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Scientists often use the term "climate change"

instead of global warming. This is because as the

Earth's average temperature climbs, winds and
ocean currents move heat around the globe in ways
that can cool some areas, warm others, and change
the amount of rain and snow falling.
• Global warming is the gradual
rise in the earth's temperature
caused by high levels of carbon
dioxide and other gases in the
• An increase in the temperature of
the lower atmosphere, usually
attributed to an intensifying of the
greenhouse effect that could lead to
harmful climatic conditions
Global warming is caused by human
activities such as
 Burning fossil fuels
 Deforestation
 Ranching
 Use of fertilizers and pesticides
 Surface warming
 Vehicle use
 Use of plastics.
When we burn fossil fuels like coal, and gas
to create electricity or power our cars, we
release CO2 pollution into the atmosphere.
 Plants play an important role in regulating the climate because
they absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen back
into it. Forests and bushland act as carbon sinks and are a
valuable means of keeping global warming to 1.5°C.

 But humans clear vast areas of vegetation around the world for
farming, urban and infrastructure development or to sell tree
products such as timber and palm oil. When vegetation is
removed or burnt, the stored carbon is released back into the
atmosphere as CO2, contributing to global warming.
 Ranching is devastating to our planet in more ways than
one. In addition to necessitating the removal of all that
valuable forestland, ranching also produces massive
quantities of animal waste, which in turn produces lots
of methane – a very harmful greenhouse gas.

 Also, since animals are higher on the food chain than

plants and therefore concentrate energy, it takes a huge
amount of plant matter for a small amount of reward
(meat). If we chose plants over meat more often, we
could save a huge amount of forestland and significantly
reduce the methane output across the world.
These two common farming inputs are also deadly
to the environment. Not only do they annihilate
soil, and kill native plants, insects and animals,
they pollute waterways and air. They are
manufactured at huge plants which dump chemicals
into the environment, including Global Warming
villains carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
Global warming isn’t only a product of the harmful gases being
pumped into the air. We are also making the surface of the
planet hotter by paving over naturally cooler green spaces with
asphalt and concrete, which hold much more heat than do living
things. That heat is then reflected back into the atmosphere, back
down to Earth, etc in an endless loop of heating.
Vehicle use
Just like power plants, vehicles burn fossil fuels. In
doing so, they release carbon and other toxins into the
atmosphere, both causing an overall warming effect and
dirtying our air and water.

Airplanes emissions can be additionally harmful, as they

travel at such a higher altitude and therefore inject
emissions right into the layers of atmosphere where they
do the most damage.
Plastic may release the heat-trapping, climate-warming gases
as soon as it's exposed to sunlight but once initiated, the
emissions continued, even in the dark.

Light not only breaks down plastic, but also releases methane
and ethylene — two of the most problematic greenhouse gases.
So from the above slides, we infer that Global warming occurs
when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and
greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight
and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface.
Normally, this radiation would escape into space—but these
pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere,
trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. That's what's

So,the greenhouse effect is

the process by which
radiation from a planet's
atmosphere warms the
planet's surface to a
temperature above what it
would be without its
Temperatures are rising in the planet's polar regions, especially in the Arctic,
and the vast majority of the world's glaciers are melting faster than new snow
and ice can replenish them. Scientists expect the rate of melting to accelerate,
with serious implications for future sea level rise

A polar bear stands sentinel on Rudolf Island in Russia’s

Franz Josef Land archipelago, where the perennial ice is
Average global sea level has increased eight inches since 1880, but is rising
much faster on the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico. Global warming is
now accelerating the rate of sea level rise, increasing flooding risks to low-lying
communities and high-risk coastal properties
Wildfires are increasing and wildfire season is getting longer in the Western
U.S. as temperatures rise. Higher spring and summer temperatures and
earlier spring snow-melt result in forests that are hotter and drier for longer
periods of time, priming conditions for wildfires to ignite and spread.
Hurricanes are a natural part of our climate system, recent
research indicates that their destructive power, or intensity, has
been growing since the 1970s, particularly in the North
Atlantic region.
Climate change affects a variety of factors associated with drought
and is likely to increase drought risk in certain regions. As
temperatures have warmed, the prevalence and duration of drought
has increased in the western U.S. and climate models unanimously
project increased drought in the American Southwest.
 Disruptions to food supplies

