SDM No. 168, S. 2019

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‘Document Code: SOOZAMBS-GOF-O18, Republic of the Fhilppines Depariment of Education Region i ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ZAMBALES Tone 6, ba, Zambales Tel/Fax No. (047) 602 1391 Email Address,ph Jzombales.p Name of Office: Schools Division Office August 15, 2019 2019 SEARCH FOR OUTSTANDING TEACHERS AND PRINCIPALS To: — Schools Division Personnel Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concemed 1. The Schools Division of Zambales announces the 2019 Search for Outstanding Teachers and Principals in response to Regional Memorandum No. 144, s. 2019, entitled, "2019 Regional Search for Outstanding Teachers and Principals." 2. The search aims to give special recognition to teachers and schoo! heads who manifest profound commitment, exemplary competence, and remarkable dedication to their work. 3. There will be four (4) awards in this year's Search: a. One (1) Outstanding Kindergarten Teacher; b. One (1) Oustanding Junior/ Senior High School Teacher; cc. One (1) Outstanding Integrated School Principal; and d. One (1) Outstanding Junior/ Senior High School Principal/ Principal handling both Junior and Senior High School. 4, Each Municipality shall submit one nominee for each of the four abovementioned categories. 5. The Municipal Selection and Screening Committee shall evaluate the documents to be submitted to the Schools Division Screening Committee, which shall be evaluated by the latter for nomination to the Regional Search. 6. The List of Municipal Nominees, together with the complete set of supporting documents must be submitted to the Schools Division Office not later than August 23, 2019. 7. Attached are the Rules and Mechanics for the Regional Search which will also serve as the Rules and Mechanics for the Schools Division Search. 8. For inquiries and other clarifications, please contact the SGOD-Human Resource Development Section at 0930-9302725. 9. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired, — ROMEO M. ALIP, Ph.t Schools (Enclosure No. 1 to Regional Memorandum No___, s. 2019) Directions: ‘Accomplish the nomination form and attach a one-page (leter-size) essay (Tahoma size 11, 1.5 spacing) ‘bout the nominee with emphasis on his/her integrity, accomplishments and impact to learing/service . Leadership in Professional Organizations + 10 points ‘© Participation in Community and Civic Movement 10 points 14. Professional/Communty service awards 10 points 100 points way. 1, Instructional Competence and Teaching Effectiveness (60 points) ‘A. Instructional materials produced and used for the improvement of teaching and learning for the I three (3) years (10 points) “ ‘The nominee will choose one type of instructional material which he/she considers as his/her best entry in this category. The instructional material must be originally developed and produced by the nominee. Its use and Contribution to the improvement of teaching and learning must be properly documented with supporting — —___—— INDICATOR POINT ‘Not at All| Somewhat | Very Well | TOTAL (0) a) Q@) SCORE ‘> Shows uniqueness and crestiviy 0 i 2 ‘= Focuses on the knowledge, skils and _ablities appropriate to the grade level 9 1 2 = Reflects a variety of ways to ferentiate instruction to support all | 0 1 2 learners. ‘= Alans to Kto 12 Curriculum a i z ‘+ Contributes to the improvement of twaching and learning as shown by ° 1 2 measurable data ‘TOTAL SCORE ‘Supporting documents: (1) writen descnption and pictures on how Instructional Materials being used Inthe cass, (2) Supporting evidence/s on the use ofthe IM and contribution to the improvement of teaching and learning duly signed by DepEd offcials| Research outputs for the last three (3) years (10 points) ‘The research output/s should be property documented, approved and attested by DepEd oficial. ‘The nominee should be the sole researcher. INDICATOR POINT ‘a. Number of Research Outputs regardless of level conducted (5 points) S research opus 5 points 4 research outputs 4 points 3 research outputs 3 Points 2 research outputs 2 points 1 research output 1 point 'B, Highest level of any of the research outputs (5 points) ‘Conducted inthe national level 5 points ‘Conducted in the regional level 4 points Conducted in the division level «3_points Conducted in the custer/dstrct points Conducted inthe schoo! level 1 point TOTAL SCORE Supporting document: Copy of the summary of the research output signed by SDO offi Original creative outputs for the last three (3) years (10 points) ‘The nominee will choose one creative output relative to curriculum enhancement which he/she considers as his/her best entry inthis category. This must be orginally developed and produced by the nominee. Its use and contribution ‘the improvement of teaching and learning must be property documented with supporting evidences, — [_ { —— | © Focuses on the knowledge, skills and meee ae [57 Reflects a variety of ways to | differentiate instruction to support all learners |-=- ae ee Boman | I = Contributes to the improvement of ‘teaching and learning as shown by measurable data | _| "TOTAL SCORE aa || ‘Supporting documents: (1) Description of Geative Output with pictures, (2) Supporting evidence/s on the contribution ‘of the creative output tothe improvement of teaching and learning duly signed by DepEd offcas. Orginal Inovatve teaching approches/sratogis/ practices for thease) years ‘The nominee wil choose one teaching approachstretegy/practice which he/she considers as his/her best entry inthis ‘category. This must be originally developed by the nominee. Its use and contribution to the Improvement of teaching ‘and learning must be property documented with supporting evidences. | INDICATOR, | ‘Not at Ait TOTAL @. SCORE = Shows uniqueness and creativity 0 +” Focuses on the knowedoe, sklis and _abllties appropriate to the grade level 9 1 2 = Reflects a variety of ways to 1 ferentiate instruction to support all | 0 1 2 L learners. | ‘Aigns to Kio 12 Curricula, o T 2 \— ‘= Contributes to the improvement of ‘teaching and learning as shown by ° 1 2 measurable date TOTAL SCORE, } ‘supporting documents: (i) Documentary evidence (pictures and written description) on how the teaching ‘approach/strategy/practice is being used in the class, (2) Supporting evidence/s on its contribution to the Improvement of teaching and leaning duty signed by DepEd officials: co-curricular involvement for the last three (3) years (10 points) “The nominee must have served as advser/coordinator/moderator ofa student co-curricular dub/organization (@.0.

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