EDDIS Presscon

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wae Republic of the Philippines. Department of Education Region tl ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BULACAN Provincial Capitol Compound, Bray. Guinhawa, ity of Malolos, Bulacan website: htipsifbulacandeped.com email bulacan@deped.gov.ph July 16, 2019 DIVISION MEMORANDUM. No. To: 136, 8, 2019 2019 EDDIS LEVEL SECONDARY SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE (Public and Private) Division Chiefs Public Schools District Supervisors Secondary School Heads Administrators of Private Secondary Schools All Others Concerned . This is to inform all concemed of the schedule of the EDDIS Level Secondary Schools Press Conference with dates and venues listed hereunder: EDDIS Date Venue \V_| September 10, 2019_| AFG Bernardino MTS, Marilao, Bulacan ML__| September 11, 2019 | Norzagaray NHS, Norzagaray, Bulacan i__| September 12, 2019 | Alexis G. Santos HS, Guiguinto, Bulacan |__|'September 13, 2019 | Sta, Peregrina NHS, Pulilan, Bulacan The activity aims to a) hone the journalistic talents of secondary leamers in writing news, editorial, feature, sports, science, copyreading, editorial column, cartooning, and photojournalism; b) identify the qualifiers for the Division Level Press Conference; and c) foster unity and comradeship among secondary campus Journalists and their teacher-coaches through a healthy and friendly competition The EDDIS Level Presscon shall be managed by the Secondary EDDIS Chairs, host school heads and staff in coordination with the CID Office. They are tasked to inform all public and private schools on the exact dates and venues and to prepare other requirements relevant to the competitions. Each secondary school shall send the required number of contestants per category and medium, refer to Enclosure No.1. They should be winners from. their respective school level press conference. The names of teacher-coaches and participants (softcopy) shall be submitted to the in-charge Secondary EDDIS Chair, refer to Enclosure No.2, Private school administrators are advised to send a minimum of one (1) or maximum of two (2) contestants per category and medium. The list of contestants likewise should be submitted to the in-charge EDDIS Chair for confirmation three days ahead of the scheduled presscon, refer to Enclosure No.3. Aside from the regular students, ALS leamers together with their teachers are encouraged to join the contests. Contestants in Photojournalism should bring point and shoot digital camera with maximum of 20.1 megapixels. Blank SD card shall be used during the photoshoot. 8. Participants are advised to bring their own ‘baon’/provisions for meals and snacks. 9. All contestants should have parent's/guardian’s letter of consent to be submitted to their teacher-coaches prior to the conduct of the contests. Likewise, they should be exempted from school activities that day. mlaNet Registration Number: DE-50500546 QMI5 Ce Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region tl ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BULACAN Provincial Capitol Compound, Brey. Guinhawa, City of Malolos, Bulacan website: htfps:/bulacandeped.com email, bulacan@deped.gov.ph 10.Top 10 winners will be declared per category and medium. They are qualified to participate in the Division Level Presscon. 11.To defray the expenses of the conduct of the said contests including supplies, certificates, plaques, food and refreshments, sound system, fees for invited practitioners/judges, and other needed materials, there will be a registration fee of P100.00 per student-participant. The amount left after the incurred expenses per EDDIS have been deducted shall be used for the intensive workshops of winners and coaches for the higher level conferences. 12.intensive trainings and preparations shall have been done by the secondary schools prior to the conduct of the higher level campus journalism contests. 13.A separate memorandum shall be released in line with the conduct of EDDIS Level Script Writing and TV and Radio Broadcasting and Collaborative Publishing Contests. 14.All expenses to be incurred in the conduct of these activities shall be taken from school canteen funds subject to usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations 15. This Memorandum serves as travel authority of the participants. 