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Subject : Power System Modelling & Simulation

Subject Code : 7EE8A
VII Sem, IV Year

1. Simulate Swing Equation in Simulink (MATLAB).

2. Modelling of Synchronous Machine.

3. Modelling of Induction Machine.

4. Simulate simple circuits using Circuit Maker.

5. (a) Modelling of Synchronous Machine with PSS

(b) Simulation of Synchronous Machine with FACTS device.

6. Simulation for FACTS Device comparison

7. FACTS Controller designs with FACT devices for SMIB system.


1.1 Purpose of the laboratory

Modelling & Simulink is an environment for multi domain simulation and Model-Based Design for
dynamic and embedded systems. It provides an interactive graphical environment and a customizable
set of block libraries that let you design, simulate, implement, and test a variety of time-varying
systems, including communications, controls, signal processing, video processing, and image

1.2 Assessment criteria

A. Internal Assessment : 45

In continuous evaluation system of the university, a student is evaluated throughout semester. His/her
performance in the lab, attendance, practical knowledge, problem solving skill, written work in
practical file and behaviour are main criteria to evaluate student performance.

B. External Assessment : 30

At the end of the semester, a lab examination will be scheduled to check overall programming skill, in
which student will need to solve 2 programming problems in time span of 3 hours.

C. Total Marks: 45 + 30 = 75

Experiment No.1
Object: To Simulate Swing Equation using Simulink.

Theory & explanation:-

Under normal operating conditions, the relative position of the rotor axis and the resultant magnetic
field axis is fixed. The angle between the two is known as the power angle or torque angle. During
any disturbance, rotor will decelerate or accelerate with respect to the synchronously rotating air gap
mmf, a relative motion begins. The equation describing the relative motion is known as the swing
equation. The swing equation governs the motion of the machine rotor relating the inertia

𝐽𝜃̈ = Ta N-m (1)

where, J is the moment of inertia in kg.m2 of all rotating masses attached to the shaft.
𝜃 is the mechanical angle of the shaft in radians with respect to a fixed reference.
T, is the accelerating torque in newton meters (N-m) acting on the shaft.

Since the machine is a generator, the driving torque Tm, is mechanical and the retarding or load
torque Te, is electrical. Thus we write

Ta = Tm - Te N-m (2)
which establishes a useful sign convention, namely, that in which a positive Tm, accelerates
the shaft, whereas a positive Te, is a decelerating torque. The angular reference may be chosen
relative to a synchronously rotating reference frame. Consider a synchronous generator with
electromagnetic torque Te running at synchronous speed. During the normal operation, the
mechanical torque, Tm = Te.

 A disturbance occur will result in accelerating/decelerating torque Ta=Tm-Te (Ta>0 if

accelerating, Ta<0 if decelerating).
 By the law of rotation –
d 2 m
J  Ta  Tm  Te
dt 2
where, J is the combined moment of inertia of prime mover and generator

 m is the angular displacement of rotor with respect to stationary reference frame on the stator.

 m  smt   m is the constant angular velocity

Fig.1.1 Diagram for Steady State Problem

Fig1.2 : Simulation of Swing Equation

Fig 1.3 : Showing the steady state stabilty(tc=0.3s)

Experiment No. 2
Object : Modelling of Synchronous Machine.

Theory & Explanation:

A synchronous motor operates synchronously with the line frequency. In a Synchronous motor, the
three phase AC supply to the stator produces the rotating magnetic field around the rotor. The rotor is
energized with a dc supply and therefore acts as a bar magnet. The Rotating magnetic field attracts the
rotor magnetic field and the rotor rotates. A drawback of the synchronous motor is that it is not self
starting. It has torque only when it is running at synchronous speed. A squirrel cage winding is added
to its rotor which causes it to start. The speed of the synchronous motor is given by w=120*f/n, where
w is the rotor speed in rpm f is the supply frequency in Hz, and n is the number of magnetic poles.

