How To Safley Anesthesize

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Proceedings of the
59th Annual Convention of the
American Association of
Equine Practitioners
- AAEP -
December 7-11, 2013
Nashville, TN, USA

Next Meeting :

Dec. 6-10, 2014 - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Reprinted in the IVIS website with the permission of the AAEP

Published in IVIS with the permission of the AAEP Close this window to return to IVIS


How to Safely Anesthetize a Horse for Sixty

Minutes or More in the Field

John A.E. Hubbell, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVAA

Author’s address: Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, The Ohio State University, 601
Vernon L. Tharp Street, Columbus, OH 43210; e-mail: © 2013 AAEP.

1. Introduction be accomplished with the use of small doses of

Most equine veterinarians perform short-duration sedatives, such as xylazine, and physical restraint
anesthesia frequently, but only 10% anesthetize combined with local anesthesia. The topic of anes-
horses for greater than 30 minutes weekly.1 Ap- thesia of the foal in the field has been addressed
proximately 50% of equine veterinarians anesthetiz- previously.3
ing horses for greater than 30 minutes use inhalants Successful management of equine anesthesia be-
for maintenance of anesthesia, with the balance us- yond short, single-administration techniques re-
ing repeated injections of induction drugs or guaife- quires careful evaluation of the patient and adept
nesin recipes.1 Almost all equine veterinarians planning of the procedure to keep the duration of
(87%) anesthetizing horses for greater than 30 min- anesthesia to a minimum. An intravenous (IV)
utes use an assistant to monitor the depth of anes- catheter should be placed because constant-rate or
thesia and administer additional anesthetic drugs intermittent administration of anesthetic drugs is
as required.1 This report will provide recommen- required to maintain an anesthetic plane.4 The
dations on how to safely anesthetize a horse for 60 site of anesthesia and surgery should be chosen on
minutes or more in the field with the use of inject- the basis of avoiding hard surfaces, the availability
able agents. of padding (especially for the head), and the quality
of footing (nonslip), anticipating concerns during the
2. Background Information recovery phase. Padding, if available, should be
The risks of morbidity and mortality increase with placed under the points of the shoulder and the hip.
increasing duration of anesthesia.2 The increase in For horses in lateral recumbency, the lower front leg
risk associated with longer anesthetic durations is is traditionally pulled forward with the goal of re-
probably heightened in larger horses such as warm- ducing pressure on the radial nerve.
bloods or drafts because of the difficulty of assisting Much of the success of equine field anesthesia is
in recovery in a field situation. Foals less than 1 predicated on the maintenance of light levels of an-
month of age appear to be at increased risk for esthesia. The need to administer additional anes-
anesthetic complications.2 Fortunately, most foals thetic agents to deepen the level of anesthesia is
respond to sedation and thus many procedures can determined on the basis of changes in respiration,


472 2013 Ⲑ Vol. 59 Ⲑ AAEP PROCEEDINGS

Proceedings of the AAEP Annual Convention, Nashville, TN, USA - December 7-11, 2014
Published in IVIS with the permission of the AAEP Close this window to return to IVIS


