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April 29, 2019

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Compression Member as part of Sway Frame

ACI 10.10.1 Slenderness effects shall be permitted to be neglected for compression

members not braced against sidesway when

≤ 22
ACI 10.10.7 Moment magnification procedure – Sway
Moments M1 and M2 at the ends of an individual compression member shall be taken

M1 = M1ns + δs M1s
M2 = M2ns + δs M2s

δs = ≥ 1.0
if δs > 1.5, δs shall be calculated using second-order elastic analysis or

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Compression Member as part of Sway Frame

M1ns = factored end moment on a compression member at the end

at which M1 acts, due to loads that cause no appreciable,
sidesway calculated using a first-order elastic frame analysis
M2ns = factored end moment on a compression member at the end
at which M2 acts, due to loads that cause no appreciable,
sidesway calculated using a first-order elastic frame analysis
M1s = factored end moment on a compression member at the end
at which M1 acts, due to loads that cause appreciable,
sidesway calculated using a first-order elastic frame analysis
M2s = factored end moment on a compression member at the end
at which M2 acts, due to loads that cause appreciable,
sidesway calculated using a first-order elastic frame analysis

ACI Commentaries defined “no appreciable sway” as being a lateral deflection of

∆/l ≤ 1/1500 of the story height at factored load levels.
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Compression Member as part of Sway Frame
ACI Alternately, it shall be permitted to calculate δs as
δs = P ≥ 1.0
1− Pu
0.75 Pc
Pu = is the summation for all the factored vertical loads in a story
Pc = is the summation for all sway-resisting columns in a story

π 2 EI
Pc =
(klu )2
0.2Ec Ig + Es Ise
EI =
1 + βdns
0.4Ec Ig
EI =
1 + βdns

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Compression Member as part of Sway Frame

EI shall be permitted to be computed using the value of I

Ast Mu Pu
I = 0.80 + 25 1− − 0.5 Ig ≤ 0.875Ig
Ag Pu h Po

divided by (1 + βdns ) where Pu and Mu shall be determined from the particular load
combination under consideration, or the combination of Pu and Mu determined in the
smallest value of I. I need not be taken less than 0.35Ig .

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Behavior of Restrained Columns in Sway Frames

A sway (unbraced) frame is one that de-

pends on moments in the columns to resist
lateral loads and lateral deflections.
If a sustained load acts on an unbraced
frame, the deflections increase with time,
leading directly to an increase in the P − ∆
Structures subjected to sustained lateral
loads should always be braced. Braced
frames should be used wherever possible,
regardless of whether the lateral loads are
short time or sustained.
ACI Flexural members shall be
designed for the total magnified end mo-
ments of the compression members at the
Column moments in a sway frame. joint.

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Behavior of Restrained Columns in Sway Frames

Maximum Moment between the Ends of

the Column
For very slender, highly loaded columns,
the deflections of the column can cause the
maximum column P − δ moment to exceed
that P − ∆ moment at one or both ends of
the column. If
lu 35
> s
r Pu
fc0 Ag

the maximum moment may exceed the

larger end moment, M2 . The member shall
be designed for Pu and Mc = δns M2 , where
P − ∆ and P − δ effects in beam-columns.

M2 = M2ns + δs M2s

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Useful Formulas

1. Section Properties to Be Used in First-Order Analysis

Ec = wc1.5 0.043 fc0
Ec = 4700 fc0
Moment of inertia [to be divided by (1 + βds ) for sustained loads] (ACI
I = 0.35Ig for beams and cracked walls
I = 0.70Ig for columns and uncracked walls
I = 0.25Ig for flat plates and flat walls
Area = 1.0Ag

2. Radius of Gyration
r = 0.30h for rectangular section
r = 0.25h for circular sections

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3. Braced Frames
(a.) May be assumed as such if second-order moments
≤ 1.05 × (first-order moments), or if
Pu ∆o
Q= ≤ 0.05
Vu Ic

(b.) Length effect may be ignored if

klu M1ns
≤ 34 − 12
r M2ns

M1ns /M2ns is positive for single curvature, and the klu /r limit is not to be
greater than 40.
(c.) Moment magnifier δns

Cm π 2 EI
δns = ≤ 1.0; Pc =
Pu (klu )2

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M1ns M1ns
Cm = 0.6 + 0.4 ≥ 0.4, where is positive for single curvature
M2ns M2ns
Cm = 1.0 for members with transverse loads
(0.2Ec Ig + Es Ise ) 0.4Ec Ig
EI = or EI =
1 + βdns 1 + βdns
M2ns,min = Pu (15 + 0.03h) (h is expressed in mm)

4. Unbraced Frames
(a.) Length effect may be ignored if
≤ 22
(b.) Moment magnifier
M2 = M2ns + δs M2s
1 Pu ∆o 1
δs = ; Q= for Q ≤ or δs ≤ 1.5 only
1−Q Vu Ic 3
δs = P
1− Pu
0.75 Pc
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lu 35
(c.) For long columns with high axial loads, > s
r Pu
fc0 Ag

