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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree of
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Submitted by

1. STUTI GUNJAN (1613331204)

2. RICHA JHA (1613331158)
3. MONALISHA (1613331106)
4. MALIK ASMAT (1613331092)

Under the Supervision of

MRS. PRIYA RAJPUT (Asst. Professor ECE)

Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida (UP), India

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow (UP), India

September - 2019

1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 1

1. The Challenge …………………………………………………………. 1

2. The Scope …………………………………………………………. 2

2. Literature Survey …………………………………………………………………….. 3

3. Problem Formulation ………………………………………………………………… 4

4. Objective …………………………………………………………………………….. 5

5. Methodology ……………………..………………………………………………….. 6

6. Applications …………………………………………………………………………. 8

7. References …………………………………………………………………………… 9
Air quality is in the news globally, whether the context is regulatory breaches, poor visibility,
traffic congestion or health impacts. Air pollution levels in many cities exceed legal and World
Health Organization (WHO) limits for particulate matter and gaseous pollutants which can be
found in concentrations that are hazardous to health. Poor air quality is causing a public health
problem, since breathing polluted air increases the risk of debilitating and deadly diseases such
as lung cancer, stroke, heart disease and chronic bronchitis. Air pollution is now the world’s
fourth-leading fatal health risk, reported as causing one in ten deaths in 2018.

Elevated levels and/or long term exposure to air pollution can lead to serious symptoms and
conditions affecting human health. This mainly affects the pulmonary/respiratory systems, but can
also lead to more serious conditions such as heart disease and cancer. People with existing lung or
heart disease are generally more susceptible to the effects of air pollution and are likely to
experience effects at lower concentrations than the general population.

Conventionally, air quality monitoring is performed by large, expensive scientific instruments

permanently installed and professionally maintained, at a relatively small number of fixed
locations typically in cities and along major transportation routes. Government agencies manage
and often publish the data collected from country, regional or citywide environmental monitoring
networks. Normally this data is verified and aggregated, often resulting in at least a 24-hour lag
before publication, offering no opportunity to use this data in “real-time” to avoid or reduce the
often unseen risks from poor air quality conditions.


Air pollution can have a lasting effect on productivity in other ways, such as by stunting plant
growth which reduces agricultural productivity. It can also make cities less attractive to talented
workers, thereby reducing a cities’ competitiveness. For example,some Indian cities are reporting
a reverse migration trend from the city back to the country as citizens take steps to avoid high
pollution. Governments also face fines for non-compliance to regional air pollution legislation.
Many countries across Europe including the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain face the
prospect of huge fines arising from persistent failures to comply with European air pollution
laws. The UK has been threatened with a $400M fine and cities including London, Berlin, Lyon
and Barcelona have all been highlighted by regulators for their unacceptably high air pollution
levels. Governments are encouraging citizens to be more aware of air pollution and are
promoting changes to behavior and purchasing choices. For example, the November 2017 UK
budget,announced that higher vehicle tax charges will be levied from April 2018 for diesel
fueled vehicles that don’t meet a specified emission standard. The revenue raised from this new
vehicle tax being allocated to a $300M clean air fund. Reinforcing this “polluter pays approach”
the Mayor of London has introduced measures to levy an additional $13 per day charge on users
of older, more polluting vehicles within central London.

In most cities today, there is no opportunity for citizens to understand the levels of pollution they
are experiencing in their daily lives or for them to avoid or reduce their risks from poor air
quality conditions. The information available from Government funded environmental
monitoring networks is not published in real time and is geographically very sparse due to the
high costs of the fixed monitoring stations.


A new generation of lower-cost sensor devices, benefiting from advances in communications and
sensor technologies have recently appeared in the market. These IOT connected devices sense
the environment several times a minute and typically deliver a one minute average value to a
connected analytic solution, creating an opportunity for mobile operators to offer air pollution
monitoring and control services that deliver dynamic, local information to stakeholders.

There are strong forecasts for the air quality monitoring and control market, which lies at the
intersection of several technologies including Air Pollution Monitoring and Control equipment,
IOT sensors and IOT solutions, each of which have considerable independent growth potential.

An air quality monitoring device is very important because nowadays air pollution is easy to
find. For the air pollution which cannot be easily detected by human, it requires a device as a
reader of the air quality. This project can help in avoiding air pollution through monitoring the
air quality regularly.
Whilst not intended to fully replace established monitoring networks, these low cost, easy-to-
deploy IOT solutions provide additional benefits. These include enhanced visibility and
positional awareness and early indications of pollution hot spots, giving citizens the opportunity
to avoid those areas. These new products and services help cities connect their infrastructure,
regulatory stakeholders and citizens, to address the current air quality challenge.

