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It is used to promote cooperation and coordination in the social, political, economic and
administrative fields. We see many federal states in the world like US, Canada, Argentina, Brazil,
Germany, Switzerland, India, Pakistan, Malaysia etc. Because it (federalism) represents the sense of
federation and unity of any nation. In federalism, the units willing to federate, lose their individual
sovereignty and create a single sovereign state. It is a system for division of powers amongst the
territorial or administrative units of the states.
4. Federalism in Pakistan 1947: At the time of establishment, Pakistan was geographically unique.
Pakistan was a heterogeneous society being divided into a number of ethnic, linguistic and
socio-cultural complexities. Then federalism was considered as an important system to secure political
harmony in the country. This system was selected, to establish the strong “Federation of Pakistan”.
Unfortunately, the bitter relationship was started to built between Federal and Provincial governments
from the beginning of Pakistan. The relationship was always been a hurdle in resolving the national
issues like NFC Award, Distribution of powers, Autonomy of provinces, Distribution of water, issue of
Dams etc.
5. Jinnah about Federalism “ The theory of Pakistan guarantees that federal units of the National
Government would have all the autonomy that you will find in the constitution of the United States of
America, Canada and Australia. But certain vital powers will remain vested in the Central Government
such as monetary system, national defense and federal responsibilities” Quaid-e-Azam M. A. Jinnah
November 1945
6. Role of Federal Government It is the responsibility of the federal govt. to maintain the supremacy of
legislative power over the units. The fundamentals of federalism; Supremacy of the constitution A
formal division of powers Independent Judiciary In Pakistan the center has maintain the dominant role
over provinces right from beginning. This creates disparity between federal and provincial
7. How disparity came? The factors which might be responsible for making the relationship unreliable
between federal and provincial governments are as follows. Governance without constitution. Uneven
distribution of powers. Military Rule in Country.
8. 1.Governance with out constitution. Pakistan established in 1947. Governed under an interim
constitution of Govt. of India Act 1953. Constitution of 1956 Constitution of 1962 Constitution of 1973
Suspension of constitution means on man rule. Democracy cannot flourish with out continuity.
Suspension of Constitution Gen. Zia Z.A Bhutto Yahya Khan Ayub Khan 17 Years Pakistan was
governed without constitution 8 Years 6 Months 4 Months 4 Years 4 Years 2 Months Dec 1985 Jun
1977 Apr 1972 Dec 1971 Dec1971 Mar 1969 Jun1962 Oct 1958
9. 2.Uneven distribution of powers. In our country center always had a dominant role over provinces
right from the beginning. “ If center in strong then the whole federation is strong ” Autonomous power
gives the right to state to create new nation acceding to any other nation or to be a part of any other
nation. Pakistan had no any constitution To make the federation strong leaders make the central govt.
strong under the interim constitution.
10. 2.Uneven distribution of powers They used federal powers to dismiss provincial governments.
They always intervene in the matters of provincial government. Section 51(5), section 92-(A) of Govt.
of India Act 1935. Politicians started to misused the administrative powers for political or personal
interest. This created a huge disparity.
11. 2.Uneven distribution of powers Dismissal of Dr. Khan Shaib Ministry Govt. of NWFP on 22 August,
1947 under section 51(5) of interim constitution Govt. of India Act 1935. Dismissal of M.A. Khuhro
Ministry Govt. of Sindh on April 20, 1948 (under section 51(5)) of interim constitution Govt. of India
Act 1935. Dismissal of Mr. Mamdoth Govt. of Punjab on Jan 25, 1949 (under section 92-A) of interim
constitution and Governor rule proclaimed. Again dismissal of Mr. Fazal-ul-Haq in 1954 in East
Pakistan (under section 92-A).
12. 3. Military Rule in Country Oct 1955 – Dec 1971 – Approx: 15 Years Sep 1978 – Aug 1988 –
Approx: 9 Years 24 Years Constitution suspended. No democracy. One man federal government. No
role of provincial governments. No parliament means no people’s representation. Rigid decisions by
federal governments creates disparity between Federal and people.
13. Conclusion To stabilize we need to reduce disparity between central govt. and provincial govts. To
strengthen the democracy we need to have democracy consistently. Consistent democracy would help
us not only to filter out the flaws from constitution but ​ guaranteed autonomy over certain policy areas
constituently. Federal systems are usually practiced within culturally diverse or territorially large
countries . As far as origin of the federation is associated that it is consequence of centripetal and

centrifugal appetite .There are some interest among the units that lead the federating units to a
federation. On the other hand there might be geographical enormity of the units that led to
decentralization..The United State of America is probably first state in the world whose experienced
federation .In 20​th​ Century This administration procedure of the state became famous when many other
state practiced federation after the Second World War.


Federal principle is a combination of the self rule and shared rule and authority is exerted in the written
constitution . Under the federation the federating units have control on their local autonomy and only
surrender partial sovereignty to centre and keep hold of their local matter secure with them. It is very
essential to keep the federation strong there must be proper and complete equality among the
federating units .If these factors are not active in system the successful federation could not implement.

Pakistan is a federation .There are parliamentary system of the government by having two house
National Assembly and Senate. The National Assembly, Lower house of the Parliament , are elected by
the electorate on the basis of population directly. The Senate ,upper house of parliament, represents
the federating units and elected by the proportionate representation through provincial Assembly.

