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Analisis of Genetick Structuralism

Genetic Structuralism to focus the reading Approach the text . the analyze use Lucien
Goldmann to

get about fact of humanity , collective subject and world vision.

And Next to use the Concept :

Fact humanity

Fact of humanity appear at By Any Other Name was a activity and behavior of society of Idian
perspective from Santha .

Fakta kemanusiaan yang dimunculkan di dalam cerpen berupa segala aktivitas atau perilaku
masyarakat tradisional Indian

Collective subject

Collective subject appear at By Any Other name was a image society in indian with British
people .

Subjek kolektif yang dimunculkan pada cerpen berupa penggambaran masyarakat di Indian
dalam kelompok-kelompok mereka digambarkan

World vision

World Vision from british people and Indian people.

Fact of humanity
Number 1

I sat nxt to small, solemn girl who didn’t smile at me . she had long, glossy black braid and wore
a cotton dress , but she still kept on her indian jewelery-a gold chain around her neck, thin gold
Bracelet , and tiny ruby studs in her ears . like most indian Children

The fact oh humanity is she still kept on her indian jewelery a gold chain around her neck, thin gold
bracelet, and tiny ruby studs in her ears . it is one of characteristic of indian always use accessory like
gold .

Number 2

She used to say “ you can bury a dog’s tail for seven years and it still come out curly , and you can take
Britisher away from his home for a lifetime and he still remain insular “

This mother want to said people can’t change their true nature permanently or characteristic .

Because our blood line is one to remember our culture and habit .

Collective Subject

number 1

Premilla Followed more sedately , and she told me on the way home never to do that again in front of the
other children.

Premilla know the condition of the social about maid from indian not suitable from other children ,
because other children different culture can make Premilia shame. So she tell her sister don’t do it again .
Number 2
mother said, “ do you suppose she understood all that ?”

Premila said ,” I shouldn’t think so . she’s a baby ,”

Mother said, “well I hope it won’t bother her , “

of course, they were both wrong. I understood it perfectly , and I remember it all very clearly . buti
put it happily away , because it had all happened to a girl called Cynthia , and I never was really
particularly interested in her .

in perspective I was given name Cynthia but she treatment in her class so bad , so she get bad experience
with the school about fact the school just treat English , she didn’t really like name of Cynthia .

World Vision
number one

Premila said “ we had our test today , and she made me and the other Indians sit at the back of
the room with a dest between each one “

mother said “ why was that , darling ?”

“ She said it was because Indians Cheat, “ Premila added “ So I don’t think we should go back to that
school ,“

This vision from theacher don’t trust from indian people , so it can tell bad

Number Two
“ now ,dear,tell the class your name . “ I said nothing.
“come along” she said , frowning slightly . “ what’s your name, dear ?”
“ I don’t know ,” I said , finally.
the English Children in front of the class- there were about eight or ten of them-gigled and twisted
around in their chairs to look at me . I sat down quickly and opened my eyes very wide , hoping In that
way to dry them off , the little girl with the braids put out her hand very lightly touched my arm.
There have two world vision
the English children didn’t treat well to Indian people .
Indian children treat Indian still good .

my conclusion the Indian treat indian is normal like friend , indian view british people surrender their
action just do their habit life.

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