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Chapter 1

The Problem

Background of the Study

April 2014 – Almost half a million people across the world

lost their lives in 2012 as a result of intentional homicide,
with the highest murder rates logged in the Americas and Africa,
and the lowest in Europe, Asia and Oceania, the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reports. “Too many lives are
being tragically cut short, too many families and communities
left shattered. There is an urgent need to understand how
violent crime is plaguing countries around the world,
particularly affecting young men but also taking a heavy toll on
women,” said Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director for Policy Analysis and
Public Affairs at UNODC, during the launch of the agency’s 2013
Global Study on Homicide today in London.

Globally, men represent some 80 per cent of homicide

victims and 95 per cent of perpetrators. While almost 15 per
cent of all homicides stem from domestic violence (63,600), more
than two thirds of domestic violence fatalities are women
(43,600, almost 70 per cent).“Home can be the most dangerous
place for a woman,” deplored Mr. Lemahieu, adding that “it is
particularly heart-breaking when those who should be protecting
their loved ones are the very people responsible for their
murder. ”Over half of all homicide victims are under 30 years of
age, with children under the age of 15 accounting for just over
8 per cent of all homicides (36,000), the study highlights.

UNODC also spotlights that almost 750 million people live

in countries with the highest homicide rates – mostly in the
Americas and Africa – meaning that almost half of all murders
occurs in countries that are home to just 11 per cent of the
earth's population.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, 3 billion people –

mainly in Europe, Asia and Oceania – live in countries where
homicide rates are relatively low.

Globally, the male homicide rate is almost four times

higher than for females (9.7 versus 2.7 per 100,000), especially
in the Americas (29.3 per 100,000 males), where it is almost
seven times higher than in Asia, Europe and Oceania (all under
4.5 per 100,000 males).

While men are mostly killed by someone they may not know,
almost half of all female victims are killed by those closest to
them such as their intimate partners/family members, in domestic
violence situations. This is particularly true in Asia, Europe
and Oceania.

The study also spotlights that the consumption of alcohol

and/or illicit drugs increases the risk of perpetrating
homicide, revealing that, in some countries, over half of
homicide offenders acted under the influence of alcohol.
Although the effects of illicit drugs are less well documented,
cocaine and amphetamine-type stimulants have also been
associated with violent behavior and homicide.

Firearms are the most widely used murder weapons, causing

4 in 10 homicides globally, whereas about a quarter of victims
are killed with blades and sharp objects and just over a third
die through other means (such as strangulation, poisoning etc.).

Post-conflict societies awash in arms and grappling with

weak rule of law and impunity are conducive to organized crime
and interpersonal violence, for example in Haiti, where homicide
rates doubled between 2007 (5.1 per 100,000) to 2012 (10.2 per
100,000), or in South Sudan, the homicide rate this past year
was among the highest in the world. In contrast, in Sierra Leone
and Liberia, where reconciliation processes and anti-crime
strategies are taking root, security is gradually improving.

As for conviction rates, UNODC says they are on average

of 43 convictions per 100 intentional homicides. However, the
study highlights strong disparities across regions, with a
conviction rate of 24 per cent in the Americas, 48 per cent in
Asia and 81 per cent in


WORLD TOP 10: Countries with highest reported crime rates:
(According to Total persons brought into formal contact with the
police and/or criminal justice system, all crimes)

RANK COUNTRY Count: (2011)

1.United States of America-------------------12,408,899
2.Germany ----------------------------------- 2,112,843
3.France ------------------------------------ 1,172,547
4.Russian Federation------------------------- 1,041,340
5.Italy ------------------------------------ 900,870
7.Chile --------------------------------------611,322
8.Poland -------------------------------------521,942
9.Spain --------------------------------------377,965
10.Netherlands ------------------------------372,305

The crime-rates map shows the world top ten countries with the
highest reported crime rate. This map tells us about the number
of crimes that took place per 100,000 people.

