Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (Sap) : Syllabus

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Mata Kuliah : Introduction to Literature

Bobot Mata Kuliah : 3 SKS
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Semester : V (Lima)
Dosen Pengampu : Nurul Fitri, S.S, M.Hum
Pertemuan Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Materi Pengalaman Tagihan Jp Rujukan
Ke Belajar
1 Students are expected : Syllabus - Discussion, - 3x Syllabus
Q&A 50
To understand the concepts Giving explanation about the
Introduction to Literature course in general

2 Students are expected: Definition of Literature General definition of Discussion, Group Task
literature Q&A
To understand the concepts of Lecturing, presentation, and
literature discussion

3 Students are expected: The Function of Studying Functions of studying Lecturing, Group Task 3x
literature Discussion, 50
To understand the functions Lecturing, presentation, and Q&A
of studying literature discussion

4 Students are expected: The History of English The History of English Lecturing, Group Task 3x
Literature literature Discussion, 50
To understand the history of Q&A
English literature Lecturing, presentation, and

5 Students are expected : Definition of and the use of Poetry and the usage Lecturing, Group Task 3x
poetry Discussion, 50
To understand the concepts and Q&A
use of poetry

6 Students are expected: The definition of Fiction and the Five elements of fiction Lecturing, Group Task 3x
elements of fiction Discussion, 50
To understand the concepts of Q&A
fiction and elements of fiction Presentation and discussion

7 Students are expected: The definition of Drama and Drama and types of Lecturing, Group Task 3x
types of drama drama Discussion, 50
To understand the concepts of Q&A
drama and types of drama Presentation and discussion


9 Students are expected: Literature and Psychology, Literature and Lecturing, Group Task 3x
biography of the author Psychology, biography of Discussion, 50
To understand the concepts of the author Q&A
literature and psychology Presentation and discussion

10 Students are expected: Social class and social norm in Social class and social Lecturing, Group Task 3x
Literature norm in Literature Discussion, 50
To understand the concepts of Q&A
social and social norm in Presentation and discussion

11 Students are expected: Problems of fictional and non Fictional and non Lecturing, Group Task 3x50
fictional writing fictional writing Discussion,
To understand the problems of Q&A
fictional and non fictional writing Presentation and discussion

12 Students are expected: Problems of Serious and Pop Serious and Pop Fiction Lecturing, Group Task 3x50
Fiction Discussion,
To understand the problems of Q&A
serious and pop Presentation and discussion

13 Students are expected: Problems of Text Problems of Text Lecturing, Group Task 3x
Discussion, 50
To understand the problems of Presentation and discussion Q&A

14 Students are expected: Basic Approaches to Literary Basic Approaches to Lecturing, 3x

Interpretation Literary Interpretation Discussion, 50
To understand the concepts basic Q&A
approaches to literary interpretation Presentation and discussion

15 Students are expected: Review Materi Pertemuan 1-14 Review Materi Lecturing, 3x
Discussion, 50
To understand the concepts of from Presentation and discussion Q&A
first meeting to last meeting


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