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Misinformation #1:

Richard Gomez - athlete, television presenter, director and politician – retweeted news
from of a false quote from Queen Elizabeth II. The quote states
“Who would have thought that one day Philippines will get a brave man like Duterte?” It
even mentioned that the news was published on BBC Channel, which is untrue as well.
The original source of the misinformation, along with Gomez, deleted the false news
Misinformation #2
Joma Sison, former Chairperson of the
Communist party of the Philippines,
was the source of fake news, claiming
President Duterte had fallen into a
medical coma. On the grounds that he
had heard from "sources close to the
president" that he had been
unavailable for some time.
Malacanang was quick to deny the
allegations and give proof through
videos and photos.

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