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Pineda, Kassandra Mae P.

LM6A Stage Presence:

Clarity of delivery:


The Clay by James Joyce

Good day everyone! Do you know me? I am just a mere maid at a Prostestant charity that houses
troubled women ( I can say just like me). Do you know me? I was the one who raised Joe and Alphy
Donnelly. Oh those handsome boys who grew up handsome as ever--I am proud to say I was the one
who nurture them! It's just such a waste that they're not in good terms recently. I want them to make
up because a harmonious and and complete family is so much of a wonderful gift from above--
something that I wouldn't able to attain in this lifetime. I should invite Alphy at Joe's humble abode.

Do you have any idea where am I going? I would gladly tell you later. Right now I am with a gentlemanly
lad. I asked him "Where are you heading to?" but he answered, "That plum cake looks delectable." I
always feel that--that certain curiousity and electrified feeling whenever I have the chance to interact
with the opposite gender. When I was younger, I used to admire goodlooking guys-- which is very normal
for everyone. Is just that awkwardness and anxiousness devour me fully that I wasn't able to meet the
perfect one for me. It was melancholic page of my life but it still part of me. I wonder what would it feel
like to get married and have my own family? Will I have a girl or a boy? or both? a twin? a triplet?, what
if a dozen? is a woman programmed to labor even a dozen of offsprings?

As I was riding the bus, I watched the clouds rolled by in sync of how progressive and hectic humandkind
is, and is everywhere like buzzing bees settling on their own designated flowers. Do you want to know
what I observed? I observed that the essence of being a human is to multiply and to extend its
connections with the other ones. If you ask me, honestly, I would whole heartedly answer that I am not
very contented with my life. Being a maid at a Protestant charity with no one beside her even her so
called family? Who would be fulfilled by this, right? Its great to be able to count on Joe and Alphy but it
would never be the same if I have my own offsprings blossoming from my own blood.

Sometimes I wonder, what if I was more ambitious and adventurous? Would I have a more decent and
prominent job? Would I be showering with riches and glamour in this world that this plum cake would be
nothing in compared to? I glanced at those people dressed on white colar attire. They looked
sophisticated but then again they were them and I am me. Up there at the boulevard were high fashion
models and actresses reign who look glamorous, but then again they were them and I am me. Each one
of us is programmed differently and accordingly to our own endeavor for the pursuit of happiness and

Do you care to know my one realization in life? Even my dear Joe wouldn't tell me, I know I grasped the
clay during the game. Clay symbolizes bad omen, most specifically death. Grim reaper must be on hunt
for me-- Maria-- grey, wrinkly and unachiever. I realized and admittedly wished that I want to turn back
time--I don't know, like to be reborn in different body and circumstances and maybe rewrite my life.
There is more to life than simply existing--we are entitled to live it to fullest without inhibitions. Dream
big, collect memories, accomplish your bucket list without hesitation, enjoy the little things in life, create
deeper and more lengthy connections and relationships and more especially teach your heart to love
more and smile more often, because you wouldn't know when is your time to be entagled with the clay
of death and by then there is no room for regrets.

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