Correa, Brian M. 11ha-16 History Performance Task

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Correa, Brian M.

11HA-16 History Performance Task

I interviewed my mother, Anita Correa, about the particular event. She told me that all she

remembers about the textbook fund scandal was that it was used to back up the corruption

charges and impeachment trial of former President Joseph Estrada. She says that Laarni

Enriquez was a mistress and the favourite one of for President Estrada. According to her, Laarni

was heavily supported by the senate and somehow evaded the subpoena due to her power ties.

The Malacañang Palace itself claimed the reports as speculations as can be read from the news

paper article. Unfortunately, that’s all my mother was able to tell me about this event. However,

it was enough to make me think about one of the biggest predicaments of our country:

corruption. It just goes to show how the Philippines is the most corrupt nation in the world.

Almost 2 decades have passed and yet corruption is still a huge issue in our country. Even back

then, it was not taken seriously and allegations were outright denied. It is a shame that the

Philippines has not progressed from this absurd mentality. Going back to the event, Laarni

Enriquez was a mere mistress of the former President Estrada. How is it that she can commit

such heinous crimes to the society and still get away with it? I guess being the mistress of the

President does have its perks. Why do people continuously support these despicable people

and cover up their delinquency? They are afraid that the sudden change in status quo from the

crooked politicians and government officials to honest and righteous senators will affect their

way of living and the riches they obtain from stealing themselves. Are Filipinos so greedy for

money that they are willing to drop their morality for more cash than they could ever hope to

use? Why do people with the power to establish actual change condone such behaviour? The

ironic thing is, most people that steal from us, the ones that screw us over, are elected into

power ourselves. We voted for these people, believing that they will lead us into a better nation.

Swayed by charming words and empty promises, we put our faith to those who do not seek to

satisfy their own selfish desires. However, it could be possible that these people in power were

once honest and good, and that attaining power is what flipped them to their atrocities.

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