After the independence of Pakistan ,There were east Bengal ,Punjab,sindh ,NWFP now (KPK) and other
princely states.From 1947 to 1956 the paksitan adopted Indian act 1935 as an interim constitution with
certain amendment. The constitution are based on federal characteristics .There are division of
legislature and administrative among the federating units and centre .There was establishment of the
constituent Assembly for legislature of Pakistan. In 1949 the objective resolution passed .It was a first
step toward formulation of constitution.The objective resolution provided as a bridge that were guide
the constitutional procedure in Pakistan .In Pakistan there will be federal system of government.After
these arrangement there were disagreement on the representative and linguistic issues that delayed
the process of the constitution .The prime Muhammed Ali Bogra introduces One Unit Scheme in 1954



for the west Pakistan to accommodate the demand of the both wings . But actually there were
resistance on one unit scheme from west Pakistan.

In 1956 the first constitution formulate and there are unicameral legislature to avoid the previous
complaints.The general Ayub Khan declared martial law in 1958 and abrogated the previous constitution
and constitutional Assembly.He introduced a new constitution in 1962 which was more centralized
.There was also an unicameral legislature in parliament.In 1969 the situation was more complicated due
to some issue such as indo pak war on Kashmir issue in 1965 and forced the Ayub Khan to resign .He
resigned and hand over the control to Yahya Khan in 1969.He came into power and abandoned the One
Unit scheme in 1970 and re-established the composition of the Pakistan

,After the partition of East Pakistan in 1971 ,The Pakistan introduced a new constitution in 1973 which
are more acceptable for the state.Bicamaral legislature are established in Pakistan .Formerly the 1973
constitution are federal based constitution but it operated as a unitary system .These thing mobilized
the small group of state and they demmedd for separate region on the bases of their identity and more
provincial Autonomy.In the Zia era 1977-1988 there was movement of restoration of democracy in
which he demanded more autonomy .In 2006 charter of democracy are signed between Banazir Bhutto
And Nawaz Shrif which attested the demand of provinces.18​th amendment allotted more authority to
federating unit by abolishing concurrent list and renaming KPK (formerly NWFP) on their identity bases.

Pakistan’s federal structures have been

the subject of controversy since
independence. Long-
standing demands for change have been
made, particularly changes to the vertical
and horizontal
division of resources and demands for a
reorganization of provinces along
ethno-linguistic lines

Pakistan’s federal structures have been

the subject of controversy since
independence. Long-
standing demands for change have been
made, particularly changes to the vertical
and horizontal
division of resources and demands for a
reorganization of provinces along
ethno-linguistic lines
The Pakistan is democratic country. Democracy is a device and the political parties are the runner and
operator of device and machine. An American scientist Antony Downs define political parties in better
way who said “A political party is a team of men seeking to control the governing apparatus by gaining
office in a duly constituted election”. The Political parties is a supporter of democracy and play an crucial
role even in the Authoritarian countries, because for the consolidation of power the dictators need
support of parties .They realized the importance of the political parties in the absence of parties no
country can exist and not be able to functioning healthily . There are some regional parties and have
support on the specific region instead of the national level (MQM) Muthida Quaimi Movement ,(ANP)
Awami National Party.

Election is a backbone of the democracy and proved as a bridge among the political leader and masses.
Election are held by Election Commision of Pakistan .Election commission is constitutional body .The
ECP conducted election for Senate ,National Assembly and for provincial Assembly.The election
commission of Pakistan consist on the chief election commissioner and four other member which are
belong to every province.The main agenda of election commission of Pakistan are fair and free election.
For the prosper and stable political system there should be a functional and effective political
system.For the stable political system there should be transparent, fair ingredients in election .

In order to inform the people the political parties used different tool like
Banners,Slogan,procession,electronic media and corner meeting . The manifesto is one of them to
assess their electoral support .Manifesto is a political campaign which are formulated to keeping the
view of trend.There ere some critical issue like identical crises ,distribution of power ,Role of the Senate ,
distribution of resources and linguistic and ethnic issues .​Approximately all parties will formulate
their campaign according to the trend of the country.




Objective Of study:

The objective of my study are following

To explore the federal debates from the inception of Pakistan to 18​th​ Amendment in 2010

To investigate the regional and mainstream political parties and their historical perspective for

the political stability of Pakistan from their formation

To clarify the importance of the manifesto during election and political parties focusing point in


To explore federal debates in their manifestation during general election 2013 and 2018 in


To find out federal debates in the electoral campaign what was the result of their electoral

turnout by comparing the fact and finding of the 2013 and 2018 general election in Pakistan

Research Question :

1) 2-How much the mainstream political parties and regional political parties focused on the issues

related to federal character of the state in electoral politics during 2013 general elections?

2) 3- How much the mainstream political parties and regional political parties focused on the issues

related to federal character of the state in electoral politics during 2018 general elections?

3) 4-What are facts and finding of the federal nature debates in the electoral politics special
references 2013 and 2018 general election in Pakistan

Chapter 2:
Literature review

In this article the author throw light on the federal debates in the Pakistan a​ nd he is distressing to note
that even after seventy years of independence, Pakistan continues to grapple with the problems of
federalism. The unresolved issues of federalism have complicated the problems of governance and
political management, building strains in the political process. Federalism strives to create a political
union comprising diverse regions and people on the basis of a mutually agreed constitutional and legal
framework that determines the relationship between the federal authority and its constituent units. It is
an attempt to accommodate divergent regional, ethnic and linguistic identities and interests in a political
union. They recognize the advantages of becoming members of a bigger and federal state. Pakistan was
established as a federal sovereign state in August 1947. Given Pakistan's ethnic, linguistic and cultural
diversities federalism was the logical choice. However, despite a broad consensus on the need of
creating a federal system, Pakistan faced serious problems in evolving a working federal system which
could ensure unity in diversity and promote harmony and interdependence among different political
entities in the state. The central government invoked Islam to counterbalance regional and parochial
sentiments and emphasized unity based on Islamic principles. However, it did not establish participatory
political system and failed to address the concerns of the provincial interests. The interim and the
regular Pakistani constitutions (1956, 1962 and 1973) created strong centre, reinforcing the centralizing
trends inherited from the pre-independence British Indian political arrangements

This research shows the importance of manifestoe's as campaigning tool of political parties in general
election 2013. This research is conducted in mix method by document analysis, a survey from voters and
interviews of political organizers of political parties in Lahore, due to lack of time the campaign strategy
of PML-N is selected here as case study. it is found that only 52% PML-N's voters were inspired by
manifesto of party.