increases in muscle tone, or movement. Heart rate good to excellent. Midazolam has been substituted
and ocular signs are less reliable indicators of anes- for guaifenesin in recipes with ketamine and xyla-
thetic depth when a ketamine-based technique is zine to produce IV anesthesia.16 Midazolam (50
used. Limiting movement while administering ad- mg), ketamine (1000 mg), and xylazine (500 mg) are
ditional anesthetic drugs is important; thus, most added to 1 liter of isotonic fluids and administered at
practitioners combine restraint with ropes with the a rate of 2.2 mL/kg per hour. The combination is
anesthetic techniques.5 infused at a rate equivalent to “triple drip” (2.2
No single IV bolus injection of a drug or drug mL/kg per hour) and is similarly effective, in the
combination safely produces 60 minutes of anesthe- author’s experience. The concentration of ket-
sia in the horse. Anesthesia should be induced amine in the recipes has been varied, with increased
with the use of techniques described for short-term concentrations (2 mg/mL) recommended when par-
equine field anesthesia.6 –10 The induction tech- ticularly painful procedures are contemplated.3
niques usually produce approximately 15 to 25 min- The assumption of lateral recumbency at induc-
utes of anesthesia. During this period, the horse tion is associated with ventilation/perfusion mis-
should be positioned for surgery and the halter re- matches that can cause hypoxemia. Horses
moved or loosened to prevent facial paralysis as a positioned in dorsal recumbency have further dete-
result of compression of the facial nerve. rioration of pulmonary function. Oxygen supple-
The use of intravenous infusions is preferred, but mentation through insufflation or the use of a
intermittent boluses of the induction drugs can be demand valvea is recommended, particularly when
used. Xylazine and ketamine can be given at the anesthesia is extended beyond 60 minutes.17,18 Per-
rate of 30% to 50% of the initial dose (xylazine 0.5 sons performing IV anesthesia routinely should con-
mg/kg and ketamine 1.1 mg/kg) combined in the sider the purchase of an oxygen tank and regulator
same syringe.11 The administration of a second to facilitate emergency oxygenation and ventilation
dose of the combination extends the anesthetic pe- of the patient.19 Placement of an orotracheal tube
riod approximately 10 minutes. Subsequent bo- helps to ensure a patent airway and facilitates the
luses in response to movement appear to be less administration of oxygen or the delivery of assisted
effective, perhaps because sympathetic activation is ventilation. Orotracheal intubation should be con-
or may be associated with the variations in anes- sidered if there is risk of respiratory obstruction or
thetic depth. Co-infusions of xylazine and ket- regurgitation or if the horse is to be positioned with
amine have been used to extend short-term IV the neck in an abnormal position. Horses can be
anesthesia.12 Induction is accomplished through ventilated by adapting a nasogastric tube onto a
the use of standard techniques, and an infusion of pressure-reducing valve attached to an oxygen tank.
xylazine (2.1 mg/kg per hour) and ketamine (5–7 The tube is inserted into one nostril and the nasal
mg/kg per hour) is begun. The technique has been openings are momentarily occluded. The nostrils
used for durations of 70 minutes. are released when the chest wall rises to a normal
Guaifenesin recipes (combinations) are widely inspiratory level. The process is repeated until
used to extend anesthesia beyond 20 minutes in the spontaneous ventilation resumes. The techniques
horse. Guaifenesin (5%) solution is combined with described usually produce tolerable levels of cardio-
xylazine and ketamine to produce a solution com- vascular depression, but, as anesthesia is extended,
monly referred to as “triple drip,” or “GKX.”13 “Tri- the importance of monitoring increases.
ple drip” is formulated by adding 1000 to 2000 mg of
ketamine and 500 mg of xylazine to a liter of 5% 3. Recommendations
guaifenesin. The combination is administered to ef- Equine anesthesia should not be undertaken lightly.
fect up to a rate of 2 mL/kg of body weight per hour. The risk of morbidity or mortality in equine anes-
The combination produces excellent muscle relax- thesia is greater than that in the other commonly
ation and suitable analgesia. The degree of muscle anesthetized domestic species.2,16,17 A history
relaxation and lack of movement are the best indi- must be obtained, a physical examination must be
cators of the depth of anesthesia. The quality of performed, and the results must be documented.
recovery is generally good if the anesthetic period is The horse’s body weight is estimated, and the amount
kept to less than 1 hour. “Triple drip” should not be of drug to administer is based on that weight. If
used for anesthetics greater than 1 hour in duration significant fluid deficits are present, they should be
unless oxygen supplementation and respiratory sup- corrected before anesthetic induction and supple-
port is provided. Guaifenesin in combination with mented during the anesthetic procedure. All drugs
ketamine and detomidine can also be used to pro- administered with the route and time of administra-
long field anesthesia.14,15 The recipe uses 10% tion are recorded in the medical record. Indices of
guaifenesin supplemented with detomidine (0.04 cardiac and respiratory function are recorded at
mg/mL) and ketamine (4 mg/mL), given to effect. least every 10 minutes during the anesthetic period,
The required rate of infusion approximates 0.6 to 0.8 and results are recorded. The horse should be mon-
mL/kg per hour (approximately one half of the “tri- itored until it returns to a standing position.
ple drip” rate). Recoveries are generally longer The assumption of lateral recumbency is associ-
than after inhalant anesthesia but have been judged ated with the development of ventilation-perfusion
AAEP PROCEEDINGS Ⲑ Vol. 59 Ⲑ 2013 473
Proceedings of the AAEP Annual Convention, Nashville, TN, USA - December 7-11, 2014
Published in IVIS with the permission of the AAEP Close this window to return to IVIS


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474 2013 Ⲑ Vol. 59 Ⲑ AAEP PROCEEDINGS

Proceedings of the AAEP Annual Convention, Nashville, TN, USA - December 7-11, 2014

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