Data indicated on the map of countries with the highest reported

crime rates is based on house hold surveys, hospital and
insurance records, FIR recorded by police or by law enforcement

Map of countries with the highest reported crime rates clearly

indicates that countries of Europe and America are the least
safe countries in the world. Asia even though not that
economically sound
is far safer as compared to the ten countries listed on this map
United States with 11,877,218 is the most unsafe country in this
list while India, with 1,764,630 is the

Crime rates in Philippines

Level of crime ------------------------------- 47.34 Moderate
Crime increasing in the past 3 years---------- 47.00 Moderate
Worries home broken and things stolen--------- 45.95 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed --------------- 48.02 Moderate
Worries car stolen --------------------------- 42.34 Moderate
Worries things from car stolen --------------- 44.55 Moderate
Worries attacked ----------------------------- 42.45 Moderate
Worries being insulted ----------------------- 34.15 Low
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin
colour, ethnic origin or religion ------------ 25.36 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs -------- 46.86 Moderate
Problem property crime ----------------------- 49.46 Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed

Robbery -------------------------------------- 45.62 Moderate

Problem corruption and bribery --------------- 56.90 Moderate

The Philippines government has long been ineffective at

solving crimes, many of which are categorized as being heinous.
Rampant crime has plagued practically all levels of Philippine
society, and their occurrences have largely been attributed to
the weak and useless systems that characterize the government,
especially those mechanisms within it that are meant to address
the crime problem.

The crime problem has taken its toll on the lifeblood of

the nation’s socioeconomic situation. Crimes have tremendously
affected the country’s economic growth. A large segment of our
people has lost confidence in the law-enforcing agencies of
government. Many fear that tragedy might suddenly strike them in
broad daylight. Stories from the newspapers (particularly the
tabloids) are sufficient to send tingles down the spine. One
thing is certain: Filipino society is crime-ridden and the
government is helpless at effectively checking and containing
the already serious and increasingly more serious crime problem
in the country.

This is the true state of the Philippines as a nation. We

are governed by corrupt leaders whose major agenda are their own
personal vested interests. We have law enforcement agencies and
institutions whose major task is to protect and defend the
corrupt leaders of the country and in the process perpetuate the
system of corruption. Because of these conditions, criminality
has proliferated and will continue to proliferate in the next
generations. The whole situation has put common Filipinos at
great economic disadvantage, and poverty is here to stay “’til
kingdom come.”

History and purpose of Crime Prevention Month in The Philippines

In 1984, the National Crime Prevention Council designated

October Crime Prevention Month. Every year since then,
government agencies, civic groups, schools, businesses, and
youth organizations have reached out to educate the public,
showcase their accomplishments, and explore new partnerships
during this special month.

October has become the official month for recognizing and

celebrating the practice of crime prevention, while promoting
awareness of important issues such as victimization,
volunteerism, and creating safer, more caring communities. The
month-long celebration spotlights successful crime prevention
efforts on the local, state, and national levels.

The Philippine National Police is committed to ensuring

public safety and reducing the fear and the incidence of crime
in the community. But there are many things each and every
community member can do to reduce his or her chances of becoming
a victim or prevent the incidence of crime from happening. Below
are crime prevention tips for your home, your business, yourself
and your family. We urge you to familiarize yourself with the
information contained in this section and to make crime
prevention, awareness and education a part of your everyday