This research paper consist on the propensity to organize parties along ethno-regional lines has
remained alive in most multi-ethnic states. Additionally, the growing ethnic strife and political
fragmentation in the recent past has resulted in the proliferation of ethno-regionalist parties worldwide.
These parties have attracted considerable electoral support and, resultantly, have moderately
influenced public policy in several cases. This paper attempts to determine the role of ethno-regionalist
parties in the politics of Pakistan by examining their electoral performance in general elections. The

evidence demonstrates that the influential role of ethno-regionalist parties in the politics of Pakistan will
prevail until a significant shift in behavior of the national electorate occurs.

The author said that although the world is called a global village in present age, yet the political system
based on ethnicity is still persisting in certain forms. From the time immemorial, humans have either
inherited identity or are bound to adopt one. Language and religion based ethnic identities are the
dominant issues in the history and evolution of multi-ethnic countries of former Soviet States, Eastern
Europe, Africa and South Asia. A primary concern in the political systems of multiethnic countries is the
fear of domination or exploitation of some ethnic groups and assimilation by the other ethnic group. The
problem is real and exists only because with the emergence of the modern secular nation states, the
ethnical considerations have been removed from public policy making by these states. Pakistan is among
such countries which comprise of different ethnic nationalities. The inter-ethnic political competition
has been in fashion from the very first day of Pakistan’s creation. Moreover, the ethnic leadership
coupled with cultural sensitive intelligentsia play their pivotal role to enhance ethnic behaviour
particularly during political process.

In this research paper the writer have discussed about Ethnicity and Ethnic Politics and said it is an
important Phenomenon of Plural Societies. In developing world, ethnic politics is one of the main
reasons of internal instability. Ethnic conflict leads towards ethnic politics which is often conceived as a
conflict among ethnic groups. This study has focused on the theoretical frame work of ethnic politics,
and the main argument is that state has a central role in developing, escalating and diffusing ethnic
conflict that is why ethnic conflict does not only mean conflict among ethnic groups but group’s conflict
with state is also the part of ethnic politics. The study highlights various steps towards the development
of politics of ethnicity. A life cycle model of ethnic conflict is also drawn to analyze various stages of
conflict, and how the intensity of ethnic conflict with state gradually gain momentum. The debate also
focuses that ethnic conflict with state should be handled on priority basis. If state fails to resolve
conflict, the reformation of nationality of a particular ethnic group creates serious unrest and threat to
the process of nation building.



The paper analyzing the integrationist and the separatist (irredentist) trends in Pakhtun
ethno-nationalist politics, also aims at exploring the more recent phenomena of its construction around
the conceptual framework of ‘ethnicizing Islam’ in the Pakhtun context. It argues that the current
Islamist manifestation of Pakhtun ethno-politics is a product of Pakistani state’s attempts at subduing
the irredentist Pakhtun strain (that bothered the state throughout the 1960s and the 1970s in
Pakhtunistan issue) through support to the Islamist movement inside Afghanistan, especially in later half
of 1970s and in the wake of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. This paper analyzes the Pakhtun
ethno-nationalist struggle, especially in the earlier decades as a form of class struggle to attain political
power in the state. As such, it primarily adopts a Marxist lens to the problem of ethnic nationalism
among the Pakhtuns for the beginning phase of it. Most of the analyses are historical in a sense that the
paper traces the history of Pakhtun ethno nationalism in Pakistan. Moreover, the paper does not claim
to be a consummate effort, rather it proposes that there are alternative explanations as plausible as this
one to understand the issue.

Chapter 3
1. Federalism
2. Concept and meaning of the Federalism
3. Modes of the federalism
4. Main characteristics of federalism theory
5. Struggle for constitutional development
o Federalism: Towards 1947
o Federalism: Since 1947
o Federalism: Constitution of 1956
o Federalism: Constitution of 1962
o 8th Amendment to Constitution of 1973
o Thirteenth Amendment
o Revival of 8th Amendment- LFO 2002
o 17th Amendment to Constitution of 1973
o 18​th​ amendment in the constitution

Federalism is a form of government where the component units of a political organization participate in
sharing powers and functions in a co-operative manner though the combined forces of ethnic pluralism
and cultural diversity, among others, tend to pull their people apart (Tamuno, 1998, pp. 13).

To accommodate diversity and ensure political and social participation, federalism offers a broad range
of institutional arrangements that can help strive for autonomy to exercise political action and accrue
benefits while maintaining identity for political groups (Naseer, 2007). Some political scientists argue

that federalism is the most suitable term for the processes in which separate political organizations
create agreements for ironing out differences and disputes, developing solutions, and establishing
platforms for joint policy actions to solve joint problems (Ariyo, 2003).

Under federalism, the participating units must show an urge to cooperate (as coming together) for
mutual advantage along with a strong penchant to preserve sociopolitical, ethnic and regional identity
and some space for political action. These are intricate propositions which can make segments of society
cohesive as well as divergent enough to pave way for secessionist tendencies. Pakistan has actually
experienced secession in 1971

Concept of Federalism

Federalism as a political system is primarily concerned with the idea of developing a manageable system
of governance thus establishing an orderly arrangement among different tiers of government in a
nation. Establishing a manageable and accommodative system is the real test for federalism which
should ensure that the general and regional governments coordinate with each other while remaining
independent. In a way, federalism is about division of power in a well-structured way (Ariyo, 2003).

