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Jonathan E.

Rubi 12-HUMSS-C Contemporary Arts


“The Intramurals Experience Day: 1”

This is the first day of the intramurals, all the students are excited for the on-going intramurals, every

grade level has their own specific color, Grade 7 has the color green, Grade 8 has yellow, Grade 9

has Red, Grade 10 has Blue, Grade 11 has pink, and Grade 12 has violet. The official opening for the

intramurals was 1 in the afternoon, the parade started around 2pm the magnificent mix of colors from

all the grade levels gave the parade a really nice sight while the boy scouts will march around the

campus while the minorettes perform a dance, and then the next event was the saludo, where each

grade level would present their own unique “yell” and it should intimidate and challenge other grade

levels, the best convincing yell wins. And after the saludo, and then each grade level has to represent

their Mr. and Ms. Intrams. And race on raising the flag first. And then they lighted the torch to officially

start all the games of the intramurals. And the principal and other faculty members kicked a ball and

then the Mr. and Ms. in trams introduction, and then street dancing, and then the dance competition,

and after the dance competition they also announced the winner of the dance competition. They

continued the Mr. and Ms. Intrams event, wearing of costumes, and giving of awards. After the

awarding of Mr. and Ms, to close the event our principal set up some fireworks to entertain the

students once more, we did not expect that. And that is how our day went.
Ginelfa B. Calimot 12-HUMSS-C Contemporary Arts

“Intramurals Day: 1 August 27, 2019”

On the first of the Intramurals Day, started with a parade with the faculty teachers in front and the

students behind, they have color coding in terms of uniform from grade 7 to grade 12. Green for

grade 7, yellow for grade 8, red for grade 9, blue for grade 10, pink for grade eleven, and violet for

grade 12. While the parade is going on the minorettes are performing as well. After the parade, all

grade levels were required to perform their own “saludo” and each grade level will shout with all their

voices and the pride of their grade level. After the saludo, they started the “banner race” for the

representatives for Mr. and Ms. Intrams in each grade level. And the torch bearers lighted the torch.

They also have a small program to officially open the Intramurals event by the principal of TCNHS Mr.

Jeffrey Seblero and other teachers by kicking a ball. And after that they started street dancing and the

dance competition, and the champion was grade 11 & 12. And then they continued the Mr. and Ms.

Intramurals, walking on stage, wearing sports costumes and many more, the crowned Mr. and Ms.

Intramurals was the female representative from Grade 10 and the male representative from Grade 9.

After the crowning of Mr. and Ms. Intramurals our principal decided to set up some fireworks to end

our day with a bang.

Jonathan E. Rubi 12-HUMSS-C Contemporary Arts


“The Intramurals Experience Day: 2”

Today is the second day of the Intramurals, and it is also the official opening of all athletic, and

mentally challenging games, and it is also the opening of entertainment booths like, blind date,

dedication booth, movie booth, and freedom wall. Some of the games ended early and some are still

ongoing. What surprised me the most was that there was also a tournament for mobile legends which

was surprising because of all my time here in Talisay City National High School, this was a first where

they included addictive online games in school tournaments. As I’ve mentioned earlier, some games

has ended and some has not, they were to be continued on the 3 rd day of the Intramurals because

they started in the afternoon and students are only allowed up until 6pm, and some games last more

than the given time of the Intramurals so that is about it.

Jonathan E. Rubi 12-HUMSS-C Contemporary Arts


“The Intramurals Experience Day: 3”

This is now the third day of the Intramurals, it is now the finishing of the unfinished games and after

the unfinished games, the giving of medals and awards to the champions, the current champions of

the Intramurals will now compete to the upcoming District meet, and if they win they will compete on

the Division meet and then Regional meet and then Panlarong Pambansa. After the awarding, there

was still time left from the Intramurals, the entertainment booths are still open for the students to

Ginelfa B. Calimot 12-HUMSS-C Contemporary Arts


“Intramurals Day: 2 August 28, 2019”

For the Day 2 of the Intramurals, the official day of starting the athletic games like volleyball,

basketball for men and separate for women, running Olympics, table tennis, and sipak takraw or in

English “Kick Volleyball”, sipak takraw is like the street game “takyan” where you toss a coin and

avoid it hitting the ground and pass it around your friends, while sipak takraw has a similar play, only

the object your tossing around is a rattan ball. And also the official day of the opening of booths, like

Jail booth, Blind dates, Freedom Wall, and Photobooth. Some of the games already finished their

sets and already won the athletic tournaments while some are still about to finish their sets which will

be continued in the 3rd day since there was not enough time for the other games to finish because the

Intramurals started around lunch time.

Ginelfa B. Calimot 12-HUMSS-C Contemporary Arts


“Intramurals Day: 3 August 29, 2019”

On the 3rd of the Intramurals day, everything was coming to an end, they finished the remaining sets

for some games, and after finishing the sets, they were now giving the awards to the athletic

champions and celebrated the remaining time of the Intramurals since the Jail booth, Blind date,

Photo booth and Freedom wall was still open for the students to enjoy. After the games, the

Intramurals was already getting boring so I just went home and rested after a long week.

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