The government is faced with various formidable social

problems and concerns. One of these problems is criminality,
which affects all parts of the country and every aspect of
community life. It is imperative to recognize criminality as a
complex matter. Its causations are numerous and its trends are
difficult to ascertain. It proliferates with the acceleration of
change and development and is magnified when this process is
accompanied with the negative impact of population growth,
unemployment and rapid urbanization. The problem of criminality
is aggravated by the popular perception that crime is a very
narrow sphere of behavior. In reality, there is no single
formula and theory that can explain the vast range of criminal
behavior. A criminal could be a shoplifter stealing goods from a
grocery store, a pleasant young man who suddenly and
inexplicably murders his family or a gun-for-hire who brutally
assassinates a government official. Internally generated
conditions attendant to a developing nation with a heterogeneous
and expanding population have been cited as the primary
contributors to crime trends. The crime problem is further
magnified by the negative impact of unemployment and related
difficulties, the weakening of the traditional social control
processes as well as the constant change in moral standards, the
alienation from family and social groups and the rising
affluence enjoyed by some sectors of society. Other contributory
factors are the level of efficiency of the crime reporting
system and the willingness of the public to report crimes.
Another factor which also adversely affects the problem is the
public perception of the prevention and control of crime itself.
The general notion that controlling crime is solely the task of
the police, the courts and the correctional institutions is
apparently erroneous. While it is true that the law enforcers’
primary task is to prevent, suppress and control crimes by all
possible means, it must be emphasized that crime cannot be
controlled without the genuine interest and participation of
other government agencies, the schools, business and social
organizations, and the family.
Criminality is a global experience which affects all nations
economically, socially and politically. The United States has
not been spared with the daily occurrence of crimes particularly
in several big cities. One of the most formidable problems
facing a contemporary police organization is the issue on what
leadership style a police leader should use. A leadership style
is the way a police officer handles the problem situation
through a decision that benefits the organization. It must be
suitable to the prevailing situation. According to Hale (1994),
it is important to recognize that leaders are not all cut from
the same cloth but are of widely different types. Some leaders
are very colorful and dynamic, while others are quiet and
unassuming. Some lead by words while others lead by action and
example. A number of studies have been conducted on the subject
of leadership styles, and a variety of styles has been
identified. In General Santos City Police Office, the eight
police precinct chiefs have their own respective styles of
leadership. This could be a factor in the reduction of crimes in
certain areas while creating an increase in others. The way a
chief of precinct conducts himself in dealing with his
subordinates will affect the effectiveness of the unit in the
performance of the task in preventing, controlling and solving
crimes, the enforcement of laws, maintaining peace and order and
the preservation of internal security within the city and in the
neighboring areas. With the above premises in mind, the
researchers conducted this study to determine the relationship
of crime prevention campaign, leadership styles of precinct
chiefs, crime rates for the year 2000-2002, crime solution
efficiency and community support and involvement in crime
prevention and control. This study describes the effects of
crime prevention campaign and the leadership styles of the eight
police precincts of General Santos City Police Office on crime
rate, crime solution efficiency and community support and
involvement in crime prevention and control in General Santos
City for 2000-2002 as implemented by the different police
precincts. Two sets of respondents were considered in the study:
the General Santos City Police Office personnel composed of
Police Commissioned Officers (PCO) and Police Non-commissioned
Officers (PNCO) and elected government officials from the city
level down to the barangays. There were a total of 180 Police
respondents chosen through random sampling and 222 elected
public officials. The latter comprises the entire population of
elected government officials. Correspondingly, two sets of
questionnaires were distributed to the two sets of respondents.
The means were computed to determine the status of the crime
prevention campaign and the leadership styles of the precinct
chiefs. Percentages and ratios were used to determine the status
of crime rate, crime solution efficiency and
community support and involvement in crime prevention and
control. The Spearman-Rank Correlation was used to determine the
effects of the crime prevention campaign and the leadership
styles of the precinct chiefs to crime rate, crime solution
efficiency and community support and involvement.

In 2013, a total of 1,033,833 crimes were reported. This

year, a total of 289,198 crimes were reported from January to
May, compared to 245,347 related on the same time in 2013. Crime
solution efficiency involves the identification, arrest, and
conviction of the suspects tagged the offense.
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The Baguio City Police Office said the crime volume here
decreased in February this year despite the more than a million
visitors who came for the flower festival and other purposes.
Police Senior Supt. David Lacdan, city director of the BCPO,
said a total of 324 index and non-index crimes were committed
last February compared to January's total of 540. "Of the total
volume of crimes committed in February, 222 were index crimes.
We are also happy to report that our crime solution efficiency
improved during the period," he said.

The BCPO was assisted by other government forces and volunteers

in the area because of the flower festival and other important
events like the alumni homecoming of the Philippine Military
Academy which drew big crowds. Lacdan said the BCPO tries to
maintain the low level if not further decrease crime incidence
in this mountain resort through the implementation of more crime
prevention measures.