 Destruction of coral reefs

 Heavier precipitation and flooding

 Costly and growing health impacts

 More frequent and intense heat waves

 Increased pressure on groundwater supplies

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Buy
products with minimal packaging. Recycle paper, newspaper, glass and
aluminum cans. By recycling half of your household waste, you can save
1088kg of carbon dioxide every year. Landfills are the major contributor of
methane and other greenhouse gases. When the waste is burnt, it release toxic
gases in the atmosphere which result in global warming. Reusing and recycling
old items can significantly reduce your carbon footprint as it takes far less
energy to recycle old items than to produce items from scratch.
Plant more trees
If you have the means to plant a tree, start digging.
During photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb
carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. A single tree will
absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during
its lifetime.
Encourage Others to Conserve
Share information about recycling and energy
conservation with your friends, neighbors and co-
workers, and take opportunities to encourage public
officials to establish programs and policies that are good
for the environment.
Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances
Always buy products that are energy efficient as they can help
you save good amount of money on your energy bill.
Using energy star appliances will not only save money, but
also the amount of energy wasted in your home.
Turn off Electronic Devices
Turn off electronic devices also lights and fans when you are
moving out for a couple of days or more. Unnecessary usage of
electronic appliances will not only save fuel i.e. coal by which we
get electricity but also increase the lifetime of your gadgets.
Avoid Products
With Lot of Packaging
Just don’t buy products with lot of packaging. When you buy such
products you will end up in throwing the waste material in the garbage,
which then will help in filling landsites and pollute the environment.
Also, discourage others from buying such products.
Use solar panels
Many people have caught the energy efficient band
wagon of solar energy. Having solar panels
installed is something readily possible and
 Carbon sequestration is both a natural and artificial process by which
carbon dioxide is removed from the Earth’s atmosphere and then stored in
liquid or solid form.
 It is a process of capture and deliberate, whether natural or artificial,
storage of CO2 over a long period of time. The initial purpose of doing
this is to delay global warming and avoid extreme climate change.
 It is also important to note that other forms of carbon, not just CO2 are
stored during this sequestration process.
Oceans are considered to be a big reservoir of carbon sink. Carbon dioxide
can be deliberately injected into the oceans at greater depths so that the
captured CO2 remains isolated from the atmosphere for centuries. Oceans
absorb CO2 naturally in a slow process and try to attain a balance between
the atmospheric CO2 and oceanic concentrations of CO2. But this balance
has been affected due to anthropogenic carbon emissions by human activity.
The basic concept of artificial CO2 storage in ocean floor is to take a
stream of CO2 captured from the power plants/industries, compress it and
transport it to the deep ocean. Once injected into ocean bed, the carbon dioxide
would dissolve into the surrounding sea water, disperse and become a part of
the ocean carbon cycle
Terrestrial (or biologic)
sequestration means using plants to
capture CO2 from the atmosphere
and then storing it as carbon in the
stems and roots of the plants as well
as in the soil.

Geological storage involves capturing

anthropogenic C02 before it enters the
atmosphere and injecting it into underground
formations. Once CO2 is injected deep
underground, it is trapped in minute pores
or spaces in the rock structure.
Impermeable cap rocks above the storage
zones act as seals to ensure the safe
storage of CO2.
Ozone (O3) depletion does not cause
global warming, but both of these
environmental problems have a
common cause: human activities that
release pollutants into the atmosphere
altering it.

Ozone depletion occurs when chlorofluorocarbons

(CFCs) and halons—gases formerly found in
aerosol spray cans and refrigerants—are released into
the atmosphere (see details below).
Ozone sits in the upper atmosphere and absorbs
ultraviolet radiaton, another type of solar energy
that's harmful to humans, animals and plants.
CFCs and halons cause chemical reactions that
break down ozone molecules, reducing ozone's
ultraviolet radiation-absorbing capacity.
 Australians are big producers of
CO2 pollution compared to the rest
of the world.  Plastic drinking straws are the latest
target of activists, who say they are
used once and discarded because
 Between 2000-2100, the heat related most cannot be recycled.
deaths will rise by 150,000.
 Since 1880, the average
temperature has risen by 1.4-
 2000-2009 has been the hottest Fahrenheit degrees.
decade periods of the earth.
 The Montana Glacier National Park
has only 25 glaciers instead of 150
 The last two decades of the that were there in the year 1910.
20th century have been hottest in
the last 400 years, according to
climate studies.  Since the industrial revolution in
1700, the level of carbon dioxide on
earth has increased by 34%.
 The Arctic is one of the worst places
to be effected by global warming.
The ‘Conclusion’ confirms that global warming is the major challenge for
our global society. There is very little doubt that global warming will change
our climate in the next century. So what are the solutions to global
warming? First, there must be an international political solution. Second,
funding for developing cheap and clean energy production must be increased,
as all economic development is based on increasing energy usage. We must
not pin all our hopes on global politics and clean energy technology, so we
must prepare for the worst and adapt. If implemented now, a lot of the
costs and damage that could be caused by changing climate can be mitigated.

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