These motor are used for power factor correction, synchronous condenser, electric clocks and in
applications where constant speed is required.

A model for a three phase synchronous motor is shown in fig 2.1. In this model two three phase
voltage sources are taken. The first voltage source is of frequency 50Hz and the second (bottom one)
is of frequency 100Hz the other parameters of these sources are same and are as follows: phase to
phase rms voltage – 400V, phase angle of phase A-0o , internal connection – star neutral, source
resistance – 0.034 ohm, and source inductance – 0 H. First source supplies power to the motor from
zero to one second, and the second source supplies power from one to two second (simulation stop
time). The mechanical power supplied to the motor is 100 W and phase to phase rms internal voltages
is 300V. The parameters of three phase synchronous motor are by default. The stator currents are
shown in fig 2.2 and rotor speed (radian / sec) and electrical power (W) are shown in fig 2.3

Fig 2.1 Simulink Model of Synchronous Machine

Fig 2.2 Stator Current Ia, Ib, Ic

Fig 2.3 : Rotor Speed and Electrical Power

Experiment No. 3
Object : Modelling of Induction Machine.

Theory & Explanation:

A three phase induction motor is a singly excited ac machine. The stator winding of this motor is
connected to the supply where as the rotor winding receives energy from the stator by induction. An
induction motor can be considered as an electric transformer whose magnetic circuit is separated by
an air gap between two relatively movable parts , one carrying the primary winding(stator) and the
other the secondary winding(rotor). When the ac supply is connected to the primary winding, it
induces opposing currents in the secondary winding if it is closed by external impedance the relative
motion is produced between the primary and the secondary windings by the electromagnetic force.
This machine can be distinguished from other type of machines because its secondary currents are
produced solely by induction as in a transformer instead of being supplied by a dc exciter or external
sources as in the case of synchronous or dc machines. The speed of the rotor is always less than the
synchronous speed; therefore, this motor is also called asynchronous motor. Based on the type of
rotors, the induction motor is mainly of two types – squirrel cage and slip ring. The bars of the rotors
in squirrel cage induction motor have is skewing in order to reduce noise and harmonics whereas in
slip ring induction motor, the rotor bars are replaced by windings which are connected to the slip
rings. The synchronous speed of the induction motor in rpm is given by Ns = 60f/P, where f is the
supply frequency and P the number of pole pairs per phase. The slip is given by s = (Ns - Nr )/Ns ,
where Nr is the rotor speed in rpm. The motor is widely used in industrial drive due to its ruggedness
and ability of speed control.

A model of three phase induction motor for variable mechanical torque(Tm) is shown in fig 3.1.
The three phase supply parameters are as follows: phase to phase rms voltage – 400V, phase angle -
00 , f – 50Hz, internal connection – star ground, source resistance – 0.034 ohm, and source inductance
– 0 H. The mechanical torque applied to the motor varies as can be seen from fig 9.60. At time 0.02
sec, it is 15Nm, at 1 sec it is 30Nm, and at 7 sec it is 120Nm as shown in subsystem The induction
motor present model selected is : 10HP,400V, 50Hz, 1400 rpm, and rotor type is squirrel cage. The
rotor currents Ir_a , Ir_b , and Ir_c (A) are shown in fig 3.3. It can be observed that the rotor currents
increases upto 7 secs and the becomes stable. The rotor speed decreases slightly and electromagnetic
torque increases slighty with increase in mechanical torque. The rotor speed versus electromagnetic
torque curve is shown in fig 3.2

Fig 3.1: Simulink Model of Induction Motor

Fig 3.2: Speed and Torque Characteristics of Induction Motor

Fig 3.3 : Rotor Current Ia, Ib, Ic

Experiment No.4
Object: Simulate simple circuits using Circuit Maker.

