Photo Essay Judging Rubric: Criteria 4 3 2 1

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Photo Essay Judging Rubric

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Provides unique and Some unique Interesting elements No evidence of
interesting approach aspects evident support the story unique or interesting
to subject in the which add to story message, but are not elements that
Creativity photography, writing message. unique. connect to the story.
and story message.

All story elements Most of the story While some Few elements
relate compelling elements evident elements of story present which do not
story (setting, which still provide a evident, they do not support a coherent,
Storytelling character, plot, compelling story. support a compelling compelling story.
exposition, conflict, story.
climax, resolution)

Proper structure, Technically well Writing has technical Multiple technical

grammar, written with some problems, but overall problems with
punctuation used to interest to support message is narrative which
Writing not only link images the story. supported. detracts from overall
and story, but also story and message.
enhance overall
Lighting, angles, Lighting, angles, Either quality of Neither photo quality
composition, composition, photos are not or story support is
cropping and content cropping and content consistent or they do evident in images
Photography in all photos support in all photos support not support the story. provided.
story. Variety of story.

Judging Criteria

Creativity is the original, fresh, and external expression of the imagination of the maker
by using the medium to convey an idea, message or thought. Compelling Essay's evoke
laughter, sadness, anger, pride, wonder or another intense emotion. The use and
control of light to create dimension, shape and roundness in an image or the way the
creator uses words to express thoughts and emotions can be considered.

Storytelling refers to the Essay's ability to evoke imagination, create a feeling, tell a
story, or visually illustrate an idea. The images should tell the story in a visual way
creating interest by capturing the moment. Images can better illustrate the story and
keep the viewers interest with variety, angles, lighting, color, etc..

Writing should be creative using proper technique and mechanics. The writing should
evoke the emotion and wonder of the reader leaving them to want more by the time they
reach the end. Does the story have a conflict, a climax, and an end?

Photography includes impact, creativity, technical excellence, composition, lighting,

style, color and story telling. The photos should provide variety, interesting angles,
imagination, and properly illustrate the story being told.

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