All the reviewed literature papers that describe the previously existing air quality monitoring
systems and, the conventional technology used in them are mentioned below:

a) Phala, kgoputjo et al [1] presented an air quality monitoring system (AQMS) which is based
on the IEEE/ISO/IEC 21451 standard.Concentrations of CO, CO2,SO2 and NO2, were
measured using electro chemical and infrared sensors. Results are saved in the data server.

b) Xing Liu, Orlando [2] presented a comparative study on smart sensors, objects, devices and
things in Internet of Things. The authors have also explained the definition and concepts of
IoT in various different ways. The differences and similarities between the smart objects,
smart things in IoT are presented in tabular form.

c) Marinov, Marin B. et al [3] monitors environmental parameters with amperometric sensors

and gas sensors(infrared) using the PIC18F87K22 micro controller. Sensor nodes are set up
in different areas for real time monitoring of environment. The results are displayed on the
city map.

d) Baralis, Elena et al [3] proposes a business intelligence engine (APA). The system is
designed to aware the public about the quality of air being affected by different factors like
pollutants, toxic gases etc. Analysis of air pollution from different perspectives like
meteorological data, pollutants and traffic data using APA is done. The system helps the
people to realize their activities impact on deteriorating air quality.

e) Jha, Mukesh et al [4] presented a system for monitoring the environmental parameters,
modeling and manipulating microclimate of urban areas. The system is implemented for
theadaption of efficient urban infrastructure after analyzing the urban micro-climate.

f) Shete., R. and Agrawal S. [5] provides the framework for monitoring the city environment.
Low cost Raspberry pi is used for implanting the system. Parameters like carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, temperature and pressure are measured but no emphasis is given on
particulate matter which left the environment monitoring incomplete.

g) Mitar simic, Goran M. et al [6] presented a system for measurement and acquisition of data
of water and air quality parameters and results are shown on IBM Watson IoT platform. The
system is battery powered with solar panel based charger unit.

h) Chiwewe, Tapiwa M., and Jeofrey Ditsela [7] collectedair quality data from different cities
of South Africa. Machine learning technique was applied to the data and prediction models
were generated for ground level ozone.


The difficulty of the conventional monitoring instruments is their large size, heavy weight and
extraordinary costlier. These lead to inadequate deployment of the monitoring stations. In order
to be effective, the locations of the monitoring stations need careful placement because the air
pollution situation in urban areas is highly related to human activities (e.g. construction
activities) and location-dependent (e.g., the traffic choke-points have much worse air quality than
average). IOT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System monitors the Air Quality over a web
server using internet and will activate an alarm when the air quality goes down beyond a certain
level, means when there is amount of harmful gases present in the air like CO2, smoke, NOx and


The system will show the air quality in PPM on the screen of the electronic gadget so that it can
be monitored very easily. Temperature and Humidity is detected and supervised in the system.
MQ135 sensor is used for monitoring Air Quality as it detects most harmful gases and can measure
their amount accurately. In this IOT project, it can monitor the pollution level from anywhere using
your computer or mobile using Raspberry Pi. This system can be installed anywhere and can also
trigger some device when pollution goes beyond some level, like we can send alert SMS to the

An Air Pollution Monitoring System for monitoring the combination of major air pollutant gases
has been designed, developed, and observed with the wireless standard. This system measures
combination of gases such as CO, NO2 and SO2, and using semiconductor sensors. The hardware
unit integrates a single-chip micro controller, air pollution sensors array, a GSM-module. The
Central-Server is a high-end personal computer application server with internet connectivity. The
hardware unit gathers air pollutants levels (CO, NO2, and SO2), and packs them in a frame with
the time and date. The frame is finally uploaded to the GSM-modem and transmitted to the
Central-Server via wireless network. The Environmental air pollution has significant influence
on the combination of constituents in the atmosphere leading to effects like global warming and
acid rains. To avoid such harmful imbalances in the nature, an air pollution measuring system is
utmost important. The traditional air quality monitoring system, controlled by the Pollution
Control Department, is extremely costlier. Wireless Sensor Networks are a new and very
challenging research field for embedded system design automation, as their design must enforce
stringent constraints in terms of power and cost. This attempts to develop an effective solution
for pollution measuring using wireless sensor networks (WSN).

This system monitors the current pollution status. This will update in the web server. So, we can
monitor anywhere through internet. Web server is also to monitor the current pollution status. The
main objective is by using the pollution control circuit, to monitor the air pollutants emitted by lot
of transports like all vehicles and industries and domestics’ wastage in the form of solid and gases.
The different gases like CO2 and CO and several toxic gases and temperature, smoke and humidity
are sensed by sensors. The sensor output circuits are connected to a controller. These normal and
abnormal values transmitted to modem through the IOT.

While, the overall objective of this device is to serve the following advantages over the
conventional air quality monitoring devices:

PORTABILITY: It is an compact device which consists of many sensors which are all combined
by using internet of things (IOT).

SAFETY: One can avoid from going to particular location by redirecting themselves or by taking
safety precautions such as wearing mask and can reduce over dumped wastage in a particular
locality area.