Another body of knowledge argues that a federal political order is the genus of political organization
that is marked by the combination of shared rule and self-rule. Therefore, federalism is the theory which
discusses the principles of dividing authority and power amongst the participating groups, be those
states or associations or common institutions. In this sense, a federation is composed of a common
government along with a territorial division of power between constituent units called provinces,
cantons or states.1

Representation of states in central government policy-making is part of the essence of federalism.

However, there are exceptions in rules in theory and in practice. For example in Canada, the provinces
do not carry veto power to strike down policies but the federal and provincial governments are locked in
a system in which the federal government has to sign formal, contractual agreements with the provinces
passing through a lengthy process of striking bargains. Likewise in Russia, Spain, Germany and Australia
formal policy-specific multilateral bargaining bodies including the states and the central government has
evolved. this is especially true of Germany and Australia (Rodden, 2004).

Rodden (2004), states that federalism is rooted in the Latin word foedus, which means covenant. Foedus
used to describe cooperative and contractual agreement between states usually for defence purposes. It
connotes maturity under which the parties had to fulfil obligations to one another.

Modes of Federalism

There are two major modes of federalism in which the concept is put in to practice. The first mode is
called dual federalism. Under this modality the constitution is designed to create two separate and
independent tiers of government. The relationships are mediated and spheres are defined by clearly
demarcated areas of responsibility. The second is the cooperative federalism. This modality takes
various parts of the government as part of single government system. It works through cooperation
between various levels of government (Ariyo, 2003). The various levels of governments are
characterized more by cooperation and shared functions than by con​ralism:

As discussed earlier that no area came under Pakistan’s administration has fully experienced the
constitutional norm due to varied reasons and requirement of the British rule. There were multiple
geographic, economic and demographic variations that demanded special apparatus of management. As
security, economy and identity were the common goals of all units; federal system was the most
suitable answer to these issues and demands. Pakistan adopted the Government of India Act of 1935
with minor changes. It served as the first interim constitution. It worth noticing that British Government
created a federal system but it was exclusively designed to serve the British purposes and the tilt of
authority in this act was more towards center than the federating units. The federating units were given
a share in governance but the real authority rest with the center. The powers of federating units were
limited. There were hopes that a constitution shall be adopted in short period of time but it had taken
almost a dstitution (Khan, 2001: pp. 884-89).

The Government of India Act o 1935 kept on promulgating for almost a decade. Although few changes
were made in the Act but this Act allowed a prevailing position to the Governor General against the
provinces and the assembly. These powers of Governor General had given this Act a shape of quasi
federal character. While the situation inherited by the country demanded a well thought scheme of
federalism with the clearly demarcated powers of the centre so that the authority and the effectiveness
of the center could be preserved along with the autonomy of the federating units. The situation
prevailed in the county for almost a decade presented a piece of grim scenario.

No doubt that people had got sufficient political training the period of freedom effort and they had
secured Islam-based nationwide identity and they had high hopes of applying these two elements
successfully for overcoming the political and strategic issues faced by the newly born state but the
outcome was contrary to their expectations. The process of constitution making bring forth such issues
and problems those were beyond the capability of the leadership and political elites (Ahmad, 2009: p.
19-80. Sayeed, 1967: p. 60-70. Shafqat, 1989: p. 87-97. Wheeler, 1970: p. 91-110. Choudhury, 1969: p.
67-84. Choudhury, 2007: p.49-60). These issues created obstacle in the way of the successful working of
the notion of federalism.

The major issues included;

1. Issue of representation in the center and in units

2. Powers and amount of independence extended to the federating units

3. Issue of national language

4. Issue of the form of elections.

Each issue is required to be discussed under the clauses of each constitution that was promulgated
from 1947 till the current situation of 1973 constitution. The nature of the Act of 1935 is discussed
earlier. Under this Act vice- regal system continued with immense powers rested with the center and
the Governor General. Although attempts were made to plug in the parliamentary system but this
system cannot co-exist within the vice-regal system. The gap created by this void was naturally filled up
by the military and bureaucracy. This factor played a vital role in the future constitutional development
of Pakistan. It is obvious that ethnic mobilization and political instability in Pakistan is the result of
discrepancy in the theory and practice of federal arrangements. Though the Pakistani federation fulfils
minimum criteria of federalism but it operates more likely as a unitary system federal system operates
in practice as a unitary system, the less is system’s capacity to accommodate ethnic and territorial
differences. So, it seems to suggest that the inability and incapacity of the Pakistani federation to
manage ethnic diversity lies in the vagueness of operational dimension.

​Federalism under 1956 Constitution

As discussed earlier, there was considerable geographic and demographic imbalance between two
wings of the state. It was natural for East Pakistan’s elites to favor a bicameral legislature which could
guarantee their upper hand in over Western wing. West Pakistan on the contrary was in favor of parity
between two wings as supremacy of East Pakistan was totally unacceptable for the elite class of Punjab.
On the same grounds both reports (1950, 1952) of BPC (Basic Principle Committee) were rejected.
Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula tended to present solution of the problem by adopting principle of parity
of both wings. One unit scheme of 1955 combined four provinces of West Pakistan into One Unit that
was again a big issue. Quantum of sovereignty was another issue related to the federal nature of the
constitution. Eastern wing along with NWFP (present day KPK) and Sindh were in favor of greater self
government and wanted to restrict the center only with defense, foreign policy and economic affairs.

