D2D Communications Underlaying Wireless Powered Communication Networks

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2018.2832068, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology

D2D Communications Underlaying Wireless

Powered Communication Networks
Haichao Wang, Jinlong Wang, Senior Member, IEEE,
Guoru Ding, Senior Member, IEEE, and Zhu Han, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, we investigate the resource allocation typically based on time division multiple access (TDMA) as
problem for D2D communications underlaying wireless powered in [3]–[5]. However, the spectrum efficiency can be greatly
communication networks, where multiple D2D pairs harvest improved with appropriate interference management methods
energy from a power station equipped with multiple antennas and
then transmit information signals simultaneously over the same by allowing multiple users to transmit signals simultaneously.
spectrum resource. The aim is to maximize the sum throughput In this paper, we consider the D2D communications un-
via joint time scheduling and power control, while satisfying the derlaying WPCNs, where the low-power D2D transmitter-
energy causality constraints. The formulated non-convex problem s (D2D-Txs) with one antenna must harvest energy from
is first transformed into a nonlinear fractional programming the PS equipped with multiple antennas before transmitting
problem with a tactful reformulation. Then, by leveraging D.C.
(difference of two convex functions) programming, a suboptimal signals. In the considered scenario, all D2D-Txs transmit
solution to the non-convex problem is obtained by iteratively information signals simultaneously over the same spectrum
solving a sequence of convex problems. Simulation results demon- resource. Our aim is to maximize the sum throughput via
strate that the proposed scheme works well in different scenarios joint time scheduling and power control, while satisfying the
and can significantly improve the system throughput compared energy causality constraints. For solving the formulated non-
with the-state-of-the-art schemes.
convex nonlinear problem, we develop a throughput maximiza-
Index Terms—D.C. programming, device-to-device communi- tion algorithm, where the problem is first transformed into
cations, fractional programming, resource allocation, wireless
a nonlinear fractional programming problem with a tactful
powered communication networks.
reformulation. Then, an iterative algorithm is designed to
address the equivalent problem by leveraging D.C. (difference
I. I NTRODUCTION of two convex functions) programming. In-depth simulations
are conducted to evaluate the throughput performance under
DVOCATED by the dual use of radio frequency signals,
A wireless energy transfer (WET) has attracted much at-
tention for improving the system energy efficiency [1]. In this
various system parameter configurations.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section
II, we illustrate the system model and formulate the optimiza-
context, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer
tion problem. Then, we develop a throughput maximization
(SWIPT) [2] and wireless powered communication networks
algorithm in Section III. In Section IV, we present simulation
(WPCNs) [3]–[5] have been extensively studied in the liter-
results to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
ature. Moreover, since electromagnetic waves decay quickly
Finally, we conclude the paper in Section V.
over distance, energy beamforming is generally designed to
achieve efficient WET [6]. In WPCNs, a power station (PS)
transfers wireless energy to some low-power users with a II. S YSTEM M ODEL AND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
single antenna due to the hardware constraint. Afterwards, the
Consider a WPCN with a PS equipped with M antennas and
users transmit information signals with the harvested energy.
N low-power D2D pairs denoted by N = {1, 2, ..., n, ..., N }.
For the multiple users scenario, the signals are transmitted
The D2D pair carries a single antenna due to the size and
Copyright (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. cost constraints, such as the sensor node [7]. With no em-
However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be bedded energy supply, each D2D-Tx first harvests energy
obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to pubs-permissions@ieee.org. from wireless signal transmitted by the PS (i.e., WET phase).
This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Grant No. 61501510), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province Then, they utilize the harvested energy to transmit information
(Grant No. BK20150717), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded signals to their intended receivers in the wireless information
Project (Grant No. 2016M590398), and Jiangsu Planned Projects for Post- transmission (WIT) phase. According to the harvest-then-
doctoral Research Funds (Grant No. 1501009A). The research is partially
supported by US MURI, NSF CNS-1717454, CNS- 1731424, CNS-1702850, transmit protocol, in each block denoted by T , the first τ0 T
CNS-1646607. amount of time, 0 ≤ τ0 ≤ 1, is assigned to harvest energy
H. Wang, J. Wang, and G. Ding are with College of Communications for all D2D pairs, while the followed τ1 T amount of time
Engineering, Army Engineering University of PLA, Nanjing 210007, China
(email: whcwl0919@sina.com, wjl543@sina.com, dr.guoru.ding@ieee.org). in the same block is assigned to transmit information signals.
G. Ding is also with National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Followed by [5], we consider a normalized unit block time
Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China. T = 1 in the sequel without loss of generality. Then, there is
Z. Han is with the University of Houston, Houston, TX 77004 USA (e-
mail:zhan2@uh.edu), and also with the Department of Computer Science and τ0 + τ1 ≤ 1. All the users considered in this paper operate on
Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea. a single spectrum band [8].

