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Dig, Cathlyn Joy D.


Description of the Kartilya in terms in its form/writing style and content

There are different types of writing expository, descriptive, persuasive and narrative..
Expository writing explain a concept, imparting information from themselves to a wider audience.
Expository writing does not include the author’s opinions, but focuses on accepted facts about a topic,
including statistics or other evidence. Examples of expository writing are textbooks,and news
stories.Second descriptive writing, it is found fiction because they are just painting a picture in a words
of a person, place or thing.It should be in metaphor or other literary devices in order to describe the
authors impression through senses for example poetry, journal or diary writting or fictional novels.
Persuasive writing is a writing that is convincing the audience of a position or belief. It contains the
authors opinions and baises, as well as the justification and the evidences of the author like for example
tje advertisement. And lastly the narrative writing, it can be a fiction or nonfiction.Narrative writing is
imparting information, the author are trying to construct and communicate a story, complete with
characters, conflict, and settings.

So, the Kartilya ng Katipunan was an expository writting beacuase the kartilya talks about the
real happenings during the time of Andress Bonifacion and Emilio Jacinto. Andress Bonifaci convey
factual information (as opposed to creative writing, such as fiction). It is the language of learning and
understanding the Kartilya ng Katipunan. He use a logical flow when planning an article of Katipunan it
contains introduction, body text, and conclusion. Andress Bonifacio wrote this article through
investigating an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning
that idea in a clear and concise manner. It is accomplished through comparison and contrast, definition,
example, the analysis of cause and effect all about the this article. Andress Bonofacio doesnt include the
gut feelings and opinions but instead he just fucoses only on facts and reliable.

Therefore Andress Bonifacio wrote the Kartilya in a formal way. He do not have any idea of the
person, or when he know the person but haven’t exchanged words, or he is not having familiar terms
with the person who receives the letter. No use of first and second person singular pronoun and he used
of positive and literal language and academic vocabulary.Avoiding repetition and over generalisation. He
use of proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. He does not use of contractions, cliche, colloquial
diction and abbreviations and the sentences are fully elaborated and concluded.

 Jeffrey, R. (2015).Open Oregon. Types of Writing Style retrieved from

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