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KINEMATICS ASSIGNMENT I (3) A small body A begins to move rectilinearly on

X−axis from the origin with initial velocity u1 =

IITIANS PACE 2 m · s−1 and a constant acceleration a. T = 10 s
after the body A begins to move, another body
B departs from the origin with the initial velocity
Session 2019-21
u2 = 12 m · s−1 and with the same acceleration a.
Faculty SMP
What is the maximum value of the acceleration a
Batches NAPJC 4,5 for which the body B can overtake the body A?
Andheri Flagship (4) A body starting from rest, travels rectilinearly,
NDPJC 2,3 with uniform acceleration a1 for time t1 and with
1. Problems
uniform acceleration a2 for time t2 . What is the
average acceleration of this body during the whole
(1) A car travels at a constant speed v1 = 80 km · h−1 interval?
during the rst half of its run time and at v2 = (5) If a small body moves rectilinearly with uniform
40 km · h−1 during the other half. Find the average acceleration and covers successive equal distances
speed of the car over the whole time of motion. in times t1 , t2 , t3 , then show that t11 − t12 + t12 =
t1 +t2 +t3 .

(6) The driver of a car moving at a speed v1 sights an-

other car at a distance d ahead of him on the same
road moving in the same direction with a slower
speed v2 . He puts on the brakes and gives his car a
constant retardation of magnitude a. How should
these four variables be related so as to avoid colli-
(7) Ball A is dropped from rest from a building of
height H exactly as ball B is thrown up vertically
from the ground. When they collide A has twice
the speed of B and B is till moving upwards. If
the collision occurs at height h, what is Hh ?
Figure 1.1. (8) A bird ies rectilinearly for 4 s such that its ve-
locity v varies with time t as v = (t − 2) m · s−1
(2) Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Watson, while in a train, , where t is measured in seconds. Calculate the
decide decide to measure the speed with the aid displacement and distance covered by the bird.
of a pair of excellent stop-watches. Dr. Watson (9) The position x of a particle moving rectilinearly on
decides to do so by the click of the wheels passing the X−axis depends on time t as x = t3 − 6t2 + 9t,
over the junctions between rails while knowing that where t is measured in seconds and x in metres.
the length of each rail is 10 m. Sherlock decides to The particle starts moving at t = 0.
do the same by counting the number of telegraph (a) Find the velocity v at time t.
poles passing the window while knowing that the (b) What is the velocity at t = 2 s? At t = 4 s?
distance between them is 50 m. Dr. Watson starts (c) When is the particle at rest?
his stop-watch on the rst click and stops it on (d) When is the particle moving in the positive
the 156th . He nds that 3 min have passed. Sher- direction of X−axis?
lock starts his stop-watch when the rst telegraph- (e) Find the distance travelled by the particle
pole appears in the window and stops it when during the rst ve seconds.
the 32nd pole appears. He too nds 3 min have (10) The acceleration a of a particle moving rectilin-
passed. Dr. Watson calculates that the train's early on the X−axis depends on time t as a =
speed to be 32.2 km · h−1 , and Sherlock calculates − cos t, where a is measured in m·s−2 and t in s.
it at 32 km · h−1 . Which of them has.made a mis- The particle started moving at t = 1 s from rest.
take and how? What is the real speed of the train?
What is the distance travelled by the particle from line. How high above the target must the gun be
t = 0 to t = 2π s? aimed so that the bullet will hit the target?
(11) A particle moves in XY −plane such that its ve- (20) Consider a Earth like planet on which a vertical
locity ~v depends on time t as ~v = (8t − 2) î + 2ĵ , XY −plane is constructed such that the positive
where ~v is measured in m/s and t in s. If it passes Y −axis is directed vertically upward and X−axis
through the point (14, 4) m at t = 2 s, then nd horizontal. Let a small body be projected from the
equation of the path of the particle. origin of at some angle from the surface. Assume
(12) A particle moving with an initial velocity ~u = the distances involved to be small enough as com-
50ĵ m · s−1 undergoes an acceleration pared to the planet's radius so that variations in
   acceleration due to gravity can be neglected. If the
35 + 2t3 î + 4 − t2 ĵ m · s−2