0018-9545 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2018.2832068, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology

In the WET phase, the M × 1 transmitted signal is given convex optimization methods cannot be used to efficiently

by pP S w, where pP S is the transmit power of the PS, and solve this problem [10]. Even if the time lengths of WET
the beamformer w is designed to improve the energy transfer and WIT have been fixed, the investigated problem is still
efficiency and subject to kwk2 = 1. Let hn represent the non-convex and hard to be addressed. In the next section,
M dimensional energy transfer channel vector between the we propose an efficient throughput maximization algorithm
PS and n-th D2D-Tx. The energy harvested from the noise by exploiting the problem structure.
can be ignored since the noise power is usually much smaller
than that of the PS. Therefore, the energy harvested at the III. T HROUGHPUT M AXIMIZATION A LGORITHM FOR D2D
n-th D2D-Tx is given by En = ητ0 pP S hH nw
conversion efficiency 0 < η < 1. We apply the asymptotically The optimal solution to the problem (4) is generally difficult
optimal energy beamforming proposed in [9] as to be obtained since there are multiple local optima due to the
N non-convex nonlinear property. To this end, the formulated
X √ hn non-convex problem is first transformed into a nonlinear
w= ςn , (1)
khn k2 fractional programming problem with a tactful reformulation.
Then, an iterative algorithm is designed to solve the equivalent
where {ςn } controls
PN the energy allocation among multiple problem by leveraging D.C. programming.
D2D pairs and n=1 ςn = 1. In this paper, equal weight The time utilization is illustrated by the following Lemma.
is designed for all D2D pairs, i.e., ςn = 1/N . Notice that Lemma 1: The optimal solution to the problem (4) is
other energy beamforming schemes as invetigated in [9] can achieved if and only if all the time is used, i.e., τ0 + τ1 = 1.
be employed and the proposed algorithm still works. Proof: To prove Lemma 1, we assume that
Denote gn,n as the channel power gain from the n-th D2D- {τ0 0 , τ1 0 , {pn 0 }} is the optimal solution satisfying
Tx to its receiver. The channel power gain of the interference τ0 0 + τ1 0 = ξ1 < 1 and τ1 0 = δτ0 0 = δ/(1 + δ)ξ1 ,
link from the n-th D2D-Tx to the k-th D2D receiver (D2D-Rx) which means that there is remaining time available denoted
is denoted by g̃n,k . Since all D2D-Txs transmit information by ξ2 = 1 − ξ1 . If we can find a feasible solution to
signals simultaneously over the same spectrum resource, the the optimization problem (4) in the remaining time, it
signal to interference plus noise ratio at the n-th D2D-Rx is demonstrates that the system throughput can also be
as follows: improved. In other words, the solution {τ0 0 , τ1 0 , {pn 0 }} is not
pn gn,n the optimal solution.
γn = PN , (2)
2 The remaining time ξ2 can also be divided into two parts
m6=n pm g̃m,n + σ
according to the ratio δ. The first 1/(1 + δ)ξ2 amount of
where pn is the transmit power of n-th D2D-Tx and σ 2 is the time of the remaining time ξ2 is used to harvest energy,
noise power. The achievable throughput at the n-th receiver in while the remaining is to transmit information signals. Since
bits/second/Hz is thus given by {τ0 0 , τ1 0 , {pn 0 }} is a feasible solution, there must be
rn = τ1 log2 (1 + γn ) . (3) δ 1 2
ξ1 ηpP S hH

ξ1 (pn + pc ) ≤ nw .
1+δ 1+δ
Intuitively, a D2D pair closer to the PS can harvest more
Then, the following constraint also holds true:
energy in short time and vice versa, which potentially results
in various energy constraints for different D2D pairs. To δ 1 2
ξ2 ηpP S hH

ξ2 (pn + pc ) ≤ nw .
character this difference, the transmit power and time are 1+δ 1+δ
jointly optimized here. The aim is to maximize the sum This means that the solution {τ0 00 , τ1 00 , {pn 00 }} is a feasible
throughput of all D2D pairs via time scheduling and power solution in the remaining time with τ0 00 = 1/(1 + δ) ξ2 , τ1 00 =
control, while satisfying the energy causality constraints. Thus, δ/(1 + δ) ξ2 , and pn 00 = pn 0 . So the remaining time can be
the optimization problem can be formulated as the following: used to improve the system throughput, which contradicts the
X assumption. The Lemma 1 has been proved.
P1 : max τ1 log2 (1 + γn ) Based on Lemma 1, the constraint C1 in problem (4) can
τ0 ,τ1 ,{pn } be transformed as follows:
2 2
s.t. C1 : τ1 (pn + pc ) ≤ ητ0 pP S hH