Theory & Explanation:

Circuit Maker is a Software Package that is used to design & simulate both analog & digital Circuits.
The following are the steps to design & simulate circuit makers

1. The first thing to observe is that Circuit Maker can be used to design and simulate both analog and
digital signals. (Wherever you see "Spice" in the help system, it's talking about analog simulation.)
You can build your circuit without concern for this fact, but when you simulate it (run it), you must be
sure to do so in digital mode. If you don't, you'll get an error message, probably telling you that you
need a ground node "before a valid spice Net list can be generated". To avoid this problem click on
the toolbar button with the symbol for a transistor on it (shown in the next figure).

2. If you care about the neatness of your diagrams, select Grid (1) under the Options menu, and select
the "Snap to grid" option.

3. Use the Devices menu (2) to select gates, etc. to add to your circuit. Use the Wire Tool (3) to
connect inputs and outputs together.

4. The most common input device is the digital logic switch, which alternates between outputting 0
and 1 each time you click on in. You can type a lower-case 's' to get one, or look for it in Hotkeys2
under the Devices menu, or select browse from the Devices menu, and select Digital -> Power.

5. You can simulate your circuit one step (or propagation delay) at a time (4), or let it run at "full
speed" (5.) Either way, you can use the probe tool (6) to look at the logic value of any part of your
circuit. The probe will show H ("high"), L ("low"), or Z (indeterminate) as you make it hover over
various parts of the circuit.

6. Sometimes, you will want to look at the waveforms for various parts of the circuit as you run your
simulations. Use F12 to turn this option on, or press the waveform toolbar button (7). The waveforms
are displayed in a separate window, so select "tile" from the Window menu to get them both to show
on the screen.

7. The most common way to add traces to the waveforms window is to attach the Scope (8) tool to the
wires you want to look at. Type a capital T to get a Scope tool, or select it from the Hotkeys2 menu
under the Devices menu. To give meaningful names to your waveforms, double-click on the scope
tool and type in the name you want to use.

8. You can move waveforms up and down by dragging their names in the waveforms window. The
white boxes (9) to the left of the names are used for setting breakpoints. Breakpoints can be used to
stop the simulation when the certain conditions are met. You can learn how to use breakpoints from
the on-line help.

9. To generate input values automatically or to have a clock signal, you have to generate them using a
Data Sequencer (10). Type capital G to get one, or browse to it under Digital/Instruments under the
Devices menu. Here's how to set it up so that pins 1-3 on the right side can be used as an inputs

Double click on the device, and you will get an "Edit Data Sequencer" dialog box. First of all, resist
the temptation to turn on the "Use External Clock" option; it generates values at the proper rate for
imulation (one propagation delay per step) all by itself. The data sequencer can generate up to 8
digital input signals with up to 32 different sequences. Each input sequence is stored in an address.
For example, Edit the first 8 rows of the "Address - Data" box so that addresses 1, 2,3, 4 contain 00
(hexadecimal), and addresses 5, 6, 7, 8 contain 01. Set the Start and Stop Addresses to 1 and 8

When the simulation runs, the sequencer will output “000” on pins Nos. 1-3 for four propagation
delays, then will output “001” on the same pins for another four propagation delays, and so on. The
process repeats as long as the simulation runs. For example, connect scopes to the signals you want to
check out, and display their respective waveforms in the waveform window.

10. Use the Digital Options dialog box to control the size of a step when running the Simulation in
single step mode, to set the conditions for break points and to set the Simulation speed. Choose
Simulation > Digital to display the dialog box.

You can define the Step Size in either ticks or cycles. A cycle always consists of 10 ticks. A tick is the
smallest unit of delay for the digital simulator. It takes one Tick to perform a single step of the
simulation for all devices.

Adjust X Magnification to view a larger or smaller section of the waveforms in the digital Waveforms
window. By default, the magnification is set to 8. A Smaller value zooms out, a greater value zooms

Use Simulation Speed to control how fast the simulation runs. This could be Useful, for example, if
the simulation is running too fast to view the states of a Seven-segment display. Setting this field to a
lower number slows down the Simulation so you can view the changes of the display. Another
method of

Slowing the simulation would be to run it in single step mode or set breakpoints.