16.It is desired that this Memorandum be given widest dissemination. ZENIA G, LES, Ed.0., CESO V Schools Diviston Superintendent en ee eo Registration Number: DE-50500546 QUIS ‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region it ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BULACAN Provincial Capito! Compound, Bray. Guinhawa, City of Malolos, Bulacan website: htfps:/bulacandeped.com email. bulacan@dopod.gov.ph Enclosure No.1 to Division Memorandum No. 8.2019 Guidelines in the Conduct of EDDIS Level Secondary Schools Press Conference (Individual Writing Contests) 1. Each secondary school shall send the required number of contestants per category and medium. They should be Top 5 winners in their respective School Level Presscon. Please refer to the table below: T Number of Cis No. | Categories per Medium Total English | Filipino T_[ News Writing Top5 | Tops 10 2_| Editorial Writing Tops | Tops 10 3_| Feature Writing Top 5 | Tops 10 4__| Science Writing Top5 | Tops 10 5_| Sports Writing Top 5 Top 5 410 6 _| Copyreading Top § Top 5 10, 7_| Editorial Cartoon Top 5 Top 5 10. 8 | Photojournalism Top 5 | Top5 10 9 | Editorial Column Waiting® Top5 | Top5 | 10 45 45 90+ TOTAL a ' Coaches 2. The names of campus journalists/contestants and their coaches shall be submitted in advance to the in-charge Secondary EDDIS Chair using the confirmation sheet, refer to Enclosure No.2 (public) and 3 (private). Only the names listed in the confirmation shall be allowed to participate in the competition. In case of replacement due to valid reasons, the coach shall present letter authorizing the replacement noted by the school head/administrator. 3. The activities of the EDDIS Level Press Conference are as follows: Part | Ativity Time ‘Venue |_| Registration (Simultaneous) _| 7:00-6:00 AM Contest Room > Briefing/Orientation 8:01-8:30AM > Contest Proper > Retrieval of Outputs/ Other Reminders Contest Room Evaluation of Entries 10:04AM-2:30PM_| Evaluation Rooms ¥ > Awarding of Winners > Awarding of Schoo/SPA Highest Pointers Vv » Awarding of Certificate of | 2:31PM onwards Covered Court Recognition to the EDDIS Chair and Host School Head/TWG Waiting Area for CJs & Coaches — Covered Court “Editorial Column Writing is included in the EDDIS and Division Level Presscon; however, the official announcement whether it is included or not in the Regional Presscon is still pending. Ce cans RB Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education jon SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BULACAN Provincial Capitol Compound, Bray, Guinhawa, City of Malolos, Bulacan website: htips:/bulacandeped.com email bulacan@doped gov.ph Enolosure No.2 to Division Memorandum No.___.2019 PARTICIPANTS TO 2019 EDDIS LEVEL SECONDARY PRESS CONFERENCE FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS EDDIS:__ Schook: Medium: ENGLISH Categories (use another sheet for FILIPINO Contests Grade Name of Schoo | Name Category Name of Student | Sex | Pate School | Mame L etcoach 1. News Writing 2. Etitoral Writing 3. Feature Writing 7. Editorial Cartoon 9. Editorial Column Writing fae NUMBER OF TOTAL NUMBER OF COACHES ‘Submitted by: Noted by: Head of Delegation School Head ee fe ET cqus RRB Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region I SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BULACAN Enclosure No.3 to Division Memorandum No. _, s.2019 Provincial Capitol Compound, Brgy. Guinhawa, City of Malolos, Bulacan website: htipsi/bulacandeped.com email. bulacan@deped gov.h PARTICIPANTS TO 2019 EDDIS SECONDARY PRESS CONFERENCE FOR PRIVATE SCHOOLS: Nate of Private School. ADDRESS: EDDIS:_ Name of School Administrator, _________ Name of School Paper: Medium: ENGLISH Categories (use another sheet for FILIPINO Contest.) Note: The school may send minimum of one (1) or maximum of two (2) contestants per category. : Grade “Name of] Name Category Name of oumatst | Sex| Tore | School | satsol Paper | of oath TNews i e Wirting 2. 2. Editorial Writing * 3 Feature Wing (1. oe [2. as 4, Science Writing i aH LC 2 5. Sports Writing 7 E 2 6. Copy Reading 4 7. Eéitorial Caton Le | 8. Photo 4. : Journalism 2. 9, Editoval Column | 1. Writing 12 EE a Am aaeiiae | TOTAL NUMBER OF COACHES Submitted by: Noted by: Head of Delegation School Administrator LS ‘Registration Number: DE-50500546 QM15 Rice

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