~a =
motion of the particle is described by the equation
What are the particle's position and velocity after x = t and y = t − t2 , nd
3 s, assuming that it starts at the origin? (a) the projection speed,
(13) A sh swimming
 in a horizontal plane has a velo- (b) the acceleration due to gravity at this planet,
city ~v0 = 4î + ĵ m · s−1 at a point in the ocean (c) the time of ight of the body, and
(d) the maximum height attained by the body
whose position vector is ~r0 = 10î − 4ĵ m relat-
ive to a stationary rock at the shore. After the above the surface.
sh swims with constant acceleration for 20 s, its (21) An aeroplane ies horizontally at a height h at a
velocity is ~v = 20î − 5ĵ m · s−1 speed v . An anti-air craft gun on ground res a
(a) What is the acceleration of the sh? shell at the plane when it is vertically above the
(b) Where is the sh at t = 25 s and in what gun. Find
direction is it moving? (a) the minimum muzzle speed required to hit the
(14) An ant moves along the parabolic path y = kx2 , plane, and
where k is a positive constant, in such a way that (b) the angle with the horizontal at which the
the X−component of the velocity of the particle barrel of the cannon points for this.
remains constant at v0 . Find the acceleration of (22) A stone is thrown obliquely from ground with speed
the particle. u so that it achieves the maximum horizontal range
(15) A ghter plane ying horizontally at an altitude on the ground. While in air, it passes through
of H = 1.5 km with speed v = 720 km · h−1 passes two points both of which are at the same height h
directly overhead an anti-aircraft gun. At what above the horizontal. What is the distance between
angle from the vertical should the gun be red for the two points?
the shell with muzzle speed u = 600 km · h−1 to
hit the plane? At what minimum altitude should
the pilot y the plane to avoid being hit?
(16) The projection speed of a certain projectile is ve
times the speed it has at its maximum height. Cal-
culate the projection angle.
(17) A small stone is projected from ground in such
a way that its horizontal range is equal to three
times its maximum height. What is the angle of Figure 1.2.

(18) Consider a small body thrown obliquely from the (23) A gun is mounted on a plateau 960 m away from
surface of Earth. Let R be its horizontal range its edge as shown in Fig.1.2. The height of plateau
and H be the maximum height reached above the is 960 m. The gun can re shells with a speed of
ground. What is the farthest from the projection 100 m · s−1 at any angle. What is the minimum
point that the body can be thrown with the same horizontal distance, on ground, from the edge of
speed from the same projection point? plateau where a shell of the gun can reach?
(19) A bullet with muzzle speed u = 100 m · s−1 is to (24) An enemy ghter jet is ying in a straight line at
be shot at a target d = 30 m away in the horizontal a constant height of 250 m with a constant speed
of 500 m · s−1 (Fig.1.3). The ghter jet passes over
an anti-aircraft gun that can re at any time and
(a) the direction, relative to the line AB , in which
the pilot should head the plane to reach the
point B ,
(b) the time taken by plane to go from A to B .
Figure 1.3. (32) To nd the speed of a river's current, a boatman
decides to carry out the following experiment: He
in any direction with a speed of 100 m · s−1 . De- lowers a wooden bucket into the water and him-
termine the time interval during which the ghter self sets o downstream, rowing. After 40 min he
jet is in danger of being hit by the gun. reaches a point A, 1 km from his starting-point and
(25) A particle is projected horizontally with a speed turns back. He picks up the bucket, turns round
u from the top of a plane inclined at an angle α again and, rowing downstream once more, reaches
with the horizontal. How far from the point of A for the second time 24 min later. What is the
projection will the particle strike the plane? speed of the current, assuming that the speeds of
both current and boat are constant, and also that
no time is wasted on turning round? How long
does the oarsman spend on rowing upstream to
meet the bucket? What is the boat's speed relat-
ive to the water?
(33) Consider a river of width d with straight parallel
Figure 1.4. banks with water owing parallel to the banks.
Due to viscosity, the current speed of a river grows
(26) A cannon res from under a shelter inclined at an in proportional to the distance from the bank and
angle a to the horizontal (Fig. 1.4). The cannon reaches its maximum u0 in the middle. Near the
is at point A at a distance l from the base of the banks, the speed is almost zero. A boat is moving
shelter (point B ). The initial speed of the shell along the river in such a manner that it is always
is u, and its path lies in the plane of the gure. perpendicular to the current and the speed of the
Determine the maximum range of the shell. boat in still water is v . Find
(27) A bucket is left out in the rain. Will the speed at (a) the equation of the path of the boat,
which the bucket is lled with water be altered if (b) and the distance through which the boat will
a horizontal wind starts to blow? be carried away by the current.
(28) A boat in a river goes upstream from A to B at
v1 = 3 km · h−1 and then downstream from B to
A at v2 = 9 km · h−1 . Find:
(a) the average speed of the boat, and
(b) the the river ow speed. Figure 1.5.