Use the Breakpoint and Conditions options in conjunction with the waveforms Window to set
breakpoints. The following table illustrates the results of various Combinations of settings.

Combination Result Level-And All break conditions must be met before the simulation stops.

Level-Or any one of the break conditions stops the simulation.

Edge-And the simulation stops when the proper edge occurs on all of the Specified waveforms.

Edge-Or The simulation stops if a transition to any of the specified Conditions occurs.

Experiment No.5
Object: Modelling of Synchronous Motor with PSS.

The Synchronous Machine block operates in generator or motor modes. The operating mode is
dictated by the sign of the mechanical power (positive for generator mode, negative for motor mode).
The electrical part of the machine is represented by a sixth-order state-space model and the
mechanical part is the same as in the Simplified Synchronous Machine block.
The model takes into account the dynamics of the stator, field, and damper windings. The equivalent
circuit of the model is represented in the rotor reference frame (qd frame). All rotor parameters and
electrical quantities are viewed from the stator. They are identified by primed variables. The
subscripts used are defined as follows:
 d,q: d and q axis quantity
 R,s: Rotor and stator quantity
 l,m: Leakage and magnetizing inductance
 f,k: Field and damper winding quantity

The electrical model of the machine is:

The following equations describe the modelling :

Note that this model assumes currents flowing into the stator windings. The measured stator currents
returned by the Synchronous Machine block (Ia, Ib, Ic, Id, Iq) are the currents flowing out of the

Dialog Box and Parameters

In the powerlib library you can choose between three Synchronous Machine blocks to specify the
parameters of the model. They simulate exactly the same synchronous machine model; the only
difference is the way of entering the parameter units in the Parameters tab.
Rotor type
Specify rotor type: Salient-pole or Round (cylindrical). This choice affects the number of rotor
circuits in the q-axis (damper windings).
Mask units
Specifies the units of the electrical and mechanical parameters of the model. This parameter is not
modifiable; it is provided for information purposes only.
Nominal power, voltage, frequency, field current
The total three-phase apparent power Pn (VA), RMS line-to-line voltage Vn (V), frequency fn (Hz),
and field current ifn (A).The nominal field current is the current that produces nominal terminal
voltage under no-load conditions. This model was developed with all quantities viewed from the
stator. The nominal field current makes it possible to compute the transformation ratio of the machine,
which allows you to apply the field voltage viewed from the rotor, as in real life. This also allows the
field current, which is a variable in the output vector of the model, to be viewed from the rotor. If the
value of the nominal field current is not known, you must enter 0 or leave it blank. Since the
transformation ratio cannot be determined in this case, you have to apply the field voltage as viewed
from the stator and the field current in the output vector is also viewed from the stator.
The resistance Rs (Ω), leakage inductance Lls (H), and d-axis and q-axis magnetizing inductances
Lmd (H) and Lmq (H).
The field resistance Rf' (Ω) and leakage inductance Llfd' (H), both referred to the stator.
The d-axis resistance Rkd' (Ω) and leakage inductance Llkd' (H), the q-axis resistance Rkq1' (Ω) and
leakage inductance Llkq1' (H), and (only if round rotor) the q-axis resistance Rkq2' (Ω) and leakage
inductance Llkq2' (H). All these values are referred to the stator.