COST: Compared to others, it’s efficient and low cost because many sensors are clubbed by using
IOT and Raspberry Pi micro controller.

SIMPLE MAINTENANCE: As the Project deals with the Raspberry Pi, so maintenance will be
easy and this can also be installed in GSM android mobiles.


Humidity and Temperature Sensor

Gas Sensor - MQ135

CO2 Sensor

NO2 Sensor

Various sensors collects data and send to Micro-controller


Micro-controller collects analog data and converts it into digital data and further sends them to the connected

Server displays the Air Quality Index, various parameters in form of percentage, graphs on the connected
electronic gadget

GSM Module

The GSM Module is used to send alert SMS for AQI and, to connect the server and the displaying device


Air pollution affects our day to day activities and quality of life. It poses a threat to the ecosystem
and the quality of life on the planet. The dire need to monitor air quality is very glaring, owing to
increased industrial activities over the past years. People need to know the extent to which their
activities affect air quality. This project proposes an air pollution monitoring system. The system
is developed using IOT. The air pollution monitoring system is designed to monitor and analyze
air quality in real-time and log data to a remote server, keeping the data updated over the internet.
Air quality measurements were taken based on the Parts per Million (PPM) metrics and displayed
for further analysis. The air quality measurements taken by the designed system is accurate. The
result is displayed on the designed hardware's display interface and could be accessed via the cloud
on any smart mobile device. Some of the various applications of such device are:


 Mobile monitoring (on foot) around an urban route to understand personal exposure.

 Monitoring pollution at different levels up an urban high rise building to understand exposure
with windows open.

 Assessing employee pollutant exposure with indoor/outdoor air quality monitoring.


 Checking pollutant levels in a traffic tunnel and a ventilation shaft to confirm effectiveness.

 Confirming that pollution along bus routes is improved by upgrading of exhaust processing
on the local bus fleet.

 Attributing local pollution around an airport to aviation and traffic sources.

 Street canyon effects – measuring pollution across a road to understand the contribution made
by local (traffic) sources and wider background pollution.

 Smart City integration


 Source apportionment of pollution – establishing where pollution of a particular profile is

coming from.

 Establishing where and when an industrial plume has touched the ground.

 Fence line monitoring around an industrial site.

1. Zheng, Kan, Shaohang Zhao, Zhe Yang, Xiong Xiong, and Wei Xiang. "Design and
implementation of LPWA-based air quality monitoring system." IEEE Access 4, pp. 3238-
3245, 2016.

2. Marinov, Marin B., Ivan Topalov, Elitsa Gieva, and Georgi Nikolov, "Air quality monitoring
in urban environments", 39th IEEE International Spring Seminar In Electronics Technology
(ISSE), pp. 443-448, 2016.

3. Liu, X., & Baiocchi, O. (2016, October) "A comparison of the definitions for smart sensors,
smart objects and Things in IoT”. 7th IEEE Conference In Information Technology,
Electronics and Mobile Communication(IEMCON),pp. 1-4,2016.

4. Shete, Rohini, and Sushma Agrawal. "IoT based urban climate monitoring using Raspberry
Pi", IEEE International Conference In Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), pp.
2008-2012, 2016.

5. Jha, Mukesh, Prashanth Reddy Marpu, Chi-Kin Chau, and Peter Armstrong, "Design of sensor
network for urban micro-climate monitoring", First IEEE International Conference In Smart
Cities(ISC2), pp.1-4, 2015.

6. Baralis, Elena, Tania Cerquitelli, Silvia Chiusano, Paolo Garza, and Mohammad Reza
Kavoosifar, "Analyzing air pollution on the Urban environment", 39th IEEE International
Convention In Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and
Microelectronics (MIPRO), pp. 1464-1469, 2016.

7. Simić, Mitar, Goran M. Stojanović, Libu Manjakkal, and Krzyst of Zaraska. "Multi-sensor
system for remote environmental (air and water) quality monitoring." In IEEE 24th
Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), pp. 1-4, 2016.

8. Chiwewe, Tapiwa M., and Jeofrey Ditsela. "Machine learning based estimation of Ozone
using spatio-temporal data from air quality monitoring stations." IEEE 14th International
Conference In Industrial Informatics (INDIN), pp. 58-63, 2016.

9. Kavitha B.C., Deepa Jose , Vallikannu. R. IoT based pollution monitoring system using
Raspberry - Pi. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 118 No. 24

10. Poonam Pal, Ritik Gupta, Sanjana Tiwari, Ashutosh Sharma. IoT based air pollution
monitoring system using arduino. International Research Journal of Engineering and
Technology (IRJET) Volume: 04 Issue: 10, Oct -2017.

11. GSMA Article: Air Quality Monitoring Using IoT and Big Data - A Value Generation Guide
for Mobile Operators. February 2018

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