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Nurse and Patient

Nurse: Good morning.

Patient: Good morning.
Nurse: How do you feel this morning?
Patient: I feel very weak nurse.
Nurse: Oh ok. The doctor has prescribed you the medication.
Patient: Oh, Thank God. I want to get better nurse.
Nurse: I am glad that we can help you.
Patient: Thank you, and can you tell me how I should use it?
Nurse: Certainly! You need to take these pills once a day before you go to sleep.
Patient: Okay, how long do I need to take them for?
Nurse: Ten days for this one. It's important that you finish all the package, if you forget
to take it at night, you need to take two in the morning.
Patient: Okay, is it safe to take with aspirin?
Nurse: No, you can not take aspirin while you are on this, no painkillers allowed.
Patient: I see, are there any side effects?
Nurse: Rare but possible drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, upset stomach, nausea,
nervousness, constipation... It is recommended that you avoid physically demanding
activities after taking this; also no driving.
Patient: Oh, now I see why I should take it before I go to sleep.
Nurse: Exactly!
Patient: Well, okay then.
Nurse: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Patient: No, that would be all, thank you.
Nurse: You are welcome.
Patient: Thank you for your help, have a good day.
Nurse: Thank you, you too. Get well soon.

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