertise over the decades and cutting edge technology making
it truly a "One stop shop for Packaging”


ITC has several policies

 Policy on Life-cycle Sustainability

 Policy on Stakeholder Engagement
 Policy on Responsible Advocacy
 Policy on Product Responsibility
 Policy on Responsible Sourcing
 Policy on Human Rights Consideration of Stakeholders Beyond the Workplace
 Policy on Environment, Health and Safety
ITC involves themselves in several social activities.

 It conducts blood donation camps

 It conducts free medical camp.

ITC has provided several social investment activities such as

 E-Choupal Ecosystem
 Afforestation Program
 Watershed Program
 Sustainable Programs
 Livestock Development
 Women Empowerment
 Primary Education
 Skilling and Vocational Training
 Health and Sanitiation
 Solid waste management


 It conducts several camps like blood donation, eye check-up, medical camp,
 It maintains a good relation with the public
 It provides free education to poor children
 It also provides several welfare activities and also initiates volunteers for
participating in the camp.

 It advertise based on social welfare activities and the environmental activities.
 It also provides offers and discounts.
 It sells free products to the poor children.

Taste the feeling

It was intended as a patent medicine. It was invented in late 19th century by John Stith
Pemberton and was bought out by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics
led Coca-Cola to its dominance of the world soft-drink market throughout the 20th century.


Customers plays the main role in every organization. Similarly the customers
are the precedence for Coca Cola. In their official website they have provided the number of
the office and the address also the details of dealers. This helps the customer to contact them
for any enquiries. Feedbacks from the customer are collected. The complaint and the
suggestion from the customers are rectified and there are implemented.


 Recycling and water management are two key facets of the company’s
 Coke’s signature environmental goals for 2010 is to replenish back to the
community all the water it uses in its manufacturing processes. That initiative
focuses on treating and recycling the wastewater that’s a byproduct of the
manufacturing process before it’s returned to the environment.
 To reduce the need for external water sources, Coke sometimes uses treated
wastewater to irrigate landscaping or control dust
 Coke is helping to conserve seven river basins around the world that are under
stress, including the Yangtze and Mekong River deltas, and rivers and streams
in the southeastern portion of the U.S.
 Coca-Cola has set a goal of recovering 50 percent of the material used in its
bottles and cans by 2015, up from 35 percent currently.


Coke are mostly packed in plastic bottles, glass bottles and tins. The colour of the tin
changes based on the flavour added. The packing of Coca cola are unique and attractive.


 Respect for Human Rights

 Community and Stakeholder Engagement
 Diversity and Inclusion
 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
 Safe and Healthy Workplace
 Workplace Security
 Forced Labour and Human Trafficking
 Child Labour
 Work Hours, Wages and Benefits
 Land Rights and Water Resources
 Healthy Lifestyles
 Guidance and Reporting for Employees


Coca Cola involves themselves in several social activities.

 It conducts blood donation camps

 It conducts free medical camp.
 They provide education for poor children
 They also plant trees in the places where it is much needed


 Blood donation, health awareness events

 Continous Medical education program
 Rural medical camp
 Afforestation


 They advertise in television and newspaper.

 They provide offers, discounts and coupons.
 They conduct free camp for several social activity like education eye-camp
and other activities.

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