This demand again was strongly opposed by the Punjab that was in favor of a strong center with
effective powers. Punjab infect was in favor of such pattern of federalism that was set in the provisional
constitution of 1947. Issue of national language was another obstacle between two wings. As the
language of majority Bengali was demanded to be declared as the national language while rest of the
provinces were vulnerable regarding their own languages. Urdu could be a best solution but Eastern part
was not ready to accept it. Lastly consensus was acquired by declaring both Urdu and Bengali as the
national languages. The constitution of 1956 exerted to answer all issues raised by multiple challenges at
the period of time.

This constitution had derived lots of clauses from provisional constitution of 1947. This constitution was
promulgated on 23rd March 1956. As far as quantum of sovereignty was concerned, this constitution
sanctioned thirty subjects to the center and ninety four subjects were granted to the federating units. A
national monetary council and a finance commission were also set up. The duty of monetary council was
to advise government on the formulation of fiscal policies and responsibility of finance commission was
to manage distributable taxes and sanctioning of loans As the prerequisite of federation, a federal court
was created which was responsible of the interpretation of the constitution. Although this constitution
managed to respond all the challenges regarding demographic, fiscal and linguistic issues yet the
leverage of power tilted towards the center. It was no doubt result of the constitutional and cultural

Federalism under 1962 Constitution

Unfortunately 1956 constitution could not get operational opportunity and the county moved from
vice-regal system to martial law situation. The powers were now concentrated in the hand of one man
with no constitutional attitude. Ayub khan was infect a military bureaucrat and he had no motive to
introduce a parliamentary democracy rather he worked to strengthen his one man rule. The constitution
he introduced referred to the federal system as mentioned in article 1which officially narrates the name
of the state. The relation between federal government and the federating units is explicitly narrated in
the preamble. This constitution again tilted in the favor of a strong center. Mainly two lists are given to
set the quantum of the power; central list with 49items and Concurrent list. Office of President was
equipped with immense powers and privilege with the creation of impotent unicameral legislature that
had no power to check the highhandedness of the office of the President. Same pattern was followed in
the provinces where governor were present to speak on the behalf of the President. They were
nominated by the will of the President and equipped with enormous powers.

The essence of federalism and its utility was rather crushed in a varied cultural, multilingual and
demographically imbalanced state with politically non compromising leadership. Consequently this
constitution met with a disaster and it vanished with the resignation of the President. This highly
centralized rule stretched over a decade ended in another Martial Law. Powers were again concentrated
in the hands of one individual and the institution of Army. This authoritarian rule continued till 1971 till
the time East Pakistan tragedy had taken place. There are multiple analyses on the downfall of Dhaka
but with reference to the federalism and its utility, it was lack of federal design of the constitutions
which carved out one of the solid reason of the East Pakistan debacle.

Federalism under 1973 Constitution

Federalism is a vital bond that keeps the territory together under one administration. In case of
Pakistan the issue and nature of federalism has created multiple hazards in the consolidation and
survival of the state. When Ayub Khan stepped down and Yahya Khan took over as the Chief Martial Law
administrator, he introduced issued some ordinances that fell heavy on the unity and consolidation of
the state. He broke the One Unit scheme and restored the previous status of the West Pakistan. The
West Pakistan Dissolution Order of 1970 made Baluchistan as an independent province with its Baloch
states. It was a big decision that proved quite problematic after the elections when both leading parties
i.e. PPP and Awami League could not secure even one seat in each other’s opposing wings. This vividly
made clear the polarization of the underlying philosophy of leadership and of masses on the both sides
of borders. The six points of Mujeeb ur Rehamn demanded a week center limited to the issues of
defence, foreign policy and treasury etc while there was a forceful demand for strong units. The role of
strong center was severely penalized by the East Pakistan leadership with the demand of separation
from the West Pakistan. East Pakistan debacle was an inevitable result of the mal management of the
issues of federating units by the center.

Consequently 1973 constitution was the result of many compromises as the wounds of East Pakistan
were yet bleeding. This constitution introduced bicameral legislature which was a new thing as prior to
this unicameral legislature was introduced with the federation. Position of Prime Minister was strong
and Parliamentary system was adopted. The president was a titular who was the represent of the state.
This constitution issued two legislative lists; federal list and the concurrent list. Apparently there was
adequate autonomy awarded to the units but according to some analysts, there was no guarantee
available against the federal government’s violation and this constitution declared executive more
strong than any other institution which indicate a strong towards a strong center. Keeping in view the
ethnic designs and representation provincial languages were also awarded de jure recognition. The
subsequent scenario proved this step a constitutional flaw which exacerbated already tense ethnic
​Constitutional Amendments and the Federalism in 1973 Constitution

The constitution of 1973 was parliamentary in nature. Bicameral legislature was introduced with the
system of federation. This British model of democracy was very soon distorted by the amendments
incorporated both by civil and military authorities. The bodies like Council of common interest remain
dormant for a longer period of time. Although it introduced democratic system but the procedure of
passing budget was exactly like that of the Government of India Act of 1935. The current budget is
divided into two main parts charged and non charged categories. The charged items include the
Defence, President, Governors and debt receiving expenditure. The center reserves 90% of revenue with
it. There were arrangements available in the constitution for the equal sharing of resources but the
bodies like council of common interests could not be activated for a longer period of time even now,
National Finance Commission is doing any better for the consolidation of the federation. Hence it is
required to analyze significant amendments incorporated in the constitution (Hanif & Khan, 2012,