τ1 (pn + pc ) − (1 − τ1 ) ηpP S hH

nw ,
∀n, nw
≤ 0, ∀n. (7)
C2 : τ0 + τ1 ≤ 1, It is non-convex with respect to τ1 and pn , which hinders
C3 : 0 ≤ τ0 , τ1 ≤ 1, the application of standard convex optimization techniques.
C4 : pn ≥ 0, ∀n, (4) Although it can be transformed into a convex function by
geometric programming [10], the resulting objective function
where pc represents the non-ideal circuit power consumption will be much more complicated. To this end, replace τ1 = 1/t
(e.g., AC/DC converter, analog amplifier, and processor) [3], and t ≥ 1. The convenience of this replacement will be shown
[4]. C1 guarantees that the consuming energy by any D2D- later. Thus, the constraint C1 in problem (4) can be rewritten
Tx cannot exceed its harvested energy. C2, C3 and C4 are as
the time and power control constraints. However, the feasible 2 H 2
(pn + pc ) − tηpP S hH

n w + ηpP S hn w
≤ 0, ∀n. (8)
region of C1 is non-convex, which means that the standard

0018-9545 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2018.2832068, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology

This alternation makes the constraint C1 become linear. With Algorithm 1 Proposed throughput maximization algorithm
this reformulation, the optimization problem (4) is equivalent 1: Initialize the parameter q
to 2: Repeat
! 3: Solve the problem (13) for a given q to obtain
1X pn gn,n t0 , {pn }
max log2 1 + PN
t,{pn } t 2
m6=n pm g̃m,n + σ

n=1 PN 0
H 2 H 2 4: Set q = R
n=1 n {p n } t0
s.t. C1 : (pn + pc ) − tηpP S hn w + ηpP S hn w ≤ 0, ∀n,

5: Until some termination conditions are met 
C2 : t ≥ 1, PN ∗
6: Return t∗ = t0 , p∗ n = p n
, q ∗
= R
n=1 n {pn } t∗
C3 : pn ≥ 0, ∀n. (9)
It can be observed that the non-convex constraints are
transformed into convex functions with a tactful reformulation.
Denote the following concave functions
Moreover, the optimization problem (9) can be seen as a X 
nonlinear fractional programming [11]. Therefore, we try to N
wn ({pn }) = log2 pm g̃m,n + σ 2 ,
search an optimal solution to the problem (4) by solving the m=1
equivalent problem (9).
Denote q ∗ as the optimal solution of the considered problem vn ({pn }) = log2 pm g̃m,n + σ 2 . (14)
(9), which is given by
The objective function in problem (13) can be expressed as
∗ n=1 Rn {pn } n=1 Rn ({pn }) N N
q = = max , (10)
t,{pn } t f (t, q, {pn }) = wn ({pn }) − vn ({pn }) − qt. (15)
where n=1 n=1
! It can be observed that the objective function is the difference
pn gn,n
Rn ({pn }) = log2 1 + PN . (11) of two concave functions. A series of non-decreasing solutions
m6=n pm g̃m,n + σ 2 can be obtained by iteratively optimizing the lower bound of
The following Lemma 2 provides a guidance on designing objective function, which is given by the following Lemma 3.
an iterative approach to solve the problem (9). Lemma 3: Given {pn } , the following function is a tight
Lemma 2: The optimal solution is achieved if and only if lower bound of the objective function in problem (13):
0 0
∗ f t, q, {pn } , {pn } = wn ({pn }) − vn {pn }
∗ ∗ ∗
max Rn ({pn }) − q t = Rn {pn } − q t = 0.
t,{pn } n=1 n=1
n=1 n=1
(12) N
0 0 

− ∇vn {pn } , {pn } − {pn } − qt, (16)