Inertia, friction factor, pole pairs
The inertia coefficient J (kg.m2), friction factor F (N.m.s), and number of pole pairs p. The friction
torque Tf is proportional to the rotor speed ω (Tf = F.ω, where Tf is expressed in N.m, F in N.m.s, and
ω in rad/s).
Initial conditions
The initial speed deviation Δω (% of nominal speed), electrical angle of the rotor Θe (degrees), line
current magnitudes ia, ib, ic (A) and phase angles pha, phb, phc (degrees), and the initial field voltage
Vf (V).You can specify the initial field voltage in one of two ways. If you know the nominal field
current (first line, last parameter), enter in the dialog box the initial field voltage in volts DC referred
to the rotor. Otherwise, enter a zero as nominal field current, as explained earlier, and specify the
initial field voltage in volts DC referred to the stator. You can determine the nominal field voltage
viewed from the stator by selecting the Display Vfd which produces a nominal Vt check box at the
bottom of the dialog box.
Simulate saturation
Specifies whether magnetic saturation of rotor and stator iron is to be simulated or not.
Saturation parameters
The no-load saturation curve parameters. Magnetic saturation of stator and rotor iron is modeled by a
nonlinear function (in this case a polynomial) using points on the no-load saturation curve. You must
enter a 2-by-n matrix, where n is the number of points taken from the saturation curve. The first row
of this matrix contains the values of field currents, while the second row contains values of
corresponding terminal voltages. The first point (first column of the matrix) must correspond to the
point where the effect of saturation begins.

Fig 5.1 Simulation of synchronous motor


Experiment No. 6
Object: Simulation for FACTS Devices(comparison).

Theory & Explanation:

UPFC (Detailed Model)

Detailed Model of a 48-Pulse, GTO-Based Unified Power Flow Controller (500 kV, 100 MVA)

Fig 6.1 Simulation of FACTS device

Model Description
A Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is used to control the power flow in a 500 kV transmission
system. The UPFC located at the left end of the 75-km line L2, between the 500 kV buses B1 and B2,
is used to control the active and reactive powers flowing through bus B2 while controlling voltage at
bus B1. It consists of two 100-MVA, three-level, 48-pulse GTO-based converters, one connected in
shunt at bus B1 and one connected in series between buses B1 and B2. The shunt and series
converters can exchange power through a DC bus. The series converter can inject a maximum of 10%
of nominal line-to-ground voltage (28.87 kV) in series with line L2.
This pair of converters can be operated in three modes:
 Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) mode, when the shunt and series converters are
interconnected through the DC bus. When the disconnect switches between the DC buses of
the shunt and series converter are opened, two additional modes are available:

 Shunt converter operating as a Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) controlling
voltage at bus B1
 Series converter operating as a Static Synchronous Series Capacitor (SSSC) controlling
injected voltage, while keeping injected voltage in quadrature with current.

The mode of operation as well as the reference voltage and reference power values can be changed by
means of the “UPFC GUI” block.

The principle of operation of the harmonic neutralized converters is explained in another demo
entitled “Three-phase 48-pulse GTO converter”. This demo (power_48pulsegtoconverter.mdl) is
accessible in the Power Electronics Models library of demos. When the two converters are operated in
UPFC mode, the shunt converter operates as a STATCOM. It controls the bus B1 voltage by
controlling the absorbed or generated reactive power while also allowing active power transfer to the
series converter through the DC bus. The reactive power variation is obtained by varying the DC bus
voltage. The four three-level shunt converters operate at a constant conduction angle (Sigma= 180-7.5
= 172.5 degrees), thus generating a quasi-sinusoidal 48-step voltage waveform. The first significant
harmonics are the 47th and the 49th.

When operating in UPFC mode, the magnitude of the series injected voltage is varied by varying the
Sigma conduction angle, therefore generating higher harmonic contents than the shunt converter. As
illustrated in this demo, when the series converter operates in SSSC mode it generates a “true” 48-
pulse waveform.

The natural power flow through bus B2 when zero voltage is generated by the series converter (zero
voltage on converter side of the four converter transformers) is P=+870 MW and Q=-70 Mvar. In
UPFC mode, both the magnitude and phase angle and the series injected voltage can be varied, thus
allowing control of P and Q. The UPFC controllable region is obtained by keeping the injected
voltage to its maximum value (0.1 pu) and varying its phase angle from zero to 360 degrees. To see
the resulting P-Q trajectory, double click the “Show UPFC Controllable Region”. Any point located
inside the PQ elliptic region can be obtained in UPFC mode.