The Eighth Amendment

Eighteenth Amendment is the most significant document incorporated in the institution as this
amendment changed the very nature of the constitution. In 1979 Bhutto administration was taken over
by the army and Martial Law was imposed. This Martial Law extended till the incorporation of 18th
amendment in the constitution. The prime objective of this amendment was to empower President to
dismiss Prime minister and to dissolve Assemblies at his discretion. The important part is that the
governors enjoy the same powers in the units. With this amendment President acquired the power to
appoint the services chiefs and provincial governors with nominal role of Prime Minister in this process.
As far as election of the Prime Minister was concerned, President could ask any member of the elected
Assembly to contests if he/she claims majority on the House. This procedure was a clear departure from
the Parliamentary tradition to the Quasi- Presidential form. The concentration of the powers in the
center and in the office of President violated and seriously affected the federal character of the

Thirteenth Amendment
Thirteenth Amendment was the reversal of afore said amendment as this amendment deleted 18th
amendment and revive the original federal parliamentary character of the constitution. It was
introduced by the Nawaz Sharif administration in 1997. This amendment curtailed the powers of the
president and now he was bound to act on the advice of the Prime Minister which was compulsory in
nature. As part of original draft of the constitution the tilt power was towards the executive. There were
same issue and challenges as were in the time of Bhutto administration. The federal units were now
under the immense pressure of the executive while previously they were under the center headed by
the President.

​Revival of 8th Amendment- LFO 2002

Nawaz Sharif administration saw a downfall at the hands of army which yet again promulgated Martial
Law and taken over the affairs of the state by abrogating the operational constitution of the time. LFO
2002 was the revival of the Eighth amendment. The President regain the power of dissolution of
Assembly. Beside this the powers to appointment the Chairman Joint Chiefs of the Staff Committee,
three Services Chiefs and provincial governors was restored to the office of the President. The advice of
Prime Minister was required but it was not incumbent to follow this advice.

LFO also provided legal and constitution protection to the 11 Orders and Ordinances of the Military
Chief prior to this amendment. These orders were included in the Sixth Schedule of the constitution and
they could not be amended without prior permission of the President. In order to keep Nawaz Sharif and
Benazir Bhutto from the office of the Prime Minister, it was also mentioned that no one can hold the
office of the Prime Minister more than twice. The position of President hence became stronger than
before. The federal character yet again was deeply distorted by these clauses of centralization of powers
and concentration of them in the office of the President (Shafqat and Wahlah, 2006: pp. 198-229.
Seventeenth Amendment

This amendment is again incorporated in the constitution during Musharraf era. This amendment was
introduced on 31st December 2003. Article 11 of 1973 constitution was amended through this
amendment. This made an incumbent President to seek another through a vote of confidence through
the assembly rather than holding new elections. This amendment revitalized the office
e of president. The procedure of this election through assembly was also prescribed by involving
Supreme Court in the procedure. The worth mentioning fact is that such centralized amendments kept
on affecting the federal character of the constitution. Parliament suffered a lot as it was made
subservient to the executive. The ratio of debate in the assemblies on the key policies remained at the
lowest. This process of ignoring the national representation seriously undermined the original notion of
federalism contained in the constitution (Kennedy, 2006: pp. 1-11).

Eighteenth Amendment

As it is discussed previously, 8th and 17th amendment changed the Parliamentary and federal features
of the constitution and tilted the balance of power in favor of the president. The discretionary powers of
the president gave constitution a quasi-federal outlook. In a parliamentary democracy Prime Minister
reserves the actual powers as the representative of people while President is a titular head as
representative of the federation of the state. In the amended constitution after 8th and 17th
amendment the situation was vice versa. 18th amendments again changed the situation and exert to

restore the original spirit of the constitution. ​apter 4

Political structure of Pakistan :

Pakistan’s electoral history is characterized by the eternal tussle between the civilian and military
regimes, with almost half of its existence being characterized by outright military, or military sponsored
rule .The Political party is a group of citizens organized to seek and exercise power within a political
sys-tem. All parties participate to some extent in the exercise of
political power, whether through participation in government or by performing the role of opposition.
Parties are the vehicles by which citizens come together freely to campaign for public office to win a
majority of seats in a legislative body, to express their interests and needs, as well as their aspirations
for the society in which they live. Political parties are basically institution of society . In the developing
countries, like Pakistan, few state institutions are strong enough to counter the influence of society
and its representative governments . If the representative institutions are weak, they will be unable to
protect the interests of society. Natural result of this weakness will be the domination of other
institutions of thtical system of society.

List of the political parties in Pakistan from 1970 to 2018

S no Political parties Headed by Stand for Remarks
01 PMLN Nawaz shareef Pakistan PMLN won election in the previous
Muslim election but now has been fighting the
league (N) corruption case
02 PTI Imran khan Pakistan Its proved biggest challenge to PMLN
tahreek e in the current election.
03 PPP Bilawal Bhtto Pakistan This party governed the country
Zardari ,and also people party several time after the formation.
his father Asif Ali
04 ANP Northwestern Awami It is an ethnic base party which are
Khyber pakhtun National replace the PTI in the kpk province.
khwa Party
05 MQM By Farooq sattar Muthida It is working in Karachi .
06 MMA Moulana Fazul ur Mutthida In this party there are other two
Rehman Majlis e Amal parties JUI
07 PKMAP It is working in the Baluchistan