Level of crime in Baguio City

Level of crime…………………………………………………………………………………. 18.75 Very Low
Crime increasing in the past 3 years………………………. 37.50 Low
Worries home broken and things stolen………………….. 25.00 Low
Worries being mugged or robbed…………………………………….. 12.50 Very Low
Worries car stolen………………………………………………………………………….25.00 Low
Worries things from car stolen…………………………………….. 43.75 Moderate
Worries attacked……………………………………………………………………………… 25.00 Low
Worries being insulted……………………………………………………………… 25.00 Low
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin
color, ethnic origin or religion…………………………………… 25.00 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs……………………..43.75 Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft….37.50 Low
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed
robbery……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31.25 Low
Problem corruption and bribery………………………………………… 62.50 High

Conceptual Framework

The theoretical /conceptual basis of this study anchored on

the concepts and theories relating to criminal behavior, nature
of crimes, crimes solution efficiency, factors that influence to
the commission of crimes, crime patterns and problems relating
to the investigation of crime.
Independent Variable

1. Level of awareness of Dependent Variable

Variable Crime Prevention
2. Degree of Involvement Situation Among
Students of SCPS. SCJPS.
of the SCJPS

3. Level of effectiveness of
the strategy

4. Degree of seriousness of
the problem encountered.

Figure 1.Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis

This study delves crime prevention situation among the

SCJPS students in the University of Baguio.

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following


1. What is the level of awareness of the SCJPS on the

existence of the Crime Prevention strategy.

2. What is the degree of involvement of the SCJPS

students in the prevention of crime?

3. What is the level of effectiveness of the

collaborative crime prevention in the students?

4. What degree of seriousness of the problems

encountered in the practice of this system of crime prevention.

Based on observation, the following presumptions have

been formulated to guide the researcher to the finality of the

1. The students of SCJPS is moderately aware of the

presence of this crime prevention strategy.

2. The SCJPS students are moderately involved with the

law enforcers in preventing crime.

3. The level of effectiveness of the crime prevention

system is moderate.

4. The problems encountered in the practice of the crime

prevention system are moderately serious.


This chapter presents the research design and methodology,

the population and locale of the study, data gathering procedure
and treatment of data.

Research Design

This study intended to determine the present status of the

crime prevention strategy of SCJPS students through the
collaborative effort with the community. With these, the
descriptive research was employed to systematically describe the
present status of the crime prevention.

Primarily, the descriptive survey technique was used for

the collection of pertinent data in the research. This method
was used as an information process in the study to take a look
at existing facts .This was done through the distribution of
questionnaires-checklist prepared by the researcher.

As stated by Best (1993), descriptive survey research

describes and interpret what is .It is concerned with conditions
and relationships that exist, practices that prevail ,points of
view or attitude that are held, process that are going on,
effects that are being felt or trends that are developing

Population and Locale of the Study.

Respondents of the study was composed of the students of

The data to be gathered were analyzed and interpreted
as confined to the facts gathered about the Crime prevention
situation among SCJPS students.

Data Gathering Tool

The data gathering instrument used in this study was a

questionnaire-checklist, which was formulated by the researcher.

The questionnaire was used to gain information that

would help in the formulation of answers to the problems posed.
In this study, the answers stipulated in the questionnaire were
supplement by results of information, interview and observation
to acquire more accurate and sufficient date for analysis.

Data Gathering Procedures

To successfully answer the problems of the study, the date

were gathered by distributing the validated questionnaire-
checklist to the group of identified respondents. Answers from
the retrieved questionnaires were tallied, tabulated, analyzed
and interpreted accordingly.

The result of the interpretation were used in the

formulation of the findings of the study.

Treatment of Data

The interpretation and analysis of the data that was

gathered was aided by the Likert scale presented as follows;

Weight Description

4 Very much aware

Very much involved

Very much effective

Very serious

3 Much aware

Much involved

Much effective

Much serious

2 Slightly aware

Slightly involved

Slightly effective

Slightly serious

1 Not aware
Not involved
Not effective
Not serious

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