Unit 2 Evolution Packet

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Unit 2: Evolution  

Class Website:​ ​www.bentonbiology.weebly.com Mrs. Benton’s Email:​ ​sdcummings@jasper.k12.ga.us ​ ttps://tinyurl.com/lifestandards

Standards:​ h

The Father of Evolution, ___________________ ___________________, traveled on H.M.S. the

___________________ to the ___________________ Islands, where he studied finches.

Vocabulary Notes

Evolve ___________________ over ___________________ (NOTE: Individual organisms do NOT evolve...populations evolve!)

Adaptation Behavioral or __________________ characteristic an organism is born with that helps it ______________ in its environment

Fit/Fitness Ability to ___________________ and ___________________

Natural Organisms that are more adapted to their environment are more likely to ​__________________​ and ​__________________
Selection Adapted → Fit → Survive → Reproduce → Pass on Traits
(“Survival of the

Gradualism New species evolve from existing species through ​________________​ changes over a ​_______________​ period of time

Punctuated New species evolve from existing species through ​________________​ changes over a ​_______________​ period of time

Convergent Organisms that are not related ​evolve​ similar _​ _______________​ as a result of having similar ​________________

Adaptive When organisms of the same species evolve into a variety of different forms due to their different ​________________

Species Group of organisms with similar adaptations that can ​________________ with each other

Speciation The formation of new ​________________​ through evolution

Artificial Humans choose which ​________________​ should be passed onto offspring

(“ Breeding”)

Vestigial Part of an organism that has lost all or most of its original ​________________​ (Ex: ​________________)

Analogous Different bone structure (not related) with the same ________________

Homologous ________________ bone structure (related) with different functions


Mutation ________________​ in the DNA sequence

(may be ​________________​: ATC = ACC, ​________________​: ATC = AC, or insertion: ATC = ATGC)

Coevolution Two or more species evolve ​________________​; one ​________________ the other (Ex: Birds and the Bees with ________________)

Evidence for Evolution: Biochemistry, Fossils, and Structures
Unit 2:Evolution Practice  
There are 2 types of worms: worms that eat at night (nocturnal) and worms that eat during the day (diurnal). The birds are
eating during the day, when the nocturnal worms are away in their burrows.
1. What is the adaptation in this scenario? _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Physical or Behavioral
2. Which worm is more fit/more adapted/more likely to survive in this environment? Nocturnal or Diurnal
3. Which worm is natural selection selecting for? Nocturnal or Diurnal
4. More than likely, what will happen to this population over time?


There are 2 types of polar bears: ones with thick coats and ones with thin coats. The temperature has reached record breaking
lows and continues to drop rapidly.
5. What is the adaptation in this scenario? ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Physical or Behavioral
6. Which polar bear is more fit/more adapted/more likely to survive in this environment? Thick Coats or Thin Coats
7. Which polar bear is natural selection selecting for? Thick Coats or Thin Coats
8. More than likely, what will happen to this population over time?


In ostriches, there are 2 types: ones that run fast and those that run slowly. The fast birds can reach up to 40 miles an hour.
Jackals love to eat ostrich, and they can reach speeds of up to 35-40 miles per hour.
9. What is the adaptation in this scenario? _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Physical or Behavioral
10. Which ostrich is more fit/more adapted/more likely to survive in this environment? Fast or Slow
11. Which ostrich is natural selection selecting for? Fast or Slow
12. More than likely, what will happen to this population over time?


​There are two types of rabbits: those that choose to eat grass and those that choose to eat berries and flowers. A drought
occurs one year, and the plants have difficulty producing any extras (flowers, berries, etc.). They can only try and keep
themselves green.
13. What is the adaptation in this scenario? ___________________________________________________________________________
Physical or Behavioral
14. Which rabbit is more fit/more adapted/more likely to survive in this environment? Grass or Berries/Flowers
15. Which rabbit is natural selection selecting for? Grass or Berries/Flowers
16. More than likely, what will happen to this population over time?


_________________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________

Instructions: circle the insertion, underline the deletion, and draw a box around the substitution

Without Mutations: ATC - CCC - GGG - ATT - AGG - GGG

With Mutations: ATC - GCC - GG - ATT - AGG - GGCG

Without Mutations: GGT - CTA - TAG - CAT - AGG - GGG

With Mutations: GGT - CT - TAG - CGT - ACGG - GGG

UNIT 2: Evolution ACTIVITY  
1. Lighting Feet: ​Move faster by foot 6. Warm Fur Coat: ​Stay warm in cold environments
2. Butterfly Wings: ​Slow flight 7. Dragon Wings: ​Fast flight
3. Gills:​ Underwater breathing 8. Duck Feet:​ Faster swimming, but makes climbing impossible
4. Camouflage: ​Blend in with your environment and avoid predators 9. Fire Breath: ​Breathe fire to defend yourself from predators
when you stand still 10. Turtle Shell: ​Hide from predators under your shell
5. Hang Time:​ Stronger legs for extra jumping power

Island Adaptation #s Needed How Adaptations Increase Fitness

Fruity Paradise
Aqua Caves
Diverse Isle
Frosty Island
Lava Caves
Desert Island
Aerial Island
Predator Island

1. Why wouldn’t you ensure your snurfle’s survival by just giving him every single adaptation offered?


2. Even after your snurfle survived and found a mate/reproduced, you still had “poor fitness.” Why?



3. What do you believe your fitness would be if you needed 120 points and earned 400 points, but died just
before you found your mate and reproduced? Why?


4. Did you complete Snurfle Island? YES or NO If yes, what was your score? ____________

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