(29) A passenger on a train moving at a speed of 40 km · h−1

sees a 75 m long train passing from the opposite (34) At the instant t = 0, the distance between two
direction in 3 s. What is the velocity of the second moving particles is a. Let v~r be the relative ve-
train? Assume both the trains to be moving on locity between them and (vr )k and (vr )⊥ be the
straight parallel tracks. components of ~vr along and perpendicular to the
(30) Consider a collection of a large number of particles initial joining line (Fig. 1.5). If ~vr remains con-
in gravity free space each moving with speed v . stant in time, then nd
The direction of velocity is randomly distributed (a) the minimum distance between them., and
in the collection. Show that the magnitude of the (b) the time when they are closest to each other.
relative velocity between a pair of particles aver- (35) A small stone is thrown vertically upwards from
aged over all the pairs in the collection is greater a balloon at a speed of 18 m · s−1 relative to the
than v . ground. The balloon descends at a constant speed
(31) An aeroplane has to go from a point A to another of 2 m · s−1 .
point B , 500 km away due 30◦ east of north. A (a) Determine the distance between the balloon
wind is blowing due north at a speed of 20 m · s .−1
and the stone at the instant when the latter
The air-speed of the plane is 150 m · s1 . Find reaches the highest point of its ascent.
(b) How long will it take the falling load to pass
by the balloon?
(36) Three small identical bodies are located at the ver-
tices of an equilateral triangle whose side equals
l. They all start moving simultaneously with con-
stant speed v , with rst body heading continuously
for the second, the second for the third, and the
third for the rst.
(a) Where do the bodies meet?
(b) When do they meet each other?
(c) What is the distance travelled by each body
till meeting with the other?
(d) What is the displacement of each body till
meeting with the other?
(e) What is the magnitude of average velocity of
each of the bodies?
(f) What is the average speed of each of the bod-
(g) What is the magnitude of the initial acceler-
ation of each of the bodies?
(h) What is the magnitude of acceleration of each
of the bodies when the edge of the triangle has
reduced to a2 ?
(i) Taking the centroid as the pole and the line
joining the centroid and the initial position
of a body as the reference line, nd the polar
equation of path of the body.
(j) In the frame of one of the bodies, take the
initial joining line to another body as the ref-
erence line. Find the polar equation of path
of the other body in this frame.
(37) A small body having velocity u along the positive
X−axis and located at x = x0 at t = 0 experiences
a linear retarding force f = −kv where k is a pos-
itive constant and v is the instantaneous velocity
of the body. Find the velocity and position of the
body as a function of time t.
(38) A small body of mass m is thrown straight up with
a speed u. If the air drag force equals −kv~v , where
k is a positive constant and ~v is the velocity of the
body, nd
(a) the maximum height reached by the body,
(b) the speed with which the body comes down.

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