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Sanchez, Rhegen B.

BSA-BJA September 19, 2019

Reflection About Confessions of a Shopaholic

The movie revolves to Rebecca Bloomwood's story. She is a financial journalist, but she
spend a lot from her credit cards and bank to buy so many things in short she is a certified
shopaholic. Almost everyday she buy everything she want, Until her job is terminated and also
she is receiving letters and calls from her creditors that letting her know she overdue on her bills.
The debt problem was still unsolved for Rebecca and her best friend, Suzzy. Rebecca started to
write an article about financial issue until her successful writing, “The Girl In The Green Scarf”.
Despite her popularity in article, Derek Smeath (a credit investigator) hunts for Rebecca on her
debt issue. In her television appearance, Mr. Smeath revealed about her debts and lies. Rebecca
was broken and very disappointed with herself. With the help of her parents and her fellow
former shopaholics, Rebecca decided to sell and auction her expensive items, including the green
scarf, in order to pay her debts and to take back her reputation in public.

After I watched a movie called “Confessions of a Shopaholic”, I realized that sometimes I

become Rebecca Bloomwood. Definitely there are many instances that some of Ms.
Bloomwood’s actions were similar to things I've done myself such as buying so many things I
don't really need just because it's on a sale or trending. Now I realized that there are times when
I have made purchases that is not practical. I learned that having credit card is dangerous, as
Rebecca shows in the movie, purchasing products on a credit card almost makes them free, and
makes everything appear affordable. Even when the credit limit is reached, there are other cards
out there, and you can always apply for more. Lessons I learned was always be honest and true
to someone when you’re facing a debt, don’t be in vain or else it’s a big shame in your humanity
and for someone, not all things we love doing can help us, emotional investment is not always
safe, never tolerate your wrong decisions, always face your problems including your debts and
lastly, learn how to manage your money appropriately. Actually it’s a lesson for us is to become
economical in time of financial crisis. In the movie the love of Rebecca’s parents for her is
unconditional just like in a real life, whatever your situation is parents are always there.

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