Mc = δns M2 , M2 = M2ns + δs M2s , k ≤ 1.0 in δns computation

(d.) Strength and stability under gravity load (1.2D + 1.6L)

∆(2nd order)
≤ 2.5
∆(1st order)

When the above analyses are performed, an arbitrary lateral load is to be used;
the same load is to be used in both the 1st-and 2nd-order analyses.
P u ∆o
Q= ≤ 0.6
Vu Ic
δs = P ≤ 2.5
1− Pu
0.75 Pc

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1. The frame, which carries a total uniform factored gravity load of Wu = 3.5 kips/ft
and a horizontal factored wind load of Qu = 8 kips at joint f , is unbraced in its
own plane. The wind load is not a sustained load. Determine the axial load and
moment for which column cd must be designed. The moments of inertia are based
on the member’s gross area. Use fc0 = 2.8 ksi; and Ec = 3000 ksi.

Dimensions of unbraced frame.

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(a) Determine slenderness ratio.

lu = 9.75 ft
r = 0.3h = 3 in

compute relative stiffness, ψ

Ec Ic /lc
ψtop = P
Eb Ib /lb


Icd = 0.70Ig
= 700 in4
Ied = 0.35Ig
= 2800 in4
Forces based on first-order elastic analysis. (b) forces produced by gravity

load, (c) forces produced by lateral load, (d) forces produced due to combined

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ψtop = = 0.57
ψbot = ∞

From the chart, k = 2.2. The effective

slenderness ratio is,
klu 2.2(9.75 × 12)
= = 85.8 > 22
r 0.3(10)

Therefore, the slenderness effects must be


Alignment chart for sway frame (unbraced frame).

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Alternatively, according to ACI –
It also shall be permitted to assume a story
within a structure is nonsway if:
Pu ∆o
Q= ≤ 0.05
Vus lc
168 kip (0.84 in)
8 kip (10.5 × 12 in)
= 0.14 > 0.05

The effects of slenderness must be


Forces based on first-order elastic analysis. (b) forces produced by gravity

load, (c) forces produced by lateral load, (d) forces produced due to combined

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(b) Factored loads
1 Gravity Load

Pu = 34.65 kip
M1ns = 0
M2ns = 50.4 kip · ft

2 Lateral Load

Pu = 1.76 kip
M1s = 0
M2s = 22.4 kip · ft

(c) Check the individual compression

member that maximum moment does
not occur between ends of column.
lu 35
> s
Forces based on first-order elastic analysis. (b) forces produced by gravity r Pu
load, (c) forces produced by lateral load, (d) forces produced due to combined fc0 Ag
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lu 9.75 × 12
r 0.3(10)
= 39
35 35
s = r
Pu 36.43
fc0 Ag (2.8)(10 × 10)

= 106.3

Since 39 < 106.3, maximum moment does

not develop between the ends of column.

M1 = M1ns + δs M1s
M2 = M2ns + δs M2s
Forces based on first-order elastic analysis. (b) forces produced by gravity

load, (c) forces produced by lateral load, (d) forces produced due to combined

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(d) Calculate moment magnifier
δs = P ≥ 1.0
1− Pu
0.75 Pc

Pc shall be compute for each column.

π 2 EI
Pc =
(klu )2

0.4Ec Ig
EI =
1 + βds
klu = 257.4 in

Forces based on first-order elastic analysis. (b) forces produced by gravity βds = 0 (ACI
load, (c) forces produced by lateral load, (d) forces produced due to combined

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For column af and cd:
0.4Ec Ig
EI =
1 + βds
Ec = 3000 ksi
Ig = 1000 in4
EI =
= 1.2 × 106 kips · in2
Pc = 178.76, kips

For column be:

Ig = 1728 in4
EI =
= 2.074 × 106 kips · in2
Forces based on first-order elastic analysis. (b) forces produced by gravity
Pc = 317.5, kips
load, (c) forces produced by lateral load, (d) forces produced due to combined

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δs = P ≥ 1.0
1− Pu
0.75 Pc
32.93 + 98.64 + 36.43
0.75(178.76 + 317.5 + 178.76)
= 1.5 > 1.0

1 Calculate magnified moments

M1 = 0
M2 = M2ns + δs M2s
= 50.4 + 1.5(22.4)
M2 = 84 kip · ft
Forces based on first-order elastic analysis. (b) forces produced by gravity

load, (c) forces produced by lateral load, (d) forces produced due to combined

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1 Check minimum moment

M2,min = Pu (0.6 + 0.03h)

= 36.43(0.6 + 0.03 × 10)
= 2.73 kip · ft

2 The required strengths are

Pu = 36.43
Mu = 84 kip · ft

Forces based on first-order elastic analysis. (b) forces produced by gravity

load, (c) forces produced by lateral load, (d) forces produced due to combined

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