1. Power control in UPFC mode
Open the UPFC GUI block menu. The GUI allows you to choose the operation mode (UPFC,
STATCOM or SSSC) as well as the Pref/Qref reference powers and/or Vref reference voltage settings
. Also, in order to observe the dynamic response of the control system, the GUI allows you to specify
a step change of any reference value at a specific time.

Make sure that the operation mode is set to “UPFC (Power Flow Control)”. The reference active and
reactive powers are specified in the last two lines of the GUI menu. Initially, Pref= +8.7 pu/100MVA
(+870 MW) and Qref=-0.6 pu/100MVA (-60 Mvar). At t=0.25 sec Pref is changed to +10 pu
(+1000MW). Then, at t=0.5 sec, Qref is changed to +0.7 pu (+70 Mvar). The reference voltage of the
shunt converter (specified in the 2nd line of the GUI) will be kept constant at Vref=1 pu during the
whole simulation (Step Time=0.3*100> Simulation stop time (0.8 sec). When the UPFC is in power
control mode, the changes in STATCOM reference reactive power and in SSSC injected voltage
(specified respectively in 1st and 3rd line of the GUI) as are not used.

Run the simulation for 0.8 sec. Open the “Show Scopes” subsystem. Observe on traces 1 and 2 of the
UPFC scope the variations of P and Q. After a transient period lasting approximately 0.15 sec, the
steady state is reached (P=+8.7 pu; Q=-0.6 pu). Then P and Q are ramped to the new settings (P=+10
pu Q=+0.7 pu). Observe on traces 3 and 4 the resulting changes in P Q on the three transmission lines.
The performance of the shunt and series converters can be observed respectively on the STATCOM
and SSSC scopes. If you zoom on the first trace of the STATCOM scope, you can observe the 48-step
voltage waveform Vs generated on the secondary side of the shunt converter transformers (yellow
trace) superimposed with the primary voltage Vp (magenta) and the primary current Ip (cyan). The dc
bus voltage (trace 2) varies in the 19kV-21kV range. If you zoom on the first trace of the SSSC scope,
you can observe the injected voltage waveforms Vinj measured between buses B1 and B2.

2. Var control in STATCOM mode

In the GUI block menu, change the operation mode to “STATCOM (Var Control)”. Make sure that
the STATCOM references values (1st line of parameters, [T1 T2 Q1 Q2]) are set to [0.3 0.5 +0.8 -0.8
]. In this mode, the STATCOM is operated as a variable source of reactive power. Initially, Q is set to
zero, then at T1=0.3 sec Q is increased to +0.8 pu (STATCOM absorbing reactive power) and at
T2=0.5 sec, Q is reversed to -0.8 pu (STATCOM generating reactive power).
Run the simulation and observe on the STATCOM scope the dynamic response of the STATCOM.
Zoom on the first trace around t=0.5 sec when Q is changed from +0.8 pu to -0.8 pu. When Q=+0.8
pu, the current flowing into the STATCOM (cyan trace) is lagging voltage (magenta trace), indicating
that STATCOM is absorbing reactive power. When Qref is changed from +0.8 to -0.8, the current
phase shift with respect to voltage changes from 90 degrees lagging to 90 degrees leading within one
cycle. This control of reactive power is obtained by varying the magnitude of the secondary voltage
Vs generated by the shunt converter while keeping it in phase with the bus B1 voltage Vp. This
change of Vs magnitude is performed by controlling the dc bus voltage. When Q is changing from
+0.8 pu to -0.8 pu, Vdc (trace 3) increases from 17.5 kV to 21 kV.

3. Series voltage injection in SSSC mode

In the GUI block menu change the operation mode to “SSSC (Voltage injection)”. Make sure that the
SSSC references values (3rd line of parameters) [Vinj_Initial Vinj_Final StepTime] ) are set to [0.0
0.08 0.3 ]. The initial voltage is set to 0 pu, then at t=0.3 sec it will be ramped to 0.8 pu.