Lemma 2 can be proven by following a similar approach n=1
as in [11]. It is shown that the original fractional form in 0
problem (9) can be transformed into a subtractive form with an where the l-th component of the ∇vn {pn } is given by
equivalent solution, which indicates that an iterative algorithm 0 1 g̃l,n
can be designed to solve this problem. Specifically, initializing ∇vn {pn } = PN . (17)
ln 2 m6=n pm 0 g̃m,n + σ 2
from a given q, we should solve a sequence of following
problems: Proof: Since vn ({pn }) is concave, based on the first-
order condition
of a concave function, we have vn ({pn }) ≤
0 0 0 
vn {pn } + ∇vn {pn } , {pn }− {pn } [10]. Thus,
max f (t, q, {pn }) = Rn ({pn }) − qt 0
t,{pn }
f (t, q, {pn }) ≥ f t, q, {pn } , {pn } . Moreover, if {pn } =
0 0
s.t. C1, C2, C3 in (9) . (13) {pn } , there is f (t, q, {pn }) = f t, q, {pn } , {pn } . So
f t, q, {pn } , {pn } provides a tight lower bound of function
The overall procedure for solving the optimization problem f (t, q, {pn }).
(9) is presented in Algorithm 1. The convergence to the According to Lemma 3, an iterative algorithm can be
optimal solution is guaranteed. developed to solve the optimization problem (13). In particular,
Theorem 1: As long as the number of iterations is suffi- 0
initializing from a given {pn } , we can iteratively solve the
ciently large, the proposed algorithm will eventually approach following convex problem using standard convex optimization
the optimal solution. techniques:
Proof: See Appendix A for details. 0
Although we have designed a framework to efficiently solve max f t, q, {pn } , {pn }
t,{pn }
the problem (9), the optimization problem (13) is hard to be
s.t. C1, C2, C3 in (9) . (18)
solved due to the non-convexity of the objective function.
The optimal solution to this problem cannot be obtained so There are many convex optimization techniques and they
far. In the sequel, we develop an iterative algorithm to get a have been widely investigated [10]. Due to the page limit,
suboptimal solution to the problem (13). we omit the procedure of solving problem (18). Finally, the

0018-9545 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2018.2832068, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Algorithm 2 D.C. programming for solving problem (13) 25

Proposed algorithm, D=10 m
1: Input the value q and initialize (t, {pn })
OET, D=10 m
2: Repeat 20 TDMA, D=10 m
Solve the problem (18) via standard convex optimiza-

Sum throughput (bps/Hz)

3: Proposed algorithm, D=8 m

tion techniques and obtain the optimal solution (t◦ , {pn } ) OET, D=8 m
k+1 ◦ TDMA, D=8 m
4: Update {pn } = {pn } and tk+1 = t◦ 15

5: Until some termination conditions are met


overall procedure for solving the optimization problem (13) is

presented in Algorithm 2.
Lemma 4: The resulting values of Algorithm 2 at each iter-
ation are non-decreasing, and the convergence is guaranteed. 0
k 0 1 2 3 4 5
 Let {pn } be the
Proof:  solution at k-th iteration. S- Transmit power of the PS (W)
k+1 k
ince f t, q, {pn } , {pn } provides a lower bound for
k+1 Fig. 1. The throughput performance comparison of different schemes versus
f t, q, {pn } , there is
the transmit power of the PS.
k+1 k+1 k
f t, q, {pn } ≥ f t, q, {pn } , {pn } . (19)
k+1 Unless specified otherwise, the bandwidth is 1 MHz and
Moreover, because {pn } is the optimal solution at the (k +
1)th iteration, we have noise power spectral density is −170 dBm/Hz. The transmit
    power and number of antennas are 1 W and 10 for the
k+1 k k
f t, q, {pn } , {pn } = max f t, q, {pn } , {pn } PS, respectively. The energy conversion efficiency and circuit
t,{pn }
  power consumption are 0.5 and 0.1 µW. In all simulations,
k k
≥ f t, q, {pn } , {pn } . q = 1 is set to start the algorithm and all results are averaged
over 100 realizations.
Therefore, there is
      The sum throughput versus the transmit power of the PS
k+1 k k k
f t, q, {pn } ≥ f t, q, {pn } , {pn } = f t, q, {pn } . is shown in Fig. 1. For comparison, we also provide an
energy transfer scheme without beamforming, namely the
omnidirectional energy transfer (OET) [12], and a TDMA-
It can be observed that the resulting values are non-decreasing based algorithm where multiple users harvest energy and
at each iteration. Further, it must be upper bounded by the then transmit information signals based on TDMA. It can be
optimal value of (13). Thus, the convergence is guaranteed. observed that the proposed algorithm outperforms the OET
Complexity Analysis: The proposed throughput maximiza- and TDMA-based algorithm in all cases. Furthermore, we
tion algorithm contains two-layers iterations. The outer-layer can observe that the growth rate gradually becomes slower as
iteration is the update procedure defined by (13). The inner- the transmit power increases. This is due to the fact that the
layer iteration is to acquire a lower bound by solving the D.C. mutual interference among D2D pairs dominates the system
programming problem at given q. The convex problem (18) with sufficiently large transmit power. In addition, The final
can be solved with the complexity of O((N +1)3 ) by standard sum throughput would be better if the maximum distance D
convex optimization techniques, such as interior point method, between D2D-Tx and D2D-Rx is reduced. The reason is that
where N is the number of D2D pairs. Assume that K, L are the smaller maximum distance results in better channel state.
computations in the two-layer iterations. The total complexity In Fig. 2, the sum throughput is plotted against the cir-
can be roughly estimated as O(KL(N + 1)3 ). cuit power consumption pc . It can be observed that the
Notably, we consider a centralized network in this paper, sum throughput decreases with an increasing circuit power
where the PS performs the proposed algorithm. The channel consumption. Meanwhile, the throughput gain between the
state information can be estimated by the PS according to the proposed algorithm and the TDMA-based algorithm is smaller.
channel reciprocity [9]. The reason is that D2D pairs have little energy for information
transmission and some D2D pairs may even stop working
IV. S IMULATIONS AND D ISCUSSIONS since they have not enough energy. The impact of number
In this section, we perform in-depth simulations to evaluate of antennas is further investigated and simulation results are
the performance of the proposed algorithm in a 50 × 50 m shown in Table I. The plot confirms the intuition that the sum
area, where multiple D2D pairs are randomly located and the throughput grows as more antennas are added at the PS since
maximum distance between D2D-Tx and D2D-Rx is D = 10 more antennas can make use of the spatial resource to improve
m. The channel power gain is modeled as g = 10−3 ρ2 d−α [4], diversity gain.
[9], where ρ2 is an exponentially distributed random variable Table II shows the WIT time for different settings, which
with unit mean, d is the distance between the transmitter characterizes the time split between energy harvesting and
and receiver, and α = 3 represents the path-loss exponent. data transmission. The data transmission time grows with an