1.3 Time line of the general election in Pakistan.

S Election year Remarks

01 1962 After ​the ​independence it was first election in the history of Pakistan ,under
the control of the military by ayub khan
02 1965 In this election in which the80,000 member were indirectly elected
03 1970 In the 1970 there were two shikh mujibur rehman got majority vote in the
east and zulafqar ali Bhutto got vote in the west and agter the creation of the
Bangladesh in 1971 zulifqar became a prime minister .
04 1977 In the 1977 there were election by Zulafqar Ali Bhutto but there were rigging
allegation and General Zia promised that there will be fresh election in 90
days but never happen .The Zulafqar Ali Bhutto hanged by zia after two year.
05 1985 The schedule introduced by the zia ul Haq but this election on the non party
system .
06 1988 In the 1988 the general election are held in which PPP won under the rule of
Muhterma Benazir Bhutto
07 1990 Benazir dismissed and new prime minister nawaz tool hold of the country
and but Ghulam Ishaq khan again dissolve the assembly
08 1993 She defeated mian nawaz shareef but very unfortunately farooq ahmed khan
leghari dismiss the ppp government.
09 1997 Mian nawaz shareef won election by gaining 2/3 majority vote and took aoth
as a prime minister .The general musharf assumed power through the
provincial constitutional order and dismissed all government .
10 2002 This election held in 2002.Mr Zaferullah Jamali elected as a prime minister
but in 2004 he resigned and chaudry shujaat hassin became an interim
prime minister later shouqat aziz became a prime miniter
11 2008 in this era there are restoration of the 2008 there was killing of
the Benazir Bhutto and election are postponed.The PMLN formed their
government in Punjab.
12 2013 In this election there are entry of an other parties PTI and political parties
PMLN won election and formulate their government in Punjab and KPK
proved a base to PTI.
13 2018 In this election there are coalition government of PTI

Mainstream political parties and 2013 general election in Pakistan:

There are brief profile of the major political parties in the electoral landscape in Pakistan .Political
parties organized their manifesto to attract the public behavior .They used different tactics to gain
electoral support of the public during election .

Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz):

The PML (N) is a center right conservative political party in Pakistan. It represents one of the largest
political forces in the country and won 30% of the popular vote in the 2013 general elections. It is
currently headed by Prime Minister Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif. The party’s biggest stronghold is in

Historical contribution in political and electoral campaign strategy :

The Party’s contemporary history can be traced back to the 1987 Parliamentary elections when the PML
split into two sections; one lead by the former Prime Minister Junejo and the other by veteran politician
Fida Mohammad Khan. The latter was ultimately taken over by Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif, the then
Chief Minister of Punjab, in 1988. The PML-N established close bonds with the civil bureaucracy,
establishment and the Pakistan Armed Forces and was influential in all matters relating to national
interest in the early 90s. It became the first party in Pakistan’s history to gain a two thirds majority vote
in general elections in 1997.

The party formed the federal government under the leadership of Mian Nawaz Sharif and Pakistan saw a
period of economic growth and progress in the next few years. Unfortunately, due to its excessive
interference within the Armed Forces including a summary dismissal of the then Chief of Army Staff
General Jehangir Karamat the party suffered a setback of popularity with the masses. In 1999 a military
coup led by General Musharraf ended the PML-N government.

The party leadership went into exile and the party was further split into two factions with the dissidents
being led by the Chaudhrys of Gujrat to form the PML (Q) group. In 2001, the party formally adopted the
name of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz. The party took part in the 2008 elections and won 68 seats in
the National Assembly. In 2013 elections it has emerged as the largest party securing 129 seats out 272
in the National Assembly22; however, its victory has been marred by allegations of rigging, particularly
in Punjab.

PML (N) seeks to establish a peaceful, humane and socially just society with equal opportunities for all
in concordance with the universal principles of Islam. The vision of PML (N) is a strong, democratic,
developed, prosperous and just Pakistan in which every citizen enjoys equal opportunities to develop
and grow without any discrimination.

Electoral Manifesto 2013 general election in Pakistan

The manifesto discussed “mainstreaming FATA” and “extending political rights to its citizens”

Pakistan People’s Party (PPP):

The Pakistan People’s Party is a center left, progressive and democratic political party. The PPP
is one of the most popular and powerful political forces in the country and has been voted into
power on five different occasions. From 2008 and 2013, the Party ruled the country as part of a
coalition government, with party leader Mr. Asif Ali Zardari holding the office of President of
Pakistan. The PPP has largely been credited with facilitating democratic development in the
country by passing the 18th constitutional amendment and leading Pakistan’s first transition
from one democratically elected government to the next.

Historical contribution of the PPP in the Pakistan s political campaign :

The Peoples party was founded in 1967 in Lahore and Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was elected as the first
Chairman. The party manifesto titled “Islam is our Religion; Democracy is our Politics; Socialism is our
Economy; All Power to the People”, vocalizes the basic party ideology . By the year 1970 it became the
largest political force contesting the elections. The PPP has not been able to uphold its promises and
perform to the satisfaction of its supporters and has gone through another period of demoralization
after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. The Party leadership is now headed by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari
(son of Benazir Bhutto) but effectively under the control of Mr. Asif Ali Zardari. In recent years the
party’s support base has considerably shrunk, particularly in Punjab, yet it continues to retain
considerable popular vote bank in Sindh and the South of Punjab.


The PPP has continued to espouse pro-poor and welfare oriented stance for economic development and
championed restoration of democracy. The PPP asserts it is committed to upholding freedom of
expression and fundamental rights; including freedom from hunger and want, religious freedom and
advocates equality before law.

Manifesto of the PPP in 2013 general election :

Political parties manifesto

Pakistan Tehreek-E-Insaf (PTI):

Although the latest to enter the political arena, the PTI has established itself as one of the largest
political parties in Pakistan in a very short span of time. It follows a progressive, nationalist political
agenda with definite Islamic undertones. The party leader, Imran Khan, is a renowned former Pakistani
cricket captain. The party has a significant vote bank in all of Punjab as well as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(KPK), Balochistan and Upper Sindh. Currently the party holds majority of seats – 35 out of 4631 – in KPK
and leads the provincial assembly. PTI wishes to create a modern, democratic Islamic republic which
advocates complete political, religious, and economic freedom.

