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Bingo Rules

 Each group will be given a bingo card

 The goal of the game is to build 5 in a row
 The facilitators will call items that can be found on the
bingo card by picking out from a bowl at random
 Each student of the group will represent markers of the
bingo card by standing on the item that is called
 Once they build 5 items in a row, all the members will sit
down and yell “BINGO!” A facilitator will double check to
make sure the items marked are correct
o If in the occasion that 2 groups have won “BINGO”,
each group will send a representative. A tie will be
broken by answering a question provided by the head
o The representative will have to spin around 5 times
and advance to the head facilitator to receive the
question. Whoever gets the question correct first, will
win the bingo game.

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