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Marisa Fidalgo

GERUNDS (Uses and types)

A. After certain verbs
Admit- anticipate- appreciate- avoid- consider- complete- delay-
discuss- deny- excuse- forgive- forget*- finish- help (can´t help)-
imagine- involve- keep- mention- mind- miss- need(passive)- postpone-
practise- regret*- remember*- resist- risk- recall- recommend- start-
stop*- suggest- understand.
Verbs of preferences: like, dislike, detest, enjoy, fancy, tolerate, can´t
Ex. She must avoid smoking here

B. As subject or object in a sentence

Ex. Seeing is believing / Riding is dangerous

C. After phrasal and prepositional verbs

go on, give up, keep on, put off etc. Ex. You must keep on trying

D. After prepositions or verbs with prepositions

Ex. Before going there, she ate / She was good at swimming

E. with possesives
Ex. They insisted on my helping

F. After some expressions

would mind- can´t help- can´t stand- it´s no use- it´s no good-
it´s (no) worth- look forward to – feel like- be/get used to- be fond of
Ex: I look forward to hearing from you

G. As adjetive in compound words Ex: swimming pool, sleeping bag

H. Short prohibitions and warnings Ex: No smoking

I. After the verb GO to talk about sports or activities Ex: I go running


- Normal : verb + ing (revise exceptions in spelling) Ex : going

- Perfect gerund : having+ past participle Ex: having worked.....
- Passive gerund : being + past participle Ex: I remember being told off

Prof. Marisa Fidalgo


1. USE
A. After some verbs
Afford- agree- appear- attempt- arrange- ask- beg- begin- care- choose-
claim- consent- decide- demand- deserve- expect- fail- forget*- help-
hesitate- hope- intend- learn- manage- mean- need- neglect- offer- plan-
prefer- prepare- pretend- proceed- promise- propose- refuse- regret*-
remember*- seem- swear- tend- threaten- volunteer- wait- wish – would
like. Ex: I help to do the washing at home

B. As subject and object in a sentence Ex. To study Maths is very tiring.

C. After some verbs followed by direct or indirect object or complement

advise- allow*- ask- beg- compel- encourage- expect- forbid- help-
instruct- invite- order- permit-prefer- remind- teach- tell- warn- want.
Ex: I want him to go there / I allow you to smoke

D. After some adjetives

(un)able- afraid-amazed-angry-delighted-disgusted-dissapointed-glad-
happy-likely-obliged-sad-sorry-supposed-surprised- difficult-easy-hard-
possible-pleased. Ex: David is afraid to meet his mother.

E. After adjetives and adverbs with SO/TOO/ ENOUGH

Ex: She is too shy to talk to him
You speak too fast to copy
He is not good enough to marry her.
I was so happy to meet him.

F. Verbs followed by infinitive without to

- Modal verbs : must can etc She can drive the car
- would rather/sooner I´d rather speak English
- had better You´d better slow down
- let and make He makes me feel good
- feel, hear,see, watch I saw him play
- help (with or without to) I help you (to) do it

- Present Infinitive : to go
- Continuous infinitive : to be + V ing to be going
- Perfect infinitive : to have + Past participle to have gone
- Passive infinitive . to be + past participle to be sent

Prof. Marisa Fidalgo



- Gerund: remember something one has done (the action of the gerund
is first) Ex: I remember seeing the Queen when I was ten.
- Infinitive: remember something one has to do (the first action is
remember) Ex: I must remember to post the letter.

- Gerund: forget something one has done
Ex: you haven’t forgotten meeting her.
- Infinitive: forget something one has to do.
Ex: I forgot to take my overcoat with me.
- Gerund: be sorry that one has done something
Ex: I don’t regret leaving my last job
- Infinitive: be sorry that one must do something
Ex: I regret to tell you this.
- Gerund: experiment “probar a” ex: he tried taking some aspirins.
- Infinitive: attempt “intentar, hacer un esfuerzo”
ex: she tried to read the message
- Gerund: not continue “ dejar de”
Ex: please, stop making that noise.
- Infinitive: Pause to do something else “ parar para”
Ex: we stopped to look at the view.

- Gerund: general ( no objects) I allow smoking
- Infinitive: specific ( with object) I allow you to smoke

- Gerund: suggest “ proponer” ex: I propose going there
- Infinitive: “ proponerse” ex: I propose to pass my exams

- gerund: involve “significar, implicar” ex: Not studying means failing
- Infinitive: intend “ proponerse” ex. I meant to bring you this.

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