0018-9545 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2018.2832068, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology

16 Proposed algorithm, N=3 T HE PROOF OF T HEOREM 1
OET, N=3
14 TDMA, N=3
The following proof follows the proof of algorithm con-
Sum throughput (bps/Hz)

Proposed algorithm, N=6 vergence in paper [11]. For notational convenience, denote
12 PN
OET, N=6 p = {pn } and F (q 0 ) = max n=1 Rn (p) − q 0 t. For any
TDMA, N=6 t,p
10 PN .
feasible solution (t0 , p0 ) and q 0 = n=1 R n (p 0
) t0 , there
is F (q 0 ) = max Rn (p) − q 0 t ≥ Rn (p0 ) − q 0 t0 = 0,
6 t,p n=1 n=1
4 which means that F (q 0 ) ≥ 0 always holds true for any feasible
solution (t0 , p0 ). Furthermore, let (t0 , p0 ) and (t00 , p00 ) as the
optimal solutions for F (q 0 ) and F (q 00 ), respectively. Then,
there is F (q 0 ) = Rn (p0 ) − q 0 t0 > Rn (p00 ) − q 0 t00 . If
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Circuit power consumption (µW) n=1 n=1
00 0 0 00 0 00
Rn (p00 )−q 00 t00 =
Fig. 2. The throughput performance comparison versus circuit power
q > q , F (q ) > Rn (p )−q t >
n=1 n=1
consumption. N
Rn (p) − q t = F (q ) . So F (q 0 ) is a strictly
00 00
TABLE I t,p n=1
Denote tk , pk as the optimal solution at the k-th iteration
Number of antennas (M ) and the according value is qk 6= q ∗ . From the iterative
1 2 3 5 10 15 PN . k
algorithm, we know q k+1 = R p k
t . Then, we

3 3.2021 4.5291 5.5410 7.1474 10.0983 12.3943 n=1 n

6 4.9674 7.2365 8.5764 11.1300 16.0135 19.2880  N  
9 6.9566 9.8967 11.5237 15.0312 19.5413 23.0866 have F q k = Rn pk − q k tk = tk q k+1 − q k > 0.
TABLE II Because tk > 0, so there is q k+1 > q k . we can show that
T HE WIT TIME FOR DIFFERENT SETTINGS long as the number of iterations is large enough, F q k will
Transmit power of the PS pP S (W)
eventually approach zero with the increasing q k since F (q 0 )
Settings is a strictly decreasing function.
1 2 3 4 5 6

3 0.4971 0.6641 0.7356 0.7764 0.8033 0.8223

6 0.6594 0.4349 0.7358 0.8527 0.8584 0.8808 R EFERENCES
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