Historical contribution in Pakistan political and electoral campaign strategy:

The Tehreek (literally movement) was originally initiated as a socio-political movement in 1996. Imran
Khan was elected as leader of the party and the constitution was approved by the Central Executive
Committee in 1999. They are intensely critical of the entire political order which they consider ‘corrupt,
inefficient and morally bereft’. The PTI believes that the country never remained true to its founding
ideals and therefore did not get a chance to develop properly. The PTI leadership asserts that their
agenda of reform is based on Jinnah’s vision of a peaceful and harmonious Pakistan. The PTI pleads for a
democratic system, which ensures justice, equality and prosperity for all citizens. Their promise to
establish the rule of law and make Pakistan stand on its feet with dignity and respect has captured the
hearts of the young population who have become one of the major forces for the party.

Vision of the Pakistan Tehreek Insaf toward Pakistan developmental program:

Justice, humanity and self-esteem is the slogan of the party. The Tehreek is committed to transparency
in governance and across the board accountability. The party manifesto states human development as
being their highest priority. Their mission is to ‘establish the rule of law and ensure protection of human
rights through an independent and honest judiciary, strive for the social development and economic
prosperity of citizens, especially the poor and under privileged masses.

Electoral Manifesto 2013:

Chapter 5
Federal characteristics in 2018 general election

Pakistan is a federation and the harmonious interaction between its provinces and territories is critical
for its progress. Stronger provinces can make a stronger federation since the federation is as good as the
sum of its parts. Pakistan is blessed with various entities. In order to unite them, we need to strengthen
them. PML(N) believes in maximum provincial autonomy for each province in accordance with the vision
of the founding father and as set forth in the constitution. PML(N) is a national party with a strong belief
in inter-provincial harmony and is committed to evolving a common national agenda to promote
inter-provincial harmony. PML(N)’s Charter for Inter-Provincial Harmony has a two prong strategy; firstly
the identification of certain initiatives which need to be undertaken across all provinces for equality,
bonding, harmony and peace. Secondly certain initiatives, which are province specific so that the
provinces can come at par with each other and become productive and healthy members of the
federation. The definition of parts for PML(N) is specific. PML(N) technically considers Azad Jammu &
Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan as provinces, equal to Punjab, Sindh, KPK and Balochistan.

Following are the key elements of our Inter-provincial Charter which can bring harmony and make
Pakistan a cradle for its people ,in the PML(N) Manifesto of general election 2018.

Maximum autonomy to provinces:

Whilst all provinces have been granted additional autonomy through the 18th amendment, it has not
been fully implemented. PML(N) will ensure that the autonomy envisaged in the 18th amendment is
fully implemented in the shortest possible time. A parliamentary committee will be constituted to
monitor and supervise this process.  The functions, responsibilities and financial powers of the AJK
and GB will be gradually brought at par with the provinces. The AJK/GB legislative assemblies will be
empowered.  The Council of Common Interests will meet as per its constitutional mandate.

National Language Bill:

Pakistan currently has many mother tongues but only one national language which is Urdu and one
official language which is English. In most nation states all major mother tongues are national languages.
A National Language Commission will be set up by the PML(N) government to develop criteria for giving
the status of national language to all major languages.


Just distribution and management of resources on the basis of correct and updated census data will
create harmony. PML(N) will ensure that the census due since 2008 is carried out as early as possible
and in time to facilitate delimitation based on new census data well before the next elections.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission:

Trust and Reconciliation Commission will be established to discover and reveal the truth about past
wrong-doings, acknowledge sufferings of victims and recommend, inter-alia, appropriate compensation
/ reparation to the victims and their families.

Inter-provincial Youth Programmes: Exchanges between youth of different provinces and job
opportunities in public and private sector will be encouraged through the IP internship programme and
the IP volunteer programme. Exchange of rural and urban youth will be undertaken to create a better
understanding of our diversity being our strength. Culture and sports will be encouraged at an
inter-provincial level.

Development Monitoring:

Standardization of public sector services across all of Pakistan will be undertaken so that the quality of
life in each province is not so disparate. A process of accountability of all major development projects
will be undertaken and all those found guilty of corruption during the building of public service facilities
will be dealt with according to law.

Federal Government Job Quotas:

These will be renewed for another 10 years based on backwardness criteria and all provinces and
territories to be adequately represented in the Federal government. Fata and GB quotas will not be
mixed. Meaningful representation of all territories / provinces in the higher cadre like federal
secretaries, CEOs of SOEs, Ambassadors, Armed Forces, and Civil Armed Forces will be ensured.
Illegal Immigration and Border Control:

All illegal immigrations from other countries will be stopped and NADRA data-basing of all citizens of
Pakistan will be completed. Government writ will be established in all areas and there will be no
“no-go-areas” which are beyond state radars.

New Provinces:

A high powered Commission will be set up to evolve, through consensus, the criteria and the modalities
for the creation of new provinces. PML(N) is committed to the creation of Hazara, South Punjab and
Bahawalpur Provinces.

Media Strategy:

The National Media Strategy will encourage Inter-provincial harmony through special programmes and
regional media’s outreach will be increased.


PML(N) fully recognizes the gravity of situation and commits itself to win hearts and minds of the people
of Balochistan through meaningful political dialogue and comprehensive programme to restore their
political and economic rights. Such a programme will be evolved in consultation with all the political
parties and stakeholders.

Chapter :5
Facts and finding of the federal characteristics:

Pakistan is a federation and initially practices the federal system of the government .But due to diversity
of the culture and lack of efficiency of the national political parties Pakistan have faced many difficulties
from the inception of the Pakistan till today .

o stabilize we need to reduce disparity between central govt. and provincial govts. To strengthen the
democracy we need to have democracy consistently. Consistent democracy would help us not only to
filter out the flaws from constitution but also reduces the disparity among the governmen

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