Run the simulation and observe on the SSSC scope the impact of injected voltage on P and Q flowing
in the 3 transmission lines. Contrary to the UPFC mode, in SSCC mode the series inverter operates
with a constant conduction angle (Sigma= 172.5 degrees). The magnitude of the injected voltage is
controlled by varying the dc voltage which is proportional to Vinj (3rd trace). Also, observe the
waveforms of injected voltages (1st trace) and currents flowing through the SSSC (2nd trace).
Voltages and currents stay in quadrature so that the SSSC operates as a variable inductance or

Output Wave Forms

Fig 6.2 Output for STATCOM

Fig 6.3 Output for UPFC

Fig 6.4 Output for SSSC

Experiment No.7
Object: FACTS Controller design with FACT devices for SMIB system.


With the advent of flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) devices , such as thyristor controlled
series compensator (TCSC), static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) and unified power flow
controller (UPFC), the unified model of single-machine infinite-bus (SMIB) power system installed
with a TCSC, STATCOM and a UPFC have \been developed. These models are the popular tools
amongst power engineers for studying the dynamic behaviour of synchronous generators, with a view
to design control equipment. However, the model only takes into account the generator main field
winding and the generator damping windings are not accounted for. Further, these linear methods
cannot properly capture complex dynamics of the system, especially during major disturbances.
The SMIB power system with TCSC shown in Fig. 1 is shown. The synchronous generator is
delivering power to the infinite-bus through a double circuit transmission line and a TCSC. In Fig. 1,
Vt and Eb are the generator terminal and infinite bus voltage respectively; XT , XL and XTH represent
the reactance of the transformer, transmission line per circuit and the Thevenin’s impedance of the
receiving end system respectively.

B. Modelling of Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) :

TCSC is one of the most important and best known series FACTS controllers. It has been in use for
many years to increase line power transfer as well as to enhance system stability. It consists of three
components: capacitor banks, bypass inductor and bi-directional thyristors. The firing angles of the
thyristors are controlled to adjust the TCSC reactance in accordance with a system control algorithm,
normally in response to some system parameter variations.

According to the variation of the thyristor firing angle (α ) or conduction angle (σ ), this process can
be modelled as a fast switch between corresponding reactance offered to the power system. Assuming
that the total current passing through the TCSC is sinusoidal; the equivalent reactance at the
fundamental frequency can be represented as a variable reactance XTCSC.

Fig 2. Structure of TCSC controller

Structure of PSS:

A widely used conventional lead-lag PSS is considered in this study. Its structure is shown in Fig. 3. It
consists of a gain block with gain KP, a signal washout block, and two-stage phase compensation
block with time constants T1P, T2P and T3P, T4P . In this structure, TWP is the washout time
constant; Δω is the speed deviation and VS is the stabilizing signal output of PSS.

Fig.3 Structure of PSS

Fig.4: Simulink Model of SMIB with TCSC and PSS

Case-1: Three-phase Fault Disturbance

A three phase fault is applied at the generator terminal bus-bar at t = 1 sec and cleared after 5 cycles.
The original system is restored upon the fault clearance. The system power angle response for the
above contingency is shown in fig.5. It is clear from the figures 6-8 that, without controller even
though the system is stable, power system oscillations are poorly damped.

Fig5. Response of power angle(δ) for 3-phase fault Fig6. Variation of speed variation(w)

Fig7. Variation of electrical power Fig8. Variation of terminal voltage

Conclusion: The TCSC controller significantly suppresses the oscillations in the power angle and
provides good damping characteristics to low frequency oscillations by stabilizing the system quickly.
It is also clear from the Fig.5-8 that, application of both PSS and TCSC-based controller where the
controllers are tuned by the proposed simultaneous design approach, gives the best response in terms
of overshoot and settling time. The first swing in the power angle δ, is also slightly suppressed and the
settling time is greatly reduced with the simultaneous design approach.


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